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@Yuuki Okay, so how do you unlock the thing that allows you to do two actions at once?
@SaintWacko I just got the castle right before I left for work.
So. Much. Space!
@Frank Right? I just bought the palace!
I'm trying to train skills right now, but with some of my maxes in the high 20s it takes forever
@SaintWacko I maxed out all my lore and language skills yesterday.
Didn't want to be active, so just let it go at ~40 (or 60?) XP/second
gasps I saw an @Ave youtube comment!
Codices do wonders for lore XP.
Became a mage over the weekend.
I now have my own apprentice.
So I have to watch my back he doesn't try to murder me in my sleep.
@SaintWacko Do you have the clep-whatever thing?
You need to start getting points in chronomancy, essentially.
@Yuuki Yeah, turned out I wasn't quite high enough tier to unlock chronomancy lol
No tier 3 classes unlocked yet.
@Frank Yeah, I'm just waiting for that to be the way the game ends
@Frank No kidding
I got tier 4 over the weekend, almost maxed out every skill, kinda not sure what else to do.
There's no way I'm going to try maxing out my nature lore skill since my cap is in the 60s.
@Yuuki Sounds like that's what you're supposed to do.
I'm tier 3 right now, crafting the mats for tier 4 right now
Side note, don't leave your task on traveling overnight.
What tier 3 classes are there?
I got like 40 max nature lore that I'm never going to be reaching for.
@Elva technology connections gang
Also, my main source of money now is selling scrolls
My main source of money is running two gold-generating tasks at once.
@Ave Yup!
Okay there we go, Tier 4
I have a Tier 5 class available but it needs 20k research and 30 tomes 😒
@Steve-o169 Oh wow. I could afford that, but I don't have any tier 5 classes unlocked
@Steve-o169 Tomes are easy.
Research, less so, but just time consuming.
I have 160 Tomes, just not the research
Sublimate lore every which way, and you'll get it in no time.
> A Yellowstone park ranger reported seeing a woman spreading honey on her 6 year old son's face. He questioned the tourist about why she was doing that and she said "so I can get a picture of the bears licking his face of course!"
@Frank I've actually only used Sublimate Lore like... twice.
@Yuuki It's an easy way to get more research capacity.
@Frank My Research capacity comes from 875 Codices :P
Deleted that last sentence because 1) it's a bit rude and 2) completely nonsensical because the mother is being dumb and the kid is the one who would get eaten not the mother.
I'm at the point where I have way too much research cap.
@SaintWacko I had 600+. But I see no reason to stay at max when they're generated automatically.
@Frank I just keep them at max for the research generation
Or I did
Now it's not quite so necessary
I have some upgrade that scribes scrolls/tomes/codices automatically and I just buy furniture that increases my cap and improves the effect on max research.
Oh, and for the Lore training
@SaintWacko That's the only time I keep max codices.
Otherwise, sublimate them before I go to bed/go to work, and my max research is so much higher.
Baby #3 born this morning at a healthy 9lb 15oz!
@InvaderSkoodge Woo! Grats on being a dad once again!
@InvaderSkoodge Grats!
@Frank Tier 3 Dad
@SaintWacko Stress x 3, too.
@SaintWacko Needs to invest in Occult Endurance.
Q: How does the enderchest determine the player accessing it?

TrainLikerSo, I recently wanted to replay a world, which I hosted as a server. I played with another account back then and I had to transfer inventories using NBT-Explorer. I also had an ender chest with all my diamonds/valuables in it to protect it from the other players. The problem is: I don't know how ...

