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I didn't check how many posts there were, with only 3 posts you can skip the whole synonym stuff and just manually retag. The second tag will be automatically deleted
Is there some resource that gives information about guidelines of "Tag NUKING"? I thought there was a meta post but I did not find it...
Q: The Great Arqade Clean-Up of 2012

Wipqozn Don't just delete the tag from the question and ignore everything else. If a question also has grammatical errors, terrible title, et cetera, then fix it along with removing the tag. Let's Get This Party Started Considering the positive response to Oak's meta, I think it's about time we beg...

gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/64105/… - lmao I had to upvote skovacs just for the comments and hilarious transcript :)
they've finally added the Steam Cloud synch for the Binding of Isaac!
@Kappei Oh wow, really? I know it's been marked as using it for a long time but never actually did
@FAE just used it, on this machine I had basically no achievement, now it updated to those I had on my home laptop
nice :)
gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/35550/… - 'how long the guilds are'?? I can't remove the completion-time tag since it really should be edited, and I don't know how to rephrase
@Alok done
@pixel with all this retagging, do you even find time to do your job? :P
@Kappei you underestimate my ability to multitask
@Kappei right now I have Crystal Reports, management studio, and a connection to a customer site open
(as the main applications, I have like 30 applications open but the rest aren't relevant)
@pixel you're right, I base everything on my capacity to multitask
which is really crappy
30 applications?
riding the alt + tab keys like a pro
my desktop would explode
my laptop is exploding
it's not helped by its 20 day uptime
could really do with a reboot
here at work they gave me a P4 -.-
if I could use my home pc for work my productivity would increase by a measurable amount
my home laptop has ~30 days of uptime
your home laptop doesn't have 30 applications open on it
sometimes it seems I hear it weep
just 6 or 7
It used to have more, but then I went with the intelligent decision of RDP'ing home and doing all non-work related stuff via that
seriously though, 30 apps?
do you really need all those opened?
If I closed them now I'd reopen them within 30-60 minutes
and having to reopen them would reduce my productivity, since they're open for a reason
gaming.stackexchange.com/a/78406/25150 - what should I do if the user posted 2 answers to the same question, and I edited in this one (but I can't delete the answer, and its valid so it doesn't make sense to flag)
@Alok I hadn't even noticed that
@Alok I've flagged it for mod attention asking for a delete on the second answer
@pixel Thanks
Bombing tags is kinda fun.
I am properly hungry this morning
@Kappei every single one of the applications this company makes has so many points in the application where it just feels like it 'hangs'
like generating reports
perfect alt+tab opportunity
@pixel You stopped sleeping, do you stop eating too now? Or are you just on a brain-only diet? :P
some of these operations take so long I have the opportunity to completely nuke the front page
@PatrickStalder I slept for 10 hours lastnight
@pixel I miss my old job for these things, when I had to start a local server it could take up to 15 minutes
@pixel Who are you and what did you do with pixel?
@PatrickStalder it was involuntary, I am forced to be normal around other people
@PatrickStalder you don't know the whole story :P
@pixel Alright that sounds definitely like you. And AWWW YEAH, I'll get my first epix today in TSW
gz :P
last night I did a full clear of DragonSoul and every single item I needed dropped
Unfortunately, we were there to gear up an alt, and he got every single item I needed
@PatrickStalder how is that game? I'm seeing many people playing it, but I've never even seen a trailer
Thank you. Only 8 to go and some glyphs. Shouldn't take long.. /sarcasm
@Kappei it's good, I got bored of it though tbh
@Kappei it is probably my fault I got bored of it though
@Kappei It's awesome. But yeah endgame is bad ATM.
yeah its an MMO
@PatrickStalder endgame is everything in an MMO
I geared up as a healer but don't have a regular group to play with, end game doesn't exist, and I can't quest as I only have healer gear
so I log in to do a single repeatable quest and then log out again
plus nearly everybody I know that is playing is in an awkward timezone in comparison to me
@Kappei Yes. But they plan content updates in the near future.
I did play it for ~60+ hours in one week though
60 is wrong
@PatrickStalder It can be a problem if the "near future" is not so near
It was closer to 12-14 hours a day for 10 days
@pixel We could play together... But questing does not make much sense I guess.
another reason why I'm probably bored of it
@pixel I'll repeat myself but I have to ask: how do you even find time to work?
@PatrickStalder I have completed the main story, I have some side quests I haven't done but side quests lose their flow without the main story
@Kappei I had the week off work
@Kappei TSW was designated as my WoW replacement, unfortunately it ran out of steam once I got to the end of it
I think I'm the first person on Arqade to complete it
and I completed it weeks ago
@pixel I'm not done with the main story yet. But there is no reward for doing quests except for money. Which was kinda useless for me until now. (Except for the sprint upgrade)
@PatrickStalder AP/SP
money only has one use: speed upgrades
and you need like 2 mil to get all of them
I think I've repaired like 3 times during the full story line
@pixel Do you want to complete the whole ability wheel?
@PatrickStalder I can't be bothered re-gearing as DPS so that I can quest efficently
@pixel ok as healer it makes sense.
10 minutes per mob gets boring
death is never something that will happen
except IRL death from boredom
@PatrickStalder by the time I got to transylvania the game had changed to a stealth game for me
I avoided engaging everything, skipped every side quest, and stealthed my way through the storyline
But i have my current wish build complete so I kinda don't need any more SP/AP atm...
yep, got my build too
well, I'm 1 ability away from the deck, but I have my build
As DPS I die horribly in transylvania... 1 Mob pulled to much and I camp anima well...
@pixel Which company? There is a long list of suspects!
@Alok due to the nature of the government contracts we work on I'm not at liberty to say :P
@pixel So its not one of the usual suspects (Adobe, Symantec, Microsoft etc.) then :P
It is not a "big" company by "big" company definition
Less than 1000 employees
it is extremely profitable though
and our client list is quite impressive
If the software is really bad you could always do a writeup for tdwtf ;)
the software is terrible
it's just fairly unique in what it does
Q: Diablo 3 - Improving killspeed in Nightmare

