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@FAE I climbed a tree last weekend in search for a very tiny geocache. Totally managed to get it :D
Without even falling on my head.
@AshleyNunn Awesome :D
I haven't climbed a tree in a while
I was like, it is time
@FAE There aren't many climbable trees near me, which is unfortunate
@AshleyNunn Yeah, same. :(
@IanPugsley hmm, indeed. thanks for the advice. I'll have to think about it - some of the features of the HTC phone are pretty advanced compared to the LG, but I'm kind of a "low end" phone user so I might not notice the difference as much.
Also I have a popsicle!
Today is a good day.
@FAE rock on!
Who wants a LoL video? whoooooo
No one? Okay. deletes the video
@agent86 considering it's your first Android phone, I'd say the Optimus wouldn't be a bad first phone (and going cheap your first time around makes sense - if you end up not liking it, at least you're not out $300).
@FAE Awesome! What flavour?
@AshleyNunn Cherry!
@IanPugsley yeah, that's kind of how I'm leaning - if I spend $150 now and $150 two years from now, that's two phones worth for $300. I might also just wait around for a sale on the HTC, since I'm not in a major rush.
@FAE Banana is best!
@OrigamiRobot I do not like artificial banana!
@FAE It always reminds me of amoxicillin, so I can't do fake banana.
I like orange ones best, myself
Ergh, why can I never correctly understand 'irony'.
@AshleyNunn our amoxicillin was bubblegum
@AshleyNunn Amoxicillin is also the best!
@FAE Eergh.
@OrigamiRobot You are a very strange robot.
@OrigamiRobot you might be interested in these chinese banana pops
@RavenDreamer obviously I should stop stepping away from my computer. I miss all the fun
@agent86 I read a review - they are often not even banana flavoured.
which is weirder
@AshleyNunn yeah. I don't know why you'd go through the trouble of shaping some object like another food item and then not make it taste like that food item.
Artificial Bannana tastes nothing like actual bananna.
Also, I can't spell "banana".
@RavenDreamer I love how you spelled it completely differently every time.
@agent86 yeah that is bizarre. Also apparently there is gelatin in it so it doesnt melt.
@RavenDreamer When the Quarian infiltrator/engineer in ME3 multiplayer says "For Rannoch!" I always hear it as "Banana!"
Q: How do I fail the first level?

Ashley NunnI am trying to get the achievement for finding a way to fail the first level of Classic mode. Problem is, I never seem to fail outright I can crush pretty much everything and still get one star. How do I make sure that I fail?

I can think of a particular psychologist who would, no doubt, be intrigued to hear that.
@RavenDreamer about your inability to spell the word banana?
@Lazers @AshleyNunn is this like a sliding puzzle?
@GnomeSlice You bag groceries - you are given a bag, and various grocery items and you gotta make eerything fit
@AshleyNunn O-o how is this fun at all?
@AshleyNunn So... it's like a pentomino puzzle?
yeah sorta
but with groceries
@spugsley I dont know. It jsut is
Experiment Concluded: Trying to play Diablo 3 on my laptop is like trying to run underwater.
@RavenDreamer :(
I did not know it was possible to play Diablo 3 in slow motion, but somehow my laptop managed it.
sounds like the worst
@RavenDreamer this is my experience all the time
here's hoping I win a better video card in this contest crosses fingers
Okay, time to have some lunch, then drive to Charlotte.
Farewell, bridge.
@RavenDreamer drive safely!
@RavenDreamer Drive safe!
@RavenDreamer This means I actually need to clean...
Thanks, Ladies.
@OrigamiRobot hahaha
@OrigamiRobot you said you did already O-o
@spugsley Like we went over last night, it's not like there's much furniture to clean up
@spugsley I think that's why he added the "actually" :P
dammit, I need to clean too :/
@IanPugsley you better be cleaning!
I do too...but I don't have anyone coming to visit for another month, so I figure I've got time.
@FAE :/
@OrigamiRobot This is a plus, man!
Implicature is a technical term in the pragmatics subfield of linguistics, coined by H. P. Grice, which refers to what is suggested in an utterance, even though neither expressed nor strictly implied (that is, entailed) by the utterance. For example, the sentence "Mary had a baby and got married" strongly suggests that Mary had the baby before the wedding, but the sentence would still be strictly true if Mary had her baby after she got married. Further, if we add the qualification "— not necessarily in that order" to the original sentence, then the implicature is cancelled even though...
@GnomeSlice This is fascinating - but I am curious as to why you linked it
I do love me some linguistics though.
@AshleyNunn Because it's fascinating. =]
@GnomeSlice grins That works.
Oops. Just realized Super Office Stress was part of the Indie Buskers bundle I bought a while ago, so I didn't need to buy it again on Indievania...
@GnomeSlice oops XD
@OrigamiRobot Took that with your fancy new phone I'm guessing. I see a Fat Pack box on the left, which is it?
I don't have ranged attacks to take you down from there
@OrigamiRobot Most recent Fat Pack I have is from... TSP I think.
@badp That's... weird. I don't think I ever had that issue.
Those drops I can't get better be not good
@OrigamiRobot omg wow. You weren't kidding
simultaneously killed me?
@OrigamiRobot Are all of those full?
Q: Should I rescue caged prisoners or leave them to rot?

