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@pixel Honestly I don't miss the "YOU NEED THE YELLOW KEY" days :P
I missed the "you need the yellow key" days, from my perspective of choosing that over "press C to crouch" in a big box in the middle of the screen I prefer it
DOOM is better than any of the call of duty games imo
I'm perfectly okay with being told what the crouch key also is honestly
I feel like I was born a decade too late
Is it CTRL? Is it SHIFT? Is it maybe just right shift? or is it Q? Can you crouch at all?
Surely the first thing you do before starting a game for the first time is customise all of your controls though?
...not really, not when you have five screenfuls of context-sensitive controls :P
It was 2007 or so before I played Descent, and I thought that was an amazing game
Now, giving me something arbitrary to crouch under just so you can tell me "C TO CROUCH" is a different matter
Deus Ex never told you not to spend all of your skillups in swimming
Say, Half Life 2 tells you how to crouch but waits for the first "natural" occurrence of something to crouch under to tell you
I think it even tells you how to WASD.
and it never would have if it weren't for the console generation
meh, I was stuck for ages at the first occurrence of crouch-jumping in the original Half Life. I still want those minutes back
@badp don't play the secret world
So who wants to tell me which Price of Persia games are worth owning?
@pixel uh, "secret world" the videogame or what?
if you don't like spending time working stuff out it just won't work for you
hm, why? Does it expect you to read the handbook before you install the game?
nope, it expects you to learn Romanian to complete certain quests
psh. Google is your friend
@pixel oh please, I've finished Braid and all that jazz
@badp 'Google is your friend' works for finding out the crouch key or how to WASD ;)
or crouch jumping for that matter
stern look
hey I'm just saying
There is a difference between puzzle solving and figuring out the controls of a game
yes - controls of the game can be customised in the menu, there's the difference
@pixel It's pretty easy to imagine someone not knowing "crouch jumping" is a thing.
@pixel There's a menu item for "crouch jumping"?
jump and crouch at the same time? the space at the start of Half Life was too small to walk through, it seemed like common sense to crouch and jump at the same time
@pixel In a lot of other games, you can't crouch while jumping.
especially with a set of mainframes that had conveniently fallen over to form a ramp up to the gap
I have no idea what space you're talking about. I'm actually talking about an area in that Half Life game that isn't Blue Shift.
I'm talking about the starting area of half life, after the experiment failure, just as you've gotten back to the lobby
Q: How to proceed past the collapsed pipe in Half Life: Opposing Force, chapter "Missing in Action", part of2a3

badpI went down the elevator shaft, turned off the power, climbed up to the top floor, into the vent, down through the collapsing pipe and found myself on the other side of the red door, the way forward blocked by a locked door with explosives right behind and a mighty wall of debris. So I'm stuck. ...

I assumed (incorrectly) that was what you were talking about
You can even watch me flail around that area trying to figure it out
I'm that kind.
yeah I'm watching
Sure it'd help if Livestream didn't suck
closes tab
I'm sorry, I thought it was quite obvious that a box next to a hole that was too small to walk through would result in crouching and jumping -.-
I like how you got so bored that you started blowing stuff up
and I'm sorry to say - there is an ingame hint that you missed
there is a water puddle pointing to the hole in the wall
guess thats why game designers changed 'subtle' to 'in your face' hints
Hey North Carolinians, I am in your state.
@pixel uh, that is not where you're supposed to go
But I am leaving now because it smells funny here.
the hole in the wall leads to the pipe/water area and then to the actual block
there's a one way door there (opening in the opposite direction of progress) that can be opened once you've made it on the other side, given that the pipe itself is a one-way trip (it breaks as you go through it)
the passage is actually above the garbage bin sorta thing.
I am going to have to install OF to play the game now aren't I
No, I drew this to you to help you make sense (based on what I recall)
Did you just draw that?
I'm not sure if I'm flattered or not
I'm also putting it in the answer since you couldn't understand it anyway
Q: Possibility for a new advertisement?

Fredy31ScrewAttack is having a kickstarter for their convention SGC. For 2000$, the pledge reward is a 30 second advertisement in their video podcast "Sidescrollers" Their last podcast has 6000 views on Youtube (came out wednesday) with more on their website and on their audio version on iTunes. Kick...

