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oh it wasn't PEBKAC
doesn't feel right doing copypasta on some other answer though
@spugsley And then you run off into the sunset?
@spugsley Hey, maybe we want to hide under the desk with you! wonk
@ickleislands Hear hear!
A: Where the hell am I?

smoth190You aren't on vanilla Minecraft, though. Your using mods that add new ores to the game, you have MAtmos, and the compass. Are you using Tekkit or Technic Pack? This is either a feature or a glitch in a mod you have. So, (unless your on a snapshot and this is a hidden feature), this isn't part of ...

@QAvenDreamer Perhaps you could've made it clearer when you edited the tag out?
Is it worth keeping with this answer? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/74503/…
Deus Ex apparently makes assumptions as to where its files are
Seems like a good answer
happy days, directx 10 driver for deus ex which supports 1920x1080
DirectX 10 for a game that was released before XP came out?
He means Human Revolution, I assume.
I mean deus ex
human revolution was so yesterday
today is about deus ex
Hrm... I had a moderator flag denied... <.< On my own question.
Q: Deus Ex gives error "Failed to find Steam" when starting

ickleislandsI have bought Deus Ex: Game of the Year edition on Steam and I am experiencing an issue that prevents me from playing. When I start the game I immediately get the following error; The game then immediately quits. Any ideas?

Now I just need it to support my mouse
otherwise I won't be able to reload
...And Bnet just went down, it seems.
Or my internet went boom for a second.
Behold, my past hour and a half of work.
And with that, I may sleep, satisfied.
So goodnight, friends.
Any DH here rich enough to have Natalya's set? us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5911881917
3 hours later…
Q: Damage difference tooltip doesn't match change

Oleg V. VolkovI have two items shown below. Tooltip on new bow shows that I'd have 43.3 damage decrease, however actually equipping it boosts damage on character sheet from 1639.70 to 2094.44. After thinking a little, I figured out this is due to DH's "Archery" +15% bow bonus not being taken in account on too...

Q: Do monsters have defensive stats in Diablo III?

NappySomeone mentioned that monsters can have resistances in Diablo III. Because those mechanics are basically intransparent to the player, I wondered if that is actually the case and if there are other stats monsters can have? Do we have any knowledge how they get those stats? By monster type? By...

1 hour later…
Q: What the best bonuses for each item type in Diablo 3?

Matt JoinerDifferent items have different bonuses available, with different ranges in Diablo 3. What are the ranges for level 60+ items, and subsequently, what are the best bonuses to aim for with each item type? Please link to a good reference if one exists.

Q: Mount and Blade Warband: Never awarded the correct points

DoomsknightBasically, When I enter a battle, it says, You will get 24 renown from this battle However at the end of said battle I get maybe 6-10 renown. In the tournaments it say 1st place, awarded 30 renown. However in the notifications, I get 4-7. I think the tournaments has gone down now ...

@MarkTrapp gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/67748/… - my answer is more informative; other one mentions increase resist attribute which is already covered in question but has higher rep to start with. Just as a data point ;)
Q: Diablo3 Does dodge dodge every thing?

The JAVA NoobAs questions. For example. Skills Spells Plague, Fire. Or anything that dodge doesnt dodge?

@Wipqozn VTC as off-topic. It's not about gaming,it's about who plays games. It's also a completely useless question.
Q: Has anyone beaten Diablo 3 Inferno on Hardcore?

Elliot ChanceHas anyone confirmed hardcore completion of Diablo 3 on Inferno? Perhaps a video?

Q: Has anyone beaten Diablo 3 Inferno on Hardcore?

Elliot ChanceHas anyone confirmed hardcore completion of Diablo 3 on Inferno? Perhaps a video?

