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Well, if the consensus is that's how we want to do it, then I'll get start doing that over the next few days
Small batches would probably be best so it doesn't push all the new questions off the frontpage
Well, don't take my sole voice as the consensus!
Hence my question, haha.
I'll comment on your answer there and see if others chime in
Mmm, did not find any explicit discussion about tagging with genre, neither as its own question or as a conclusion in any general tagging discussion.
It might've been something they came up with during Chat, maybe?
Not sure, I wasn't in chat during the closed beta phase.
Gonna play some Borderlands, ping me if needed!
10 hours later…
Seems like not a real question to me:
ping @FallenAngelEyes
Yeah I saw that one and was like "Uuuh..."
Is aqueduct the name of the game or are they saying they're just stuck in an aqueduct?
those are the most annoying questions to me, they put literally no effort in their question and expect someone to just give them a walkthrough
:85480 I'm hoping it's the former
I knew I'd seen this guy before..
Q: How can I beat “Prototype” in Aqueduct for iPhone?

adibI've been stuck on this level for 4 days; it is the 26th puzzle in the 4th level. If someone has completed it, could you please post the solution? Thanks in advance.

Did a cursory search of Wikipedia disambiguation, no game listed under that name
aaah okay
(don't be fooled by the proper grammar, it was edited)
but there's not enough to work with here
Well before we vote to close, we should probably suggest they reword/add info
yes, but this is about the third question they've asked this way
the only thing that happens now is that we're sending out signals like "don't put any effort in your questions, we'll do it for you"
Well, these technically are the types of things we want people to come to the site with. I think we just really need to emphasize that s/he needs to give more information and detail what they've done so far so we can best help them.
We want to try to educate new users about how to use the site so they keep coming back, not alienate them, which we risk doing if we just close too soon.
6 hours later…
Fastest duplicate I've ever seen
Q: Does matter to match furniture built with the same kind of wood ?

Luc M Possible Duplicate: Does the kind of wood matter to build furnitures ? will a room be more "attractive" or efficient if all furnitures are built in oak ? Will a room with furnitures built in different kind of wood matters ?

is a duplicate of
Q: Does the kind of wood matter to build furnitures ?

Luc MWill a bed built with oak be better than a bed built with another kind of wood ?

Ping @IvoFlipse
Is your answer to the bed one going to apply to all furniture?
Well, it's technically not the same. The first is asking "Does different wood absolutely indicate different quality", while the second is more of a "Does matching all the furniture in one room have a special effect"
it should've been one question if anything
If the answer is still the same, though
since it applies to the same thing, the effects of wood on dwarves
my answer applies to both questions
Makes sense, then.
answered it nonetheless
I have to skip out, now. Consider flagging it suggesting a merge.
I'd handle it but I would want to leave a comment, and I actually don't have time for it.
Will do
Sorry was doing some chores ;-)
Really, I should've started playing DF earlier, it's totally fixed my lack of answerable questions
hehe, well just wait for the next game
on SU it can be so easy to gain 1k rep as long as there's questions to answer
Heh, I gotta say it was a lot easier on Gaming than it was on SO
I'm still really surprised at the average age here.. I'd expected much more people around my age here, but most everyone is 20-30
well I would be more surprised if a lot of people of your age would have been on the original Trilogy
it's funny how sites like that work, for me anyway. they keep turning up in my search results, but it took me about a year to actually figure out what it was and sign up
mostly because (at least in Holland) I don't see a lot of younger people programming seriously
definitely, the closest thing to programming I've ever seen anyone near me do IRL is make a game in GM
game maker
it's a program to make very small games easily
my only real experience is with Matlab
which is like your Texas Instrument calculator, only for 'big boys' ;-)
Heh, I don't even have one yet
I'm getting a Casio in a couple weeks :)
but I know what you mean
I'd say it's wise to grow some interest in Pyton, so you'll be WAY more effective with your calculator in high school ;-)
"Urist McMiner cancels Eat: Dangerous Terrain" gee, the fortress is flooding, what do you mean 'dangerous terrain'
what.. it does python?
naah, but maths on your calculator is very similar to Pythons syntax
protip: always check where you're digging before you build a channel
but I'll have to be back later!
