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nah they never do a postmortem, which is sad...the entire SO team would be interested in such
I'm really curious what breaks all the sudden and takes 2-3 hours to get back up
malicious attacks perhaps?
maybe, no clue, though they should be able to handle the volume case
us.battle.net forums and such going down as well makes me think network, they were extremely slow for about 20 minutes before going totally offline (compared to 200-300ms load times all day)
well i can understand the volume issue on release day, 500+ million users all logging in within an hour.... Buy more servers perhaps?
I don't think they had that many users =P
lol okay maybe an over estimate :P
It's a complex problem, an insanely complex one I'm sure (we don't handle as much load as they do and we're "up there")...I'd be interested to see what issues/bottlenecks they have
wrong link Dx
there we go
Long nights await for them. But i heard this happened on beta release too.... ? ( i didn't get a chance to get into beta - too busy)
@krazer epic.
IF true
I know they want to prevent against piracy but no single player ?
@Jin That dude is a troll, he's been making videos like that about Blizzard games forever.
@Foxtrot It's not about preventing piracy, it's about preventing cheating.
they have a few reasons for the online mode, none of which can't be worked around...not that I'm arguing it's trivial (mostly the opposite once you made the server-side decision early) but the online this is not strictly necessary and it's costing them in load at the moment.
@Foxtrot it's not about piracy. It's about the AH.
The economy is too central to the way D3 works, and if you saw what dupers did to D2, you'd understand the reason for the internet connection required 100%.
You're both right and wrong, it's partially about the AH, but also about sync, simplicity and piracy as well
@Krazer For them to make money (blizzard) ?
@LessPopMoreFizz D3 is my first time playing Diablo.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He also has videos where he talks normally. Dude's playing a character.
@RavenDreamer Yes, exactly. He's trolling.
@Foxtrot Diablo 2 was... possibly the most wretched hive of scum and villainy in the history of online gaming. The shit that people got away with...
@RavenToddXavier You should be able to play on the other regions, though that character will be tied to that region & can't be moved over.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And so you're saying there'd be problems in the online mode if offline mode meant separate characters without interaction?
Thanks. Very helpful.
@LessPopMoreFizz Can you elaborate? Im interested
@skovacs1 I take credit for this response because the guy's name is Raven.
@RavenDreamer More that once you make the decision to commit to the 'primary experience' being online play, even if solo, adding an 'offline mode' just introduces confusion, wastes developer resources, etc.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the, "We'd add an offline mode, but players might get confused!"
The upside to having an 'airplane mode' for the game is minimal once you get outside of the OMG EVERYBODY STORM THE SERVERS launch window.
@LessPop_MoreFizz A lot of hacks were able to be used because a lot of things were also on client side and not server side. Things like map-hacks or programs that could cause people to drop items were made available.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Except some folks prefer solo play.
@RavenDreamer Maybe you haven't realized this, but most people are idiots.
@RavenDreamer And you can still play solo. But, if you want to interact with the economy via the AH, you can do that too.
Part of the problem also, is that a lot of D2 duping was actually done by abusing 'offline' mode to affect online play.
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is what I've yet to understand. (I didn't play D2)
@RavenDreamer D2 cheating was a clusterfuck of epic proportions.
^^^^ Elaborate :P
Think of the worst cheating you've ever experienced.
Make it worse.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Practically all the cheats hacks and dupes were done from a couple of exploits on client side. And there was a TON of hacks, cheats, and dupes, lol.
Okay... I'm going with the more expensive shipping option, because the more expensive shipping avoids having to pay tax. :/
Then add a Hardcore Mode where there's permadeath.
So... I just went out to drink with my neighbors for a while, but.. .I'm assuming D3's still nto up yet?
@RavenDreamer Essentially people would super hack up their offline char and they would then use those chars online.
@RESPAWN It was up. And then it went down again.