@Wipqozn Do these guys have an inability to use any search engine? And if so, how do they stumble upon this site?
@Alok People are stupid.
It's literally the first search result if you dump his question into google.
Well, I'm flagging to close as 'too localized' - a month or two and no one will care about world firsts :p
Hey guys :3
today is my last Sunday at work ever!
@spugsley what are you going to do today to celebrate?
@agent86 well, I'm not going to do shit at work, for starters. And if anyone yells at me, I'm just going to stare at them with the dumbest expression on my face. I haven't decided which one yet, maybe I'll just decide in the moment, so it's more authentic
@Lazers Someone should finish this off, because it only needs one more close vote.
@agent86 or I may just take @TimStone's advice and shout Templar comments at every single person who walks through the door
"I AM FREE!!!"
@Wipqozn I already cast my vote
@Wipqozn and how are you this fine day, good sir?
@spugsley Hungry. I'm making some hashbrowns/eggs/toast in a bit.
I'd ask how you are, but it's fairly obvious.
@spugsley When someone arrives, you should shout "LOOK! OVER THERE! WHAT A MONSTROUS CREATURE!"
@agent86 Hahaha yes! I think that's the one that @TimStone mentioned as well. I approve and it shall be done
well, if they yell at you, and are all up in your face, you should totally shout "BUT THE WILL OF A TEMPLAR IS STRONGER!"
Everyone needs to watch this:
These guys are egg-cellent.
I appologise for nothing.
@agent86 bahaha yessss
@agent86 and if they apologize for their rudeness I will say "BETRAYAL CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN!"
Also everyone should take some time today to go to the movies and see Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
Yeah somebody is downvoting all of my recent questions and answers
@ickleislands It should be caught by the system and reversed.
I'm more interested in who I upset :P
Sacred Gold vs. Divine Divinity
@spugsley GLORIOUS
@QAvenDreamer YES! Who would have thought the Templar could be so useful!??!
Hey guys, I asked a question on the automotive repair SE buts its in beta phase and i'm concerned the question wont recive the proper attention, is there some other place I could try that anyones aware of?
Q: Bug: Whenever I'm around Farkas he acts like my follower?

DavidEvery time I go to the Companions place and when Farkas is there, he is always following me around and I'm automatically focused to him as if he's talking to me. And when I cancel the talk, 3 seconds later I focus to him again, and again. I have to fast travel away from him for him to stop. I did...

@Lazers thats a dupe. i remember seeing it before
@Ender Do you have twitter?
@RonanForman nope.
@spugsley Recently my Templar has started saying "I AM BLINDED BY SWEAT!" a lot...I would suggest not using that one.
@TimStone omg are you serious? lololol I have definitely not heard that yet
Yeah. Apparently it's one of his many complaints abut the desert heat.
Just one, actually. But it's a desert, so, you know.
hahaha I guess I haven't spent enough time in Act 2
@Fluttershy Son of a...! Reddit has passed us. Someone think of the children and go donate.
@Tim I don't care, their show is crap anyway.
But, the children! :(
The irony is that most of the comments on the reddit thread is complaining about what a terrible job their doing :P
Is there a cooking stack exchange?
@spugsley Yes.
lol ok that was the weirdest thing ever... so I massively edited the Deus Ex Invisible War configuration file to make it run at 1920x1080, got through the menus and intro cutscene and then the game crashed so I killed it in task manager... few seconds later it relaunched itself into the first mission
@Wipqozn Do you think they'd let me ask the question "I'm a shit cook. What the fuck can I make for dinner?"
@spugsley I'm not sure, but I have my doubts.
I can't imagine that would be any worse than gnomes "How do I mash potatoes?" question.
yossarian on June 06, 2012

I must have 50 cook books in my kitchen—some are useless, some have some inspired recipes, and some are totally impossible to cook out of—but there are three books that I love. Three books where all the pages are stained, covered in notes, check marks, and smiley faces. Three books that taught me how to cook. These are the three best books in my kitchen, the three books I recommend to everyone.

As I’ve progressed as a cook, I’ve gone through three distinct phases, beginner to intermediate to advanced, each well supported by one of these books. Today, New Best Recipe, the book that taught me to cook. …

@Wipqozn hahaha really? He asked this?
@spugsley Yes. This was a ways back.
Q: How to add friend in 5 in a Row Gomoku - Miniclip

Voislav SaucaToday I play 18 games against a player from Brasil, and at the end the score was 9-9 :))., so my question is how can i add this player like friend to see when is online and play again with him?

rofl @ how do I mash potatoes
@Wipqozn Someone from Meta's chat also asked how to slice onions with a bandsaw once. That didn't go over well either.
And also the salmon question
That one was from here, wasn't it?
What salmon question?
Cooking salmon in dishwasher
Aug 22 '11 at 1:33, by GnomeSlice ツ
Q: How do I Mash Potatoes?

GnomeSliceWhenever I try to make mashed potatoes, I end up with an excruciatingly sore forehead and a huge mess. And that stuff takes FOREVER to get out of your hair. What am I doing wrong?

Or something to that effect
Oh, can I cook fish in a dishwasher?
@Wipqozn ... hair?
I don't think so, apparently that's an entirely serious question.
Q: Is it possible to cook a whole fish in a dishwasher?

AttilaNYCI heard that there is a way to cook a whole fish in a dishwasher - any techniques, tips??

