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@fbueckert Yeah, I am right there with you - they say summer 2012, but hey, guys, its July....
@AshleyNunn I didn't back it, but there was an update yesterday for backers only.
If any of you backed it, any chance I can convince you to tell me what it was?
@fbueckert yeah, I haven't either
Considering the post title was "Update #1: NEW PRIZE AT $80" I doubt it is anything of real use to me
@spugsley That doesn't mean you know what a duck is...
gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/76302/… - I created the tag for the game; can someone who knows it check that it is 'calib**u**r' and not the spelling in the question ... I did search online and see the related tags first.
Bah why can't I use bolding within a word? :(
@AshleyNunn Oh, wait. The title on the original Star Command Kickstarter update says "You're getting a Copy of Star Command for PC/Mac"
@Alok Because markdown's dumb sometimes. And yes, your tag is correct.
@fbueckert yeaaah. I dont care about the PC and Mac version! I want mobile. :D
@FAE Thanks - new to admin type stuff on SE so I'd rather bug you guys with questions at first ;)
@Alok No problem. :)
@AshleyNunn I care about PC/MAC! How else can I get my beast of a machine to run a 16-bit isometric space adventure game!
@fbueckert hahaha this is a fair point I suppose. I just do most of my gaming hand held
@AshleyNunn Honestly, I'll be very surprised if this game manages to top 10% CPU usage.
Even trying REAL hard, I can't get my computer to top 50% RAM usage.
I will pretend I understand what you just said.
I'm so nervous talking to @AshleyNunn now. She is so fancy.
@OrigamiRobot Aw :( don't be nervous, I am still me underneath!
@AshleyNunn My computer laughs at game requirements. And then stomps all over them.
@fbueckert Fair enough. See that, I understand
@AshleyNunn Congratulatioooooooooons! <3
@FAE Aww, thanks!
> The mobile version (iOS, Android) is on track for Late Summer. The PC/Mac release will be POST LAUNCH after the dust settles on the mobile version.
So...August sometime, I hope?
@fbueckert Late summer? I am betting it will be like the last day of August
@AshleyNunn Technically, they have until Sept. 21 to release, then.
@fbueckert This is true. Sad, but true.
@AshleyNunn ahem
@OrigamiRobot What? innocent smile
Ooh. They're going for cross-platform save games.
Play on PC. Dump to phone. Continue game at work. Dump back to PC when you get home.
@fbueckert I fear that project
@James Why is that?
@AshleyNunn You sly devil.
@OrigamiRobot I am innocent! I promise! and I am the same me underneath the blue.
@fbueckert Never read their blog? About how they ended up with like <$4000 for development of the game?
And now they are asking for 100,000 for a PC/Mac version of it??? I am not sure I believe that...
@James I saw it on the updates, yeah. I thought they were being pretty honest about it, which is better than most.
@fbueckert Honesty doesnt deliver you a finished product man :)
@James True. And they have yet to deliver anything.
But I'd like to give them the benefit of a doubt; apparently it demoed very well at PAX.
Yeah, but demo does not a real game make - I know of quite a few things that demoed at PAX or something similar and never saw the light of day
so @ashley, uh, hey, how's it going? good? yeah, good.
I uh, I'll talk to you later.
This is the best message I have recieved all day
@fbueckert and maybe my google skills are failing but that is all I can find on them. The other article was written right as their kickstarter was completed...
Oooh, Rhythm Thief and The Emperor's Treasure releases today. :D
Q: Can dead targets hire thugs to come after you?

wraith808In Skyrim, I only pickpocket bandits (basically to raise my skill level with no chance of detrimental effects), and only right before I kill them. However, when I left a bandits' hideout recently, there were thugs waiting outside with a contract signed by a bandit. Is the lag between pickpocket...

Q: What effect does Realm choice have and is it permanent?

FAEI picked up Rage of Bahamut, a mobile CCG game (Android version). The first step of the Tutorial asks me to choose a realm, either Man, Gods or Demons. I'm not quite sure what, if any, effect this has on actual gameplay though. It also marks the Gods realm as "Recommended", and it says that if ...

