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@GnomeSlicE you can adjust the tiling in the "Coordinates" of the bitmap options
@MarkTrapp We can't base the room around it. Doesn't mean we can't cloak it by it being based around gaming, persay, but is really just a cover.
@fbueckert Level/Class/Server?
@QAzer Jesus Christ, what are all of these missing files?
@MarkTrapp Sure! Sounds good to me!
@GnomeSlicE they should be in the archive, just remap them, do browse and select the folders
@QAzer You've made it thinner too.
@QAzer Didn't download them...
just checking in to see if some of you have received your Diablo3 contest shirts..
@GnomeSlicE tell me the specs you want them and I'll have them to you later today
@Jin I got a blue box from SE on Monday, haven't opened it yet. Not sure why. I assume that's it, though.
@MarkTrapp I always knew that Life was just one big MMO
@Jin I have not; I understand some have, though.
@Jin I got miine
@MarkTrapp what??? y u no open?
@QAzer No, that's okay, I didn't want you to redo the entire model, I just wanted you to fix my uvw map, since that's what you offered...
@Jin I actually have two swag boxes from SE that are unopened. Keeping them mint in box: breaking the seal loses 90% of the value! Also, laziness. Tremendous laziness.
@MarkTrapp little did you know i put a time bomb in 'em..
what site is the other box from?
@Jin I got it yesterday. I like the shirts you guys use, they're so soft
@agent86 they're made out of my own skin. you're welcome.
@Jin I believe it's the SciFi.SE top user swag
@Jin so how do you manage to make so many, then?
@Jin I was hoping they were made from bacon, but I'm not sure there's much of a difference.
@Jin It puts the lotion on its skin...
@AshleyNunn i'm obese
@Jin Oh, so you're one of those flayed I keep running past in D3.
@fbueckert yes, when i explode i pop out more mini jins. then they grow fat
@RESPAWN i'm in Dreddit now
@Jin I meant the ones in the towers in A3. :P The Enchantress has some lore on them.
@fbueckert oh yeah those... then i puke out mini jins.
@Jin Still not the right ones, but eh. Whatever, explode, puke, either way, your ending as a demon is horrific.
@gnomeslice sry just wanted to pretty it up for you
@Jin This sounds like cyriak animation
@QAzer it wasn't finished.
Also, you have three UVW map modifiers...
@fbueckert oh those.. yes. i know which ones you're talking about now. i wish you get to fight them. they look so cool.
Two of them are exactly the same.
@Jin Oh yeah? Jumping straight into the null space experience I see! Are they good with newish players?
their skins are used to pave the roads in the tower from what i remember
@GnomeSlicE Half of it is TF2 I believe
@Jin I actually feel sorry for them. Their entire lives are spent being tortured and their skin harvested.
@RESPAWN they're extremely nice to "newbros." i get free frigates, implants 'n skill books. old vets just throw isks at noobs
@QAdp Oh. So I have to get it on my other machine, is what you're saying, because that one already has TF2 on it.
their only requirement if that you have a reddit account more than 3 months old. luckily i've had mine for 5 years..
@GnomeSlicE All I know is it was a 5,564.2 MB download for me (but I have TF2)
Q: Item Level and their average armor/dps in Diablo 3

ExtrakunIs there any handy reference as to what is the range of DPS and armor for items of a particular level? A lot of time I would get, say a crossbow that does 300 DPS for item level 55, but I have no idea how good that is whe

This needs closing
@QAdp TF2 is over 10 Gb, so that can't be right then.
@gnomeslice there is 1 map for each of the two side and 1 for the ridge. There is a texture of each side in case you wanted a heads and a tail
@Jin Haha. Yeah. I'm more of a lurker on Reddit than a poster. That's great that they're so generous to new players. My old corp was pretty similar except we were more of a high sec/wormhole corp.
Well, that and we didn't have the same level of exposure as Dreddit
@GnomeSlicE They must be sharing 5 GB of data then
Steam is sometimes smart enough to not redownload data in common between things
@Jin I hope you're at least having fun out there, though. The big null alliance experience is one of the few aspects of the game that I haven't sampled yet.
@RESPAWN to be honest, i was extremely bored the first 2 days after i joined Dreddit. being in nullsec pretty much cut down on PVE content by like 80%.
@QAzer How do you apply a map to only one set of faces?
i could only fly free frigates i got, it's hard to buy stuff in nullsec, and what's available are sooo much more expensive than highsec.
I assume that's what all of the 'poly select' modifiers are for?
Q: What is the teleporter and how does it work?

