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Bah, 9.99 euro here. I thought they'd started giving us comparable conversions a while ago, what happened. >>
throws it on her wishlist
@FallenAngelEyes Americans are busy trying to avoid acknowledging their inflation
@FallenAngelEyes Warning, it is incredibly buggy atm. Patience will be rewarding.
@thethinman They've been patching it aggresively though
Well, I'm going to hold off on purchasing it for now, it's going to be a really tight month for us moneywise. You don't get paid biweekly here, only monthly, so it makes budgeting a lot different for me.
I cried after spending 10 minutes going through a level, accidentally clicking a sign and reading it during combat, then watching myself slowly die to goblins because I couldn't cast spells.
@FallenAngelEyes I think that's a good plan, not worth it yet.
Maybe next month or after a patch or two. :)
@LessPopMoreFizz And what's with the grease spell? I've shot fire at it then water-blasted it to put out the fire, but sometimes I randomly combust while walking over it again.
@thethinman I never use it
@FallenAngelEyes Just remember, when you do pick it up, that Vlad is not a Vampire.
He has reassured me of this fact many times.
@LessPopMoreFizz That vid is amazing.
I tried killing Vlad, I wonder if it can be done.
4 Players focusing him mb?
Maybe this is question worthy?
@thethinman I don't see why you shouldn't be able to. I mean, he's not a vampire after all. So he's almost certainly mortal. And therefore killable.
It's a question now.
Now, if he were a Vampire... That'd be a problem.
3 hours left to nominate!
Q: Is it possible to kill Vlad? (spoiler)

thethinmanSpoiler: Is it possible to kill Vlad at any point in the game before your fight with him? I've tried many powerful beam spells and charged shots but he regenerates too quickly. If it can't be done solo, can it be done with 4 players?

Gaming needs a tag
@badp I think my Q actually deserves a plot tag, not a spoiler tag.
@badp So wait, not a spoiler?
@thethinman that's what he did.
@Mana Not a spoiler in the title
Um, Vlad is part of the plot so it's probably a plot thing.
Oh okay.
Thanks, it's sorted out.
@Mana That's my thing!
All the uh (spoiler) SPOILER spoiler stuff things had me slightly confused. I don't know why.
@thethinman I'm not entirely sure.
I wasn't anywhere near the incident.
@GnomeSlice Grrrr. I wasn't anywhere near my pterodon incident either.
He kinda flew into a big pile of spiky balls I laid.
@thethinman How do you landmine a pterosaur??
@badp @LessPop Okay so I think we reached a compromise.
Lay a big pile of balls, near the part of the map I was at. Wait.
Completely unintentional tbh lol.
@thethinman How do you make a pile that big?
The first time I killed a pterosaur, I was trying to get a toss on a raptor and I missed.
Stop moving, then tap spacebar for a few minutes. There's one section where he basically touches the ground
I didn't even see the pterosaur.
lol @Grace's comment
@thethinman We need to figure out how to do landmined!
Maybe we should give our chat room some life.
@LessPopMoreFizz have you tried hovering the 'spoiler' tag?
To the raptor cave.
@thethinman I think it's been locked.
@GnomeSlice Nooooooooo
@badp For some reason I had thought spoiler in Body. herp derp, roll it back
@badp Is there any way to unlock our raptor-safari room?
@thethinman I also haven't been able to kill a raptor with a crate again.
Well...the fact that you fight with Vlad is a spoiler.
@thethinman We can just create a new one.
@GnomeSlice Yep. I also backed into a bunch of them and got no special kills.
@Mana True.
@Mana Just nominate already.
@thethinman flag a message for mod attention
but I guess that's not mentioned in the question title so it's okay?
@GnomeSlice But I got a new one!
@thethinman Not a special kill, but you CAN kill them that way.
@thethinman New kill?
@Mana You don't have to have a planned fight with him to kill him.
@GnomeSlice The no kill! It literally displays no text.
Actually the question suggests there's no showdown with him in which you can kill him.
@thethinman ?? I think I've seen that before. What's the circumstance for that one?
@badp really? maybe I miswrote it.
@badp really? If anything it sounds like it definitely suggests that to me.
@GnomeSlice No idea, got it pretty consistently last game.
@Mana I haven't played the game so that's what I got of it
@Mana @badp The point is you can kill him later as part of the plot, but I'm interested in killing him ASAP
@badp me neither.
@thethinman Then the answer is "yes, you can kill him at this point"?
@FallenAngelEyes Nice effects, but I didn't understand the goal.
Explodemon Launches This Week on PSN http://bit.ly/ia1Hx6
@FallenAngelEyes Jetpack Brontosaurus.
And Explodemon actually looks really fun.
Q: Is it possible to kill Vlad?

thethinmanIs it possible to kill Vlad? I've tried many powerful beam spells and charged shots but he regenerates too quickly. This question specifically is in reference to whether Vlad can be killed before the fight in chapter 9. If it can't be done solo, can it be done with 4 players?

I maded it more better
Attempting to resolve problem!
Before this comm wikis and I cry a little inside.
@thethinman I think my last edit should resolve it?
@LessPopMoreFizz Yes.
@GnomeSlice Wait, so he's just going to let the plane crash once his heart gives out?
I hope he kills a whale in the process.
@Grace so I guess you're unable to access the chat at all?
@thethinman The Airliner is the plane.
Just as a last act of defiance.
or at least, talk in the chat?
The pilot doesn't factor in here.
@GnomeSlice Awwwwww. News in photos fails.
@thethinman That's the joke. The plane is flying out to sea to die.
Way to kill the moment.
Q: Global Agenda Quest Lines

AeoI recently picked up Global Agenda in a Steam sale. I was going along enjoying the quest line with some friends when suddenly the quest line just drops off the face of the desert. Am I missing something? I mean, I have no problem just doing the pvp / pve missions the rest of the time, but it's...