NicoI feel like I'm rescuiing caged prisoners just for the sake of it, but I don't really see a bonus anywhere (As in extra experience for instance), so do objectives like saving 8 prisoners grant any extra experience? If so, when? Because it doesn't happen immediatly at least. Does rescuiing prisone...

Q: Minecraft server Nat FORWARDING Fail

SamarthwizHi Im settin' up a minecraft server and the Nat forwarding on my router isn't working, this isn't the first time I'm doing this I previously did this with an Apache server(use to run a server) and a Web2py server(Dev server,Im a programmer) and it worked perfectly with my old router, but my new ...

Q: How important is magic find?

NicoI'm level 55 and I have a measly 22% increase in Magic Find, should I have more? Does it even matter? I'm not getting as many rares as I'd expect to get, not even that many blues, and I haven't seen a good item since that level 21 blade I found a long... loooong time ago. What am I doing wrong i...

@FAE No....They are intended to organize all the other stuff you see.
@OrigamiRobot Ah, I see.
@spugsley What, you thought I was?
@Ullallulloo I don't see the wat
@badp upper right. It says that I died via scout and soldier.
@OrigamiRobot no, I suppose not :/
...or I don't understand the weapon. >.<
nevermind. I'm dumb.
@Ullallulloo uh no
You got hit once with the holy mackarel by the scout PEASANTRY PLEASANT FELLOW.
Hence the '×1'
@badp Please see the two messages above you.
@Ullallulloo eh, it's something unique to that and the spy arm so it's not really a matter of being dumb
besides I don't know why Shinobi got an assist for a single fish hit
perhaps he was a medic?
Crap, my NPC is still broken.
I guess it's in my save file then...
Whatever, I'm guessing he isn't critical to completing the game.
> Killed from afar by an electric golem (30 damage) ... with a bolt of lightning ... on Level 5 of the Realm of Zot
@badp how's that for OP.
All of the uniques I have equipped give minion bonuses too.
I'm running out of places to store the great stuff I find.
@Pubby That suuuuucks!
@badp what's the most DPS you have in a weapon so far?
@GnomeSlice 644, Epic Brandistock of the Colossus (2 armed)
I'm lagging behind in the dual wielding department
@badp Wow, I've never seen anything above 400. I'm level24 though.
Q: What will happen with the starcraft-2 tag if Heart of the Swarm is released?

ayckoster"hat will happen to the starcraft-2 tag once the new add-on Heart of the Swarm is released? Will all the questions remain starcraft-2 and we add another starcraft-2-wol tag or will all current starcraft-2 questions be migrated to starcraft-2-wol? I am asking this because once the beta is releas...