Second highest-voted question on the site.
@YiJiang He wasn't serious. He was just trolling.
There was also this one:
Jan 31 at 1:30, by GnomeSlice
Q: How Can I Beat Up a Bicycle With My Bare Hands?

GnomeSliceA friend of mine recently told me about a place he went for an interview where they apparently make a sport out of trashing locked up bicycles in the area. How the hell is this even possible? Do you just pull on it until it breaks? Do you need tools?

oh wow I actually lol'd @ the mash potatos question
and he wonders why people don't take his posts seriously?
@Wipqozn this is so funny. I laughed so hard
@spugsley Yup. It may not be appropriate, but it also happens to be really fucking funny.
@AshleyNunn: How goes NetHack?
@Wipqozn it is very hard and I dont understand most of.it but I am still playing so there is that.
@AshleyNunn That's NetHack for you.
They're starting to do an awfully large quantity of dieing on MarioMarathon
I would like to request that @GnomeSlice troll the SciFi/Fantasy stack exchange because I think it would be hilarious
@spugsley I'm not sure how you would. From what I've gathered they don't have very high standards.
@ickleislands Probably because they've replaced the former players with random people whom probably don't know what mario is.
@spugsley Is it even possible? It'll be like the Stack Exchange version of this:
Hmmm, should I start working on our machinima again?
They still don't seem to realize no one gives two fucking shits about them and their stupid nonsense. The game should be on the bloody main screen,.
@Wipqozn I agree
need to get their priorities straight, swap over the big picture and PIP
they're the wrong way around!
@spugsley How good are you at writing screenplay?
@Wipqozn hahah I post over there sometimes and this is accurate. But I think a "Help! I've been infected by a zombie!" post or "What should I do if I've started growing a tail?" should be sufficiently funny
lol but they'd probably keep it just for the lols
@RonanForman I wrote one for a Shakespere and Film course and made an A on it lol
(the correct answer to that was "So pro.")
@TimStone No, ronnie doesn't use capitalization. So the answer is "so pro".
Morning to all, by the way.
No, "so pro" may actually be a grammatically correct construct. ronnie won't stand for that sort of thing. So the answer is "pro much"
Or "pro many", if you're feeling original
lol who the fuck is ronnie?
@YiJiang this is just beautiful. I will be this person when I grow up
@spugsley A candidate in the last election. It was a hard fight between @agent86 and him
And @YiJiang likes to break my brain with him whenever I complain about someone's absolute lack of spelling.
@YiJiang yeah, it looked like ronnie was going to win for awhile.
@Wipqozn Indeed. I hesitated for so long when I had to cast my final vote.
@YiJiang As did everyone.
@YiJiang his "pro much" platform resonated with voters, that's for sure.
@agent86 His platform resonates on the same frequency as pain does. Just reading his comments is enough to make me want to shoot something.
@fbueckert is there a link somewhere? I believe I missed this part somehow
or I might have repressed it, if it's as bad as you say
@Wipqozn I see no ronnie....
the English major inside me just died thanks to this: "why would this be horrifying it would be very pro much just like i am maybe if u are lucky i will teach you how to be this pro much :D "
If you're unlucky though, you only get to be pro some.
:5090946 He ascended, and thus no longer grace our lowly site
Oh I see why I'm suddenly getting loads of downvotes <gnomeslice conspiracy mode ON>
@YiJiang I guess he rose to a level above pro much
It probably has something to do with this: stackexchange.com/leagues/7/week/gaming/2012-06-17/27134#27134
<gnomeslice conspiracy mode OFF>
folds tinfoil hat for later use
@ickleislands I imagine someone disagrees with your use of the self-answer functionality...not sure why, though.
I will go with my answer from yesterday: "An elitist community driven QA site sounds awfully counter intuitive"
people are supposed to vote on the post, and not on the person. a trend of down voting a particular person could be a potential problem. I'll keep this on my radar.
Q: transfering existing draw something game data to a new phone

ScottI've been playing draw somwthing for a little while now and have collected coins, colors, etc., and just replaced my old Galaxy S for a newer Galaxy S2 Skyrocket and was hoping all my "existing game" data could be "moved" to the new phone. Thank in advance (especially if this question has been as...

Q: Demon Hunter Stat Priority

user27279I've just hit level 60 with my Demon Hunter and am preparing him for Inferno. I am wondering what should my stat priority be for my demon hunter? Is attack speed & critical damage still viable after the nerf? Should I be focused on being an offensive demon hunter, or would it be better to get...

