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also dupe:
Q: I appear to be offline when I'm online

Albert BoriMy friends are telling me that I appear as "offline" in their friends lists while playing Diablo 3. I can join up with them, quest with them, trade with them, talk to them, and I am most definitely online. I opened up my social window and the icon in the top left shows that I'm "offline" or gray...

@OrigamiRobot What's @Spugsley 's steam ID? I have you and Ian, but not her.
@FAE Not quite. One's about other people. This one is about them.
(As far as I'm reading it, anyway.)
@RavenDreamer Ping me on steam to remind me. I can get it to you later.
@RavenDreamer I am logical-like-a-robot
Q: What is the pulverize Exp Bonus?

Fredy31I saw it flash once, and I didn't have time to read its description... So what exactly is the Pulverize Exp bonus, and what could be the strategies to get it?

Q: Can amulets or trinkets (jewelry) be created by the blacksmith, jewelcrafter, or another artisan?

JohnIf I visit the blacksmith, I can create (or learn to create) any type of weapon or armor, except for amulets and rings. If I visit the jewelcrafter, I can create any type of gems. Does a artisan exist where I can create my own amulets and rings? At the moment I don't see any, but are there pl...

Q: Is there drawbacks to rushing an era?

ZonkoFrom what I can tell, it is always good to change era : increased bonuses more from city-states unlocks policies makes your opponents think your are ahead in tech (at least in multiplayer) cities make more damages (or is it just the animation that changes ?) Are there any drawbacks that would...

Q: Steam downloading language packs. How can I stop this?

SuddenlyBananasI'm learning french, so I figured I'd change the steam UI to french and hopefully learn a bit more. Unfortunately this made steam download the language packs for some games, so I changed back to english. Now steam is stuck updating skyrim and morrowind to french, and I can't stop them. I can paus...

Q: Discount at Tashun?

JamesThere is a quest you can do for Tashun in the Lost Mines(I think, or forgotten?). His reward is a 'Discount' on his items. What I am not sure, since I never really bought much from him to begin with, is that if this discount is a continuous thing. Is there some way to tell if this discount is con...

Q: Is there a way to quickly switch weapons in Max Payne 3?

row1Sometimes I will be holding a shotgun/rifle and then it will break to a cut-scene. After the cut-scene completes there will be a lot of enemies but I will now be equipped with a pistol and the shotgun is strangely be dragged around in my other hand. Is there a way to quickly switch back to the s...

@FAE Having a drink would be a very bad idea.
@Fluttershy Thank you.
@FAE You're most welcome. <3
@IanPugsley Plague Molten Arcane Enchanted Vortex
Huh. Today I Learned: Spillover Rep from an associated account will not allow me to answer a protected question.
Sorry EL&U, you don't get the benefit of my Wisdom.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yup. You have to earn 10 reps on the site
@YiJiang Screw that. I don't wanna earn 10 rep unless it's by answering this question.
Try to start Diablo, computer crashes.
Diablo 3's error messages just went meta.
So did I miss any fun times today?
Naw. Bridge has been deathly quiet.
Badp had an Earthquake in his country, though.
That's about the extent of things.
Q: How does the level limit work on quests?

Emerica.The name says it all. How does the quest level limits work? My girlfriend just joined my game and I am in ActII and she is level 1 and was able to join. How can she join an Act she has never beat and can she out level the minimum requirements for ActI and never finish the game?

Q: How should I make money?

NicoI was wondering mostly if I should be selling my magic items (the bad ones) to NPCs or if I should just keep on trying to sell them on the auciton house... The limit of 10 simultaneous auctions hinders this "just put everything up for auction" mindset, so I was wondering what would be the "corre...

Q: What are toasts? Can I eat those?

NicoIn the social tab under the options menu, there's a checkbox that reads Show Toast Windows, and then a duration for these toasts, what are they? how can I use them, and what are they for?

Q: What can I do to lay off pitches in baseball games like MLB The Show?

VictorI am still playing MLB 08: The Show (I know, I know it's very old). I am playing the career mode, road to the show. However I am having a lot i mean A LOT of trouble laying off the pitches. Sometimes I swing at pitches that are not even close to the strike zone, totally far away resulting in an e...

