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well, the tanner in a strange mood went berserk
luckily I locked him up
Stefano Borini
I take a look around, cheers
Hey all~
turns out, if you leave fish in the exact same spot where you find it, it starts to rot
hello @GraceNote
Anyone heard of/tried out a 360 game called 'Resonance of Fate'?
Saw it while finally getting around to purchasing my PS3 this tax-free weekend. Seemed like something that might have some level of intrigue.
Hey, @Ivo
nope, I haven't bought a 360 game in a long time
I haven't for a year, but that's region-locking for you
where you from?
I live in the US, but my 360 is JP
ah, not very handy no
figures why you would like the game
So I can only play what few region-free games, or what's marked "NTSC-J" on the box
not my type of game, that's for sure
Which part of it seems like why I'd like the game? The costume design?
hehe no, but funny that you mention it yourself :P
no more the turnbased rpg elements and the fact you own a Japanese xbox
I actually bought the JP 360 for things like Deathsmiles (shoot-em-up)
you sure have a distinct taste ;)
That I do~
I appreciate a good story, but I don't mind it if the game's done in 8 hours (as long as I haven't paid 60€ for it)
well, I'd rush any game till the end in no time anyway
so these games that give me 40 hours of gameplay would last too long
since I didn't have the chance to play regularly, which takes the fun out of the story
and I have absolutely no patience for turn based games
Makes sense
I enjoy a lot of good action games, too
Armored Core: 4 Answer is the reason why I wanted a 360 in the first place
I bought the PS3 for Uncharted 1 & 2
surely worth it
had some fun with Assassins creed until I finished it
and God of War 3 was just a must have
Popular Demand
At the risk of jumping into an existing discussion out of context: ugh, AC.
Star Ocean 4, Disgaea 3, and ultimately Trinity Universe is why I eventually needed to purchase a PS3
Buying Trinity Universe before the PS3 kinda helped that motivation, but we also got a Ratchet and Clank game today
What's wrong, @Pop?
did you play AC2 @PopularDemand?
perhaps I should give those kind of games a shot, but there's soooo many others games I could waste my time with as well
Popular Demand
Yeah, I felt like both games were 100% grinding though.
yeah, but I didn't play part one
so for me part 2 was just experimenting with the fighting and such
Actually, Armored Core is a bit safe to play without grinding
Popular Demand
I eventually gave up on AC2; can't remember any other time I started a game and didn't finish it.
but the sometimes crappy controls/camera make the puzzles a pain in the ass
Because you can sell things back at the same price you buy, it's very much fine to just re-outfit your mech to your own specs
Popular Demand
Sorry, Assassin's Creed, not Armored Core.
indeed, not the WoW kind of crack @GraceNote where they force you to keep on grinding
...gah. THIS is why acronyms are bad!
Popular Demand
My bad. I entered the room when Ivo mentioned it.
I already have enough trouble with Armored Core and Ace Combat! And they're both heavy machinery!
Popular Demand
Never tried WoW.
well the only game I can't stand to finish is Resistance 2
No worries, Pop. I had just mentioned AC4A just 3 lines earlier, so I expected that mehself
and don't understand the controls on Street Fighter 4
and Need for Speed isn't worth the bother to finish :P
If you guys like 3rd person action, customization, and importantly explosive giant robots, I do recommend trying out some of the Armored Core series.
Plus it's great if you have a friend or sibling for versus
Popular Demand
Third person action, you say?
well I can't wait for the next holiday season
Rock Band 3 with a real guitar, Kinect dancing and fitness :P
AC3:SL had an optional FPS view but it wasn't really that good when you've got a laser blade
Popular Demand
I can't see being an early adopter on Kinect.
Popular Demand
Though my new tiny living room has a lot to do with that.
well I have a personal interest in 3d measuring
so I'm just very interested in how well the technology performs
Popular Demand
I'm a human movement scientist, so normally my toys would be a bit more expensive than 150$
3d camera systems can run for over 100.000$
so if they release an SDK for kinect with high def cameras
they might serve my purpose
Popular Demand
Fair enough.
Very resourceful
It's interesting always, to see how resourceful people get with consoles
and I'm actually curious if I could just use 10 of them
I once read a story about a physicist who used 7 PS3s as a replacement for a supercomputer
and see how 'accurate' the data will be
Popular Demand
Popular Demand
Too expensive for me, but good luck to you, sir.
the university of Antwerp built a computer rig with SLI
multiple Nvidia gpus
beats a 1m super computer for their purpose
they have CT scans, where the modelling used to take days
