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on account of it having nearly all of the things I did before sleeping on it now
Where is this sorcery located
@tiddy doesn't want to admit it, but he's secretly addicted to TSW now
I just built my first weapon
notifies the ATF
Q: What are the tasks assigned to you in TaskMaker?

Omar KoohejiIn the classic Mac Game TaskMaker you are assigned 10 tasks by the TaskMaker if I remember correctly. I can't remember what the tasks were and I can only find reference to the final task you are given. I completed the game almost 20 years ago but I no longer have a Mac that will run it so go bac...

Q: What does a broken arrow mean?

WipqoznWhen hovering over an enemy in combat it changes your cursor to an arrow if you're making a ranged attack. Sometimes the arrow is broken, and other times it's unbroken. What's the difference between a broken and unbroken arrow? What causes an arrow be broken?

My acquisition of roles within the company was just likened to a game of Katamari Damacy
@QAdley You should somersault around the office from now on.
@StrixVaria Deal
@QAdley And add some powerful rare earth magnets!
Interesting, I am actually stuck on a wall
@fbueckert It would be fun to cover myself in superglue and start running around the office sticking to things
for the first few seconds anyway
This is what tends to happen to me, too. "Oh, this needs doing? Anyone else want to take this on? No? Alright, I guess I am."
I'm a rank 1 novice
Though this hasn't updated
I think I might be 2 now
@fbueckert My roles: Enterprise developer, Hosted products developer, Website designer, website developer, ui designer, ux designer.......
@QAdley I went from Junior programmer to Computer tech that does everything in the space of two years.
@fbueckert I managed it in 8 months, and now I'm leaving!
@QAdley Oh? Where you headed?
@fbueckert New startup, Skin Analytics
To be Architect/Guy who builds everything
@QAdley This sounds like a major breach of privacy. You sure you're not affiliated with the TSA? :P
@fbueckert Haha, luckily not that kind of thing
The Secret World seems awfully expensive up-front for a monthly subscription game...
How I envisage my day-to-day work:
@GnomeSlicE Standard practice for MMOs at launch.
@QAdley lol
@QAdley Yeah, I felt like that some days at my job.
@FAE I've already gone out and bought the suit and everything
@Wipqozn Clearly you never tried clicking.
@QAdley Looking dapper is always a fine thing
@fbueckert At my current job I have 4 screens (sometimes more!) so I get that feeling sometimes
@GnomeSlicE Oh, right. Now I remember.
Esp when I have our Green 1st-gen iMac on my desk
@QAdp Finished Binding of Isaac?
I call this Bejeweled 3: Fitt's Challenge
@QAdley I still need the magnet, but yes
I tried today to go for the magnet but it's just too much work to get the book of revelations early enough
For a second there I thought I'd misread the name every single time I saw it.
@QAdp I have never played it, but this sounds oddly biblical
@StrixVaria I clearly did
@QAdley so Isaac doesn't?
@QAdley I got to make do with one, and zero budget for new equipment. I would point out that our servers are aging and we might want to start replacing them. They told me to shut up and keep them running. So I did. Until the A/C in the server room broke yet again, and toasted the hardware.
this is the intro cutscene
@QAdp Not especially. It's just a name (albeit an Abrahamic one)
@QAdp At work with no headphones :-(
@fbueckert Nice. We will be on AWS, so the A/C is not our problem
This should be the transcript:
> Isaac and his mother, lived alone in a small house on a hill. Isaac kept to himself, drawing pictures and playing with his toys, as his mom watched Christian Broadcasts on the television. Life was simple, and they were both happy. That was, until the day Isaac's mom heard a voice from above.
> "Your son has become corrupted by sin, he needs to be saved." "I will do my best to save him my lord.", Isaac's mother replied. Ruffing into Isaac's room, removing all that was evil from his life. Again, the voice called to her. "Isaac's soul is still corrupt. He needs to be cut off from all that is evil in this world and confess his sins."
> "I will follow your instructions lord, I have faith indeed.", Isaac's mother replied. As she locked Isaac in his room, away from the evils of the world. One last time, Isaac's mom heard the voice of God calling to her. "You have done as I asked, but I still question your devotion to me, to prove your faith I will ask one more thing of you."
@QAdp Sounds interesting
@QAdley It wasn't our problem, either. It just had a nasty habit of breaking, and with the server room producing so much heat, it would've knocked out all our hardware if we didn't keep a paranoid eye on it.
> "Yes lord, anything.", Isaac's mother begged. "To prove your love and devotion, I require a sacrifice. Your son Isaac will be this sacrifice. Go into his room and end his life as an offering to me, to prove you love me above all else." "Yes lord."
> She replied. Grabbing a butcher's knife from the kitchen. Isaac, watching through a crack in his door, trembled in fear. Scrambling around his room to find a hiding place, he noticed a trapdoor to the basement, hidden under his rug. Without hesitation, he flung open the hatch, just as his mother burst through his door. And threw himself down, into the unknown depths below.