@Frank I'm fairly sure it's Stress ^ 3
@InvaderSkoodge One more kid and you'll have enough to start your own competitive overwatch team with the family.
But congratulations!
@InvaderSkoodge congrats!
Re arcanum -- what do you need to do to unlock chronomancy?
@ToxicFrog This is also of interest to me.
I'm basically exploding out in all directions skill-wise, but the floorspace mechanics really want me to specialize :/
Also, I like the crunch in this game but it could really use more fluff; half the skills and actions don't even have any flavour text.
@ToxicFrog Mix and match. Focus on one skill at a time, learn it as high as you can, and then sell the furniture and move on to the next.
I've got it but no idea how... I just know I have 19 skill points and nothing to use them on
@ToxicFrog I know for sure that you need at least one clep-whatever thingie. It's a furniture.
@Frank repeatedly buying and selling furniture is really annoying since the search box doesn't let you search by, e.g., which skills it affects.
@ToxicFrog True. But it's required to do for almost any sort of progress.
You can't get to the Castle/Palace without dedicating most of your space to max gold.
That might be the core bottleneck for progress, actually.
@ToxicFrog So much this
Although I can help with that
I haven't even unlocked those yet, I'm still rolling with the Academy
@SaintWacko helpful, thank you! This really should be built in, though. Game needs a few UX passes.
You can unlock other living places based on your tier and skills.
@ToxicFrog I never even unlocked the Academy.
@ToxicFrog Yeah, I got bored and decided to put that all together lol
@Frank Same
I also need to pick a T2 class at some point...I've got Battlemage, Enchanter, Seer, Mage, and the four elemental classes unlocked.
I was in the Half-timber house for much of my tier 2.
Nature lore, in particular, has a lot of living spaces.
I went Inn -> Temple -> Cavern -> Palace
Can't remember what I used before that
@ToxicFrog Whoa, I never saw Battlemage
@Frank I forget what I did to unlock it -- lots of Lore, perhaps? -- but it's fantastic. 20 minions, 300 floor space, +50 research, +0.4 research/s. The next biggest thing I have unlocked is the Temple at 200.
@SaintWacko An incremental that has replayability!
@Frank No kidding
@SaintWacko not sure what the requirements are for unlocking it. Possibly going out and kicking a whole lot of ass.
@ToxicFrog Ah, probably, I haven't done much of that
"Pursue the path of battle." T2 class, 550R, 7A, $400. +1 skillpoints, +1 Ascendancy, -50 max research, +1 mana, +0.1mana/second, +2 pyromancy, +1 geomancy.
@Frank And yet lacks a prestige mechanic.
I just wish I knew when each skill stopped unlocking new things
So far at least.
It's so weird.
So I knew when I could stop levelling them
@Yuuki Yeah, so far.
Definitely not something I want, though. The main contenders are Enchanter (boosts enchanting, nature lore, aeromancy, aquamancy), Seer (boosts divination, scrying, and spirit lore), and Mage (boosts lore).
@SaintWacko I think it's safe to say that you stop by at least 60.
@ToxicFrog I went Mage.
@ToxicFrog I went down the Seer path
@Yuuki Yeah, but I'd assume it's a lot earlier than that lol
Yeah, Seer is currently most tempting to me
@Frank I feel like I'm at the end where you'd normally be prestiging. I'm just picking up random skills now because I don't have stuff to unlock.
I think I'm at the final tier of classes at Dhrunic Wizard.
I kind of want to focus on getting all my skills (or as many of them as I can) to 10 first though to see if there's any other classes I can unlock.
It'd be nice if the skill at least told you that, "you think you've reached the limit of breakthroughs you can make", at least.
I still haven't even figured out how to raise the dead!
