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@Sterno bahahaha that's a good point
@spugsley You need to do a Let's Play when you first get to Inferno.
@Sterno is it that insane? O-o
I'm on nightmare right now and I can't even solo it
@spugsley Supposedly. I'm only on NM too
I keep needing @OrigamiRobot's help
@spugsley Monk is the best!
@Sterno hrmmm, is there a level in between NM and Inferno?
@FAE Yes.
@OrigamiRobot agree. Whirlwind is the best
@spugsley Hell
@spugsley Sweeping Wind*
My Barb is having a really easy time of NM
lol I call it whirlwind because that's what it is!
Lots of life-recovery skills
@Sterno I'm a demon hunter and the class is not suited for NM. I will definitely do monk next time
@spugsley Really? How come?
I've got conflicting answers here:
Q: Do channeled skills count as one attack?

OrigamiRobotMighty Blow grants bonus XP for killing multiple enemies with one attack. Do channeled skills like Tempest Rush, Ray of Frost, and Rapid Fire count as a single attack for this purpose?

@spugsley You just need to find your build.
@FAE because I suck!
@OrigamiRobot I need halp :(
My wife is having trouble in NM as a mage, but she keeps neglecting vitality for more int/damage
@badp Can we merge this question into this one, as the first is a subset of the other? I suggested merge here because the first was asked first, the second is more complete though.
@OrigamiRobot is it acceptable to ask what Demon Hunter build is suitable for NM?
or is that too subjective?
@spugsley It is not too subjective. It is Good Subjective.
@FAE This.
Just give a lotta detail.
@FAE woot woot. Asking nowwwww
Like what you've tried, what's not working for you, etc.
Just can't be nothing more than "What build should I use for nightmare?"
@FAE I'd rather close as dupe
also some turtle here doesn't know the mod flag field does not accept markdown
@Wipqozn that's the plan
but I'm not going to name names, that would be wrong
stupid typos
Sweeping Wind, Cyclone Strike and the occasional Exploding palm are very effective in killing hordes of enemies, as long as you manage to stay alive in the middle of all of that.
@badp Well, I'm a tortoise, so that can't be me.
@badp Okay, shall we just community vote it then?
@Fabian I use this, except not exploding palm. I don't have room for it.
Apr 12 at 14:04, by OrigamiRobot
@Wipqozn Same thing
Q: Is there a way to quick compare a weapon with the one in your off hand?

StephenI've been dual wielding hand crossbows for an Act or so and it's been going very well thus far. The quivers and crossbows/bows I've come across so far haven't enticed me to switch and my good shield went on my Templar. I find a number of blue/yellow hand crossbows now and again and I like the c...

Q: How do I search for Set items on AH?

Michel AyresI was looking at AH today and found a filter for my search. As you can see, there is no option for set-items (The green gear. or tier, if you are used to Wow). Is there a way that I can search for Set-items?

Q: How does the Survival bonus work?

Ian PugsleyToday, I was very badly injured and ran away from a combat for a few seconds. After a little while of flashing red health, I got an XP bonus called "Survival", telling me exactly what percentage of health I survived with and granting me some bonus XP. How does this bonus work? What percentages i...