I literally checked up on it twice a day to make sure it was all still running properly.
@QAdley It is, there's a lot of references to biblical people and events.
@fbueckert Fun times.
@QAdley it's a great game, and the soundtrack is incredible.
@QAdley Glad I no longer have that job. So much responsibility, and no appreciation at all.
@GnomeSlicE Hmmm. I'm a fan of biblical stuff (disclaimer: I'm atheist). Will look into this if my new job allows the time
@GnomeSlicE Server maintenance?!
@QAdley ...What?
@fbueckert I'll be part of the founding team - hopefully some responsibility/appreciation
@GnomeSlicE Just being pedantic about the specific comment you replied to
@QAdley I didn't reply to a message.
@QAdley Pinging a person highlights that person's last message.
@Qadley such as this. No reply, but it'll highlight your last message.
@QAdley The game isn't really 'biblical' save for various names.
@GnomeSlicE Various? You mean all the names.
@RonanForman What about him?
@GnomeSlicE I forgot Issac was biblical.
@QAdley I hope you don't mind the graphics then. Things can get ugly (but not NSFW ugly) but the game is fun. The difficulty curve is kinda broken though.
@RonanForman Isaac was Abraham's son, whom he almost offered up as a sacrifice.
I meant all the names but Issac, but then I realised even Issac.
@QAdp Everything is pretty cartoony anyway, it's not so bad.
@QAdp I'm fine with cartoon gore
@QAdp No kidding.
I need to play BoI again and try to finish it. I couldn't really get into the 'play it over and over and over and figure out what everything does for yourself' thing.
@RonanForman It sounds like the intro for BoI is actually based on the story of Abraham & Isaac
@QAdley I've noticed that too, but it could be a coincidence. I'm guessing the name 'Isaac' was chosen because he is going to be sacrificed, though.
You even fight envy, vanity etc through the game.
@GnomeSlicE Here's the bible passage: lolcatbible.com/index.php?title=Genesis_22
@RonanForman The seven deadly sins.
@GnomeSlicE I know.
> And teh angel wazd liek "OH HAI, ABOUT TAHT KILLIN UR SON...J/K LOL!1 Ur win cheezburgrz 4evr"
To be honest, I think they took the 'biblical' thing a little far, none of the stuff makes any sense together, it's just like 'hey, lets put a bunch of bible references in this'.
@GnomeSlicE It's deliberate
@QAdley ...What the fuck is this.
@GnomeSlicE Meh, it worked for the Matrix
@GnomeSlicE It's the whole Bible, in LOLcat-speak
@QAdley The matrix focused on one 'story', the life of Christ.
BoI just took a bunch of random shit that isn't related and stuck it in the game.
@QAdley I can't read lots of this at once or else I just start to feel like my IQ is rapidly plummeting
@FAE See also: Creole bible
@DMA57361 There's been talk of finally finishing the Frozen Synapse Tournament, if you're interested.
@FAE Read it in a heavy Jamaican accent and it actually makes sense
@QAdp please label your axes
never, you can understand it anyway
> The difficulty curve is kinda broken though.
@QAdp @tiddy's answer is the correct one until you label your axes
@QAdley I sincerely hope that is automatically created, the thought that someone would manually translate the whole bible into LOLcat-speak
@QAdley I'm fine with that =]
@MadScientist It's manual, wiki-effort
I only played BoI a handful of times, and each time I made it to the last floor (before mom), so I feel like I've seen most of what the game has to offer. Even though I didn't unlock everything.
@tiddy Wow, why did you delete that.
@GnomeSlicE You've never been to the womb?
Cause a mod edited it
@QAdp Never made it to Mom. Only played it a few times and didn't like having to figure out what everything did myself.
But I'm guessing it's just like everywhere else.
@GnomeSlicE Then you haven't seen most of what the game has to offer, no
@GnomeSlicE You don't know jack about MOTHERFUCKING BRIMSTONE EYES
@QAdp I'm sure it's just more of the same.
I dunno what it is, I just haven't played much of a lot of the games that have really interested me. Like BoI and Super Meat Boy and N+, and Bit.Trip, etc.
@QAdp I've played lots of BoI, and I have no idea what brimstone eyes are.
Although, N+ doesn't save my progress any more, which is why I stopped playing it.
@GnomeSlicE TSW
I didn't even get too far into it.
@fbueckert You know, the eyes that shoot brimstone lazers.
@pixel Doesn't interest me if it's a monthly subscription, even though it interests me.
@QAdp Oh, those giant red laser dudes?
@QAdp brimstone cannot form a laser.
The wiki only calls them "champion eyes"
@fbueckert I think you're talking about 'Greed'.
@GnomeSlicE You definitely haven't seen enough BoI
@QAdp Ok. Yeah, I know what those are.
@GnomeSlicE no doubt it will go F2P once they realise only Blizzard are allowed to charge monthly subscriptions
@QAdp I'm not talking about the game...
@GnomeSlicE Please continue talking with yourself
@GnomeSlicE You're getting pedantic and switching between game references and real life.
@QAdp You've been replying...
...You can't make a laser out of brimstone.
Q: What is the standard procedure for getting stuff crafted by other players?

