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Like I stated in the LotG example, the storebought IOs scale automatically within the level range. The crafted IOs ingame can only be used within a certain range. If I crafted a level 25 LotG Defense, it's going to be stuck with that lower Defense value of a level 25 IO. And single percentages make a lot of difference in Defense, especially from 40% to 45% (45% being the soft cap). A storebought IO is going to scale as you level.
@FAE I didn't realize the storebought ones scale.
I wasn't even aware they could do that to IO's.
@fbueckert Yeeeep. And it's not like they put crap IO sets in the store. They've had Miracle, LotG, Mako's Bite, Numina's, you know, the good stuff.
tortoise swoosh
So the people who pay for those sets get sets that are functionally superior ingame, and that's what I don't agree with. :/
@FAE I can't say I agree with it either.
I have yet to see anything in the store that provides any advantage that you can't get ingame at level 50.
If there is, that would definitely put me off.
@fbueckert So yeah, that combined with how they handle a lot of other things in the cash shop and such made me decide to drop VIP. I was very sad. :( Also, I'm sorry, I totally didn't mean to go on a rant here, I was just a very big fan of the game for a very long time, and I was sad to see the way things went after the store was implemented.
@fbueckert Well, that's the thing, the scaling IOs from the store do provide a huge advantage to 50's, especially those who exemp a lot. Most of the time, if you're planning to exemp, you have to make a decision as to whether or not you'll get the level 50 IOs or the lower level IOs so you can keep the set bonuses. The scaling range of the store IOs lets you keep those set bonuses in the entire range instead of having the bonuses cut off when you exemp below the IO. :(
Also, @FAE, I must say. I quite respect how strongly you stand by your principles. Most people would just complain about things like this, but then just give companies their money anyways.
@FAE It provides advantages to 50's. Not at 50.
@Wipqozn It's really freaking hard.
@FAE Well, if it was easy, I wouldn't respect you for it :P
@fbueckert Ah, I think I see what you mean. So things that would give you a bonus for reaching cap?
@FAE Yeah. I can live with scaling IO's; they just help you and your friends level faster. Providing an advantage not available in game at max level, though...that I really don't like.
@Wipqozn It's also really hard to feel like it makes any difference, which is why I try not to judge people too harshly for not doing the same thing. When you're looking at companies that make millions and sometimes billions of dollars, it's really hard to feel like not making a single purchase matters. At that point, most people just say "Well they're going to be a success anyway, so I might as well do it and enjoy myself", which I can't say I really blame people for.
If you want an example of a game I will never give money to, it's STO.
I absolutely, positively hate pay-to-win.
@fbueckert They don't just help with leveling though, they give you a distinct advantage at 50 because your build is more viable in a larger range of content than someone who has ingame crafted IOs. This is an issue even at 50, especially because they do continue to add content that is non-Incarnate and non-50 only. Night Ward's a brand new zone and it's 30-35. Someone with storebought IOs will have a better build doing that content than someone with ingame. A lot of the SSA's were also pre-50.
@fbueckert Likewise.
@FAE From what I understand, the game is scaled around SO levels of power. Even people using level 50 IOs will have an advantage.
The point is, the advantage conferred for content at less than level 50 will allow them to go through content faster. That's it.
@fbueckert They have stated in the past that it was scaled around SOs, yes, but I really find that assertion difficult to still believe, especially when you look at Incarnate content.
I dunno, CoH was never made for an endgame, and Incarnate content still feels a bit shoehorned in. Kind of like PvP.
@FAE I agree with you about PvP; never a fan.
Incarnate content though...I think it's been really well done.
@FAE The only way to find out is to deck a level 30 guy out in SO's and run the new content.
@fbueckert I like arena style PvP and even open world once in a while but CoH's is so... baaaaaad. Especially the zone PvP. The i13 changes totally killed my Dominator's viability. :(
The bonus provided by IO's would make it easier, but I think a pure SO build will still do just fine.
@fbueckert It's a little better now that it's all out, but grinding out BAFs and Lambdas over and over and over and over suuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
@FAE Yes, exactly.
Well, I really only came back to tell you I respected you and all soo
tortoise swoosh
And it's especially rough for people who only have small groups to game with.