@OrigamiRobot I use it as my right click attack
@RonanForman I'm famous
@Fabian Heck no! I use Dashing Strike there!
@OrigamiRobot No you're not.
Activate Sweeping Wind > Dashing Strike into mob > Cyclone > Hundred Fists for stacks!
After using cyclone heavily, I don't need any attack to control my position, I just draw all the mobs towards me
@spugsley typo, "annhilate"
@Fabian I can cyclone more enemies if I dash into the middle of a group.
sigh I can't believe I lost my progress on Portal 2 from chapter 1 to 6.
I use the cyclone with more range, that's enough for me
Plus, Dashing Strike helps keep Sweeping Wind up
I really need to sell more stuff on the AH. Three things I put up an hour ago already sold. 20k in the bank!
@FAE lol thanks. I'm at work and the spell checker doesn't pick shit up
cause these computers are old as balls
I still don't have a good feel for the prices there, I initially overpriced and then after I got all those spots back I was too cheap, selling 5 items in roughly probably not more than 10 minutes
@Sterno How does pricing even work.
@OrigamiRobot I don't know exactly. But if it's a decent item of around level 35 or so, it seems to go for 5-8k easy
Rare Ring
+35 Str
+73 Int
+32 Vit
Seems like it should sell, but who knows how much
@OrigamiRobot set it for 8k and see what happens
if it sells really quick, too low and you'll know for next time. Doesn't sell, too high and you'll know.
I'm assuming you get the item back
@LessPopMoreFizz I just tried that Ransacked Cellar trick. It doesn't seem to have a resplendent chest. Maybe they fixed it
How does stacked item pricing work? I briefly saw Blacksmithing pages at 187 each, but then it shot up to around 500 each.
@Sterno yeah, I tried last night and it didn't work
@OrigamiRobot I think you tell it how many you want, and it quotes you the X lowest priced items
@Sterno Then I missed out.
@OrigamiRobot You buy it for the cheapest offer currently available, the prices fluctuate a lot when someone puts up an offer without checking what the item is worth currently
(Whatever class's damage stat + vitality) armor items seem to sell well
@Sterno I accidentally started my ring at 50k instead of 5k :/
@origamirobot maybe that's why the AH prices are so high
@spugsley: Not posting as an answer since his is pure theory crafting (have not evne played the game yet) but,..this build could work.. Aimed at always having +62% damage, and slowing enemies.
@OrigamiRobot hop on mumble real quick
Hello there @Krazer! Did lauren ever get back to you?
@Wipqozn thank you. I'll take a look at it.
Let me know if you like it + it works, because then I actually will post it as an answer :P
@Wipqozn will do :)
the male demon hunter is so hot. jesus christ.
@Mana oh my O-o
@spugsley are you not playing a male demon hunter?
you'll understand if you play a male demon hunter.
@Mana nope, I'm playing as a sexy lady :p
@Mana pic? >>
@FAE @Mana yes, post the pics!
@spugsley we can do better than that!
no but see when they're high-leveled they cover up all the prettiness
Low-level barbarians look like circus clowns on steroids
also, you need to hear the voice. posting a picture isn't good enough.
@IanPugsley better than what?
@spugsley I assumed you were going to post the stock DH image
@OrigamiRobot has Protection from D3
@IanPugsley I want to see the male demon hunter. I know my lady is sexy!
Q: Which Demon Hunter build should I use for Nightmare?

spugsleyI had no trouble as a Demon Hunter in normal difficulty. Now, I've graduated to Nightmare and it seems even the easiest mobs can annihilate me within seconds. Until now, I've been employing a Chakram-centered build but it's not really working; the Chakrams are too slow and don't do enough damage ...

Q: How do I create a public game?

NilieI saw an option in Diablo-3 load screen to join public games. How can I create one of these?

Q: Are there any tricks to completing the Crumbling Vault?

agent86Last night I came across the Crumbling Vault event while playing my level 19 Witch Doctor solo, (well, the Templar was with me, but yeah...) and I failed it, hard. For the first 30 seconds or so, I tried killing things, but past that point I was pretty much just using Spirit Walk and moving as f...

