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well netflix and stuff?
later @tzenes
see you in the afternoon :P
I don't think Netflix will even work here
even if you managed to smuggle their app :)
Netflix doesn't work here
I have it on my Xbox
cuz my Live account is based in the US
but it won't let me use it because of region restrictions
I thought so
that's what I thought too
it will block my ip
unless I use a proxy
Same at last.fm too
did that with Hulu for some time
oh man I'm so going to enjoy my visit in the States
annoying that we can get all the free streaming stuff :/
pandora all day long
nothing block on youtube
I miss Pandora :(
me too :(
netflix, hulu!
although, I like Spotify
can't be arsed to set up a proxy all the time
How come you're going to the states, Ivo?
vacation :D
almost 1 month :D
I have a Spotify Premium account, makes up for it, although it's harder to discover new music
Nice, where to?
I really discovered a lot of new music through pandora, it rocks
a month, nice
though for the price of a round trip ticket, it's definitely better to go for a month rather than like, a week
Have you ever been before?
they don't want the EU to have it, because they would have to sign 30 different contracts, loose ad income from the channels buying their stuff now and have to regain their customers
Enjoy the free refills while you can
850€ for the tickets and a car for 24 days (per person, going with my GF)
that's one of the biggest things I miss from the US
Are you road tripping or just staying in one place?
ill show you in a bit :P
Pandora should team up with Spotify, Spotify could come to the US and Pandora could come to Europe
Don't know Spotify
I'm going something like this @FallenAngelEyes
Haha, I was like "How the hell is he gonna show me?"
Looks fun :)
was planning on going through yellowstone too
Can't give any advice as I've never been out west
but it seemed like way too long a drive
oh nice
how long?
a 1000 miles or so
My sense of long driving distance is very skewed from living in the US. I'm like "Oh, 3 hours, that's an easy day trip" whereas if you drive 3 hours in the NL, unless you're going from Limburg to Groningen, you end up out of the country. >_>
by my latest adjustments :P
ah well I worked in Belgium the last two years
and drove back and forth every week
I think I've driven about 60k last year
I love driving. I miss it. :(
oh look what someone from tweakers.net just tweeted: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=747598
I don't have a Dutch driver's license yet.
well, having lived in the netherlands all my life I still find it weird that you can drive for 3 hours in some countries and not see any civilization
Hehe, yep
I miss seeing forests where the trees aren't planted in a row >_>
I don't know what I'll be missing :P
but I fear it's not you guys ;)
there's that too, I look at google maps in the US and all the roads perfectly line up with the compass directions
which just seems unnatural to me
look at manhattan
that's only in grid cities
Manhattan, Chicago, etc.
it's like one big Vinex-block, only higher
but the trees comment was re: NL
I don't live in a Vinex area myself, we still have random foliage
That was the first thing I noticed when I first came here in 2003. We were driving from Schiphol and I was like omg, all the trees are in rows!
haha, I live in a pretty part of Holland: Groesbeek! :P
which is much, much nicer than those designer trees we have now
brb waking up my GF ;)
I live in Delft, so I'm mostly familiar with the Randstad
in Nieuw-Vennep we have two parts, the old part and the new part, the latter of which is a Vinexwijk
What is Vinex?
Vinex is de afkorting voor Vierde Nota Ruimtelijke Ordening Extra, een Nota Ruimtelijke Ordening van het Nederlandse ministerie van VROM uit 1991. Deze notitie, een vervolg op de Vierde nota ruimtelijke ordening uit 1988, bevat uitgangspunten voor de bouw van nieuwe woningbouwlocaties voor de periode vanaf 1 januari 1995. Voor een aantal steden werd daarbij de richting aangegeven waar de nieuwe uitbreiding zou kunnen plaatsvinden; formeel gesproken was het echter aan provincies en samenwerkende gemeenten om de locaties te bepalen. Deze locaties aan de rand van grote steden voor massale nie...
I'd never heard that term before
I just called it "Dutch surburbia"
all houses like this:
well in a sense it is
although they're all different, most of them are just as ugly
and hardly any foliage other than 'designer trees'
well having it like Belgium isn't optimal either
I went to a friend's house last week, she lives in... Assendelft?
Her area was also like that
and god, yeah, butt ugly houses
I just want it the way it was in the block I grew up in, but every new block that's built is Vinex
I've been to Belgium once, I liked driving through it
your intersections
The intersections in Belgium are so fucked up
this is my old street:
it's much nicer to live in
man google streetview is crazy
wait, been to Belgium twice
I've never really been in Flanders, only through it
Once for a concert festival thing where I saw Tiesto and Within Temptation, and once to Leuven to stay with a friend
its a mess
What was that concert called
Suikerrock I think
pukkelpop :P
(off- erm, actually, on-topic) DF: "The best choice of restraint is therefore a good strong metal chain. A high-quality chain will also let the prisoner admire it, giving him a boost to his happiness."
