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@Wipqozn Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore...
Oh, hey. I found Grandia downstairs, too.
@strix since it looks like you picked up TSW too: what is name for Fwendz.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That would be character nickname, right?
Q: What do the numbers under the thumb icon mean in Dungeon Defenders?

Craig P. MotlinWhen I look at gear on the ground, there are two numbers just under the thumb icon - a fraction like 160/220. What do these numbers mean?

@Mana Whaaaaaaat?
@Strix yes
@LessPop_MoreFizz InvaderSkoodge
Q: Can any of the minecraft monsters break glass?

Koolade99I tend to build my house nearly completely out of glass (I like to be able to see all nearby threats.) I used to play the free version of Minecraft pocket edition, but I've decided to pay the 7 dollars for the game. I've been trying to research stuff I should know before I buy it, and I couldn't ...

Q: What am I supposed to see through the Telescope on A Reasonable Man - Tier 3?

LessPop_MoreFizzI'm working on the quest A Reasonable Man on The Savage Coast. I've just reached Tier 3, and I've been directed to 'Use a Telescope'. Easy enough, I've found the scope, and if I pan around, I can see a big Zombie dude down on the beach. Seems simple enough, but the quest doesn't update. I've as...

@fbueckert Several of those are things I almost bought, but stopped myself due to not having started other games yet :(. How is Resonance of Fate, I went for FF XIII over that and kinda regretted it with the linear gameplay (of 13)
@Alok Resonance of Fate is...interesting. I like it, but the batle system switches from easy to "Crap, gonna die" instantly.
Q: Errors during installation

RandomUbuntuUserSetting up quake3-data (1-0ubuntu2) ... /var/lib/dpkg/info/quake3-data.postinst: 24: [: /host/Games: unexpected operator /var/lib/dpkg/info/quake3-data.postinst: 32: [: /host/Games: unexpected operator cp: omitting directory `/host/Games' cp: cannot stat `Installed/Quake-3/baseq3/pak0.pk3': No su...

Can someone tell me if this looks good:
Oi, you guys should check out the 1up bundle.
Huh. I can't seem to find Front Mission. Boo.
This is really pissing me off. I can't do anything on the internet any more, like listen to music, for example.
@GnomeSlicE Any reason in particular?
@RedRiderX My internet has gotten too slow.
@GnomeSlicE I see.
@GnomeSlicE Already got it.
@RedRiderX Both of them? Also, it wasn't specifically for you.
@GnomeSlicE I realize, and yes, I got them both free with the album debut.
@RedRiderX That 'buy' link goes to the album page, the deal is still there.
Can someone watch the trailer for Lifeless Planet for me and explain it to me?
The game sounds interesting.
@AshleyNunn Late reply; but I only want them for free once @fbueckert gets anti-grav working, since he obviously can't finish them all himself >_>. Too lazy to invent stuff to earn them myself!
Oh, hey, there it is!
13,000 NES and SNES sprites in one image: i.minus.com/i4i1gDYd4ZGk.png
@GnomeSlicE Russia goes to Mars, finds out it's already an alien ghost town?
> While seeking life on a distant planet, a skeptical astronaut discovers an abandoned Russian laboratory and suspects his mission is a hoax until a mysterious young woman saves him from a strange and deadly phenomenon...
@GnomeSlicE Sooo... Russia goes to Mars, finds out it's already an alien zombie ghost town?
@RedRiderX Dunno, sounds cool though.
@GnomeSlicE I already linked that. :P
@fbueckert From where?
@GnomeSlicE Destructoid.
@GnomeSlicE Made with Blender and Unity, so I already have goodwill towards it.
3 hours ago, by fbueckert
user image
@fbueckert I believed you...
One more, can someone watch the trailer for this and tell me what it is:
Featured on indievania, so it's probably pretty good.
Also this one if you don't mind.
@GnomeSlicE Not a fan of the graphics at all.
@fbueckert Really? I think they look cool.
@GnomeSlicE Too undefined for me. A platformer with two different characters? Meh.
This game was awesome.
@fbueckert I don't know what you're talking about, I can't watch the trailer.
I've gotten 3 seconds into it so far.
34 seconds into the lifeless planet trailer. I give up. I'm going to have to wait till I'm in class on Thursday.
secret world seriously makes my brain itch at times
@RonanForman So. Much. Yes.
Will have to check schedule.
Congrats @Ashley!
@AnnaLear I was amused.
So, do we know what our mouse pads look like?
@GnomeSlicE Looks alright, but... For the price, I'd just as soon spend an extra $10 and get Alice: Madness Returns.
@Fluttershy I really liked Madness Returns.
@John They're probably gonna be rectangular in shape, and about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch thick... I'm guessing grey or blue with the Arqade logo in the center. =P
@Shinrai I did too. A lot of people thought the platforming lacked something, but I thought it was excellent. The environments were amazing, too!
@Fluttershy Yeah, it got a little long and repetitive but WOW the art direction
@agent86 DIABLOOOOOOO!!!!!
Also I liked that it didn't really have bosses.
Can anyone point me to a meta on site policy about pre-release Beta questions?
@Shinrai I enjoyed that too. Half the time, the environments were more deadly than most bosses, and the minor boss fights it did have (Executioner and Puppet Master) were done very well.
@EBongo I'm not sure if it was specifically addressed. I know we've argued back and forth on it
@EBongo still recovering from illness. have some shoulders for you when next we meet though.
@Sterno I had prepared an answer to GraceNote's question about pre-release non-Beta questions and then realized that it was ... the opposite of the right place.
@agent86 I have some OCR related questions for you, when you recover. I've got tesseract working, but I need to train it on a new language, and I'm a little too dumb to understand the documentation on training.
It's a hairsbreadth though... just slightly too dumb.
@EBongo we have the technology, we can rebuild you.
sooooo....who wants to play through the last part of Act 2 with me?
any takers?
@spugsley If it's on Normal, sure!
@Fluttershy -.-; definitely not on normal. Booooorrrinnnggggg
@spugsley Your face is boring.
Q: Where can I get each of the following currencies?