KeithIn the XBox 360 version of Spelunky what is the teleporter and how does it work?

Q: Do mobs spawn in the same location for every seed in Minecraft?

Anderson GreenI'm interested in knowing whether peaceful mobs spawn in the same location every time in Minecraft for a given map seed. When I was playing on the "Glacier" seed on a singleplayer world, I found a pack of wolves that spawned inside a cave where I could tame them easily. Will they spawn like this ...

Q: Do items that increase skill based damage factor into displayed DPS

SkippyI recently equipped a helm that increased my monk's crippling wave damage by 10%. The displayed DPS did not change nor did it change when i swap out crippling wave for a different skill. Is this a known issue? Is there another way to determine the DPS when using an item that increases skill bas...

@RESPAWN i'm just training towards a Drake so I can do some effective solo ratting in Fountain, and podjump to Delve for the war
@gnomeslice correct
@Jin That's a good choice. The drake is a great ship for the new player. While it doesn't do amazing DPS, it has an incredibly good tank for a T1 battle cruiser which gives it staying power on the field.
Plus, FC's are less likely to primary a Drake because of its tank.
Either way, you certainly joined up at an interesting time with the whole of CFC going after Delve
I'm just personally not much of a fan of the culture of the CFC.
@RESPAWN yeah. unfortunately the ship I want to fly doesn't belong to corp's fleet doctrine.. I LOVE Myrmidon.
@RESPAWN My first Drake I used on small roams in low-sec survived surprisingly long, just because it was never primaried in it
@Jin Ooh yeah. I started Gallente, and the Myrm is still one of my favorite ships. But, drone boats are definitely a little more complex to PVP in.
@MadScientist This. The Drake and the Prophecy are probably two of the best ships to fly if you don't want to be primaried simply because they both have such good tanks.
Drone skills are also annoying, you pretty much need Drone Interfacing to be effective (20% bonus per level is huge) and it's a damn expensive skill for a new player
@MadScientist Indeed. As much as I love my Gallente boats, I tend to steer new players away from them for this reason.
@MadScientist i'm 3hrs away from being able to fly a Myrmidon... :) as for flying it effectively, that's another story.
@Jin So, you're 3h from being able to enter the cockpit ;-)
@RESPAWN i'm at drone lvl5 and drone interface lvl1
@MadScientist yes.... i'll just hop in the cockpit and sniff the new leather smell and not doing anything.
@Jin That's not a bad place to be for a newish character. Especially if you're training for a Drake. Eventually if you want to fly the Myrm you'll want to train up for medium and heavy drones, but you'll only be using light drones in a Drake.
Dammit. Now I'm wanting to build a new Myrmidon. Especially since I haven't played around with fits since the introduction of the Drone Damage Amplifier.
That reminds me to buy a few new Drakes, I don't have many left
I just built a nano Drake for a roam last weekend. Yeah, it doesn't have much of a tank, but I'm loving the increased maneuverability and the ability to kite enemies.
@Jin Very nice! Although, with my drone skills, I'd bet I could get another 50 - 100 dps if I replaced one or two of the mag stabs with the Drone Damage Amp II.
I'll have to try this fit when I get home and get access to EFT.
@QAzer Jesus, your file is complicated...
The new rule with drone boats seems to be that if you've got 3 weapon damage mods, swap at least one of them out for the Drone Damage Mod for even more DPS.
@RESPAWN my vexor does so little dps on its own with dinky railguns, but my dones do most of my work.
anyways, nuff Eve hijacking of this room! back to work for me
Haha. Indeed. I should get back to work too.
@Jin "Work" related question: Is there a specific date the top user swag stuff gets sent out?
@fbueckert Lauren and I were just talking about it. it should be "Swooon"
@fbueckert I'd imagine when the ball starts to roll there will be a meta thread.
i'm talking to our printshop about some technical stuff see if it can be done..
How many pages of top users get the swag, anyway?
@Jin bacon flavored stickers?
@GnomeSlicE TBD. more than 2, for sure though.
@agent86 if i made bacon flavored stickers, none of you will get 'em...
@Jin :(
Gah, I'm getting near the bottom of page 2.
nin-jin-a'ed before they were even made :(
@agent86 True. Answer is usually, "check meta". But for events that aren't on meta yet, I don't want to start a meta question just to go, "When do I get mah lootz!?"
@fbueckert yeah, the lesson is, if there's not a meta thread, then hush you impatient lootz seeker!
plus due to logistics it's pretty safe to assume that it's at least a few weeks out if there's no meta announcement yet.
usually it's meta + a couple of weeks on anything that requires SE to design/spec/order/ship as much as they're planning on doing
@agent86 Honestly, I didn't even know top user swag was a thing until someone mentioned it a couple weeks ago.
@fbueckert and yet here we are :P
@fbueckert we send out top user swag for all of our sites. i'm almost caught up with all the graduated sites... almost..
@agent86 @Jin and I have a good rapport. We bonded over Gundam.
Q: Do clones deals crit when I do?

