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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

oh great, the hippies are telling me to stop cutting trees
"Our needs exceed your allowances. Relax. They're only trees."
:86488 doomed...
oh, yeah, pretty much doomed
the first thing he wants to do, is mine for more copper with the miner he has.
don't say it here, say it in the big box under my inferior answer :)
I'm already typing
I've haven't actually looked into Dwarf Fortress despite all the talk about it . . . what is it about the game that everybody plays it for?
the extreme difficulty :)
the depth of the game.
Dwarf Fortress is to normal city-building games as the UNIX command line is to Windows: abstruse, catastrophically punishing of newbie mistakes, unfailingly esoteric in documentation, and thoroughly opaque in operation.
Perhaps I should give it a try . . .
best of all, it's Turing-complete
which means that, eventually, it should be possible to play DF in DF
:86503 (note: quantum computer required.)
Toad really has to multithread this thing
it's not as hard as everyone thinks it is :)
I'll bet it's easier to make DF multi-threaded than it is to keep a fortress running for 10 years
I just wonder what MT has for influence on the procedures.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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