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3 seems a bit much to me, not sure I'd ever need to use it for non-procrastinating reasons. Too much open is a distraction, I try to keep it minimal. Multitasking reduces performance
@agent86 this is your "no bells and whistles" mouse? amazon.com/Logitech-Performance-Optical-Gaming-Mouse/dp/…
@fbueckert imho, the shield charge booster is kind of a rip off. the scrap recovery arm's OK, it also gives you an additional option in certain events
but you kind of have to calculate "how much more scrap can I expect to salvage this game?" - the arm only pays for itself if 15% of what you gain after it is > the purchase price
@BenBrocka yeah, they must not make it anymore, thus the premium price.
Q: Approximately how many treks are required to get 1 follower from level 1 to 99 in Runescape's Temple Trekking Activity?

TeofrostusI've read various wiki articles and guides on how to get through the activity, and playing a few routes, I noticed that the number of levels that a companion levels up each time seems to gradually decrease as his level increases. However, none of the guides I've looked at give me any idea of how ...

@fbueckert :P
looks like the suggested replacement is pretty much the same thing, but with a few upgraes
Ohh, the newer model thing? Didn't notice that
that looks much more tempting
@agent86 I dunno. 15% faster shield charge coupled with an experienced shield tech should help enormousely.
and there my ship goes, down in flames, in like the second system :/ got punked by some laser drone + a hull laser
@fbueckert I find that generally between salvos, my shields recharge fast enough already
15% is kind of meh
I do like an experienced weapon officer + a fast firing ion weapon, that can do some serious damage
I'm somewhat tempted to try the engi ship, I've been playing almost exclusively with the default ship
Holy crap runescape is still around?
@BenBrocka I think until just recently everquest was still alive and charging per-month
I think it went F2P, but after EQ2 did
huh, wow
looks like runescape's had some graphics upgrades though
@agent86 was that one of the ones that's good for larger-handed people?
@BenBrocka well, I don't know what constitutes large. I've got 7" from palm to the tip of my middle finger, and I find it to be one of the more comfortable mice I've used.
Mark mentioned that the MX is larger, so if your hand is larger perhaps you'd prefer it.
From the palm as in wrist, start of finger or what? Palm seems like an odd end point
Also if you have 7" fingers that's pretty awesome
@BenBrocka hah, no, I meant from the the base of my palm, or perhaps you might say where my palm connects to my wrist.
from the space between my middle and ring fingers to the tip of my middle finger is 3"
About 7.5" for that here
Not the finger
what have I walked in on? O-o
hey, hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of here
we're all normal adults doing normal adult things.
ahem well, I'll just...be going then...
@agent86 Apparently we have very similar hands. Which makes us the cool kids, or something.
@TimStone we should use our hands to give each other symmetrical high-fives
@agent86 Measuring normal adult things
@agent86 @QAna might be jealous we're high-fiving with other people, but high-fives
@agent86 is that what the kids are calling it these days?
@TimStone high-five wooo!
@spugsley GLORIOUS!
Lo, I have dropped down to easy mode on FTL :(
@Sterno I have considered it. haven't yet, but the temptation is relatively overpowering
@BenBrocka ftlgame.com
@BenBrocka James and Sterno hooked fbueckert and me up with beta copies, we've all been trying (and mostly failing) to clear it
@agent86 I don't even come close to killing the end boss on Normal. I'm wondering if easy will make a difference
@agent86 Mostly failing is correct.
I have found that Crew Teleporters are the bees knees though
@Sterno I feel like I came kinda close the one time I made it that far, but I've only been there once in probably 20 attempts
2 mantis crew + teleporter = awesome
Getting lucky enough to find everything you need is tough.
@fbueckert have you yet failed to fail?
Oh man, now my hands look freakishly long O.o
@Sterno yeah, 2 mantises probably clean up.
@agent86 Nope! Every ship ends up destroyed!
Easy modo?
@fbueckert Fun(tm)!
@Sterno They do double melee damage, so they count as four regular crewmen.
I unlocked the stealth ship
Don't really like it though
@Sterno yeah, it's got no shields wtf
@Sterno I just have the extra Engi one; I need more.
I have the engi + the stealth one, that's it
A lot of people say the engi one is good for the end boss
@OrigamiRobot Freeeaak
I forgot just how clunky KH 1's battle system is :/
but I find ion cannons + drones to be an infuriatingly slow way to play
@fbueckert unlocking the stealth one requires finishing a quest in engi space that's got several stages
to all those going back and playing this for the first time, I assure you it gets better
Really just don't like drones overall
@Sterno yeah, this is my first engi ship game, I ditched the ion cannons for a burst laser.
@QAtash I just run around and mash all the buttons til things die. It works for me
@Sterno the "boarding" drone is crazy OP
I hope I find one this play :(
@Sterno I love me some drones. Beam + Fire drones = fun!
My engi ships always end up getting spanked when I run into an encounter where my ship gets boarded
Q: Will wearing heavy armour gauntlets with my light armour set effect my sneaking?