ayckosterCrafting recipes are expensive. You pay like 50 m for Helm of Command or a few m for better Gem recipes. There are some people that sell their services, for example: 300 k + all crafting materials for Helm of Command etc. I read some of the threads on the official Blizzard forums and some of the...

Q: In QWOP what exactly is the action assigned to each key?

wilThe QWOP interface screen says : QW : thighs OP : calves However I still do not understand which actions, under which conditions, result from hitting those keys. For example when I press P sometimes the right calf extends, sometimes it bends, sometimes it's the other calf. Has anyone thoug...

Q: How do I disable ships?

yx.So far, all I have been able to do is destroy ships. I have been unable to disable any ship for boarding. Do I need any particular kind of weapons or loadout or do I have to stop shooting after a certain point?

Q: Terran vs Terran - Breaking Siege Line Efficently

Falcon165oWhat is the best technique for T v T when both are massing siege tanks and slowly creeping into the middle? Everything I have previously read mentioned that it is best to either go Battlecruiser or try to catch the siege tanks while they are mobile? Is it possible to try to rush it first with Ma...

And I thought after the whoe chips thing it couldn't get any worse: £130 fine for cycling in Games Lanes
@GnomeSlicE You can in BoI!
@fbueckert he doesn't care, he's just making noise for noise's worth
@QAdp What? No. I was expect you to describe them to me...
Because I don't see what a brimstone laser would look like.
@QAdp Where can I find this wiki?
@Fluttershy I like this but it is also a little sad
Specifically the page about champion eyes.
@MadScientist My favorite EVE graphic ever.
Is it even the original? I've seen tons of picture with different games on the black line
@Fluttershy It's hard to believe she's 90.
@Wipqozn Apparently she was the oldest actress on the Golden Girls. o.O
@Fluttershy yeah, she was.
By ~4 years I think.
@Wipqozn Bea Arthur was only 5 months younger, according to IMDb.
@Fluttershy Colour me mistaken.
@Wipqozn 'Nuggetty'?
@Wipqozn Book Snape had a moustache in some illustrations, iirc
@FAE You don't. Burn. (In other words I have no idea. Burn.)
@QAdp Can you see about unfreezing the Frozen Synapse room again, please?
Aaand my internet is too slow to launch any games via Steam.
@GnomeSlicE what if you go offline in steam?
@murgatroid99 Oh, probably. It seems to have worked now anyway.
this is way too much fun (password is HUBMLP8BIT) (Contains MLP and ponies)
Man. It would be nice if we could get a warning that it's MLP before clicking.
not safe for my little pony haters
@AshleyNunn suddenly I have an overwhelming desire to watch LoTR
@RESPAWN It's in the password!
@fbueckert and the URL
@RESPAWN I figured the password would give it away....
@pixel grins
Or just NSFW would do. Because, truthfully, I'd rather them catch me watching porn at work than watching MLP. :-P
@fbueckert @AshleyNunn LOL. Fair enough.
I didn't even catch that
Trust me, don't go there.
Nah. I know we have some MLP fans in here. It's just not my cup of tea.
@RESPAWN I know, and I don't have a problem with MLP fans, but the people here don't seem to like being asked to censor their ponies.
