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@PatrickStalder ahahaha
Q: Final fantasy 13-2 Snow (may contain spoiler)

Ben LefebvreIn final fantasy 13-2, in sunleth waterscape after you kill the huge flan. Snow dissapears...Why is that? Is he not a time traveler just like Serah and Noel? If he is, why are don't we dissapear too (Serah and Noel)?

there is nothing wrong with my internet! why does my RDP keep dropping :(
I want to add "(may contain spoiler)" to every single question about a game on this site
Morning, Bridge
Q: What will be the fastest way to level in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria?

soulstriderxAssuming you start out at level 85 and have at least 2 to 3 friends to play with, what will be the fastest way to level to 90 in the Mists of Pandaria expansion? Is it a combination of questing and running dungeons? Does having a group of friends who play well make running dungeons with them the...

This has speculation written all over it, I would think.
@fbueckert not completely speculation, however I'm not willing to answer it with my extensive testing due to the world ranking involved in such activities
so I will vote to close it as speculation, indirectly improving my chances
Swine flu outbreak in Indiana. Whee!
@fbueckert all the content is there in beta. It's not speculative at all.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And it's for information like that I bring it up in the first place.
I hadn't realized there was a beta already.
@LessPop_MoreFizz this is Blizzard we're talking about, there will be changes before beta finishes
oh... wait... this is Blizzard we're talking about, yep, all the content is there in beta
Mists of Pandaria is a ridiculous name. A giant panda race is also ridiculous. I was already ashamed that I once played WOW, but now I feel worse.
@pixel That's a very bad allusion to D3.
That said, the real answer is likely a closely held secret because wow players are stupid about this sort of thing. But that's not a reason to close.
@Sterno The Pandaren are awesome...
@fbueckert I was thinking more Cataclysm.
And they existed well before WoW
@Sterno The Pandarian Brewmaster was one of my favorite heroes in Warcraft 3.
Blizz was going to make Pandaren instead of Draenei in TBC
But changed their mind
@pixel What happened with Cataclysm?
the only people who pull the line "Pandas in warcraft will ruin the game" just didn't play the game before WoW
Fastest way to level is having a whole raid helping you which is not in your group...
@fbueckert bugs, imbalance, broken classes, etc - all of it made it into the release even though people whined about it for 3 months in beta
@pixel The problem is, the bnet forums are a horrible place to judge feedback from.
@pixel Blizzard prefers using millions of paying beta testers
@fbueckert it's Blizzard's community, therefore it is Blizzard's fault the community is like that
@pixel That, you and I can actually agree on.
@Koviko I'm not arguing that, I already know it to be the case, and it was kind of my point :P
@fbueckert I think you could have stopped that sentence after "place" ;-)
@MadScientist I agree.
I...I...uh, wow.
Q: Why was this question about the Old Testament closed as off-topic?

GillesThe question How could Noah fit all those animals into the Ark? was closed as off-topic. I don't understand why. It's asking for an explanation of a plot detail in a work that surely qualifies as speculative fiction. I don't see why we should discriminate against certain works on the basis that t...

@pixel So if we are in agreement, why are you assuming I'm arguing with you?!
@Koviko I didn't assume anything
I can't believe that a mod is the one asking that question.
Don't know which genius decided to allow selling/buying threads in nearly every forum, just allowing those to overwhelm any actual content that might exist there by accident
@MadScientist Sure, qualifiers weren't needed, but who knows? Maybe there's a single shining place somewhere on there that is a model example of civilized, rational individuals.
But who am I kidding? The bnet forums are completely overrun with whining, entitled players who don't want challenge, they want that loot button that makes them happy.
@fbueckert the healer forums
Q: How to move towns?

Andrew HallMy friends and I all want to play in 1 town so we can work together. My first friend signed up and joined the same town, but the second joined and he was in a different town. I have created a coalition, which seems to be what they are for, but how do I move my 2nrd friend to the town me and my ...