@spugsley make a new hardcore male demon hunter then and go through some of the dialogue.
@Mana Sounds hardcore.
I feel like I thought of one more question to ask today, and now I can't remember
@FAE Oh, you are still tapped.
Though to be fair, I guess no one is going to make fun of him for wearing pink.
@Wipqozn I'm more into softcore ordinarily but y'know, MALE DEMON HUNTER.
@Sterno Not my type
@Sterno I'd tap that
@OrigamiRobot I'd think I would've noticed if you tapped me.
Is there some sort of program you are sing to make those cards @OrigamiRobot?
@Wipqozn I freehand them.
Also, time to eat some smacker herring and oysters
@OrigamiRobot Hot.
@FAE O-o LOL!!!
@Wipqozn The answer you seek is in the meta post.
@OrigamiRobot Just choosing to ignore that one, eh?
@Lazers I really just think it comes down to whether you've got enough DPS and survivability
@FAE dat magic card
@Sterno I think you're referring to my question. I'm having a really hard time with NM. I need some pointers
@spugsley Actually I was talking about Agent86's crumbling vault one
@spugsley What's your health at?
@Sterno ah, sorry then :)
@Sterno 2400 now I think. I'm at work so I can't check
@spugsley I don't know much about the demon hunter so can't help with build advice, but I started at about 2.5k health and jacked it up to like 8k by act 2. It matters
I've also got about 8% life steal and some other skills that recover health. Those matter too!
@spugsley You should get on Steam more often so I can convey my inappropriate-for-the-Bridge brain comments to you there
@OrigamiRobot This... is unusual for you. o.O
@Sterno Oh wow...okay. I need more health apparently
@spugsley Again, I don't know much about the demon hunter, but I'd look on the AH for some good weapons, and focus mainly on dex/vitality gear
@spugsley Normal is "ALL the damage" mode
NM you go "oh shit, I need life"
I'm rather curious what we're talking about that we think @OrigamiRobot should be mad.
@Fluttershy I don't know what you mean.
I started NM with 1.5k, now I'm at roughly 12k
@OrigamiRobot I don't either... I've only been awake for like 45 minutes. x_x
@Fluttershy I know. I should get on steam more X.x. I was on all the time before D3 because of Isaac
Good morning, patriots.
I've 11k on my monk in NM Act III, and that's cutting it a bit close sometimes
@IanPugsley I've noticed my life per vitality went from 10 to 16. Do you know what caused that? Is it built into crossing a level threshold or something?
5 mins ago, by Fluttershy
@OrigamiRobot Just choosing to ignore that one, eh?
@Sterno level, I think
@OrigamiRobot Yes, but not sure what "that one" is.
@Sterno oh shit, I didn't know mine changed (now it's 21!)
7 mins ago, by FAE
@OrigamiRobot I'd think I would've noticed if you tapped me.
@Wipqozn You starred it, I'm sure.
I suspect it's level based - go ask! :P
@RavenDreamer hello :)
@spugsley Launch D3 through Steam!
@IanPugsley nice!
@FAE Getting things started early, I see.
@spugsley Hai!
@RavenDreamer @Origami started it!
It is not my fault!
@spugsley Why did you reply to me with this? @FAE was the one telling you to get on Steam more. =P
@FAE he did, actually
@FAE Slander...er....libel?
@Fluttershy sorry...my work computers fuck shit up
(And when she's at home playing Diablo, she fucks shit up)
@RavenDreamer TRUTH!
(In a good way)
@OrigamiRobot I just noticed that's an enchantment, but doesn't make any sense as one. It should be a sorcery with it's ability.
Also, when she plays Binding of Isaac. But in that case, she's looking for pennies.
we just passed 666 diablo 3 questions
@RavenDreamer thank you for clarifying
@RavenDreamer oh...my. I so read that as "penises"
@agent86 How does that compare to ME3?
@YiJiang 300 less
@Wipqozn Dammit I meant to do that! @IanPugsley brought that up when I first made it :/
@YiJiang I'd say our question rate with D3 has been faster than ME3
@OrigamiRobot MtG design noob
@RavenDreamer Wow, that's really fast
@OrigamiRobot If you want me to grace you with voice so you can experience the full splendor of my slander, I can hop on mumble instead
I don't think we had nearly as many ME3 questions this far into the launch
@YiJiang We also had a ton before the game launched.
@RavenDreamer wrong ping
@FAE I've been waiting for you all morning!
@FAE "Full splendor of my Slander" is now being stolen for a poem, I thik.
@FAE Whoops! Freudian slip, I suppose.
@OrigamiRobot You lucky robot, you.
@RavenDreamer you write poetry? ^-^ adorable!
@RavenDreamer how is that...?
@RavenDreamer No, that was @spugsley a couple messages ago.
I wrote a poem inspired by the Green Lantern oath, once.
@FAE So, in reply to this...
@OrigamiRobot Hey, I never said you had to wait for me, so that's your problem, sir robot.
@RavenDreamer Did it go something like... "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil;s might beware my power, Green Lantern's light"?
@Wipqozn The last line of this makes me =(
@Wipqozn Dude, that's a harsh leave play status man
You know what's cool about Green Lantern? Nothing. Nothing is cool about Green Lantern.
Seriously, you must feel like a monster right now for writing that last line @Wipqozn.
@FAE Yeah, when I was typing that up I felt pretty morbid but it had to be an honest card!
@Fluttershy If I were a plaigerist, yes.
@Sterno He's one of my favorite DC heroes... =( The movie sucked, but I still like the character.
@Sterno I think the emotional spectrum is interesting. It makes more sense than Silver Age "YELLOW'S JUST BAD, K"
I liked when Lex Luthor became an Orange Lantern.
@Mana I do.
@Wipqozn Also it lies because it is not a beta weekend and I am totally still alive
@Mana don't listen to him, he doesn't
damn it
@Mana I can't believe you think the male demon hunter is sexy. I just think he's creepy.
I don't have an "angry crying video"
oh, I know!
@Wipqozn "When Guild Wars 2 leaves play, put four +1/+1 tokens on FallenAngelEyes." Because when it's gone, she's back happier than ever, with plenty of answers and rep.
@Fluttershy No. She's depressing it's gone. Forever.
@Wipqozn I don't find @FAE to be depressing. o.O I rather enjoy talking to her.
@Fluttershy I don't either.. baj!
I hate all of you.
Except @Krazer.
@Wipqozn the feeling is mutual, of course
@Wipqozn and don't pretend that you don't love the attention
@spugsley I do like attention.
@Wipqozn There are already enough board states that make me depressed, GW2 does not need to be one of them!
@FAE I read that as "beard states".
Speaking of beards... Mine is coming along nicely.
@RavenDreamer 'beard state' is what @IanPugsley has after his third day of playing D3
Show off :(
@spugsley lol
@RavenDreamer it's not a good beard :(
@RavenDreamer Who is this toward? Me or @spugsley?
@spugsley Do you not like the rugged man look?
You, Tristan
@RavenDreamer yes but not the neck beard look
@RavenDreamer If you wanna be jealous of a beard, you should see @murgatroid99. His beard makes my beard look like... something I cannot say on the bridge.
a witch?
@RavenDreamer Does this mean his beard is the same weight as a duck?
Your face makes my face look like my girlfriend's face. Bam.
@RavenDreamer Thinking more along the lines of... Buying an oversized vehicle to compensate for a smaller something. <.< You're familiar with penis envy? @murgatroid99 gives me beard envy.
@Mana Are you calling your girlfriend ugly?
Q: How does kill count achievements work in multiplayer?