pixelIn The Secret World, there are six currencies as far as I can tell. These are: Black Mark of Venice White Mark of Venice Sequin of Solomon Island Sequin of the Valley of the Sun Gods Sequin of Transylvania Black Button The sequins are given as a quest reward in each of the relevant areas, so...

Huh... "Failed to find Steam" keeps popping up when I try launching a game...
Q: "Failed to find Steam" when starting

pixelI have bought Deus Ex: Game of the Year edition on Steam and I am experiencing an issue that prevents me from playing. When I start the game I immediately get the following error; The game then immediately quits. Any ideas?

applies to all steam games afaik
blame 64 bit windows and sloppy programming
ok I've been awake 12 hours, time for a snooze
I just leveled up by eating/drinking everything in my inventory. I love Fallout New Vegas
Also drinking 5 beers, 3 bottles of wine, 3 bottles of scotch and 3 bottles of whiskey is perfectly safe
I also shot a bunch of people. It was an accident. Several times. In the head.
@BenBrocka Accidentally shot them in the head? <.< How does one go about this?
@OrigamiRobot Why so yelly? What did I do?
Well I was accidentally walking around with my laser pistol out, you see
Also, thanks for the congrats, all. :D I am kinda muppetflailing, but libraries is a good site. :D So it should be a fun time.
And then a bunch of people kept walking in my way as I accidentally pulled the trigger 4 dozen times
The moral of the story is I'm very clumsy and a town of people is dead
@AshleyNunn you've turned blue! the super-moderator serum must be taking effect. you may feel a bit tingly but it goes away.
Time to break this blue combo.
@agent86 O.o well, I am glad it goes away eventually, it is a tad uncomfortable ;)
@Fluttershy sadface
this game isn't even fun any more :/ Fuck you Act 2
@AshleyNunn oh, yeah, you're going to be petrified that you'll screw up for a while. and then you do, and everyone gets mad, and then they get over it, and you find out why we always blame badp :P
even more blues!
@AshleyNunn You're a scamp.
@agent86 Pft, I wasn't
@agent86 I actually stepped away from the internet for a few hours because I was freaking out so bad aobut it. A swim and dinner and cheesy tv later and I feel better
@spugsley You're still playing.
Close stuff, suspend people
@OrigamiRobot Any particular reason, or just because?
@BenBrocka yeah, but we're trying to make her feel better. be internet tough guy later!
@AshleyNunn We don't need to play games here.
@OrigamiRobot You are confusing me.
@spugsley Wasn't fbueckert or someone going to help you faceroll A2?
of course none of us tough moderators had any butterflies, I mean cmon we were practically born ready. just tryin' to, y'know, go easy on the newbie.
@AshleyNunn Suuuure
@Alok he's not around :/ But it probably wouldn't matter. Act 3 probably sucks just as hard
@OrigamiRobot Whatever is going on, I am completely innocent of all of it.
@agent86 Oh, yes, I am sure that is exactly how it is.
Act 3 doesn't have invisible snakes; should be much better for DH (or pretty much any class)
@AshleyNunn rawr! tough! grrrr!
@agent86 For some reason, I am picturing a baby bear saying this. Or a teddy bear.
If you don't suspend a user in your first 24 hours as a mod you get fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun
I hate A2 with snakes and A4 with oppressor/angel charge (A4 is still better than A2 imho, apart from higher hp & damage)
It's a very powerful cannon
@spugsley I'm back now; I've got about 45 minutes, if you want to do some running around.
@BenBrocka Guess I am doomed - so far libraries seems to be full of niceness
@OrigamiRobot Careful, man. @AshleyNunn is a moderator now! She could suspend you. =P
@Fluttershy Only if he was on Libraries XD
@AshleyNunn or chat! don't forget you're a moderator everywhere on chat.
@agent86 Oh. reeeeeally?
@AshleyNunn yeah. validate a flag on chat and you'll suspend, regardless of the site.
I should get with @Wipqozn and make an Area 51 proposal for MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic.stackexchange.com
@agent86 tented fingers of evil
you can also do all the usual moderator thingies.
Does anyone know if it's possible to play Fallout New Vegas while just kind of killing everyone? Can I be on like one faction's good side and just wreck stuff?
