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Which would be why they need their own proprietary system.
or rather that's becuase some people sell keys on paypal for less than the store does, thus decreasing the estimates cost to get an unusual accordingly
@YiJiang Yes... Yes they are.
@gnome Im saying Steam's got much juicier stuff than Blizzard does and yet Steam gets away with sending one email every once in a while
while Blizzard needs dedicated hardware
@QAdp Email? I must have missed more of the discussion than I thought.
That's because Valve is the last bastion of legendary game developers in the world
(or smartphones)
Even ID sold themselves out
Long live Valve!
@gnome yes, yes you have
@ickleislands (not sure if sarcastic)
I'm not terribly happy with Valve, on the whole.
@ickle game dev != security
Mostly because of Steam.
I love Valve
Last large games company in the world that hasn't offended me in some way
hey, I love Valve too! how novel.
They even refunded my copy of RAGE after just one email
I haven't been offended by a single large games company. You people take everything too personally.
Yes, I take Blizzard banning me for logging in from two IPs in 30 minutes personally
And then accusing me of being hacked
that's a personal insult
@ickleislands Ergh, IndieRoyale does that when you access your bundle from two computers over ANY length of time.
I take ID software only testing their games on a specific set of hardware and then calling their customers various names because they couldn't be bothered to Q&A their stuff
quite personally
I take EA repackaging the same game 30 times personally
mostly because it's so much more convenient than finding just the right torrent with the right instructions and the right crack and the right patch and the right disk image mounting software with the right drivers and right options
I take EIDOS turning Deus Ex into an Action RPG personal
@ickleislands I'm not sure the word 'personally' means what you think it does.
@ickleislands yeah they repackage the same 30 games over and over again, and 20 of them are sports.
and then it doesn't work anyway and you start over
@GnomeSlice I lol'd pretty hard. That was a good one.
@GnomeSlice I understand the meaning of "personally"
The last game I bought from EA was Scrabble Blast for iOS and it's brilliant.
Although, to be fair, the customer service was unusable for me.
WEl, I'm off. Night everyone.
tortoise swoosh
@GnomeSlice If you want, I can give you this coupon code, and you can buy Tera just to have it on hand in the event it goes freemium?
@Wipqozn nn
Since you have to pick your phone, and your provider when you sign up for the help center online, and they didn't offer my carrier with my phone in the choices.
I eventually figured the problem out myself, but that really annoyed me.
@Fluttershy If it goes freemium then you probably wouldn't need to pay for the base game either.
@Wipqozn I'm just trying to get rid of this damn thing. >.>
@Fluttershy It's still $25? Also, why would you buy it in case it goes freemium?
@ickle I like DXHR much better than the original ducks
@Fluttershy How did you get it?
Also, I doubt I'd be able to play it anyway, though it does look ruddy awesome.
@GnomeSlice It comes with a free month... <.<
@Wipqozn Raptr
@Wipqozn Oh, I see, there's a subscription and a game fee.
Original DX was legendary
@Fluttershy I'm not sure what that means.
DXHR is merely 'good'
@Wipqozn Look it up, it's a service.
@Fluttershy Have you played it yet?
@Wipqozn raptr.com
@GnomeSlice I have not. And have no intention of playing.
user image
it doesn't help that I took way too long to find out how to play the original game with thirty-whopping-two bits of colour
@John Alternatively, 'Ohm More'.
@Fluttershy Why... not?
@GnomeSlice The oversexualized art style bothers me. Namely the oversexualization of the race that look like 9 year olds.
anybody here have experience with e-cigarettes?
@Fluttershy Have you looked at it recently? I remember making fun of the boobs when it was still in development, but honestly, it looks like they've toned it down substantially.
