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:86511 MT?
:86513 multi-thread
think I've finally managed to fix my sleep sched, night all!
5 hours later…
Q: Anyone know the tools/process used by Starcraft 2 commentators to create the screen recordings of games?

ShogunI tried FRAPS which makes great (albeit HUGE) avi files however there tends to be random times (ever 3-6 minutes or so) that the audio will skip/blup or the whole video will freeze for a second or two during playback. I was thinking about maybe going into windowed mode and using CamStudio but it ...

Q: Best way to post a Starcraft 2 replay to youtube?

CodejoySince the starcraft2 replays are in their own replay format, but I think the SC 2 replays are pretty well watched on youtube, whats the best way using a camtasia like software to record the entire game?

Which is the dup?
technically not duplicate, low voted question states he can't use high voted questions answer.
altrough we might want to merge those later on.
Those seem quite different to me.
Maybe not "quite"
The high voted one just wants to post a replay. The low voted one, wants to add audio
Do we merge if one question is later obsoleted by a different question?
we close the obsoleted question as duplicate of the better question.
even though it didn't exist at the time? And I don't know if I like the term better, as the more specific question can cover more detail particular to the specific case?
"How do I flirt with asian girls", then later "how do I flirt with girls?"
in the end, it all depends on the question, and the answers
If the "how do I flirt with girls?" question had an answer including details for asian girls, the "how do I flirt with asian girls?" would be duplicate.
yeah. That makes sense.
yeah, those two questions aren't really duplicates - hopefully Shogun will clarify his rig for more input on his issues with FRAPS
2 hours later…
I am going to finally play some Just Cause 2. I have no time for anything any more..
1 hour later…
:86262 ask @MarcGravell
hola this question got some attention!
Q: What exactly is a "cheese" in Starcraft 2?

TMI seem to see commentators mention "cheese" with regards to Starcraft 2, but I'm not quite sure what they mean. If a particular build/tactic is called a "cheese", does that mean it is a considered to be uncounterable? Or does it just mean that it is considered to be a tactic that is "too easy"...