To signal you won't get any more unlocks, but the bonuses still apply.
In the less than a week I've been playing it it's released ~70 new versions, so hopefully more fluff and a prestige mode are incoming.
(also this is reminding me that I should finish Trimps one of these days)
And also an earlier method of getting shadow-related stuff without being evil.
Having to go fully down anatomy -> dissection -> reanimation line before you can get evil-free bodies is problematic.
@Yuuki But...is it?
Isn't it an inherently evil activity at lower skill levels?
@Yuuki I don't have Reanimation and I can grow bodies in a vat evil-free?
Needs Anatomy and possibly Embalming, I think.
And probably Dissection.
@Frank Yeah, I'd love this
I never unlocked Embalming.
@Yuuki You don't have to do that
Just needs Embalming
Huh. I got impatient and unlocked Seer and it immediately offered me two T3 classes.
High elemental, Lord of the Elements (+2 all elemental magic, bonuses to elemental mana and regeneration) and the Doom-Sayer, Harbinger of Ruin (+ spirit lore, divination, scrying, lore)
@ToxicFrog Interesting. My T1 was Elementalist, and it didn't give me either of those.
I suspect High Elemental requires at least 10 in all four elements and possibly some other stuff.
As far as the Doom-Sayer goes, I have Scrying 5, Divination 13, Spirit Lore 9, Lore 28, and Astronomy 24.
@ToxicFrog You might need some points in herbalism too.
@ToxicFrog I think your astronomy is higher than mine, do you do anything with starcharts?
@Yuuki Nope :(
Or are they just something you make and nothing consumes them?
Not yet
They give bonuses to max research, max astronomy, and max planar lore, though
definitely feels like the game isn't really fleshed out at the higher levels
Even at lower levels it's very obviously a work in progress
just unlocked the T5 class and literally nothing happened
just added a few levels to some skills
Also, I'm currently watching Elon Musk's Starship Update and man, he is not a very good public speaker
Also, as it usually does, this is really badly making me want to play KSP
@SaintWacko Starship? What's that?
@Frank The next step after the Falcon Heavy
@SaintWacko So a continuation for SpaceX?
(Sorry, I have no idea what the Falcon Heavy is, so I'm inferring heavily)
@InvaderSkoodge I stopped playing Fire Emblem because Dorothea lost her hat post-timeskip. And that is an unforgivable sin.
@Frank Wait, really?
Yeah, it's the next thing for SpaceX
@SaintWacko Sorry, I haven't really been following that for quite a while.
My grip on news is pretty tenuous, for the most part.
Yeah, the Starship is designed for interplanetary travel
@SaintWacko You'd think with a name like Falcon Heavy, the next thing would be Eagle Light.
Well, that's a first. My computer hard froze on the splash screen before the login screen
like, had to hard power down and turn it on again
@Nzall Them rolling green hills too high fidelity for your computer. Better go back to XP.
@Yuuki It's Windows 10, and it was a rocky cliff
@Nzall Like the one your processor took a nosedive off of?
@Yuuki maybe
And not feeling a wreck :o
I actually have some spoons left!
@InvaderSkoodge yay, congrats!
@Yuuki Well the Eagle is also the name for the Apollo lander, but really. A spaceship named Starship
They're not even trying
And I don't know how they got trademark on that
Or maybe SpaceX is going Trader Joe on their spaceships?
@Elva yay spoons!
Oh that reminds me. I said something about being out of spoons to a friend of mine a while ago
And she was like "OMG YOU'RE A SPOONIE?!"
@InvaderSkoodge congrats. seems like a large baby, though i know little of such matters
@Ash i obviously have not had enough coffee today. the first 3 times i read that message, i saw a different word that spoons
Q: How can I check if map has some spells disabled?

