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Wow. 700+ resists makes Act 1 completely trivial.
Q: Do I have to get "Frozen Asset" before the end of the game?

Ben BrockaLooking over the description for the Frozen Asset trophy I see there should be 4 side missions. On my Good playthrough I helped the Ice Soldier and...none of the other missions showed up. I haven't completed the rest of the non-Ice Soldier side missions, but I've completed the game and am on Chap...

Q: Do I get the benefit of the paining in Mudhold Fasting by using it or do I have to take it to Gravehal?

CyberSkullThere is a painting in Mudhold Fasting on Gallows End in the "Dead Kel" expansion of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Do I get the stat boost from the painting simply by interacting with it or do I need to somehow take it back to the Gravehal art gallery?

@BenBrocka what's your PSN speed like?
I've been averaging maybe 80k/s this whole weekend, which means I will download these games at approximately quarter after never
i miss my old monk
old = pre-inferno act2
Dunno, but I downloaded the games from PSN+ in two nights (the PS3 decided to turn itself off before it was done)
Wireless or ethernet? Always use ethernet if at all possible
Though the PS3 is a bit slower than what it should be
@BenBrocka I've tried both. right now it's wired into the router.
crap, can't run speedtest.net on the PS3
well the PS3's internet connection test says it gets 9.9 Mbps (wired) and my laptop gets 12.54 Mbps (wireless)
A: Where can I find an item I can disenchant to learn Fortify Alchemy?

TitanSrsly just go to a random smith or alchemist or magic vendor any one who sells items with enchantment, than check there inventory if they have it great and if they dont just save you game and kill them. Than just reload your saved game and than check repeat this process until you find something. ...

Kill it with fire
A: What does the arrow in the bottom left corner do?

deborahThat answer was actually incorrect. When you guess the wrong word, it retracts all the letters at once, instead of one by one

Though the downloads might be flaky if sony's servers are over loaded. How does your connection test on the PS3 compare with your computer's results?
@fbueckert I'm assuming the answer is actually trying to say that the game does this automatically.
It's a guess, of course. And in that case it's not really an answer
@agent86 um...sonic 4 demo is downloading 422 MBs in about 8 minutes (it says). I don't feel like mathing that out and there's no XMbps counter when you download
@BenBrocka 422 MB in 8 min = 53 MB per min < 1MB per second, or around 7 megabits per second
@YiJiang Thanks. That's reasonably close to the estimate the connection test gives, @agent86. I suspect downloading games is a bit slower than non-PSN stuff though
WolframAlpha says 7.033 megabits per second, so yay for estimation and mental sums
heh, didn't think to check wolfram alpha
@brant definitely not by design. It can be used to dupe items.
That said, word is it was hot fixed.
I'm still waiting on them to fix the Lyceum. I want my achievements, heh. But no word on that, from what I've seen. :(
I don't think the Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3 achievments were well done.
And I'm not in a position to judge WoW's these days.
WoW has some downright silly achievements as well. There are the "YOU FIGURED OUT HOW TO RIGHT CLICK! GRATS!!" achievements, and the "YOU HAVEN'T GONE OUTSIDE FOR TWO WEEKS! GRATS!!!" achievements...
Blizzard seems to like offering "super ridiculous achievements that only the .1% of players will ever achieve".
I.e., "defeat Inferno Diablo on hardcore".
Which just makes me want to say, "Yeah, no. I give up pre-emptively".
And why not? It's not like there's a limit on the number of achievements you can have, like on XBox Live.
If it gives people something cool to show off, there's little reason not to reward a few points for it.
(Microsoft requires you to have no more than 50, worth 1000 cumulative points, with varying levels of difficulty)
Plus more for DLC yadda yadda, but there's a budget you have to allocate when deciding where to put achievements.
Which is why you never see any 0.1%ers on the 360. (Well, a few. But very rarely. FFXI, I'm looking in your direction)
Tbqh, I'd be more upset if there wasn't an achievement for inferno diablo on hardcore.
Now, inferno diablo on hardcore, naked is silly and pointless.
Because if you make achievements nigh-unobtainable, you steer folks like me away from striving for them in the first place. I'm not saying don't have hard achievements, I'm saying, if the achievement is both hard and time consuming, folks aren't going to bother, in which case, what's the point of the achievement?
You want a game I think got achievements done right? Team Fortress 2.
Minus the whole halloween "get 50 presents" or whatever.
Q: Can I filter legendary or set items by stats in the Auction House?