@fbueckert I don't want to inconvience you :(
@AshleyNunn NOW you're a moderator >:D
@AshleyNunn it's only for 30 minutes though. If you want it to be longer you can go to their profile and set a length
@BenBrocka Depends on the faction, I think... but... As far as I know, it is possible...
@spugsley Let's go! Where do you want to start?
@fbueckert where I left off :) the blood and something quest or whatever
@BenBrocka bans everyone forever
@spugsley Suggestion: Get him to help kill Belial so you can do A3 whenever
@agent86 grins Until I feel bad and start giving people cookies
@Fluttershy Are quests still available? It seemed like even quest givers were trying to kill me after the whole thing
@BenBrocka It's been so long since I played, but... I sided with the NCR... They didn't seem to mind much if I killed everything.
That sounds good
I can do the major quest stuff through them or what?
I have only played so far as to murder everyone in the first town
except the robot cause I couldn't find him again (and he probably would have killed me anyway)
Now -I- want a cookie
@BenBrocka Well, you will eventually reach a point where you have to decide who you want to side with for the main quest. Whether it's Caesar, NCR, New Vegas, or..... the robot thing whose name escapes me right now... Also, there are some NPCs who are required for said quests, so I doubt you could kill them.
there's apparently an Essential setting which means you can't kill them
But I meant more in the sense that "if I kill freaking everyone is the game going to end up imposisbly difficult due to no supplies/ect"
I was hoping I could sort of just kill people and take their stuff
@BenBrocka Should be possible... Again, been a while since I've played... Just keep an eye on your reputation screen. As long as you're neutral or positive with most of them, you should be fine.
@BenBrocka you might want to side with the legion then. most of the civilians aren't legion faction aligned.
also there's a point in the game (when you follow the main quest line to new vegas) where all your reputation resets
the game's fairly easy, imho, so supplies shouldn't be an issue
@agent86 cool. But will killing tons of people significantly impact how much stuff I can collect, or can I make it up by stealling/looting?
Seems like it so far, I remember Morrowind totally murders you if you try to kill the first town
@BenBrocka well, if you side with the legion you're out the NCR quests anyhow (you can't do both chains completely in a single game)
and honestly, the best rewards are those you find
and there's a lot of "kill everyone" options, in many quests.
you can murder a freaking metric ton of people in a couple of different ways of ending quests.
Sounds good
the game's pretty easy though - there's a way to beat it in less than a day of game time, on hardcore, with one of the hardest endings, if you play your cards right (in a matter of speaking...)
it's actually kind of a fun way to win, tbh
So is Hardcore not that crazy annoying difficult? I was thinking of doing a hardcore run with the canibalism perk if it's feasible (seems like a good way to keep stocked up and get plenty of food)
Are there special places I should find to store crap?
eh, it wasn't really interesting to me, except for the related achievement. I don't know that it's super challenging, though. I kind of preferred the ability to roam and explore without penalties.
@BenBrocka yeah, much like the TES games, there's only certain areas which are "owned" and therefore safe to store items - the first is a motel room in Novac.
yeah. Since the achievement would be on steam I don't care nearly as much
I heard there's some empty vault that's safe too?
@BenBrocka I primarily used Novac, although later in the plot you gain access to a spot in the New Vegas strip. The room in Novac was plenty, though, seeing as you can store as much as you want in an object. when in doubt, I'd consult the wiki before leaving anything valuable anywhere you're not certain is safe.
with fast travel, you can be at novac in the time it takes the game to load.
anyhow, I'm overdue for bed, enjoy your murdering :)
@agent86 k. sounds suitable
I will
A: Solo Wizard Builds?