Yeah, it was Suikerrock.
an imprisoned dwarf will admire the chains he's locked up in?
sure, that's win-win
well you guys I'm going off chat, since I need to read 500 pages of Python tutorial within a week
I really should redownload that
and I'm not really progressing here :P
haha, good luck
Yeah this chat is terrible for getting stuff done
it's so nice not to have any responsibilities for a couple weeks :D
the more I think about it, the more I'm glad to be in school, to have like 10 weeks off a year
after you're out, you just have a job, and you never really have vacation then :P
unless you become a teacher I suppose
well, I guess you do more so here in the NL, cuz people get 5 weeks vacation
depends on the cao though
collective labour agreement
it's basically the terms of your employment, but for everyone with that particular job
ah gotcha
:( the only mason I have isn't doing his job
according to my bookkeeper there's 200 something alcohol, so that can't be it
2 hours later…
if there was ever a reason to delete a question
ping @FallenAngelEyes @McKay
1 hour later…
WTH is this for stupidity? Riven: The Sequel to MYST is not compatible with Windows XP - System Requirements: Windows Vista / Windows 7 (unofficially supported) - Release Date: 29 Oct 1997 - store.steampowered.com/app/63610 - WTH did they do to that game?
That makes no sense
It was released before Windows XP was
Maybe a steam thing?
so they probably made it compatible somehow
so, I finally got access to the mod tools ...
they probably made a Vista version which makes it incompatible with XP
I'm a little disappointed to be honest.
but why not windows XP? it's using Direct X 9!
the DirectX version used is far from the only factor deciding compatibility
I wouldn't know in this case though, ask them
BTW: what is up with the weird names of all the MW2 players in the Steam Community.
what weird names?
colour codes I presume?
check the way they look on the iphone/ipad, they render as chinese on Android
but they are emoticons on the ipad
color codes or emoticons make sense.
it's gay and childish nonetheless, but I guess you could call it sense
MW2's engine's colourcodes are of the format \^[1-9]
color codes it is then.
for example: ^2[^0ThRKn^1*^2]^5 DNB ADDICT
yeah, those are colour codes
would be: [ThRKn*] DNB ADDICT with the color codes removed.
(just a random member of our Gaming Stack Exchange Steam Community Group)
You went and made a group?
I thought we were waiting till we had a real name
we can always move over ;)
is there a meta topic with the group?
Q: Steam Community Group

alexanderpasGaming Stack Exchange Steam Community Group Enables us to communicate even while playing, and play games together. (Jeff will be made Owner if he joins, and ♦ on the site should be Officers)

too bad you're only MSO and SU mod ;)
if you were gaming mod, you would be granted mod status on the steam group too.
ah, well in that case: yes, it's horrible I'm not a mod here
BTW: I love unicode, it allowed me to replace the no information given with nothing. (the information given is a non-breakable space) :D
I usually use the BOM for that
going to flash FroydVillain now @ArdaXi
lol, that's also a possibility.
just don't add another B at the end.
:73020 Okay, good luck :)
unbelievable, carved out about 1500 tiles in DF and still no ore
using Rom Manager (from the Villain roms guys I think), but not sure if it will wipe everything
it isn't
you should use amon ra's recovery image
let me look up the wiki
well I'm going to the bootloader and do it 'the hard' way
I have it open
:73027 is there ore in the map in the first place
the recovery is 'the hard' way
:73034 I should assume so, it's a save game offered as a tutorial
it doesn't expand other mediawikis?
I know @ArdaXi I just wanted to make sure I don't mess it up and the app actually worked fine the last time, but want to be 100% sure
you'll be 100% sure with the method everyone uses for VR :)
doing a Nandroid now, then wipe, then install
:73036 tried diggin deeper?