Q: Big Trouble in a Talking Barrel?

KirkalirkSo i've been sitting here for like 10 minutes watching this old codger dance around in a barrel waiting to unlock this achievement because I am an achievement junkie. Does anyone have this achievement know how many different sayings i have to go through? Or if it unlocks automatically or do i h...

@RavenDreamer I was under the impression was a bad tag?
I for one like the tag.
I think that, of all of them, is a good tag for cross-games, because I can see people (including myself) wanting to know about achievements in multiple games
@OrigamiRobot No, NickT said it was a bad tag. Achievements has been one of the better non-game tags.
I don't think it's a very good tag.
@OrigamiRobot Why?
@OrigamiRobot I can see how it'll be useful
@Ktash Just looking at it from the perspective of tags indicating expert-ness.
@OrigamiRobot I can very much see people being experts in getting achievements
think "Achievement Hunters"
@Ktash I'm not saying there aren't
@StrixVaria holy balls
It's just that having a lot of rep in doesn't really indicate any level of expertness on the subject of achievements.
@IanPugsley Very first one I saw in inferno.
The way it is currently used.
@StrixVaria AKA "Monk Killer"
Any more or less than having rep in a game tag makes you an expert in that game? Currently the game tag I have the most rep for, I've never played
@Ktash That's the way it's supposed to work.
A high rep in achievements can certainly indicate that you are a person who goes out of your way to get achievements, which makes you an expert (IMO)
@Ktash I think it just indicates knowledge of playing the game the tag is on.
Q: Diablo 3 wizard weapons

Janine RawnsleyI see similar topics but I don't understand. I thought it was a simple case of, weapon is irrelevant, it's all about speed and DPS and stats that contribute. Yeah well that just all went to hell (ha, ha) because the game is now telling me that a staff with 229.5 DPS and ZERO int gives me 61.5 m...

I'm not trying to start a crusade to get rid of the tag or anything.
@OrigamiRobot Not necessarily. Additionally you could also be an expert on hunting down achievements (expert may not be the right term... enthusiast might be better in this case)
I was just under the impression we weren't using it.
Well, I would support its use :)
@IanPugsley What do you think best class for hardcore would be?
kiiiilllll meeeeee pleeeaaaaase
@RavenDreamer Concensus seems to be monk or DH
Cause of heals and escape respectively?
@RavenDreamer monk
Well, heals / damage avoidance
DH if you're good at using various active defenses quickly, monk if you prefer a more passive defense.
/ reduction
Yeah, I saw how much reduction skovacs(? Maybe it was someone else) was able to stack in the "I can't heal my monk fast enough" thread.
@OrigamiRobot I feel like I fought grace on this subject once
Jan 24 at 22:11, by agent86
@GraceNote see, what I'm hearing criteria-wise for a bad tag is if it lumps too many different things together. this seems to fit that definition
I still think it's kind of a crappy tag, but then I gave up on dealing with tagging on this site. the system is broken, and there's no sane policy that can fix it.
@agent86 That's basically my feelings. I don't like it, but I don't hate it enough to make a big deal out of it. I just wanted to make sure I was on the right page.
@StrixVaria I. Love. Monks.
46% dodge chance at level 38.
@LessPopMoreFizz if I might badger you for your opinion -- 2x hand crossbows or bow / quiver?
@OrigamiRobot yeah, my advice is to not even think about tags. Like, put it in a corner of your mind where the dust collects, along with long division.
@RavenDreamer Your biggest fan is asking another questions on meta.
@RavenDreamer If level > 30, then, 2H Bow + Quiver, all else being equal.
Archery Passive so good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's the increase crit until you crit, right?
@RavenDreamer no
@OrigamiRobot Somehow, I don't think Gaming will miss much.
15% +damage
But beyond that, in general, dual wielding just isn't worth it.
Ah. Yeah. 15% damage is pretty good.
5% attack speed just isn't good enough to make up for everything else.
It's not 15%?
Even if you use a 1h + quiver
@RavenDreamer quiver is 10%
Dual wield is 15%
Ah. Didn't realize.
since you can always use a quiver
Dual Wielding is basically kind of pointless.
(There's been a protracted discussion on this subject in the EJB demon hunter thread over the past day)
Q: Does Diablo 3 chat support gagging users on a channel (all spammers must be nerfed!)?