Q: Guide to how not to die on hardcore

NicoAre there any guides on how not to die on hardcore, preferrably with a given class (Monk) I'm finding it very hard to do, and I sure could use some tips from a long-time hardcore player

Q: What monsters drop level two clue scrolls?

Shadow ZorgonI want to get some good loot, and I know clue scrolls are a good way to get good items. I know how to get Lv 1 clue scrolls, but I do not know what monster drop Lv 2 ones. Also, could you tell me the item requirements for Lv 2 scrolls(Shovels, sextants, ect. ect.). Thank you.

There I have 384 (Swift Epic Scimitar) + 360 (Zapping Epic Stout Club)
@badp I only have one set of weapons, and I've been dual wielding since the beginning. I suppose I should get a second set of weapons with alternate element properties, but it's impossible to reliably find great weapons with each element fast enough for them to be any good.
When all's said and done I can do 523-1045 damage per second according to the character screen
@badp Where does it show that?
or 473-944 with the two weapons
Oh, right, but that's next to strength?
oh wait, I shouldn't add defense numbers with the others
I'm adding the strenght, dexterity and magic damages I do
Yeah, the Alchemist is definitely the weakest 'standard attack' class... As you can see.
eh, so you're dealing a very nice 595-1188 if I'm getting the numbers right
I'm level 35 btw
@badp I can get through entire levels without having to really attack anything myself.
Although... I'm pretty sure I was a higher level than this. I think when I copied my save data to this PC it must have not been quite up to date.
@RonanForman @DMA More skygrid today?
@fredley Sure, more things to edit!
@badp in addition to that, my pet can summon a pack of 6 archers.
@GnomeSlice eh, I've breezed through levels 1-29 easily. Level 30 is proving pleasantly murderous
@badp which of those would you suggest I keep?
I've never managed to find two things of the same set
@badp I think I have two of one set. But regardless, I was wearing that one anyway becuse I like the effects.
Oh wait, I don't even have the strength stat required to wear the one I just found.
Since you're in the "lava" level I'd keep the +72 fire resistance
That solves that.
I'd switch to the Snapdragon Scalecoat after getting enough strength given that it's got a more balanced set of resistances
and your posion resistance is worryingly low
@RonanForman Hooray!
@badp Where do you see that?
I've never really worried too much about elemental resistances.
9 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
user image
@fredley awesome
As far as I can tell, most of the enemies just try to hit me with stuff.
@GnomeSlice after wading through levels after levels of corpses leaving poison puddles?
@badp What? I don't remember that. Actually, that does sound vaguely familiar, but I never really had an issue with it. My Pet just continuously heals my party.
Although, I'm pretty sure at one point I actively added some poison resistance during that section.
@badp what does your pet sheet look like?
@fredley Have you asked DMA?
I'll respond when it loads... sigh.
well I guess that makes my total theoretical DPS 1,062-2,123
@RonanForman Apart from just now, no
especially since currently the pet does store trips in less than a second
Ergh, it just crashed.
That stinks, I'd just found a really sweet pistol I was going to put in the chest for my ladycharacter.
although I should remember that I've got slash attack doing 149% of my DPS to anything in range
so whatevs, those calculations are kinda hairy
@badp I've got minions adding to mine, too.
Whoa, look at what I just found.
Ergh, now I remember one of the things I liked the least about torchlight. I spend way too long endlessly comparing equipment to other equipment.
hah. "Resistance to ranged attacks."
@badp What?
@GnomeSlice 0% of my attacks are ranged.
is there a psychology stack exchange?
Q: How does the Zombie Dogs rune Life Link work?

Wipqozn I'm uncertain on some of the details of Life Link, specifically: Is it 10% damage reduction, or 10% damage reduction for each dog? How is the absorbed damaged divided amongst the dogs? (evenly, one chosen at random, et cetra) If the dogs don't have enough health left to absorb the full 10% ...

