This appears to show on all Legendary (brown/tan) items. I can't find any info on it, and it doesn't appear to be because the item is class-specific (as my other class-specific items don't have the tag). A friend says this means the item is unusable by other characters once the item is equipped t...
Gems provide 3 different bonuses depending on what they're inserted into: Helms, Weapons, and "Other". What do off-hand items like Wizard orbs, Demon Hunter quivers, and Witch Doctor mojos count as?
I'm leaning toward "other", but technically these items are equipped in weapon slots. Which is it?
If I have 100 APM in Starcraft 2, do I click 100 times per minute or actually 140 times. The multiplier for faster is about 1.4 X.
I heard that these two times are called "game time" and "real time".
I would also want to know in what time Sc2gears measures its APM.
I do not care about small di...
I'm playing a DH teamed up with a Monk.
Based on our armour and hp stats - we should be very even when it comes to "tanking" or survivability.
My question is: Why isn't it so?
Does the DH take less beating due to it's class?
Or are there any secret stats we should know about?
When getting a Destruction, Mighty Blow, Massacre or Pulverized it will show how many targets it effected and say if it is a new record for you. Is there a place where i can see what my current records for each are?
The monk has a dedicated healing Breath of Heaven, but that one has a 15 seconds cooldown and only heals me for around 20% of my current health on Nighmare difficulty now. I prefer to use Serenity with Peaceful Repose as an alternative, but it heals for around the same amount, and the 3 seconds i...
The Haunted achievements wants you to
Meet the following ghosts:
Lucious the Depraved
Drury Brown
John Gorham Coffin
Fecklar's Ghost
The Archist
The Tomekeeper
Where are these ghosts located?
I'm slowly playing solo only Diablo 3 and just had the option to have the Scoundrel be my companion. Right now I'm pretty happy with having the Templar since he is acting as the melee part of my party.
However, it dawned on me that perhaps I'm being too close minded about this and perhaps I s...
I'm pretty sure a LOT of people are going to have the question "Will Diablo 3 run better on my Mac if I install it on Win7 in Bootcamp?". I did. There's serious problems.
Silly moderators... didn't realize this site was so elitist.
Hello, Jojas. Questions about "Can I run this?" or "Which will run this better?" are considered Too Localized for our site. — Raven DreamerMay 16 at 4:28
This question is why, when we decide to disallow entire categories of questions, we should just close them as "off-topic" rather than "too localized" or "not constructive" or whatever.
Kormac the Templar
Good support character for higher difficulties, can heal and taunt from the player when they are at low health.
Decent Tank, as he can be equipped with one handed weapons and a shield in addition to rings and amulet.
Susceptible to being surrounded a...
I have the Guest Pass Diablo III card from my friend that purchased official Diablo III.
When I played the game on MacOSX with low quality model and graphic setting, It's quite not good for me. There some lagging in hero skill animation. Even though, It's ok for me.
I have seen Suppo...
Hardware is the make it or break it for any resource intensive hardware, and virtual OS's are resource intensive
They have to virtualize a hook from generalized emulation to specific hardware, which it can do better or worse depending on the specs
... and the software, and the OS, and a myriad of other factors. There is no way for us to reasonably answer that question in either form in a way that is useful to others
I've seen "Diablo III guest passes" mentioned as a way to allow friends to experience a "demo" of the game. I have purchased Diablo III but going over my account page I cannot find any way to give such a pass to a friend.
What, exactly, does a guest pass mean? Is it time limited? Con...
@badp You should though. You shouldn't even downvote in the first place just because the asker said something rude, you should remove it and vote on the content of the question.
Quest XP isn't all that awesome compared to killing monsters, honestly. You can kill many monsters in the time it takes to complete one quest stage, and the rewards for quests are considerably less than those for monsters.
As far as regions go, I would suggest just clearing everything and mov...
One of my favorite ways to keep my Monk topped off is with the Transcendence passive. Every time you deal damage with one of your spirit spenders, you get a heal. The more attacks you make, the more spirit you can spend, the more you can heal. The best thing about this is that it's also an affix ...
Blood chests are just another form of normal chests. In the course of the game, you'll come across different variations of normal chests, or things that are basically the same as chests.
They fill the same purpose, but are named differently.
@Oak I run the overlay on my D3 client so that I can take easy screenshots (yeah, I know there's one built in to D3) and also so that I have a "boss key" in case the kids show up :)
@TimStone well it is pretty damn extreme...but still pretty annoying. it was bad enough when Patapon did it, and Patapon had the almost logical reason that pausing would break the rhythm...but that's enough of a gameplay just don't remove pausing
I have just started playing the original Deus Ex. How can I move the body of someone I killed or rendered unconscious? If I activate a body, it only acts like a container. I was able to move the bodys of those that I didn't kill on my own after the first mission.
With the recent change that you can ask and answer at the same time, I'm curious if that will effect the 48-hour delay in accepting your own answer as correct. Will it be eliminated? Shortened? Increased? Goes nowhere and I'm off my rocker for even thinking it might?
@Mana It's really enjoyable, although the servers are really overloaded.
I was playing earlier, but stopped after dying due to some bugs.
Which is expected mind you, since it's an alpha, but was still annoying enough that I didn't feel like jumping right back into it again.