StephenAs a temporary fix to 3007 error, I have the [General] channel on. This is about as wonderful as poking myself in the eye with a pencil because of the spammers who have already started with their levelling services and gems and and and and... Is there a in game command to permanently gag them o...

@RavenDreamer 2H also gives better burst damage, and allows you to sustain your DPS for longer without OOMing.
My problem (with the wizard) is finding a decent 2h in the first place. Haven't had any luck on the AH. (Literally. Every time I try to buy something, the connection times out)
@RavenDreamer wait wait wait
I'm talking Demon Hunter only here
Nobody but DH can use quivers
Well, yeah.
@RavenDreamer This guy gave me a nickname! He must love me.
PaperBot, eh?
@RavenDreamer a very very resist-buffed Barb, I think
It's adorable.
@OrigamiRobot I think it's just he's never had his question closed before. (Checked his main user too). Looks like this was a timebomb waiting to happen.
@RavenDreamer Yea I regret not blowing up when I had my first closure a month ago.
But if you did
we could rebuild you
better than you were before
@Raven ahahahahaha AH bargains are so easy to come by for yellow items.
For all I know, I did and you did. You could have forged my memories. It's pretty easy to do on robots.
And I'm a programmer. So that makes sense.
@LessPop_MoreFizz :( If only I could use the AH...
Why can't you?
Want me to go shopping on your behalf?
Every time I try, I time out
Q: At what point do items that alter specific skills start appearing?

BeofettI have heard there are equipment attributes that will modify specific skills, such as "decrease cool down on wall of zombies by 2 seconds". I'm really looking forward to these, as it may open up some new build strategies. At what point might I start seeing items like this drop?

Q: What changes to specific Witch Doctor skills can I make through equipment?

BeofettBefore the game was released, data miners were speculating that each class would have a list of certain modifiers available on equipment that would provide small changes to the way class skills would work (e.g. "reduce cool down of wall of zombies by 2 seconds"). Have the existence of these mod...

Q: How do I become the Puppet Master?

agent86I'm trying to get the achievement Puppet Master for the Witch Doctor: I've got the following: 4 Zombie Dogs (requires a passive skill) Gargantuan Fetish from Big Bad Voodoo My Templar Follower This seems like it should be enough, right? Furthermore, the pets I've got correspond to the ones...

So I think we'll have at least 3 folks reach act IV for this contest.
4 if LessPop starts churning out Diablo 3 answers.
@RavenDreamer There are plenty of Diablo 3 questions I know the answer to, but I'm too busy playing Diablo 3 to answer.
You know you're making good playlists when other people are copying you.
@GnomeSlice Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....or something
I can't blame him, this playlist is amazing.
I should add some more stuff to it. It's a pain in the ass to try to keep the tracks organized by artist.
Q: Is there any pattern to the Butcher's chain attack?

AshelWe're on Inferno and getting absolutely torn up by his spread chain attack. (We've tried it as solo Wizard, solo Demon Hunter, and as a pair together.) There seems to be little pattern to when he uses it, and its random damage has hit for upwards of 40k at times, enough to one-shot. Even with 240...

