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Have Fun!
someone ping'd me?
not in the last 50 minutes, just a response on your response before.
what about?
Joined the group :)
I dumped my stack when I had to go to a meeting, you're going to need to reconstruct my state
the reply was nothing too important.
dismissing WNF
zomg! roald dahl was a jamesbondlike secret agent!
that is just random!
Will Not Fix
sorry I'm at work and it has an affect on me
ah, so "by design" it is.
just invited 80 people to the group
that's cruel!
just kidding ;)
lol. I'm starred.
steam community front page broke.
and back again.
off to play MW2 for another few hours
anyone here play modernwarfare2?
1 hour later…
@Mechko I do
@Tzenes Oh wait... I just realized... you need to be in the southern hemisphere and not in america for it to matter :-p
bah steamconnect failed
steam seems flaky the last days.
So are there any Madden fans in the Gaming lounge?
Ewww sports games :p
I'm a fan of the Madden series in general, but I don't play them. I just think it's inspiring that EA could corner the market so effectively.
If you know something about the recently released Madden 11 on Wii:
Q: Madden 11 (Wii) Feature List

theycallmemortyI'm looking for a list of features for Madden 11 for the Wii. I understand there will be a franchise mode? Does the franchise mode incorporate all of the usual features of franchise mode (free agency, draft, trading, etc.) or is it watered down? Will there be superstar mode or something simila...

@alexanderpas: Madden for Wii is shouldn't be released. It's a sad excuse for a football game.
I don't have that game, so I don't know.
They didn't corner the market, they shut out everybody else with the exclusive NFL deal. No other game company can make a football game that mentions NFL unless it's EA Sports.
well said random
1 hour later…
good morning @tzenes ;)
hehe knew you were there :P
you know me
hehe no I don't, I just knew that
oh boy there's a heated discussion going on in the Math.SE...
I don't even know him and he's already on my nerves
the mod?
no that 97832123 guy
technically speaking he probably has a point, but you shouldn't try and go on a crusade against a person who was publicly appointed to help guide the site
I'd ban them both
97832123 is clearly a shit stirer
and this mod sounds like an abusive ass
for keep brining it up? and not letting it lie down?
which one?
wow look at this guy:
45up and 80 down
the mod: after these two discussions he started one of his own: meta.math.stackexchange.com/questions/529/…
he has 4 answers with 0 votes, and only 1 with more than 5
how has 97832123 not been banned yet?
I take it back, just ban him
the mod can stay
a little bit more positive ey?
I hope we don't reach this name calling
"I agree that it's a good discussion to have, but I think that breaking people up into two camps is perhaps not the best way to get it started."
yeah, this 97832123 guys is clearly just trying to cause drama
always nice to wake up with a little drama!
lol 50% of your questions have the SC2 tag
wow it's nearly the biggest tag on the site
it'll die down
I'd say about 2500 of my rep is SC2 related
I'm not worried, I think it's impressive
to me that shows people think they get good answers here
I only wrote those answers to promote the site
they're good answers and I link them a lot
I liked every answer I saw so far (didn't check every question)
so you deserved each upvote ;)
fair enough
8 hours later…
good meta question
:69162 This question doesn't seem quite right ...
maybe it's the partial answer
Hey any DF people around?
:69215 present
1) how do I kill a rat? :-p
Do you play?
I'm just trying to learn as we speak
I have all forms of pests in my supplies (lizards rats roaches etc)
oh, you mean vermin
cats, definitely cats
yes. I also haven't been able to figure out a farm yet
what's your difficulty with the farm?
... honestly I think these would be better asked on the site, you'll get the other guys to look at them as well, and the answers will be around for posterity
yeah. I figured out the farm
heh I have more questions. I don't want it to seem like I'm spamming though
I'm for you posting them ... but I'm biased obviously
have you tried looking at the wiki?
@McKay What do you think? Would it be spammy for Mechko to post a whole bunch of his real DF questions?
I don't think so.
If they're real questions, then post them.
What!?!? Look at that DF Spam!!! :D
He's posted more than zero questions in the past half hour!
it's not really an exact duplicate, it's a combination of two questions
although I think that 'how do I get started' was more prevalent in his question than 'what is it'
definitely a dupe
yeah, but of which :)
that's why the community user added both links
I didn't know it did that, I thought it just went with the most popular one
nope, it adds all that were voted
up to 5
obviously :)
Is it @ArdaXi?
is it obvious?
Q: Possible race condition with migration

