left foot, right upper arm, lower left leg, left upper leg; all broken & bruised. right false rib, right lung, right shoulder; only broken; left lung, upper body; only bruised.
This is actually the best possible thing to happen for you as a zerg player. He's running just Phoenixes and he has given you map control FOR FREE.
Your Strategy is going to be as follows:
Build a couple spore to stop early Phoenix harass.
Expand to 3 or 4 bases
Spread your creep
Build pretty...
hehe. I stayed up late last night playing, but I didn't have internet so I couldn't ask questions. I'm stuck right now on the Elves thing cos I don't want to make a political faux pas with the elves (given that I don't have much in the way of an army.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I collect rocks in Dwarf Fortress
Pretty much the entire area I've mined right now is full of dacite and alunite, but I want to empty it out to make offices for my nobles. Should I just build over it or should I move it somewhere to store it?
Possible Duplicate:
What happens if I ignore the Tree-Hugging Elves?
The elves are asking me to cap my tree felling to 100 until the next time they come by. Currently, I'm unsure as to how much I am felling, so I want to be sure I can control it before I accept.
On the other hand, I'...
:76421 I love how your chat message is also a dupe. I renamed your existing question to contain the word elves in the title and voted to close mine. Hope you don't mind.
In chat if you edit a message with @tzenes in it, then I get pinged a second time. Once for the original post and once for the edit.
It would seem to me this is not the intention of pinging.
Thanks for the offer! I think I'll pass though because I have a lot of new games to play at the moment, which is part of why I don't have it.
Right now I feel almost more like a game collector than a game player because I keep buying faster than I can play through them (damn you summer Steam sales, damn you...)
Heh. at this rate, I'll hit the reputation cap in the next 10 minutes. And I have the opposite problem. I play the same games over and over so much that it's almost a waste.
Possible Duplicate:
What are some programming games that are out there?
I've been thinking of how to get kids interested in programming, and combining it with their existing interests seems a good idea. Are there any game that are scriptable? It would be sooo cool if there was a FPS wh...
I very rarely replay games, even though I want to. :( I feel like I shouldn't replay stuff when I already have so much to play that's unplayed. Same problem I have with books.
I'm looking for games that have a very interesting or epic setting for the story.
For example:
Mid-Atlantic, 1960s: A plane crash drops you into the ocean, where you discover a hidden city built underwater by an enigmatic Howard Hughes/Citizen Kane type figure to allow scientists to...
@tzenes would it be bad practice to post that question to my personal site and leave a link? I want answers to it, but I know that it shouldn't be hosted on gaming and it shouldn't give anyone rep. I posted on meta about it.
let's put it this way then: do you expect your language to be both strongly typed and weakly? do you expect it to be both prototypal and class based? do you expect it to be both imperitive and functional?
do you expect it to be C, Lisp and Java all rolled into one?
or do you use the right tool for the job?
I didn't suggest we do a website in lisp because its not good for webdevelopment
I suggested Ruby on Rails because we can do rapid prototyping
not Java Tomcat which would require more building
I could go on
Heck, even REGEX is turing complete, but I'm not going to write a webserver in it
some little prick decided to start spamming the network with three laptops.
It's for 'research'
My comment was going to be: Well, do you expect your C, Lisp, Java, and Ruby to all run on one OS or would you like to reboot into a different partition for every program you run?
Yeah. I'm getting pretty disappointed with the Gaming site. it was awesome at first, but I think it's not what I was hoping for. Its frustrating because all the right people are here, but it's just not suited for the whole 'gaming community' thing and I don't think it can survive solely on the 'objective questions' thing simply because you'd be competing with a vast multitude of other sites which cater to all the needs of a gaming community. Hope I'm wrong.
Yeah, I guess. But you already have forums and steam groups etc where people go to hang out and stuff. I just think its a touch restricted in the current form to match all the needs of gamers. Starcraft II and Dwarf Fortress are powering the site for the most part because they didn't have good walkthroughs before the site started, so perhaps it will continue to grow, but then again all you need is one programmer to look at the site and realize that he just needs to clone it and add game-rec
to pretty much completely replace this site for just about any gamer whose not here already and probably half the gamers who already are.
Gaming was the first one I saw, and I didn't spend too much time on Area51, otherwise I would have checked out the others, some of which I noticed AFTER they went into private beta.