DaveWizards on Diablo-3 have this great skill where you clone yourself, but I didn't found if they could deals crit hits as I can. Do thoses closes have this kind of ability? They get benefits from my crit chance? They do crit hits when I do?

Q: Does the gold drop from monstes increase after level 60?

Jim ThioWhen complete quests, I got extra gold reward (because of lack of xp reward). Does it work the same with monsters?

@fbueckert I named my current Eve ship "Qubeley Mk2"
@fbueckert I'm just giving you a hard time, btw. that and trying to keep your expectations abysmally low so that the site's guaranteed to exceed them :D
@agent86 :P I know. I rarely take you seriously.
@fbueckert that's why my authority is so effective.
@Jin This is one reference I'm afraid I don't get.
@Jin And that would be why.
I like my mecha to LOOK like mecha. That's far too organic for me.
@fbueckert By organic do you mean curved?
@James Probably; it doesn't look very robot-y to me.
much like comics, most anime I find to be something I'd have to have appreciated for many years in order to understand.
I like my mechs real thick and juicy, so find that juicy double
actually i don't. i don't care much for most Zeon's mobile suit designs. i <3 gundams the most
Such as the GN-000
THAT looks like a robot.
@fbueckert That looks more like a suit of armor :)
@James An awesome suit of armor.
That happens to be ten stories tall.
@fbueckert fresh off my phone cam
@Jin Those aren't 10 stories tall :P
<=- acts all disappointed
@James they'll grow eventually..
@Jin I really need to get around to start building my models.
@Jin Ooooh.. Do you have to feed em a special diet?
@agent86 It's kind of like being a Cubs fan. My expectations are always so low that it's next to impossible for the Cubs not to exceed my expectations.
@James yes, I feed them Lunar Titanium
@fbueckert if you don't have time to do it like me now, you can always buy FIXX figures. the paintjob is pretty nice on them
@Jin Which is better than regular titanium, because it's from the MOON.
@Jin I own several models; I have yet to take ANY of them out of the box. :P
speaking of the moon, Gundam Double X is so under-rated. I wish CN showed it first, before Gundam Wing
@fbueckert We actually could make extremely strong metals in a low gravity situation :)
@James So I understand; the theory's there, but until a manufacturing company is willing to boost a factory into space, we won't know for sure.
It really should be a world project; letting a single company shoulder the load would be prohibitive.
@Jin @fbueckert This may be a very ignorant question, but if you're designing something to fight off an alien invasion, why make it look like a person at all? Couldn't there be more efficient fighting spaceship designs?
Mind you, I've seen maybe one or two episodes of Gundam
@RESPAWN because science.
@Jin Because ANIME science. Looks cooler when it looks like a person.
@fbueckert Its entirely cost prohibitive, which is why its not done.. There is no more money to land on the moon again.
LOL. Fair enough.
also, people love anthropomorphic stuff, because people.
@RESPAWN You can't form an emotional attachment to the object as well if it doesnt look like a person :)
I dunno. I'm pretty partial to the Enterprise
if you want practicality, then a perfect space combat mobile suit would be a sphere, with nothing but boosters and laser canons sticking out of it.
@fbueckert No it doesn't, it looks like a person.
@RESPAWN I had a similar experience when trying to ask questions about Futurama for the SF&F contest that was/is going on. Pretty much everything in that show can be explained with "cause we said so" - very tongue in cheek kind of show.
@Jin LOL. That's exactly what I was thinking.
@Jin If Double X is under-rated, does that mean it should really be Triple X?
@Jin And would be absolutely useless in atmosphere.
@fbueckert well, when it descends into atmosphere, it'd turn into a giant bomb..
@James We're going to have to eventually inhabit space. If for no other reason than resources.
@Jin Complete with screaming pilot!
@agent86 speaking of which.. on answermama.com tonight, 10:30pm EST, there will be a video streaming of Futurama casts/writers answering questions!
Actually, this seems relevant to this conversation:
I seem to have locked myself out of my steam folder.
Q: Why is MAX PAYNE 3 so Huge?