I have to ask, after crouch jumping to get into the pipe you didn't consider doing the same thing to get through the hole in the wall?
@pixel You don't need crouch-jumping to get into the pipe. Surprise!
You don't need to crouch to get into that pipe? That's a bit unintuitive
it's not a body height pipe
I don't honestly remember
Sure you do need to crouch as you get in
but honestly one thing is crouch as you jump because you must crawl in a pipe
and another thing is crouch as you jump because you must jump higher. That's just arbitrary
the area above the garbage did not need crawling or crouching
TF2 also has a few bits that can only be crouch-jumped through and I'm not too happy about it
(e.g. the shortcut onto the third point of Dustbowl without going through the shack)
I'm confused how you have button mashing down to a fine art when it comes to crowbarring walls but not when it comes to jumping through a space it won't let you through :P
@pixel that's called "holding M1" :P
I do have a few thousand hours of videogaming under my belt yo.
REALLY, me too, lets meet up
here's my number, so call me maybe?
...we all have a few thousand hours of videogaming under hour belts here right?
You would expect so
I'd reckon nearly everybody here has played at least one MMO
few thousand hours just there
you need MMOs to learn how to crouch jump?
first MMO I played had crouching and jumping in it
not-speaking-of-which, I wish you could rocket jump in Serious Sam. I dunno why you can't do it.
A serious man doesn't afraid of rocket jumping.
was a good tactic for breaking aiming against you
rocket jumping, strafe jumping, circle jumping
all lost arts of FPS gaming if you look at it from a console point of view
rocket jumping sucks when you compare it to sticky jumping. <3
plasma rifle jumping in quake 3
serious pro skills just there
You do know Quake Live does have a tutorial map for rocket jumping right? :P
I only played quake live during beta
and IIRC if you do it right you get the plasma gun at the end and you can plasma climb to your heart's content
you know on q3dm6 where the lift is
@pixel Beta also had the training maps
I used to be able to plasma jump up that
@badp I was playing beta specifically because a friend got me an invite, so I was playing with him :P
the... lift?
in case it wasn't that obvious I'm not a tutorial kind of person
yeah the jump pad near the quad damage spawn
gah, they rearranged all the things in that map between 3 and Live so I'm not sure anymore we're talking about the same thing
I think they're both jumppads though
yeah but only one has a quad damage spawn next to it
now there's like a yellow armor up there right? with all the pillars?
oh, the one to the rocket launcher
yeah that one
the armour is a different place
meh, I never was a person for T/DM. I liked CTF better
Worse: CTF with runes!
@badp Link me whatever answer that's on, because anything that crudely drawn deserves an upvote
I was the opposite, I didn't like CTF because people I played with weren't team players
You should be puking by now
A: How to proceed past the collapsed pipe in Half Life: Opposing Force, chapter "Missing in Action", part of2a3

badpYou previously had to push a small metal crate in order to climb onto the pipes and proceed on the opposite side of the red doors. Now you must push the same crate to the mighty debris blockade in order to crouch-jump onto them and proceed further into the game.

@Sterno lol
1 upvote to 3 upvotes
@pixel I just liked to rush in and just mess around with jumppads speed and rocket jumps until I made the full trip backwards :P
I loved strafe jumping
scout allows splash-damage-less rocket jumping too.
especially getting up to max speed and then strafe jumping backwards
worked well on q3dm6
I could never really get strafe jumping right. I'd get a bit extra speed but never maximum
then Powerlord gifted me TF2 and I stopped caring :P
see I never played TFC
and don't really find TF2 that great
well, not "that great", its good, I just get bored of it
TFC is... actually pretty bad from what I've seen
Maybe I don't grok it
@pixel when did you stop playing TF2?
I started and stopped in the same week
okay, when was it?
meh, within the last 47 days
I downloaded it after joining here
and its still installed
I was wondering if you'd missed any of the latest updates
I found that if you leave yourself logged into a single player game you still get items just for being in game
which is hilarious imo
I should do some idling myself
I have 22 hours' worth of items waiting
maybe 33
I got bored of TSW already as well
mainly due to a lack of content left for me to complete
in fact my hard disk is full of games I got bored of
Huh. I think I just found my best weapon yet.
700 DPS dagger, +200 Strength, +200 Vitality, and +500 Life on Hit.
Q: What is an efficient way of earning XP as a beginner?