Q: Is the total damage output merely the sum of the melee, ranged and elemental damages or is it less than that?

badpAccording to my character sheet, my level 35 destroyer deals 514-1,028 strength damage, 0 ranged damage and 9-17 magic damage. 514 + 0 + 9 = 523; 1,028 + 0 + 17 = 1,045. Gnomeslice's level 24 alchemist, according to his character sheet, deals 2-3 strength damage, 306-612 ranged damage and 287-57...

Q: Can I keep a separate set of key bindings for each of my machines?

AubergineKeeping true to its online nature, I've noticed that Diablo III stores my selected keybindings in my account, so that I have the same bindings available whether I play on my desktop or my Macbook. However, this is opposite of what I want. My desktop has a 5-button mouse and it would be a shame n...

Q: Focus macro and how to use one

imaginativeI've seen the following focus macro floating around the Internet to improve my PvP play: /cast [modifier:shift, target=focus] Spell; Spell My question is, how does this get used? Say I have a target clicked on, and their frame shows up as my target frame. Then another enemy player shows up ...

@badp Resistance to ranged attacked is like defence, you don't need to have ranged attacks for it to work. Besides... where does it even say that on that screenshot?
@GnomeSlice I just defeated a semi-boss with this attribute
Whoo, got me a Boss to fight. 'Krag'.
As the scout would say, Lotta good that hard hat did ya!
...Or I did until I turned on Anti-aliasing and it closed...
Aaaand no damage to me at all. Lol.
What I don't understand why I have to go through all of the levels of the mines, and this lady can just show up through the teleporter at certain points.
i had a invunable minion, molten and fast
@TimStone for a moment I read 'God' instead of 'Gob.'
@Blem You've got a comment on your video.
@badp Might as well be, I don't think I'll be able to kill him
The Black Palace sure is full of murder too. I'm starting to be desperate for either more lifesteal or a serious amount of passive healing or just better weapons
@agent86 There's Cognitive Science?
Q: Fighting shadow clones during phase 2 of Diablo

MeliniI keep diying to the demonhunter clone diablo summons in Phase 2 during the final fight against the prime evil. The funny part is, that it's not diablo who kills me but myself/Diablos's shadowclone. My question is wether or not the clone is influenced by my equipment and doing so much damage bec...

Q: Using Caltorps + Chakram Double for Nightmare early?

MuhataI have been using CT with slowing enemies for the extra dmg with Chakram and i made massacre out of Normal! Dodging with Vault while laying CT and then spamming Chakram. Question: Will it work on Nightmare ?

You can get all the oddworld games for £13 on steam. buys
RAH! Got him, finally.
@TimStone ...after 28 minutes?
I died at one point, so I had to start over.
So how long are you going to need to take down the real, real boss?
But it was pretty lengthy, the game started the Out of Time penalty.
@TimStone there's an out of time penalty?
Yeah. I'm not sure of the exact mechanics in D3, but basically the game punishes you for taking too long.
By upping the monster's damage or what have you.
First time I've ever hit that though...just hard to kill those strong enemies when they have invulnerable minions, since I have to go way close to do damage. Otherwise my arrows just hit their minions and do nothing. >:/
Definitely need to find a better bow though, as I imagine a large part of my problem is that I'm not doing nearly enough damage for my level.
@TimStone does it tell you?
Q: Do Venom Hydra pools stack?

Mr. NovemberThe Venom Hydra Rune does the following: Summon a poison breathing Hydra that leaves a pool of acid that causes 18% weapon damage per second as Poison to enemies who remain in the pool. Does the damage from these pools stack if a monster is in 2 overlapping pools at once?

Q: Is it possible to lock the action bar?

ayckosterSometimes when I am running or walking around a lot I drag a skill off my action bar. Placing the skill back removes my Nephalem Valor. Is it possible to lock the action bar?

Q: How do I buy a specific number of potions?

OrigamiRobotCan I buy a specific number of potions at once, or am I forced to buy them one at a time?

Q: When do items get their attributes?

AndersDo items get their attributes when mobs spawn, when they die, or when they are identified? If items' attributes are determined when they are identified, will taking gear with better magic find affect item attribute determination?

