If you are spreading creep using a single tumor, the next tumor will be ready before the creep has spread to its full extent. More creep tumors will make the creep spread faster.
But, too many creep tumors and you will essentially be wasting queen energy (assuming you're continuing in a single d...
Simple Tactics ^_^
Arrays for cruisers/ non turning ships lol
Cannons dual or heavy for escorts and for
Science well with a a balanced sett up its a trial and error thing lol
This post makes my brain hurt
I don't know enough about the game, and in comparison to the other answers on the question I'm inclined to flag it
however this morning's question is gaining views twice as fast as the two questions raised around the same time, and many of the questions raised before it
If you are spreading creep using a single tumor, the next tumor will be ready before the creep has spread to its full extent. More creep tumors will make the creep spread faster.
But, too many creep tumors and you will essentially be wasting queen energy (assuming you're continuing in a single d...
@pixel Then I'd suggest documenting the cases of inconsistencies you find and bringing them up on meta if there's not already a post addressing the particular instances you've found.
@pixel I'm... not really sure why you're bringing it up if you don't care? If there are a number of legitimate cases where you feel this is being inconsistently applied, then it should be brought up on meta to be addressed.
Since I can't post more than 30000 characters, I couldn't put a Base64 string for all of the version files that the game uses. So, I've posted the second-most-important set of version files in this answer.
A Base64 (decoder) string of a ZIP file containing the assets_swtor_en_us.version and movi...
also somebody with access to the mod room that doesn't exist or the public assembly can do me the favour to ask why does the site allow people to post answers at a quality score of -50
@badp do you want the second post flagging and the first post having the base64 string editing out with a comment leaving about using alternative solutions?
@RonanForman I'm not stating current stuff, everything I flag ends up getting deleted, I'm questioning why I get disputes for such things even though the intended action is still carried out
so that I can stop doing whatever it is that is 'wrong' and stop getting disputes
In that case, Apa had made one post, then followed it up with a second post which was a one liner, that worked perfectly well as an edit to his first post
@pixel Disputed just means at least one 10k user disagreed, if a mod disagrees strongly you'll get a "declined". You can safely ignore the disputed status, check what happened to the post later to get the best idea whether your flag was valid or not
@pixel The disputed handling is just plain stupid, it got pretty messy with the flag weight when it still existed and they changed it so that disputed flags never count. It doesn't make much sense to me now, I would just ignore that part of flag handling
well if it can happen that frequently, I wouldn't put it down to a "mistake" because a mistake occurring that frequently is called negligence - I am much happier thinking its something I'm doing wrong and seek advice to stop it happening rather than sitting here going 'you're all negligent' if you know what I mean...
@pixel Check if a mod or the community acted on your disputed flags, if all those posts were subsequently deleted, your flags were very likely good. The final outcome is the best way to judge flags
I have been thinking about this for quite some time now. When I have my Ionian Boots of Lucidity and I got "Hextech Revolver" as well as "Rylai's Crystal Scepter" and Rabadon's Deathcap what path should I take with the "Hextech Revolver" and why? Is it situational or is one choice better than the...
Since I can't post more than 30000 characters, I couldn't put a Base64 string for all of the version files that the game uses. So, I've posted the second-most-important set of version files in this answer.
A Base64 (decoder) string of a ZIP file containing the assets_swtor_en_us.version and movi...
@pixel: Re your flagging concerns: Are you misusing the "Not an Answer" flag? A lot of users use the Not an Answer flag incorrectly. It's not meant for wrong or poorly written answers. It's meant for things which make no attempt to answer the question. I always mark misuses of the NOt an Answer flag as invalid. That could be why you're receiving so many disputed flags.
Today is the start of the olympic games. All churches in the UK, including whatever if any is collected to the big ben, rang their bells 50 times today in celebration.
Steam, the other day, offered to keep my drivers form my ATI Radeon card up to date. I though that's not a bad idea because the amount of updates I get can get a bit annoying so I'm fine to let Steam do it for me.
Let it download and install, and now I'm the not-so-pround owner of the ATI Vision...
I would like to play the entire city without playing through the game, I only play for sentimental reasons (for the good old days). I would like to unlock the whole city, and there is no "cheat code" for this.
I won't play multiplayer or do any other thing with this. I only play single player on...
Since I found DSG-1 in campaign and run out of ammo for the first time, it sits in my inventory with 0 ammo. I cannot pick up any new DSG-1.
Is it a known bug? Is it possible to force game to drop the buggy DSG-1 so I can take a new one,
for example, using some console commands? Are there any o...
Oh snap. They changed the way mines work in the last BWE. It's just a skill now, no longer a tool kit. A huge improvement. Before it was just a tool kit which gave you five identical skills. Which was kind of... silly.
More so since the best plan was to just stack all the mines on one spot and then lure enemies to it.