For fuck's sake.
@GnomeSlice ?
This job I was talking about. The project fell through.
What luck I have.
@GnomeSlice Still no Comic Bakery?
@GnomeSlice :(
@Pubby ...Pardon?
On your playlist
@agent86 I have returned.
@Pubby No, never heard of that. Enlighten me.
@Pubby I'll check it out if you check the one I just linked. =]
I'm killing Chubby Purple Unicorns!
hi everyone :)
@Pubby Sweet, never heard of Martin Galway before, thanks!
@spugsley waves
c64 has some of the best chiptunes
@EBongo unfortunately I am tired and feeling ill. I shall join you in demon slaying on the morrow.
@agent86 Fair enough
@EBongo not sure what I'm going to roll, since you've got barb and I don't know what Rhino's going to play with us
but we'll figure something out...
@agent86 I think he's got a monk reserved, but who knows at this point. I've been gone for days
@EBongo indeed. I'm almost through act 3
I think you've yet to encounter a skeleton
Man @RavenDreamer, you're such an elitist
It's song time bridges.
@TimStone It took me a moment to figure out what you meant.
@Mana :/
this song is amazing. A lot of build up but the release is amazing.
@Mana That's what she said?
@GnomeSlice Is that a remix of the Zizibum song? I don't like it very much.
@Pubby I dunno, is it?
Oh wait, X-Ray is the name of the artist I guess
@AshleyNunn This song is the musical equivalent of amazing sex with great foreplay, so yes, that's appropriate.
Man @TimStone, you must really like jewels.
@Mana Good to know. :D
@Pubby This is sweet, check this out ^
@RavenDreamer Making cross-platform comments with no context is a hobby of mine.
@Mana starts listening
@GnomeSlice I'll check your face out.
This is one of my favorites:
also it's very much the sort of song one puts on in the background while they do other stuff.
@Pubby This is great, but it's not really chiptune.
epic stuff. like Diablo 3. Or in my case, MARIO TENNIS.
@TimStone Are you kidding? That's how the bridge rolls
It's why we're number one!
@GnomeSlice Yeah, it's not chiptune
@Pubby Hey, what do you think of this?
@GnomeSlice It's okay. I think there is too much stuff going on.
@Pubby Ah... well I'm still new.
Man, Diablo 3 really has some awful tooltips.
@RavenDreamer even with advanced tooltips on>
@Mana Yeah.
For instance, Entangling Shot.
Reading that, it sounds like it hits one enemy, and slows two.
When in actuality, it slows and damages up to three.
@TimStone You need more ice, then?
I need a classy drink to go with my fashionable attire, of course.
Q: Do passive bonuses from followers remain even while the follower is dead?

hkfExample of a follower passive Another Example Do these skills still activate whilst the follower is "dead"?

@OrigamiRobot Help meeeee
@TimStone What's your favorite video game?
Sorry, many things were getting killed. Hmm...Putting me on the spot. :P There's a large number of games that I like, but my favourite is probably Mass Effect (as a series). The game I've put the most time into by far is D2 (hopefully not soon to be D3, because I need to remember I have a job and stuff >_>)
@TimStone Gainful employment is important ;)
Meh, minor details. :P
Hahah, brilliant :D
@TimStone I figured it was a classy drink. =P
@Fluttershy Brental Floss!
Oh... Oops.
Can you tell I was talking to @OrigamiRobot?
Holy crap, that Ryncol recipe x.X
I haven't had absinthe in ages
@FAE Which game?
@Fluttershy ME! It's under the ME3 one.
@FAE Oh jeez... >.> I thought it just stopped.
Heh, "Pure Loaded Dice." Nothing purer than a rigged game
@FAE the ryncol one would put me under the table I think, or at the very least, it would not take many.
@AshleyNunn Would depend on if I ate already or not.
But yeah, it sounds pretty potent x-X
@AshleyNunn I had polar bear shots for the first time last time I was in Canada and found out that they are like the most delicious thing ever. Severely dangerous.
@FAE OMG so good. But so dangerous because I forget that they have alcohol because they taste so yummy
@AshleyNunn Exactly
I had like... half a dozen I think, when me and my friends went out to a bar for his birthday
Q: Attack speed and its interaction with various skills

hkfThe nonintuitve part of "Increase attack speed by x%" is, it also increases your CAST speed. There are a fair few different type of skills in Diablo3, in addition to the generic "nuke": Channelled Summons Fire/Forget Damage over time How does increased attack speed interact with the aforemen...

Q: Diablo 3 English install with french key?

Philippe McKoyI've installed an english version from a friend to play guest. Now all that's available in stores are french version. Can I use the french key to play in english?