FrankI have played Tribes a couple of hours and and decided to buy the Starter Pack on Steam. I would like to know an efficient and fun way of earning XP: What games/modes/tactics should I join and which should I avoid? What items should I spent my first XP on?

oh does tribes ascend have an XP system?
now I'm going to have to play it
@pixel XP only is useful to buy items (IIRC)
well that's boring
Well, considered you have pretty much the entire game to buy with XP... :P
There are like 8 classes in the game. You start with 3. You must pay XP (or $$$) to unlock the rest.
so kind of like the ME3 system of store purchases then
Each class comes with some weapons and you can buy the rest with XP or $$$
Each weapon can be upgraded twice, only for XP
Some items unlock for as much as 100k XP
(which is a fuckton)
Suddenly idling doesn't seem that stupid does it :P
its not really 'character progression' though is it
more 'account progression'
Q: Alistar W+Q Combo (Headbutt Pulverize)

FrankieHow hard is it to do the Alistar's Headbutt and Pulverize combo? I see people do it instantly, not knocking players back when they headbutt with no walls behind and pulverizing them. I just can't seem to do it. :( Does this have to do with latency or quick fingers?

Q: Can't give items to friend in my party in diablo 3

DataGreedMy friend is about lvl 9 and i am 18. I cannot give him items and he cannot give items to me - we don't see when anyone throws something to the ground and the trade button is greyed-out. What's wrong? We are both on euro

@pixel Well, you unlock things for your character to use
but levelling up is purely cosmetic AFAIK
yeah it's not the same as the thing I meant but I know what you mean
I think this is the root cause of my MMO addiction
then you'll love dungeons defenders
apparently everything up to level 75 is "early game"
I really don't like the art style of that game
@badp Not to mention easy to level
Q: Is an arcade stick necessary to play at a professional level?

TannerI just started getting into Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. I've been playing it fine on a 360 controller, but I'm wondering if it is holding me back from pulling off moves. Specifically, are there any professional players who prefer to play with a controller?

Q: Skyrim: Can I skip the slow motion "death blow" sequences?

oscilatingcretinAt first, I thought these sequences were cool, but now they're rather old. I'd much rather the death blow sequence to just be at normal game speed. Is there some way to turn these off?

Q: In Star Trek : Birth of the Federation, why don't I gain science research from espionage?

bazzI have been playing Birth of the Federation for years now (still hooked) but not once have I ever gained any science research points from science specific espionage. Is there a reason for this? Is it just me or is this actually a bug in the program (or designed this way)? If so what is the purpos...

Q: How does sharing missions work?

ShinraiThe help files aren't very specific about this, but apparently you're supposed to be able to hit the 'share' button in your missions journal to give the quest you're currently on to party members. However, I was recently trying this with a duo partner, but it didn't actually seem to do anything....

Q: How can I remove chat messages from a Replay?

ayckosterI want to upload a Replay that contains offensive chat messages. How can I remove them?

Printers are so unreliable
My computer can send data to printers just fine, but actually print that data? No way
Q: How viable is Taric as a Support in higher level of play in comparison to, say, Soraka?

user29772My main support pick is Taric, and while I have not had much trouble with him so far, I wonder how good a pick he is in high level play. It is not common to see Taric picked in pro-level games, most of the pro supports going for Soraka, Janna and Sona instead. Being it such, I ask: what is the ad...

Q: Populous 3 like game

user629926Are there any modable rts games that take place on spherical worlds(like Populous 3)? Thanks in advance.

Q: Where is the tunnel man in Spelunky for Xbox 360?

BrettPainI am playing the game with two people and we never meet the tunnel man in between levels. Is there something I am missing?