I think it was the server I was playing on more than anything. Zombies, loot,inventory, et cetera was all acting up. The game is buggy, but it's never been that bad for me.
If he fixed the respawn timer than I think the number of zombies in cities would be perfect. LArge cities should have a crapton of zombies in them. Unless you go in with a sizable group you should need to stealth our way through to not die.
But barns and small towns should only have a handful of zombies (if any at all).
Your lone houses/barns/et cetera should have 5 zombies max. small towns 15 max. Although in both cases the average number which spawn should be half their maximum.
I bought Diablo 3 from Blizzard's online store. Does this give me access to "guest passes" available in the retail boxes to let friends try out the game?
And if so, where do I find them?
I very recently (finally) killed The Butcher in Diablo 3. However, I ran into a slight problem during our battle.
About halfway into the fight, I noticed that a lot of my attacks weren't making contact. After paying a little bit more attention, I noticed that my fists simply were not reaching th...
I've seen "Diablo III guest passes" mentioned as a way to allow friends to experience a "demo" of the game. I have purchased Diablo III but going over my account page I cannot find any way to give such a pass to a friend.
What, exactly, does a guest pass mean? Is it time limited? Con...
The ingredients for the Herding Staff and the Herding Staff itself all have flavour text and a specific purpose. Rakanishu's blade is a blade gained from the Shrine of Rakanishu event in the Dahlgur Oasis and is used for the achievement Bashanishu for which you must hurt Bashiok using Rakanishu's...
View the screenshots below. It shows that I earned Steeling with Feeling: Level up the Blacksmith BUT I did NOT earn To The Smithy!: Acquire the Blacksmith
I am assuming that this is a glitch, or did I do something wrong?
EEeeeEee. I feel like a creepy stalker. A friend of mine works on the School Paper, and I read an article, and discovered her email address at the bottom of the page.
I have a Mid 2011, 27" iMac (Specifically, with a Core i5, 2.6GHz CPU and a Radeon HD 6770M graphics card). I installed Diablo 3 in both OS X and Windows 7 and ran a few simple tests by loading up a character who was parked at the Act II starting area.
Default settings
The default/suggested v...
I've crafted my first Rare item. It came in the form of a ridiculous looking helmet.
I am aware there is an item called Vanishing Dye that will make whatever item dyed turn invisible. This would be useful in hiding my silly little hat, but I honestly don't feel the 300+ gold is worth spending ju...
So here I am getting ready to play some good 'ol mw3. I put the game disc in, load up multiplayer and select a game mode. I entyer a match, play for a while, and then BAM. Mw3 freezes. I mean freezes my whole console. I press the ps button and it doesn't bring up the screen. I need help. I don't ...
I have the Blade. I want the achievement. And besides, Bashlok is a smug jerk and killing him would be satisfying.
I know he's a rare spawn, but what kind of mob is he a variant on? In which chapters, zones, and difficulties can he spawn?
I just got the Plan: Staff of hearding and was wondering what the drop rate was because a friend of mine wants to buy it. I know you cant put it on the auction house so its hard to estimate price. Anyone else know how much it is worth?
While playing Origins, I started thinking about runes, and how they worked on weapons. For example, I have "Maric's Blade" with a +2 damage fire rune.
Does that damage come from the weapon's damage (I.E Normal Damage -2 damage +2 Fire Damage) or is it added on? (I.E Normal Damage + 2 Fire Damag...
yeah, the auction house is crazy. to me, it's another game in and of itself
I do feel like I'm twinking (hope I'm using that term properly...) pretty hard at this point
I also imagine once you get past Normal, there's probably fewer things that are this crazy underpriced on there
but I can just go into the AH, search for INT +10 or higher, plus whatever other enchantments I want, set the buyout price to ~1-5k or so, and then pick up whatever rare item I want...
I don't have the game and can't answer with experience, I wouldn't want to do it just for the contest.
Normally I'd be more okay with that, but I dunno, I just feel weird about it if it's for contest purposes, even though I really really really like that shirt.
I'm not judging others for doing it at all. :) I just have hangups about it.
The guest pass one was the only thing I could think of, but I found the Blizzard FAQ article on it and thought I'd get downvoted to hell for no research >>
Anywho, going afk and laying down for a while, later all
The Controlled Fury achievement requires that you maintain max Fury for five minutes.
Controlled Fury
Fight with maximum fury for 5 minutes.
What is the best strategy to get this achievement? Is there a combination of abilities that makes it easier? Is there a zone I should focus on? I...
I was wondering in Diablo 3 if I got two different rings, a Manald Heal and Puzzle Ring for example, would I be able to wear both or would it still stop me from wearing one of them?
If a player starts playing Diablo 3 with a guest pass, and later purchase the full game, do the character(s) created with guest pass remain playable with full access to content?
Do all class specific resources (Fury, etc), slowly decay over time? If so, do they all decay at the same rate? So far I've focused on Barbarian, and I'm trying to understand how similar other classes are, since I party with them, and in the long run I'll play as them.
you might want to ask them as a different question, if you want some better input. I've just been giving out the passes, so far nobody's told me what they can/can't do
I've acquired the canister unlock for the T-90 tanks in Battlefield 3 but have no idea how to switch from the default selected rounds, HE?, to any other options. I thought it might be the V key but that doesn't seem to do it. Any suggestions?