Q: Can creepers destroy spawners

Saif BechanI have found two case spider spawners that I can connect to eachother, but it is quite a complicated setup, so I am spending a lot of time. One big problem I am having that the spawners are in a huge dungeon where I get attacked often. I am wondering if a creeper can destroy my spawner when he g...

@Lazers Dupe
Ah the escapist is going through a re-design
Q: What are the best craftables in Diablo 3?

NicoI'm thinking of buying plans to craft armor or even weapons, which crafting plans are the best out there?

yay subjective questions
I am just going to reply with 'Inferno Whimsyshire Staff'
It costs 1mil+ for whimsy that has no MF applied to chests; a bit steep to be 'best' option :(
but but but, there is no wrong answer to such a subjective question. From my point of view the staff of whimsyshire gives me the most fun and is therefore the best
I think possibly he just wants to get stuff crafted; and has no idea there is a forum where people offer their services. But that is not asked in the question :/
Nothing stopping you from linking to the forum in your answer though for completeness
I have an overwhelming desire to play Fallout 3
thingsbearslove.com you're welcome :3
@spugsley lol nice
crashes through school... even if he doesnt go there anymore.
Q: How do I install Diablo 3 to external hard drive without admin prviliges?

JackIn relation to the post here: Playing through an external hardrive and here: How can I run Diablo 3 without an administrator account? I'd like to know how you can install to a connected USB 2.0 external hard drive if when as soon as you click the installer you get prompted for admin un/pw? Thank...

I am not convinced this works
As there are files relating to Diablo 3 not stored in the installation directory
When I copied my D3 folder to my work laptop I had to also copy another folder because the Launcher crapped itself and got stuck in a loop
Not sure if it's still valid though
@Fredy31 you could crash through my work instead
In fact, can you write to ProgramData without admin privileges?
Q: Pokemon Black & White / Black 2 & White 2 - Advantages getting the direct sequel?

Dylan YagaSince this is the first time a Pokémon game has had a direct sequel, is there any advantage to getting the sequel instead of the opposite game? Or should this just be treated like any other new Pokémon game, and just pick one?