Q: How do I get Ocean Sapphire without mining as a profession

imaginativeI'm in need of Ocean Sapphires to get from jewel crafting 520-525. I've bought what's left of them in the Auction House. I do not have mining as a profession and am not sure if it's possible to get them any other way.

@FAE They just go down so easy
Pornstar shots are the same - they taste like blue popsicles/freezies, so I can just pop them back
@AshleyNunn I've never had those
@FAE Blue curacao + raspberry sour puss
@GnomeSlice wahhhhh wubwubwubwub
@AshleyNunn ...........that sounds so good
@Fluttershy dzzzzzz dududuuuh wafafwaaaaafwafwaaafwaaaaa
@FAE oh man, so tasty
Learn to speak Dubstep in the Bridge!
bwaahhhhhhh bwahhhhhhhhh bwahhhhhhhhhh bwahhhhhhhhhh
@Fluttershy I am, man. It's Skrillex.
I was typing those along with the music too.
@GnomeSlice I look very similar when bees/wasps fly near me... >.>
@Fluttershy that is a hilarious mental image
From now on, I will say, "I am not scared of bees. I just had a Skrillex song stuck in my head."
@Fluttershy That is a good excuse. I might borrow that. fear of bees
Oh good, apparently they're making a video game to go along with the Battleship movie. Because, you know, that seems necessary.
I'm sorry, I had to.
Obligatory 'Assgard' joke goes here.
@TimStone so a board game turned movie turned video game? If they make a board game based on the movie....then I will know that there is no hope left for the human race
They even have a Deluxe Movie Edition
@TimStone That's it, humanity is doomed. Thank you, Battleship.
You were supposed to bring joy Hasbro. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BRING JOY!
I dunno, the movie looks pretty awesome.
Really google. You're texting me now for the authentication code I asked for 2 hours ago?
The previews are billing it as the biggest blockbuster of the summer, which is...extremely bold in the face of The Avengers, but. I gotta figure there's some procrastinator sitting in Product Development who can't stop laughing because the random idea they came up with five minutes before walking into the team meeting has now produced a Hollywood movie.
@TimStone This is horrible. Why did you link this.
@FAE Extra security, they figure anyone who also managed to steal your phone would have gotten tired of waiting by now.
@TimStone No one would bother stealing my phone, man, it's like 10 years old.
@FAE The Prime Evil must be getting to me.
Heh, at least it's not as bad as the time AT&T didn't message me to let me know my international data roaming wasn't active in the country I was in until after I was in a different country...
@TimStone ooooouch
Yeah...what was worse was that I was just goofing around on my phone because I didn't think it was going to cost me anything....Playing around with Google Maps in Latvia = $200 charge. Good times, good times.
@TimStone O.O
hahaha holy shit
@TimStone wat
I am still waiting for non-crap cell phone pay-as-you-go plans.
They charge you something like $10 per megabyte when you aren't in an approved roaming zone.
@TimStone that is a lot of money >.<
Not nearly as much as I paid for plane tickets to come back a few days earlier from that trip because I wasn't feeling well.
Somehow it was cheaper for me to book an entirely new ticket on the same airline than it was for them to rebook me.
Q: What does "Purchase Refund" mean?

OrigamiRobotIn my Completed tab, I had a Purchase Refund. I did not get a failed purchase. Where did this come from?

Actually, when I called them up, they weren't even sure if they had seats available.
Which is confusing, since...it's their plane. Hopped on Orbitz and was able to pick my exact seat in just a few minutes. >_>
@TimStone That sounds.....pretty freaking pants on head ridiculous
@AshleyNunn I was not a happy camper. :D
@TimStone I can imagine.
Aight, kids and adults. I'm turnin' this computer off for the night. Cya.
@RavenDreamer Needs moar diablo
@TimStone night
@RavenDreamer also night
Oh, not me, I'm still questing instead of doing the other things I intended to do this weekend. :P
@FAE You too
(Oh god, I switched computers and I'm still on the bridge. I'm as bad as @FAE!)
yeah I should sleep soon
Sleep sleep sleep.
Semantic saturation makes it sound like a pokemon.
Q: Empty spots in the last 2 cities

Fredy31I just remarked that there is an empty spot in the last 2 cities of the game. I have ended the game on normal, and no crafters took that space. Is it used? or is it just there because something got pulled from the game last minute?

