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haha, that was fast
I'm 15 years old, I'm allowed not to care about having a life
you again >:D
:74683 hmm... I can do better.... I'm 24, I have no life, and I don't care because I'm special ;)
me too :)
@alexanderpas I'm a teen and special
technically, I'm slightly special, but that's a technicality.
also, i need to decide when to apply for MENSA...
(at least i got professionally diagnosed before it became a hype ;) )
I got diagnosed before I knew it was a hype..
it's weird, I've been on the internet practically all my life, but I'd never seen any reference to it at all until I was diagnosed
how do I get off-topic so quickly
Just FYI, something that was discussed yesterday
:74757 I came back?
in The Tavern (General) on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Aug 11 at 7:04, by Jeff Atwood
I received the following blog comment last night. Normally I write them off as spam, but this one was pretty specific:

Just to clue you in. 4chan is planning on launching a trolling and spam campaign against SO, and are coordinating anons from multiple chans. There was mention of manipulating the points system and closing a bunch of popular posts. The date for launch is August 12th. THE MOAR U NO!

Horrible grammar and spelling aside. Is this even a concern? If so, do you already know about it? If not, here you go.
I hope you guys are not infective :P
I guess it's nothing to be worried about, but...
it's 4chan, if against anyone it'd be us
they could just lock the site until they give up
:74769 no, only IRL, and it's infective.
I don't know how they can do much
SO has many failsafe mechanisms...
well.. as long as our mods do their job we have nothing to worry about
Not against a whole community
I know what they can do ;)
the whole site is based on community
get enough people together and you can bring down the site pretty quickly if not for mods
it's not that easy
we have the rep cap for one
they'd have to be very aggressive
which would trigger the anomaly vote detector
again... meh
or already registered
they'd only have to get 200 rep on one site to get 100 on all
we've been giving loads of people 100 free rep on SE sites, so 200 is peanuts
The good side of anonymous can pour out some pretty nice stuff (chanology)
and perhaps loads of traffic and votes is actually positive, who knows what they will spot
they'll fall in love with SE and we'd have more users
and else this day will make for an interesting statistical anomaly
I think what they can do is spam questions and flood the site with junk
and if you remember we had this problem once before
the bad side of anonymous, you don't want to meet
we had someone flood a number of wow questions
and the site was nothing but these questions
if they spam, the links will get blacklisted and that deals with duplicates
and it took us time to deal with it
so it will take them more trouble to create a hassle than for us to clean it up
wasn't that antony?
that's not true
yes, it was Juan
it took us time because we were trying not to aggresively shut him down
for him not to feel bad
if 2,000 people come through and each creates 4 questions, that's 8,000 questions
they just write a script...
we have captcha's I'm not worried abotu scripts
@Juan I think there is a scale issue here
they fill them in, remember the time magazine poll.
meh, jeff can run an update and disallow new questions from users with <1000 rep in one minute
indeed, it's not like the team is sleeping
The Cassandra workshop is resuming
yeah, I know.. I just lost it)
"And now back to our regular programming"
I hate to have to use XKCD again, but
:74875 Is that even possible?
I'm as surprised as you! I didn't think it was possible.
:74882 thanks, you answered exactly as expected and I lol'ed.
you're welcome
so... DF is twice as fast on my 1GHz linux eeePC compared to my XEON double CPU 2.4GHz windows machine.
guess you have some optimizing to @alexanderpas
wait... Santa does exists and he likes DF
guess what I'm using :P
say, is it weird that for some reason captnduck's accent is annoying to me?
he's dutch.
I know, that's why I asked
I don't get it, I do bilingual education, nobody in my school speaks english like that and yet I instantly recognise it as a dutch accent
those who do bilang usually talk better english.
definitely not in the beginning though
then again, my accent is usually that of whomever I'm talking to
hearing dutch professors etc. speak english on discovery channel is even worse.
uh oh, the elves are here and all of my stuff is in wooden bins and barrels
don't buy, sell or gift wooden stuff.