The lol spam seems far better this time.
@Lazers so many edits on this question :(
I spent so long on this answer that someone else posted an almost identical answer while I was being all OCD with screenshots and testing a million different designs.
your answer has pictures, I am going to upvote it anyway
@pixel Sometimes I think I'm the only on that hates ASCII Minecraft answers.
An answer is an answer, pictures reduce the amount of explaining needed
The accepted redstone schematic format is insanely confusing.
Well with this update of level me, I went from lvl 16 to 56
I've just had the shortest boss fight ever
@badp Cut The Rope?
War charges at me. I dodge downwards and activate the tarot card for addition--- War wraps around and takes me from the front. Dead
The Greedsplosion is the single worst part of the WoTL dlc.
You enter the depths and suddenly EVERYTHING IS GREED.
@badp Oh...I thought you meant you won the shortest boss fight ever.
@John lord of the flies + epic fetus
I wish Binding of Isaac had a wand of wishing
Just give me that epic fetus already
Someone starred that? Really? @Wipqozn, do you want me dead or something?
Q: Did GGchronicle global ban Twisted Fate

GlemI noticed CLG Black wasn't allowed to pick Twisted Fate. Did they ban him for being overpowered in tournaments or something?

Q: What counters a jungle Olaf?

KaizuIf you've ever been against a good jungle Olaf, you probably know how devastating he can be... his clear speed is insane with blue and his ganks are annoyingly strong if he lands his first Q, which if you go too far to dodge you'll be worse off than having been hit. So... what are some ways to co...

Q: Holy priest professions for the most beneficial self applied stat boosts

imaginativeTypically elitist jerks will cover professions that are best for a particular spec/class and by best, this is not a matter of opinion, best here is defined as the benefits the individual gets from mastering a profession such as being able to use +67 agility gems that my combat rogue is able to ma...

Awww man, then they took it away
@OrigamiRobot You're welcome. Anytime you mention a star, it goes away.
Don't you people know I use chat stars as fuel? You just shortened my life by 5 years!
@John Looks like it's more of a toggle.
@OrigamiRobot Okay. I wanna try something. STARS
Nope, nothing. I guess you're right.
@John No, look! It went away!
You need PRO ARQADE membership to allow your stars to last longer than 3 seconds.
You damn freeloaders!
Yesssss. Feed me your delicious stars and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Ack! I am dying!
Yay! Life!
Keep starring OR THE ROBOT GETS IT
Blegh! Death!
I'm bored of this game. I gonna go make a sandwich.
@OrigamiRobot What's silly is that just a few seconds ago you said that a star powers you 2 years and a half?
59 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
I'm bored of this game. I gonna go make a sandwich.
@OrigamiRobot You can write and make sandviches and get bored?
at the same time?
@badp I have no idea, but this sandwich is delicious.
Q: Who was responsible for the ~failure of Enterprise?

user1526247Was it the writers? The stories seemed shallow. Was it Bacula for seeming to naive?

Sci-fi asks the hard-hitting questions!
I have a new game, called downvote everything on Sci-fi
@Sterno I've been playing that for quite a while.
Is ~failure better or worse than a failure?
It won't let me fix "Bacula". Minimum edit 6 characters. I would hope that question is doomed for closure and deletion, but the typo is bugging me!
Jul 9 at 1:35, by OrigamiRobot
I like your cat.
@OrigamiRobot <3
Q: Who is the announcer in League of Legends?

Fredy31I wonder, Who is the announcer of league of legends? I don't mean it's place in the storyline/lore (I don't think there's a lot to know there, it's not like the Team Fortress 2 announcer) What I mean is who is the voice actor. Is it someone professional or someone from riot that does a lot more...

Q: what can i build in minecraft?

chunkI have built villages and have just finished building a castle on the xbox 360 edition of minecraft. My imagination juice is depleted and i seriously need some new ideas for building because all of the images and videos across the web arent much help unless you have 8 hours to spend in one day or...

Q: How do you counter Heimer mid?

MozzykazeHeimerdinger uses those turrets to have a lot of lane presence and those rockets seem to have infinite range. I play a lot of Annie, Veigar, and Gragas in mid, but heimer always seems to kick my ass. I've tried killing the turrets, instead of poking heimer, but that usually just leads to my losin...

Q: How to counter Kennen toplane?

Zergali like to play Top and normaly win almost every lane. I just have Problems wit h handling Kennen(ad and ap). Very early in the game he just e out of the engage and autohit you, even with a gapcloser you almost always get more dmg then you deal. Later he just always stuns you when you engage. I k...