2 hours later…
Urist McWhiner cancels Drink: Trowing Tantrum... yay, Tantrum spiral! Fun!
what are YOU talking about
I should have known
watching new Bioshock trailers, looking good! gametrailers.com/video/story-bioshock-infinite/702803
that's... different...
yeah but in the end: who cares Bioshock 1 was very amusing to play
and watching the new daily from day[9]
sigh... Urist McWhiner is Trowing a Tantrum; Urist McWhiner has calmed down; Urist McWhiner is Trowing a Tantrum; Urist McWhiner has calmed down; ... Can you decide already?
@alexanderpas I flooded my fortress :D
hello @Diago! Are you lost?
Nope. Bored
oeh oeh I need 85 rep to get edit rights
Really Really Bored :(
@Ivo I am so excited for you. Rep ......
awh, care to elaborate?
no, no, I want to be able to edit stuff on gaming
improve the quality on some posts
That needs eloboration :P
well it would waste some of your time @diago
@Ivo Can you jump on to SuperUser room quick :)
invite me there :P
@ArdaXi rebooting my laptop to get sound back (stupid flash on linux.)
flooding the fortress is fun.
Adobe does great work on alternative platforms :)
I dug a channel without looking at the lower z-level
luckily I managed to plug the leak and pump the water out, so all is well
Evening all
hello misses
woehoe Oranje boven in this room!
why don't dorfs tell you when they're out of booze or food
oh, inderdaad ja
lol "misses"?
yeah weren't you female :P
only dutchies will sit behind the computer on a saturday evening
Yeah, but I'm not often called that :P
and lol
would you be preferred to be called something else?
well I'm technically American but I'm an internet addict. And there's delicious broadband everywhere here
and yes @ArdaXi it's no fun going into town in the summer
haha, doesn't matter, just surprised me
It's been kinda crap weather the past week here, was actually nicely sunny today
Aside from the dubious value of the question, he tagged it "jargon," shall I retag "terminology," as that seems to be the preferred tag for that stuff on gaming.se?
should be a synonym either way
good call.
and I'm still in the habit of only being in NL in the weekend, so I would spend it with my GF ;)
commented: >
The site etiquette doesn't discourage self answering questions @Craig, but we do appreciate it when you give others the time to try your own questions, rather than instantly answering them yourself
How do I see the tag's wiki article again?
terminology seems better yeah
:86095 Info tab on the tag page
Ah ha, thank you
and @FallenAngelEyes: yes the weather was nice, actually went cycling! and yes broadband here is typically quite sweet
mobile internet could use some improvement
before I moved here, I was still on dialup
seems to be suggested already
I was faster.
Yeah, I didn't know that you had to suggest on the tag that had more occurrences
well now you do! woehoe!
you suggest on the destination tag.
The more you know ~~~~*
how long are you living in NL now?
since January '07
oef, that's quite short
one of your parent's a native?
The more you know you know, the more you know you don't know.
Nope, my boyfriend is Dutch
I was actually born in South Korea, adopted by American parents and grew up there, then moved here in Jan 07, haha
:O and he made you come over?
didn't make me, I decided to :) It was way easier for me to move here than to get him into the US and frankly, I like living here better than there re: government/health care/education/etc
I do miss my friends and family though :(
we've been together 7.5 years now, spent the first 4 doing the long distance thing
well it gives you an excuse to go on a vacation in the US
or make them come here :)
:O R.E.S.P.E.C.T.!
I gave up after travelling back and forth from belgium for two years
Yeah, we spend Christmas in turns at my parents and his parents. 09 Christmas was here in NL, so this Christmas we are going back to the US for a month.
so I relented and came back to NL
distance is tough :(
Doesn't matter how short it is, it always feels too far.
Normally I like to go back in summer to visit if I can, but now that we have our own place, we can't quite afford that.
The first year and a half we lived with his parents still cuz he was on that waiting list you need to be on to get an apartment
I'll say hi to your family for you, because I'm going there end september :D
Haha :D They live on the other side of the country though ;)
I assume you live near The Hague or Amsterdam?
east coast?
In Delft
and yeah, upstate New York
Deft is pretty nearby from here..
Cool, where are you, alexander?
