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@GnomeSlice yep. i watched a bunch of B&S vids the other day. really liked what I saw
I'm a fan of NCSfot
Creepy youtube comments, get.
> i feel bad for the girls. they might freez since they nearly don't have any clothes on them at all. come to me girls, i can warm you:D
Okay... can someone explain to me why the hell Indie Game: The Movie have a 3GB update to download?
i like the travel system in B&S
@Fluttershy Steam.
@Jin Last NCSoft game I looked forward to was Star Trek Online.
@GnomeSlice Yeah... But.... It's a movie... What could it have to update? O.o
And everyone knows how that turned out.
@fbueckert the last NCSoft game I looked forward to was Tabula Rasa...
@Jin Played the beta. Didn't grab me.
I played Lineage2 and City of Heroes. liked them a lot
but CoH had 0 end game content..
Isn't Indie Game an actual Movie?
@Jin Had being the keyword.
@tiddy Yeah. It's a movie... So... Why would it have a 3GB update? <.<
Have about twenty seconds loaded of the Blade & Soul video I linked.
@fbueckert I heard it's been improved. I quit before CoV
@Jin That's when I started. My first 50 was a Ninja Mastermind.
They got named after TMNT. It was (and still is) awesome.
@fbueckert ha when I played CoH, Ninja master mind didn't exist..
@Fluttershy It's likely a single file, no delta updates, and if they updated the DRM, or compression or anything with the main file, then it would be forcing people to redownload
@fbueckert my main was a fire/fire blaster
@Jin It's free to play; what are you waiting for?
i am looking for another mmo to play, but for casual play... WoW really burned me
@Jin I have one of those at level 4; comes up to most hero's kneecaps.
but then again, I'm not sure if I can play a mmo "casually"
@Fluttershy I've done what I can!
ha i found this old fire/fire blaster guide i wrote: boards.cityofheroes.com/archive/index.php/t-113217.html
@Jin So....old!
@fbueckert Much appreciated.
But anyways, there is now endgame content, called the Incarnate system. Sadly, it is only available to VIP players.
I really enjoyed CoH. it's refreshing because it's not another wizard 'n pally type of mmorpg.
@Jin That was why I liked ST:O. Unfortunately, ground combat is absolutely crappy.
Which is balanced out by the much funner space combat.
Billion dollar game idea: Diablo engine meets Office Space. You eventually fight The Bobs.
But they introduced pay-to-win a little after it went free to play, which killed everything but hardcore PvPers.
@Jin I just noticed that video for B&S is from 2008... is the game still not out?
@GnomeSlice beta is out later this month
but i can't find any information on if it's for korea only or uk/us
Q: Vendor iLevel over Inferno

Let_Me_BeI'm curious about the quality of the items sold by merchants in Inferno. My perception is that ACT 1 and ACT 2 seem to sell the same quality items, am I right, or does the quality of sold items improve with passing acts?