I was just sure that they would have learned their lesson after D2
@Foxtrot Imagine someone hacking in a shooter game and making it so they don't ever die and always have aimbot. Now instead of just effecting a single game, imagine they infest EVERY game. That is basically how bad D2 got lol.
what's the issue with the offline mode with single player and cheating, beyond the item drops (which is solvable, even if it means no selling them in AH)?
@Foxtrot Hacks and cheats got so bad that it started to negatively effect the game's economy and the overall health of the game.
@LessPopMoreFizz All i heard was that there were GOBS AND GOBS of spambots in D2 (Gobs is measurement level I made up)
@NickCraver The vast majority of online play cheating was done by running trainers client side on an offline mode game.
@Klokworkk lol sounds like a game I want to play ! -_-;
@LessPop_MoreFizz in D3 though, what's the theoretical cheating problem, once you set aside loot drops which is (trivially) solvable?
@Klokworkk Did Blizzard care to do anything about D2? or did Blizzard not pick up Diablo until after its release? ( don't recall history on it )
@Foxtrot haha. It was great, but it eventually got overloaded by a whole load of derpy. And yea, bots were pretty commonplace. Bots that would run and kill bosses for players, or bots that would just spam players lol
@skovacs1 how, though?
Update on D3 says up in like 2 hours
@Foxtrot They tried. They tried a lot. Went through several measures to try to stop it, they did stop it to an extent. But it was a little too late, they let it go for far too long. I mean it was still a good game, but the economy and community was pretty effed up at times.
@Foxtrot They've owned all of Diablo
I dont understand the purpose of botting... Why buy a game if you want to do that? ( Besides wanting to be #1 on the leader board or making money -if AH exists, or selling characters is possible)
@RavenDreamer Chars were stored client-side. Meaning the data was offline, on the client computers. People would alter said data. Then use the result online. Pretty straightforward.
rephrase: Why buy a game to bot?
"If we provided the server code in an offline mode, it would be much easier to make hacks" sounds much like Security by Obscurity.
@RavenDreamer I am bad at technical details, but the short version is things like using net cat to insert snippets of single player events into a multiplayer game.
@Foxtrot Greed? People just wanted stuff to get more stuff. Also people botted in order to sell items to people for real currency.
@skovacs1 So... that's already fixed for D3.
@LessPop_MoreFizz A lot of the duping involved the a lag-based dupe method... there was a time when almost all high runes (Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham, and Zod), as well as the majority of Ists and a large percentage of Ums and Mals, that are available for trade were all dupes. Nearly all Stones of Jordan, Crowns of Ages, and Tyrael's Mights were dupes as well...
@RavenDreamer It's only fixed because you have to be online to play.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, the characters are actually stored on Blizz's servers now, too
@LessPop_MoreFizz I won't say only but a lot of it is certainly fixed by that. There are probably other workarounds, but an always online experience is certainly the easiest way to do it.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, and if the character is stored on Blizzards servers, you kind of need to be online to access it.
@RavenDreamer Which is why you have to be online.
Which is why "We can't have an offline mode because security" makes no sense. You can't hack offline characters into online characters because you don't have online characters to hack into.
@RavenDreamer Exactly. They would have to have a separate offline mode whose characters cannot be used in the online mode. They didn't want to do that.
@RavenDreamer The reason it worked in D2 is because certain server information was stored server side and there were ways to circumvent some of the programming that would allow characters that were normally in single player mode to be forced onto the multiplayer servers.
er Stored client side*
I'm curious, how has 7 people earned the Perfect Diamond (award bounty on d3 post), but 0 users have the Perfect Ruby (earn a bounty on a d3 post)?
@skovacs1 - they don't have to do that, there are inbetween solutions
@Rachel We submitted but didn't award our bounties!
@Rachel because it's really a "start a bounty" gem.
@Rachel Stupid 24 hour waiting period, etc.
@RavenDreamer ooo ok, thanks :)
@skovacs1 Why not?
@Foxtrot Because they have no incentive to.
Q: Can I level up Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting at the same time easily?