Though for me, everywhere in the NL is nearby XD
Delft, that's nasty since all the students steal the best rooms
I had a friend live at the Jacoba van Beierenlaan (JvB)
:86155 Schiedam, next to Rotterdam
Not sure where that is off the top of my head... and cool @alexanderpas. I have a friend who lives in Rotterdam who I visit once in a while.
We rent in a small flat, it's a bit tiny, but anything that's bigger than living in his bedroom for a year and a half was fine with me :P
we'll stay here a couple years, save some money, then buy a place somewhere
he's got a good IT job in Alphen aan den Rijn
its just between Rotterdam and Delft @FallenAngelEyes: maps.google.nl/…
zakelijke auto and such
not bad, though the most important is that the job should be amusing
He's got an awesome boss
his boss is crazy
Gives him plenty of time off if he wants it
The guy likes to go kite surfing a lot and stuff
When we got our own apartment, he wanted to buy us a housewarming gift
well so is mine, just not for the better. Though he lets me drive an Audi A6s
So he bought us a 32" Samsung HDtv
ah yeah, right next to Vlaardingen
his dad works in a bookstore in Vlaardingen
time to find another embark location...
very nice @FallenAngelEyes :D
Yeah, my b/f came home and was like "I have a surprise" and I walked into the living room and almost had a heart attack :P
you thought he wasted all your food money for the month
:86183 what happened?
Haha yeah I was all "Wtf!" then he told me his boss got it and I was still all "Wtf!" :P
:86188 Tantrum Spiral Fun! (and a bit of dwarfocide from my side)
oh right, you mentioned that
no justice system?
And then I was really happy because we could play our 360 in HD :D
...guys, we should make a gaming.se Dwarf Fortress succession game XD
I should go at the end, I'll probably end up breaking it :D
I'm still learning...
but yeah, it is a good idea :D
I would too, I've forgotten so much.
well, let's just do it then
I should reinstall... I've got so many games to play though... but it's so tempting...
who cares if something goes wrong :)
That's always the fun part anyway!
by the way, this fortress has survived two days now, I'm really proud of myself
Oooh, thanks, was just about to ask for a link to that
:86210 fixed.
helped me get started, I like the Phoebus Guybrush set
has Phoebus' tiles but with Guybrush's text font
pff, I hate levers, I have this nice system that closes the floodgate on my only entrance when a thief is detected
it then closes right behind the damn kobold
have fun with the geek talk about DF
see you tomorrow!
the nice thing is that if I have multiple enemies entering/exiting which I can't overtake, I can pull that one lever to close the entrance, and the other will retract the bridge between that hallway and my fortress and open a floodgate to flood it
:86221 Déjà vu!
:86222 good night
weltrusten @Ivo!
I probably need some setup to drain that hallway..
might be smart.
my farm keeps disappearing
no wonder I can't make any booze
yes.. disappearing
ceasing to exist
That seems... ungood
beats me
let's get these dorfs off the ice, and in the ground.
What's the aquifer pack that came with the newb pack?
Oh great, Urist McPartyanimal got all my dorfs in the dining room
:86244 a patch to remove aquifers
I never embark anywhere with aquifers, so I suppose it makes no difference
I don't really understand what kind of impact that has, it's been too long
there are stones which, if you break them, make water flood out
aquifer = soaked with water layer above stone.
that's how I understand it
So it's a "you're fucked if you dig through this" kinda thing?
sorta, unless you know how to handle them.
why doesn't it expand other mediawikis?
finding that spot without aquifer is part of the fun.
:86262 it's a whitelist.
that's just part of using the f ind button
hmm, it's been a long time since I've had migrants
:86265 unless you're seaching manually because you have used perfect world, and know there are more suitable spots.
I'm on a location with a sand layer, a flux layer and a stream.
I'm on soil and stone surrounded with water and wood :)
creating new region! ...countdown until I die starting soon
> "Good Luck!"
in a really low voice that is.
I kinda thought Ellen McLain in TF2 :)
In that case, i prefer the portal version ;)
Alright, but only with the purple sphere out
forgot what its purpose was
It was not important ;)
it made shoes for orphans
I loved that line: "Did you just stick that Aperture Science Thing We Don't Know What It Does in the Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator?"
Who needs morals anyways.
I don't
*kills pesky noble*
lazy newb pack embark party has no fisherdwarf?
not sure, but why would you need a fisherdwarf?