@Jin I believe it's the Korean open beta, since the closed beta concluded in late May. However, I don't think there's an ip-block for non-domestic users.
I wish something would come out of that FF tech demo. We need a modern day FF.
Or even FF XIII Versus to come out. Or something. ME WANT RPGS!
this is ridicolous
@fbueckert You could make your own... or finish all those Gunplas you have piling up. >:P
@QAzer I've got some ideas on my own game.
But it's not an RPG.
It's a stupid complicated engineering/ballistics type of thing.
(if you don't want to watch it all jump ~15 minutes in, that'll make you rewind and watch it all)
@Jin everyone knows Zakus are better :P silly Earth Federation.
@QAzer you know... this means war.
@QAzer Once a Zaku can destroy the world because the pilot sneezed wrong, then we'll talk.
Do you think a question on how to fold a far-flying paper airplane would be appropriate for Physics?
I give up.
Wrong bracketing.
@StrixVaria it's []() for links (text in [], url in ())
there you go
I tried both ways and it didn't work, and I'm tired.
It's linking it...but isn't hiding the URL part.
@StrixVaria don't give up!
Anyway, I'm thinking of asking a question like that, having just folded a paper airplane out of boredom.
@Fluttershy @Ebongo @James has anyone gotten a pearl dragon yet? Still no luck with the suggested pair here
@BenBrocka I know @James got one.
@BenBrocka Why are you not BenBroQA
@StrixVaria Why are you not StrixQAria?
@StrixVaria they'd probably close it as NARQ or whatever, because on stack exchange we hate fun.
@Fluttershy Because that doesn't make any sense.
@Strix I could show you how to make a great one in person. Ah well.
@Fluttershy I heard they were way more common than Emerald, but it seems to be just as crazy rare
I often make moderatorial (I made that word up, BTW, but I didn't have any fun doing so, so it's cool.) decisions based on what the least fun option is.
@BenBrocka I've gotten a rainbow dragon trying to get a Pearl. >.>
@Fluttershy I got TWO
You guys keep asking these questions. Is this an iOS game? The wiki doesn't say.
I have enough rainbow dragons, I'm swimming in rainbow dragons
@fbueckert Yeah, though it might eventually be ported ti Android; Backflip has started doing that
@BenBrocka Well, I might pick it up then.
@Jin did you see @QAzer's community logo?
@fbueckert It's free and very good
@BenBrocka The point being to breed dragons? Doesn't sound like there's much more to the game than that.
@fbueckert Breed dragons, raise them, get money, make a park. There's a few dozen breeds of dragons and a good feeling of progression as you go through the game
@fbueckert Silly Gundam with all those accessories I'm surprised that you can even move, much less sneeze.
@QAzer That has a much more Armored Core look than pure Gundam.
Although, it'd be fairly amusing is he could actually use all of that at the same time.
@fbueckert From the free IOS games of that type I've seen, most don't seem to have a point except for making everything painfully slow unless you spend load of real cash on them.
It would take the Macross Missile Massacre to a whole new level.
@MadScientist Yeah. Not a fan of this business model at all.
"Yo dawg, I heard you like missiles. So I put missiles in your swarm missiles in your cluster missiles in your missiles. Enjoy"
If you guys want a free, and very good game for iOS and Android, pick up Arel Wars.
@fbueckert Is that the actual name of an event in Robotech?
@fbueckert how does one evade a Macross Missile Massacre, anyway?
@QAzer With sheer awesomeness.
@GnomeSlice Nope. It's on TV tropes.
@fbueckert Ah.
Robotech was famous for ridiculous amounts of missiles, and there's a place called 'Macross City'.
Q: Will gaming.stackexchange.com redirect to arqade.com soon?

KipRight now, arqade.com redirects to gaming.stackexchange.com. Will we soon be reversing that? Using a unique TLD would probably go a long way toward convincing newcomers that this site is legit.

Q: How can I breed a Solstice Dragon?

Ben BrockaI hear there's a limited-time Solstice Dragon that looks like the Sun Dragon. There was no in-game update referencing the dragon at all. How can I breed a Solstice Dragon?

Q: We lAQ a Google + share button

Ben BrockaThe Google + button went invisible: The HTML is still there and the button functions, but the button isn't visible. This happens for the "share your answer" links too.

Q: How to play FEAR 3 over a LAN?

Jane AdrienI would like to play FEAR 3 cooperative mode over a LAN with my brother. Unfortunately we have no internet connection at home, but it's only avaiable to play it on the internet. Is it possible somehow, to play it on LAN, or connent to the host by IP? Thanks in advance,

@GnomeSlice Macross is the original culprit of the trope, though.
aka. Robotech.
@fbueckert I think they should call it "It's the Circus!"
@QAzer That only works if you have multicolored missiles....most awesome idea ever!
"Yo dawg, I heard you like missiles. So I put missiles in your swarm missiles in your cluster missiles in your missiles. And then I painted them all different colors."
@QAzer doesn't matter; fire power
More games need a proper missile swarm mechanic. Games are ever so much cooler when there's hundreds of missiles hell bent on destroying you.
@fbueckert you and @GraceNote would probably get along well.
Better yet, proper 4X space battles should have awesome point defense capabilities, so you see a ship nonchalantly sailing through a cloud of missiles.
speaking of missiles
@Jin Lol, the Bangai-o games are ridiculous.
@Jin Haven't actually played any of these games yet; I like how they make fun of stuff, though.
i really miss the gloary days of shooter games. there were so many good ones
radiant silver gun, mars matrix, thunderforce, etc
Oh boy, I think this is releasing soon.
"Professor, why is the game slowing down?" "Well, unfortunately, the DS isn't powerful enough to calculate everything at once. So, it slows it down to be able to cope. Call it a special ability!"
@Jin but Zakus are forever sexy
@QAzer you're high. Kampfer, is sexy.
Sazabi too
@Jin I like Geloog better :P
@QAzer my fav Zeon suit is sazabi. so awesome.
slaps @agent86 with a glove A duel sir! Pistols at dawn.
Be there, or be circle.
tortoise swoosh
@Jin The red ones are especially sexy. B-variant, not so much.
@Jin looks like a cripple in a multi purpose wheel chair xD
@QAzer you mean a physically disabled person, with tons of firepower
Q: Are 'transfarring' or cross-game saves region free?