silentnightJust thought I'd add my 2 cents; I have tried lots and I mean lots of different builds on my wiz, and even though they each have their ups and downs I have found a few that I believe to work the best, through trial and error. As far as kiting goes, some people are better at it than others, so thi...

I just edited this, but I'm stuck on:
> The first thing I do is use torrent and drop a hydra fire as many orbs as you can teleport away and drop hydra again.
Wait, nevermind
I thought it was 'hydra fire' but it's not, I don't think
no, I think it is "drop a hydra. Fired as many orbs as you can, teleport away..."
Yeah, I re-edited it to that.
He had like two periods in the entire thing.
I'm getting tired of having to correct instances of 'rape' to 'beat' in posts by call of duty players...
There should be an automatic filter for that or something.
Yeah.....that is one of my least favourite re-appropriated words.
@AshleyNunn I know.
This answer adds nothing that has not already been said or discussed. So I have to downvote and report it as being a bad subjective answer. — Ramhound 12 hours ago
Uh.. 'HAVE to downvote and report it'?
@GnomeSlicE What?
@GnomeSlicE How do you find these gems of terribad prose? :p I saw the edit, props to you for the valiant fight!
@AshleyNunn Oh, it's unrelated.
@Alok I check out all of the 1 rep posts on the front page.
Anyway, that comment I just linked.
...I don't think that's the way it's supposed to work.
@GnomeSlicE yeah, I left a comment
@AshleyNunn Me too.
Mine's bigger.
@GnomeSlicE Are we comparing size now? ;)
@AshleyNunn I'm also not sure this actually answers your question, but I know nothing of the game.
@GnomeSlicE Yeah, no it doesnt
I swore i left a comment to that effect.
@AshleyNunn Although go for the most in order might mean 'take them in order from the list' or something.
@GnomeSlicE I think it is "Go for the most in order to..." in the sense that if I go for the most Sushi coins I can per creation, the better I will do
which isnt what i am asking about
I know nothing of the game.
Leave another comment then.
I did. I hope it worked this time XD
@AshleyNunn Spelling error. Hat = what.
aw crap
thanks for pointing it out
@EBongo @Fluttershy @James if you breed a Water dragon in the Epic Breeding Island (or put a Current dragon in the Lightening habitat) it Walks the Dinosaur on its fins and it is awesome
@AshleyNunn I read that as go for the most expensive ingredients for some reason
@Alok it helps if you know that sushi coins are used to help you find better quality ingredients
@BenBrocka ...........
@AshleyNunn Oh well - sorry, I have no clue about the game should've kept quiet :p. Would've tried it but I don't want to pay for a game that ends up making me hungry
@Alok giggles that's the worst part - I play for too long and all I can think about is how I need to go for sushi soon XD
It is a fun game though :)
Q: neverball: how to jump actually?

warl0ckI was playing neverball, well the video clearly shows you could jump over a corner, but it didn't tell you how to do that actually ? Is there a special key to press by the corner ? I'm just not sure how to take a aim

