This thread suggests that an update loop when playing on EU servers could be caused by having a US game client version instead of EU.
Is there a way to check which client version you have installed?
Some people feel that as long as other people are in the beta who can answer definitively, it's okay, some people feel it's unfair to those who aren't able to play the game yet.
@Rapida I saw a guy with 30k DPS and about the same resists/armor/stats as you who rocked it out. So I'm wondering if I've got too much defense and not enough offense
Strength/Vitality gear, though it got you through Normal, Nightmare, and probably even Hell just fine, won't cut it anymore. You're going to need armor and resistances. And a defense-oriented spec. The advice below is geared towards Act 1. I've managed to slog my way through Act 2, but haven't go...
You should post your build there. Someone put a bounty up looking for more options
Assuming yours is different
I guess it's changed a little... I wrote that in Act 1
but it's pretty close to that other than I keep trying different passives
Smite beta just opened up this week and I've already managed to get a few games in. Along the mini-map I noticed several icons that are for neutral creep camps with buffs and I was wondering what each buffs did for the player or team.
i was playing battlefield3 and my friend said that he lost his progress and some unlocks when i left the game(he didn't leave early) i laughed at him because at the TIME it wasn't happening to me.NOW i am really close to leveling up to level 24,but every time i leave at the end of the match im ba...
So, I've been attempting to activate pre-installed games on Desura.
Which is possible in the application.
But there's a problem.
Apparently it doesn't register the games you have installed on your other Harddrives.
I.E. Games on my D drive isn't being registered.
Except only games installed on...
I'm about to start doing Act 1 Inferno runs and I'm trying to figure out how worthwhile that will be.
I hit a wall last time I tried in the spider cave place, so the plan right now is to start the act fresh and get as far as I can each time, hopefully gearing up enough each time to get a little bit further.
My run for act 1 is: wp to the cemetary and check for a rare. wp to festering wood and clear the hill event and each temple. Usually this nets me 5 stacks. WP to the northern highlands and run to the watchtower, this almost always contains a resplendent chest. Then go kill the warden and butcher.
Boots have increased movement speed on them as one of their possible affixes, and there are also a few skills that increase movement speed. Does this become more important in later difficulties, especially when elites have three or four abilities that drop area effects everywhere?
More importan...
In circuits not using pseudo-random 'dice-roll' type randomizers (i.e. a fast clock that the player stops to produce a random state), is the output state always the same for the same input state?
Some areas in TF2 are just horrid to attack. Two come to mind: Egypt, fourth point and Junction, last point. This question is about the latter.
There are five ways to approach the point from and they all suck. Let's take a look at the map from top-bottom:
Please forgive my greek. You can:
Mind you, I did enjoy the 17% of the game I've played, except for the first fighting sequence where I was mashing left and right mouse buttons to attack and defend
whereas you must click on the icons instead
we'll see if it can keep me interested over time though
Some areas in TF2 are just horrid to attack. Two come to mind: Egypt, fourth point and Junction, last point. This question is about the latter.
There are five ways to approach the point from and they all suck. Let's take a look at the map from top-bottom:
Please forgive my greek. You can:
I'm in nightmare and I decided the Templar's second tier skill Loyalty is better than the alternative, so I retrained him. The description claims it will provide 75 health/sec, but every time I'm hurt I can clearly see I'm only gaining ~52 health/sec... and that's with my health gain as well!