JohnoBoySeveral games available on both the Vita and PS3 allow you to sync your progress between platforms, for example, the MGS HD collection for PS3 lets you 'transfar' your MGS2 & 3 saves to the Vita version and back while Peace Walker HD 'transfars' with the PSP version. PS3 games like MLB 12 The...

@Wipqozn WAT
@agent86 Guided bullets tend to be pretty boring, actually
Q: Wireless Xbox 360 controller on humbre bundle V

user70657This is my first question on Askubuntu, so I will apologise beforehand if I break any kind of rule nor asking an obvious topic. I got the Humble indie bundle complete (including Bastion, Lone survivor, Braid and Super meat boy... the whole bundle is excellent). The fact is that Braid nor Super...

@Jin but it's not even a gundam, but the most excessive booster unit never built :p
@GraceNote :( here I thought we were finally having a conversation worthy of your input.
@QAzer that's Gundam EX-S, EX-S stands for excessive. :)
Hombre Bundle
@agent86 Bangai-O is the best and everyone should've played the original back on Dreamcast
@MarkTrapp just don't try to transfarr the saves.
@BenBrocka I have one pearl, and you can see how many other dragons I bred trying to get it.
@GraceNote and Radiant Silvergun
@Jin This too, though for different reasons
there was a game i wanted to get, but i forgot the name.. it was a combination of FF tactics and shooter..
it's a board turn based rpg, but with a crazy combat system
@Jin Resonance of Fate?
Ok, that's not it, then.
@fbueckert no. i have that one
@Jin If this was a video game, I'd be all over it.
@fbueckert RoF isn't really FF-tactics-like
My first thought pattern would be to imagine Wild ARMs XF, but I haven't actually seen its gameplay, I just know I want it.
@GraceNote Brain receives inputs. Brain spits out this answer. It's as close as could be found.
@GraceNote I own most of the Wild Arms, but I haven't played any of them.
Wild ARMs XF's gameplay is like FFT, except it has a hex grid, guns, and is hell of hard. Although then again FFT had guns, too.
@Jin I don't think any Gundam comes close to this one.
found it
@Jin That was a crazy game. I got about two stages in before I went "I have no idea what's going on here".
@QAzer that's like the gobots of gundams.
As a sidenote, the next game in the same sort of vein is out; Gungnir.
@Jin I love Sting games
Oh, Knights in the Nightmare
@fbueckert The if you don't do the tutorials you get totally lost
@QAzer I did do the tutorial. I still had no idea what was happening.
Resonate of Fate's combat system was a bit confusing at first too.
@fbueckert everything starts to make sense closer to the end of the game
@Jin Yeah. You go from "doing great" to "crap, gonna die" in one hit, though. Wasn't a fan of how that worked.
the plot is nearly as convoluted as the gameplay
@QAzer I'm supposed to play to the end to figure out what the crap is happening? Nuts to that noise.
@fbueckert the story bounces back and forth between glimpses of the past and events happening during the present time
@QAzer I'll just play Gungnir. Any game that manages to confuse me that thoroughly had better have a different hook to keep me going, as neither the battle system or the story made any sense.
The learning curve is steep but it gets pretty good once you get settled in
@fbueckert Is it out? I must get this game!
@QAzer Indeed it is.
That makes, what? Three games in the Riveria series?
@fbueckert 4th I think
@QAzer Which am I missing?
@fbueckert Rivera, Yggdra, Knights-mare, and Gungnir, I think
Yggdra Union
There we go, that's four.
@James Don't suppose you remember the order of Snow/Seaweed you used? Not sure it matters, but...
Q: How do you breed a Quicksilver Dragon?