I've never played this, so is my answer okay?
But I'm a big fan of any game that involves balls.
@GnomeSlicE Seems fine to me (ages since I played Neverball though, and I hardly remember it). Its a free game and fairly small, you should try it - good fun for a quick game sometimes.
@Alok Downloading now, but it's 35 MB
Also, looking at that question I am surprised 'controls' isn't up for burnination
@Alok Yeah, me too.
Well - 35mb isn't too big considering game sizes nowadays!
I left it alone for now since there are 52 other instances.
Yeah, I don't really care about extra tags tbh (I'm more in favor of keeping some of them though I am in minority ;) ) ... but control is more useless than story et al.
I really wish some of you guys would play King Arthur's Gold with meeeeeeee
@Alok Me too, I don't really see any real harm, apart from the fact that the most used tag in the question is what will show up in a Google search.
@GnomeSlicE Uggh just the blocky site look is hard to parse easily, and I haven't played atleast 3 of the 4 games mentioned in 'About'.
@Alok Just watch the video.
@Alok Which four games?
> A mix of Minecraft, Terraria and Dwarf Fortress
It's more like TF2 meets Terraria.
@GnomeSlicE Didn't know about the tag & search connection :/. I would prefer to improve the tag system so there can be 'dependent' tags, but someone in chat mentioned that it was brought up and rejected way earlier
@Alok Oh yes, multiple times.
Q: neverball: how to jump actually?

warl0ckI was playing neverball, well the video clearly shows you could jump over a corner, but it didn't tell you how to do that actually ? Is there a special key to press by the corner ? I'm just not sure how to take a aim