@FAE That, I can agree with.
@FAE That's what joining open groups is for.
@fbueckert Did you ever PUG a BAF in the beginning? That was... not pleasant.
@FAE Yes. And you're right, it wasn't fun. My mastermind still has trouble with it.
But with the changes to Dark Astoria, there is now solo Incarnate content.
@fbueckert MMs in Incarnate trials were awful in the beginning. :( At least they've got the boost now, but it can still be dodgy.
@fbueckert Yeah, I'm glad they added that.
I like how we can have a sane discussion of opposing viewpoints without it descending into obscenities and screaming fits.
@fbueckert It's always refreshing. :)
Maybe someday, someday, all our characters won't have mitten-hands...
@FAE Heh. I'm hoping for CoH 2. Non-mitten hands!
The only improvement. Full stop. :P
Hahaha, yeah, if it ever happens, it'd have to be in a new game. They've already stated that it'd just take too much time to go back and change everything (I still keep the redname feed in my RSS reader to keep up on news and stuff).
So what are your mains? Mine were a Dark/Dark Scrapper and a Mind/Thorns Dominator (not a popular combo re: the Dom, but it was my first character I ever rolled, so I didn't know that at the time).
She is perma though, and I was quite proud of getting her to perma, because it took me like 2 years to get around to finishing her build, haha.
Clearly, any game that isn't worth screaming at each other over isn't worth playing at all!
@FAE They could have the Doctor Who finger wobbly when he's describing something!
@agent86 Throws hissy fit to appease our dictatorial overlords
@fbueckert I don't watch Doctor Who, so I don't know what you're referencing, sorry!
@FAE You are missing out.
@agent86 NO U
@fbueckert That's far too measured a response. You're supposed to get angry with her for not watching it. You guys are doing this all wrong.
@fbueckert So I've been told! I'm pondering starting, but I have this braintick that makes it hard for me to not start things at the beginning. I'm compelled to start with like... the very beginning of the series...
Whoa, companies are all over them camera apps.
@FAE My first-ever 50 was my Ninja/Poison MM. I started him when CoV first came out. I named all my ninjas after the TMNT. Shredder was my Oni.
Camera+: It started with Adobe, then went to Zynga (for The Heist, not really for Camera+), then Google. And most recently, Twitter.
@FAE The 2005 re-start is where I started. Good place.
@Sterno Crap, and I probably should've been more offended at his assertion that I'm denying myself enjoyment and raged at him that he can't tell me what to do.
Although iirc Twitter offered 500m on Instagram then they turned round and showed FB.
@fbueckert Nice, one of my b/f's has a Ninja/Poison as well, I've heard it's a good combo.
pinging @TimStone and @fredley so we can discuss again. (I think we had this discussion last time)
@fbueckert Yeah, that's what people tell me. I may see about checking it out soon, but I have so much television to watch because of people recommending me stuff...
@FAE seriously, drop everything else you're watching, and watch doctor who from the 2005 reboot till now. it is the best show ever on television ever. ever.
@agent86 See, when people say that, I get scared that I'm gonna end up with unrealistic expectations and/or end up SHUNNED if I don't like it :P
@FAE I understand that Poison is one of the more rare secondaries for MM's.
@FAE the only thing I'd consider watching first if I had an episode of doctor who to watch is maybe the BBC sherlock.
I tried to build my characters around not requiring Stamina. Before it became an inherent for everyone.
@FAE don't get me wrong, it starts slow, and it's got its off moments. but it's the best sci-fi show on tv.
@fbueckert I have a Zombies/Poison 50. That... was a tough slog. Poison has no direct mitigation and zombies are squishy. x_x
@FAE So are ninjas. Hence why I took Leadership. ALL of it.
@fbueckert Inherent Stamina was the best thing eveeeeeeeeeeer. Except I had to respec like 20+ characters at the time.
@FAE I didn't have to re-spec any. They just all got a bonus! neener neener
I think I still have some characters with the Fitness pool Stamina because I was lazy.
@agent86 There. Does that fulfill the hate quotient?
@fbueckert I suppose, for now.
@fbueckert My first Stamina-less build was a Fire/Mental Blaster built around using Drain Psyche. I popped so many blues before I hit 20, man...
She has amazing AoE, but holy crap is she End-heavy. Totally worth it though.
@FAE I've always been about building sustainable characters. Requiring regular outside help (inspirations, friends, whatever) grated on me.
@FAE like the first episode, it shows a lot of promise. the writing's pretty good, but the effects are meh and the acting is kinda bleh. by the end of the first season, though, they get in their groove, and all of the tennant run is a blast. it's intelligent, twisty tv that stands up to repeat viewings. you don't realize they're screaming the surprises at you constantly, until the finale where all the pieces click together and awesome stuff happens.
