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@FAE and don't forget Diablo 3
Aaaaand one of my b/f's just bought me Sniper Elite v2 because I was laughing about the fact that you could shoot testicles in it the other day.
@FAE Whaaaat? Seriously, you can do that?
@AshleyNunn With an x-ray view of doing so, yes!
@FAE Shoot or shoot at?
I don't want no testicle gun.
@RavenDreamer Shoot off and through
@FAE Sounds right up your alley. >.>
@FAE crosses legs reflexively
@Fluttershy I know, right?!
@FAE That is alarming. Yet awesome, and there would be days it would be right cathartic.
@OrigamiRobot Who gave her Diablo 3 for her birthday? O.o
@Fluttershy No one that I know of....yet.
@OrigamiRobot This is a lie
24 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Fluttershy No one that I know of....yet.
@FAE I'm going to laugh so hard if someone does this.
Everyone chip in 5$? lol
@Fluttershy This is not funny! I would cry! :(
@RavenDreamer I'd do it.
@RavenDreamer That will not be necessary
@OrigamiRobot I also think you underestimate the amount of table-flipping I would do were this to occur.
@FAE Crying is no bueno.
@FAE You can flip my table any day.
@FAE Flip all the tables?
Gifting someone Diablo 3 is like getting them really, really drunk.
Well, it might be my art, not my idea.
Because you haven't spent 10k hours on graphic design yet.
I have no desire or interest in Diablo 3. I will be over here playing games about clothes
@GnomeSlice I actually kind of like that.... <.<
@AshleyNunn Diablo 3 is all about clothes!
@GnomeSlice Needs some refining, maybe, but I like the concept
I did that really quickly, I could probably make the cabinet look a little nicer.
@GnomeSlice No offense, but I find that Q to be disgusting :P
@AshleyNunn You kill things, and they drop clothes! Then you get to wear the clothes!
@OrigamiRobot Oh snap!
I could animate it easily too.
@OrigamiRobot Find me a better font.
@Fluttershy I'd end up really torn between the whole "I made a decision based on personal reasons not to play this" and "Oh god but someone gave it to me as a gift, I have to use it" and it would be badness
@RavenDreamer But then the clothes have blood on, and I have to strip dead people and that is just creepy
Free for commercial use (even though I'm not selling it).
@GnomeSlice Also, I'm coming at this from an extreme hatred of the name anyway.
@OrigamiRobot Me too.
@FAE On the plus side: You could play it with me! =D I dunno if that's really a plus for you... But I like it. =P
But I figure if we're going to be stuck with it... might as wel make the best of it.
@AshleyNunn Demons, if that makes you feel better. And they kindly fling the clothes at you before they die, so no blood!
Still trying to decide if I'm going to delete my account.
@GnomeSlice That being said, I do like the arcade cabinet as an A
@GnomeSlice I'll tell you the same thing I told Mana - deleting your account is just needless theatrics. If you want to leave, just leave.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, me too, I just need a.. less shitty one.
@RavenDreamer Excuse me, have we met?
@Fluttershy You just like the idea of us playing together
@GnomeSlice I met him!
'GnomeSlice' and 'needless theatrics' go together like Abbot and Costello.
@GnomeSlice Point.
@FAE You can play with me any time. ;)
@Fluttershy ........
Q: Is there any way to save progress mid-area?

Ashley NunnI am having ridiculous fun with Chantelise, but I find that I die an awful lot. I dislike having to play areas over and over - is there any way I can save partway, like checkpoints or what have you?

