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@badp Yet another great language that lies about what it's data structures really are eh?
I'm in the middle of a flamewar with one of those low level neckbeards about how stupid it is that I can't peek into a C++ queue
It's very stupid
Certified official room opinion
(in case you're not aware a C++ queue is by default a vector of vectors, a vector being some makeup on top of a C array, which means direct access to the nth element is basically two dereferences away, and in fact this is supported by the underlying deque object)
(C# System.Collections.Generic.Queue<T> does have peek and it's great for my intcode computer)
we're doing this thing where we're using a different language every day so
it just so happens that this accidentally turned half of the days into C++ day
I'm using C# because I couldn't be assed to get another environment up and running on my work computer
@badp But this is how APIs work. Users of an API aren't supposed to be able to count on implementation details and access object internals that aren't part of the API
And having less functionality in an API allows for greater flexibility in implementing it
@Ash the turkey one was for Alex and she inhaled the entire thing without breathing, pretty much
The rest were all pretty tasty except for the Tyrian pie crust pizza, which was...regrettable
You just need to do CPS 200 level data structures homework and implement your own queue
#include <blackjack.h> etc
@ToxicFrog it doesn't sound great lol
@Ash for some reason the recipe specifies pie crust
@murgatroid99 and yet, queues require you to specify a backing implementation which must support operator[]
@badp I did not realize that
I just was annoyed that I first wanted to use vectors, then they turned out to be wrong for my problem, and then I used deques, which required me to rename a bunch of calls, and deques started misbehaving in very odd ways, which gets me to using queues, which just work, but don't allow peeking
@badp do they? The spec says the container type for std::queue only needs empty, size, front, back, push_back, and pop_front
The default container type for std::queue<T> is std::dequeue<T> which does have operator[] but there's no requirement that you use it.
@Ash The uncanon that symbol and I worked out for this is that Tyrian "pizza" is the result of some traveler getting a look at (or perhaps hearing described) Terran pizza and trying to recreate it at Tyria, but starting with a base of "tomato meat pie" rather than "bread with stuff on it".
(gdb) call *(c->in)
$8 = std::__cxx11::list = {[0] = 1, [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = Cannot access memory at address 0x10
(gdb) call c->in->size()
Python Exception <class 'gdb.MemoryError'> Cannot access memory at address 0x0:
Error while executing Python code.
So, "oh, it's like a tomato meat pie but with the crust on the bottom and some cheese"
amusingly only some SequenceContainers support operator[] which makes the entire exercise of having this kind of abstract base tyres questionable
@badp SequenceContainer doesn't guarantee operator[] either. Some containers that implement it are also valid SequenceContainers but the reverse is not true.
I mean
none of those things is guaranteed by SequenceContainer
And FTR, g++ lets me instantiate a std::queue<int, std::list<int>> without even warning.
array gets a pass on all insert methods
basically the only thing it guarantees is front()
I find this entire patchwork of partial implementations to be representative of the entire dislike I'm having for this stuff
"we wrote most of this for you! we couldn't be bothered to write the rest! sorry! you can open the types if you really want! but we'll look down on you and call you names!"
I mean, if you want to argue that C++ is painful to work in and C++ with just the STL and no boost or ABSL or the like is worse, I'm right there with you
And "C++'s addiction to letting you swap in custom allocators and backing stores to every single STL data structure causes more problems than it solves, like not being able to peek() a queue" is a position I largely agree with
that sounds mostly like my feelings, yes
as you might have noticed I've shied away from most of the fancy stuff
on that day where it asked me to find permutations of things I just looped every digit from 5 to 9 and asked that a != b && a != c && ...
instead of figuring out any of this double iterator bullshit
i think NZXT has fixed the issues with their CAM software, it's stopped saying my Kraken is on version 1 and that it's trying to detect the device when you go into the lighting options.......why is my Hue+ LED off? *checks firmware, Hue+ at version 1* grrr *reboots software, Kraken at version 1*.......had to jinx it
I made bacon onion mac-and-cheese!
I need more vegetables.
so I guess paste.ubuntu.com/p/P7ZP9gqKYG is a version of 16b not entirely unlike @Ronan's
while being single core it still seems remarkably slow
It's possibly editing my array in place may have helped me
2 minutes 20 instead of 7 minutes something for the toy example
I'll take it
maybe I can be a naughty boy and just re-def things...
I'm still on day 3 @.@
I've been hacking on doomrl-server rather than adventing, mostly
day 3 is foundational
day 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 are build on day 3
wait no
they're built on day 2
day 3 was really annoying
Huh, I thought it was the intcode interpreter that would be foundational, not the intersection-- aah, ok.
3a looks extremely straightforward, but ofc I don't have 3b unlocked yet
I did solve it in "just" 110 lines of prolog
I'm doing everything in clojure this year
oh no
Oh no?
is there like a profiler for this thing? This shit is surprisingly slow
I've boiled it down to adding half a million numbers together 100 times
but even just the first half a million is taking over 8 minutes
over 11 minutes...
*5 million numbers
(apply + (range 5000000)) answers in like a second
so clearly I'm doing something HORRIFICALLY wrong
now (apply + (reverse (range 5000000))) takes significantly longer
This is probably something to do with how reverse realizes the entire seq, so you end up with two copies of the seq in memory; apply + likely handles lazy seqs more efficiently than realizing the entire thing
I was calling reverse twice
so I tried removing both calls
let's see if I get a correct answer on the toy problem...
Note that (apply + (range 5000000 0 -1)) is just as fast as (apply + (range 5000000))
oh lol
this will print 0 to 100 very quickly then look like it's hanging
you uncomment the thing where you ask it to print some of the output on every step
and NOW it's only printing a step number as it gets to it
I guess that's one way to be doing lazy evaluation
just request data from the previous iteration only when really needed
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand removing the reverses made it twice as slow at 4 mins 14
(my solution was also unsurprisingly wrong)
or maybe my forcing the prints was making it slow
Q: Destiny 2 cross save between PC and XBone, do I need to buy expansions for both