@Mana Have you seen Anna's cat?
@OrigamiRobot It has grown, it seems
@Mana Are there pictures of it when it was smaller? This is relevant to my interests.
@RonanForman Is this the one I interrupted?
@OrigamiRobot Well her display pic before was the same thing
just from a different angle
and I think with a smaller version of the same cat
or perhaps a different cat altogether
@OrigamiRobot I don't think so, it's between episodes 8 and 12.
@RonanForman Well, you should keep that part.
I did, but only because I couldn't find it.
@RonanForman This is the most charming Minecraft video I've ever watched.
dropped to one heart for a super challenge room
find a health up
pause at the wrong moment, now I'm fighting two bosses at once
@Mana @OrigamiRobot Same cat, and she's pretty tiny.
get them to a sliver of health, lose some health in the process
I get that other bug of peeper that results in guaranteed unavoidable damage or something
@AnnaLear I demand more pictures of this cat. Or politely request. Whichever methods gets me the pictures.
yep - dead by bugs. :|
...AND with stars. I hate myself
although there was nothing I could've done to predict this and wanted to keep that for at least mom
all I know is neither of those two bosses can spawn that thing, nor was any spawned
Peeper just flung in the air and death happened
@OrigamiRobot statigr.am/aalear. Knock yourself out. (Don't mind a few photos that now 404. Apparently deleted ones aren't updated right away.)
@AnnaLear That cat looks pretty big to me.
@OrigamiRobot She's not. Probably a wee bit smaller than average. She's like 7 lbs or something.
@OrigamiRobot Why?
@OrigamiRobot Maybe a bit, yeah. But you know, it's not the size of your hands, it's how you use them. :P
@AnnaLear geez your hair is cool
@AnnaLear ahem I am a robot.
@Mana thanks :)
@OrigamiRobot A robot without hands? Sounds difficult.
One of my faves, for sure.
OK, I don't know what kind of giant cats you are comparing to, but this seems big to me.
@OrigamiRobot I'm a somewhat small human.
That said, I do usually compare her to giant cats.
Q: Are gold per 10 yellows worth it on an aggressive support?

Alex AmosI know that on a more passive support like Soraka they work because you aren't making too much of a trade off for stats that may help her, however when you're playing more aggressive supports like Leona is it better to have something like armor yellows rather than the gold per 10s?

@AnnaLear This is acceptable. I will stop grilling you about your cat now.
@OrigamiRobot Now you're grilling cats!? No more stars for you!
Grilled cat sounds delicious
@John Hm?
Though not as good as turtle burgers
@Sterno that looks good
Q: Is there any way to tell which side you'll be on (blue or purp) before the game starts?

ExcelBeyondI always wondered if there is any way of determining whether you'll be blue or purple before the game loads? Could help at chara select to plan early strategies (IE, getting golems on blue side with AD carry/support).

Q: HoG and Philo Stone Changes

Kyle KnudsenThis affects mostly supports but some junglers as well. Are the nerfs to these two items reason for change in build and are there any better alternatives? Just looking for both general as well as any Champ specific thoughts or ideas

@Wipqozn I thought you were out to get me.
I would so burn this answer with fire. gaming.stackexchange.com/a/77992/15236
A: Who is the announcer in League of Legends?

JacimovskiHonestly, just make a thread on a forum on the league of legends site (preferable on the NA forum since RIoters are more active there). I think you will recieve a pretty fast answer.

@John Well, I am, but I wasn't the one who starred that.
I was too busy watching Law and Order and eating Chinese Food.
Would anyone be kind enough to remind me how to add a link in a comment?
@Arkive [text](url)
@OrigamiRobot Thanks
I accept payment in the form of cupcakes.
@OrigamiRobot And stars.
Q: How do I return to my current dungeon level after activating a second town portal?

AlexI had reached a dungeon level around 10-15 floors down, when I returned to Torchlight (the town) via a Town Portal scroll and got a quest from the Trill-bot to kill a monster on level 3. Easy! I ran down to level 3, one-shotted the baddie and instead of clicking an Identify scroll I clicked a Tow...