@GnomeSlice Do you want to play too? ;)
No... thanks...
@Fluttershy sigh people donated and used gaming.stackexchange.com
@OrigamiRobot I saw.
@Fluttershy If we're gonna do this, we should at least be consistent.
@OrigamiRobot I agree. But I don't know how to make people only use arqade.com
@Fluttershy It's too late
@Fluttershy Careful, I may take you up on that offer!
Okay, how the clusterfuck do you draw a vending machine.
@OrigamiRobot It was you, wasn't it?!
I mean... arcade machine.
@FAE promises, promises.
@Fluttershy That's my line!
@OrigamiRobot Well, I think you can manage your donation at any time. It used to say meta.gaming.etcetcetc, but it got changed.
@Fluttershy I see
@GnomeSlice Like a TV with joysticks in front in a giant box
@Ktash ...what? In front of?
Have you ever seen an arcade cabinet?
good god so many steam beeps
You did it before.
@Ullallulloo those look pretty shitty.
Would it be possible for a moderationer to sticky the starred list post about Mario Marathon?
@Ullallulloo Those are also much larger. I need to come up with a way to make it identifiably an arcade cabinet at the size of the A in the text.
Also, thanks for the honest vote on the meta post, hah.
A: Rebrand overflow: Should we have a new name for community content?

GnomeSliceAnyway, I spent most of today coming up with a design for the community to use as a logo. Long story short, it turned out rather terribly. I've got some other ideas kicking around, but don't hold your breath.

I only really posted that one to let people know what I was up to.
If I could downvote it, I would, I'm really unhappy with how they turned out.
Blargh, I have so many fonts I've never even looked at, I can't remember what any of them are...
Whurgh... THERE'S a vector cabinet...
I have no idea what he did to get the screen effects, I'm still not really sure how to do much with vectors.
@Fluttershy Heard about this, was rather amused
@FAE I love The Oatmeal. =3
> $61,952 Raised of $20,000 Goal
15 days left, too. Pretty sick.
@Fluttershy This is going to end in tears
@GnomeSlice On whose part?
@Fluttershy Someone's that's for sure.
@StrixVaria He raised the $20k in a couple hours
@FAE 64 minutes.
Bearlove good. Not as good as sharklove. But I approve nonetheless.
@Fluttershy Ooooor you could give a scarily accurate number, that's okay too
I just got a MILLION gold on my "completed" tab and thought "holy shit what did I sell for so much" then realized It was just refunding a bid I made :(
@Fluttershy JESUS CHRIST
@spugsley I feel stupid when I'm dancing!
I can't believe how HOT some of the girls I went to elementary school with turned out to be...
@GnomeSlice Um..... okay...?
We don't talk about that here?
I wasn't going to say anything else on the matter.
@GnomeSlice Just... random. o.o
I am not sleeeepyyyyyyyy, aaaaaaaargh
@Fluttershy Facebook, thou art a tasteless bitch.
@StrixVaria You made any progress in Act 2 Inferno with your Monk?
@fbueckert I finished it with 2 wizards.
We played through the whole thing, didn't skip any elite packs.
When I try to solo it, though, I have a lot more trouble.
@StrixVaria I'm going solo, and everything I do kills me. Even with a shield, I get murdered.
I have stupid mortar packs hitting me with it at point blank.
Q: Best spot to gold farm in hell as a Barbarian?

RonbearDue to wanting to progress together with my friends who are a teeny bit slower, I've not wanted to progress past into Inferno. I have a lvl 60 Barbarian who is sufficiently decked in Inferno-Act1 ready gear (resist all, defense, etc) and so have no problems surviving Act 3/4 Hell solo even if I s...