EBongoI've seen reports that there is a new metal hybrid dragon called a Quicksilver Dragon. What is the best dragon breeding combination to get this dragon, and how will I know I was successful?

Fastest protected question ever.
The dragonvale Qs get lots and lots of anonymous views (and all that comes with)
case in point, my 40 minute old question with 500 views gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/73469/… (no reddit or Hacker News required, just add Google)
BTW, if anyone has Protect rights, please do slap a protect on there
@fbueckert news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/109/109061/index-2.html according to this interview there was suppose to be a PC MMO game but production on it is still up in the air
@QAzer Instant fail. Not everything needs to be turned into an MMO.
Tetris the MMO!
World of Duck Hunt Online
@BenBrocka Could you imagine? There's be bots that do nothing but mess up your lines.
@BenBrocka Kill it! Kill it now!
@fbueckert yeah, I have learned to preemptively protect those questions :P
@agent86 I don't blame you at all.
@fbueckert World of Breakout.
@Jin Now it's a concerted effort to troll me. Awesome.
@fbueckert you asked for it
I've got an extra beta key for FTL
@Sterno I think/hope @James will be sending his extra my way. Otherwise I would happily take you up on that.
@Jin Really? All I said was that not every game needs to be turned into an MMO. I don't see how that is asking for it.
@fbueckert I can just hit you up now and he can send his to someone else, if you want
Q: How can I breed a Solstice Dragon?

Ben BrockaI hear there's a limited-time Solstice Dragon that looks like the Sun Dragon for the Summer Solstice. There was no in-game update referencing the dragon at all. How can I breed a Solstice Dragon?

@Sterno Not at home yet; give me an hour?
@fbueckert Given my baby schedule, it might be a lot longer before I'm on again
What's your email? I could just send it
@Sterno username AT gmail DOT com.
(and sign you up for penis enlargement ads)
Remove! Remoooooooove!
@fbueckert everything needs to be a rpg! i enjoyed Mario RPG
@Jin The Paper Mario series is one of my favorites.
I had to triple check your username spelling like 5 times :P
@Sterno Yeah, my last name's a bitch.
I can't not read that as f*ckbert
I had to get that off my chest
good evening all
@ickleislands 'evening
how's things?
@BenBrocka done, thanks :)
@BenBrocka Awesome. You have just murdered my name into something dirty.
It's like a Q-Bert porn parody!
@BenBrocka Seriously, though, I've always had the exact same problem
@fbueckert How do you actually pronounce that?
Q: Is there a way to know what areas are appropriate for certain levels?

The SasquatchIn Lord of the Rings Online, is there a way to know which areas are appropriate for certain levels? My friends and I have been playing the game for a while now and following the Epic Book quest lines starting in Bree, and are now to book 3, however we are just barely high enough level to get th...

Q: When a question is closed as duplicate, a clear link to what it duplicates would be handy

EddieCI did a google search and got a link to one of your questions. Unfortunately the question was closed (it seems like almost all the questions are closed as duplicates in my experience). Since it was closed as a duplicate, it would have been really nice if I could have been redirected to the page...

Q: Tactics for high score on Plague Inc

mmmattiasI find the iOS game "Plague Inc" pretty easy since the same tactic seems to work on every level. I simply evolve air and water transmission along with cold and drug resistance until every single human being is infected. After that I just evolve coughing, "immunity something" and the next one giv...