@fbueckert Yeah, I'm really bad about using inspirations (or consumables in any game, really). I often just sit with a full tray. I do know some people who use binds to combine them into say, reds all the time and eat them, but I never got around to that.
@agent86 I totally called the end of the last season. Like, 20 minutes before it happened.
it's like if you took a show that showed a lot of promise, and instead of it disappointing, it shines and delivers.
@agent86 Ah, gotcha. That does sound fun.
@agent86 Looking at you, Heroes-after-Season-1...
@agent86 Yeah. The first couple episodes take a bit. But they really get into it after their first two-parter. And with Tennant, they crank it straight to 12.
@fbueckert yeah, this last season had its moments. I don't always enjoy the finale payoff, but it always seems to deliver pretty well.
@FAE please don't talk about Heroes, it still hurts
@Kappei I know, I know... sniffle
@LessPop_MoreFizz ahahah
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are they showing Avenue Q instead?
@FAE I had such hopes for that show.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Must be the sex ed. episode
@FAE yeah, if heroes was written better and they didn't skimp on the effects, the mysteries paid off, and they didn't write themselves into corners, it would be like what doctor who is.
@fbueckert The Writer's Strike really hurt Season 2 and it just never really recovered after that...
I even got a cool shirt. "Super Mario Bros. Save the princess, save world 8-4"
The last o in Super Mario Bros. was the eclipse.
@fbueckert Haha, nice!
@FAE you cannot blame the writer's strike, it just got dumber
if you can, try to avoid spoilers... there are some epic moments where your jaw drops and your eyes water and you go HOLY CRAP NO THEY DIDNT
and dumber
@FAE Same thing with Prison Break. Season 1, awesome. Everything afterwards...not so much.
@Kappei That's true. I haven't even finished all of it yet, we got halfway through Season 3 and just... Yeah...
it also manages to do time travel well, which is really hard to do consistently.
@agent86 I shall keep that in mind!
@FAE same for me
@Kappei You're right, it does still hurt, let's change the subject, haha.
@FAE if you get into it, I think you'd also enjoy torchwood, the spinoff series. they've got some real adult themes, kind of like if you took buffy the vampire slayer and weren't afraid to have more sexuality, explore more complex relationships, etc. the more recent "miniseries" installments haven't been as good, but there's some dovetailing between a few episodes of doctor who and torchwood as well.
anyhow, I will stop gushing now, sorry :)
@agent86 Yeah, I've heard really good stuff about Torchwood.
Haha, s'all good
but also the new BBC sherlock. some creative overlap between the two, and it's also quite excellent, intelligent television.
they're showing it on PBS in the states at this point, so I can watch it in HD :P
PBS is in HD now?
@FAE yeah, practically all broadcast tv is in HD
Wow, craziness.
I had to explain HD to my mom a couple months ago.
in fact, it's kind of weird, since they just cut the frame down for SD PBS
so watching sesame street, they'll be counting things that aren't on the screen :/
I ended up using an analogy of threadcount and looms.
That sucks
I finally just bought a HD antenna so that my kids don't get confused
@FAE You just kind of need to accept that for roughly 75% of the population, HD just means 'big'.
"there's only 5 things on the screen but elmo is counting 12... math is hard, daddy!"
@LessPop_MoreFizz But I want her to understand!
@agent86 That sounds like a good introduction to the way math happens in the real world.
Just buy an HD TORRENT
Speaking of struggling to explain things to people that really don't actually want to understand them, the Car Talk guys are retiring. :(
@FAE Should have just shown her the same show side-by-side. "This is regular TV. This is high definition."
@fbueckert Well I live in the Netherlands and my parents are back in the US still, so that's hard to do.
@FAE That's rough. I doubt I could ever live that far away from my family.
And they only have access to dialup, so I can't show her like, a youtube video or anything either.
You're an american living in the netherlands?
@fbueckert I have 2 SOs (Significant Others, not Single Origin Enhancements :P) who live in the US still as well, so yeah, distance sucks. I hate the Atlantic.
@tiddy Yes
or do I have it backwards
Are you on a work/student visa or are you working towards becoming a citizen
@tiddy My SO that I live with here is Dutch, I moved over here to live with him.
I have residency based on partnership with him at the moment. In 2013, I'm allowed to ask for residency on my own.
So basically, if he dies or something before then, I get kicked out of the country. :P
Q: Def Inferno Gear Wiz/WD