Q: What will be the fastest way to level in World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria?

soulstriderxAssuming you start out at level 85 and have at least 2 to 3 friends to play with, what will be the fastest way to level to 90 in the Mists of Pandaria expansion? Is it a combination of questing and running dungeons? Does having a group of friends who play well make running dungeons with them the...

@Koviko Because it was ridiculous
the healer forums have several extremely long intelligent unbiased threads
along with some several long very healer-biased threads, but those are ok too
Since healer is the only real role
@pixel Methinks someone's a little biased. :P
every other role is just button mashing
Then again, I can see good crossover potential between WOW and Ewoks
DPS -> button mashing
Tank -> button mashing
@pixel ... Healer -> Button smashing and clicking on players dropping hp bars.
@pixel "Just" button mashing. Elitist much?
Healer -> intelligent in depth split second decision making and recognition of how bad players are in their group to predict mistakes before they happen.
Healer -> One-dimensional pong
@Koviko :P
Oops, I just stumbled into a chat room full of DPS
@Wipqozn That @MarkTrapp guy is everywhere!
@pixel But I see the your point. The healer must be mentally present not just physically.
@pixel Hyperbole is the best kind of exaggeration!
of course you can split DPS down into the groups that have to monitor DOT and those that don't
@Wipqozn I did manage to ask that question on the correct SE site ;-)
but its still button mashing at the end of the day
I was such an awesome WOW healer that my not-yet-wife was like, "Wow, that dude is an awesome healer, I should get to know him.". True, embarassing story!
@Sterno Woo!
And that's why it did not get boring for me. It's never the exact same thing. But it can get annoying because your group dying is 99.9% of the cases not your fault...
@PatrickStalder not sure, when my group dies its 100% not my fault
Healing in WOW was better when HOTs didn't stack and you could actually use lower level heals for mana efficiency
I don't heal, I absorb.
After that change it felt just as button mashing as anything else, except you also had to watch bar charts
my main competition is other healers, I try and absorb everything
@pixel .... thanks for taking my words 100% literally.
And once in a great while, spam dispel magic on people
nope, we just heal through magic effects
I played a Discipline Priest (too) and it was fun to see the druid having 30% overheal while I had less than 5%.
except on Spine, but I don't dispel there because I do the most healing
I always hated in the old days when whoever had that extra +1 healing would spam their HOT over the one you already had going so it would replace yours, and they'd look better on the healing meter :P
@Sterno I love being grouped with another disc priest and making them go out of mana by replacing their shields in the first second
disc priest without rapture = OOM
I can't remember the talent, but there's one that makes your Smite damage heal whoever has the lowest health
I loved that build.
I love that build
Except for the people who told me to stop DPSing and heal
I loved it but it turned out pretty weak for me.
Yep, had that argument as well
"HEALER STOP DPSING" stops ... wipes
"Why did you let us die?" "You told me to stop spamming smite, your problem for not knowing the game."
@Sterno And that's also why I no longer play WoW. The game boils itself down to essentially, PvP meters. "Look at me, I have the highest DPS!". "I healed the most!"
I'd just link the talent in chat and resume my business
Anyway, late for work!
@fbueckert I stopped playing because it's really, really boring to do the same thing over and over. Now excuse me while I go load up Diablo 3.
@fbueckert I judge my success by "who died and were they assigned to me"
@fbueckert For me it was competition not show off.
@Sterno lol
@Sterno Heh.
Farming's gotten to the point where I just load up a random show to listen to while I go around and murder stuff.
In honestly, the main thing that made me quit was how pissed I'd get when I needed to go somewhere, and spend anywhere from 5-15 minutes flying to that part of the world. That's not fun.
I understand it's somewhat better now than when I quit, but it kind of woke me up to how much time I was wasting.
Sidenote, back to the bible/SFF talk:
@Sterno Elitists would have you run everywhere on ground mounts.