NicoWhen I choose a particular legendary (Andariel's Visage), I want to filter these by those which have at least 100 intelligence, is there any way to do that?

Counterpoint: beating the game on the highest difficulty should always have an achievement associated with it.
Beating the game on the highest difficulty is already an achievement.
@RavenDreamer It gives you more sense of achieving something if the system recognises it and all your friends can see it
Do you really need a little icon and a toast? Wouldn't a victorious screenshot or UI enhancement (ala New Super Mario) work just as well?
@YiJiang What are these "Friends" you speak of. No information in the databanks. :/
I like toast, personally. It's delicious.
@LessPop I'm watching that video you linked earlier and I don't think I can make it through all 13 minutes of this
@FAE What video?
You can and you must
11 hours ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@AshleyNunn Huh, I had to refresh to see this. Thought @FAE was replying to ghosts. >_>
@TimStone Haha, strange
@FAE I made it two minutes before I felt like my brain was melting.
@AshleyNunn I'm worried that if I get through this, I'll never be able to speak proper English again
@FAE That is a very valid concern
@FAE I'm trying to flush this out of my brains. Got any good ear bleach?
@FAE I want this accent..
@Fluttershy Whyyyyyy?
@Fluttershy Nooooooooooo...
@FAE This is one of the more awesome things I have listened to lately
@FAE Luke ata de paypuhhhh... so slew-ide-y...
@Fluttershy I can't even -read- that without twitching. Oh man. shivers
Ahahaha, it's late and I'm easily amused. "It's not the most difficult thing to cut. What is the most difficult thing? The wood. No doubt."
Someone tell me what the hell he's saying here... youtu.be/8FntD3KgIaY?t=5m3s
@Fluttershy "The ceramic knife is so light, so convenient."
@FAE Followed by...?
11 hours ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@FAE I'd ask what came next, but... it's right there under that one. >.>
@Fluttershy Mmhmm. And I have no idea wtf the guy's actually saying, but I like LessPop's version.
"Ceramic knife is so light, so convenient. One knife in hand, one knife in heart, what a perfect line "
@AshleyNunn The guy also did a collab with someone for a metal version of Pinkie Pie's Smile song
@FAE Nice
So that metal version of Winter Wrap-Up? Jochem's been playing it at least once a day for the past like, TWO WEEKS.
@agent86 D ahb low?
@FAE Is this a good thing, or a bad thing?
@AshleyNunn Well, it's an awesome cover, but it also means it like never leaves my head
@FAE I have had Starships by Nicki Minaj in my head for three days, so I sympathize. (That song is driving me mental, I swear)
Pinkie Pie's Smile song is like the best cheer me up song ever.
Pay what you want for Symphony of Science: melodysheep.bandcamp.com/album/symphony-of-science-bundle-v15
Also, Miracle of Sound's Shooter Guy: miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/shooter-guy
@YiJiang Listen to some good music, and get smarter at the same time!
@AshleyNunn I am (luckily?) not familiar with that song
@FAE My sister was playing it over and over when I was at her house yesterday
