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xkcd's new what if? blog is the new greatest thing ever.
First article: what would happen if you threw a pitch at the speed of light?
If a tomb was never meant to be found, why build 5000 steps up to it with columns and monuments on either side?
Q: What Runes should I prioritize buying?

ConfuzzledmaniacI primarily play Ranged AD, various Junglers, or solo top champions. Looking for which runes are the most universally useful/most cost effective to buy across many roles. These are the sets of runes I own. Marks: Flat AD Armor Pen Magic Pen Attack Speed Seals: Flat Armor Mana Regen/Level ...

@RedRiderX Second article was kind of Meh though
@James Very statistical, yes.
@James But I can't help but feel that the ending of the first almost totally makes up for the whole second post.
Thanks to free DayZ rep, I just bumped jQan off page one of the all-time users and took his spot. Sweet, sweet ill-gotten gains!
Completely unconnected to anything, I have bacon marmelade in my house now.
@AshleyNunn I'm glad it's not connected to anything yet, is it hard to take out of the jar?
@RedRiderX I haven't tried. Right now I am just enjoying the idea that I have it.
@AshleyNunn Imaginary savoring is often just as good as actual savoring.
@RedRiderX This is very true. :)
I am debating how I should have it first.
@AshleyNunn On a bacon sandwich.
That might work
@AshleyNunn But probably on some crackers with fancy cheese.
@RedRiderX I have crackers, but no cheese. They are fancy crackers though
@AshleyNunn Oh, are the veggie flavored?
@RedRiderX They're like....stone ground blahdeblah vegetable wheat crackers or something
@AshleyNunn Sounds perfect.
@RedRiderX This is tempting! But I don't know if I want to open it and wreck the perfection by stabbing a knife in.
@RedRiderX XKCD is like that though, flutters from average to awesome
@AshleyNunn Then take many pictures first... maybe a hologram.
Make a shrine to the bacon marmelade.
@AshleyNunn Something like that.
Q: I accidently made the Underworld aggro. Will they ever calm down?

DaenythIn the Underworld I told Greta that I killed Gob, and the entire town went aggro on me. I left without killing anyone. Will they always attack me, or will they ever calm down? I haven't finished all the quests in that area, and it's a useful place to stop for trade and repairs.

@EBongo CheAp DiAbLo 3 GoLD PST
Argh. Why do so many games have a 5 character limit for character names?
@AshleyNunn I could tell you, but it would take more than 5 characters, so I'd run out of space :(
@agent86 Awwwww :(
@AshleyNunn Which game is this?
@Alok Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure on 3DS
Ah, handhelds ... PC apps just like to limit password length to 8 chars instead
It mostly just frustrates me because my name is 6 letters
@AshleyNunn Then change your name.
@RedRiderX To what?
@AshleyNunn I don't know, an abbreviation?
Maybe ANunn.
@RedRiderX I suppose
'Bacon' is 5 chars; they probably didn't think past that
Or change your real name to be shorter.
That would fix it.
@AshleyNunn Bacon Nunn we could call you.
@agent86 That would work maybe
If you prefer numbers, we can go for 31416
@Shinrai How do I get access to those items listed on my account like the screaming ring?
@Alok ?
Q: How to get pre-order package rewards?

fooI bought a pre-order pack / registered the key before a set date, and am supposed to get some stuff for it (e.g. Screaming Demon ring, cat, dog, etc.). But I cannot seem to find it in my inventory! Where do I get my rewards?