I mean, if the stronger enemies also drop better loot you could just do this deliberately
Yeah, it doesn't work that way. There's an icon that comes up that explains what happens (I'm pretty sure it's just insta-kill damage, or life drain), but I was a bit too distracted to mouse over it. :P This guy actually dropped terribly when he died, wasn't even worth the effort.
They do continuous damage to players near them and heal when they aren't being engaged. It basically makes the mob unkillable.
Ah ha
Huge thunderstorm started while I was in the shower
We have 20,000 questions!
@YiJiang That's always fun.
@MrNovember It's doable. It's just a lot more work.
Particularly if you've killed 3 in the pack and the 4th is the only one left to enrage
Q: How do I find Rings with +Damage in the auction house?

FuzzyI would like to buy a ring with +Damage from the auction house (e.g. Ring of Wounding). In theory, I should be able to select "Damage" from the "Preferred Stats" Dropdowns and add a minimum value. The only thing that is offered there is "All Damage", which results in no items found. Searching for...

Q: What is the purpose of a "Hell bringer"?

FoxtrotThis may seem like a dumb question, but I have seen in Act IV objects that my (AI) mercinary will attack called Hell Bringer. I assume they summon some sort of enemy or enemies [by its title], but I have been practically touching one before and nothing spawned near me. What is their purpose and...

Q: How far is too far?

Nico Enlarge I met this foe and I didn't get too close, then I throw a hydra at it, and realized it wasn't coming towards me, so I went on archon form and started punishing him with my pew pew laser beam, he still never came to me, and so he died. What is the range of "awareness" of monsters, and w...

le dupe:
Q: How do I find Rings with +Damage in the auction house?

FuzzyI would like to buy a ring with +Damage from the auction house (e.g. Ring of Wounding). In theory, I should be able to select "Damage" from the "Preferred Stats" Dropdowns and add a minimum value. The only thing that is offered there is "All Damage", which results in no items found. Searching for...

Q: Where do I need to go to find the Khazra Staff?

fredleyI have the objective 'Find the Khazra Staff' in the quest 'Trailing the Coven'. I'm in New Tristram, and I have no idea where I'm supposed to be going!

Q: Who were the horadrim?

NicoI now know that the nephalem are the descendants of angels and demons, but how do the horadrim fit in the scene here? What were they? And why are they seemingly a thing of the past?

Q: Who sells Lovely Dye?

SeanI'd rather not pay the inflated Auction House price, but I can't find anyone who sells it in-game. If the seller dye stock is random, who is most likely to sell it, and in what difficulty? Where can I buy Lovely Dye (pink)?

Q: When I launch UT2004, the launching image appears only at the end

Nicky BailucIt takes about 5 seconds to launch the game. At first instead of showing the whole game image when launching, it shows a square for 4 seconds. Then for about 1 second it shows the actual loading image. You can see the images on the website i uploaded it onto. https://sites.google.com/site/sitefo...

Q: Possible to have friends help on Lord Hiram Creed

imaginativeI'm up to the part in my legendary dagger quest where I need to fight Lord Hiram Creed. I cannot defeat him for the life of me. I've tried in both combat and in sub specs. I have an ilvl of 390 and I realize it's just my lack of skills that's costing me the fight. I'm ensuring to have recoup up, ...

Q: Minecraft Animals Attracted to Fence

parioscreationsIt seems that animal mobs (sheeps, cows, pigs) are trying to break out of my fence instead of going in the middle and moving around. This makes it really frustrating when trying to mate the animals because they break out right when I open the fence gate. Is there a way that I can keep them from s...

Q: What should be a good ratio between vitality and the main stat on Inferno?

Fredy31What should be a good main stat (for instance STR for Barb) and my vitality stat for survival? What should be the ideal ratio I have to survive? I'm on hell at the moment with a 1:1 ratio and getting destroyed.

Q: When did the 5 other evils got into the soul stone? And how?

Fredy31I'm not that big on knowledge of Diablo, but how in the hell did the 5 first evils got into the black soulstone? And since we are on the topic, after that the 7 devils were trapped into it, Leah had to user her magic 24/7 to keep them in there... so how didn't the soulstone blow up during the en...