now a couple of hours I think
Popular Demand
Is there any actual meta-discussion to be done about Gaming?
it's getting more quit on meta.gaming actually
or Starcraft just buries them deeple
Popular Demand
I picked a horrible time to move.
Popular Demand
Wiped out my Fanatic progress too....
What kind of discussion you looking for, @Pop?
awh, perhaps it's good for the site @PopularDemand, since you'll have to try and get it yet again!
game over, do you want to continue? visit the site for 30 days in a row!
I mean, we still have the never ending debate
I stopped debating @GraceNote and just vote to close
Popular Demand
I meant my SO/MSO Fanatic progress.
But on a more core issue, we don't have any discussion about the design/theme we want
Popular Demand
But I definitely missed out on the start of a lot of stuff, too.
Popular Demand
:87874 Oh god those are three separate links.
And it's not including a link to the question I asked, which linked 5 others, @Pop
Popular Demand
... please excuse me for a moment.
I also personally don't really think Quicksave is such a good idea for a site name
It's great for PC gamers. But that logical step of "Quick, save me from X" is not one that most gamers will be thinking so easily
it couldn't get any clearer than gamefaqs but they won't sell theirs :P
but really @GraceNote in my experience with both SO and SU, questions will start popping up in Google
and people only notice the lame name afterwards
That's how I found SO
I used the hyphen site for 4 years of internship. This year, I noticed this SO place was getting me better answers
well I found SO because I was reading up on Jeff and Joels posts, when I had to help with our software's GUI
Fastforward two months, I post my first answer and get 25 reputation, and now I'm stuck
I started working, just when the site was getting launched
Popular Demand
Oh thank goodness, an SE site that actually isn't tilting towards allowing all manner of lists and polls and whatnot.
so it was funny to see it grow
you're only here since two months @GraceNote?
No, it took 2 months of background watching before I posted by first answer
actually @PopularDemand webapps is taking an effort against them
and after the first month, don't see them a lot anymore of gadgets
2 months before I joined Meta, and I've only recently gotten my Fanatic on MSO
Popular Demand
Man, that was a mistaken commit.
ah ok :)
Popular Demand
I had no idea how seriously some people used web apps.
121 days on MSO, @Ivo. The 2 months on SO prior were pretty weak, as I told Pop a long time ago.
351 days on Super User, 326 on MSO
but I mostly read on MSO or comment, rather than answer
anyway I'm very glad with the new SE sites
just waiting for the next flow of new users
Same. Gaming has had its ups and downs but it's turning out a lot better than I would've predicted for only about 40 days
it amazes me how many questions people can (and will!) ask about starcraft 2
now it's just waiting for new game launches
I'm actually kind of sad about web apps progress
How is that place doing?
and I personally have no real questions to ask myself, which is even worse
in contrast to Gaming, I have a feeling people are constantly asking feature-requests or for non-existent programs
so often you can go look for the answer if you don't know it
but you simply won't find it
That's problematic, aye
I wish I could contribute more to Gaming. I know a lot, but everyone I know who could ask questions about the more obscure games I'm great at... I've already answered their inquiries!
that's what I like most about gaming, if others play it, they will often know the answer
Popular Demand
I feel like Gaming isn't helpful for people who aren't playing the latest and/or most popular games.
for that @PopularDemand you simply need a bigger audience
now it's like a point cloud
Popular Demand
If there was a robust PS2 section, I would get my girlfriend to sign up. But neither of us has the time or money to play a lot of more recent stuff.
and the only dots that are connected, are the new ones
the rest are really spread out
Popular Demand
Start feeding in PS2 questions and we'll get answers
but trust me, wait for the upcoming holiday season
and we'll draw loads of new users
I'm also very heavy on the PS2, though maybe not intersecting with you and your girlfriend. But that's one benefit of this place
if we keep up the good work
We're going to get a lot more questions about the newer and more popular games, but many of the answerers who play those will have already gone through the other games you are currently playing
another problem @PopularDemand for instance if you start asking questions about God of War 2 on the PS2, I would have to replay the part to tell you the answer
because I can't recall EVERYTHING from memory
Popular Demand
Popular Demand
I was anticipating being a better answerer than asker.
My first real answers are for Ogre Battle (SNES) and Final Fantasy VII (PS1). I actually did go for memory on those