2 hours later…
@IvoFlipse Hmm, that's a good one, I think it depends on the game
what's a good one @ArdaXi? :)
your question
ahh, well my cousin actually wanted to know it
but I might just buy a bunch of second hand games while im in the US myself
as the question is console specific, might help to add 360 and ps3 tags
there you go :)
well I was planning on asking it for the Xbox
but then I thought, might as well ask it for the PS3 too
answered for both
and since I don't give a shit about the wii, I don't care :P
apparently the PS3 isn't region-locked, but for the 360 it depends on the game
bottom-line, you should be alright with US games on a PAL PS3, but the other way around might cause problems
yeah, so it seems, but your wiki list doens't seem 100% up to date
best I could find
no problem :)
you can just buy ones with a question mark and fill in the list a bit ;-)
or just stick to PS3 games
well the PS3 did have a bunch of great games the past Christmas season
but going back to Xbox gaming when Kinect comes out
and I get the Rock Band 3 guitar
I have all my instruments for Guitar Hero on the Xbox
Kinect kinda reminds me of that PlayToy technology back for the PS2
so not going to buy it for the PS3
oh man, this is soooo much better
That's it
same thing, just more modern :P
it's too bad they crippled the camera, but I know how expensive the research is
meh, I'll just wait till they port Kinect to the computer, which they will
Microsoft sucks at research
no, it's not, the Eyetoy didn't do 3D measurements
it doesn't suck at research, just getting it to market in a coherent fashion
and some of their tech is too far ahead of its time
they use gigantic amounts of money to buy very promising projects and then they make an amazingly crippled project out of it
Just look at what the Photo Tourism project could've been and how much of a failure Photosynth is
they launched tablets way too early, when all you had were resistive screens
and the internal competition kills new products
I'm sure they're using Photosynth for their version of Streetview
and even a bit in Kinect
but 3D kinematics is soooo damn hard
still not even touching its potential
and the Ubisoft fitness game looks awesome :P
that Photo Tourism project could've been used to create full 3D scenes from mere photographs
but no, they make a 2.5D panorama
Laser scanners are incredibly expensive, the tools Microsoft could've provided would've essentially made those obsolete
lasers aren't that expensive, every CD-player has one
laser scanners
they're a device you hook up to your computer, you put an object in and it creates a 3D model
a laser scanner, as in those camera's is just a laser and a camera (or more of them) that scan it
they're still around $1500 though
I'm getting one of those end of the month
well there's a couple of things that matter
I mean like these
how fast should it measure? if it's static, who cares
then there's how many camera's and lasers do you want, do they interfere etc?
and where can or do you want to measure, if it can be in a closed box, the measurement will be a lot better
my point is, the technology Microsoft uses for Photosynth would've made those scanners obsolete
I'm not complaining about the cost of 3D scanners
that wouldn't have been possible, I'm not sure if regular pictures would hold enough info
enough of them do
look at the point cloud
there's different tech, where you project lines on an item, just with regular light and measure that
sure, it wouldn't have been as insanely detailed as a 3D scanner but it's a lot easier to work with
the picture lacks calibration, so it's insanely hard to derive from the picture whether it's a straight line, or actually the shape of an object
but I agree, they algorithms would help a lot, even with 3d scanners like the one you linked
photosynth is capable of creating a series of points out of a photographed object
those series of points can be converted into a 3D mesh which can then be refined by a modeler
I've tried the tech demo a couple of years back yeah
but it's a lot easier than starting from scratch
but the 'advantage' is that first off you have A LOT of pictures from different angles
and they are often 'known' buildings
it's not hard to create a lot of pictures though
time-consuming, but not hard
well off course my problem is: I want to use them to measure humans
and either the camera's aren't high def + fast enough for semi-static measurements
or not suited by a mile when they're moving
you won't find a lot of 3D scanners capable of doing that either though
voila :P
currently our 'best' bet is using infrared cameras and markers
but buying about 12 of those, to measure walking for 2m costs more than 200.000€
but if you like toys, check this thing: zsolutions.eu.com/z650_zcorp_3d_printer.htm
your best bet if you can manage to keep the subject still for a bit is to make a ragdoll out of them and put them in a suit
3D printers are awesome
I'm in this project: afootprint.eu
where we use 3d printers to print insoles (you put in your shoe)
ah, right
and I need the foot's geometry, but I need to know how that changes during a step
Point cloud this is what I mean, extract the point-cloud, connect the dots, get 3D model of scene
and I need to know how the foot-ankle moves
yeah I got you, but the accuracy there is way to low for my purpose :)
that's a bit more complicated than average needs, yes
though the camera you showed has some nice ideas
using multiple lasers is a good idea
I was referring to for example making a lot of photos of a building and making maps for games etc
wait.. it is possible
either you can scan multiple lines at a time or you can reprocess the data from each line going over the entire object and interpolate between them
that seems interesting, I'm going to have some fun with point clouds once I finish reading this damn Python tutorial
still on that are you?
taking me forever, because it's way more fun to chat :P
how old were you again btw?
and what type of school are you doing?