PSDuckieI have Destiny 2 and the Forsaken expansion for PC, but I also like to play it on Xbox One. I have cross save set up, so I can access my character from either console, but I have not bought Forsaken for Xbox One. Would I have to buy Forsaken and/or Shadowkeep for both consoles?

Q: How do you earn the Speed Demon bonus in Super Smash Bros. 64?

pladams9I'm looking for so more specifics to how the Speed Demon bonus works in Super Smash Bros. How quickly do you need to complete the single player mode? (I've seen both 8 minutes and 12 minutes online.) Does that time include non-play time (i.e. the time sitting at the point screen or paused)? Doe...

I feel like this movie has a really poor understanding of what it means to be legally dead.
1 hour later…
Q: Steam Does Not Reconize Insurgence: Sandstrom as Closed

K00lmanI just played Insurgency: Sandstrom earlier today, and then left to do some other things. When I cam back to start it, steam said it was already running, even though it was not. Restarting Steam fixed it, but then when I opened up the game again, it would not connect to the server and was laggy, ...

Q: Runewords white items vs Unique items

rougeencampmentAs the title says, which one is better: Normal items with Runewords vs Unique items. The normal items stats are usually low, so is it worth it to put Runewords into them? Also, as I go higher in difficulty, white items start to drop less, so where is should I farm for good white items for Runewor...

@Badp Yo, messaged you about a PoE bug
Should probably take advantage of it if you still have the time
And it's the good kind of bug, not the exploit kind
glares at 3b
I knew this was going to happen, and I did it anyways
My 3a solution was basically "turn wires into coordinate sets, intersect the sets, convert to manhattan distance, take 1"
@Elise update to all of this drama: brother in law, who I thought was reasonable, has sided with parents in-law and tried to make my wife feel bad for not spending christmas with them
and he doesn't even know half the story, but he has heard a lot from the parents and he agrees that I have been rude to them
and it's 1am and I am too upset and angry to sleep
I wrote a very long message to him, against my wife's wishes. I just hope he doesn't try to use it as more fuel to harass my wife...
cc: @Ash and @Elva I suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️
Eeeergh Im so sorry.
offers hugs I hope it works out as safely as it can.
I just wish they would all stop harassing my wife while I'm not allowed to respond to anything
my wife is afraid that me saying anything will make it worse. I don't think it can get much worse
I won't say anything to her parents, because they won't listen to what I say anyway, but I'm hoping that her brother has enough sense to at least read my side of it all
and so much for "not wanting to get involved in it all", yet he messages my wife completely getting involved in it
my wife told me all this while I was home for lunch break and I was so upset, I forgot to take my HRT. I had to come home from work to take my pills because I was getting too worked up about all of this at work and my HRT pills have a very calming effect on me, lol
I never wanted my wife to fall out with her parents and I tried my best to avoid it. I did my best to keep them pleased, but they hated me from day one, they just acted like they were cool with me
this whole thing makes me want to punch something, but having such thoughts makes me dysphoric and it's all just ugh
Oh hun, what a damn mess. Im so sorry you are stuck in this awful situation. You tried so hard - it's not your fault they are being awful. I hope he hears what you have to say and understands, but if not...i just hope they leave you both in peace
Yeah... Thanks, I'm glad I have this place to vent and someone to listen to me :)
Glad I could help, even a little.
Idk if it's from HRT or having my nails painted all the time, but damn, my cuticles seem to be much further back than they were before I started paying attention to it
my day 17 path isn't even connected
2 hours later…
Morning chat
@Elva Morning
Q: Health regeneration items not working

LudiWhen I found this item, I was quite pleased. But, after I equipped it, my health did not start increasing. What do I need to do?