1691814 pubby the Sorcerer (level 27, 238/238 (241) HPs)
             Began as a Demonspawn Monk on June 10, 2012.
             Was a High Priest of Jiyva.
             Escaped with the Orb
             ... and 5 runes on June 12, 2012!
Argh. Well, Mario Kart 7 has taught me I still suck at multiplayer Mario Kart. :(
So... I'm very happy with the outcome of my meta thread. =3
@Fluttershy Yay! As you should be!
@AshleyNunn Mario Kart DS is like, my best game.
@GnomeSlice I suck at it. I love it, but I suck at it so much.
@AshleyNunn It's the love that counts the most, not the suck!
@FAE That is what I tell myself for most everything. XD
@BenBrocka That sounds like a bad farmville spinoff.
You seduce your facebook friends into eternal damnation for ingame rewards
@BenBrocka I'd play.
@BenBrocka Seducing friends is always fun!
@FAE I would drink to that, if I had a drink.
@FAE Oh you.
@AshleyNunn I shall drink to that in your stead! ...with water. But it's the thought that counts, right?
@FAE I appreciate you for thinking of me to drink to in support of seduction.
Okay, honestly, if we're going to talk about seduction, why isn't everyone asking me questions.
@GnomeSlice Are you an expert in the art of seduction?
@AshleyNunn Anytime ;)
@FAE Aww, you're so sweet....
@Fluttershy ...Ask me again.
@GnomeSlice Once was enough.
@Fluttershy You're damn right it was.
I am very confused.
@GnomeSlice Somehow I knew that was going to be a lose-lose for me...
@AshleyNunn Not an adjective I'm often appended with!
@FAE Well, I don't know -how- sweet, I've never like licked you or anything...
....I need to have a better filter for my brain to my fingers.
I killed the Bridge.
@AshleyNunn I'd ship it!
@AshleyNunn I cannot say a single Bridge-appropriate response to that, my dear! Though rest assured my brain is running rampant.
@FAE That sounds...delightful.
@Fluttershy >.>
@AshleyNunn And potentially delectable!
yeah, this is a cue for sleeptime
@FAE 'Someone fucked the Bridge'?
@FAE Hahaha
@GnomeSlice I'd ship it!
@Fluttershy LOL
@FAE Aw... Things were just heating up! =P
@Fluttershy You. Are. Not. Helping.
How come whenever conversations less inappropriate than this are started by me, I get suspended.
@GnomeSlice Because... this conversation doesn't involve racy photographs? During business hours?
@Fluttershy This probably has a lot to do with it, yeah
@Fluttershy This.
@Fluttershy ಠ_ಠ
Holy pings!
All righty, g'night Bridge
@FAE G'night! <3
@FAE Sweet dreams!
Q: is there an upper bound for damage reduction with armor and resistances?

yx.It seems that the damage reduction curves for armor and resistance gain are not linear, so at some point it'll reach a limit. What is this limit for armor and resistance? How much armor will I need for 95% reduction (just counting armor reduction, not from anything else such as the barbarian/mo...

Q: Inferno Stats to get through Act 2 as a Wizard?

NicoI've been reading a lot of forums and watched quite a few videos. While most people seem to agree All Resist are the best-stat-ever you could get, and suggest getting it to 1000+, some say it's worthless, I've also read about people saying how they dropped to like, 20k life, or how they've aroun...

> and will start at $2,199
Well, the new MacBooks sounded interesting until I saw this
@Pubby Congrats!
That is a lot of money
There are cheaper ones, but they don't come with the shiny new retina crap
What does that mean, anyhow
@AshleyNunn "retina" is apple's term for their higher pixel density displays
Retina is Apple-speak for ultra high DPI displays
@agent86 I don't understand what that means.
2880x1800 for a 15.4 inch screen
Normally you'd find that resolution on, what, a 28 inch desktop monitor?
It's a ridiculous amount of pixel
so your standard monitor/HDTV is 1920x1080 pixels - each pixel is a dot that can be a particular color. we've kind of gotten stuck there, so big displays and small displays all have the same number of dots. apple's trying to push the standard out, so that there are more dots in a smaller space, yielding better quality graphics. it's expensive, though.
@agent86 Ah. That makes sense, I think.
Yup. Apple claims that with retina the reading experience on devices is now comparable to reading actual paper
Since both now have similar DPIs
@AshleyNunn if you get up reeeeeally close to your monitor, you can see the dots. there's no way to make pictures on the screen any more specific than on the edge of those dots. you can't really see them normally, but it kind of impacts the maximum quality of a given image that can be displayed.
as they make the dots tinier, the quality of the picture can potentially go up.
Aw... My Mario Marathon post got pushed off the starred list. =(
I remember my first monitor could do 640x480 dots, and then 800x600 dots, and then 1024x768, etc, every couple of years, until we hit 1920x1080, and people kinda went "eh, that's good enough, and they're cheap to make, so screw it"
@agent86 Ah, so more dots in a closer space equals better picture.
@AshleyNunn pretty much. they call this "dots per inch" or DPI
it's also important in printing, so you'll see this as a setting on printers and scanners.
@agent86 number of dots in a square inch, I presume?
@AshleyNunn Yup. Printers usually do 300 DPI.
@AshleyNunn since they're (typically) square, it's per linear inch.
@YiJiang Ah, so when I scan books at work, when it says like 300x300, its doing 300 dots by 300 dots?
@AshleyNunn this is correct. 300 dots per inch in the x axis and 300 in the y
@agent86 Ah. Bigger number = sharper image, yeah?
in this case, it's essentially "sampling" the image (which is continuous, not in dot form) and picking a bunch of spots to measure the color, which it then uses to create dots the computer can understand.
Scanners can also do higher, though if you get too high you can actually see the fibres on the paper. At least that's what happened when I misconfigured that flatbed scanner I have at home
@AshleyNunn yes, more sampling means smaller dots, means higher quality image (and more data to store)
Ah. So is that why it takes longer?
@AshleyNunn yeah, you can move the mechanism faster if you don't have to read it as often
@agent86 Nifty. learning all the things
@agent86 Hey, since you have modly powers of awesome - would you mind stickying @Fluttershy's starred post about the Mario Marathon, so more people can know about using arqade.com and such? I just think that would be awesomesauce.
Sweetness :D
@AshleyNunn I actually did that when he mentioned it 10 minutes ago; it's pinned now :)
@agent86 Super cool beans of awesome.
and now, I sleep, g'night all :)
Sweet dreams!
Wait, no, don't go to sleep!
@agent86 Oh thanks! G'night! =3
That is a truly fascinating question, and actually the basis of an inside joke that I started in my lab :)