arghtypeRecently I played some player-made map downloaded from one of those heroes-3-maps websites. To my frustration I found out that some spells are disabled on that map - I've tried to get Town Portal but even with Tome of Earth it wasn't available to my hero. And that's not fun to defend multiple tow...

Q: How do I solve the block puzzle in the Coral Mines?

Steven M. VascellaroThere is a block puzzle near the entrance of the Coral Mines with a key-shaped container. The blocks can be rearranged to form a path to the box, but I can’t figure out what do next. How do I solve this block puzzle in the Coral Mines?

@InvaderSkoodge Congrats!
@Elva yay!
@Dragonrage I am trying to figure it out what you saw
Should my Shantae post keep the image in the question? There ended up being a fairly similar photo in the answer
Someone just said Bob Ross should have been at Twitchcon and I'm so over dumb broads
@Ash it had the same 3 first letters, but the last 3 letters were very different. "use"
Q: Will 250gb be enough for a good loading time for siege?

Rowan GirouxI have a Ryzen 2600x and a 1070, but my siege loadingtimes is 1-5 mins. Would a 250gb ssd be beneficial towards my siege loadingtimes?

While I'm glad the new season isn't titled "STR4NGER THINGS", I'm disappointed that it isn't titled "STRANGER TH4NGS".
I wonder if there's only the one Tier 5 class
@SaintWacko No, there's more than one, I'm sure.
Which one are you thinking is the only one?
> Here’s my unsolicited pitch: Imagine the hijinx of Untitled Goose Game...but it’s Waluigi, who now has the Mushroom Kingdom equivalent of a YouTube channel, and he’s lurking around pranking Mario and Luigi and Peach and Toad and everyone else, ruining their days, wrecking their shit.
the T5 class I hit was "dhrunic wizard"
@Unionhawk what if waluigi walks up to his mailbox, pulls out a letter, but suddenly HONK HONK, he drops the letter, and the goose waddles away with it?
@Yuuki Dhrunic Wizard is the only one I've unlocked
Also, @Yuuki, how does enchanting work?
I can't figure out how to apply an enchant
You have to unequip the item.
Then go to the enchanting tab.
Select the item.
And then select the enchant.
Ahhh, I had tried unequipping it, but I must not have noticed it show up in that other list
It's as good a day as any to say that I'd appreciate if y'all could use she/her pronouns when talking about me
Oh geez that's too many stars
@Wrigglenite nonsense
I think it's not enough
Too many too quickly
But really
I wouldn't have said that if you weren't all so wonderful
So thank you
It's a big step, one not to taken lightly. As always, we're all here for you
Also, somewhat related, but if my count is correct, this is the 4th person in this chatroom to come out as trans, right?
In a chatroom of 20 or so?
so you could say 4/20?
I count at least 5, sadly
5? does that include you?
But let's not go over the-
oh, sorry
Just in case, you know?
But suffice to say that "trans" generally covers enby folks as well
ah, like that
In general can we stop keeping a count and mentioning who else is xyz whenever people come out as xyz?
Yes, that is a good idea
@Wrigglenite in some people's eyes, yes, but personally I do not consider myself trans
I apologize, then
All good, just a general note :)
But yeah
@Wrigglenite you are wonderful too!
If you think it's a good idea to blow up that specific conversation, you have my approval
@Wrigglenite welcome to the club!
@Ave Do I get stickers?
@Ash I still find it weird that it's okay to come out, but then it's not okay to discuss that and make observations based on it. Like, does the fact that people are coming out more easily not have an impact on how "taboo", for lack of a better term, the topic is?
Timing's important, I'd say.
@Wrigglenite yes
Maybe when someone decides to come out, we shouldn't dive into "how many people are out in this chatroom and who are they again?" right at that moment.
Like, it's one of those weird social things where we should be able to talk about it as adults, and discuss it, but then we should also avoid certain aspects of it like demographics?