I'm down two z-levels now
but I gotta wait for my miners to finish a renovation project on the main level before trying deeper :)
renovation proect... I know those :D
I'm gonna want to move everything down eventually and make the first level filled with traps and such :D
just look at this mess
nice uhm... mess... (rocks for food?) ;)
is it normal for the game to freeze on 'saving' when it turns winter?
after seeing all those DF questions, I'm 100% sure I'm sticking to the basic Android/iPhone games :P
heh, it has a steep learning curve
but, like most things with a steep learning curve, learning it is very rewarding
and it looks like you have to WORK
like mining in Runescape way back
like Vim for example :)
all you really have to do is tell your dwarves where to mine
they do the work
you don't have to point and click continuously?
but yeah, a game with "Losing is Fun" as its main mantra is not for everyone
not continuously
it's mostly keyboard based anyway
You can go as fast or as slow as you want
since you can pause anytime
hmm, steam group for the site, interesting
in my experience it's more often paused then not
:73071 no, just assign the orders, and see how the dorfs do it wrong.
it's fun to look at my fortress in stonesense too
takes the imagination part out a little
your steam game list is desperately empty, @Ivo :-]
I only used steam for Counter Strike and Half Life 2 way back when Steam launched
only bought Episode 1, haven't even gotten around 2 since I was addicted to WoW
you missed out on portal?
and I had a modded Xbox through college
you broke that right Ivo?
wait what, no portal
it was free
on which I played a ton of games in between those two things
I played portal on the Xbox
oh, okay then
and I ripped through Guitar Hero 1-4
portal on the xbox? I don't know if we should be proud or concerned
until the songs became crap
uh Xbox 360
which was also modded :$
but burning dual layers is uhm painful
same, it was about the fact of playing portal with a gamepad
it's already complex enough at times with mouse :p
not too bad, I never finished it
so I now have a lot of crap in my trade depot, how do I get rid of the trader?
something better came along, so until then it went fine
never finished portal? now we're concerned.
lol @ VillainRom @ArdaXi: We > HTC
'tis true :)
you don't have to, because I enjoyed other stuff ;-)
HTC kept complaining the Hero wouldn't run 2.1
I propose we kick out people who didn't finish it.
and yes @CRoss I managed to break my WoW addiction fairly painless even
Portal's a game you can finish in about 4 hours
I started working abroad, two months no internet helps :P
well I might give it a go some night then, I like rushing through games anyway
I can't put myself to finishing Resistance 2 either
@ArdaXi 6 hours, we're not rushing portal.
8 hours - we're reading all inscriptions
I bought it secondhand, turned out it was a Dutch version
4 hours was not rushing, on the first try
just sounds sooo gay
and I hate those futuristic weapons, just like Halo sucks
he's on resistance, i think
noho, a Dutch Resistance 2 :P
oh dear, help me stay on-topic, @JuanManuel is here
lost track of the conversation while arguing with a trader
anyway, as soon as this goes out, we need new moderators for SU: rockpapershotgun.com/2010/08/10/guild-wars-2-gosh
:73154 You pinged him
watching it now @Gnoupi
I felted pinged
4 hours for portal?
I'm playing GW2 when it's there.
2 are enough
I wish we could embed video's on Stack Exchange
@Ivo - try to not be too annoyed by the over excited developers and designers
if they manage to do what they actually say, it might be really good
don't worry, I've had my share of developer interviews
nobody tops Molyneux's over-the-top talks anyway
here it's more marketing than actual interview
but still
I've seen what they did with the original GW and the upgrades, so for now, i can see it happening.
MMORPG in which they want to demolish all annoying parts from other MMOs, I hope they manage to
I'm curious to see how players world interact, it sounds like phasing from WoW
if they could change an MMO into something that's constantly fun to play, rather than feeling like work, it would be awesome
BTW: we noticed when it was WoW maintaince day on GW
@alex - yes, it's in good hands for sure, i hope it will live up to their expectations though
perhaps not the amount of replay value like WoW, but they might as well make Guild Wars 3 and sell me that a year later
WoW has a replay value?
no, it makes you wait for you loot :P
:73185 and even then, it's still cheaper compared to WoW
price isn't a concern for wow if you play it every evening
or even just play it three times a week for 4 hours
go calculate how much value that is for your money's worth
true, if it's your "go to" game, it's reasonable
I rushed through the Modern Warfare 2 campaign within 8 hours or so, not really fun after that
I spend easily 5 WoW subscriptions a month
only the only part off course
Pff, how do you get rid of a caravan in your trade depot?
though I shop mostly the sales, but still
I'm in doubt whether I want to try and play Broodwar or just buy Starcraft 2
just afraid that I can't get any work done :(
hmm, work, good idea, getting back to this
where do you live anyway @Gnoupi?
I need more money.
@Ivo - written on my profile
steamcalculator.com/id/gnoupi funny to see when you add all full prices
Rubacava, Land of the Dead :P
of course I bought most of this list 50% off, but still
:73221 Heh, you beat me by about $100
ah France, could have guessed
@alex - I see you played lot of Anno, they removed the Tages, or they will keep it to the end?
anywhere near Paris by any chance? :P
@Ivo - nope

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