Heh, I hadn't seen that one before.
Apparently there's a lot going on in that Templar's head that we don't know about
@Fluttershy HAHAHAHAHA omg yes
@Fluttershy This is the most true thing I have ever read ever
@TimStone seems like he might be a pretty smart dude
I mean... C'mon... Who hasn't tasted Play-Doh?
@Fluttershy I haven't but, oddly enough, I kind of want to now...which is...disturbing O-o
@spugsley Or at least a very disturbed one. "If I was a Lord of Hell, how would I take control of an entire city?"
@spugsley Play-Doh really does taste like Poseidon's salty butthole. So... Try at your own risk.
@TimStone oooohhhh premise for Diablo 4? O-o
It'd make as much sense as any of their other lore, so sure. :D
@TimStone The templar is my favorite companion. =3
@Fluttershy one of my favorite is still the pterodactyl...omg that's fucking brilliant
see, they wouldn't have to change much
@TimStone There is a lot of stuff about the Templar, it makes the other two followers seem a bit under-developed at times
@spugsley You should write the script for them.
@TimStone fuck yes. But be careful, Blizzard isn't above stealing this idea, for sure
@TimStone omg I totally will. I already have the tagline!
@spugsley Diablo 3 expansion -> Templar goes back to his order, slays them all, final boss of Act 5 is against the Templar
"I have absorbed the evil from these lands" etc
Diablo 4: A Worthy Foe - "You should have listened to the fucking lines about the water"
@ickleislands Yeah, it does seem like that doesn't it? Kind of par for the course I suppose, so my expectations weren't dashed or anything, but.
@ickleislands and Act 2 is caldeum with a poisoned water supply.
see? They can reuse the environment, just do some minor tweaking to the templar's lines, and voila! We only have to wait 8 years for the game instead of 12
No it will still take 12, they will scrap it and start again after 8
For Diablo V I think it's pretty obvious that the Black Soulstone plummeted from the heavens and pieced through Deckard Cain's grave, turning him into the new Prime Evil. "Stay awhile....AND DIE!"
@ickleislands bahahaha I can always hope! Don't take that away from me!
@TimStone lol
@TimStone That would be fucking awesome. I would play the shit out of that
I told you to STAY! LISTEN
"Fight the forces of boredom like never before, as you struggle to survive against the wave of stories coming from the old man's mouth."
To be honest, Sanctuary would be in dire straights if a member of the horadrim because the new prime evil
Oh! Surprise ending though for Diabo 4 - Final Act, the Templar kills himself "I WAS A TEMPLAR! BETRAYAL CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN"
End of Act 5: "I am DEATHWING, the Destroyer... oh what? Wrong game..."
@Fluttershy I like how The Oatmeal so vividly captures my life. For example: why I eat out versus cooking: theoatmeal.com/comics/cook_home
fucking seriously, this exact thing has happened to me
@spugsley I dunno... bison is tasty. ;)
I don't have the kitchen explosion problem, I just CBA cooking... it's like I leave eating until the last moment and then can't be bothered with spending an hour cooking something when I live 5 minutes away from Dominos
@AnnaLear Yeah but rather than shaving the bison myself and then cooking it, I could just get it out :p
@spugsley wait, you're supposed to shave them? Uh oh.
@AnnaLear Of course you need to shave them! Read the recipe on The Oatmeal!
and after you shave them, you smother them with mango lard
I knew I should've read the whole recipe first.
@AnnaLear How did you even come across that Meta post to delete it? :P
@spugsley I love trying to contemplate what mango lard would be like
@TimStone Which one? :P
@spugsley I'm so sad I no longer live in Philly where I could have everything in the world delivered right to my face.
@TimStone If this were possible where I live, I would weigh +/- 124908318708378 pounds
@TimStone Ahh, the OP flagged it.
Oh, that's random. Not that I disagree, of course.
10 minutes left until never working another fucking Sunday EVER
@spugsley Somehow it worked out for me because I was more active at university, since I actually...had to go places. Now...not so much. And I don't even have the comfort of easy food to console me!
@spugsley This is a very exciting thing! Wish it was zero minutes
Okay, so I knew Origin was retarded and all
But I did not expect that to play Battlefield 3 you had to: Open a Browser and install a plugin before I could play the campaign. Every time.
@BenBrocka O.o That's special
This free $50 game doesn't seem so worth it
@BenBrocka It seems overly complicated
Dirt 3 (my other free game) had a convoluted set up too, had to make a profile, log into Live and set up a gamertag (but that's probably just how Games for Live do things?)
I certainly hope this isn't "the future of gaming"
@BenBrocka It sounds like a pretty depressing future
In 5 years games will consist of filling out forms and mailing EA/blizzard money. You will have to be connected to the internet to do this.
bye for now :3
@spugsley confetti
Heh. I just found Stilgar's corpse.
Fun Dune reference.
Apparently I have a 20% chance of surviving an intense lovemaking session with Bigfoot.
@Fluttershy That does not sound like very good odds
@AshleyNunn It definitely does not. I shall avoid hiking in... anywhere.
@Fluttershy This strikes me as a pretty good plan.
Q: Multiple COD4 servers

MidnightfoxI'm running 2 cod4 servers that are streamed to ggc. For some reason the second one stops working after a while (the window is still there but when you type status, you get server not running). They both have map rotations. They run on same machine, same folder, but different ports (doh). I just ...

Q: Mineral Scarcity after water purification

KanaviI really don't know if this is a good place to ask this question here. Kindly migrate this query to an accurate forum if found not welcomed in this forum. Thanks to all. Query - I have water purifier at my home. I was worried about the fact that once the water is purified I will not be able to g...