Also, what's your name in-game?
(oh I'd add that you may be past the point that the pet and ring are of any use - they stop around 3 mil xp or so)
@Shinrai Thank you kindly :)
@Shinrai Chye
@Shinrai I thought the bird just looked neat?
@AshleyNunn If the naming allows a dot, that would be 3.142
@James I haven't seen a bird yet! Just dogs and cats.
@Shinrai Oh, well I now have a blood raven following me :)
And I am at 1.6M or so so the ring will do ok for now :)
Ahh, I somehow got the impression you were a bit further than that.
@Shinrai Nope, I am a noob :D
LPMF is pretty far along
I am still in Kingsmouth trying to hunt down QL3 gear so I can move on
What's your loadout?
I've been meaning to try my first Polaris run if you wanna tag along when you're QL3...
@Shinrai I do not even know what that means.. sorry!
Do not take my answering TSW questions as having a clue as to what is going on :D
@James Polaris is the first five-man dungeon. Have you made it to the Orochi Group guys in northern Kingsmouth yet? It's up there
Do not think so
I followed a guy to the air field
Trail goes to Savage Coast
But Savage Coast is way beyond me :D
I spent my time doing all the content and absorbing the lore so it took me a bit
I can -barely- kill a moth thingy there
But yeah if you did the story stuff immediately you're probably a bit undergeared. I did every quest in the zone first, lol
@James Hey I'm just loading that area for the first time right now.
Let's see how I do.
Especially don't neglect investigation missions...they are really good XP
@StrixVaria Good luck man! Did 2 quests there then vamoosed :D
@StrixVaria Are you enjoying yourself so far? (Also I need to add you too, lol)
I have no problems with SP/AP @Shinrai
@Shinrai My name is InvaderSkoodge
Its the gear I am having to seek out that is elusive :D
All you guys are Illuminati :D
I am the only dragon! :O
@James I was able to get QL3 very, very easily just doing missions
And I wouldn't sweat it beyond that, it'll get rapidly outclassed
I am not too worried :) I am going around and doing all the quest chains in Kingsmouth now.. I assume some gear will come.. if not Ill just keep killing till I get QL3 kits and make my own :D
Most of the fun of the game is doing the missions, even the non-investigation ones. Take your time and soak it in.
@James to be fair, I did exactly that and still need gear
I will say I've been outleveling the kits that are dropping faster than I am getting appropriate mats, so I haven't crafted much yet
a few pieces
@pixel Well here is to hoping :) Maybe I can just find a QL3 merchant some where?
Oh yeah you can
no you can't but yes you can
Nyan fax
@James Savage Coast has a token vendor with QL5 blues that is pretty nice if you end up with a hole or two
there are the council vendors
but it requires tokens
It's not that hard to reach either
I had 130+ tokens when I finished Kingsmouth (and made it to that vendor)
Yeah 1 token(ish) per quest I think it is?
1 or 2 ye
@pixel also I need to add you, lol. My friends list is still so barren!
haha, I have to say I love the Infection spell
Cast it at a group and use Blade Whirl.. Dance.. Whatever and everything drops :D
I just added my first person to my friends list
No one has friended me yet :(
I don't think he's worked it out yet though
@StrixVaria I just friended you! :P
@StrixVaria I did
Its one sided @StrixVaria
you should have had a message from me
Friending is one-way int his game
You have to add people and you do not get a message saying you were friended
But that is how I know you are all illuminati :D
Oh that's weird.
What is your IGN @pixel??
Yeah, a bit odd
on the grounds that both lildeviant and pixel were taken
So how's everyone finding the Secret World? I've heard pretty mediocre reviews about it.
I fortunately never have any trouble with getting my name, lol
...except when they started doing server merges in FFXI and I had to give it up. (It's a real word in Japanese soooo)
@JamesJiao If you want to do WoW type end game raiding I can not speak to that
If you like a good story and dont mind if you do it alone or with other people, so far its very engaging :D
@James What he said. (Also apparently they're going to start adding raids next month...take that for what you will)
On that note, State of the Game post from Ragnar if you didn't see it: forums.thesecretworld.com/showthread.php?t=42532
I wish my character spoke, that is honestly all that would really be engaging
some interesting stuff there
I think I skipped too many quests in this zone though
But VO cutscenes for like every quest, is pretty damn engaging :)
@James Yeah, the plot and lore is great...but don't expect Bioware style stuff like SWTOR. Your character is largely a non-agent.
Then again its fairly normal to die against 5
@Shinrai Haha, But that fits with being a dragon for me.. I just work behind the scenes so the results are in my favour :D
@James enjoy your herpes :3
@Shinrai I still have no idea why you guys said that... The dream sequence ???
@James I just recall seeing footage of the Dragon intro and it involved some sexytimes...
@JamesJiao Not a big fan of the combat system, find some of the mechanics clunky, the game was designed by a developer with no real skill for MMOs and it shows later in the game with some really stupid decisions, its still quite buggy as well
@James I do do raiding in WoW, but can't say I enjoy it. It's more like a job, then a means to relaxation.
*than a means....
@JamesJiao That is why I multibox wow. so I can instance on my own :D