user1277607Both my witch doctor & wizard are just about level 60 and I am preparing to go try out inferno. I like the casters so much I can't decide which one should be my main. My friends (all melee characters) tell me that act 2 inferno is significantly harder then act 1, so I should be gearing for ac...

Q: Leveling post level 70

Biff MaGriffDungeon Defenders for PS3 finally got updates fixing many bugs and raising the level cap. However the amount of experience required just to go up a single level past level 70 is more than all previous experience earned combined! Are there now faster ways to earn experience?

Q: How often can the templar heal?

BenRunning around as a demon hunter, my templar is the perfect complement. He's definitely saved my life more than once with his heal ability. However, there have been times where he hasn't done it as I run around waiting for it to happen. Normally, this happens if he recently healed me (so I ass...

@ThomasMcDonald Hello
I actually think Doctor Who is kind of crap, and I'm a big sci-fi fan
Discuss what?
@Sterno It's for kids. Remember that.
@fredley Aww. And here we were having such a respectable level of conversation.
@fbueckert About a kids show. For kids.
@Sterno Hitler.
@fredley Hitler.
whew. thought that conversation was going to get out of hand before I could Hitler it.
@agent86 To be fair, I only made it through the 1st season of the reboot, before Tenant joined, and I'm told he's the one who somehow magically makes it the best show ever
But "Oooh, look out, plastic mannequin people are coming to get you!" doesn't really sell me overall, regardless of which actor is playing Doctor Who
I really prefer Matt Smith over Tennant
21 mins ago, by fbueckert
@agent86 Yeah. The first couple episodes take a bit. But they really get into it after their first two-parter. And with Tennant, they crank it straight to 12.
@AshleyNunn yeah, I've almost always felt the new guy was going to suck and then he grew on me and I was like "new guy is the best!"
@agent86 Corollary to Godwin's law: Anybody attempting to end an argument by deliberately invoking Godwin's law loses all right to attempt to end the argument.
ffs, I hate forums; why can't I edit my post a few hours later
and this issue makes me hate Eclipse even more (not that it's even it's fault, but still).
@fredley Didn't we spend a while talking about the whole Instagram thing?
@ThomasMcDonald Oh. Possibly. I've already forgotten my stance and I'm ready to take a new one.
I had nothing more to add
Except Camera+ turned down acquisition offers from Adobe, Google & Twitter. Thought it was interesting how desperate everyone seems to be to get into the space.
Camera+ is what I use
@Sterno yeah, the first season's a bit weak, esp towards the start, as noted. it picks up and they get some pretty freaky villains though.
@fredley :(
I don't even know what Camera+ is...
@agent86 Breaking Bad?
iOS camera app with post-processing
@NickT Doctor Who
@tiddy Is Camera+ the new hipster thing for iOS users because Instagram has been ruined by all the squares that use Android?
@agent86 It's the law
@NickT Wait, what?
Camera+ seems like an obvious move for FB, they've probably had it in the works for ages. They didn't buy Instagram to use their tech (they'd probably been developing Camera+ for a long time prior to the release) but to kill the threat. Camera+ is a big step onto Instagram's turf. Had they not been bought, they might have raised their game against FB.
I've been using it since it's release
I really like it
Never used instagram
My wife is having labor induced tomorrow. This is going to seriously cut in to my Diablo 3 time.
Pretty sure @agent86 has a playbook for such things
I don't use FB, certainly not for photos, so probably will never use. I can see the rational behind it though. It reduces a lot of the friction of sharing photos.
@fredley but like I say, they've turned down all the offers
@NickT Camera+ predates Instagram. It's been around forever.
@Sterno Damn the whole bornination
@LessPop_MoreFizz doesn't that make it more hipster then?
@LessPop_MoreFizz You mean months right?
@Sterno get a baby carrier. babies love being held, and with your hands free you can pwn demons till long into the night and be considered a good dad instead of some insomniac video game addict.
Even though he describes them as featuring 'crazy amounts of zeros'
I forgot, do hipsters like old or new things? Or just things before they were cool
@NickT Hipsters like anything you don't
C'mon, DF. Generate this world already.
@fredley Well, if by 'months' you mean 24 months, then sure'.
@LessPop_MoreFizz O RLY?
@NickT It's also just nothing like Instagram except insofar as you can take pictures with it and it has filters.
@fredley ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿
Camera+ is meant as a full featured replacement for the default camera app for the iPhone.
@agent86 Genius!
The fact that it has Instagram style filters has more to do with the fact that it has the kitchen sink on it's feature list than it does anything to do with being in the same category. It's also decidedly not a social platform, which is what Facebook really wanted when they paid an absurd sum of money for Instagram.
@Sterno if your wife is in charge of feeding, most of being a dad the first few months is keeping the baby asleep for as long as possible.
(well, that and diapers...)
it gets easier when they get older and you can just send them to bed, and then harder again when you have more and all their schedules have to overlap in order to get any gaming time in.
or you could just cheat and get interested in E-rated games, or play games that you can pause/overlay quickly (ie, single player steam games)
One thing to note about Camera+ is that the company actually makes money by selling a product, which is not something that can be said for Instagram.
or, y'know, get overly involved in something gaming related such as a q&a site for video games where you can do video game related things all day long that just look like boring websites.
@LessPopMoreFizz pft, who needs money when you have VC!!
Also, the new hipster post-instagram toy is Cinemagram. Just FYI.
@agent86 This entire topic seems worth of a Gaming.SE question!
@Sterno Game-Rec.
Q: Strategies for obtaining weapon/character/equipment upgrades in Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer

RobVSo in the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer you start with a pretty limited selection of character classes, equipment and weapons. By playing games you earn credits which you can then spend on equipment packs in the store which contain a random selection of consumables, weapons, characters and equipment...

Q: Wrestling wwe12

Andrew eckertI'm planing on purchasing this wrestling game but I've seen what the history of the wwf and what activities those divas did. Thankfully it was censored. Is there any nudity in this game cause I'm against nudity?

@Sterno probably asked already in the early days :P or will get closed as not-constructive. :P
if we get to thinking it's worthwhile, I'll answer it, but it's lunchtime!
@Lazers WAT.
@Sterno Pre-grats!
Did @gnomeslice make another sock puppet?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I meant the topic of "How can I effectively game while managing a newborn?", not "What e-rated games are there?"
It's lunchtime for ME, don't know how you do it in pew pew texass
Not that I'm actually going to ask
@Sterno Better fit on parenting.se than gaming.se IMO
Who in their right mind is against nudity?
Unless you're speaking literally.
Oh, speaking of gaming nudity
Triss Merigold mean anything to anyone..... egotastic.com/2012/06/…
eh. I don't think this map has any flux stone.
ugh df wiki is down
anyone use 2D cad have software they'd recommend?
@tiddy peers at that site's tagline
@FAE I am but a lowly male
@ThomasMcDonald Haha I thought you were playing TFCraft at first :D
@James nope
@ThomasMcDonald Yeah I saw :(
Also I just had to google that.
and I've crashed iTunes and DF.
@ThomasMcDonald .. Google crashes iTunes and DF?? How??? Heh
@James Do you have UHC 7 ready?
Nah, I crashed iTunes by pressing cmd-t twice in quick succession. That enables/disabled the visualisation thing, which crashes it. I meant to open a new tab.
@RonanForman Still awaiting final graphic man.. and no being shocked and surprised this is the third time I have asked for it :D
DF froze randomly. Back now though.
@James I've given it to you each time.
@RonanForman Hmm, not @'d to me then cause I checked
Ah, I have forgotten everything about DF. Good times.
18 hours ago, by Ronan Forman
@James http://db.tt/4X7oO0LI
And then 30 seconds later you post:
18 hours ago, by James
@RonanForman The software I use just handles it that way. It takes like 10min to render a 20-30min video, but if I am just adding in 15seconds to the end it does it in like 20 seconds :)
Remember that?
@RonanForman That I do
I just missed it i guess man, sorry
Ill get it up tonight go ahead and post yours :)
Q: Can a disloyal Miranda survive the suicide mission?

ahsteeleAs indicated by multiple questions all over the intertubes and also on our site it is difficult to keep the loyalty of both Miranda and Jack. Given my chaotic good play style I've accepted that my paragon level will not reach a sufficient value to regain Miranda's loyalty. Since the rest of my te...

Q: What stats are best for casters (Wizard/Witch Doctor) doing Inferno?

user1277607Both my witch doctor & wizard are just about level 60 and I am preparing to go try out inferno. I like the casters so much I can't decide which one should be my main. My friends (all melee characters) tell me that act 2 inferno is significantly harder then act 1, so I should be gearing for ac...