@MarkTrapp SFF.SE obviously doesn't have the expertise to treat this question as a religious question. But it is not a religious question, unless you posit that any question involving the Bible is a religious question. And that position cannot be shared by people who do not consider a biblical religion to be the absolute point of reference. — Gilles Dec 17 '11 at 16:37
@Sterno No, it's not
@pixel People can at least be summoned to dungeons now
That's just, "What the hell, dude? No respect much?"
@Sterno not in MoP, that guild perk is being removed from what I've been told
wow. It's like they're making the game worse on purpose.
they want people to explore the world
I'd say the world population all being in the same city is worse than forcing people to travel
@pixel Definitely.
And what's worse is that, as Alliance, we can barely kill Garrosh
I haven't really played since WotLK, and haven't raided since BC. So I don't know
Because he's surrounded by the main bank and AH
@pixel You can just post the URL to XKCD and it gives the alt-text and everything.
I just hate, hate, hate the time sinks.
Current state of the game is that all horde are in orgrimmar, and all alliance are in stormwind, and the rest of the game is dead
@RonanForman really? hm
And the getting a group together followed by "Oh, yeah man, I'll be there in 10 minutes..."
oh, that's cool
@Sterno You know, I remember quitting WoW and then immediately looking for a timesink.
I started playing FarmVille
Then started scripting tasks
And eventually, had the whole thing automated
@Koviko I did that, WoW to TSW then back to WoW after TSW stopped sinking my time
Makes you realize how much extra time you actually had on your hands
And how much I didn't feel like spending it with my gf
Baby = massive time sink :)
@Sterno Hoping I can just skip the baby part
I'd love to see what kind of a person I could create
But I don't wanna raise it.
It's the stereotypical black in me, I guess.
I am definitely skipping the baby part
@Koviko You should use the time sink to travel forward in time to find out!
@Koviko If you have extra time, and you don't want to spend it with your gf, then why is she your gf?
@fbueckert I ask myself the same question.
@Sterno He used to be a mod on SciFi.
@Koviko Oh, you're going to have a fun conversation in the next few days with her.
@Koviko I think @fbueckert just forwarded urls to chat to your girlfriend
In other news, Archer (cartoon) is the best
blame @Wipqozn, it's his fault
@pixel This kills the relationship.
Did I just hear someone suggest this should be the story of Noah's Tardis? — Affable Geek Jul 6 at 0:35
Best. Mashup. Ever.
@Sterno I watched the first episode and didn't get it...
Would it be trolling if I suggested questions about miracles belong on skeptics?
@pixel Yes. That is the very definition of trolling.
but I think that's where such stories belong
@Koviko But.. but... but... the first episode was genius
oh I just noticed which stack exchange site this is on
yes, that would be inappropriate
@pixel Do it anyway!
are bans cross-site?
@Sterno One of my b/fs is currently watching this and it is so wtf
Just the tip.
...Actually, I uh, have no cash.
@Sterno +1
@FAE "one of"?
@FAE >One of my b/fs
For more fun, looks like gameaddict's suspension expired on Monday. Any bets on when he'll be back?
@pixel Yes, I have three. I'm polyamorous.
@FAE If by wtf you mean "WTF awesome!" then we are in agreement!
@FAE that sounds like a busy schedule
@Sterno Hahaha.
Password: Guest.
"Really? that worked? Our security really is atrocious."
how do you ever get time to play games
@pixel I live with one, one is long distance and lives in the US, the other is also poly, though lives here in the NL.
@pixel Luckily they game too!
one of these days I need to find a guy that is fine with me playing MMOs
@FAE Now I just feel sad for them.
@Koviko Why's that?
@Sterno I just totally read that in Archer's voice
@Sterno It is pretty neat that it has continuity.
@FAE Because guys I know that are okay with girls dating around have very low self esteem
@Koviko You're forgetting that these guys are also doing the same.
@FAE You only said one was.
@Koviko Not the case here. :) They were all aware that I was poly before we became involved.
You don't have to have low self esteem to be okay with your partner having multiple partners.
@FAE So it's essentially just a fairly loose friends with benefits type of situation. :P
It's kind of got that thing Arrested Development had going on, where it's a lot funnier if you watch it in order. And if you don't, you miss the fact that some things are even jokes.
@fbueckert Nay, it is not.
@FAE All I'm saying is that when I used to do that, it was always girls that complained about it afterwards