SouravWhat can be the reason behind a 35GB game ? As I believe Windows 7 has much more programming that Max Payne 3 game but still Windows 7 is much smaller ! So what does it contain that makes it such big ?

@GnomeSlicE Dx Sry I meant it to be easier for you to dissect
@Jin man, how come we don't get like... the developers of diablo to come and answer our questions. :(
@Jin Who's the gold figure under the Sazabi
@agent86 Because they have better things to do, plus they have their own forums...
@QAzer Shiki
@agent86 If you guys could swing that, we'd be pulling the coup of the year.
As much as I'd like to talk to the Blizz devs, if we DID get that, we'd get the bnet forumites descending enmasse here.
And it would probably be WORSE than the LoL contests.
@fbueckert yeah, mostly just saying "it would be cool to do something on that level of cool for arqade"
@agent86 I agree. It would be cool. I'm just leery of the fallout.
@fbueckert indeed.
That said, @Jin, new job for you! Get us Bashiok!
so how much of a conniption do you think everyone would have if we had a LoL contest that was larger than previous ones, but not quite as big as Diablo 3?
@agent86 I have ignored. I'm cool with it.
We should do a podcast and get devs on that, then we could have a weekly segment where we ask them questions!
It could be called The podQAst.
@GnomeSlicE Sorry here is a much simplified version with your original model just apply your heart pattern in place of the checkered pattern.
I've divided the sides by ID in the material editor, the textures are much easier to manage as seperate uv maps
Bah. Stupid Sharepoint workflow! Stop erroring without telling me!
What do you mean there is no hairdresser yet
@GnomeSlicE You have an odd fascination with Thor and Loki
@Sterno that's because Norsk mythology is awesome
@Jin Have you tried the 1/144 Real Grade models? I have a RX-78-2 and the details on it are amazing. Comes with the Gundam Hammer, too. They are a bargain for $25-30~
@QAzer I don't have any. I haven't collected Gundam models recently.
but I heard great thing about them.
personally I prefer 1/100 scale.
panel lining on 1/144 is a pain in the ass to do
Q: Is there a hairdresser or any place to change appearance?

pixelIn the Secret World, I am aware of clothes shops in game but is there a hairdresser/barber shop style building where I can change my hair colour/style or any other place that allows me to change the appearance of my character?

Q: Does nana (from the Ice Climbers) have her own percentage score?

PileOfDutyIf I'm playing as Popo (ice climbers), any hits on Nana will not affect my percentage. Does that mean that Nana has her own percentage score? If she does, is there a way to tell what it is?