1 hour later…
Q: Combine Gold edition and Omega edition on PS4?

KadahshIs it possible to combine the AC odyssey Gold editions' redeemable code and season pass with already installed "Omega" edition of the game on PS4?!!! That is, can i redeem, download and play legacy of the first blade and fate of the atlantis(Gold edition) in the Omega edition of the game?!!! Ass...

Q: Name of a hidden object shopping game

Ananya PateriyaI used to play this hidden object game a few years(in 2010 I think) back, in which you had to find all of the items a shopper requested from a store. All of the items were quite tiny and you had to level up to get new scenes like a scuba diving equipment shop. The start-up scene had a blue backgr...

@Elva eurgh, that's awful. I hope your BIL at least gets his head out of his ass.
@Elise ^
a question to any transgender women here who have came out to their parents and was accepted by them. how did you bring up the subject to your parents?
I don't remember how I brought it up exactly o.o
I diiiid ease them into it by telling them I have a trans girlfriend like a year ago =p
@Elva i don't think my mum needs to be eased into it, the other day she was saying she if any of her kids was transgender she would be fine with it but she says the same thing about any of her sons being gay
To be fair that wasn't intentional and I hadn't accepted myself as being trans then eeeeiiiither sooo
I was at the "gender is hard" stage
I didn't bring it up; she did. I was actually going to talk to her about my partner's gender (they were busy with their parents and wanted me to handle my mom), and she opened the conversation with "so, what's going on with your gender?"
Q: Different enchantment strength by weapon class?

LudiI checked a light hammer and a war axe. When enchanted on the same level (here “depleting”), the “per hit” damage to magicka is markedly different! Does this depend upon weapon class (light, versatile,heavy) or materials (silver, dwarven)? Is the difference such, that it is offset by weapon s...

@ToxicFrog sounds like she sorta knew
@Memor-X I will point out that theoretical saying they're okay with it and practical may be different - I had a number of people who were not actually okay with my queerness when they actually had to face its reality despite saying that oh if anyone here was queer it would be fine. :/
I hope that doesn't happen here, but just be ready for an adjustment period as they change their mental picture of what their ideas of what you will be squeak about a little.
(that sentence's grammar is broken but it's too early for me to figure out better words)
ductapes the grammar back together and hands Ash some nice tea or whatever their waking-up-beverage is
Tea! Tea is goooood
It iiis! sips rooibos tea
(it's on call week so I am up early plus World gets up at on call time for work every day so I am adjusting to that. I made him a lunch today, and made his coffee like a good spouse person)
This also reminds me I need to ask my Persian friends how they make tea. They make tasty strong keep you awake for years tea.
@Ash yeh the transgender comment only happened recently while we was watching Catfish but when she brings up the gay bit she always talks about this gay couple she knew, that they are born like that because of an extra chromosome. but i do hope in both cases she really means what she says
Q: What is the command to clear an item with a name and lore in 1.15?

IdkI don't know what is the command to clear an item and give another.

@Memor-X yeah, she knew something was up even if she didn't know specifics.
@Memor-X the extra chromosome bit of the comment is a little odd but hey if she is supportive that's good :)
But she does seem to be ok with it even if she's still working on changing name/pronouns.
Contrast my MIL, who seems to be mellowing out a bit now but was absolutely 100% not at all ok with any of it despite insisting that she was ok with queerness in general leading up to it -- apparently it's different when it's her own child. :/
Q: How can i make a ctf gamemode in minecraft using command blocks in minecraft?

Papi_john_420Recently, ive been making my own minigame server/world by myself in mincraft bedrock ps4, and i was wanting to know not only how to make a player detecting system, but also how to make two working ctf objectives for both teams, that would be nice. Thanks. ya boi T.