Q: What is the game-time to real-time ratio in Fallout: New Vegas?

Steve V.Like many RPGs, Fallout: New Vegas has day/night cycles. Right now, I'm trying to infiltrate the REPCONN labs to find out why there are so many ghouls there, while still making it back to Novac in time to find out who's killing Bhramin. I need to be in the Bhramin pen at midnight in order to cat...

Someone describe Psychonauts for me.
It's $2.49 on Steam right now.
@StrixVaria Something I inadvertently bought but never played. :p
@StrixVaria Something I have heard good things about but never anything beyond "It's good."
The random awesome of the xray goggles
@OrigamiRobot Exactly why I ask :P
Who needs a level?
@Wipqozn I want to laugh at this but I can't get over the fact that not only is this not a tortoise by any definition, they spelled it wrong.
maybe i should have asked on Yahoo Answers. ...I think I'll do that and see where the more intelligent answers are. — user1526247 2 hours ago
@Sterno I hope he's trolling. Because anyone who can refer to Yahoo answers as "intelligent" must have trouble producing the brain power required to breath.
@Wipqozn Steam tells me you own Psychonauts.
@StrixVaria Yes.
19 mins ago, by StrixVaria
Someone describe Psychonauts for me.
It's a good game, but I don't think it's as good as people make it out to be.
It is something worth playing though.
I kind of want to get this whole double-fine pack.
The other 2 games look entertaining too.
@StrixVaria Psychonauts is a 3D platformer where you fix the mess that is everybody's mind
@badp Ooh I haven't played a good platformer in a while.
Q: How to make good rune pages for general use

DracovixI watch a lot of streams and I see many people like TheOddOne and Guardsman Bob using a bunch of mixed up rune pages. Are there all around good in general rune setups to be used for say an AP carry, AP Tank, Support, etc.? I just find myself with only about 8 rune pages never being able to have ...

Oh my god
Half heart. Four green turrets. A hanged greed in the middle. Wavy shots.
and then die
Q: Where is Nintendudex

ShadayzeeWhat happened to Nintendudex? I seem to have missed something, seeing that I stop playing and following the professional scene of LOL for quite some time.

Q: Why getting the first blood is so important?

Fredy31At the beginning of the matches, we always see both teams just rush, in hope to get that first blood. After the first blood happened, it seems both teams tone down a little the offense. So why do teams want the first blood so bad?

Q: What is a "placeholder" champion?

Fredy31I the ggChronicle stream, they often refer to champions as "Placeholder champions" (mostly during Character select screen) What is a "placeholder" champion?

Hmm, anyone think this question will land me on any government watch lists?
I am going to upvote that for how questionable it initially appears
@pixel Why thank you.
Ambiguity and confusion are always important goals here at The Arqade.
@Lazers This looks really off topic
@John uplink
maybe i should have asked on Yahoo Answers. ...I think I'll do that and see where the more intelligent answers are. — user1526247 3 hours ago
Comparing SE to Yahoo Answers, and expecting MORE intelligent answers.
Q: How can I avoid being traced?

John the GreenEvery time I try to hack any substantial number of servers, I always find my trace percentage skyrocketing. I run deletelogs on each server after I'm done with it, and when my trace percentage passes 90%, I run deletelogs after every further command, and I always make sure to only transfer money...

Q: Does recalling remove stealth?

Dara MarshallI think recalling removes stealth on champions like Akali or Teemo, that need to do nothing to remain stealthed, but perhaps for Evelynn or Twitch, who can move while stealthed, can they recall without removing stealth?

Q: Why i can't see any Gragas in Tournaments?

user29810Never saw one single Gragas in a Tournament, maybe I'm just failing all the others where they show up, but why they are not picked more often?

@James I'm uploading the first UHC video now, I'll make it public when yours is up too.
Q: Why does Event Horizon affect Vladimir while in Sanguine Pool?

Isak Semikolonstjrnapiltre LinWhy does Vlad get stunned of Event Horizon (Veigar E) While in Sanguine Pool? And is there anyother area of efect Crowd control spell that can disable him during Sanguine Pools duration? Sanguine Pool (Active): Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood becoming untargetable for 2 seconds and slowing ...

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