Now, 'Blade and Soul' looks amazing, but it appears to be impossible to have a female character without a huge ass, a tiny waist, and massive tits.
Which is really dumb. I hate shit like that.
@GnomeSlice I wouldn't say substantially, but they did have to tone it down some to avoid the ESRB.
@John Good job, sir tortoise clap
@GnomeSlice I hate that as well
Because then when you play it, all you're going to see is mostly naked girls running around.
@Wipqozn Why thank you. non-tortoise bow
Because all of the basement dwellers are going to make their characters as sexually confusing as possible.
Didn't they just add pants or something to the hyper-sexual 9 year old race to get around the ESRB rating?
Assuming that's the class you're talking about, it looks like a child with an adult face.
anyways, time to swoosh
tortoise swoosh
Doesn't seem sexualized to me. But then again, we know how my opinions on these matters generally stack up.
@MarkTrapp is that what Tera looks like?
Also, just because some fictional race of people doesn't wear pants doesn't make them 'sexualized', it's probably not considered inappropriate in the culture.
@ickleislands Yes it is.
Is there a hair colour choice other than blonde?
@ickleislands That's what one of the races look like at least. The popori are cooler
@MarkTrapp ...Okay, that's kind of weird.
@ickleislands I see an orange one.
that orange is strawberry blonde
@ickleislands Also, brown apparently.
like I meant a real colour
@GnomeSlice ah k
Blonde isn't a real colour?
@GnomeSlice I would never go blonde
Blondes are where it's at.
Oh wow, I should have known better.
'Play the TERA demo now, with no download required!'
Yes, it was too good to be true.
'No download required'?
oh java based
It streams.
I can't even stream youtube any more from here.
I get the same error and I can stream youtube
Surprisingly it appears to be working this time. It's going to roll over and die, I expect.
Nope, insufficient bandwidth.
Even with my downloads stopped I have insufficent bandwidth
It probably needs very fast internet.
I have to say I have mixed feelings about the whole 'super ball-breakingly hot females' thing in most MMOs.
On one hand, I think it's really dumb, and unnecessary.
Well it's unrealistic and clearly tailored towards men
But on the other hand, I mean, if you're going to model characters, you might as well do it right.
@ickleislands That's the easy reaction, yes.
Think about it.
The men in those games are pretty fine specimens too.
erm, you played WoW?
If you were going to create a bunch of people, you could make them look however you want.
@ickleislands Well, often they are. And no, I haven't.
All the girls have back breakingly oversized proportions and all the men have been hit by trucks repeatedly
There are certain standards that are generally accepted by society to be 'ideal' for both genders. It stands to reason that anyone with the full freedom to model people however they wanted would want to make them look... well, good.
@ickleislands Having gigantic tits doesn't automatically equal attractive, you know.
@GnomeSlice nope, however the general point is valid
take human male vs human female as the example
unfortunately though it leads to lots of boys dancing on mailboxes with no clothes on
@ickleislands ...What?
in WoW
as girls
@ickleislands Right.
boxes that your mail arrives in
Well think about it, an 'attractive' female is generally much more easily distinguishable for her traits than an 'attractive' male is for his.
It's just the way it works.
Maybe in your eyes
I say 'attractive' for lack of a better word, I assume you know what I'm talking about.
I do, but I see attractiveness in men most likely a lot easier than you do
@ickleislands What I mean is that all put up in armor, a skinny dude and a RIPPED dude look about the same, whereas a lady with a large... bosom is pretty clearly identifiable.
I'm not talking about personal preference, gah, I figured you'd miss my point.
Q: Is there a difference between green movement and blue movement?