@Shinrai haha, there is a distracting girl but it leads to ... well see for yourself some time :D
Riddle me this though
@James Maybe they changed it.
Like there is one instance later on with a quest that requires you to activate six <objects>, but those objects can all be activated by everybody in the game world and reset if you get one wrong, which means one person can sit there trolling and keep clicking the wrong one out of order, preventing anybody from completing the quest
Why does swinging my blade raise up my blood resources?
@pixel Apparently they fixed a lot of this in today's patch.
@Shinrai I did this quest about an hour ago
@James Pretty much EVERY builder in the game builds for both weapons simultaneously.
@pixel Which one?
Dont get me wrong I love it, quick blade slashes == lots of DPS that build up blood resources so I can lay waste with my high end blood abilities
black sun red sand
activate the pillars to get into the chamber
I just do not understand how one weapon raises the resources of the other :)
@pixel Oh yeah I've heard about that bug. (I am still in Savage Coast, lol)
it was PROPERLY annoying
@James Beats me. Purely balance reasons, probably.
I literally had to afk until I was the only person in the area
Yeah, the game certainly still has a few flaws and foibles. But overall I am super enjoying it and hey...it's a week old! Been a very smooth launch IMO.
@Shinrai kk, I shall carry on then :)
For every complaint I have about it I have something good to say too :P
@Shinrai Oh, game definitely has its rough edges but I would rate this launch to be in the top 3 MMO launches
They are even lighting up a new server PDQ
I also thought I was going to hate the ability to redo quests
I actually kind of like that :)
Some times I Just want to summon the big bad guy at the end of the road and beat the crap out of him :D
Haven't redone a single quest yet
Every area has about 15% too many quests in it, so if you do them all you outlevel the content at the start of the next zone
only zone I haven't questwhored in so far is the one I'm in now
and every area is getting new quests next month
and I've literally skipped every quest, apart from the main story
and now need to go back, because this hurts a bit too much
@pixel hearing this hurts me. the quests are the best part!
yes but bigger numbers > perpetual questing :P
I did the quest to defend the police station twice so far
@pixel I guess I am sorta playing this game more for the story
I also restarted once (missed out on some SP and AP)
But hearing Ragnar Tornquist's name is what got me interested to begin with, so...
also I could jump off this lighthouse aaalll day. nofalldamagelololol
@Shinrai I started like that, but then when the story was telling me of an area that was never meant to be found, that happened to have beautifully rendered stairs all the way up to it, the logic part of my brain overloaded and the failover backup 'MMO GRIND MODE ENABLED' came online
@pixel Just remember you are special... or atleast us dragons are special :D
Illuminati > Dragons
Just sayin'
You are welcome to be wrong all ya want, I wont stop you, its all part of the grand design that you are where and what you are ;)
Incidentally have any of you tried PvP yet?
Not really a PvPer
Only game w/ pvp I have enjoyed are DAoC.. and Warhammer cause it was the same thing :D
Yeah, not my style. I did it some Fusang in beta and you need decent builds...
I don't think TSR's PvP will be good judging by the clunkiness of its combat system.
I don't think it's clunky, but I don't really think it's designed for PvP, agreed.
Well the reason I mentioned was you get a buff called evening the odds or w/e
supposedly means you do similar DPS to those you're fighting against
doesn't work in the practice but a good idea none the less
Yeah, it does balance for gear to an extent
so you don't have to wait for QL10
gear yeah
doesn't do much for the potential 100-1000 AP difference
Another great bug, if you get webbed, it disabled your ability to walk forwards or backwards but you can strafe out of them
AP and SP are so easy to get in this game though
I love how there is no scaling anywhere :D
there is scaling
its just very shallow
oh once you have like 100k pax spare, I strongly recommend seeking out your faction vendor in whichever capital city they're in for the sprint speed boost
@pixel That reminds me I need to buy the second tier of that, thanks
I don't have the second tier yet, I went clothes shopping instead
I am still pretty happy with my starter outfit
I'm still using my starter outfit
that doesn't change the clothes shopping
need another 50k or so for the second upgrade
how much is it? 300k?
The post I read said the amount of XP per AP point and per SP point was static over and over
Nice Ill snag that
I am at 95k right now, not too long until 100k :D
500k for second
i think
oh boo, I'm sitting on 380k right now
I hope this is the boss where they fixed it to make him not attack until after his adds are dead
There are like 10 adds
make that 30
Wow! That guy got me down to half health!!
Good luck Pixel!!
Well that's not funny at all
aimlessly kite for 10 minutes and the reward? "move deeper into the pyramid and do it again"
Inside this pyramid is the one place in game you can die from fall damage :p
Ok for all the running around that quest should have been worth more xp
this dude is actually a multiphase boss fight with several mechanics
literally the first thing I've found in this game that cant be kited
Q: How many more Assassin's Creeds are there going to be?