but.. my stuff is in wooden stuff
a stone table in a wooden bucket? ;)
mostly gypsum mugs and such
trinkets the traders like
so what do I do
Be careful to not offer them your wooden bins or barrels. If the contents of bins are marked for trade individually, and are not wooden themselves, the elves will not care that you used wooden bins to haul the goods to the depot. Source: df.magmawiki.com/index.php/DF2010:Elf#ixzz0wKd3lOUr
oh, okay
I gotta haul it all over first too
Elves will not accept wood, wooden items or any goods decorated with wood. This includes clear and crystal glass items and soap, because wood-derived lye and pearlash are used in their production. Source: df.magmawiki.com/index.php/DF2010:Elf#ixzz0wKdT1hfr
heh, I made 1770* worth of mugs
what the?
they're offering me only wood
ah, it's normal, still seems weird to me
Elves will, however, gladly trade you their own wooden items. They will not, however, accept their wooden items back. Source: df.magmawiki.com/index.php/DF2010:Elf#ixzz0wKeGcBQZ
strange elves...
yeah, I read that, it just seems odd
that's like a vegetarian running a butcher's
more like an islamic butcher selling pork meat.
Like a vegetarian barbecuing hamster?
that's the best analogy ever
theoretically the elves "sing" the wood out without cutting it, and they won't accept yours because you killed the trees ... the distinction between wood they made and wood you cut isn't made yet, so they won't take any from you
in the mean time I've got an elf in a strange mood
an elf?
... strange mood as in "Fey Mood", or just pissed at you?
got confused
ah yes, first strange mood ... I remember that
as in possessed actually
less fun, but still
you have your military standing by?
you want to check the workshop he's claiming.
according to the wiki I don't need any
lol, good luck
later y'all
he's in the dining room
what does that mean
If a moody dwarf does not claim a workshop, it is because the appropriate workshop does not exist.
maybe he's making a legendary dinner
hmm, then I need the appropriate workshop
hmm, made sense
glass maker, glass furnace
how am I supposed to get green glass without a glass maker
or more importantly, without sand
:75209 you were saying something about a military?
my military has him surrounded, it's the best I can do
Evening all
first fey dwarf?
possessed even
well this is boring, doesn't even go insane
and other than digging deeper or dying I don't see where I should go from here
dangit I'm getting the urge to play it again
Have you read the saga of Boatmurdered?
'tis well worth it if only for the entertainment factor
maybe I should read it again for ideas :P
I recognize Dutch accents in English pretty easily now as well
Most of my Dutch friends speak good English though
go insane already, my military is tiring
I read this interesting article in the NRC a month or so ago that was about Dutch people and English. The percentage of Dutch people who think they speak good English is rather high but when it comes to actual performance, they don't do so well.
sounds like my experience
the amount of Dunglish is noticable.
For example, common pronunciation issues like pronouncing "bad," "bat," "bed," and "bet" all the same way
Which, thinking about it, I definitely notice
or pronouncing "live" (long version) like "life"
finally, he's gone berserk
he has been struck down
think I'm gonna play more L4D2
hmm, I wonder where his body is, I only see clothing
no corpse?
not as far as I can tell
I see 'a spattering of Lokum'
well, that's that, I just hope it doesn't form miasma
Ooooh new Borderlands DLC
is that game even fun if you haven't any friends (that have the game)?
It's not as great solo
My b/f got it as well so we always at least duo
playing with 4 players is great fun
TF2 will finally add trading ingame, interesting
One of the best things about Borderlands is the humor ingame
I like the tone a lot
:75343 now, the only thing missing is an experience bar, and we have a new RPG
re: TF2? Haha, yeah
do you guys play borderlands on pc or 360?
PC for me
I don't like playing shooters on console
keyboard+mouse > gamepad
ever since Halo I actually prefer it
Wow, so I got a tank... and it bugged out
it disappeared
but my screen is continuously shaking...
I need to find people to play borderlands on the 360 with
Ah there he is
Wiimote + Nunchuck > gamepad
also I had more friends getting it on PC than on 360
we got the 4 pack deal on Steam
gogo typing skills
you can edit your posts here. (for two minutes that is.)
force of habit
Oh yeah
I keep treating this as just a regular chat
this > regular chat
I'd prefer IRC, then I wouldn't have to have this open in my browser all the time, I could just use irssi like I normally do.
effing witches instakill
don't shoot the witch!
lol, road and river in the same area, running parallel
hmm, I now have blood all over my glass furnace just cause some female dwarf needed cloth
by the way, weird question, but is it safe to build a channel to a water source?
part of the joy of this game is to try things
and then die horribly
sourced water is fun.