Ocean StormI was planning to start wearing Daedric or Ebony Gauntlets with my Nightingale Armour, I will obviously be wearing the Nightingale Hood / Chest armour and Boots. Will wearing the Heavy Armour gauntlets like Daedric effect my sneaking or stealth character in any way?

Q: Is there a way to move character in diablo 3 with keyboard in diablo 3?

Jim ThioIn world of warcraft you use mouse to click and keyboard to move around. Is there such a way to do so in diablo 3? That way you can more easily attack strafe or attack while backing off, etc.

I think maybe I can take down the end boss if I have crew teleporter + fire bombs + a rockman
@AshleyNunn That's about all you can do really. KH 2 is a lot better battle system, and the next games have even more improvements
or at least, the first stage of the end boss
My main problem was that I simply couldn't outdamage their shields or their guys with the medbay
@Sterno wait... there's stages?
but if I take the medbay out of the equation I think I can do it
@agent86 Yeah. You have to beat it 3 times.
@agent86 And it has different weapons/tactics each time
@Sterno okay, yeah, easy mode here I come
@QAtash I tend to adopt this button mashing strategy for a lot of things. For me, the biggest problem I have in KH1 is the jumping controls
I pretty much don't buy ship upgrades until system 3 or 4
Heh. I got lucky. Caused a fire in their life support. And now, I'm watching the ship burn.
only way to make sure I can get the most out of stores
Really want a ship that starts with a teleporter
@Sterno I would think the Mantis one would.
@fbueckert any idea how to unlock other ships?
@agent86 Start New Game. Click List. Hover over ship.
@fbueckert hmm, never clicked the list view.
Also, being level 24 in the training area for pretty much any game means I had way too much time on my hands at some point in my life
@agent86 The instructions are vague, but it gives you an idea.
Bus bus bus bus bus
@QAdley are you on a bus?
I'm on the bus
3.5 hours of fun
@QAdley That sounds.....delightful?
At least I have the football to listen to
@QAdley Is this a regular occurrance?
Every time I want to see my gf...
We currently live in rather incompatible cities
It's so weird to me that buses are actually useful in other parts of the world.
If I wanted to take a bus somewhere, I'd have to drive to a bus station, and by that point I might as well just drive there myself.
I've never used public transportation and don't care too
I have no car...
99% of the time thats fine
@StrixVaria Busses are quite useful in Canada; cheaper than your own car, and quite comfortable.
I don't live in a city, though.
@OrigamiRobot I use it because I cannot afford a car, so city buses are my friends. Sometimes it has unfortunate side effects of strange adventures but that is okay
If I were in a city, I imagine public transportation would be much more useful.
That said, personal transportation beats busses hand down for convenience.
I do use city busses to get to work; FAR cheaper to do so.
The cost of car ownership just doesn't make sense for me. By the time it's been bought, taxed, insured and fueled it's just not worth the money
I never liked public transportation because of the infrequency of whatever vehicle it is stopping at your stop.
For subways where they're every 10-20 mins it's not so bad, but for long distance transportation where I am it's every hour or even rarer than that.
@StrixVaria there's also long-distance buses (e.g. Greyhound and such)
I either have to rush through whatever I'm doing or wait an extra 2 hours for the next one with nothing to do.
It's ok if you plan
it's a pretty unpleasant but inexpensive way of travelling
I find that sometimes the half-hour spaces between buses is annoying, but I am getting really good at planning
There's a clear correlation between cost and convenience
@QAdley Not living in a city, it is essentially impossible to do anything without a car.
It's a mandatory expense where I live.
Yeh, I have many country friends, I can appreciate the need
When you have to drive 10 minutes to see your neighbours...
@QAdley There's this weird zone between city and country that exists in the USA (not sure if it does in other places) called "suburbs".
It's still densely populated, but with none of the conveniences of cities.
Ive seen them. We have them, but not nearly so bad
And public transport is usually reasonable
Pretty much all of New Jersey is one giant suburb.
Minus public transportation.
I live in a 'city' you can cycle across in 15 minutes, countryside to countryside. I find this amusing
@QAdley That sounds like a fun walk to go on every now and then.
Oh it is. Much of the city is large green spaces after all. Basically no one lives here
In Diablo III, when dual wielding as a Monk, how does it determine the weapon damage you do with skills?
@DoomyGSE Alternates one weapon then the other.
The overall DPS is an average of the two, factoring in the attack speed bonus.
@StrixVaria Does that go for the other skills too?
Also, does it matter what hand I have what weapon in?
I spent ages on that, well not too long but still.
Logd into chat, and found talkings of duel weapons and USA suburbs intesting
Q: Is there a way to buy cheap health potions?