Wow, they've changed it since I last played
There used to be a time limit on there and you had to gather as much fruit as possible in the time limit
Holy shit you can die now
@GnomeSlice Killing moments is my middle name.
@FallenAngelEyes You can??
@FallenAngelEyes I played it like a week ago and you could fall forever.
If you crash into enough stuff
You explode
I don't think it resets your fruit count or anything and there's no real penalty
but it's amusing
Your skeleton starts becoming more and more visible
and then you go crunch
That uh.
Doesn't really sound uhm. "Amusing".
@GnomeSlice Btw, any kill against a ptero just counts as Holy Pterosaur! So it's not terribly interesting point-wise to kill him in any special way.
To be fair, I do have a fucked up sense of humor. :3
Honestly, Blush is my favorite Blurst game. I just love the music and the visuals.
It's the reason I bought their pack, so I could play without a time limit.
@thethinman Yeah.
@FallenAngelEyes I think that's the only one I haven't tried.
@GnomeSlice but I thought of a new one.
What if I push a crate off a mountain onto a raptor?
@thethinman Good luck with that.
It's kind of ambient, it's neat.
Will it register as Killed!, or something new?
@GnomeSlice True. But I can dream.
@thethinman Killed! probably.
You're a jellyfish and you have to swing your tentacles to kill stuff, gather the glowies they drop and bring them to a specific point. If you do so, your tentacles get longer.
@GnomeSlice That would be a remarkable waste of time.
But they can also get damaged/break from enemies' attacks.
I wonder if getting a raptor with your chain while in mid-air gives you something special.
As opposed to a Jumpkill!
@GnomeSlice Ohhhhh
That would be difficult though.
I have yet to find another egg.
There must be something else you can do with them.
@GnomeSlice Yes, but driving around like a dick for 20 minutes with a chain out will likely do it.
@thethinman Talking about which thing?
That's the thing about raptor-safari, the more you try to be an ass the more points and more interesting kills you get
@GnomeSlice Chain in mid-air.
...I don't understand this game. shakes head
What I want to know is what else you can do with the egg[s?]
@GnomeSlice Likely nothing interesting, except for exporting them.
@thethinman It didn't even give me that many points.
Wonder when @badp will decide that we've spammed this room enough and we can migrate into raptor-safari chat...
And was really friggin' hard to push around.
@GnomeSlice Yeah I can believe that. Misshapen eggs cause all sorts of problems.
@Mana Nominate now or "never."
Anyone from gaming up for nominations?
@Gnome stop bugging me about this, I have to study. It sucks but school's really not giving me a break.
@thethinman Hi!
@Mana Just toss your name in and see what happens. We don't need no credentials.
@ArdaXi Allo, sup?
@thethinman (As in, I am)
@thethinman A few people are running
@GnomeSlice We don't need no stinking credentials.
@thethinman We don't need no steenking credentials.
Oh sweet.
@GnomeSlice Touche. Your badly-acted Mexican is superior to mine.
We don't need no steenking Badgers!!
@GnomeSlice I need badgers!
@RonanForman We're talking about badges dude.
@thethinman No, I was talking about badgers.
Haha oh man. I remember how I always wanted a golden badger.
Ciao guys, gotta run.
Then I got one.
@GnomeSlice bye
Wow lots of pps in chat now.
So what's up @Ronan?
I'm leaving before I make an ass of myself.
does anyone know what the format of the town hall chat is?
@Ronan You should probably ask @RebeccaChernoff but I'm guessing it's just like us chilling in a chatroom, occasional question gets thrown out and you guys answer.
oh ok, it wont matter that i'll be a bit late then.
Like I said, I'm guessing.
@thethinman Can't if that room is frozen. Also, I was having tea.
@badp A true gent, I see. My vote and my top hat's off to you, fine sir.
A true gent would have had tea 48 mins ago
Oh. :(
@badp which time zone?
@RonanForman The One and Only.
@badp why at four o'clock?
the Certainly Exact Timezone
@RonanForman Heretic.
Shun the heretic. Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
where are you then?
mr european?
@badp at least I don't think it's 11:52.
I'm not making any friends here am I?
@RonanForman It's 1753 here btw, so yeah, have a star for that.
@Mana sorry...
It's cool bro.
I don't take things very seriously but if you say that again I'm going to cut your throat but yeah not very seriously.
eyes twitch
@Mana see a doctor about that.
You can trust @Mana. He's totally not a mass murderer.
oh wait would that cost too much?
This is me:
I'm a perfectly normal and trustworthy person who has ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTIONS OF HARMING AND/OR KILLING YOU IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM.
@Mana Every time I see that image, I think about how awful it would be to be listed under that guys 'Similar Users'.
Then I see that one of those similar users is named 'Fartparticle', and I think to myself, y'know? He probably doesn't mind.
That's exactly what I said @LessPop :( it really would.
hey how did you get my profile!?!
I thought I deleted it...
hahaha deleted? On the internet?
did you not notice the heathcare dig?
okay, let's try and see if I can pry an answer out of Gaming
oops i forgot canada was in that time zone as well
@badp whats the question?

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