Q: Are the stun/etc chances normalized for weapon speed?

Magnus WolffeltI've tried building a stun-proc oriented gear and spec, focusing a lot on attack speed and fast weapons. However, attack speed seems to not affect the effectiveness of this spec. My impression is that I proc stuns much less often when I equip a very fast weapon. Does anyone know if hit-effect-ch...

Q: Trouble in the auction house

NicoWhy can't I create more than 8 auctions at once? I get an "Itemname auction failed. (Error 32105)" when I attempt to create the ninth auction, am I not supposed to be able to put up to 10 items on the AH for sale?

Q: Finding the Snakeskin Purse?

HugaboogaThere is a quest named "A Lost Cause" where you must find a snakeskin purse. But without any quest marker or even a general location, where am I supposed to find this purse?

Q: Are some achievements only attainable in single player?

WielandAfter trying to get "Till Death Do Us Part" three times in a co-op game (which failed all 3 times) and then getting it instantly when trying it in a single player game I'm wondering if there are any other achievements that you can only get in single player games? (I'm suspecting "Pink'd" to be on...

Q: What counts as a boss for Nephalem Valor?

RapidaWhen you have stacks of Nephalem Valor bosses drop significantly more loot (Source). What sort of monsters drop extra loot (not just more magical loot from the magic find, but an increased number of items)? I've noticed the Warden and the Butcher dropping an increased number of items with Nepha...

Q: What determines how fast I can revive?

NicoSometimes I can revive in 3 seconds, sometimes 12, sometimes even more, is there a table that governs these delays? And what are these changes based on, solely how frequently I die?

When Brood War came out, playing vanilla Starcraft stopped being a thing after a while, right? I can't think of a Blizzard game where everyone didn't buy the expansion
Q: Do monk AoE abilities count as hits for "Life on Hit" items?

WielandI'm wondering if hits inflicted by abilities doing AoE damage (in particular the Monks Sweeping Wind and Crippling Wave) count as hits for "Life on Hit" properties?

@MarkTrapp I actually know someone who only owns Diablo 2, and never bought LoD. He's obviously crazy.
Yeah, tar and feather him
Did he just never get around to it, or does he object to LoD on religious grounds?
He just never got around to it.
I think I bought LoD but never got around to playing the additional act(s)
@MarkTrapp It was just the one.
You could get a personalized item! =D
I hate TF2 when it crashes
@Fluttershy Oh yeah, I remember that, hahah. I also remember the Pindle runs. Oh so many Pindle runs. x_x
Lord of Destruction, the Diablo II expansion.
Q: What is the highest single target DPS skill for Demon Hunter?

PalantarI'm having a hard time figuring this one out. The top three standouts seem to be: Cluster Arrow with Grenadier passive, Impale with Sharpshooter passive, and Rapid Fire with Ballistic passive, but my mathcraft skills might be insufficient for determining the answer. My fear with Impale/Sharp...

Q: What skills complement the Toad of Hugeness?

Matt ChanI just unlocked this skill, but can't fathom how to use it in conjunction with my other skills. Since the giant toad sits there doing damage to one enemy, it seems rather useless when large crowds of monsters attack me (when I'm playing solo). My first thought is to use something like Horrify or...

Q: Witch Doctor build for Inferno?

BlemI am in the beginning of Inferno and I am having a bit of trouble some places, I have been using the zombie bears build (this or a variant of it), while the damage is very nice and it is a very good build for groups I find some champion packs/elites are impossible to take out with it when running...

Q: Does Rain Dance have effect on other classes?

BlemThe Witch doctors Big Bad Voodoo can be runed to Rain Dance (The ritual restores 122 Mana per second while standing in the ritual area.). Does this extra effect of Big Bad Voodoo effect other classes in any hidden way? and if not does it affect a 2nd Witch Doctor if there is one in the group or o...

Who is Krazer on Battle.net?
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