@Sterno I find I don't get hooked that easily - I play most of them for a week or two, but the moment I have to start thinking premium currency, I am out. Take Synga stuff - you cant play for long without either friends or money, so I tend to be like eeeeeh, no - I am very much a solo creature who doesn't want to spend any morey
@Sterno I've read that before; those are no longer games, they're psychological exercises to grab and retain users as long as possible.
@fbueckert Yeah, they're mindless click exercises, like rats going for food.
Mind you, I still play them.
But I also play "real games"
@AshleyNunn What are "real games"?
My sister is one of those people feeding Zynga bajillions of dollars
@Fluttershy In this case, probably ones that aren't specifically designed to feed into psychological addiction triggers and suck your money away.
I always fail at quoting
@Sterno Me too, don't feel bad
Of course, there are people — like me — who would never spend money on one of those games. That’s actually ninety-five-ish percent of the people. And then there are the people — statistics show they are middle-aged women — who will gladly spend upward of $10,000 on one game in less than a year.
My sister is that 5%
@Sterno ...I'm so sorry
@Sterno That's so sad.
@Sterno We're going to have to put her down, it's the kindest thing to do.
Award goes to @RonanForman for first suggesting murdering an innocent stranger
@tiddy I won that a long time ago.
@Fluttershy Things that don't require "premium curency" and don't look or feel anything like Farmville
@AshleyNunn Oooh, gotcha.
@Sterno I don't even have that kind of money.
@AshleyNunn Also known as, "Games"
@fbueckert Yeaaaah
Zynga doesn't makes games. They make psychological addiction experiments.
@fbueckert Most things labelled "casual" in the Android Market fall under this label
But then there are awesome non-addicting things like Bag It. Which is my favourite thing ever.
my mother's probably one of those middle aged 10k'ers, although I don't know if she actually does this. she's pretty hopelessly addicted to angry birds.
that word "monetization" can die
the word "blog" still grates to me. "vlog" is far worse, though.
@agent86 At least it doesn't have a strong link to needing to pay to get the best items
@agent86 eeergh. vlog.
@pixel same with gamification
@AshleyNunn yeah. it's like going to the dentist, hearing that word. the scraping.
on the inside of my brain, the scraping
@AshleyNunn but that's why we have SE
@agent86 That describes it perfectly
@AshleyNunn Gamification is something else; it shouldn't be associated with monitization.
@murgatroid99 I know, but I just hate the word
@agent86 agree on that too
@fbueckert I am not associating them beyond hating the word
@murgatroid99 Arqadification?
@AshleyNunn and that
Pretty sure out of all those words, monetization is the only one that has been around longer than 10 years
@fbueckert That doesn't even look like a pronounceable word because of the "qa"
@murgatroid99 Pronounce it like you do Arqade.
@fbueckert the point was that that doesn't look like a pronounceable word either
@murgatroid99 This.
@murgatroid99 I'm not trying to get into a debate about whether the name sucks or not; it's our name, we have to live with it.
@fbueckert I know, and I try not to complain about it because it's much better than arguing about it for all of eternity, but it will just take some time to get used to
Do players buy energy? What sorts of players buy energy? The short answer is: actual idiots. The long answer is: people who don’t understand why they have so much real-world money. heh
@Sterno I have paid a few times, but it was only like 99 cents for a very specific purpose
I'll stop quoting, I don't mean to offend anyone here. My sister has poor money management skills and also doesn't make all that much money, so seeing her waste it on games like this is a sore spot for me.
@Sterno I can see how it might be :(
I have absolutely no doubt that there are people who can play these games reasonably.
Yeah, I jut figured I would offer my own viewpoint on how I approach it
@Sterno The vast majority were originally targetted at kids, to siphon as much of their parent's money as they could.
@fbueckert which is why iOS at least put protections in place. Not that people apparently use them often, but they could
@AshleyNunn The people behind games like this rank just behind spammers, for me.
@AshleyNunn I saw the title and immediately closed the tab.
@Fluttershy Aww, no, its CUTE and it is about COOKIES
@fbueckert I dunno. I feel that's kind of harsh. Maybe behind or comparable to drug dealers, but certainly not as bad as spammers!
@RESPAWN They're deliberately taking advantage of psychological addiction triggers. Just like drug dealers, except there's no effect on their body. They're RIGHT behind spammers.
I like to think it isnt that nefarious
enough secret world crashes today
my rage meter is overfilled
transport tycoon time
@pixel Tell me it's at least OpenTTD.
of course I'm way too young to have an original
@fbueckert While I was attempting to be humorous in my early comment, it's been shown that MMOs deliberately take advantage of the same sorts of psychological addiction triggers. Are they any better from a moral standpoint? If so, why?
@RESPAWN no MMOs are just as evil as microtransaction-powered f2p games
especially since most MMOs are in fact microtransaction-powered f2p games
@RESPAWN Originally, MMOs were better due to the up-front cost: "$15/month". Now, though, they're taking a page straight out of Zynga's playbook.
They didn't beat around the bush and try to trick the player; it was just, "If you want to play, you have to pay."
Yeah, I suppose that is true, but at the same time....idk. People should learn self control, sometimes, I think.
@AshleyNunn This is also true, but it's also harder to kick the habit when there's so many deliberate addiction triggers there. I say this as someone who has game addiction problems, it's... really really hard sometimes.
@FAE Oh yeah - I totally recognize that there are other things at play, including things that are hard to control. :)
Really, we're getting into the same arguments for or against a lottery. Should we regulate something and/or deny/allow it in order to protect the fiscally irresponsible? I don't personally think we should. But hey. That's my opinion. :)
Is one of you 'Roe' on Steam?
@spugsley You're welcome.
@RESPAWN this.
@AshleyNunn: Become corrupt with power yet?
@Wipqozn >.> No....Maybe....no.
Q: What is the point of cattle?