@AshleyNunn It's... so... happy... just... so very very happy
I got a secret vacuum cleaner from my shirt to my pants
Sucks up ammo off the floor straight into my hands
Just gotta walk over bodies now I refill when I kill
@FAE It always makes me just grin like an idiot, and feel like i can do anythi ng
@AshleyNunn I'll dispute that. Walking on Sunshine, anybody?
@YiJiang That song makes me want to dance forever, but it's not the same kind of cheer me up.
What a perfect lie.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Every time you say that a little bit of me dies inside
@AshleyNunn I sing along with it on my phone... >.> All the time.
@yijiang than I shall kill you with a thousand cuts.
I do wonder, when will the "Arqade Update" hit?
@Fluttershy I play it on my iPod an sing along every time I want to hide at home (which is often, yay anxiety)
Too soon for the namesquabblers, not soon enough for the impatient, and, 'hell, it's about time' for folks like me.
@RavenDreamer Very precise of you.
Have a shark made from a watermelon.
@agent86 forgot to mention, if you're leaving your PS3 on to download all that stuff, set off the "turn off after" feature in the power saving settings. It turns off after X hours even if it's downloading
Ah good, I see we picked the name I didn't hate
@Fluttershy I don't have flash plugins on this computer. shrug
@BenBrocka \o/
@RavenDreamer The HTML5 player thingy, go enable it
I like the styling of the logo to emphasize "QA" too
@YiJiang Tell me how and I shall!
Oh, it's enabled by default.
So the video is simply not availible in HTML5, I think.
@BenBrocka blargh. Mine's still running ~80k, although speedtest shows I've got my full 8 mbps, and steam/xbox both show OK
@BenBrocka yeah, I found that out the hard way last night, I turned that off.
I downloaded 1.4GB of sideway new york, and then now it wants to patch for 800 mb worth. WTF PSN
even their network connection settings speed test shows I'm getting the right amount of bandwidth, just don't get it while downloading off their network
@agent86 Oh, the PATCHES are slow as hell. The downloads (which run in the background) run fine. PS+ does have an auto-patch-install feature thing that should run nightly (if you set it up) but in my experience it doesn't run nearly as often as the game save backup (which actually is nightly)
@agent86 I get 120Mbit down and my PSN speeds are always slow.
@BenBrocka yeah, it's been slow to patch and background download. dunno what its problem is.
@FAE blargh.
@agent86 pretty much
And now I must sleep so I do not sleep the day away tomorrow
@FAE indeed, I was about to say, it's late in your area.
it's my bedtime here!
@FAE G'night!
@agent86 Have kind of gone beyond "late" and into "early"
@agent86 weird, definitely shouldn't be getting that low of speeds, but maybe you got stuck on a slow CDN
my update to choplifter is running crazy slow even though the sonic 4 demo was almost normal speed
@Fluttershy Night!
@FAE Sleep well! Sweet dreams :)
@AshleyNunn You too when you go :)
Goodnight whoever, I'm leaving too
@BenBrocka Good night :)
Q: How to change my monitor display from PAL-50 to PAL-60?