@GraceNote Morning!
@GnomeSlicE Haha. Hopefully they can take a joke, though.
@GnomeSlicE TBH, it was also the source of the request...
@RESPAWN He isn't joking. <.<
@GnomeSlicE I linked, it is obvious from the P/W, but I can make it obvious for you.
@OrigamiRobot And yet you guys keep telling me that it's not personal. =]
I can't tell if @GnomeSlicE is trolling me or not...
There I fixed it.
@RESPAWN He's not.
@AshleyNunn I'm not complaining about whatever you posted, just talking to @RESPAWN
@GnomeSlicE It's usually not; you tend to take it personally, though.
@GnomeSlicE ....okay.
We're not deliberately posting MLP pictures because we're trying to annoy you.
sigh I'm going to go back to watching Louis CK and pretending that I'm actually working.
@RESPAWN Man, I want that job.
@AshleyNunn What I meant was, I'm not getting back into this argument again, the community decided, I respect that.
And by we, I mean the bridge crew.
I just posted a gaming related thing I thought was interesting that happens to contain MLP.
@OrigamiRobot Haha. Trust me. 75% of the time, it's not like this. I'm just being lazy today.
@fbueckert ...Where did you get the idea that that was my impression? Sheesh, I'm not an idiot.
@GnomeSlicE the picture linked off the meta thread you just linked is awesome
Please, let's not revisit this MLP image censoring argument again.
Yes, please.
If we started censoring every image that someone wouldn't want seen at work we wouldn't be able to post any images.
who said anything about censoring
@pixel That was not 8 hours of sleep :P
@James no it was 6 1/2, I got woken up by work calling me even though I'm on holiday!
If people don't understand that not every image on the internet was posted by the person looking at it then I don't think you need to care what they thing about you.
@pixel Haha, That is karma coming to bite you in the ass for making fun of me for having to go to work today :)
@RonanForman That would also apply to porn at work then, right?
2 hours ago, by Wipqozn
39 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@James the only thing that came of it is that I started questing two hours earlier than anticipated
Are we back on to the MLP picture posting topic again!?
@GnomeSlicE Yes.
@GnomeSlicE The porn thing is not what they think of you, it's what you're doing at work.
@pixel LOL Niice :)
@James We've moved onto porn now.
@Wipqozn Ah, that is where all conversations end up here
I could keep arguing this, but I really don't want to.
@James Oh my no.
@James unfortunately I'm so not awake right now, so my questing is at half speed
That would be Team Fortress 2 and Minecraft.
I would much rather MLP discussion than porn
Although that rule doesn't apply as much as it used to... how times have changed...
@Wipqozn now its D3 and TSW
@Wipqozn It was clearly not a law.
@pixel I'm sure there's fanfic somewhere that lets you enjoy the best of both worlds.
@RonanForman Well, it didn't say how long it would take.
@Sterno erm, I will just continue being naive, and delete the last thing I read from memory
@Wipqozn Maybe you need to swoosh the conversation out of chat? :)
Context for you newer people:
A: The Memes of Arqade and its Chat