Fun fact: Downloading a Civ V update can mess with your save game. >.>
Steam just finished updating my Civ5
I have like 8 games installed and don't know which I want to play
@Wipqozn If I made you a turtle swoosh tee-shirt/hoodie would you buy it?
@Jin I leave for half an hour, and already you guys are butchering my name.
I can't take you anywhere!
@fbueckert I think you accidentally a word
@agent86 Derp
For the record, I pronounce my last name Bic-kurt.
@Wipqozn I'll show you the design when it's finished.
@Sterno Do you have a link where I can go to get the beta?
Soluto is giving away two support slots this weekend
if you have parents using computers (and you do), or even if you only have your own, I still do recommend it
that said I have no more computers to link :(
@QAdp Soluto?
Soluto is an application that you can run on your computer to shorten boot time by delaying most of your crap in startup or straight disabling it (delay = run as soon as the system is idle, so that the computer is usable earlier but you still have everything running at the end)
it also warns you about some out of date apps, lets you install these apps remotely, monitors your antivirus and disk and updates and whatnot, but these are more helpful when helping others
there's an application that needs to be installed on each computer and a "control panel" on the soluto website to manage them remotely
which is why it'll ask you to sign up
(or Facebook connect)
pretty much the only thing it could do with is some kind of remote controlling feature
you can add up to 5 computers for free and buy more slots
this weekend if you add 1 (2) computers you get 1 (2) extra maximum slots
Q: Is there any way to change victory conditions with the game already started?

pacofvfIs there any way to change victory conditions of a game already in progress?

Q: What are the technical details of how the Xbox Companion apps communicate with the 360?

KeenThere are Windows Phone 7 and iOS apps that allow limited remote control of Xbox 360s. Has anyone reverse engineered the specifics of the protocol used for this control? Are there open-source remote control applications?

@fbueckert You just enter that key into steam
@Sterno Yeah, figured it out. :P Playing now. Thanks!
Under the "add a game" menu I think (can't check atm)
@Lazers How is this gaming?
@RonanForman I'm really cheap, so probably not.
@fbueckert it's almost gaming but I think it's more of a superuser question
Q: What is the SK Terran Build Order? (Brood Wars)

BBz[This is a Brood Wars questions] I'd like to know, What is the general build order? When is it used? Advtanges? Disadvantages? Counters? Example games?

Q: What is the Bisu Build? (Brood War)

BBz[This is a Brood Wars questions] I'd like to know, What is the general build order? When is it used? Advtanges? Disadvantages? Counters? Example games?

@BenBrocka I have been swapping back and forth but I generally go Snow then Seaweed
@Wipqozn has 39 questions, and nobody plays vanilla. Creating a new tag is pointless
@MarkTrapp Agreed. reverts edit
I'm not sure what the point of asking a question that is so niche that the only proper response is to do a Google search, to which the very first result is a complete answer to the user's question.
How can you even learn those terms without having already located the pages that describe them?
one of my hard disks is making a strange noise
Its kind of like when someone asked "Do Legendary items exist in Diablo 3?" You have to know the answer in order to ask the question.
not really
could have come from WoW
or diablo 2
Except neither of those games call them "Legendary"
or another game that's similar, like Torchlight, that has legendary items
Strange, I seem to clearly remember my Tarecagosa's Rest being a legendary
It would've made sense if they had used the wrong term.
yeah, WoW definitely has legendaries.
Ah, my bad
In this case it just ended up being a poorly worded title anyways. But my comments about the Starcraft question still stands
and I'm fairly confident D2 called them legendaries
@ickleislands Nope, they were "Uniques"
The StarCraft questions are bad for many reasons, not least of which is that they don't describe a problem
@bwarner you are right
although they were colloquially known as legendaries
@ickleislands By WoW players? ;-)
"Once in a long while, a dedicated and intrepid adventurer may come across an item of particularly legendary and unique power. Unique Items have unique names and attributes. Unique Items are more rare than Rare or Set Items."
has legendary in the sentance :p
and what, my time in D2 ended before I played WoW
@ickleislands I just never heard them called that. Must've had a different group of D2 players.
i played d2 mainly on us east
you can see why they call them legendaries now though, stone of jordan or windforce hydra was hardly 'unique'
what with soj supplanting gold as the currency
I always heard them called unique on US east.
but your mileage obviously varies and all that
cant even remember why I never played on the european realms
anyway I am going to sleep
nn all
@GnomeSlice Don't counter-troll me!
@OrigamiRobot Oh, you were joking?
You figure! :P
@BenBrocka TBH I always read his name as "f*ckbuket"
Eee, Miner Wars 2081 E3 trailer.
Heehee, nice name.
Also, one of these things (his questions) is not like the others...
@OrigamiRobot Really? Is everyone jumping on the name mangling wagon?
@fbueckert I never even tried to read your name, I just looked for 'fb' and 'ck'.
@fbueckert I have had these feelings since the first time I saw you.
Q: How come some links in comments don't get hyperlinked?