James JiaoRecently I decided to dust off one of the first X360 games I played and give them another go for the remaining achievements. One of such games is Feeding Frenzy. After I booted up the game, it threw an error saying it can only run in PAL-60 (Hertz I presume?). So I went into Display Setup on my...

@BenBrocka FWIW, I set up a http proxy on one of my linux boxes in the house, and now I'm getting more like 500k/s while patching
Apparently Civ V wants to be played... I left for a cigarette, came back, and it was launched. <.<
That is ever so slightly creepy.
@Fluttershy oooh, it's been a bad, bad game. you're going to have to play rough with it!
59 secs ago, by Ashley Nunn
That is ever so slightly creepy.
@Fluttershy only ever so slightly? :/
@agent86 Bit more than ever so slightly, I think.
sleep time is now. laters.
@agent86 See ya.
@AshleyNunn WOO
@agent86 Night!
Everyone shhhh! @Mana's here...
omg. Diablo shit the bed
Every shhhh! @spugsley's here.
@Fluttershy stfu
@spugsley NO U!
@spugsley That's awkward for everyone.
Although, I do have teh skills to strip and remake a bed while someone is still in it.
They have to roll over a few times, but other than that, I can do it solo
Is anyone else excited about Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter?
@AshleyNunn That's... huh
@Fluttershy OMG YES
@YiJiang I worked as a Personal Support Worker for a couple years. I have some random skills now.
@spugsley Yayyyy!
@Fluttershy Not sure. I think I am missing some of the draw, being Canadian? I dont know.
@Fluttershy Because, fuck history, right?
@YiJiang Absolutely.
@AshleyNunn Possibly. >.>
A foot, a leg, an elephant's parade!
@Fluttershy What?
Meh, can't say I'm interested to see one of America's founding fathers hunting sparkling blood suckers
@AshleyNunn theuglydance.com
@YiJiang These are real vampires. They don't sparkle.
@Fluttershy What.the.hell.
@AshleyNunn Catchiest song ever!
@AshleyNunn So I'm trying to figure out how to parse this.
@Fluttershy So excited. It makes no sense, but who cares?
Is it strip, and remake a bed?
I think that's the more amusing conclusion so I'm going with that.
@agent86 PS3's faster going through the proxy? Weird
@Mana Strip the bed and remake it! I have some class....
@Mana Keep up, man. That conversation's over. o.o
@Mana I am too, for science. Or something.
You people are mean.
I feel stuuupid when I'm dancin'
@AshleyNunn That's a funny pronunciation of awesome.
@TimStone sigh
@TimStone :D!!!!!!!!!!!
So much happy, it is overwhelming
When is G.SE birthday? stackexchange.com/sites?view=list#questions show age as 1year 11months.
Maaaaaan...I should be doing something productive....but I hear Diablo whispering to me...
@TimStone Ignore the whispers.
You'll only be disappointed.
Private beta started on 7/7/10
As disappointed as I was when I played Crusader Kings II...
That's dd/mm, for all you silly Americans
Officially launched October 6th, apparently.
@YiJiang Hey, I'm a silly American, and I write my dates the correct way.
...Which apparently gets me into trouble, because the bank won't cash my checks if they can't decide what I meant. |:
@TimStone Just spell out the months :P
@spugsley You came on strong and then disappeared. Wtf?
There there, silly Americans
@Fluttershy Diablo starts working again :3
7 july 2010, that was hard
@spugsley Laaaaaame. Catan always works.
@YiJiang That's lamesauce.
@Fredy31 July. Name of months starts with capital letters
...Oh wait.
I still have the game open
anyway, messing around watching the stats... @RavenDreamer has double the rep of ANY other member of the site... damn.
Also @spugsley y u no accept my steam invite?
@Fluttershy Too much Diablo. It's getting to her head.
Woo! Little Big Planet 2 lets you import your character and all your crap!
@BenBrocka I thought you were going to bed?
Q: Minecraft Texturepack Slowdown

giodamelioI am playing minecraft with a ton mods. I have been looking into using a 32px texture pack. The mods are already lagging my game a bit and I am wondering just how much lag the texture pack can add.

Q: Clearing the suggested edits queue leads to -1 suggested edits pending

LessPop_MoreFizzAnytime I clear out the final suggested edit from the queue, the little notification up at the top of the page informs me that there are negative suggested edits remaining. I've encountered this on three separate occasions today, so I figured it's a reproducible bug that deserves a meta post.