Even though they knew what they were getting into
And my double-standard makes me sad for guys
"lana... Lana... LANA! Danger Zone!"
@Koviko I have no issues with my partners wanting other partners, but two of the people I date are fairly monogamously inclined, so I am their only partner.
@FAE Hence my sadness
@Sterno That's why, when I missed the first episode of season 4, I decided to just wait until it was released on Netflix. I gotta watch them all. But... in order. :(
@FAE I believe that they believe that being monogamous to you will convince you to be monogamous to them
@Koviko Communication, communication, communication! First rule of consensual non-monogamy.
Oh, if anyone is interested, this is my time sink.
@FAE Telling you how they really feel would be counter productive, I'd say.
@FAE Particularly if they don't already see their goal as futile.
@Koviko Telling you how they really feel is the crux of making these types of relationships work.
If people have insecurities or doubts or feelings of jealousy, those need to be communicated and worked through.
It is because of images like this that I am looking forward to Legends of Pegasus.
@FAE How can jealousy be worked through in a polygamous relationship?
Hmm, do those twitter links work here, I wonder ...
The 1.3 prerelease is posted here: http://bit.ly/M9ROK3
Yeah. They do.
@Koviko jealousy is a state in an individual, the type of relationship is irrelevant
@Koviko Jealousy is based in insecurity and fear. You need to talk about what's causing those insecurities and fears and try to work through those.
@FAE Wouldn't the rationale of jealousy be "She likes X better than me"?
@fbueckert That looks like it might be nearly as complicated as EVE!
@Koviko sounds like insecurity and fear to me
@pixel It does. And how is that something that can be worked through?
@Koviko If someone feels that way, then you need to talk about why they feel that way and what you can do to help address their concerns. Everyone is different and has different emotional needs. The feeling of "She likes X better than me" is based in insecurity about the relationship between you and your partner, and you would need to address that with them.
@pixel How can you possibly reassure them that there is no reason to be insecure or afraid?
@RESPAWN Me + 4X games = fun. 4X games that allow me to build bastardized super-focused role ships are even better.
@FAE So basically, "I'm not going to end my relationship with you because of my relationship with X?"
I'm speaking based on my experience with dating multiple girls in high school
@Koviko If someone that you are with does not trust you when you say that you love them and want to be with them while you take actions that show that, then I would say there are deeper underlying problems in your relationship.
@Koviko as FAE says, its different person to person
And never were their concerns as easily addressed
@fbueckert Can I assume that you've played Galactic Civ and Alpha Centauri then?
"high school" is what? secondary school or college?
@pixel Yeah
Before college
@pixel Before college.
I don't know what "secondary school" is.
In college, girls weren't as open to the idea
ANd I gained a pretty bad reputation on campus
secondary school = 11-16, college = 16-18, university is 18+
Secondary school is a term used to describe an educational institution where the final stage of schooling, known as secondary education and usually compulsory up to a specified age, takes place. It follows elementary or primary education, and may be followed by university (tertiary) education. The term high school is used particularly in North America though the two types of school are far from synonymous. There are many different types of secondary school, and the terminology used varies around the world. Children usually transfer to secondary school between the ages of 10 and 16 years, ...
around here anyway
Wikipedia answers all!
14-18 is high school in US
@Koviko That's essentially the idea you want to get across, yes, if you are committed to both relationships.
How you do that will vary, depending on what that person needs from you and whether or not you both are willing to make compromises.
@RESPAWN Yes, and yes. Not a fan of GalCiv, as it's ship builder was not so fun. And the weaponry was all "Rock, paper, scissors", which limits tactical ability.
@Koviko See... I kind of discovered the opposite in college. Girls seemed to be A LOT more open to things than they were when I was in high school. :-P
speaking as somebody just outside of that age range, girls of this age range are fickle