Thomas McDonaldMeme: Wipqozn's law of gravitation. Every topic on The Bridge, must, inevitably, eventually return to Minecraft and TF2. Originator: Wipqozn Cultural height: Whenever there's an active conversation on The Bridge Background: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/1228881#1228881

> Every topic on The Bridge, must, inevitably, eventually return to Minecraft and TF2.
That hasn't happened in quite a while.
@pixel I'll just say "Google 'clopfic'" so that after you try to burn it from your brain, it lingers in your subconscious, and 6 weeks from now you say "Clopfic? What's that? Where have I heard of that before? I'll google it to see what it is" and then horror
> Or about how every topic on The Bridge, must, inevitably, eventually return to Minecraft and TF2.
@Sterno You're asking for a flag.
@GnomeSlicE Am I?
fingers in ears
@pixel Are you new to the internet?
I'm pretty sure that's a rule about the internet
@RESPAWN no, not at all, I'm very good at avoiding nasty stuff
@pixel LOL. Fair enough.
@pixel That's a useful skill to have.
the first link I ever clicked on IRC was tubgirl, I have never clicked another link again
@RESPAWN League of Legends? What?
@Wipqozn Seriously. I wish I could do that.
@pixel Good move
@Wipqozn LOL. not LoL. :-P
the part of my memory that stored information collated from the internet is severely brain damaged too, and gets reset every night when I enter snooze mode
@pixel Silly humans.
Seriously guys. Chopin: Great composer, or greatest composer?
@Wipqozn Liszt, Rachmaninoff, and Debussy are all superior, and that's just from the romantic era.
@OrigamiRobot You never have to erase your memory?
@StrixVaria Those are all excellent composers, but I prefer Chopin.
@AshleyNunn Nope
@OrigamiRobot Are you good at avoiding internet ick, or does it just not register as ick for robot brain?
I think we can all agree that Beethoven is superior.
@AshleyNunn The former. It's not that hard.
@Wipqozn I'm personally more of a Bach fan.
@RESPAWN Another excellent composer.
@RESPAWN I do not understand the appeal of Baroque music.
@OrigamiRobot I have managed pretty well, most of hte time, but I get so damn curious and that is usually my downfall
@pixel $20 says this is the Epic Rap Battle.
I don't gamble
Bach is a good background music for me, while I'm doing other stuff. I can't actively listen to it, though, or I'll get bored.
especially against those odds
@pixel A dead snail is better than Justin Bieber.
@Wipqozn That 'meme' hasn't been funny for a very long time.
I dunno. I can't really put it into words why I like Bach, but there's just something about him.
Q: Online Co-op Zombie Games

VodahminMy friend and I are searching for games to play together. We found a perfect one called 'DayZ' but it can't be played on my pc as it is a mac and my friend wishes not to purchase the content to play it. We want to find a similar one that has online multiplayer (Co-op) and preferably free/cheap,...