VWO, just finished 3 years of bi-lingual education
ah then you're already close to have to do a project for your graduation don't you?
I wouldn't know, really
probably :)
profielwerkstuk, darn I couldn't find the new
well I guess you already have enough topics to do it about by now :P
Seeing as Arda already answered your question, I'll elaborate a little. You will be fine playing US PS3 games on your Euro PS3 because there is no region locking, but you'll be generally unable to use regionlocked Xbox360 games.
should be doing that in about 3 years
NTSC -> PAL doesn't make -so- much of a difference now
:87224 except for the caveat I mentioned
The Ghostbusters game for Xbox was multi-region and I bought that from a store here in the NL
thanks @FallenAngelEyes feel free to comment that to @ArdaXi's answer, so he can add it
It's NTSC but runs fine on our Euro 360
holy shit
if it's 1080p, it shouldn't really matter now should it?
:87228 As stated on the wiki :)
the person in that Joystiq article is a friend of mine XD
Jem Alexander
brb going to make some salad, so bbl
how weird
eat well!
I hate how expensive games here in Europe are
And they stay expensive so long after release
I just discovered that Fallout 3 was on sale for a whopping €25 euros now
I'd have expected the normal price to be €25 by now
GotY edition?
I think that's the only one Steam sells
I asked for the GotY edition from my parents for my bday cuz it was cheaper in the states
I have a friend in the UK buy my Steam games
Don't blame you
Fallout 3 is €18 there...
it pisses me off that they're the same monetary price
$49.99 or 49.99 euro ><
that's a 28% discount
yup, I feel your pain
I buy them second hand
or not at all
pain? I only pay the UK price :)
I buy second hand as well a lot
only bought a couple games at release
found a store here that actually sells them decently
59.99 euro for brand new games, sometimes 65...
I can't even buy any games in stores
well, I can since I know the manager of one of the stores well, but I can't legally
It is very frustrating that it's so hard here to find stuff like peripherals cheaply
:87264 I buy most of the things I need from Hong Kong
older Guitar Hero/Rock Band stuff in the US is very cheap cuz like Gamestop and whatnot often have old extras
But it took me forever to find Rock Band 2 here, just the disc :(
I bought my Dragon Age: Origins collector's edition from Hong Kong
I buy most of my stuff here
dirt cheap
How is shipping/import cost?
I am always wary about shipping stuff directly here from stores/websites cuz of potential import cost ><
they send by airmail, I've never had any tariffs or anything
Oooh, interesting. Thanks much :D
and I have bought a lot of stuff there
I used to be able to buy Steam stuff in dollars
because I have a US bank account still
but at some point they must have changed it to be IP based or something cuz suddenly one day everything was in Euro
you can get around that though
My XBLA account is US based cuz my Windows Live account uses a US address, so luckily I can pay for my 360 DLC in dollars
But I can't use Netflix T_T
mind that you'll still have to use a US address and everything
all the US exclusives are annoying me lately
I want Google Voice :(
Yeah, I can use my bank account, woo.
enjoys his Spotify music
what's google voice do?
your own personal PBX
Google Voice is a telecommunications service by Google launched on March 11, 2009. An erroneously filed FCC report from October 2009 indicated that Google Voice had some 1.4 million users, 570,000 of which used the service 7 days a week. This report has been confirmed by Google. The service provides a US phone number, chosen by the user from available numbers in selected area codes, free of charge to each user account. Inbound calls to this number are forwarded to other phone numbers of the subscriber. Outbound calls may be placed to domestic and international destinations by dialing the...
huh, funky
basically it means that no matter how often you change your actual number, you can keep giving everyone the same google voice number
and make that ring whatever phone/voicemail you want depending on who it is or what time it is
I'm not much of a phone user anyway
my mobile phone is an old Siemens with an orange and black screen :P
I want Google Voice too, but guess we'll have to be patient...
as with Hulu and Netflix, Pandora and what not
as I spend most of my time during the week out of the house being bored (I still go to school after all) my phone is everything to me
it's hilarious how a lot of programmers stick with regular phones
yeah, cellphones weren't as big when I was in high school
just as if they don't want anymore tech stuff in their life
well, they were getting there, but I still didn't use them then either
:87313 I need my phone to test my apps on
My phone can receive calls and make calls, that's all I care about :P
need? what you need it for?
mine has that functionality buried deep within the menu somewhere
:87321 emulator just doesn't cut it, I need to test the actual user experience
I just want it for the internet
I doubt a lot of people are going to use my app through the emulator
you write your own apps @ArdaXi?
I don't exactly like Java but it'll have to do
someone I know said that they had the ability to make voice to voice contact in real time with no lag to an iPhone friend of theirs and asked if the person's iPhone could do that. The guy spent 10 minutes looking for an app before he got the joke :P
Android or iOS?
Android, you know I have a Hero right :P
plus, I can't afford a Mac
oh right, I forgot :$
FroydVillain rocks, not 100% stabil, but that's probably my own mistake
I don't want a Mac and Objective-C is horrible
which sucks because our current iOS developer sucks :/
our current? where do you work then?
for that guy with the upload service?
not so much work as contribute
but yeah
I guess it doesn't pay well :(
as far as I know it makes a decent living from ads, so I'm not worried
not that I do it for the money anyway