Because of course, your consciousness is just as profoundly interrupted when you go to sleep!

Is it the case that every time you go to sleep, you die and a pretty-much exact copy of you (who is absolutely convinced it is you) wakes up in the morning?
@YiJiang ....thanks. Now I don't want to sleep ever again
@agent86 Good night. :)
Is it weird that I read every "good night" in the Portal turret voice?
No? I suppose it's just me then
So, this answer on one of my old questions received an upvote within seconds of being posted.. how odd..
A: What increases a Wizard's arcane power regeneration?

user27469the templar has a skill learned at level 20 that will increase arcane power regeneration by 0.5 per second. It isn't much, but it gives regen and not at the cost of buying certain items in the auction house or changing your skills.

@YiJiang I dont know the voices much
Q: What does the blue facemask on some of Drake's weapons represent?

Steve V.I often see weapons just laying on the ground or dropped after I kill an enemy. Sometimes, these weapons have a blue circle icon on them, which reminds me of a facemask. So far, I've seen this icon on the Pistole, the Dragon Sniper, the G-Mal, and the Tau Sniper (I think). What is the signific...

G'night Bridge.
Q: How can I find the secret rooms most efficiently?

murgatroid99With the Wrath of the Lamb expansion, The Binding of Isaac now has two different kinds of secret rooms, and together they seem to have somewhat complex placement rules. If I can only search for these rooms with bombs by blowing up one side of a room at a time (the usual case), is there some sear...

@Fluttershy @RavenDreamer @fbueckert @TimStone To all you Diablo players....I found my first legendary tonight. And then I sold it. For 6.5 million gold on the AH. I'm fucking rich as balls
You know, @spugsley, I don't think balls are rich.
@YiJiang I think balls can be whatever you want them to be. You just aren't trying hard enough.
I don't know. I once wished they were boobs real hard. That didn't seem to work at all.
@YiJiang Depends if you're some one like Gold Finger or so. Or maybe Gold Dust.. They might have balls made out of gold.
@spugsley You seem to relate everything to balls don't ya?
balls this.. balls that..
@spugsley Fuck you. I found my first legendary tonight too, and it looks like it's only worth ~200k
Q: How to get liquor to build guards in Victoria II?