@StrixVaria I can understand this, and agree with it to some extend. I prefer Baroque music for background music, but if I'm going actively listen to something I'd rather go with either the Classical or Romantic eras.
@GnomeSlicE You just need to keep going with it until it comes back around to funny. Like every Family Guy joke ever.
@RESPAWN Is it his righteous wig?
@Sterno It never was funny, as far as I'm concerned. Constantly insulting and sometimes violently threatening someone because you don't like their music is not amusing, nor is it 'cool'.
@Wipqozn Early Classical (like Haydn and Mozart) is the same. Later classical (like Beethoven) is much more interesting.
I like Mussorgsky, especially his Pictures at an Exhibition piece. Liszt also is awesome.
@GnomeSlicE Last I checked, @Wipqozn wasn't violently threatening Justin Bieber.
@Sterno I'm talking about the 'meme'.
People need to just leave the guy alone...
@GnomeSlicE I guess I'm not familiar with it beyond "Justin Bieber sucks"
Every time anyone talks about classical music, I am reminded of this
@Sterno The point is that that is everywhere. It's become a standard to insult Justin Bieber, particularly when other music is involved. In my opinion, if you don't like him... just don't listen to him.
@IanPugsley I swear to god, once this finishes loading, if it's a 'LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE' thing...
@GnomeSlicE You're welcome. :)
@GnomeSlicE I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here. That saying mean things indirectly about public personalities who aren't even here to hear it is not the nicest way to live your life? I mean, sure. But come on, man, lighten up.
Still hasn't loaded, but I can see half of the hover-preview.
@Sterno ...I'm not arguing anything. This isn't an argument.
You said to wait till it was funny again, I explained why I never found it funny at all. =]
Can we seriously stop turning it into an argument every time I say an opinion?
@RESPAWN Beat me to it.
@IanPugsley There it is, image loaded.
@GnomeSlicE It would work better if you didn't try to argue your opinion every time.
@GnomeSlicE I don't think we're having an argument in the "grrr!!! argument!" sense.
It felt like you were trying to make some sort of point about @Wipqozn's comment.
@fbueckert Probably, but I wasn't this time, for example.
If anything, you're arguing about my comment about your opinion!
Recursive argumentation
That's the way it works.
1. State your position (ie. your opinion)
2. Someone agrees or disagrees with your position, and states why or why not.
3. If that someone disagrees, and you don't want to argue about it, *stop posting*.
4. If you disagree with their position, you post your argument why.
5. Repeat until horse is dead. Again.

This is the de-facto method to arguments; if you don't want to argue, don't engage.
12 mins ago, by GnomeSlicE
@Sterno It never was funny, as far as I'm concerned. Constantly insulting and sometimes violently threatening someone because you don't like their music is not amusing, nor is it 'cool'.
There's step 1.
11 mins ago, by Sterno
@GnomeSlicE Last I checked, @Wipqozn wasn't violently threatening Justin Bieber.
Step 2
Okay, can we please stop.
I'm tired of arguing about this shit.
11 mins ago, by GnomeSlicE
@Sterno I'm talking about the 'meme'.
And step 3, where you're continuing it.
@GnomeSlicE And at the end of what I had up there, bolded for your convenience: If you don't want to argue, don't engage.
For my part, if I meet Justin Bieber in person, I promise to be very nice to him.
I'm not a child.
I'll almost definitely not punch him in the face.
@Sterno Ditto. Until he does something stupid.
Because then I'd go to jail. And jail is bad.
@GnomeSlicE Then you are safe from @spugsley's wrath.
@Sterno Jail with baby to support is extremely bad.
MY word. That was quite the shit storm I missed.
@Wipqozn Of course it was.
@Wipqozn You started it, didn't you? O.o
@spugsley always told me that @Wipqozn is to blame for everything. It's apparently in the FAQ and everything.
@Fluttershy TEchnically it was ickleislands
I mean pixel.
Either way, I found it all very amusing.
@Sterno Truth.
I always mentally read @pixel's name as "pixel islands" now
@Sterno I got to blame him for threatening to ignore me for dissing classic Mega man! Talk about reverse psychology!
@fbueckert Don't you go talking trash about classic Mega Man.
yo gangsta G fo fizzle, I'll get all up in ur gril'
@Wipqozn Thing is, I didn't even diss classic Mega Man. I just said I like X better.
@Wipqozn Megaman Legends is better than classic Megaman.
@Wipqozn Oh, noes! Gangsta l33t! My one weakness!
@fbueckert It's Super Effective!
summer sale?
I just made a pokemon reference you see. I'm a comedic genius.

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