@Ash it's easy for people to translate the generic question as "you're not a *phobe right?" ("of course not!!") without actually doing any introspection
oh god is today an intcode version of day 3
but not quite
oh no
yeah I'm losing enthusiasm tbh
I'm still trying to figure out how to translate my mental idea of how to do yesterday's thing in clojure
and now I have to figure out this other pile of garbage
none of the clojure optimizations I could come up yesterday with run faster than the parallel 40 hours brutefore thing
and it's kinda exhausting
Yeah today was a tricky one
Part one was easy enough, and I did part 2... by inspection
Yeah that probably would have been easier
You mean like how I did my 15-1?
I was expecting more people on the subreddit to reverse engineer the dust values of each tile
Type out the sequence, use code editor match highlighting to trivially identify A,B,C
manually convert to ascii
But I'm pleased with my functionising code
you have no guarantee that would be enough though
I'm still the top north american on the private leaderboard so
I was already worrying about "maybe I need to introduce inefficiencies in the path to make the thing pack better"
at least I have that
let inputs = vec![
or how I could do the thing by inspecting the longest results of (.+?).+?\1.+?\1.*
I'm sure that regex will run very efficiently
@badp That's not a bad idea, but I fixed my version by keeping track of my leftovers.
@Memor-X this kinda sounds like she might already know. It doesn't sound like something parents normally bring up unless they think their child might need to hear it
I came out to my mother with a long message on messenger. She lives in the other side of the ocean, so idk if of be able to do it in person 🤷🏼‍♀️
I prefaced it with "you know how when you were pregnant you thought you're having a girl? Well..."
That last bit might not apply to your situation though 🤷🏼‍♀️
I don't know if I want to try and continue my maze algorithm for 15 or move on
spoiler alert both the right turn and left turn methods go in a circle
random also goes in a circle which I guess checks out
@Unionhawk I think you're doing it wrong, then.
All I'm currently doing is if wall turn right, which goes in a circle so I need something better
that looks like a lot of work though
@Unionhawk You need to keep your "hand" on the wall. Move forward, turn right, try to move forward.
@ToxicFrog Given the way that I've heard artichoke is consumed, it seems like artichoke is always a mistake.
You have to rip off a piece of it, scrape out the innards with your teeth, and then throw away like 70% of the artichoke?
@Unionhawk Just follow the left wall. Turn left, try and move. If you move, break, otherwise turn right again.
@Unionhawk check out the maze traversal page on wikipedia
there's a section how to handle this situation
basically you pick a blessed direction
if you've done 4 or more turns in a row and you're facing the blessed direction, go straight
This... looks disgusting yet I want to try it:
Q: Is there a way to set up an efficient auto fishing, auto mob grinding and auto farming techinque?

Decepti BrineI want to create an auto farming and auto fishing for my minecraft base. The auto farming must also plant into the ground. The system would also work when I am AFK and if possible offline. This would save an enormous amount of time and work. Please provide an a perfect layout, pictures and t...

I can see how day 16 took everyone 8 hours
    outputArray = new
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", outputArray))
Yep, it did what I asked
and with some caching my part 1 only took 2.3 seconds
which will probably become 6 hours in part 2 if my math is right
Q: Forge on Linux - We appear to be missing one or more essential library files

ProgrammerPlaysI'm running Xubuntu 16.04 LTS on a Chromebook with crouton. I'm trying to install forge so that I can run SkyblockAddons and the Zealots Mod. I get the error shown in the title when using java -jar to install Forge. How do I fix this?

@badp exactly, yes.
That bit about the "extra chromosome" is a bit off-putting considering that it's the basis of a common slur relating to trisomy and/or Down's Syndrome.
Q: Are there any cool commands that would work on the new Minecraft Ps4 out there?

Ajko22I use to play on pc, but my pc broke down and I wasn't able to fix it, so I moved to the ps4. Now with the new version on the whole game, I want to get back into coding once again like before. I saw last night however it wont run some of the old commands I would run on my pc. Any help?

Q: Can´t complete Leviathan´s Breath

sadakIn Destiny 2 after get the quest "Make bows not war" it says i need to complete Arms Dealer Strike but i cannot launch it because its only with season 8. How do i start this strike in order to get my Leviathan Breath?

> An unhandled exception of type System.OutOfMemoryException
Q: What is your take on the softer qualities of Death Stranding?

Daniel TanI played for both teams. I thought the integrity of the game was compromised somewhere after watching the trailer and gave up on it. Then I watched a playthrough and it felt like finding religion all over again. It's been more emotional than I can say and it felt so good to just obey the critics ...