fluffelsI know you can get them from raizing villages, or by buying them. But what do you do with them?

@Wipqozn current power corruption level: 14%. "willing to use powers on things she finds marginally objectionable if having a bad day"
not bad for a day, but we can do better.
@agent86 Exactly! I mean you become completely corrupt within a matter of minutes of getting your diamond. Surely @AshleyNunn can do it in a few days.
@Wipqozn I am too nice. It's not going to happen.
@AshleyNunn Fur sure.
@Wipqozn yeah, she hasn't had to deal with enough unreasonable people yet. that tends to accelerate the process. I, on the other hand, have years of experience which made me pre-jaded.
@RESPAWN Agree, remove the warning labels etc. ;) Problem is that the unethical can amass a lot of money & power due to the stupid :(
@agent86 I did work as a supervisor at a Tim Hortons. Someone threw creamers at me because I didn't make their coffee right. Also, we once found a thong in the childrens charity donation box, but I don't think that was ever a remark on my behaviour or my character.
@Alok Damn ethics always getting in the way of the rich!
@AshleyNunn Or be cheapskates, like me! I love the f2p model, because I don't spend a dime (I have more fun learning a new game than actually completing it, and def. don't want to pay to complete it faster)
@Alok Yeah that is really how I play too
@RESPAWN would-be rich >_> Sucks to be ethical in this world but what can you do
@AshleyNunn Oh retail, how you're terrible to work in.
@Wipqozn It wasn't too bad most of the time, but I am also glad I don't have to do it anymore.
My main complaint about f2p is most of them are just cookie cutter grinds; I don't mind grindy but atleast make it somewhat interesting and not horribly imbalanced skill trees with 99% fedex or kill-em-all quests
@Alok yeah, I find I am quite picky now with what I will actually try
@AshleyNunn You do know that you don't get paid to be a moderator, right? You can't just up and quit your day job now that you're a mod.
@Wipqozn Oh. Well then. takes her books and goes home
@AshleyNunn Hmm - in that case, any MMOs you found interesting? Preferably those that don't absolutely require partying up or PvP
@Alok yeah, those are reaaaally hard to find, unfortunately, and I haven't yet found something worth keeping around.
A lot of the F2P model requires money, friends, or beating on other people.
@Alok City of Heroes isn't too bad as F2P. @FAE will probably disagree with me, though.
It doesn't help that most of what I play is mobile.
@AshleyNunn I blame you for the thong. charity-box-thong'er!
@agent86 ....I have so many not appropriate responses here.
@AshleyNunn that's the way the best conversations start! ;)
@agent86 I tend to get myself in trouble.
@agent86 a) my hand is too small to fit in the box. b) I don't wear thongs. c) THINK OF THE CHILDREN
@AshleyNunn yeah, and you're supposed to be an exemplar of community behavior! It's only day 2!
@agent86 hush you
Feb 8 at 14:29, by StrixVaria
I'm trying to think of a good chemistry joke. But all the good ones Argon.
@StrixVaria yeah, but his has a cat.
@StrixVaria You totally stole that images joke.
@StrixVaria Man, I hate it too when I tell a noble gas joke and I get no reaction.
@MarkTrapp I Xe what you did there.
@fbueckert I'll add it to my games-to-try list, thanks for the recommendation.
@AshleyNunn I do have an android phone (Galaxy S2), so if its f2p without heavy data use I can still try it (actually, would have to be really high data usage to use up my 5gb quota)
@Alok Okay, cool, I will keep that in mind, and let you know if I find anything awesome
@RESPAWN laughs I like that.
I really like SMBC. It's "smart" humor.
Third base!
@RESPAWN indeed, it's on my short list of comics I read regularly.
@Alok 5GB? Holy crap.
@agent86 I'm going back through the entire back catalog there. I used to read it sporadically, so there's a lot that I've missed over the years
Q: Minecraft login problems, redo

mikkelSo I have a problem with my minecraft. Everytime i try to log into minecraft i get this error code: java.net.UnknownHostException: session.minecraft.net. And a tweet from a Mojang worker told us to flush our DNS, wich was easy so I did that, and it's simply diden't work. suggestions would be appr...