Jader DiasI'm playing as Brazil and I have liquor factories. All its output is sold I get no liquor to build Guards. When I issue a Guard recruitment order it stays decades waiting for liquor. Is there any way to prevent that? The version is 1.3

@LessPop_MoreFizz :p
@spugsley and it's a shame because it's a kind of awesome legendary
just seems to be pretty common and suppressed in value by the IAS nerd fears/
(Shield with 12% IAS and 26 resist all)
@LessPop_MoreFizz what sad is that what I found wasn't anything spectacular and I think I really underpriced it. I could have easily gotten 8 mil or more
@ktash Probably better with obvious spam like that to leave the link in and just break his URL. Editing it out just makes it harder for people to realize it's spam, flag it as such, and get it deleted and the user auto banned promptly.
Q: How to mute players in online multiplayer mode in Soul Calibur 4 for PS3?

gameaddictIt is so annoying to hear other people talking and all their stupid friends you can hear in the background, when I'm trying to play Soul Calibur 4. I tried to find an option to mute players, but I could not find it. I also tried Google but came up empty handed.

Q: In Soul Calibur 4 for PS3, there is an option in the menu to "Install game data to the HDD". Is this the whole game to the HDD?

gameaddictI clicked it and it's going kind of slow, it is at 9% after a couple minutes, so I know it's not just the save data. What does this option do? Can I play the game without having the disc in? Or, what is the benefit of doing this?

> Amazon video card sales 30% or more off.
I wonder if anybody waited on getting their graphics card for the contest
I just found another legendary
I need to go to bed
morning everybody
@YiJiang when? how? WHY????
@YiJiang I doubt it, Lauren has been rushing us to fill the forms by today
A: How do I fix the massive flicker I'm seeing in game?

SimonI tried playing Skyrim today after patch, and it's still flickering. I have 2x5800 Mobilty Radeon cards and found that I play in windowed mode problem is eliminated. Turning off Crossfire also worked for me but performance hit was too great for me to enjoy the game I also did this fix I found on...

How does someone have 2 laptop graphics card running in Crossfire?
A: What is the fastest way to level up without killing many people?

anima879well you know how when you go to nv you can do the quest's when you get there. but one problem the only way to get there is thru the DEATHCLAWS. or so you think. if you stick to the right side scaleing the mountains all the way. trust me this works. one more problem. you also need 2000 caps to to...

English, motherfucker, DO YOU SPEAK IT?
@YiJiang my head, it hurts...
"giant rad scorpians"
yeah, these scorpians are totally RAD
Q: DotA: Incoming projectiles

ArchJWhat are considered incoming projectile in DotA? Is ranged attack (missile) considered incoming projectile too?

Q: IO: do Spirits deal damage to hero without releasing its life energy in a burst during initiation?

ArchJI've been playing IO (guradian wisp) for a while. Recently I visited playdota.com and I was quite confused when I found out the mechanism behind its skill Spirits: Io summons 5 ancient Spirits over the course of 4 seconds; the Spirits dance around Io in a circle to protect him. If an enemy hero...

reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/ux9et/… - r/mildlyinteresting is getting too interesting!
@MrNovember Fantastic! We are attracting our target audience!
Q: How do I get to this "unreachable" places in Viaduct?

KappeiPlaying in the koth_viaduct map, I've often found Engineers building their nests in apparently unreachable spots, like these roofs: or this catwalk here: How do they get there?

Q: DotA: Incoming Projectiles

ArchJOn playdota.com I've read that Incoming projectiles before windrun is activated will not be evaded. AM,QOP,etc can dodge incoming projectiles with blink. So I'm wondering what it actually means by incoming projectiles? Is ranged attack (missile) considered incoming projectile? What spells a...

@Lazers Oh, huh, the OP deleted the original question up there and reposted it
@YiJiang @Kappei fixed :)
You... you did the impossible
@Oak wow
now it actually makes sense
You can see that my research includes information retrieval aspects :P
Not even the original poster can see his deleted question unless he has 10k reps, right?
Q: Can a Legendary or Rare item be found in any clickable object such as a jug, barrel or a crate?

inoI want to know if it is worth clicking on every object I see. Empirically, it seems that the jugs drop less loot than barrels, and I ask this because I haven't found any good loot from them yet.

can this be considered a duplicate?
morning guys
i have a question
Q: Will Split trigger Prodigy for each Magic Missile fired?

BrantOn a similar vein as this question about Electrocute, will the three Magic Missiles fired by the Split rune trigger the effects of Prodigy for each of the missiles that hits an enemy, or only once per cast?