Sid MeierDefinitely a bug. One question on SO was migrated with six close votes. It ended up making two questions on meta after migration. Is this a race condition with the sixth vote causing the question to be migrated a second time? Could be fixed by either making sure six people can't close a question...

forgot about race conditions
:O a goto?!
1 hour later…
:69568 I use those all the time
2 hours later…
:69799 @CRoss blasphemy
Ever written VB6?
maaaan, vacation is awesome
lack of internet's kind of lame though
:70212 the only way to do nontrivial error handling in VB6 with with gotos, ie On Error GoTo FAIL
Oh yeah, I remember VB6
oh wow.
hmm, apparently I'm not the only one who thinks the question "How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat?" is a tad bit creepy
You could take out parts of the question and it would sound straight from the mouth of a crazed murderer
It's creepy, but an important question in nethack
The first paragraph of Grace Note's answer is hilarious/disturbing out of context
nethack has hallucinations?
yes, and then some
Nethack has everything. It is a simulation of life in a cavern filled with monsters.
and DF is a simulation of life in a fortress filled with dwarves?
the older the games the more realistic they are
Yeah. Pong, man...the physics engine was way ahead of its time.
speaking of...gonna go look up the pong tag on gaming.se
...there is none :<
awesome, it even supports XKCD
oh god not XKCD
excuse me while I bash my head into a wall for a webcomic that was pretty good for a while but has become absolutely awful
what do you have against xkcd >:(
Well, for one, the art sucks.
Alas, 36 Reputation till I get close votes.
xkcd.com/774 and xkcd.com/775 are practically the same drawing, meaning the only thing left to go for it is the writing, which is generally awful.
I don't know. Are there that many "great" diablo 2 mods based on his specs?
Like, new quests/new maps mods?
I don't play Diablo 2 so I dunno.
He didn't leave anything that makes great something measurable, so it's subject to interpretation and as such S&A
If he just asks for Diablo 2 Mods, then you have a list. Which could go a few different ways.
Fair enough.
Aren't Diablo mods against ToU?
terms of ?
Usage / Use, I'm guessing.
does anyone know a good app/webapp for keep track of your bills and such?
belongs on personal finance se
hehe it does
or web apps
Or webapps
Gamers blow their money on games, consoles, and accesories
(I know I do)
I blew it on an ipad
:70369 You speak the truth.
now I don't have any money for games left
I want one of those
not even starcraft 2
Heh, it adds the @ syntax now. :D
I've stopped using money for entertainment these days
and anyways, I have to safe for Rock Band 3 (with the real strings thing) and Kinect
Yeah, I'm looking forward to Rock Band 3 as well.
I wonder how close it will approach the actual difficulty of playing guitar
RB3, I forgot. Regardless of how much I save it'll all be gone when that comes out.
May finally shut up all of those "stop having fun guys" people
Lol yeah.
I know someone was working on a kind of reverse where you plugged a real guitar into the computer to play a Rockband-ish game. Gotta find the link again when I get home
same here @Noctrine and it's a nice challenge (from playing idiot songs on expert)
I want to see how the MIDI keyboard will work.
Like, how the notes will be displayed on-screen.
haven't they already shown that in gameplay vids?
haha well it is kind of small (though reducing guitar to 5 buttons is off course worse)
@Mana I haven't looked at any of the videos yet. D:
I think it will just show you a small hint to let you know whether it's left and right
for the rest its just all the buttons
So, for pro mode, they show 15 keys or so in a lane, and then move five keys or so to the left and right as the song requires
@JuanManuel Ben really isn't getting it
Meh, the keyboard looks okay.
So in pro mode it works like an actual midi controller
god damn you people and your game-rec questions...
damn it, is this the same guy
everyday I wake up and think stupid game-rec you're the reason the world is so terribad
I need 4 upvotes, stat!
@CRoss, I hadn't seen the other question...
Maybe RB3 will make Synthesia step its game up
wait, someone flagged that?
Hmm, I like the the way RB3 is implementing keyboard.
Probably the ideal way to use that little amount of space.
:70420 I think you're getting the scope wrong a bit :-)
Each day I mow my lawn so that it says GAME REC in large letters, and then set fire to it
:70421 And I need 7 more to get mod
I think I was exagerating for humerous results
see, mana has the right idea
sorry, been a bit philosophical of late
did we just hit the vote tick?
I just read posts where people say game-rec is necessary to the site and I want to ask if they have a mental disorder
look at this one:
Q: Are there any PC games like Jedi Power Battles?