Popular Demand
Also I have a hard time thinking of a question for which it'd be better to ask on Gaming than to search GameFAQs or similar site.
yeah, but your answers are superhuman ;-)
My memory/research ration is 26/3 or so right now.
and @PopularDemand most of the regulars are better at answering
If I bothered to do more research, I'd have a lot more reputation
Popular Demand
Do you really need more rep anywhere?
In SO, 2k would be nice so that I could leave EDIT SUMMARIES when I retag
on Super User I ALWAYS research my answer, because why would people trust my 'opinion' unless I can back it up
well I would love to have moderator abilities on every site @GraceNote, but Robert wants all the communities to grow for themselves
As for Gaming, @Popular, I cannot tell you how awkward it was to be the lowest reputation pro tem mod when they were first appointed. And I'm on the second eldest site.
while I agree with that, I don't see how my actions would be detrimental, especially when I'm rouge editing posts
rep is like age @GraceNote, just a number ;-)
and not like IQ
I understand, @Ivo, and I don't particularly care for the abilities nor the "value" because I know my knowledge is good
I wrote an excellent weapons analysis for Suguri, as an example, so even if no one ever asks about the game I'll still be content.
But my reputation at appointment looks like a lack of activity moreso than anything. I worry more about impressions.
anyone that disagrees should try and have a discussion with you on Meta
they'll change their mind before they get to post their own reply ;)
2 hours singing in Rock Band, should stop before I can't talk tomorrow >_>
Still, this past week has been good. Thanks to Larry and some others, I have doubled my reputation in 3 days what I accumulated in over 3 weeks.
btw have you checked your amount of accepted answers
Most of those came from the aforementioned 3 days
Hm, no one else has commented yet re: genre tagging
Popular Demand
Do the tags pop up for any site's profile?
Popular Demand
Also, "Filgaia"?
Everything in my profile references a different game or series
Popular Demand
Oh, it's your location.
Popular Demand
Never mind.
Popular Demand
I thought maybe alternate OpenID or something.
User name, avatar, location, About Me (though I certainly would enjoy being known as a beautiful super assassin idol~)
Popular Demand
Couldn't figure out what the system would put after a name.
It sounds like Tilapia, but different :P
Hah, I haven't had tilapia in quite a while
Filgaia's the world that the Wild ARMs series takes place in.
Popular Demand
Alright, as pleasant as this has been, I have a lot to get done today, and you have reminded me that that starts with brunch.
Later, @Pop
Popular Demand
I will try to remember some things that have given me difficulty in past games and ask more questions.
have a nice brunch @PopularDemand
eat well!
naah, just play more games, they always give you questions
Popular Demand
Wow, this is a pleasant room.
I blew my entire afternoon playing rock band
ah, lazy Sundays <3
wow, I actually think we also have the most women in this community
Popular Demand
Grad school application Sundays, you mean.
and perhaps cooking
Indeed. It's a lot better to ask things that you need to know. I'm more than willing to give some suggestions if you need something new <3
Popular Demand
I'm only up so late because I didn't go to sleep 'til late last night.
you want to get into grad school?
Popular Demand
Oh, here's one: Why is Fallout 3 so freakin' buggy?
Popular Demand
which version @FallenAngelEyes?
Can't help you there... never touched Fallout 3...
Rock Band 2, then some Beatles, then more RB2
I'm gonna look for RB1, 2 and beatles in a second hand store
which version, @Popular?
so when I get RB3, I have some legacy
RB1 and 2 are hard to find over here :(
Ivo: Don't buy 1
Popular Demand
Social experiment no doubt. "Let's see what happens to players when we make an awesome game, but set enableBugs to true!"
You can just rent in, then import it
import the songs into 2 I mean
you have to pay for the import license (400 MSP I think?)
Popular Demand
@FallenAngelEyes 360
but other than that, all you need is just the physical disc
Ah, can't help you there, I play the PC version
there you have it @PopularDemand I'll ask how I can get my RB1 songs into 2
and then you can answer it with 360 MSP ;)
Popular Demand
My girlfriend may actually know that.
Popular Demand
I will ask her.
Popular Demand
What does MSP stand for?
I just answered that :P
Microsoft Points, I expect
Popular Demand
Ah. I don't do downloadable content.
Popular Demand
I'm not against it, I just haven't yet.
but yeah, don't waste the money on buying it if you don't need to, though there are a few songs that can't be imported due to licensing restrictions
only like, 3 though
Q: How can I get Rock Band 1 songs into Rock Band 2?