This guy wants us to do all his thinking for him.
@fbueckert Yeah I think we have a question for all the classes that sounds like that now.
@James Send an email to stackgaming's gmail.
I think I posted what are good stats for a life steal barbarian.. turns out life steal barbarians suck
@RonanForman No idea what that address is man
@James Can you not guess it?
@RonanForman Correct I suck at things like that
Well the username is stackgaming and it's a gmail account, they normally end in @gmail.com
@James Still not got it?
@RonanForman Nah I can get it when ya tell me what it is :)
And what should requested email say?
@RonanForman Not what is it, delete that :P
Why am I emailing that address?
@James I need your email, and I don't like asking people for it on a public site.
It almost seems you two are talking about two different things.
@RonanForman Should have just asked for it man.. I can type it out and then just delete it after you copy/paste
Email was sent though, says Tada
@fbueckert He speaks English I speak American... Some times things get lost in translation :D
@James Somebody clear that email out of chat.
@fbueckert Only he can do that.
@fbueckert Why? It's public anyway.
@James You should now have all the passwords and things, make my videos public when yours is up.
@RonanForman Google likes to index the chat room. If it's your email, then hey, no arguments from me if you want to keep it there.
@RonanForman kk
@fbueckert It's also in this meta post
@RonanForman Ah, kk. Sounds good
@RonanForman Like I said, if it's yours, no argument from me.
@RonanForman I've got it!
What about Terreria for the new saturday game? It's not free, but very popular around these here parts.
@Wipqozn I dunno, something free would probably be better. Like Trackmania.
@Wipqozn Also, there are non-free games in the rotation, right?
You should add Metal Drift.
@GnomeSlice Not that I have seen unless you count minecraft.
Its just been LoL and Minecraft until Diablo since I have been paying attention :)
...Diablo isn't free...
@GnomeSlice Hence the word Until
Ah, missed that one.
We prefer free games, but we play non-free games well.
Killing Floor is one example.
We should play L4D2 :D
We've done that too. We'll probably play it again.
Alt5hough I don't think the turn out was great the first time we did it.
Also, @GnomeSlice, I'm concerned Metal Drift doesn't have a large enough fan base on the site.
@Wipqozn Yeah, probably not.
A: Game On! restructured

Fredy31For retro stuff: Goldeneye Source

That could be interesting.
I need to figure out what this weeks fourth week will be.
Right now I'm thinking perhaps Goldeneye source + one of the free games gnome suggested.
Can you play Source Mods without paying money now?
@NickT Not as far as I know.
In anycase
@Wipqozn tortoise swoosh
@Wipqozn wait a second.. They do NOT swoosh.
Bleurgh, I don't know how to work with Vectors.
@NickT Yes, you can just download TF2.
I thought that didn't work though; they've been able to restrict that in the past; e.g. Portal: First Slice; has Source engine but you can't use mods with it.
Q: Which data is transferred when I watch a game on Steam?

Ozgun SunalI press the “play“ button on Steam client to launch DOTA 2, while I am watching a game. When I press the “watch“ button , I see the title “loading“ on the screen. Which kind of data (graphics or mouse movements or what) is pulled from the files on my computer, and which are transferred from the ...

@Lazers Closed?
What for?
1 hour ago, by Lazers
Q: Wrestling wwe12

Andrew eckertI'm planing on purchasing this wrestling game but I've seen what the history of the wwf and what activities those divas did. Thankfully it was censored. Is there any nudity in this game cause I'm against nudity?

@GnomeSlice I think its just cause the guy mentions he is considering purchasing the game
I do not think people even finished reading the rest of the question to see that it is a valid question
@James Wow, seriously?
It's not a buying-advice question.
Well I can not see any reason for it to be closed, the guy wants to know about nudity in a game, that is a valid question regardless of why he wants to know.
Precisely... voting to reopen.
@Sterno They were back up yesterday
@fbueckert Really? I checked somewhere around the time we played yesterday and it didn't seem to be working.
@Sterno They were certainly up. I was even going to try to make some money crafting gems and selling them.
@GnomeSlice As did I, I also just edited out the word Purchasing from there so people can read the rest of it
@Sterno Yeah they were active with that 1.0.2b whatever patch I believe.
@GnomeSlice Need a couple more votes to re-open this.. I would kindly welcome those who closed it to read the post and reconsider :)
And commodities count towards your ten item limit.
They really need to remove that.
Hrm. Wonder if I just searched for something that had 0 items up
Anyway, time to sell some gems!
@Sterno Sure. Take my idea. I don't mind at all.

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