I've never needed one so far
I remember using one way back for, well, fishing
...'course the stream flooded and he got washed downstream at one point, iirc
there's probaly enough food on the cart+gathering, and when you've build the farm...
why would you need fish :P
I do have a fishing zone set up now though, but it's in my fortress
connected to a river
yeah, those fishes who get trough closed floodgates...
my fortresses are always one big afterthought.. it's messy
yeah, that's what I had before, a fishing area inside
:86300 I have an open channel
I thought liquid wasn't supposed to flow through a diagonal opening :/
it does, only pressure is neutralized.
anyone know how to plug a channel?
drop ceiling from above.
I forgot how great this music was
@alexanderpas drop?
I need to plug that hole next to the semi-constructed wall
you know, collapse (only possible if you have a layer above.)
I don't, actually
can I drop a constructed wall?
the same situation from above:
I'll just try
wait, how do I cause a collapse
be sure it's free hanging, and remove the flooring around it (simple gravity.)
but that will aggravate the problem
I'll try blocking the entire channel
that should stop water build-up so I can drain it
does it freeze over there?
sure, but not in my channel
doesn't matter, you can dig out the ice, and build a temporary wall with it, then drain the channel, and remove the wall.
and after you have fixed it all, the water unfreezes in the spring.
gah.. cave-in didn't work
I'll try that then, but it's.. 22nd of Slate now
which is Mid-Spring
still snow?
or need to wait 8 months?
need to wait 8 months
luckily it isn't the only entrance
just the best defend-able one
and otherwise, we still have a miner and the ability to build constructions.
I'll just build a temporary hallway-of-doom so I don't have to keep the drawbridge open
what do you mean?
if that was your only entrance.
dang, put in parameters a beginning place but the spot it gives me has Scarce trees :(
oh great, possessed craftsdwarf
woah, when did my population double?!
my booze production is not prepared for this
no wonder they're all slow
just put the booze on repeat, the clutter will handle it.
gotta make barrels first
I managed to flood my pump
barrels on repeat too, again clutter will handle it.
already done :)
argh, another party
I liked how one of the boatmurdered guys handled it
they just locked him up in the dining room till the part was over
just lock the doors, problem solved.
doors? :)
my fortress has a great door shortage
they're dwarves, they can handle a breeze
Do the red dashes next to Goblins mean they're warring?
oh god
I'm pumping water into my alternative entrance
no, if it states war, they're warring
I did not see that coming
okies, thanks
that's the most drinking I've seen so far
moody dwarf?
gotta make the craftdwarfs workshop accessible
My font looks odd
aaand elves incoming
like it's not all the same transparency
you mean numbers and the like?
In the menu, the letters are whiter in some parts than in other parts
and they're coming, I am so getting sanctioned
Ah ha! I was apparently zoomed out a tick and the font does that if you zoom out o_O
drown them?
yay, I lost my craftdwarf's workshop :D
what's he demanding?
nothing yet
everyone cheer, the elves are here
why is there an E going into my food stockpile
oh my...
(E for Elf, I just discovered)
also, I think my dwarf wants metal bars
well, I don't have a smelter or ore, but I have a couple elves that probably brought stuff like that
I hope
I was afraid it was the latter too
don't forget the <kbd>u</kbd>nits overview.
also, you meant u nits :)
to see what s walking around.
I still find this item type strage: "Merchant (Caged)"
lol, you have caged a merchant. (cage trap?)
nah, was one of the animals they bring
damn elves brought no metal
the hippies even bring wood..
lock UristMcmoody in.
:86422 yep
wait... [world-of-warcraft] & [warcraft-3-frozen-throne]
what shall I buy.. I have 2682☼ worth of goods
hmm, yeah, that's not really right
I removed the bad tag
that makes more sense.
oh, I'm down to 1112☼ after removing all wooden stuff
:86432 How are you so sure it isn't warcraft 3?
well, last trade stabilised my supplies
Druid professions? Non existent in W3FT
It was probably a mis-click trying to type a different tag.
okay then
He was probably typing "warcraft" and it came up with that, and when he pressed tab it chose it.
Clearly not correct.
ohh... reclaiming a fortress can be used as a cheat....
how'd you mean?
embark with non-rottable, non-luiquid stuff, abandon, reclaim with rottable stuff, non-rottable is still present.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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