I was...now I'm programming and playing LBP2
and chatting. One thing led to another, mistakes were made
@BenBrocka Haha, I remember being delighted when I learned that
Mine's still dressed as the Heavenly Sword girl
> A techno-dance routine that preceded Microsoft’s Windows Azure presentation at the Norwegian Developers Conference this week featured a group of women jumping around on stage to a song that included several drug references and this line: “The words MICRO and SOFT don’t apply to my penis.” In a strange effort to be inclusive, a monitor displaying the lyrics added, “or vagina.”
@LessPop_MoreFizz What. My brain cannot comprehend this.
Any publicity is good publicity... I guess
@LessPop_MoreFizz what the hell am I reading
@AshleyNunn wait, you have a PS3? Do I have you on PSN?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I watched the video. What the crap.
(Have I asked this exact question before?)
@BenBrocka Yes (until the roommate leaves, anyhow) and I don't think so.
I am Araleith, I think
Oh, my PSN's Barakku if you want to add you
Not your PS3 then?
@BenBrocka Unfortunately, no. Tis the roommate's so when she leaves it goes with her I think. But thats not for like almost a year I think.
Invite sent
@BenBrocka cool beans
Oh man, playing the intro of LBP 2, reminds me of when I first got LBP1, played that religiously when it game out
@BenBrocka It was how I got convinced that a PS3 was necessary XD
I am not good at them, but they are SO CUTE so I played them a lot
I got all the trophies except the damn Create one, which requires so many people Heart your level...I only made one level which was meh
F U Error 37
...I should enlist my youtube fans to finally get me that trophy sometime
Wow. Difficulty from Act 1 to 2 Inferno is roflcopter stompage.
This intro is fucking awesome
@BenBrocka I love the intro. Love it.
G'night Bridge!
@fbueckert It really is
@Fluttershy Sweet dreams!
@Fluttershy G'night!
@TimStone I have an effective ~95% damage reduction, through armor and resistances, and I still last only a couple seconds.
I think I'm just around 50% reduction for armour, not sure about the resists off-hand
And of course the game just throws wave after wave of Reflects Damage at me, heh. Usually with Mortar, just for kicks.
@TimStone Electrified is my current annoyance. The melee units are so bursty that even whites kill me
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why?
@fbueckert Yeah, thankfully I do enough damage to lay down the whites pretty quick, so they don't get me unless I make a mistake...but it's tough to stay alive against everything else long enough to kill them.
One more shot in Act 2, before I give up for the night.
I really do not understand how enemy health regeneration works either. I die, wait the three seconds, and sometimes they just regain a little health...other times they fully heal.
@Gnomeslice the fact that you need to ask that really points to just how far from the same page we are.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Enlighten me...
For example "I have kids, is there nudity in this game?". Is that terrible?
@GnomeSlice Yes. There is an ESRB rating for a reason.
@OrigamiRobot two or three words isn't always descriptive enough.
@GnomeSlice Unless one of those words is "Nudity"
...And the D3 servers are crapping out.
Yep :(
Forgot I still had a crew going.
Lol at @John...
@GnomeSlice Which question of yours are we talking about? "Which is the most revealing outfit"?
@Mana Not one of mine, this time.
> Because it's a stupid question. It was a stupid question when you asked it, and it's still a stupid question now.
@Mana Different question. He meant when I asked about nudity it was stupid, and questions about nudity are still stupid.
@GnomeSlice ah.
Q: Is there nudity in WWE '12?

Andrew eckertI've seen what the history of the WWF and what activities those divas did. Thankfully, it was censored. I'm against nudity though. Is there any nudity in WWE '12?

Bah, Steam rejected Omegalodon... WHY.
@GnomeSlice I dont know...it looks awesome!
Also, that studio is working on another game called 'Table for One'. It looks like a game about eating. From a decidedly strange perspective.
Anyway, bed.
@GnomeSlice night
@GnomeSlice Good night!
And then I get champions who kill me multiple times and don't reset properly, giving me the Out of Time debuff. Really, Blizzard? Really?
got spam flag deleted
I approve
@badp props
your props, best props
props back, flimsily
Are there enough questions about Minecraft texture packs for it to have its own tag?
A cursory glance suggests many mention it in passing
Yeah, and strangely almost half of "[minecraft] texture pack" seem to be closed
And a tag apparently already exists
@MarkTrapp That's why I'm asking
Ah I see
It doesn't seem like a very often used tag
Looks like a holdover from back when tags like mods, weapons, items, etc. was considered a good idea
movies_that_steam_will_sell_directly++ arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/06/…
Q: How does the level downscaling work?

dbemerlinWhen you visit lower level regions in Guild Wars 2, your level gets adjusted to the level of the area but what else is affected by this downscaling? I might be wrong since i didn't test it, but it seems to me that i do quite a lot more damage in areas scaled to level 5 than when i actually was le...