Steven LuBased on the end storyline of Revelations and somewhat of the "third" game of the series, how many more of the series are they going to create?

I could seriously build a house out of quivers irl
@spugsley Why..?
lol @spugsley
@JamesJiao Because quivers are the worst. I am a DH and even I fucking hate quivers. I find about 2937410948735 per game!
Here, have a quiver
@spugsley Come over to the dark side and join me in WoW then :)....
@JamesJiao I wish I could learn how to say 'never' in 156 different languages just for occasions such as this
@OrigamiRobot I already voted. I don't remember - does my vote still count once the timeout expires?
@spugsley Lmao. Why not? Surely beats collecting quivers in D3!
@EBongo Sadly, I don't think so.
I'm surprised it stayed open.
@JamesJiao yes but in my defense, I'd be playing WoW
You should both be playing TSW :P
As an aside - I could watch "Fus Ro Dah" YouTube videos all day.
I have just been informed that @IanPugsley is very upset about my opinion regarding Dirty Dancing
which basically means that @IanPugsley is a whiny baby girl
@spugsley WTF
@spugsley "How old were you when you saw Dirty Dancing and didn't like it? Young enough to still like Good Charlotte and have a crush on one of the members? Oh, so I shouldn't take anything you thought from then as your actual opinion? Oh, except Dirty Dancing?"
By the transitive property crazy-wife logic, I like Dirty Dancing.
Congratulations @Wipqozn - @IanPugsley has taken your title as the worst
@Shinrai Naw, don't want my annual wow sub to get to waste. I got my D3 for free after all.
Once you like Dirty Dancing, you're one step away from liking Flashdance.
@JamesJiao My WoW account is sat unused atm
@Sterno I read "one slap away"
Oh on a different note, have you all received your D3 shirt from SE?
@Sterno What if I like Flashdance, but not because I actually like the movie, but because I like the song and the fact that it started life as a horror film?
@OrigamiRobot Like it?
Kirsten Geary... what a bitch
at least she's well written
@JamesJiao I am not the person to ask this...
@IanPugsley I reiterate - whiny girl baby
@IanPugsley Songs about how women are crazy are always okay.
A: Solution to gameplay freezing in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on PS3 Slim?

DaveI tried EVERYTHING TO GET THIS to stop freezing at chapter two right before you enter the temple type rock structure building, ANYWAYS ill tell ya all how i got it to work for me. So i had installed the game internal on my ps3 which has kmeaw 3.55 with newest multiman, i even tried the EUR versi...

Does this make sense to anyone?
I think I was supposed to start that sentence with "I'm not a misogynist but..."
Sounds like talking about a modded PS3, but I'm not sure.
Now I've Had the Time of my Life is going through my head. And I have no one to blame except myself.
and maybe @spugsley
@Sterno Missed opportunity...
@Sterno You clearly haven't read the FAQs. @Wipqozn is who you should blame
Now Holding out for a Hero is in my head. What's happening to me? This is the worst.
So Um
how do I use a flame thrower? :D
@James Point at zombies, depress trigger.
yeah its that whole 'where is the trigger' thing...
I am thinking this is a weapon I can not use so a quest I can not progress :/
Oh, I thought you meant IRL.
@Sterno The fact that zombies inhabit your real life means you should be running, not gabbing online.
@fbueckert Truth
My wife got me zombie targets for Christmas. She's the best.
@Sterno That's pretty awesome.
Click the ammo that is how you use it :D
@Shinrai I am +2sp and +9AP so far this evening, hehe
"Builds 1 resource for each equipped weapon"
That explains that
I found a QL3 blade!! Yaya
The Illuminati: This place specialises in assisted career suicide
Time to enter the Agartha and get 10fps
And a QL-3 Book from that quest.. Niiice
I currently have more SP than AP to spend
So where do I look for the sprint speed upgrades?
No, What merchant sells them though?
is in new york, in the main illuminati hq there is a large room with three sets of vendors
only one set of vendors accepts pax
the other two require pvp currencies
its the group that accept pax
kk, Thanks @pixel :)
Ah, Mobility & Tactics Trainer
This is such a horrible level I'm in
combat in the agartha level
this is an intense Ruby Rhod cosplay:
@IanPugsley The more I stare, the funnier it gets...
Thats not a line that you hear every day in video games...
well it is, but I mean, as part of the story of said game...
"Look at all these f*cks I give" said mysterious Illuminati-man
"Do as I say or I will destroy you"
Ah there we go, quest skipping reaches fruition
Quests are all marked as 'devastating' now
Q: Is it possible to cancel a quest?

pixelIn The Secret World, is it possible to cancel a quest? Without completing each quest that you pick up the only way that I have found is to select another quest that will 'replace' the quest you're currently on. Without replacing the quest you can move onto the next area but there will consistentl...