BBzI've noticed that sometimes a link in a comment won't automatically be hyperlinked. For example, I added two identical comments to two of my questions and one was hyperlinked and one wasn't. (Although, looking at the crowd reaction, I don't think my questions are going to be around long enough f...

Back when you were still just a pink collection of triangles
@OrigamiRobot And now you've gotten creepy on me, too.
Q: How much in-game time has passed between Portal 1 and 2?

KeenAt the start of Portal 2, it's clear that time has passed. You've been woken up every few months for physical and mental fitness tests, until something goes wrong and you're left in stasis for much longer. How long is Chell, your character, in stasis? How much time has passed between the end o...

Shouldn't this be closed?
I've had lots of questions closed because they weren't "actual problems I was facing" in the game.
Oh, silly me, those closed ones weren't about Portal, so they actually get evaluated objectively.
Impossible to discuss without you providing specific examples of questions that got closed but you think are the same as this one
@MarkTrapp Give me a few minutes.
I'm not offering myself up for the discussion, I'm just saying you're spitting in the wind when you make vague claims like this
@MarkTrapp Warcraft 2 taught me never to spit into the wind.
Feb 17 at 15:30, by StrixVaria
@GnomeSlice "You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face."
@GnomeSlice I don't think anyone doubts people have told you that: i meant specific examples of questions closed you feel are of similar character to the time between Portal games question
@MarkTrapp Yeah, I thought there was one in that conversation.
Don't link a conversation, link a question. No one is going to read through your conversation.
@MarkTrapp my question about outfits in Soul Calibur V.
Kay. Link?
@GnomeSlice The portal question is about plot.
@OrigamiRobot ah, dang, I was just about to say that! :P
@OrigamiRobot It's not an actual problem that you face.
@MarkTrapp ...I can't find it. Someone must have deleted it because they didn't like it. Again.
Yeah, that must be the reason. We only delete things we don't like.
@GnomeSlice IF the question was closed it's going to be deleted, assuming it's not a dup.
@GnomeSlice Not understanding the plot is a problem when playing a game
@OrigamiRobot So is knowing which outfit is the most revealing, then.
@GnomeSlice Story is an essential part of the gaming experience
@OrigamiRobot If something isn't explained in the game, it's not important to the plot.
@GnomeSlice Who said it isn't explained?
@OrigamiRobot The game said it wasn't explained, because it didn't explain it.
@GnomeSlice Not everything is spelled out and some people don't pick up on the subtleties
Just because it wasn't explained to you personally doesn't mean it wasn't explained
@OrigamiRobot It's not important exactly how long it is, the developers probably didn't even have a date in mind, it's supposed to sound like a 'long time'.
@GnomeSlice That is your opinion
@OrigamiRobot It was also my opinion that the question I was talking about getting deleted was important.
@GnomeSlice The outfit question? What did it prevent you from understanding?
@OrigamiRobot What did not knowing the exact amount of time between portal games prevent you from understanding?
@GnomeSlice How Chell is still in the physical condition she is in if it has been as long as the game claims
@OrigamiRobot Which is 'a long time', yes. Stasis.
@GnomeSlice But the game doesn't tell you "a long time" it give you an incomplete number
@OrigamiRobot Right, because it's irrelevant
@GnomeSlice Really if it was any considerable length of time, there would be muscle atrophy. Unless there is some kind of technology at work to prevent that.
@OrigamiRobot Stasis. Isn't that explained?
In a story based around deception, it seems very relevant to me.
@GnomeSlice No. It just says "stasis". Who knows what that implies
What difference is there between '235 years' and '30,000 years'? That's my point, all that matters is that it's a long time.
@OrigamiRobot Again, it's not relevant to the game or they'd explain it in more detail.
@GnomeSlice But the game never says "a long time"
@OrigamiRobot 99999999
@GnomeSlice How do you know they didnt explain it?
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
@GnomeSlice No. It just says "stasis". Who knows what that implies
@GnomeSlice That could've been a glitch.
@GnomeSlice I mean how do you know they didn't explain exactly how long?

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