Q: Does the Wizard's Electrocute gain the effects of Prodigy for every monster hit in the chain?

RachelThe Wizard's signature spell Electrocute reads Lightning arcs from your fingertips, dealing 80% weapon damage as Lightning. The lightning can jump, hitting up to 2 additional enemies. I use it with the Chain Lightening rune which increases the number of enemies I can hit to 6. Does each ...

they're basically the same thing
can we make a more general question like 'Does the Wizard's Prodigy passive proc per target hit?' or something?
@spugsley Nice! Do you know what it was? :o
@Fluttershy That was my donation and I put in http://arqade.com/ as my referring URL. The donation site itself apparently resolved the IP address and then looked up the URL registered .. I am not sure.. All I know is I did not use Meta as the URL I just figured I would kick things off.
Q: Can a Legendary or Rare item be found in any clickable object such as a jug, barrel or a crate?

inoI want to know if it is worth clicking on every object I see. Empirically, it seems that the jugs drop less loot than barrels, and I ask this because I haven't found any good loot from them yet.

Q: What on hit effects are in Diablo 3?

theoriseI can't find what other 'on hit' effects are in Diablo 3. I know of knockback and life on hit.

Q: Does Locust Swarm stack?

StreunerI'm playing Diablo 3 as a Witch Doctor and go for Aoe-Dmg at the moment. Therefore I use Locust Swarm a lot. Because there seems no debuff/dot-icon on the enemies I wonder if Locust Swarm will stack? So basically there are several situations where it's important if the skill stacks: I hit a mob...

@RonanForman I was mistaken, there is a 10th episode that I think ends it all off (rendering up 9 now and I was either very close or actually prepping for the final battle).
@RonanForman Ugh, 11 episodes, final show down is in there.. WE should do 30min episodes going forward so things overall move forward a bit faster.
@ROnanForman Nah, 10 episodes last one is 6min long I am just going to tac it on as I think I am the only one still recording this long??
Is it worth creating a more generic question to encapsulate the answers from multiple other similar questions?
@ickleislands I like the idea, but I'm relatively new and unsure about the procedure to implement such a change. Likewise, I would recommend more generic wording for the sake of clarity so: Does Prodigy take effect for each hit of multiple hit abilities? with and .
ye I'm fairly new too which is why I'm asking :)
It would just give something definitive to link in the future if others ask similar questions
whereas at the moment there is a question for each individual signature ability
@YiJiang correct
with the small exception of when you click 'delete' on a question and then don't close the tab
@ickleislands Which is why I like the idea. There are likely a lot of such cleanup opportunities kicking about because of the contest as asking fairly narrowly scoped questions left room for more questions to be asked and more opportunity for contest gains.
Do I need to indicate it is an attempt to clean up to avoid down votes or anything?
Q: Does Prodigy take effect for each hit of multiple hit abilities?

ickleislandsThe Wizard class in Diablo 3 has a passive ability called 'Prodigy', gained at level 20. The text for this passive ability is as follows; When you deal damage with a Signature spell, you gain 4 Arcane Power. The following skills are Signature spells: Magic Missile Shoc...

@Kappei The answer to one answers both, but the questions themselves are not inherently duplicates. I'd say one of 3 approaches apply: 1. Create a more general question (by updating one of them?) that encompasses both points. 2. Create an answer to the question referencing the other answer. 3. Do nothing. I'd say 3 applies as both are answered sufficiently and the questions don't have clear reasons to be grouped together.
@skovacs1 regarding approach number 1: I don't think we're allowed to modify the questions beyond what was actually asked by the OP. we're supposed to correct the grammar, maybe clarify what's being asked, but that's all
approach 2 may be the best
@Kappei I didn't say to modify the answer. I said to modify the question.
@skovacs1 fix'd :P
@ickleislands it is implied that edits are done to improve posts :)
Yes but it is still courteous to not turn up and start doing my own thing on a site that belongs to a community I have only just joined. :)
@Kappei Which is why I recommended something other than 1. I think it takes a case by case approach. In some cases, you can modify the question without changing the meaning.
@ickleislands The site does limit "your own thing" to what it trusts you to do as a new user, so feel free to use the full array of your privileges :)
@Kappei An example of the application of 1. would be when this was converted from covering one of the specific sub-achievements to cover the general case for all 3 achievements as the answer is the same for all 3 anyways.
@ickleislands It'd be nice to be able to elicit more understanding from others, but people can tend to get a bit touchy about silly things. For one, some don't like the answer as you ask mechanic as they don't feel it gives a fair opportunity for others to gain rep. On another point, since your question essentially takes the questions and answers of other questions, some could conceive it as leeching/stealing rep.
@ickleislands Personally, I'd just go all out and let the bodies fall where they will. If your question/answer truly is superior, it should win in the long run as it has value and adds to the quality and clarity of the site.
True in all cases
Although I answered one of the other questions and then transplanted that answer into a more generic question
IMO the site is about helping others, crying over reputation would be contradictory to the point of the site.
Q: Does Prodigy take effect for each hit of multiple hit abilities?