And it's generally nobody's business to disclose that but the people involved themselves
there's also a difference between like
saying "hey gender is a thing and I've gender"
and commenting about the contents of your mental notebook
Also, I imagine that bringing it up all the time can be... discriminating, in a way
(Just as a note, I am super new at all the social norms and everything so I will screw up)
@Ave Those are very cool
Yeah, I get all that. It's just weird. When a big-name athlete or movie star gets a major trophy, everyone is all talking about how they're the Nth person of a specific minority to win that trophy. Or when they come out as something, it's fine to talk about what a victory it is for whatever it is they come out as, but then if it's just someone from your group of friends, it's like... meh? Like, am I the only one who thinks that's weird?
It just feels weird that an event of certain scope doesn't lead into more discussion
@Nzall Well...
After my announcement kinda blows over, it'd be nice to be just thought of as "she", not "trans she" or whatever
You know?
@Wrigglenite I understand
@Wrigglenite nodnodnodnodnod and hugs
Like, you're a woman, you should be treated as one. I get it.
That's not to say it's the same for everyone, of course
But in general, it's a pretty safe assumption
@Wrigglenite I hereby declare its not enough stars
It is a silly number of stars already
@Nzall my identity is not a damn trophy.
Sorry for being harsh but that's a really really bad equivalency
(I admit, for reasons outside of this room that I do not wish to discuss in this room for love or money or stars, I am hella done with discussing gender, identity, and pronouns other than how each person feels about their own as they apply to them.)
@Wrigglenite thank you a lot of amazing people made a lot of amazing designs
The rest of it, and how other people feel about identities that are not theirs is just...can we please, please not.
@Ash Fair enough. I was looking for a positive comparison, and a trophy was the first thing I thought of that I didn't immediately think of as offensive
but yeah, I think a birth might be more suitable in this case, but let's drop it
At this point, I think I'm just gonna say, this is a good stopping point for this conversation. Everyone is entitled to be referred to the way they want, and that's all that needs to be said.
Wrong button
I hate mobile
@Wipqozn I'd say phones are the worst.
But then, everybody knows we have to blame you, anyways. :P
@Nzall I know you've got trouble knowing when to drop it, so that's what that was for.
Anyways, I for one, am about to play board games and I think you're all super fantastic people.
@Wipqozn Board games with you were pretty good!
I, for one, am glad my phone is incapable of browsing the internet
@Frank Yeah I'm playing a game called inis. It's pretty great.
@Wipqozn Can't say I've heard of that one.
Are we about to get ligmaed
google tells me Inis is a cologne from Ireland
That didn't work
But it's an area control game with a card drafting mechanic, and you build the board as you play.
Deck builders and the like seem to be the most fun board games
Dominion <3
I bought one way back when, called, "What's he building in there?"
It's about being a victorian age supervillain, and needing to build your doomsday weapon and getaway vehicle before being caught by Interpol.
So you have to send your minions out to get resources, and try to get further in both bits than your fellow supervillains.
@Wipqozn Ah that's one I've been wanting to try.
The theme seems pretty good and the minis look neat
@RedRiderX There's a new expansion too
Oh I hadn't heard that.
Just looked it up, seasons seem like a good addition.
Huh. I have Demonic Dictionary "unlocked" in that it shows up on the Actions tab, but I can't start work on it and there's nothing missing from the prerequisites...
Q: What are some good clicker games?