ayckosterI am constantly in need of new potions in Inferno and I have to invest quite some gold in this. Buying 10 potions costs 6.100 gold. This is not much but it adds up. Especially jumping to a higher Act burns through my potions. I think I remember some NPC selling cheap potions after some event, bu...

Ok this may be a dumb question.... But who is Lazers? Like is he like community?
@GarethJones Basically a scripted RSS feed for chat.
@GarethJones He's a bot that posts all arqade and meta.arqade questions.
Every half hour, he'll post all the new questions that were asked in that time.
Ah ok thanks, that makes sense
We also have Gaming Topics From Outside that posts all questions tagged with
@GarethJones Press up to edit your messages.
Ok? Think that makes sense...
The second think that makes sense was for your message
Should edit in a @
How do you edit on an iPod....
@RonanForman I like the bit shorter videos, I actually got time to watch :)
@RonanForman oh your ronan forman
@RonanForman Now I feel the need to one-up you :P
@RonanForman GnomeSlicE said you might be willing to help me out with some small video editing....
@RonanForman GnomeSlicE
12:50 AM @GarethJones @RonanForman might be willing to help you out, but I'm not sure.
Someone should make a chat exchange iPod app
@Gareth Sure, what do you want to know?
nn people
@RonanForman putting an overlay onto a video - like for a logo
What do you use?
Q: Can I enforce a time limit window on Steam games, notably Team Fortress 2?

Thorbjørn Ravn AndersenMy 10 year old loves Team Fortress 2 but spend too much time playing it. I looked for whether Steam has a parental control system allowing me to say "max X hours over the last 14 days", but could not find any. The OS is Windows 7 Pro. How can I approach this?

Q: Pocket Clothier: How do I increase rapport with manufacturers?

PJWI have 5/5 stars for first two manufacturers but I'm failing to get the final star for the next two manufacturers (or subsequent ones as I spend all money and medals trying to get 5/5 for the 3rd and 4th manufacturers. I've tried enhancing all the shelving with those manufacturers, placing bette...