@RavenDreamer Is there anyway I can get a graphic of the game title? i.e. from the main menu or something?
Damn! My computer got stuck while playing Sniper Elite v2.. Aargh!!! The agony.. The pain..
Now it bloody won't start up.. Got the "No Signal" showing up on my monitor.. Any idea why?
@ShyamK Not a clue. Have you tried superuser?
@RavenDreamer Or which font is used in the game, if you can find that out.
@GnomeSlice No, will do that. Thanks
@GnomeSlice Norse
@OrigamiRobot No... I told FAE to go to sleep.
Less talky, more kill and looty.
Q: In Diablo 3, I buy stuff in the auction house but I don't know where to find it

alexWhen I buy things in the Diablo 3 auction house, it says I completed the purchase (gold purchases, not cash) but when I go to my stash in game, it's not there. Or in my inventory. I only am using 1 hero right now also.

Q: How does auction house commerce work on commodities?

NicoWhen you post a commodity such as a Radiant Ruby, you get to choose how many you'll be putting up for auction (direct buy really) and your asking price. You are also presented with a sales average of how much people spent on that particular item yesterday. When you attempt to buy a commodity, y...

Q: How can I search a rare item by name in the Auction House?

spugsleyI'm fairly frustrated with searching in the auction house. I want to search for a rare item by name. Here's the only search bar I see: As you can see, this field is clearly marked legendary or set item. But I don't want to search for these kinds of items. I want to search for a rare item by ...

Needs one close vote
Q: No Input Signal

Shyam KAnother silly question from me :) I was playing a game 'Sniper Elite v2' on my system, when all of a sudden the computer froze up and started hearing a repeated noise (reloading the gun over and over again). I couldn't get any of the default escapes to work (Ctrl+Alt+Del, Ctrl+Esc, Windows key)....

@GamingnotonGaming is there a problem with that?
@ShyamK It auto-feeds in here. doesn't mean there's an issue with it or anything.
But the About description of that 'user' is
Helping stop illegal immigration of bad questions before it happens.

So that means its a bad question. Right?
8am monday lessons zzzzzzzzzz.
@shyam it might be if it got migrated to Gaming in the first place, it's fine at SU I guess
@ShyamK I think it means "Bad questions for Gaming." Half the time, we don't want their questions to come here, because they generally don't relate to gaming as a whole
Anyway, g'night Bridge.
I gusee that one question e.g. Probably shouldn't be migrated to Gaming even if somebody might see the name of a game there and mindlessly send it over to us.
gnite you equine
off to handle flagzzzzzzzzzzz
@Fluttershy Good night.
@badp Oh so the tag 'gaming' was the problem? k then.
Q: The purpose of the Thieves Guild

AlbortIs there any purpose to the Thieves Guild other than to introduce the Scoundrel? Do they show up again in a random dungeon/cave?

Q: The foul depths of the Quality Well

AlbortAfter reading about Development Hell and the unburied Jay Wilson, I happened to stumble upon the Quality Well (on Nightmare) whilst clearing out Old Tristram. Upon my decent into the dark murkiness of the well, I found it populated by all manner of foul, lurking beasts: Blizzard QA zombies. Is t...

@shyam it's not the problem, it's the trigger. It's an heuristic, heuristics can fail
at the end of the day the objective is keeping questions where they can be answered and avoiding the frustrating experience of having your question closed as off-topic, migrated to a different website erroneously and then have it closed off-topic again. That is the problem.
it's not about the asker, more about careless 3kers.
Q: Winterhold Radiant Quests Won't Start

Jason ToddmanI understand that when a magical skill such as Destruction reaches 90 you are supposed to be able to receive a special radiant quest from the master that skill (Faralda, in the case of Destruction) where the rewards are more powerful spells in the school. But though I have achieved a skill level...

