I missed the "you need the yellow key" days, from my perspective of choosing that over "press C to crouch" in a big box in the middle of the screen I prefer it
DOOM is better than any of the call of duty games imo
jump and crouch at the same time? the space at the start of Half Life was too small to walk through, it seemed like common sense to crouch and jump at the same time
I went down the elevator shaft, turned off the power, climbed up to the top floor, into the vent, down through the collapsing pipe and found myself on the other side of the red door, the way forward blocked by a locked door with explosives right behind and a mighty wall of debris. So I'm stuck.
the hole in the wall leads to the pipe/water area and then to the actual block
there's a one way door there (opening in the opposite direction of progress) that can be opened once you've made it on the other side, given that the pipe itself is a one-way trip (it breaks as you go through it)
the passage is actually above the garbage bin sorta thing.
ScrewAttack is having a kickstarter for their convention SGC.
For 2000$, the pledge reward is a 30 second advertisement in their video podcast "Sidescrollers"
Their last podcast has 6000 views on Youtube (came out wednesday) with more on their website and on their audio version on iTunes.
I'm confused how you have button mashing down to a fine art when it comes to crowbarring walls but not when it comes to jumping through a space it won't let you through :P
You previously had to push a small metal crate in order to climb onto the pipes and proceed on the opposite side of the red doors. Now you must push the same crate to the mighty debris blockade in order to crouch-jump onto them and proceed further into the game.
I have played Tribes a couple of hours and and decided to buy the Starter Pack on Steam. I would like to know an efficient and fun way of earning XP:
What games/modes/tactics should I join and which should I avoid?
What items should I spent my first XP on?
How hard is it to do the Alistar's Headbutt and Pulverize combo? I see people do it instantly, not knocking players back when they headbutt with no walls behind and pulverizing them. I just can't seem to do it. :( Does this have to do with latency or quick fingers?
My friend is about lvl 9 and i am 18. I cannot give him items and he cannot give items to me - we don't see when anyone throws something to the ground and the trade button is greyed-out.
What's wrong? We are both on euro
I just started getting into Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. I've been playing it fine on a 360 controller, but I'm wondering if it is holding me back from pulling off moves. Specifically, are there any professional players who prefer to play with a controller?
At first, I thought these sequences were cool, but now they're rather old. I'd much rather the death blow sequence to just be at normal game speed. Is there some way to turn these off?
I have been playing Birth of the Federation for years now (still hooked) but not once have I ever gained any science research points from science specific espionage. Is there a reason for this? Is it just me or is this actually a bug in the program (or designed this way)? If so what is the purpos...
The help files aren't very specific about this, but apparently you're supposed to be able to hit the 'share' button in your missions journal to give the quest you're currently on to party members. However, I was recently trying this with a duo partner, but it didn't actually seem to do anything....
My main support pick is Taric, and while I have not had much trouble with him so far, I wonder how good a pick he is in high level play. It is not common to see Taric picked in pro-level games, most of the pro supports going for Soraka, Janna and Sona instead. Being it such, I ask: what is the ad...
I spent so long on this answer that someone else posted an almost identical answer while I was being all OCD with screenshots and testing a million different designs.
If you've ever been against a good jungle Olaf, you probably know how devastating he can be... his clear speed is insane with blue and his ganks are annoyingly strong if he lands his first Q, which if you go too far to dodge you'll be worse off than having been hit. So... what are some ways to co...
Typically elitist jerks will cover professions that are best for a particular spec/class and by best, this is not a matter of opinion, best here is defined as the benefits the individual gets from mastering a profession such as being able to use +67 agility gems that my combat rogue is able to ma...
I wonder, Who is the announcer of league of legends?
I don't mean it's place in the storyline/lore (I don't think there's a lot to know there, it's not like the Team Fortress 2 announcer)
What I mean is who is the voice actor. Is it someone professional or someone from riot that does a lot more...
I have built villages and have just finished building a castle on the xbox 360 edition of minecraft. My imagination juice is depleted and i seriously need some new ideas for building because all of the images and videos across the web arent much help unless you have 8 hours to spend in one day or...
Heimerdinger uses those turrets to have a lot of lane presence and those rockets seem to have infinite range. I play a lot of Annie, Veigar, and Gragas in mid, but heimer always seems to kick my ass. I've tried killing the turrets, instead of poking heimer, but that usually just leads to my losin...
i like to play Top and normaly win almost every lane. I just have Problems wit h handling Kennen(ad and ap). Very early in the game he just e out of the engage and autohit you, even with a gapcloser you almost always get more dmg then you deal.
Later he just always stuns you when you engage.
I k...
I know that on a more passive support like Soraka they work because you aren't making too much of a trade off for stats that may help her, however when you're playing more aggressive supports like Leona is it better to have something like armor yellows rather than the gold per 10s?
I always wondered if there is any way of determining whether you'll be blue or purple before the game loads? Could help at chara select to plan early strategies (IE, getting golems on blue side with AD carry/support).
This affects mostly supports but some junglers as well.
Are the nerfs to these two items reason for change in build and are there any better alternatives?
Just looking for both general as well as any Champ specific thoughts or ideas
Honestly, just make a thread on a forum on the league of legends site (preferable on the NA forum since RIoters are more active there). I think you will recieve a pretty fast answer.
I had reached a dungeon level around 10-15 floors down, when I returned to Torchlight (the town) via a Town Portal scroll and got a quest from the Trill-bot to kill a monster on level 3. Easy! I ran down to level 3, one-shotted the baddie and instead of clicking an Identify scroll I clicked a Tow...
Like many RPGs, Fallout: New Vegas has day/night cycles. Right now, I'm trying to infiltrate the REPCONN labs to find out why there are so many ghouls there, while still making it back to Novac in time to find out who's killing Bhramin.
I need to be in the Bhramin pen at midnight in order to cat...
@Sterno I hope he's trolling. Because anyone who can refer to Yahoo answers as "intelligent" must have trouble producing the brain power required to breath.
I watch a lot of streams and I see many people like TheOddOne and Guardsman Bob using a bunch of mixed up rune pages. Are there all around good in general rune setups to be used for say an AP carry, AP Tank, Support, etc.?
I just find myself with only about 8 rune pages never being able to have ...
What happened to Nintendudex? I seem to have missed something, seeing that I stop playing and following the professional scene of LOL for quite some time.
At the beginning of the matches, we always see both teams just rush, in hope to get that first blood.
After the first blood happened, it seems both teams tone down a little the offense.
So why do teams want the first blood so bad?
I the ggChronicle stream, they often refer to champions as "Placeholder champions" (mostly during Character select screen)
What is a "placeholder" champion?
Every time I try to hack any substantial number of servers, I always find my trace percentage skyrocketing. I run deletelogs on each server after I'm done with it, and when my trace percentage passes 90%, I run deletelogs after every further command, and I always make sure to only transfer money...
I think recalling removes stealth on champions like Akali or Teemo, that need to do nothing to remain stealthed, but perhaps for Evelynn or Twitch, who can move while stealthed, can they recall without removing stealth?
Why does Vlad get stunned of Event Horizon (Veigar E) While in Sanguine Pool?
And is there anyother area of efect Crowd control spell that can disable him during Sanguine Pools duration?
Sanguine Pool
(Active): Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood becoming untargetable for 2 seconds and slowing ...