cornjulioxSo I'm in Act 1 Nightmare right now, playing as a Wizard, and I'm having a hard time killing some of the mooks. My killing speed is just not where I want it to be, and my question is, how do you increase the damage that the signature spells do? I noticed that the skill tooltips say that the damag...

@Alok DayZ is still in alpha, which is why it has so many bugs.
@Wipqozn You know, the definition of alpha is closed internal testing
If it's out with the public using it it's a beta
@YiJiang meh, he's calling it alpha.
to be pedantic, the definition of alpha is "first letter of the greek alphabet"
@pixel In software development jargon...
I know what you were talking about :P
hence 'pedantic'
Anyway, people use it as a measure of software quality now, which is a bad idea, because quality is incredibly hard to define, unlike stages of software testing, which is pretty obvious
technically correct is the best kind of correct
@YiJiang It's minecraft's fault.
@YiJiang software quality is subjective
DayZ questions and answers are rep that just keeps on giving.
@Sterno You've noticed that too?
@Wipqozn I mean, it's not a ton of rep, but it's a steady trickle
That install question is >75k views now
which at this point is surprising, given how easy they've now made it to install
my most viewed question ever is about zombies
Q: Experience gain for mastering items with gold in Infinity Blade Two

Samuel YuI have played through Infinity Blade Two a few times and i sometimes master items using gold. I was wondering whether or not this actually gives me the experience for My character to level up or only give one stat point.