Ivo FlipseAs I'm planning to buy Rock Band 3, but I wanted to buy Rock Band 1 & 2 first. But off course I don't feel like swapping disks all the time and I heard you can actually import games from Rock Band 1 into Rock Band 2, but how do I do this? Note: I own both a PS3 and a Xbox360, so feel free t...

have fun with it
to slow you stupid feed! :P
damn enter sandman and paranoid rock!
ah well perhaps I can get them really cheap in the US (if they are PAL compatible)
The compatibility wouldn't be an issue there, it's the region locking. RB is region locked :/
meeh fuckers
If you get it RB2 and can't find RB1 to rent, if you promise to send it back, I'll mail you my copy of RB1 to rip :P
ill just bring my xbox along when I visit a friend in the Hague ;-)
hehe okies
Q: What field of view should I choose in a first person shooter?

TomWijWhat field of view should I choose in a first person shooter? What effect does this have on aiming?

Isn't that... ridiculously subjective? O_o
highly highly depends on the game, your playstyle, etc.
> I actually think the answer @en1gmatic325 has given is a very objective answer: it's due to Fitt's law that it will become harder to aim, since the targets become smaller (more objects on the same amount of pixels), so it doesn't have to be subjective. What the best one is though will depend on the game
with some adjustment it's fixable
but there's actual science behind why too large would be bad, however what optimal is will depend on the game and the resolution
this chat needs to support /me
hehe, go propose it in feedback
The rest of SO intimidates me :P I r noob
I mean, I ended up asking a question on meta.gaming cuz I didn't know how to favorite questions at first :P
Q: Is there any way to save/favorite questions?

FallenAngelEyesFor example, I saw this question, and I have the same question. I would like some way, within the system/site, to monitor this question if it receives an answer. I don't want to post a comment on it because I don't have anything additional/useful to add to it, but it seems that would be the only ...

<-noob :(
luckily there are people like ChrisF around who simply answers the question without making you feel stupid
thank god
Beatles RB is worth it to get if only to see the trippy weird visuals
the opening cinematic thingie is so fucked up
and some of the background stuff while you play is practically distracting sometimes
my dad's a Beatle fan, I always wanted to play it with him :P
god bless the 60's
Guitar Hero gives me a headache at times
makes me feel theres black holes drawing the whole world in
I like the RB tracks better than the post-Harmonix GH ones
They actually make you feel like you're playing the song
GH's difficulty scale is wonky as hell
I simply think Rock Band has better songs, but I was locked in by GH
so switching this season
like GH's drums are bleh. Easy was way too easy even for someone starting out, but then Medium ramped it up way too much. Easy on drums for RB at least still feels like you're actually drumming.
seems a lot cooler than this one:
medium drums on GH was doable, but boring
and the song selection was terrible
I actually think GH1 is still the best of the series, song-wise
I bought GH5 for the guitar
I just wish they weren't covers
I bought GH1 and 2 Christmas 2006 before I flew over here
the 2 large boxes were our carryon items
Display your nerdery while walking through the airport proudly!
They are on PS2 though :(
So I had to rebuy guitars for Xbox
Zerg Rush
you all
yeah I have the PS2 versions too
will fear it
you just walked into my photon cannons @Alan
if you think you had time to build cannons
re: the realistic guitars, either way you're still playing a plastic instrument, so looking cool isn't exactly my highest priority :P
I have two PS2 guitars and GH4 with the whole band
it's not looking cool
but if there are 'easy' numbers
you can actually learn to play a little bit
if I had friends, GH and RB would be fun
2 PS2 guitars and full RB1 set for me
well, RB1 guitar and a GH5 guitar
and if I play the plastic thing as much as GH1 and 2, I would actually become a decent guitar player :P
this is my first time in so chat. this is wicked cool.
any of you play HoN?
I want to find a copy of GH: World Tour pretty much only for the Tool songs >_>
hehe, well I hope you feel welcome @Alan
I beta'd it, but haven't played it since
you can borrow mine
were you a DoTA player?
but you'd have to buy the pack yourself
I really wish there were Tool/APC songs on Rock Band :(
or are those the unlockable songs?
@FallenAngelEyes +1
no @Alan, I moved on :P
I never played DotA, so HoN wasn't as much a big deal to me as it was to fans
There are 3 Tool songs in the base GH:WT
I wish they made a sequel to Warcraft 3
but I guess they have their hands full with WoW, SC and Diablo...
In good time
i mean
SC was 1997
god knows when Diablo III will be out :P
like I said, you can borrow mine
and when did diable 2 come out
Starcraft 2 @Alan :P
like infinity years ago
i'm just saying
2000 @Alan
I actually recently bought a pack with SC1 and Diablo 2
but Diablo just feels outdated
I still haven't finished Brood Wars <_<
do you have Lord of Destruction?
cuz it's definitely >>> base Diablo II
and SC1 was just made hard by the controls and outdated resolution
I have the expansion I think yes
I'm actually in the middle of playing through Diablo II with some friends :)
but never continued playing
My biggest complaint about Diablo II is having free for all loot
I'll probably just go play Starcraft 2
I much prefer assigned loot drops
which Diablo III thankfully has
I'll probably just go play Starcraft 2
they learn with each new game @FallenAngelEyes
getting it as a reward of finishing my Python tutorial book
anyway, I MUST watch tv now
so be back later
behave you guys!
later @Ivo!
going off as well for dinner and some more Rock Band, later all

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