@badp i have a question about editing a question, could I get some advice?
@Ender Just ask
@badp no mention there about the movie coming out on Steam in a couple days
any new releases in the past few days?
There's a sale for Crusader Kings Complete on Steam right now
uh who flagged that?
flagged what?
3 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
Q: Giftcodes! for minecraft! Freeeeee

user27418I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too!

beaten to it.
someone flagged someone asking others to flag a spam.
marks it invalid
looks like someone validated the flag. Poor guy.
Huh, which idiot...
So, Arquade, eh? Interesting.
average professor in the last 5 mins of lesson as the time to get the fuck out of there and catch the fucking train draws critically close:
"so this is the second, useless form of doing this process, because see this term? Notice the exponent? It's -1. It's the inverse of a matrix. That's a slow process. A very slow process. The larger the matrix the slower. Aw jeez. That sucks. You know what? Inversions is so slow" AND SO ARE YOU FUCKING CUT TO THE CHASE MY TRAIN LEAVES IN 12 MINUTES
"...I really do wish there was a better way to do so. A way that didn't involve inveraions. Those very slow inversions. Turns out there is a way" NO SHIT SHERLOCK GIMME GIMME 10 MINS LEFT (people from next lesson start making noise from the outside)
"To see what this better method without those slow, slow inversions are, though, we must first see a very very nice theoretical result, called the lemma of matrix " LOL I BETCHA ITS CALLED 'INVERSION' BECAUSE GOD FORBID I WIKIPEDIA IT
"...of matrix inversion (writes name out on chalkboard, carefully), but I doubt we'll finish it in time." LOLBAI
...and so (pant), kids (pant), that's (pant) why com- (pant) commuting (pant) is both really (pant) really terrible (pant) and sati-- (pant) satisfying. bbl coma
@badp and then you get to the train station, sweating like a madman, only to see the train leaving... or worse, the run has been cancelled
today I even saw it arrive so I was super-lucky
@badp I wish I had that luck when I was at the university
usually it took more to do the commute than the actual lesson time
Yeah, I guess my commute could be worse. It could be way worse if the train simply left as much as 2 minutes earlier than what it does
There we go, I'm now a bloody Marshal on Ask Ubuntu too
1 minute earlier would cut my wiggle room, 2 minutes earlier would lose me one extra hour per day
@badp If you have a moment, could you please give me the number of flags/month on Gaming? I'm trying to compare the number of SO flags per month and mod to other sites on the network.
a few days ago it was 2.1k, I'm on my mobile so I can't see the alt-text to be more specific than that.
@badp Thanks
ask me in a hour or so
Q: How can you play friends in ranked matches on Soul Calibur IV for PS3?

gameaddictI finally figured out how to do it on non-ranked matches. However, when I make a ranked match and push triangle, nothing happens. So, how do I play my friends to also get ranking? Otherwise I feel like I'm just wasting time if I'm playing but have nothing to show for it.

@badp A rough number is completely sufficient, thanks
how can you do science, let alone aperture mad science with less than 2 significant digits!
crank it up to 11
get the ultimate result in technobabblemancy
Professor's still probably busy in a fourth-level digression on the topic of matrix inversion lemma proof discovering person's family
@badp Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
it always amazes me how this is a proper sentence
note to self. francesco guccini
bbl train arrived
Q: Final Fantasy VII - PC - buying options

HurdaIs it still possible to buy FF VII for PC other then used? Can't find it nowhere, and the used on Amazon are for too high price (and I can expect damaged CD's)

anybody knows this site? baodaotong.net
They're taking their Q&A from Gaming.SE
Add it to this list:
Q: Report sites that use SE content without following attribution rules here

Popular DemandThere are a number of law-breaking clones of Stack Exchange sites popping up that use SE's cc-wiki data without following our Creative Commons attribution terms. Those terms are linked at the bottom of every SE webpage, and are also included as a .txt file in every data dump we produce. The foll...

SE's legal team will presumably look over it or something
How did you find that site, by the way?
Good morning Bridge
@YiJiang doing a google search
Did it appear above Gaming.SE results? If so there's another form you can report this to
@YiJiang no, it was lower in ranking
Q: Are the no-damage achievements necessary to get "Golden God" and "Platinum God"?

KappeiIn the base game there are five achievements that require you to complete a "layer" of the basement without taking damage. Are these necessary to get the "Golden God" and the "Platinum God" achievements?

@YiJiang thanks for the link, reported

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