Shinigami I want to play clicker games but I don't know which one's are good.

@ToxicFrog Often I find that means I'm missing some furniture it needs.
Kinda like some mounts need the stables to unlock.
My personal favorite board game is Betrayal at House on the Hill. It's a hidden traitor game where no one knows who the traitor is ahead of time - including the traitor! It's randomized based on which items you find in which rooms.
There are definitely a couple of balance issues in some of the scenarios, but otherwise it's quite entertaining
@Dragonrage @MageXy Would you guys mind if I ever jumped into one of your lobbies for a game?
LoL, that is.
I wish I had the friends, space, and funds to really get into tabletop gaming
Big time
@Yuuki i dont mind. ill probably be playing tonight after i get off work
@Yuuki I don't mind, but the friend I usually play with is kinda introverted and might get anxious
But if I'm in a lobby on my own (usually for TFT) feel free
I played a game of TFT the other day and won because Poppy/Shen carried the early game.
I got Lulu and Tristana for the Yordle buff, got some of the new gauntlet items and put the Iceborne Gauntlet on Poppy.
In hindsight, probably should've put it on Shen.
In any case, there were at least two rounds where Poppy had a sliver of health and was tanking three other champions and dodging every single attack while my Tristana killed them one by one.
I also probably should have put the Youmuu's on Tristana because I had Blademasters but she already had three items.
Bloodthirster, Rageblade, and that percent max health BFS item.
That reminds me
LoL has a couple of Touhou-themed items, doesn't it?
Kinda-sorta not really.
I mean, Youmuu's Ghostblade does exist but I can't remember if that's specifically a Touhou reference or it was an employee who used a Touhou reference for a handle.
That's true
That's the case for now-defunct item Wriggle's Lantern.
Yes, it's a Touhou reference but it was actually named after one user who got enough referrals to get the "have an item named after me" reward.
TFT is annoying. its fun if you can get a comp you want and can win, but if you never get a very cohesive comp to go with the items you get, it just feels useless
@Dragonrage Or you work towards a comp and then RNG never gives you the rest of the champions you need after you hit mid-way.
Not having a single rank 3 champion is... frustrating.
@Wrigglenite Well, there's some slight compensation in the fact that the baby dragon in Tristana's Dragon Trainer skin is named "Riggle".
@Yuuki or you barely get a comp together that kind of works, and you go against a person with 6 nobles and 2 level 2 kayles and just doesnt take any damage
Dota Underlords has some stuff that I wish would be in TFT and TFT has some stuff that I wish would be in Underlords.
I do like the concept of a shared champion/item pool in TFT that functions as a comeback mechanic.
I also like the idea of having multiple choices in loot rounds in Underlords as opposed to settling for whatever RNG tosses at you.
Did they change that in Underlords recently?
I thought it still used a shared hero pool
@Wrigglenite When I say "pool" in this instance, I mean the carousel mechanic.
Oh, I have no idea what that is so nevermind!
I just don't like the actual carousel because physics bugs.
@Wrigglenite So every now and then, TFT has a carousel round. A bunch of champions with certain items attached rotate on a carousel and pairs of players move their avatar to pick a champion/item combo to get.
Any champion+item you get is removed from the carousel as a choice for subsequent players.
I see, I see
I like TFT, I think now that there's a decent number of items and champions it's at a pretty balanced state.
Because of the latter mechanic, it functions as a comeback mechanic since players lower in the ranking pick from the carousel before the higher ranks.
Which I like.
3* champs are a noob trap honestly, if you get them that's great but you shouldn't be hunting for them unless the opportunitely arises
But I don't like the actual carousel because of physics/collision bugs involved with moving your avatar to grab stuff.
the annoying part is if the champion you want is on the opposite side, and the other person can get to it first
Underlords just has a menu pop up that you can choose from. Which is nice and I wish they did that for TFT.
But there isn't a shared loot round so I feel like Underlords has fewer comeback mechanics.
Honestly the worst part about TFT right now is that there's a crap ton of people grinding for event tokens
and they just afk
I've literally gotten second place with 6 non-synergy units
For now, I think TFT has better hero selection. Underlords feels like there's too many units to build proper synergies and rank them up unless you get lucky.
@Ronan Which one did you get?
@GnomeSlice The snes looking one, but with the multi coloured face buttons
@Ash We've only played a little. She likes it a lot more than breath of the wild, where I'm the opposite
@Ronan which model i mean
the sn30 pro? with the trigger buttons and rumble/tilt controls?
@GnomeSlice I think so
I haven't actually played anything with motion controls yet though
Yeah I mean I tried it for mario kart and it was meh but it's nice that it has them?
That one?
Looks right
I'm pretty happy with it. It's a little difficult to hold it in such a way that you can press both bumper and trigger simultaneously but for most games not really a problem
And like half the price of the switch pro controller
It's 2/3 in UK prices, but I really like the look of it
@InvaderSkoodge That's awesome! Congratulations!
@Ronan Fair I guess I got mine on a bit of a sale but normally like 59.99 where the pro is 90
So yeah
And it's surprisingly comfortable
@MageXy That's another I have on my wishlist!
It seems like it'd be good for a group that would like all the tactics of a rpg but is a bit skiddish about the role-playing.

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