QAven DreamerAll ships in Endless Space have a speed (listed in Parsecs / Turn) that varies based on faction, engine modules, random events, and researched technology. Some of these above grant a modifier that is colored blue, and some of these grant a modifier that is colored green. What's the difference b...

no, I started what I said with "i do"
as in, acknowledgement
Can this question be put out of its misery already? Not sure how many more links we need to Wowhead
but I figured you'd not read what I said
So, that video is a case in point.
That guy's character is utterly, utterly ridiculous.
She makes zero sense.
But it's a nice character.
Fuck you, genitalia.
Although to be honest, I'm not a fan of the white hair, but it's just an example.
I like saying I find characters like that stupid, and ridiculous, and dumb.
realistically they'd never stay inside that material with all that jumping around
and I guarantee the designer was a guy
@ickleislands There's nothing realistic about a virtually un-armored chick with some massive, sculpted hooters running around not getting killed by monsters.
but but
The blizzard methodology says less armour = more
@ickleislands You'd be surprised. Female character designers do the same thing.
Because face it: everyone loves a hot girl, or a hot guy.
I mean, you could make everyone in your game ugly.
But... why?
because the traditional market for games is guys
especially persistent worlds, even though the market is changing
@ickleislands Again, that's the initial response, yes.
But female characters like playing attractive girls over ugly ones too.
@GnomeSlice All I am going to say to you is "The original tomb raider"
And that was definitely not aimed at girls
and yes I prefer playing an attractive girl over an ugly one, but i'd rather play a badass one over an attractive one
and I'd rather play a realistically proportioned one that I can emotionally relate with
That video is just plain silly
I couldn't get immersed in something like that
so hey, i just met you... and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe?
@ickleislands ...Lara Croft is both of those things.
@ickleislands Is that a meme or something?
@GnomeSlice was*
no its a song I got stuck horribly in my head
@ickleislands ಠ_ಠ
against my wishes while trying to mock somebody else who had it stuck in their head
@GnomeSlice Don't listen to it, just don't
i made the mistake of finding the acapella of it and starting to remix it
and now I have the chorus horribly lodged in my brain
@ickleislands But... but... erg mixed feelings lol.
it's impeding the part of my brain that regulates my ability to not keep repeating annoying phrases
A: Forgetful Chat Site Directory

balphaThis was caused by the fact that the user's parent account on gaming was a sockpuppet that got merged into the main user (you), but hadn't been merged on chat yet. This has happened now (and thus "Lost in Mystery" doesn't exist anymore). Improving the handling of such a case in general is on our...

Wait a second, is it just me, or does this answer say that the parent user was a sockpuppet?
@GnomeSlice yes it does
Is that... not right because this is the parent?
I dunno, I always forget what parent means. It's never consistent.
they finally did an ERB of Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates
@GnomeSlice Usually the first account created chronologically or the one with the most rep
@YiJiang That would be this one, still.
Sockpuppeteers usually have one main account and a bunch of smaller ones with just enough rep to upvote the main account
@ickleislands Oh Jeez. That's probably going to piss some people off.
@GnomeSlice it's not of the same quality as the earlier ones unfortunately
Opened it up expecting something earth shattering like Bieber vs Beethoven
@ickleislands That one was dumb. Beethoven had some good lines, but honestly, I'm sick of everyone doing the 'Justin Bieber is a fag and should die, etc' thing.
Shakespear vs Dr Seuss
or Elvis vs MJ
I like the big-screenshot site design on Indie Love. (http://indie-love.com/). Not sure how I feel about all the pink though!
@GnomeSlice It's more of a meme nowadays than anything else
Doesn't mean his music is not terrible though
@YiJiang One of the worst memes ever to become a meme, in my opinion.
sadly Bieber is the reason that I have this song stuck in my head
Nobody forces anybody to listen to music they don't want to listen to.
People just think it's 'cool' to violently threaten Justin Bieber.
You know you have it bad for the game when you look at your preorder, realize it isn't the special edition, and feel a little heartbroken
@QAtash I know that feeling. Even though I don't pre-order things.
Q: What are the highest FIDS yields possible for each planet type?

QAven DreamerFor the large majority of the game, the planets you're dealt are the planets you get. But as you approach Endless Space's endgame, terraforming options start to open up, and suddenly the formerly simple task of resource optimization gets much harder. Sure, a basic 0/1/1/5 Arctic is obviously wor...

@GnomeSlice actually in this instance, Bieber found the track and gave her a record deal, if he hadn't my friend would have never heard it and I would have never got it stuck in my head :p
@GnomeSlice but you are right and I have no hate towards anybody

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