and it hasn't reached 10k yet
My daughter has now been asleep for 7 hours straight. This is a momentous occasion.
stupid babies with their stupid not sleeping
she'll never be a hardcore gamer while getting that much sleep
your own children are a brilliant source of gold farming in MMOs
(just saying)
@Sterno What's your phone number?
Also... turn up the volume on your phone..
I've just had a colleague say this to me: "I've never seen a girl munch down that much meat so quickly"
I didn't respond, because the first thing that came into my head would have been damaging to the public opinion of me
but I'm still sure it borders on sexual harrasment
Damn Android and its nonsensical UI
It makes trying to design an Android UI very difficult when every Google app uses elements in different ways
The lack of consistency is very difficult to deal with
@YiJiang I know, the thing is the stuff that's not covered there, which is a hell of a lot
Especially when it comes to 'tablet' interfaces
E.g., on the N7, most Gapps use a dropdown in the action bar instead of tabs to switch between contexts. However the Videos app uses a bar beneath the action bar with tabs on it.
And the market uses the exact same UI as the phone
Which is right? The design docs give no help, and Google can't make their own mind up.
The second link: No Google apps do that, not even People (pictured)
People on the phone uses tabs, but not in the action bar. On the N7 it uses a dropdown
What should I do for my app? What they tell me to do, or what they actually do, given that the goal is a consistent user experience?
@QAdley what does facebook do
@pixel Fb is a mess - it's an incredible bodge
If my app ended up that bad I wouldn't be able to live with myself
what about twitter?
I think you might want to look at what Facebook does, then avoid doing it :P
Facebook's Android app has a pretty poor reputation
@pixel Not sure, I'll take a look
@YiJiang Just like the iOS app. And the company.
never used the facebook app on android, on iOS I dislike it though
@pixel It's slightly worse on Android
<some comment about platform fragmentation>
The thing about Fb, on both platforms, is that they've thrown the design guidelines of both platforms out the window and come up with their own UI, which is terrible, and doesn't sit comfortably on either platform.
Ok, Twitter is not good
Action bar, with Gingerbread-style tabs below
No L-R swiping, you have to tap them
your best bet if google is being inconsistent with your design guidelines is to look at the way everybody else does it and see what the public consensus is
although from what you're saying it looks like everybody else just does their own thing
@pixel But that's the problem, there is no consensus!
Since Google can't even stick to their own guidelines the whole thing is a mess
Ah that's the problem with the Twitter app
they've gone for iOS styling!
No wonder it looks so wrong
one thing you've gotta hand to apple, their styling has remained fairly consistent over the years
Hmm, not really
They've recently been trying to move to skeumorphism
Which I personally think is extremely silly
@pixel They have very strict and exhaustive design guidelines
Although they're moving away from them themselves these days
@QAdley It's a good thing
@QAdley and yeah they kinda have to, iOS looks dated
@pixel Moving iOS styling to OSX was a bad move
@QAdley The vertical iTunes close/minmize buttons
@QAdley ಠ_ಠ
Uploaded proper this time
The whole point of skeumorphism was to encourage people to use intuitive touch gestures - a worthy cause
Moving that to OSX is insane
my get up and go has got up and gone
time to spend the afternoon on youtube...
@pixel That old work ethic giving you gyp again?
i've already done a days worth of work
@pixel I like your thinking
i think its related to stuffing my face with a bacon sandwich
I drank a coffee... Should be enough for today.
@pixel Oh, post-greasy-food-hangover
and its definitely influenced by this arsy customer who has been chasing my manager for a report that she needed last week that I've just created, only to get told she went home on a half day
doesn't sound very important or urgent to me...
so now I will justify the rest of my day as report writing
@Pixel Here you go. You can thank me later.
do not send me to that site
Q: Is there an older Doctor Who series?

gunbuster363I just started to watch Doctor Who, and the episode was said to be the 1st season. The actor playing the Doctor is this guy: I discovered people in other questions on the site said something about a 2005 reboot. Is this the first one, or is there an older series?