@FallenAngelEyes but I'm going so well
try it in a seperate part.
I was thinking that, but how
dig out a part and lock the miner in?
well, trading time first
insane dwarf's clothes were worth 100*
wow... perfect: temperate, heavily forested, thick vegitation, wilderness, a brook, sand & flux, no aquifer.
now that you just started, try my channeling theory :D
I can't read your mind, so i don't know what you're planning.
I just want to make a channel from a water source to my fortress
so that my dwarves won't have to go to the surface for water
should work, just remember pressure.
the water is on the same z-level
no higher, no lower
and nothing built below it
dorfs drink from the edges of open space.
alright, here goes
sideview. right is river.
err, I failed
oh right, it was aboveground too
that was kinda dumb
why isn't my miner dying
you did this
not exactly
that's more like it
how is he still alive
he's trying to learn to swim.
how is that even possible
oh right, it's only 5/7 water
well, he won't move from 5/7th to 5/7th
so I can't fix this
can I?
usually, you can't, unless he learns to swim, and escapes.
well, he's getting good at swimming
also, you realise I can't let him escape, it would flood the fortress
try the air-gate method
X are doors, d is designated dig
let's try
keep left closed until dwarf is in center, close right, open left.
designate dig only after closing left.
wait, why dig if left is open? to let the water out?
dig is to get dwarf to center in the first place.
oh, of course
how do I open the door without moving to it?
I can make it passable
but I can't explicitly open it
dwarf passible is enough.
but she won't move to the door
so it won't open
does she have something to do on the other side of the door?
or she can't simply swim not well enough ;)
how can I see how well she can swim?
Dames en Heren, enjoy your DF geek talk, I'm out!
hey,at least we're on topic of gaming
well, she hasn't drowned yet
and it's 5/7
she might just be stunned
might be.
managed to build an upward ramp
all fixed now
so much for a water source
but it was fun :D
I suppose it was Fun
uh oh, running out of food
I got some dead animals laying around, might as well make some meat
(well, not bored anymore)
plus I kinda flooded my kitchen in an.. accident
oh great, another strange mood
this time I'm locking the workshop
Ok, I'm going to ask a ridiculous question, and its ok if no one knows the answer. Is it possible for me to create an untyped list in c# that will accept any type?
Sure, List<Object>
no, List<Object> is typed Object
I want untyped
it's a strongly typed language
that's not going to happen
strangly enough java, supports this feature
unless you're using .NET 4 and it accepts dynamic
and right now I am very angry about it
and it doesn't do boxing/unboxing in the background?
:75624 only lock if he's unable to get his stuff, starvation can take some time.
I have no fucking clue what it does, but I want to kill the person who wrote this god damn code
:75655 sure, but I'm at least creating a door
:75657 A lot of programmers have that sentiment
comes with the job I guess
@alexanderpas then again, nobody seems to want to construct the workshop
This asshole thinks the acceptable solution to a circular reference is not to throw an error but to use an untyped list
@tzenes I'm reasonable at C#, but I have no idea what that meant
so there is some code, which generates other code based on an xml document
that xml document can have circular references in its class definitions
ie. <list name="blah"><member type="blah"/></list>
which would expand into List<List<List<List<... etc
instead of throwing an error that the user did something stupid, his solution is List<?>
I am tasked with writing a parser which produces equivilant C# code
that would definitely call for an exception
and now I want to murder this man
but erm, no offence, but this is the gaming room
just a lot of frusteration
I can imagine
@alexanderpas my first mysterious construction :D
and what is it?
A Zoluth Tathur, a perfect sard
Sard encrusted with sard.
worth 4800☼
wow... that dorf is smart.
scratch that... stupid as always.
well, today's trade caravan came just in time, my dorfs are starving
and stop sleeping on the workplace!
but err, how was the dorf smart/stupid/otherwise?
his diggin pattern, started at the far end.
I don't get the digging pattern they use myself

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