SO has a much larger scope and the 'level of expertise' on SO is not as important as the type of expertise. I never heard of the SE 1.0 sites despite being a pretty frequent user of SO
I have 15 SE accounts of which I've used 2 in the last week. and probably 10 of them, I will never use again. I just made them to take a look at the site.
SO works so well because you don't have to have serious Java expertise to answer half of the Java questions etc. Just being a programmer, you gather expertise. Whereas Gaming questions are quite specific.
@tzenes what would give you that idea? I'm not even convinced about the 30% statistic. And all we have to do is look at the distribution of rep to figure it out. And looking at gaming, you need to have played the game to answer it, but you're sure as hell not going to stick around if games that you play don't get answers. I stuck around mainly due to the popular List questions I asked earlier.
Recently, I started playing DF cos I was curious, but there are very few MW2 players here. Most of the recent set of questions are SC2. The fact that two games have even a 10% share on the site is worrying
Area51, shows 26% have committed to no other SE (I was slight off). Of the original people who commited to the proposal (the SO users) 24% followed through
Mechko you may criticize the lack of game knowlege, but 95% of questions have answers. This is just as good as SO (though not as good as cooking at 100%).
Anyways, we'll see. I'm just not convinced. I think we've closed off too many types of questions. Right now, SC is really popular and anyone who posts about Starcraft II is liable to get a handful of hits, but then, when SCII gets familiar and the number of questions dies down, we'll lose half of those views. I'm worried about the transients.
last four hours, 12 questions, 4 by me, one more deleted, 3 others closed, one more about to be closed. That leaves 4 questions in the last 4 hours, averaging 2 answers each, prime time in the states
Well, then I'll see that first hand in under 2 weeks
Anyways. Gaming fills half a niche and it won't be able to fill the other half due to the 'objective' nature of SE. All someone has to do is make a gaming Q&A site and add a subjective and a game rec portion and get someone like Randall Munroe to look at it and Gaming.se won't be able to compete.
I mean, the easy Q&A deal is great and it's unique to SE, but as it leaves SO-techgeek family, its going to become well known to a whole bunch of people. And as someone pointed out, you can make a SE-like on drupal
As you said, we have a strong moderation policy here. There is already a word-check on questions, it can't be too hard to implement it on answers too. Any answer that uses one of several known trolling words is flagged, subjective answers/questions that get downvoted below -3 get deleted.
Subjective questions can also have a lifetime period of like a week after which they get closed. Subjective questions that don't make a minimal mark get deleted instead of closed.
Keep a strong no swearing policy and automate deletion of seriously negative questions
it's pretty simple. What makes a thread a troll-thread is that initial troll spark. Otherwise these things tend to stay on topic. As you said, there are 8 million other gaming sites.
Imagine you invent Chess. And people love it. They're fanatic about it. So they play all the chess they can, they hang out in chess halls. At some point they get bored. They still love chess, so they're not going to leave, but eventually they invent the game where they throw chess pieces at each other.
Say @alexanderpas ask a question and you answer it. If I were to write an answer, I'd have to be working with what he said, not what you said. If I have something to say about your answer, I'd have to comment. That's simple enough
Ok, so now you have the chess hall where people are throwing pieces. Technically they're not bothering anyone, but its not exactly the place you want to go to play chess. Certainly not if you're Gary Kasperov. So the serious chess players go somewhere else, and now the people who follow them leave.
And new people get the impression this isn't a place to play chess, so they go to some other chess hall, and all you really have are the holligans. And here is the thing, eventually they will get bored of throwing chess pieces and go somewhere else
meh I took a class on Russia and Kasparov is a good friend of several people at my college, so he came by to give his political tirade.
For the record, this kind of divergence sits in a comment string under your answer (which happens with even the most objective of questions) or on chat, which is fine. The rest is up to moderators. Did I mention subjective questions are all CW so that you don't get rep being subjective?
Rep has very little meaning. Its mostly a way to keep track of who's been around a long time. But none of this solves the problem that you have a basically empty chess hall now
What I envision with the 'subjective' questions is that you don't have a discussion so much as ask for one off opinions from others. What's important is not allowing trollseeds to spread around and keeping a time limit on the questions so that they don't get a life of their own.
the empty chess hall is a slippery slope. What you have now is a bunch of people who share opinions RELATED TO GAMING as well as your basic Q&A