Michel AyresI was looking at my achievement list and saw lots of achievements for kills, like The Elitist achievement. But how this works in multiplayer? It counts if my ally does the killing blow? or only if I do?

Q: Does the dialog with followers change based on the hero's class?

agent86Does everybody "know their roots" in the Diablo Universe? Last night I got into a conversation with my Templar where I encouraged him to try and remember "his sins" as it were, which he had been forced to forget as part of his initiation into the Templar order. My Witch Doctor suggested that ...

Q: Am I missing out on anything by staying faithful to my follower?

agent86My Templar and I have an arrangement - "till death do we part, and even then just until we respawn." We've been through a lot, but I can always count on him to throw a heal on me if the demons have been getting me down. Well, not always... I've more or less left the other two followers in town...

Q: What affects how much life I get per point of Vitality?

SternoI know when I started my character, I was getting 10 life per point of Vitality. However, looking at my level 41 Barbarian, I see he's now getting 16 life per point of Vitality. As near as I can tell, this change isn't caused by any of my gear or skills. What determines how much life you get pe...

Q: Advice for fighting multiple enemies at once

SvishI really struggle when I have to take on more than 1 or 2 enemies at the same time. For example when training or villages and I have to fight against up to 4 villagers at once using a staff, or when in a tournament and I'm suddenly ganged up on. My problem is that, even though I can take them do...