Q: WoW: if I install WOTLK, will the updater automatically download and patch cata for me?

youwonderRight, so basically I have DSL internet and don't feel like downloading ...oh how large is WoW these days, 18GB?...anyway, yeah I don't feel like waiting a week (170KB/s DL speeds) for it to finish. Now I can't find my cata disk sadly, but I do have my old WOTLK one, can I save myself some time b...

1 hour later…
@Fluttershy This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen ever ever.
hi guys
I wonder why there are so few saved game file of Silent hill 4 PC in the internet?
I only found a save with 2 ending completed, but not all 4 ending.
Source Filmmaker is now publicly available
it includes meet the engineer too now
Q: Switching items between d3 characters in diff regions?

kindascrewedbyblizzardFirst, please understand the answer here I'm an Australian D3 player, and as many have done, I didn't check region and started playing and now i'm level 50 i've seen that I don't have access to a RMAH, which kinda sucks. So based on this, currencies available for me are: usd, mxn, ars, clp, aud...

...it's a 5 GB download though
Q: disrupting a skooma operation

user29045So I understand that disrupting the skooma operation is an essential step to being able to buy a house in Riften. Unfortunately, in the course of wandering through Skyrim I found this cavern and killed all the bandits inside long before receiving the mission. When I did receive the mission and ...

You know what is the worst?
When you get two dollars in the same run... and then you get greed twice in the depths. And the second drops you the Steam Sale.
three dollars
four dollars
AWS has many things, and I don't understand most of them
five dollars T_T
Q: How to deal with a feeding Support as AD Carry?

dbemerlinYesterday i played some normals and ended up as Ashe with a Nidalee support. Opponents were Alistar and Jayce which should have made an easy lane. Sadly Nidalee decided to be extremely aggressive - against my request at the start of the game - which got her killed twice before 5 minutes and sever...

Done with on badp's game backlog
☑ 33/33
Well I still would need that one last item but meh
@QAdp You use Trello to manage your gaming?
@QAdley Not enough
@QAdp Trello is fantastic
I kinda wish I could rearrange checklists around
@QAdp Pester Joel
@QAdp My word sir. Using Trello to manage gaming? Great idea. I need to do the same.
@Wipqozn Main problem is building these checklists
What does "Tasted" mean? Only played for a few hours?
even less than that. More like "played once or twice then put down"
Playing for any significant length of time makes it 'In progress'
@Wipqozn I need a wallpaper sized version of this
Q: What skills are main-hand only?

Let_Me_BeWhat skill and rune combinations are using main-hand only for dmg calculation? I'm interested in all dual-wielding characters: barbarian, monk, demon hunter. EDIT: one of those is Sprint/Run like the wind combination

@QAdley Google Image Search doesn't have other sizes unfortunately
@YiJiang D:
@Wipqozn Oh my, fine art has now been redefined for me.
Spam flags go!
@Wipqozn That had a lot of crap on it so I protected
@QAdley Man, I can't wait until I can protect questions.
@Wipqozn I've been using it more than I thought I would
Quite a few flags also result in a protect - where there's multiple deleted answers
Our ever increasing traffic is making protection an increasingly useful tool.
@QAdley I think it's two deleted answers by new users.
@Wipqozn Yes. Especially on questions like that, with high views
@Wipqozn It's not as rigid as that, could have a bunch of poor quality, but un-deleted answers.
@Wipqozn Isn't the next lowest answer on this question spam too?
@RedRiderX Yeah, just about
This user posted once, 7 months ago
Q: Is there a batch script to download the latest Craftbukkit Build?

Jeffrey LinHow can I write a batch script (Windows) that will download the latest Craftbukkit Build and put it in a certain directory whenever I run it? So has anyone overcome the problem of updating Bukkit without a lot of hassle?

rages at someone flagging that as too localized
@FAE Just a little under two months to go now...
@QAdley Guild Wars 2.
@Wipqozn Ah. Hooray.
Diablo tshirt arrived!
In a swanky SE box - that's new
Also, today's listening:
Love a bit of Vivaldi every now and then
@QAdley You'd have to be a monster not to.
@Wipqozn Time's flying!
On the subject of Vivaldi, if you ever get the chance to see Red Priest, you should. Insane and brilliant.
Some one know to create a Minecraft Server? I would like to play with my friend.

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