Q: Where can I find my referral code?

FluttershyIn Rage of Bahamut, you receive a nice bonus when a friend signs up using your referral code. There's just one small problem. I can't find my referral code! I've checked every screen I could find (even the FAQ), and was unsuccessful. A quick Google search brought back nothing but "lololol use my...

@Fluttershy You're welcome! And belated happy birthday.
@FAE Thank you! =3 It is awesome.
That is pretty awesome. I wish I could draw. :(
I think my diablo shirt arrived today.
according to my spies at my house.
@agent86 You really need to learn how to spycheck better
@AshleyNunn I still looked at a picture!
@RESPAWN I don't think the children would appreciate me taking a flamethrower to their mother.
@FAE Still. I tried to draw ponies looking at a picture. It did not go well. I fared slightly better with Mario characters.
@FAE wow, that's some good art. I can't art to save my life.
my freehand circles are all I have
I'm just replaying ME3 as renegade, that path is pretty different from the earlier games. This time it seems I have to shoot all my friends to save the galaxy
@FAE Its the TMobile pref. android - 5gb at high speed, and still usable after that but it throttles down. I hardly use it too, mainly just for gps etc.
@agent86 Thanks. :)
@Alok Gotcha. How much of that do you end up using per month?
@agent86 the police probably wouldn't appreciate it either.
@agent86 Not to mention, it might hurt the resale value of your house.
@AshleyNunn I can only really draw stuff looking at pictures, I can't draw out of my head very well. :(
@FAE I like drawing. I am just not good at it. XD
@FAE Currently, < 100 mb would be my guess; I don't even check. Used it as primary net conn. for a short while which was nice, but can't watch streaming movies etc. on that (well u can but with buffering, and quota will go fast lol)
@Alok Haha, yeah.
I use mine pretty heavily (lots of downloads, etc, and tethering to my laptop on ocassion) and I haven't yet hit 2 gb let alone 5
@RESPAWN well, the former pedophile owner probably doesn't help the resale value of my house either. I doubt burning it down in an act of murder is going to help much.
Can anyone confirm that Quantum Conundrum uses steam cloud? The steam store page doesn't mention it
A: Where is the Quantum Conundrum save file location?

wokI only have the demo, and it seems Steam Cloud is used. Have a look at: C:\{YourProgramFiles}\Steam\userdata\{YourSteamId}\200010\remote Reference: SPUF.

@agent86 Oh yeah... I keep forgetting that the previous owner of your house had to start every introduction with "Pursuant to Megan's Law..."
@agent86 You did change the locks when you moved in, right?
@RESPAWN stay classy, previous (perv-ious?) owner!
Another successful game of mass-train-pileup tycoon completed
@pixel Good job! :D (Sometimes I like to play games like that just to see how many things I can break. Like killing people on Roller Coaster Tycoon.)
@AshleyNunn did you see that dorkly video I linked for Fluttershy the other day when we were talking RCT?
@AshleyNunn Ooooh boy. I used to have so much fun doing that in RCT. I used to giggle like a little school girl whenever somebody flew out of one of my roller coasters.
for both of you then:
yesterday, by agent86
@Fluttershy http://www.dorkly.com/video/40273/roller-coaster-tycoon-disaster
@agent86 I dont think so, I think I was in class so I couldn't watch it
I think what we have established here is that bored gamers are akin to mass murdering psychotics
@AshleyNunn If only this thing would actually work in RCT: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_Coaster
@agent86 lol
@RESPAWN Oh man. That scares me that someone thought it up
@agent86 That is my RCT experience in a nutshell
@agent86 Simply awesome
@AshleyNunn "Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Wreckage. Corpses. Vomit. Vomit."
@FAE grins yeah, that is about right
@FAE this was my favorite part of the video, I'm lol'ing at work now, dammit!
@agent86 :D
@Fluttershy That's pretty kick ass.
@Wipqozn :D
hey me just met you, and this is crazy, but you got cookie, so share it maybe
@AshleyNunn You can KILL people in those games!?
Q: surviving against unique in inferno: defense or damage?

user978548My question is quite simple: what should I choose for my level 60 wizard to survive and pursue the game better in inferno, defense or dps ? I can imagine that a tank wizard may not be a wise choice, but what about some defense instead of a 100% damage oriented character ? If so, where to do so ?...