what's your app then?
going to be working on a mobile app for AnyHub
which luckily grants a lot more freedom on Android than it does on iOS
ah right, how much does the ads make you then?
else I might invest some time in it :P
again, not me, I don't handle the ads on the main site
though, apparently it's like $30 a week
hmm not really enough to make a living from :P
nice for someone at your age though :)
better than working at McDonalds
I wonder what age Google would want me to be
before they take me on
well, depends on what function you want
since you Google NL only has marketing jobs
and to get a working permit in the US, I guess you'll have to be 18
there's a london office
I'm not relocating to the US D:
(no offence)
oh right, Jon Skeets place :P
My English is better than my American anyway..
well I would recommend finishing high school
crisps and lifts and lorries
was planning on doing that
and go study Computer Science or something with algorithms
though really, I would go do a bachelor and then move to the university
I to this day have NO idea what to study
it will cost you one year more, but you have way more spare time
or where, for that matter
which you could/should spend on programming or experimenting
I was planning on going to a university
Belgium's dirty cheap, Holland is easier
I just need to decide on which
I was looking at Groningen to begin with..
is that closer or you just think it's a better university?
I live in the randstad so that's definitely not close
but they're very broad
I would go to Delft or the VU
though I'd say Delft is a much better place for tech students
yeah, I was thinking that too
but the VU is much closer :)
it doesn't have to be expensive to live in Delft
and there are enough student homes too
there's a jillion student places here
I'd let distance be the last deciding factor really
because you'll be staying there for 4/5 years minimum
you'd better pick a place you want to be each day for that time
a friend of mine lived in Hellevoetsluis and went to university of Amsterdam
of course
every day, 2.5 hour commute
I know people in the US who take a plane to work every day
yup, I traveled from Arnhem to The Hague and Amsterdam for 5 years
I never realized before I moved here that colleges in the NL don't have dorms
which was why I would recommend the Bachelor degree route ;-)
and that dorm life was a very US thing
they have dorms in Delft, on campus even
but it's somewhat restricted to foreign students
but really, if you know you want to go to a city, subscribe there for a room, a year ahead
and you'll be fine
and the further you life away the better :P
but if you did VWO, than doing a HBO is super easy, so you'll have loads of spare time to mess around
also it's more practical, so the chances are you'll actually be doing something there
why are the Dutch inhabitants the only ones active here on the weekend >_>
what's the advantage of that though? I mean, when you're getting a university degree after that
then you can go the university afterwards and get a Msc in 1,5 years or so
we have no social life @FallenAngelEyes :P
I really shouldn't be here all day at my age..
...it's true...
the fact that you'll hardly run into speedbumps along the way @ArdaXi
Im typing over my Python book, guess I'm not that concentrated ;)
I'm gonna afk a while to play some Rock Band
later :)
bye :)
ping me if needed for a close vote or something
but trust me @ArdaXi the difference between university and college is mostly in the thickness of the books you have to read :P
and there's more choice at a bachelor level
both in where and in what you want
err.. in dutch terms, what's college then?
university-college if you like
or whatever they would call it
heej @TomWij are you lost? ;)
thanks for spotting that awesome Gnoupi question on Super User
:87447 Why do you always ask the newcomers if they're lost? :P
because I normally don't see those newcomers here
and since the SO team likes to think of us as communities, those newcomers are intruders ;-)
but luckily @ArdaXi you still have some time to decide where you want to go and what to do ;-)
now I know how it feels to envy the young :P
I gotta focus on getting through these 3 years
work hard at school, have more fun outside ;)
hmm.. off-topic, but this is why I wouldn't want a biology SE:
worked for all my years
hehe, I would have to check her out first
upload us a pic and I might know more
read it fully
especially the last sentence
faith in mankind lost
same thing, yeah
I can make him bleed there if he wants to :P
Interesting question, though a little subjective, since what is right?
that, and it's not a real question
what's 'sensitivity'
that's just a setting in most games
what does it do
sensitivity can mean many things
In computing, a mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons. (Although traditionally a button is typically round or square, modern mice have spring-loaded regions of their top surface that operate switches when pressed down lightly.) It sometimes features other elements, such as "wheels", which allow the user to perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features that can add more control or dime...
that's mouse sensitivity
sensitivity != mouse sensitivity
left a comment for him
hmm.. NASA made some kind of game I somehow completely missed
I should try this :)
2 hours later…
might as well let my melancholy dwarf drown himself..
1 hour later…
pff, my fortress is prosperous, my food stores are overfilled, I got litres of booze but no migrants
I feel very rejected.. for two seasons already
awh, that might be due your cheating :P
I'm not cheating
looks twice to make sure tzenes isn't here
I've only got 33 dorfs, will be 32 in a couple months
ah well, after more than a year my fortress isn't flooded, starved, attacked or otherwise affected by Fun, so I guess that's good
Stefano Borini
wu :)
Stefano Borini
just checking things
hello @StefanoBorini :)

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