@RonanForman currently im using Movie Maker (in win7)
dear lord what a fucking tease we are
@Gareth Then you can't.
@Gnome I see what you did there.
I did need a while to see it though.
@RonanForman didnt think you with movie maker, however im mainly using that for putting the vid together (recording done in "parts") so is there another progam (preferable free) that you would recomend?
Q: Half-life 2 and Portal 2 graphics are corrupted

RichardI recently bought a new 1080p monitor to replace my ageing 1280x1024 one. The new one uses HDMI and is connected to my PC via DVI. The old one used a VGA cable. Set up was fine (Windows even detected the new resolution) however when I run Half-life 2, the graphics appear to be corrupted. Many of...

@GarethJones WMM is the most reasonable free video editing program I know
@QAdp k ill take a look at that thanks
...that'd be Windows Movie Maker
the one you're using right now
i know
sarcasms not expressed well in chat
you could take a look at this, @GarethJones
kdenlive might have a Windows port too but I wouldn't expect miracles
yyyyyeah, the "windows port" of kdenlive is Virtualbox
People should VTC great but sadly off-topic question: gaming.stackexchange.com/q/74537/15643
we need to go deeper or yum heart?
choices choices.
depths have no health pickups ever* so yum heart sounds interesting, but I also take more than one heart of damage every four rooms on that last floor
Q: Minecraft Single Player commands not working

user1413793So I'm on Mac OS X Lion and I tried to install single player commands. I have minecraft 1.2.5. I did the automatic install, it worked fine and now when I open minecraft a little thing come up at the bottom that says single player commands and some other stuff. However when I try to type / and a c...

Q: Do Origin Cloud saves work properly with Steam?

Ben BrockaI have Origin and Battlefield 3 and prefer to launch BF3 via Steam. The game runs fine, but when I launch Origin occasionally gives a warning that Cloud Saves can only be used when launching via Origin. I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean; launching via Steam still opens/authenticates vi...

Q: Very little bonus experience for huge massacre kill

C-dizzleI'm playing Nightmare mode right now and I had gotten a 45 massacre kill, one of the bigger ones I have gotten, especially on Nightmare. Only problem was that I only got +40 bonus experience, why in the world would I get so little experience for so many kills?

unknown pill right before mom
eat it
brb treasure room
COME ON. There's no way to predict hand attacks
that's so arbitrary
Meh. I'm growing really tired of this champion/elite insta-heal thing. I get that they want to prevent graveyard zerging, and I'm OK with that...but if they're going to keep throwing these super lame prefix combos at me it'd be nice if making a single mistake didn't totally screw me by making me start over again. |:
It'd be easily doable if not all prefixes were positive
For two positive prefixes in the list of possible prefixes, add a negative one
@QAdp Massively overpowered ranged attack, Massively overpowered melee attack, Reduced health? (example)
@ickleislands better than Massively overpowered ranged attack, Massively overpowered melee attack, Invulnerable minions.
yeah I was agreeing with you :p
Would definitely add another dynamic to the mix
Ah, I stand corrected. Probably should vote to reopen this one if you have the ability gaming.stackexchange.com/q/74537/15643
I think the new Pokemon rival Hue wins craziest hair award
@QAtash At this point, they might as well just style hair, and add electricity! Instant crazy hair!
@QAtash Clicking that link caused a Trojan condom video ad to pop up in the corner, which confused me since sex and Pokemon aren't something I'd have considered related.
Did the rules of Magic change wrt to the number of duplicates you can have in a deck? Just fought 2 opponents in Magic 2013 who each had like 10 copies of the same card
@TimStone You've obviously never heard of Rule 34 of the internet then lol ;) (Totally NSFW, btw)
Have they run out of colours already?
@QAtash Oh god, I just had a flashback to something that I read on a site that makes fun of terribly awkward fanfic.
@TimStone The Internet: Ruining childhoods since 1994
@RonanForman seems there was a way for overlay in movie maker, but cant find out if you can do it for WMM 15 windowsmoviemakers.net/Forums/ShowPost.aspx?&PostID=126996
@QAtash oh god not the internet rules....
@GarethJones Given to new Internet users along with this letter

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