The SasquatchThere was a game I used to play on the DreamCast called something like Jedi Power Battles. Is there a version of that I could play on the PC not using an emulator? If not are there any other PC games that are like it? (Two player co-op with leveling characters.)

he wants "Two player co-op with leveling characters."
I should just point him to IGN's website
or better yet
the google?
I think LMGTFY is a banned link :P
oh well
point is, we are not a google service
The following is a list of computer and video games that feature cooperative gameplay. Note 1. To sort by multiple columns, start from the least-significant column first. E.g., to easily find specific genre results on a specific platform, first sort by genre, then sort by platform.Note 2. Simplified for efficient sorting. Follow or hover over the links to see more specific genre descriptions.Note 3. Available co-op content is limited in scope and doesn't simulate the entire single player campaign. {| class="wikitable sortable" style="margin-left:.6em; |- ! style="background: #CCCCCC; co...
but no, he submits a game-rec instead
World of Goo is a 1 - 4 player cooperative game? o.o
It takes everything I have to not yell at every one of these questions
LMGTFY was being abused to say: google it yourself dumbass
Apparently on the Wii and Linux it is
I think that's what I want to use it for
Yep, Wii Exclusive
just to vent some agression
@Noctrine Hmm, never knew that.
sorry everyone has to deal with me beign an ass today
Naw, no problem.
What was the original purpose of LMGTFY
I think to be mean to people
Other than saying 'google it yourself'
That makes sense.
I've never seen it used in any other context
Pretty sure it is
Considering the text it says when it finishes. "Now that wasn't to hard was it"
I wouldn't be surprised
you can use &nice=1 for a nicer text
if I recall correctly
Hmm, both result in "Was that so hard?"
hmm, I don't remember what the variable was
Offtopic, but this is awesome: businessinsider.com/…
yeah, I still wonder what's the point of those questions
it's n=1
I was hoping the chat engine wouldn't do goo.gl urls
ok, now that's funny
the moot thing
does caps mean screenshot?
I figured it out as I wrote it
I can't believe this is a serious question:
Q: Games for someone who loved Godfather: Blackhand Edition

HeatherMy husband is not a huge gamer, but he loved Godfather: Blackhand Edition for the Wii. He's deleted his save game, started over, and beat the game at least four times since we've bought it and he's finally gotten bored with it. I can't think of another game of mine he's played more - I did try ...

My issue with gamerec is its like a human LMGTFY query :p
not 'like.' That's exactly what it is
Strictly opinion, and I hate when people make gaming decisions for others.
google may use slightly different metrics, but its the same thing
It's like reviews but without the work.
I think Identify-this-game is great though, as long as the game is obscure enough.
Even reviews aren't great, which is why people are trying this "new thing" ie. us
identify-this-game is basically identifying unique characteristics of the game, the console it was on, and then inputing it into Google. game-rec is Googling "games like" followed by the game name / genre.
too bad google links aren't onebox on SE
or all people would do is insert them as the answer
well, Gaming SE is useful to people because Google doesn't understand English, only keywords (well it does, but it doesn't leverage that a lot in search)
I find it interesting when people type full sentences into Google.
Well I'm going to go; later everyone.
Is this a trollish answer to the Godfather game-rec?
If you're looking for a game with well-dressed men for the Wii, your only choice might be
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on WiiWare
Well, games using Mii's are as well-dressed as you make them
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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