Q: Stuck at loading screen in Witcher 2

GTX OCA week ago I bought Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition (PC) . Now I am in ACT I and when I load my saved game , I am stuck at the loading screen . Nothing happens after that . Its just loading,loading and loading some more . I restart my PC and bam the game is able to load saved file . PC config: Intel ...

Q: Fastest way to Dalaran from Orgrimmar

imaginativeI am looking to travel to Dalaran without a mage port from Orgrimmar as that is where my hearth stone is set. What is the fastest way to get there?

Q: Do the Diablo 2 characters appear in Diablo 3?

CoomieDiablo 1 and 2 spoiler below. If you haven't already played and finished one and two you need to relive your childhood. If yes, where can they be found?

Q: When/how much do we get experience from spawned enemies?

AlokI noticed that I did not get any exp for the skeletons spawned by the Activated Pillars (during the quest A Shattered Crown). Not sure if this was right from the start or I get xp for the first few spawns killed - I was trying to test out a comment on using level up blast to topple all 4 pillars ...

Q: Which one should i buy?

lisaI Wanna decorate my new bathroom ,I have picked up two oil paintings :Irises Oil Painting by Vincent Van Gogh and Autumn Leaves Against the Sky Oil Painting at www.oilpainting-shop.com ?But I do not know which one i buy .

Q: How can I reduce skill cooldowns?

SeanI don't like waiting for skill cooldowns. What can I do to decrease them? Certain item properties? Passive skills? Something else? How do my cooldown reduction options change between classes?

Q: What is the fastest way to get XP?

SeanI know the game is designed to encourage "pushing forward", but how can I tweak my pushing forward to gain the most experience (XP) besides better equipment and competency? Are any certain areas in each Act more XP-rewarding than the others? If there is a sweet spot for the difference between mo...

Q: What type of damage is the desecration effect?

RapidaI'm attempting to build up some resistances for the higher difficulty and was wondering what type helps against the desecrator affix.

Diablo III finally arrived!
Raspberry Pi order finally placed!
today is a good day!
Q: What can I do against "heavy hitters" with Vortex?

KappeiI'm playing a Demon Hunter, and the following scenario has happened more than once: while I roam happily slaughtering hellspawns, I find a pack of champions(melee hitting big guys) with the Vortex modifier. I throw a couple of shots, run away, get Vortex-ed in, almost dead, Vault away, another Vo...

Q: I've encountered a mine that beckons you, can no longer find it

Digital DudeI am in this part of the quest which is in Act 2 1st or 2nd part of the quest where there is a mine that beckons you to go in. Before I go in, I heard a NPC lying on the ground moaning for help. It mention that there is something inside the mine. I cannot remember exactly what was the conversatio...


user25837How? any suggestion? 300 HC PLAYERS AND 20.000 SC so many people plays softcore and not hardcore. 300 vs 20k

@Lazers I don't that user will become a productive member of our site
Considering his comment
> It's stackExchange's fault. I post the original question without the complaint. and the forum interface told me "It does not meet our quality standards."So I add the text you've just removed. Also. I didnt meet your stupid standards
@Wipqozn ...well then
I would have just replied with something constructive "Sorry about that, that automatic system doesn't always work), et cetera, but then he called me stupid. Obviously no point in talking to the guy.
Called me stupid for helping him solve his problem.
In anycase
Today is victoria day, so that means everyone is off work.
Except me that is. I came into work today so I can have friday off instead. I have the entire office to myself. IT's awesome.
I dare say, time to listen to the MM6 OST
Q: Dark textures on Intel HD 3000 Sandy Bridge in games via Wine

Undesired Looks like i have some problem here) Im trying to play some games on my notebook with Ubuntu 12.04. But all games i tryed to play have Dark textures. 2D objects (like menus and buttons) are NOT effected. Example: http://imageshack.us/f/571/20120521122055.png/



Q: Cities XL 2012 offices/industry deadlock

djechelonI'm playing Cities XL 2012 since a while. I noticed that too oftenly I end up having large areas for offices that don't develop. Clicking on those shows that "it's hard to obtain Tech industry". Alright, I say, let's develop the tech. But then I find undeveloped tech areas that require office se...

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