@RESPAWN Girls were open to sex. It was everything after that which got complicated.
@Koviko Did you actually want relationships with all the girls, or did you just want to sleep with them?
@fbueckert Oh wow. Really? I loved Gal Civ. I played a whole lot of it for a while there when I had a sub-standard computer since it would run just fine.
and very bitchy
@RESPAWN I just couldn't get into it. The ship builder was more for aesthetic value than actual utility.
@Sterno Depends on what you mean by "relationship." To me, it was basically hanging out, playing guitar hero, and eating out
@Koviko Well, just sleeping around is different from wanting and maintaining multiple emotional and physical committed relationships. Not that there's anything wrong with sleeping around at all, if all parties are fine with that!
@fbueckert That's true. But I loved that you could, say, build a really fast scouting ship with no weaponry, or a really slow but really powerful ship to use as your sort of artillery platform.
@FAE Maybe I just can't imagine being "committed" to multiple people
In general, you could build ships to suit your needs, I guess is what I'm trying to say.
But when I, personally, talk about being in poly relationships, it means a committed emotional and/or physical relationship with somebody.
@FAE When the whole reason I was polygamous was to avoid committing to one
@RESPAWN I never got that far; the ship builder screen turned me off almost instantly.
I'm pretty sure Alpha Centauri was like that as well, but that was so long ago that I don't remember much of it.
@Koviko I understand, it can be a hard thing for some people to grok if they've not experienced it personally. :)
@RESPAWN Sorta, yeah. More like a simpler Sword of the Stars builder; pre-determined sections, each with their own parts in it.
@Koviko Well, that's not really polyamory as most people who identify as poly would call it then. Poly usually is about commitment.
Your romantic life is such a popular topic for the bridge @FAE.
@fbueckert Ah yeah. The ship builder screen was a bit of a PITA. BUT, the ability to customize ships for very specific purposes was what I liked about it. Also, in one of the later expansions: death stars.
@Wipqozn lol, apparently.
@Wipqozn Probably because most people don't know any poly people.
@RESPAWN I liked Space Empires; new ship? Here's an empty hull. Here's what it will need, at minimum. The rest is up to you.
I love it when the game gives me the opportunity to build my weapons of destruction nearly from the ground up - like in BattleTech.
@fbueckert Hmm... Never played that. Real time or turn based game?
@RESPAWN Turn based, with the option of real time control for battles.
It was programmed by a single guy, but there's a healthy amount of mods out for it; reskinned ships, facilities, components, you name it.
He never did manage to figure out infinite tech trees, but he got pretty darn close.
Now I want to watch Sealab 2021
One of my earliest ship designs was a scout design: Pure minimum requirements, as many engines as the frame could take, and fill the rest with extra supplies for longer trips.
Once you got a high enough tech level in astronomy, you'd replace the extra supplies with solar collectors, which would replenish your supplies every turn.
Theoretically unlimited range on that one.
Oh wow. this game sounds awesome.
I'm going to have to look for it now
so, @fbueckert, looks like there are several sequels. Would there be any problem starting with the latest one released in 2006?
@RESPAWN Start with SE:V. There's no storyline.
Just be ready for the 40+ page tutorial.
And actually read the damn thing.
Digging through a bunch of database scripts in source control, I just ran across "I am awesome.sql". I'm scared to open it.
Gemini Rue: Play immediately, or just make sure I play it eventually
@Sterno Notepad
@fbueckert I play EVE. I'm used to long and complex tutorials. :-P
@tiddy Haven't seen you in here for awhile.
@RESPAWN Check out the screenshots; it's not the prettiest game, but I have yet to find any game that has that much ship customization.
@tiddy play SR3 immediately with me, and then we can both hit up Gemini Rue once we finish SR3. :-P
@fbueckert I don't fear executing it accidentally. I fear whatever brain-fart resulted in something named that getting into source control. :P
Sounds good
I'm serious too
I'll make sure I'm actually signed in to my friend's list on Steam instead of being anti-social. :-P
@Sterno If he's still at the company, you circulate an email lambasting the idiot who checked something like into source control.