Hm... will there be another LoL contest with that LoL tournament?
@Alok I hope you don't expect me to catalog your "data points". If you or Gnomeslice think there's a systemic problem with how Arqade users treat a certain class of people, come up with a list of examples and write up a meta discussion question explaining why you think those examples demonstrate said problem.
@BenBrocka someone says free? eh?
@agent86 If you bought certain AMD video cards, yes
@BenBrocka d'awww
Anyone got mouse recommendations? Ideally something that works well/is comfortable as a normal mouse as well, not just a super hardcore gaming mouse. I've heard good thing about Razer brand, and the deathadderdoesn't look too silly (newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826153055)
I don't think I need the MMO one with like 12 buttons
@BenBrocka the logitech gaming ones come up frequently and people tend to like them.
I've owned several razer mice, and their original ones were good, although the ones I've gotten more recently haven't been as good.
I kind of have a preference for the logitech shape, it's ergonomic for me
I love my logitec dinovo mouse for comfort, but it's connection is spotty, hence I'm looking at wired stuff
@agent86 not as good how?
I'm a big fan of Logitech mice. Haven't upgraded in a long time to make a worthwhile recommendation, though. I still use the MX400 from years back.
@BenBrocka my mouse is an MX518, very "classic" and not a lot of bells and whistles, but it's the third one I've bought (one my wife uses, and one I take to work) so I guess I'm a satisfied customer :)
@BenBrocka I've used the Logitech MX for years: I have large hands and it's been the only one that's comfortable to use for extended periods of time.
@BenBrocka it's been a couple of years now since I bought one, but the buttons are made from a rubbery plastic, and after a while of using it they didn't spring back like they should've, leading to buttons that wouldn't click or would register at the wrong times. I also bought one of their Xbox controllers and I've had to replace it about 3 or 4 times due to defective analog sticks. Neither here nor there mouse-wise, but sort of soured me on the brand.
@MarkTrapp that's good to know, I've got long fingers
@agent86 that;s surprising for a company oriented toward pro-gaming stuff
I trust Logitech's stuff, my dinovo edge is still amazing 3 years later
palm to the end of my middle finger is about 7", and I find the logitech stuff comfortable as well. Don't know how the MX is size-wise vs the MX518.
@BenBrocka yeah, I had really sort of held the brand in high regard, not so much anymore
@agent86 It's larger
@AnnaLear newegg keeps showing me that one
@spugsley I can't just troll on demand you know. ...Also, I'm not a troll.
Except for that thing on bicycles.SE.
Thing I don't like about buying mice/ect is it's so hard to tell how good it is until you have it in your hand, makes me reluctant to buy. Same with recording stuff.
@BenBrocka I love my new-ish Rat 7.
@BenBrocka That's why I get all mine from the dump.
@GnomeSlicE I just can't imagine that thing could be comfortable
@BenBrocka logitech stuff seems mainstream enough that you could maybe go to a bestbuy or target or somesuch and try one out.
@BenBrocka It is. And you can customize it to suit it to your grip.
The bottom (part that faces you when using it) can be extended or retracted, and it comes with 3 of those plates of different heights and textures, three pinky rests, three thumb rests, and removable weights. It's all a little silly, but it's a fantastic mouse.
@BenBrocka Before he gave me this one for Christmas, my father gave me a nice little gaming mouse that I think might have been... logitech? It was comfortable, cheap, worked well, and only had like two extra buttons plus a DPI switch. I'll see if I can figure out the exact mouse and get back to you.
@BenBrocka iCan Gaming Mouse.
Q: What are the best craftables in Diablo 3?

NicoI'm thinking of buying plans to craft armor or even weapons, which crafting plans are the best out there?

Am I the only one who thinks questions without thought behind them are bad?
@BenBrocka I recently got this mouse, and I find it to be really comfortable. Some people complained that their hands were too large for the finger rests though, so if you have large hands it might not be a good fit. It also picks up oil from your skin like crazy because of the material it's made of, so if seeing where your hand has been bothers you, it's not for you.
@Fluttershy When is your birthday? I want to buy this for you: sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/…
@fbueckert I hate "play the game for me" questions, but that one is especially bad. VTCed as NARQ
@MarkTrapp That was my thoughts.
We're re-structuring Game on! at the moment, so that people can easily see what it is and what's happening, come help us! chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/271/se-game-on
@RonanForman Can you give an executive summary of what the changes are?
@MarkTrapp Home page at stackgaming.com explaining what it is and what we're playing when.
I see
Maybe try and get SE to advertise said homepage too.
Also I'm going to make a video explaining how to get involved.
@TimStone My hands completely engulf all of my current mice, and the oil thing would bug me too (I wipe off my plexiglass dinovo edge all the time) so I think I'll stay away from that one
Heh, for some reason the mouse doesn't bother me that much, but I've been desperately trying to find another desk to replace my glass once since it picks up so much grime and I can't win the war on keeping it clean.
reminds me, I need a new desk too eventually
getting a desktop I actually use has reminded me of all the crap I need to buy to go with it
good speakers, mouse, better desk, probably a mousepad/arm rest thing
@TimStone pretty as they are, a glass desk would probably drive me crazy too
Yeah, I'm not sure why I ever thought this was a good idea. My main issue now is finding something that will accommodate my three monitors.
I haven't coded much at home so I'm not sure if one monitor will drive me crazy or not. But I had been using a 13" laptop for coding before...which mostly led to me not coding
@James @Sterno Decisions, decisions. Shield Charge Booster, or Scrap Recovery Arm? I know! I'll buy both!
I'm not sure I could even go with only two monitors now, but then it's entirely possible I have way too much open at once..
I've got the same setup at the office as I have at home though, which is nice.

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