@Lazers2.0 I don't even know what they're trying to say.
What does "softer qualities" mean? Also, this is 100% a discussion question.
@Ash you should (for once) read the comments
I did. It's boring.
If anyone can decipher what's being asked, and can edit it, by all means.
@Frank Nope, the question is unsalvageable
I think I understand well enough what it's asking... (besides maybe what they specifically mean by "softer"); but it's clearly opinion based either way.
Q: What would happen if you went back to help your friend on the bridge?

ParalzyedCatWhen your running across the bridge to Undyne battle & your friends falls, what will happen if you go back?

Q: Why are arms missing in many VR games?

MaxI'm noticing that still many recent/upcoming VR games are not fully rendering the arms. Some unnamed screenshots to not make any publicity: IMO this partially defeats VR which is to feel more real as floating hands obviously don't. Q: Can somebody with industry insights explain what make d...

Q: How can I force the game to save my progress?

LemonA couple of days ago, I was playing on PS4 and the power went out. I lost 8 hours of progress. How can I make the game save my progress safely?

Q: Can I control the unique organ I get?

RapidaWith the new Metamorph league I'm getting a ton of hearts to take back to Tane's lab. Is this just based on RNG or is there a way I can force a particular unique organ to drop after filling the Metamorph's rating on maps?

Q: Why I can't purchase the Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec (1999) for Off-roading?

LemonI'm trying to purchase the R34 Skyline for Off-roading, but is not listed on the Off-road dealership for some reason. The wiki says that the R34 is available for Drag, Off-road and Race, but I only got the Race (Eddie's) and Drag (purchased) versions: Why I can't get the Skyline GT-R V-spec (...

@Ave now JBL are even rolling out headphones with solar charging
the future is here, for the umpteenth time
my 14-1 succeeds for the first 3 examples but fails for the rest
@Unionhawk You probably have extra leftovers that could be used.
I'm guessing that your answer is too high
Yeah, I don't know how I could have extra though other than I guess the fact that I do
What's your storage structure?
I have a dictionary<string, int> that keeps track of the most basic refined requirements (i.e., A and B in example 1) and am working recursively up the reaction chain (List<Reaction>, grabbing list.First(r=>r.Output.Contains(target.Key) and whatnot) until I only have those basic refined mats
I just don't know what's different about examples 4 and 5
my hint remains: put the rules into graphviz
that's the road to the optimum solution
somewhat simpler solutions exist
see also bit.ly/2M8oczg
as for 17B
But how does that help with count?
count shmount
I've got a regex solution for 17B
and it tells me that
@badp I mean, I have a solution that should work for 14-2, if I had days to run the program.
1. A solution where A, B and C are shorter than 20 character exists
2. This solution is unique for the route I've got
3. The solution in my case is "A,B,A,C,A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,A,C,A,B,C,A,B,C\n"
"A,B,A,C,A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,A,C,A,B,C,A,B,C\n" is 39 characters
so that's obviously doomed
I can easily generate A B C and a program for any given route
(well the program bit still requires VS Code but)
*"A,B,A,C,A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,A,C,A,B,C,A,B,C" is 39 characters
oh hm I know what's happening
wait no I don't
I might actually
intermediate outputs are used in exactly 1 reaction in the first examples, but may be used in more than one for the rest
so, hm
I am inordinately pleased - the ticket I just opened for work was a pretty nice palindrome. 23132.
My user id is almost a palindrome. 42321.
so close!
Huh. Interesting
> We're partnering with third-party developers to publish new games set in the League of Legends universe
> We are not just handing over the League IP—including the champions, world, and characters—to other game studios. These partnerships are not licensed IP collaborations; they are true partnerships where we work together to ensure the game is great. We’ll be working with partner studios to help them find their own voice within the League universe, while guiding them to ensure that the stories being told are authentic to the characters and the world we’ve been developing over the last 10 years
would be good to get some simple player games
Q: How Do You Make a Wither Storm?

Gideon WHow do you make a Wither Storm?

@Memor-X Well, two have already been announced
Q: How to defeat the WoF - Terraria

Mxbeen101I've tried everything I built a minecart track across the underworld and used ironskin potion and many others but I can't defeat it. I used the night's edge pheonix blaster beenades and star cannon but I can't defeat it. I've seen people play hard mode and it looks fun. I don't want to miss out. ...

turns out
I had accidentally printed out my sequence twice
and my regex based solution was great and did all the things
and I've now published 17b without cheating, just a fuckton of regex
and oh my god so much global state
@Unionhawk so what does graphviz say, hmmmmmmmmmm
@badp idk I haven't looked because I'm so close

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