Now I must try them.
@GnomeSlicE yup!
@GnomeSlicE If you don't like someone, just pick him up and drop him in the water. He'll flail for a while, then drown.
@StrixVaria I always liked doing that to the entertainers
@StrixVaria I've never played them, I always assumed they were like Sim Theme Park where you couldn't actually interact with anyone.
@agent86 Damn it, I was trying to avoid listening to this but Jochem just opened it. :|
@FAE thwarted!
@FAE but it is about COOKIES!!!!
@agent86 I already linked this. It is my new favouritest song.
@Lazers Bad question.
Too subjective.
I...am flabbergasted. This question didn't get reverted, and in fact, he edited it to be even clearer!
@AshleyNunn boo for repost, but yay for agreement on awesomeness.
@Wipqozn aww
any battlefield 3 players :D?
@Wipqozn ROFL
@agent86 Ray Charles!
@RESPAWN The fact that someone thought that up scares and amuses me at the same time.
@RESPAWN What the fuck is this...
@GnomeSlicE The rollercoaster....of death!
@GnomeSlicE Only the most fun way ever to commit suicide!
eugh, does anybody else ever go on wikipedia to look something up and then an hour or so later finds themselves still on wikipedia on something completely random?
Yeah literally everyone
@tiddy Not I. That's what tvtropes is for.
You may thank me in several hours. :P
But I learn things on Wikipedia
@tiddy I learn things on TVTropes
"This wiki is a catalog of the tricks of the trade for writing fiction."
@tiddy and those are the things that I learn about. I find it quite enlightening
and no citations
@tiddy Like citations help Wikipedia be more accurate.
@tiddy most of the stuff on TVTropes either wouldn't benefit from citations or is not important enough to warrant their usage
So it helps you watch and read entertainment?
@tiddy Having names/categorization for concepts helps think and communicate about those concepts. It's useful for the same reason that knowing design patterns is useful to programmers
Are you interested in writing for tv or videogames
@sidran32 Hey
@tiddy no, but sometimes I like talking about tv or video games
I haven't been around these parts as much. Figured I'd check it out.
@sidran32 We're crazy. Run while you can!
@FAE I was unaware you could draw.
@Wipqozn I try.
wikipedia ... tvtropes ... bash.org ... darwinawards.com ... all of them I end up meandering around too much :p
@FAE and you succeed.
@Wipqozn Well, thank you, that means a lot. :) I put a lot of work into that.
@fbueckert abandon all hope... yadda yadda. also something about bans.
@agent86 Oh, yes. Forgot to mention that.
Our mods are corrupt and ban when the whim strikes them.
Which is usually every five seconds or so.
@FAE I agree. I thought that picture looked great
brings in wild boar
@murgatroid99 Thank you. It means a lot coming from the other MLP fans. :D
so I've defeated Satan with Judas, Cain, Maggie, Isaac and ??? (in reverse order)
that leaves... Eve. sigh
and, looking forward, Sanson, but not just yet
For reference, it was drawn on an A3-sized sheet of paper with a mix of colored pencils and soft pastels.
Eve and the more bullshit "defeat four horsemen in the same run" achievement
Q: What is the pattern of pills to give the dolls?

Shy Guy is awesomeIn Silent Hill, what is the order of pills to give the dolls in the infirmary?

Q: What triggers a battle event in timeline?

naxaIn Age of Empires 2, what is the trigger for drawing a battle event in the Achievements timeline? It seems to be very far from actual happenings, but I just can't get what is a "battle" for the AOE2 engine. For example, often an Extintion Event is NaB Not a Battle.

Q: In Xbox 360 Spelunky what secret characters are there are how do you unlock them?

KeithWhat secret characters can you unlock in Spelunky and how do you find them?

Q: I've been farming Inferno Act 1, but slowly. What is the most efficient Act 1 run?

CloudieThe title says it all. I've been farming the Butcher, but I know that there's gotta be a more efficient farming route in Act 1. Anybody have any good spots?

as if I had much control over horsemen bosses
@QAdp If you get the Book of Revelations, the horsemen bosses become significantly more likely
and even with that, that achievement took me at least a couple hundred games to get
@murgatroid99 you need to get it soon enough though
sure, with Judas the BoR seemed to be the only thing shops ever stocked in the Basement
@QAdp or get lucky and get a horseman boss before getting it
@FAE Ah, I wasn't sure if it was pastel or crayon in the photo. :)
A: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep difficulties!

Shy Guy is awesomeJust try your best. Maybe putting commands in your command deck strategically may help.

@AshleyNunn Pastels! Much easier to use for coloring in a large area. A3 is... 29.7cm × 42cm
The definition of a bad answer.

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