@MarkTrapp: Do you think I can get this question closed with my close whispering powers too? :P
@Wipqozn "kids today" right?
even I know that its an old show with a long history
@Wipqozn Please stop linking to SciFi. It hurts.
on account of me once making a statement along the lines of "stargate sg1 is the most successful and longest running sci-fi show ever", to get corrected about dr who
I was still correct, dr who has never had a single incarnation reaching 10 series
Oh god, we have questions on this site now.
*pukes inside my mouth*
Nope, sorry. If you can murder the game though, we would all be eternally grateful
can I murder EA?
renames to lilmissassassin
@OrigamiRobot No. You must all share my pain.
@YiJiang You may not like the game, but this is A Good Thing
@pixel Please do, but spare Maxi- oh wait, no, murder them too. Actually, reserve the most painful punishment for them. The bastards.
Pointless, crappy, mindless casual games are a real area of expansion for the site
maxis are fine, they're just ruled by the iron fist of EA
@YiJiang EA bought so many good companies :'-(
@MikePeterson I am fully aware of how many "brand new questions" exist on the site that are simply spawned in order to clarify existing answers. — OrigamiRobot Apr 5 at 20:57
Bullfrog used to be in the town where I grew up
You don't think I have?
the new simcity looks like it will be an awesome game, everything that is bad about it could easily be attributed to EA's influence
mass effect 3 was a really good game, everything that was bad about it could easily be attributed to EA's influence
@pixel The new SimCity looks like it will be could have been an awesome game
<game> was a really good game, everything that is bad about it could easily be attributed to EA's influence
@pixel Upon whom do we heap praise for the good things then?
@QAdley the original company
@pixel You're actually wrong, it wasn't EA, it was @Wipqozn.
I nearly typed Bullfrog but they actually don't exist anymore
@QAdley @Wipqozn is to blame for everything, from what I've heard
Mass Effect 3 had a terrible ending, blame @Wipqozn
Diablo 3 is not as good as Diablo 2, blame @Wipqozn
WoW: MOP will kill WoW finally, blame @Wipqozn
New SimCity requires always on Internet connection, blame @Wipqozn
nah, that is Blizztivision's fault
I think this is reaching chat meme level.
@Wipqozn Add it to the list
@Wipqozn You just officially got all the hate from gaming.SE.
We're not in Kansas anymore, Google
@PatrickStalder yes
@pixel excellent
@QAdley appropriate picture
still, use your title and then 'or just @Wipqozn's fault'
yay new badge
Q: How does damage versus Zyra's Plants work?

Raven DreamerZyra's plant summons all have 6 hitpoints, yet they often survive multiple hits from champions. I assume this means they are similar to Wards (3 hp, 1 hp per attack), but the plants seem able to take more than 1 hp of damage at a time, so it's not an identical mechanic. What determines how much...