hey @Lauren, what is happenign to the D3 t-shirts?
@Blem they were shipped from our warehouse a few days ago
we didn't have them made until we got everyone's sizes
so they took a little longer than the other prizes
should be arriving soon though :)
@Lauren: I got mine, thanks - was sure that I'd missed out due to not filling the form by the deadline :)
ok, i moved at the beginning of the month so hope the Danish post office will send it to the right address
@Blem did you set up a forwarding address? If so, should be ok
anyway, I just wanted to pop in and talk about the upcoming ggChronicle sponsorship we're doing
@agent86 said there were some questions/concerns?
are you around?
@Lauren yeah, I'm here. I was mostly just alerting you because I know when we first discovered it was going on, there was a lot of groans among the bridge crew :)
@agent86 ah ok, wasn't sure how many people were involved in the groaning so wanted to give everyone a chance to give their thoughts
Would it be bad form to pin it again?
yeah I hear you
haha pin whatever you want :-P
@Lauren Mostly the concern is the crowd that LoL brings in.
well, I don't think that the mere fact that we're sponsoring the tournament will lead to millions of crappy questions
I think whether we hold a contest, and if so what format, also has a lot to do with it
They're usually not very well thought out at all, and the users don't pay attention to current site policies.
@fbueckert do you think it's the LoL community or just the influx of a lot of new users at once?
I don't visit the LoL tag, but was the last tournament a success in terms of gaining new users?
They assume it's like a forum, and proceed accordingly.
@Lauren As a LoL player, I can say it is the LoL community.
@MadScientist there was a huge spike in visits to our site and questions asked
@FAE That's my take on it, too. The LoL community is uninterested in anything that does not provide them exactly what they are looking for.
@FAE because they're looking for a forum? or some other reason?
@Lauren What @fbueckert said and yes, because they're looking for a forum. You've thrown "contest" out there and they assume that our site is going to function like a forum for the purposes of that contest. Given what happened last contest, I have my doubts that this will fare any better.
@Lauren From what I've seen, the LoL questions we gain are either duplicates, or incredibly bad (What's the best hero-type of questions).
@Lauren And one of the big issues is that we don't have enough active LoL players among the mods or high rep users who can help manage the influx and sort the wheat from the chaff.
@fbueckert gotcha, that's no good
@FAE yeah I remember that being a concern last time
I keep trying to find an eloquent way to try to quantify what people seem to be thinking. Seeing as I can't, let's just say that the average LoL player seems to be less able to handle themselves in a mature manner, and more willing to spam the site with crap just to achieve contest entries.
Partially because many of the posters tend to use a lot of the ingame jargon, which renders a question/answer nigh incomprehensible to non-players.
At least, that seems to be my own impression based up on the past LoL contest and my personal experiences with trying to play and then giving up on LoL
ok, how about I talk to the contest organizers and get their thoughts? perhaps they can help monitor the questions during the tournament or something
I'll see if I can find some examples from the previous contest.
The stereotypical, average MOBA player is not going to take the time to read up on how the site works and follow our policies, in my experience.
But, I think @MadScientist had a good point. Did we gain a lot of new users or did we see an appreciable increase in website traffic from the last contest?
If so, then by all means. Let's do it.
we could also try to change contest format in order to have it be more self-moderating. e.g., award prizes for earning certain badges instead of just sheer # of questions
@RESPAWN yes, we saw a big spike in traffic during the tournament weekends
We just could not handle the massive influx of... bad bad questions at once. Every time they took a break and announced the website, Lazers would spew out a horrendous number of horrible questions that we wouldn't have enough time to moderate/sort through before the next break.
@FAE And the amount of vitriol present in the community tends to spill over on members here when their questions inevitably get closed.
it's hard to say if a lot of those people stuck around
@fbueckert Yeah, MOBA communities are... hostile.
And toxic.
It may sound harsh, but it's true.
@Lauren Yeah. I was wondering about that. I mean, you could probably track new accounts and subsequent activity therein, but there's no good way to track the "lurkers".
Those that simply read the answers but don't contribute.
@FAE yeah, I'm wondering if there's a good way to design the contest so as to minimize some of that
The vast majority of the questions tend to be things like this:
Q: What is a good item build for support with Blitzcrank?

James BensonI want to play Blitzcrank in a support role. Should I start out with a Philosopher's Stone like other supports, or should I get a Tear of the Goddess for the mana to start off? What are other core items that would make Blitzcrank a viable support, and why?

@Lauren I think something like this may help. Anything that incentivizes quality over quantity will... hopefully be good. I'm honestly very nervous about it though, I really am.
@fbueckert That's not too bad.
@FAE Could be worse~
@FAE so something like a raffle of people who post questions/answers that get a min score of 10?
Sounds feasible to go in that direction
we could give you one entry per +10 post
and if we really want to have the contest self-monitor, we could subtract one entry per closed or negative-scored post
however, that might cause people to downvote good posts - what are your thoughts on that?
@Lauren Well, that might seriously cut down on the number of total entries. :-P
@Lauren I think this would be likely to happen.
I don't really see a big spike from LoL in traffic, but it's hard to tell as ME3 was at the same time
@Lauren That's a good idea. I foresee users arguing about their post being the best question/answer, though.
@RESPAWN yes, and it would cause people to think twice about posting crappy questions
@Lauren Haha. Well then I'm all for it. :)
or at least in theory it would
I think in the end, there's no perfect solution. We just need to come up with a "best" solution.
@Lauren Hopefully, anyways.
YouTube comments make me weep for humanity.
@RESPAWN alas, the eternal question
Haha. So, so true.
Perhaps you can do a combination of upvoted questions and badges earned?
Entries for both?
@RESPAWN sure, similar to the Diablo gems?
what badges would you like to see?
If the last contest was any indication, they don't really care about question quality, either. Perhaps a badge for editing another user's question or answer into legibility?
first quest I do in the third region in the secret world drops me a QL10 weapon
Really, I think any badge that seems to imply quality of a question and/or answer. Such as the popular question or nice answer badges.
@fbueckert Quite so, but not until there is money in it man ;)
on the subject of traffic, I compiled some stats earlier about that
Maybe "Edited post gains +5 upvotes after edit" or something.
the indication was that the stuff that got asked was not widely viewed, and more often downvoted
Wait wait, I see @Lauren in here and people talking about badges.. Is there a new contest revving up?? :)
@James discussing the possibility of further league of legends promos
@agent86 Ugh.. Stupid game.
League of Rage Quitters is a better name for it :D
The biggest problem with LoL players is that good sportsmanship is not in their vocabulary. At all.
@fbueckert This is why I gave up on trying to play the game at all.
Q: Does Cold Damage Slow Enemy Movement Speed Only?