ickleislandsThe Wizard class in Diablo 3 has a passive ability called 'Prodigy', gained at level 20. The text for this passive ability is as follows; When you deal damage with a Signature spell, you gain 4 Arcane Power. The following skills are Signature spells: Magic Missile Shoc...

But... but.. I need the rep so I can help other people!
This may be an obvious question to some
But why does Lazer's have a negative user identifier?
@ickleislands he's a bot
If "it" is a bot then surely it has no gender?
@ickleislands I am of the same opinion, but people still get touchy about it so I'm just warning that downvotes are unpredictable and downvotes for short-sighted and personally-motivated reasons are common enough. It's not that you can avoid them in their entirety, but having a clear and meaningful purpose behind your Q&A and posting a clearly superior Q&A should surely help.
@ickleislands Say that to @OrigamiRobot
@skovacs1 yeah I hear what you're saying, such personally motivated actions detract from the integrity of this kind of site though and ultimately make them unreliable and pointless
@ickleislands sadly anonimity gives a sense of omnipotence
Filing this under the lolwut folder: gaming.stackexchange.com/posts/73178/revisions
thankfully there are many protection mechanisms that help avoiding making of the SE network a den of spammers and trolls
@Kappei I know, I use the Blizzard forums.
@ickleislands ugh.... ew
@YiJiang @ickleislands Or the French.
The Blizzard forums I take less seriously though, it's about 99% trolling and 1% helping the people who deserve it
@skovacs1 Or Italians. We don't have a proper equivalent for "it"
even then the bots in question would be classified as female, like most technology
@ickleislands explain
it has nothing at all to do with the fact that such technology is temperamental and moody
No one but their creator understands their internal logic
The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else
Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later review
As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your wages on accessories for it.
reasons why computer is female ^
as a counter argument as to why it should be male, use these:
In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on.
They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves
They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem
As soon as you commit to one, you realise that if you had waited a little longer you could have gotten a better model.
@ickleislands The assumed femininity of non-gendered things is believed to be reflective of gender in translated text and is both in decline and advised against by most journalistic style guides such as The Chicago Manual of Style. I think it's often implied by the name given to the bot in question. Would you think that Lazers as a noun would have a male or female association?
Lazers is definitely male
plus the above was clearly in jest!
since the french for computer is l'ordinateur which is male :p
@ickleislands Is that because Lazers are for the lazy? (The verb laze -> people who laze = lazers?)
Interesting interpretation! Surely it would be lazies though
Q: Multiple chance to proc (freeze, stun etc.) on a single weapon

AlokI was trying to find some weapons that have both chance to freeze and chance to stun on the AH, and to my surprise I could not find a single item that had two different procs (freeze, stun, knockback, fear, immobilize etc.) Of course, it could very well just be a case of such weapons having poor ...

Q: Is there a way to make the game announce whenever I advance in an achievement?

Ilya MelamedThere are games that announce to the player once they advance in an achievement. Is there a way to do the same with Diablo. So that every time I open another chest/kill a new unique enemy the game will announce to me that I've advanced toward getting the challenge and how much I have left?

@ickleislands graze->grazers or craze->crazies. I wonder which applies here.

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