Dependent tags seem like such a good idea but for whatever reason they were rejected (I forget why).
Yeah I've played Age of Empires, and I think AoE 2 as well - haven't even tried Minecraft or DF (though reading about boatmurdered makes DF seem really interesting)
@Alok The main thing with KaG is that most of the players do not understand team dynamics, and quite a number of them are very rude.
@Alok It's more like Team Fortress 2 than either of those.
@GnomeSlicE ... which, I'm embarrassed to say I still have not tried x_x. My list of games I should try is so long; I don't even bother to remember them
@Alok Mine is probably longer. I have virtual stacks of downloaded indies I've never tried.
Also, Team Fortress 2 isn't that great for me because my connection blows.
And I suck at it.
My excuse (besides also sucking at most FPS) is that I just don't like the category a whole lot; only enjoyed Halo multiplayer with local roommates but I usually go for rpg, strategy etc.
I think the bright blue color schemes of Wolfenstein 3D forever scarred me from enjoying FPS for a long time
@GnomeSlicE I haz found a way to possibly help you indirectly, by starring this! :D
@Alok I doubt it.
I've been talking about it for like a year.
@Alok If you want to try it, we can pick a free server and I can show you what's what. =]
This would be awesome for weekly game on sessions, but nobody is interested.
@GnomeSlicE If it was remotely anything I would like I would try it but it looks like it would frustrate me
@AshleyNunn Probably would, you have to put up with up to 31 other people at a time, half of which are on your team fucking with your stuff.
Or banning you because they don't understand how your traps work, so clearly you'er a griefer.
@GnomeSlicE Yeah, I would lose it, I think.
@AshleyNunn Well, you're a woman, that's an advantage, everyone will be nice to you.
They're gamers, lol.
I'll keep it in mind; but don't get your hopes up. I haven't really followed the idea of game on much, but I assume its mostly paid games w/ recurring subs or do you guys go for free/freemium ones like TF2 often?
@Alok Do I have you on Steam?
@Alok Sometimes. TF2 and LoL were the standbys at different times for both being free.
There's also Tankball.
Which is a game built on wasted potential.
i r incognito in most places ... and no, I don't have a single friend on Steam (I think I just installed it recently to try some demo, but do not regularly use it)
@Alok Ah, you should join the arqade group. =]
I do want to try LoL; will try to do that and get some idea of 'jungling', 'lanes' etc. in case there is a session again
@Alok I don't ever want the hear the word 'jungle' used as a verb again.
You know that question @AshleyNunn (iirc) posted about Steam rating? Mine would be 0.00001
I've not played the game, actually, but I'd probably like it.
@Alok Wasn't me, was @AnnaLear
I don't LIKE Steam. I DO like the way it handles all of your games for you in one place, but it's so goddamn slow it's not even funny.
@Alok There are quite a few of us who play League of Legends daily. We actually have a room specifically for LoL.... But it doesn't get much use anymore.
@Fluttershy Isn't like a billion datas of download.
@Fluttershy I wandered in there once, and the last message was 3 days old
@GnomeSlicE Wha...?
@Alok Yeah. We usually just talk on Steam or Mumble when we wanna play. =P
@GnomeSlicE How...... how long have you been in that room? O.o
I think I'm just going to declare myself the winner and be done with it.
@Fluttershy I just joined it...
> The last message was posted 106 days ago.
Beat THAT.
Next time we do a tournament there's going to be serious time constraints.
@GnomeSlicE And lots of bad questions?
@Fluttershy Not that kind of tournament. The Frozen Synapse thing was a community tournament, no questions on the site, just a fun event.
But it started 8 months ago...
I did my part and lost all the games I was scheduled to play.
@KevinY Welcome back. =]
Also, lol.
I should just pick DMA as the winner, he was the most into it.
Speaking of which, he's disappeared since then.
@GnomeSlicE Thanks. :D
I wonder if there's any point updating the thing with the advanced games and seeing if we can actually finish it.
@spugs what are you doing in there?
@GnomeSlicE what am I doing in where? O-o
@spugsley The frozen synapse room...
@GnomeSlicE idk what that is O-o
@GnomeSlicE well, that is interesting :/
Certainly is.
@spugs bye bye
@GnomeSlicE lol @IanPugsley had to show me how to do that
@spugsley Hah.
Has anyone seen @brant around lately?
@GnomeSlicE You mean @BrQAnt? He's in the room right now...
@Fluttershy Derp.
@BrQAnt Hello. Remember the Frozen Synapse tournament?
Trying to revive it again?
@BrQAnt Perhaps. We're so close to finishing it, 8 months later...
You two are, supposedly, playing an active game in the tourney. Though I see it was started on Apr 1, and by badp
I thought I resigned from that game...
@Alok Supposedly.
@BrQAnt I don't think so.
Well, I updated that.
I'm also not sure if @Wipqozn and I have played yet or not.
I think we must have.
@James you around?
@AshleyNunn Since you're a mod now, can you superping?
Or @agent86.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sup? (Thanks @GnomeSlicE)
Or @TylerShads?
@BrQAnt Anyway, would you be up for doing that game at some point?
Okay, I guess. Why don't you start? I'm going to bed now, but I'll try to play a round tomorrow night.
@BrQAnt Which server? UK or Texas. =] There's only two now.
Rah, it looks like the UK one is the one with all of my added friends and such.
@james Tab into TSW and lend me a hand real quick?
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah I am looking there again if you saw me earlier :)
2 hours later…
Q: Team Fortress 2 no longer has unicode support?

ShaderachA recent patch, I'm not sure which, has broken the unicode support within my Steam copy of TF2. Server names with non-Roman characters don't show. I don't even have umlauts which is silly considering that you need them to write Übercharge. Some googling didn't turn up anything recent, just a few...

2 hours later…
Q: Gaming via DLNA

Cees TimmermanI'm considering a plasma TV for the (solid) bedroom wall, but would like to minimize the number of cables it uses. Is there a DLNA solution that can stream live input from games such as Left 4 Dead to the TV?

lvl 46 monk in D3 wearing mostly white items >_< ... and couldn't even accept my trade of random equip to help out a bit! That account also has various other alts with a mix of white & blue items only :(
I noticed a funy thing in D3. You hire Templar to go and save Templar :)
@Eugene And neither of them think it's at all strange they're killing a guy who has the same name as the guy who wronged the first templar owfhqlhkdjwqh
@Lazers I like closing questions as much as the next guy, but this one is what is this I don't even
@GnomeSlicE Yes, you and I played a long time ago. You won.
@AshleyNunn Congrats on modship over at libraries.
@Fluttershy We could replace Upvotes with brohoofs!
@MarkTrapp Closing questions is a lot of fun, but that shouldn't have been closed.
user image
@Wipqozn needs more JPEG artifacts
Fucking trapdoor, second time I hit it by accident
@QAdp Video game, or RL?
Binding of Isaac
(also, fixed)

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