Falcon165oWhen dealing cold damage to an enemy, what all does it slow down? I know it obviously slows down an enemies movement speed, but does it affect casting time? Or does it slow down their attacks also?

@fbueckert so would we prefer not to have any League of Legends questions on our site?
I play games to have fun. I DON'T play games to be verbally abused by some stranger over the internet.
@fbueckert That is honestly why I stick to playing bot games. Used to have a great group of people to play with but we all got busy and went our separate ways.. if I play now I play against bots.
@fbueckert My Acguy prefers udon and Freedom
we'd really be losing a large sector of the gaming community then
during the entire contest period last time, we got about 150k views from league of legends questions, versus about 1 million views overall (so around 15% of site traffic was LoL related)
@Lauren Its not that.. But there are so many other games out there I do wonder why we would focus on that one again?
@Lauren To be honest, I think that would be going a bit too far. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater and such. :)
contrast with diablo 3, where we got 4.8m views of 5m views from the tag
@Lauren I don't mind the LoL questions. I mind the influx of horrendously BAD questions we get during a contest.
@RESPAWN I agree
(I can't separate by the date the view took place, so this is question-based)
@fbueckert I think that's a problem with contests that involve any large amount of new users
@MadScientist what happened in december that tripled the hits?
@Lauren No, this really is a special case.
the diablo 3 contest was (1) for a newly-released game, and (2) mostly for our current users
@pixel Skyrim happened
@pixel Skyrim.
@Lauren We have our own issues with new users, but LoL players are an entirely different ball of wax.
@Lauren I'm all for League of Legends questions on the site. The problem is that the askers during the last ggChronicle seemed to refuse to read the FAQ.
@MadScientist I'm guessing the one in may that doubled the traffic again was D3?
@agent86 I do not think you can really compare against Diablo 3 though... Or Skyrim or ME3... Those games are not really in the same league.. I mean how many of us bought D3 simply cause it was from blizzard and we were waiting for it?
@Fluttershy yeah, it's hard to get people to take the time to learn the intricacies of our site during a contest.
The entire playerbase of LoL seems to just have turned 13 and hit puberty. Winning is their entire goal. They don't care how.
@Lauren / @James my point with the stats was more "is it worth expending the effort to encourage and moderate the torrent of poor quality content for the views we get?" and it didn't really seem that way to me.
But I can put a lot more information about on-topic vs. off-topic posts in the contest rules
@Lauren Any thought on highlighting indie games? I am not sure if most of them get to the depth that would make them huge draws though I guess.. so there is a thought not in the 'not great choice' direction :)
Also, it seems a large portion of the ggChronicle users were a one-off. "Oh, I can win something? Cool!" followed closely by "Oh, I didn't win. Never going to that site again."
@agent86 I kind of lean towards this sentiment, unfortunately. :/
Hi @Lauren what brings you to these parts? Free stuff?
Maturity is in extremely short supply; any opposition to their goals is seen as hostile and they respond accordingly.
@RonanForman Way to completely ignore the backlog. <.<
@RonanForman LOL I asked almost the same exact thing :D
@Fluttershy It's easier this way.
@RonanForman potentially, we are figuring that out now
@fbueckert As a LoL player, I feel like I should take offense to this... Having seen other LoL players... I do not.
@Fluttershy Agreed. :(
@Fluttershy Its like the minecraft community man.. LoL is the same. There are the more mature people.. and then everyone else :D
New rule! In order to win any contest you must have the Analytical badge.
It's hard to describe the amount of hostility inherent in this community. They are extremely unfriendly to new people. They WILL demonize and insult new players who are naive enough to admit they are new.
@RonanForman I'm okay with this.
@RonanForman Only questions which win the 'nice question' badge are eligible to win :P
I guess I'm also not sure why we're targeting LoL if we're trying to encourage site participation among gamers who aren't playing the latest and greatest game. is there something in particular that makes this game superior?
Nope, dont have it.. So that is a crappy suggestion @RonanForman :D
@James Well go get it then.
@fbueckert They don't usually wait for you to admit that you're new and will be happy enough to just assume
@agent86 They have a large active community.

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