@Mana I've wasted all of my wat today on sex toys made for electoral candidates. I don't have enough to give you for this...
@Mana Just so you know, I've tabbed out of game to raises brow at that.
@Fluttershy You're welcome!
@FAE It's 10 am and you have already wasted all of my wat!
@Wipqozn it can be taken in two ways. since it's intended to be an insult though it's actually the opposite.
Ahem - a song, from Natalie Portman's Shaved Head, "Look at my facial hair! OH MAN, HOT DAMN, it's everywhere! Where'd ya get that beard? (I grew it!). How do you keep it so clean?! (I shampoo it!) YEAH!"
@Fluttershy I know you like it early
@Mana I'm aware, but it's funnier (to me) to think you just insulted your girlfriend.
@FAE You know me so well.
@Wipqozn and therein lies the joke.
@Fluttershy wat?
I reiterate my "wat".
Now you know why I have no more wats to give.
@OrigamiRobot You only did that so you could tap @FAE.
@Fluttershy OH MAN
Go @Fluttershy!
@Wipqozn Oh uhm... I-... I'm sorry. Was I too assertive?
Also, you just read that in her voice.
I hate all of you.
@Fluttershy ...Not a message I expected to see when I got back to my PC!
11 mins ago, by Wipqozn
I hate all of you.
@Mana hey, you're just trying to coast of my hate!
The bridge is in a weird mood this morning.
Some mod should fix the starred card.
do we need r9k here
@OrigamiRobot Even better.
Now people need to star it again!
damn it
Holy snap I hate you youtube.
If I right-click, and say "copy url", don't pop up a text box which I then need to copy frmo.
Not even sure where to begin complaining about how mind numbingly stupid that is as far as UI goes. Not to mention you changed it from something which before was done well.
and there. That's what I wanted to post.
All of you. Listen to it. Now.
@Wipqozn you're not the boss of me
@spugsley Fine, fine. You may play Diablo 3 instead.
@Wipqozn I'm at work :(
@spugsley I know.
NOw, let us see if I can actually get into a game of DAyZ.
@RavenDreamer Just caught up with MSPA, and the recent developments surrounding Diamonds Droog. I am highly amused.
Want to close this as "This is an unbelievabley stupid question"
Q: A friend of mine has DIABLO 3, once he uses his license code, can i also use his?

Paolo DomingoFor example, he registered the license key to his Battlenet account. My question is, can i use his code in order to activate my Diablo 3?

@Wipqozn i really wish that was a legit close reason
Apparently Templars don't know how to respect personal space.
@TimStone Seems like he's losing his religion.
Poor R.E.M.
eh? eh? nevermind, that one fell flat.
Yayy! Leoric's Shinbone!
Q: A friend of mine has DIABLO 3, once he uses his license code, can i also use his?

Paolo DomingoFor example, he registered the license key to his Battlenet account. My question is, can i use his code in order to activate my Diablo 3?

Q: Is it possible to create a pulse counter with this characteristics?

JeffreyIs it possible that with a button pressed I get 7 pulses from the same output and then at the end of them a final pulse to another output?

Q: Do I still have to water my plants while it's raining?

ladenedgeIn Animal Crossing: City Folk, I sometimes find dying plants while it's raining. Do I still need to water them manually, or will the rain bring them back to life?

14/29 (K/D) as Sniper!!!!!!!!!!!
yay lucksman
also I have no idea how I could get the "In a single round kill with three different weapons" achievement while equipping JARATE.
and dinner with family time, later all
@Wipqozn Now who has bad wording?
@FAE are you still here?
@spugsley briefly, what's up?
about to shut off PC
@FAE I was about to yell about bras but I figured if it was a room full of guys, no one would give a shit.
but if you're leaving, don't worry about it :) lol
@spugsley I use these really nice sportsish bra things now, no muss, no fuss
@FAE jealous :(
@spugsley Not a super chesty lady, so it works well for me. I'll link you to what I have later.
@FAE kk. I'm super chesty so it might not work for me :(
but it's worth a try
@spugsley My mother-in-law uses them too, and she's muchly more endowed than I am, there may be hope!
@FAE woot!
I'll dig up links. :) flees
@Ktash hahahaha wow
Mmmmhmmm. History.
Apparently it was amicable though, since he just changed it to 'friend'...

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