@pixel You have to create a copy-pasteable ASCII-Picture with @ Wipqozn as plain text so it does actually ping him... :P
@PatrickStalder just ping him with a URL, then edit out the name leaving just the URL so it oneboxes
@pixel Sounds like a plan.
I am still reading tvtropes -.-
@pixel URLs still onebox with a direct reply - just use those
I did not know about that undocumented feature
Feature request: Onebox TV Tropes links
@pixel Chat is all about undocumented features oneboxing
how come all of this cool stuff works, but the suggested edit counter still includes my own edits?
HOW COME the desktop notification doesn't support striked out text
@pixel The one for Chrome?
you mean there are other web browsers? :O
@pixel Just for testing of new Websites.
@pixel *yawn* Chrome is just as crappy as any other browser
how rude
When was the last time you used IE6?
@YiJiang you DARE to compare IE to Chrome? oO
@PatrickStalder Don't feed the troll
I disagree with your attempt to call Chrome as crappy as any version of IE, but IE6 in particular!
All browsers suck. Some suck more than others. But IE6? What's that?
*points and laughs*
Governments don't like upgrading
My school recently upgraded all the computers to Windows 7
No more IE6! \o/
all of our web applications are tested against IE6 and don't work in modern browsers because they don't have to
@pixel My sympathies, I thought IE6 was finally dead & buried in this world :(
Ah, yeah. South Korea. One of the most technologically advanced country, yet still has worse modern browser adoption than China
I am still on tvtropes, this is not funny now
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by"
I think tonight I will watch the movie again hides from the literature loving crowd
Ah, the movie. I don't personally think it's as bad as everyone makes it out to be
*hides from lynch mob*
@pixel Douglas Adams?
@QAdley yes
I love the movie and the books in different ways, which is exactly how I imagine Douglas Adams would want it to have worked out
I have two copies of the books
one of the copies is an 'all in one' version that I bought in Canada
Hmmm, how about the last book
@pixel Pah, books. It's all about the radio series.
@YiJiang "And another thing..."?
@pixel Yeah. I don't think I've met someone who likes it yet :P
I don't have it :P
my all in one book is the first four books
@QAdley Have you seen hitchhikerslive.com?
my collection of books is the first five in a box set
@YiJiang No!
Looks interesting
@YiJiang "And another thing..." was not written by Douglas Adams
therefore its not a HHGTTG book, regardless of the fact its labelled as one
@pixel No, of course not
A postmortem pastiche, if you can call it that
I actually have it.
I don't :P
the rumour was that they were going to make a second HHGTTG movie but I don't think it will ever happen now
No, quite unlikely. The ending did set up for a sequel, of course
But AFAIK it didn't do well at the box office
All of the actors were willing as well, based on the on-DVD commentary
The last book isn't as bad as some make it out to be - either that or I have worse taste than others :P
The problem is that Colfer tried to do romance, which honestly isn't the best idea
@YiJiang it classifies as fan-fiction. I dislike the way the copyright system works when it's used to illegitimately expand something that isn't "yours"
Actually, DA's estate approved it
Yes but, Douglas Adams himself didn't.
No, he's a little dead to be involved, unfortunately
Kind of my point...
I liked the BBC HHGTTG series. Apparently Adams actually based Dent's character off the actor who played him in that series.
Oh, never mind. Gotcha.Hitchhikers.
@Wipqozn Aye
The radio series?
@FAE Are you planning to be around tonight for more DayZ?
@Wipqozn When is "tonight"?
Mine starts much sooner than yours. :P
@FAE Oh, right. You live on the other side of the world.
Just 1/4 of the way around
@Wipqozn Not quite - I live on the other side of the world from you
@FAE In ~8 hours.
(Assuming you live in the Americas)
@YiJiang Yes.
@Wipqozn Maybe, not sure. I have to call my parents around then, so.
Oh, that reminds me. My uncle/aunt/cousins from Victoria are coming up this weekend for two-weeks. Kick ass. Haven't seen them in ~2 years
@OrigamiRobot and will you be around tonight?!?!!? (in ~8 hours)
@Wipqozn I will be working for the next 10 hours, but I do get an hour for lunch
@OrigamiRobot My zeus. You work long shifts.
@Wipqozn Half day on Fridays.
I might be around then, depending on when you get home.
@OrigamiRobot Ah, okay. Gotcha.
@Wipqozn pingiest
Whoa, what's that over there!
ninja tortoise swoosh
@Wipqozn just pinging
@pixel Why is everyone pinging @Wipqozn now?
I don't know, why are we pinging @Wipqozn ?
I think it started when I copied @spugsley's saying of blame @Wipqozn as everything is his fault
and then made a bunch of statements which implied that the statement was somehow @Wipqozn's fault
and he commented about pinging of @Wipqozn spam
Now everything is @Wipqozn fault. Community has spoken.
Apparently the fact that everything is @Wipqozn's fault is in the FAQ
I have never read the FAQ though so I don't know if everything is in fact @Wipqozn's fault
I see no mention to @Wipqozn in the FAQ
you could say that the FAQ is @Wipqozn-less
@pixel Has to be an outdated FAQ
@PatrickStalder I blame @Wipqozn
It does seem like the sort of thing that @Wipqozn could be blamed for
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...aw, that was really oddly cute.
@FAE It is happy in Shoebox.
And man, seriously, wallets are the worst places to keep condoms.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wtf
I'm not sure what I just read
@pixel A heartwarming story.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think it's open to interpretation. I feel sorry for GameStop PowerUp card
@pixel It was his time. He had to go.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I now have strange feelings towards my condoms. I will buy one more made from another company to carry around so the other one is not alone and has an interesting "person" to talk with. Thank you for sharing this deep insight with us...

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