@RESPAWN What percentage completion you sitting on now?
Since I'd be starting from scratch
@tiddy Somewhere around 54% I think.
But a lot of that is just from completing achievement type stuff and doing a lot of other side-quest type stuff. I'm not sure if I'm actually halfway into the storyline.
God damn man
Haha I was expecting like 6-7%
@RESPAWN Main storyline without DLC is not super long, so
@tiddy Hahaha. Well, that's usually the case with me, but yeah. I got hooked. I think I have something like 25h into the game, but probably half of that was just running around causing mayhem with another friend last weekend.
@FAE Oh yeah? Well, I may actually be halfway through the storyline then, but there's still a LOT to do in the game.
I've still got activities all over the place that I haven't even started
@RESPAWN They padded out the main storyline with intro missions to the side mission stuff, so the actual main campaign isn't super long.
@FAE Yeah. I just finished all of the intros to the side missions a few days ago. Then went on to play the Gangsters in space DLC because I really wanted the alien space craft.
@RESPAWN Hahaha.
Does SR3 support mods?
@tiddy PC version does, yeah. One sec.
Also, I now have aliens in my gang. Which is totally hilarious when I'm driving around with some homies, and out pops me and 3 aliens.
@tiddy There you go. That's the main SR mod site, as far as I know.
Oh. I need to check that out as well.
I have this fantasy of running around in Saints Row as the Leprechaun from Leprechaun 5: Lep in the Hood
That would be hilarious.
I'd be happy with a warwick davis mod at this point
The other day I was running around naked with nothing but a giant TF2 head on.
Initially read that as giant TF2 hard on
I haven't had one of those in years. Jen pretty much killed any chance of that happening ever again.
what is with the sun today?
hmm... I need to restart Firefox.
@pixel Is it not shining? Should I be digging in and waiting for the apocalypse?
@fbueckert no, it's a clear blue sky and its warm outside
@pixel So...you're complaining it's a nice day?
@pixel Great isn't it!
@fbueckert basically my interpretation of your initial reaction, it isn't warm or sunny in the UK ever
therefore a nuclear power plant must have gone critical or something
I'm loving this sun, basically because it means it isn't raining, which is the only other thing it can do.
@fbueckert yes, completely complaining, there is a possibility I could get minor tan lines walking to and from work. That is a major issue...
@pixel Heh, work.
@pixel You. Rearrange priorities. Contrary to popular geek belief, the sun is not out to kill you.
@fbueckert No the sun isn't going to kill me but it will ruin the consistency of my tan! Don't talk to me about priorities!
@pixel Totally guessing, but "vampiric white" does not count as a tan. :P
I'm not that pale at all in fairness
@fbueckert It doesn't 0_o
if I was then this would be a definitive cause for panic
rather than bored conversation
@fbueckert The Sun is my archnemesis. Any exposure for more than a few minutes causes days of suffering.
@StrixVaria Solution: Sunblock.
when I was 8 or so I spent the whole day on a beach in the sun, the week of heatstroke I had after that has put me off doing it again ever
@fbueckert That stuff is icky.
incidentally, I am still on tvtropes
by this point I have forgotten who linked it earlier but I am blaming @Wipqozn.
you have literally burned up most of my day
@pixel TvTropes is a bad idea. No one should visit it. Ever.
wtb petition that all tvtropes links put into chat result in being changed to a link back to chat instead
Blessed be technogy and Its climated trains!
Losing Booty Bay rep is so much easier than gaining Bloodsail, I'm learning.
Just hit Hostile with Booty Bay
And barely made a dent in Bloodsail doing it.
I macro'd that
and went to bed
woke up -> revered, handed in quest > feat of strength
I'm pretty sure I'd get banned.
Did you use a script to do it?
Or do you have one of those little birds that keep spamming a button?
just use the bay in arathi highlands
That's where I am atm
But how did you keep attacking?
there is a box opposite the boat
with a guy that spawns opposite you next to the boat near another box
I made a macro that targetted him and killed him
then targetted the guy on the right and killed him
I have a macro that does that
and just had it cycling between the two with timings for their respawns
But how did you get it to spam while you wer asleep?
no button spamming or anything
the macro wasn't in wow :)
I used ACTool
What'd you use?

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