RachelI'm playing with my boyfriend, and he recommended one of us go Smithing and the other go Jewelcrafting, however I still haven't found the jewelcrafting guy yet and have a decent amount of money, so have been considering putting some money into smithing anyways for when hes not around. Are you ca...

Q: Can I sell my characters on the Auction House?

Raven DreamerI know that it's possible to sell gold, items, and consumables on the various Auction Houses within Diablo 3. Is it also possible to sell actual characters, for instance, if someone wanted to avoid the arduous leveling process?

It just pisses the people off who dislike the required internet.
... wouldn't alot of users being very mad be incentive ?
@NickCraver There probably are but, as you said, they didn't feel that there was sufficient incentive to do that.
@LessPopMoreFizz actually, selling characters is a feature slated to be in the works ('swy I asked it)
@RavenDreamer - I don't mind required internet so much as required battle.net entire infrastructure, which is obviously having issues and interfering at the moment
@NickCraver Speak for yourself. I've been tryin' to play over wi-fi, which is the only option available to me for the forseeable future. :(
For anyone wondering, they're expecting the servers to be down for another hour and fifteen minutes.
it's certainly a valid argument for others (when I travel for example)...every additional dependency is a negative and we have an unknown number of them at the moment
@RavenDreamer I agree that having it not have an offline mode is a bit silly though. They should have just taken extra efforts to thwart the cheaters. Just took the easy way out though.
A: How long does dropped loot last?

KrazerIt's the on the same timer as Diablo 2. To wit: Regular items and gold disappear after exactly 10 minutes. Magic items will disappear after 20 minutes. Rare, Set, Crafted, and Unique items will disappear after lying on the ground for 30 minutes.

internet + whatever makes up battle.net and game servers....which is built on top of who knows how many systems currently having issues
seems incorrect
A: What is the most efficient way to farm Subtle Essence?

Raven DreamerCrafting materials are linked to difficulty, so if you want to farm subtle essence, you have to play on Normal. The catch is, all magic items are equivalent when it comes to salvaging - level is irrelevant. The essence you get from A level 25 magic snake is just as good as when it's on a plane ol...

@RavenDreamer Good answer
@NickCraver The "You will be disconnected in X minutes for a server restart" is the worst.
@Foxtrot Thanks!
Diablo 3 the not-an-mmo-mmo!
my first baby is due in a few days, so there's not much play time left...this outage really blows (seeing as I get little time to play with all the SO dev anyway)
@RavenDreamer to farm subtle essence, should I have equipped all of my %+ finding blues rather than decent equipment for killing enemies faster?
@NickCraver probably the rationale for a tuesday release was to get everything straightened out by the weekend
@Foxtrot That's the eternal question, innit?
@RavenDreamer Yeah, it's 'planned' just like the Dance Studio. I'll believe it when it's more than an offhand tweet in response to one person. Blizzard a tendency to acknowledge that they 'want' to do all kinds of things.
@NickCraver If you're near Jarrod, throw a shoe and/or say hi to him from me. :)
@Foxtrot just swap all your gear right before mobs die
@LessPop_MoreFizz What? You didn't get the Dance Studio update?
he's in NY, but I'm on skype with him at the moment...we got booted from the game a few hours ago
That was the best update.
well that actually brings me to my next potential posted question on gaming.SE
@NickCraver Hi, Jarrod!
(We met when he was last in Raleigh to visit Jin.)
Is there a penalty for switching gear mid-combat?
@Foxtrot it's hard?
ahh, I'm over in W-S
Oooh, we're closing in on 20,000 questions!
@NickT NA releases for the most part seem to be on Tuesday. I've yet to find a clear source for why that is, but if you stop by a Gamestop in NA and ask pretty much any of the employees that has been there a while, they can confirm.
@Foxtrot TBQH, the best bet for farming subtle essence, right now is to stack gold find and buy them on the AH.
They are going for dirt at the moment.
Good thing crafting also requires gold
at the moment I cannot login lol
@RavenDreamer Ironic
@RavenDreamer Exactly. So just stack gold find and cover both mats!
@NickT Many theories exist. Some to do with sales charts and shipping dates and others to with marketing and the like.
@NickT Pretty sure the rational for a Tuesday release is that, for the vast majority of media, Tuesday Releases are How Things Are Done.
@NickT Blizzard tends to release on a Tuesday regardless.
This DayZ mod makes me want to break my laptop.
^^ what @LessPopMoreFizz said. He is wise.
(The why of that has to do with shipping logistics and sales charts and marketing, as well as inertia.)
Meh still posted the question, but its not necessarily ALL directed towards blue farming lol
@Fluttershy Dont do that!
@AshleyNunn It's just frustrating.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, it's not 'Blizzard releases on Tuesday'. Everyone releases on Tuesday. The ones that don't are the super weird ones.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's true in NA. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that in Europe they do Wednesday releases.
@Fluttershy :( boo
@Fluttershy Which is why I was trying to get a game of Catan going. It seems like some of the regulars (FAE, spugs and ianpugs) already played and went to bed because I saw their game going a little while back.
@skovacs1 I must've missed that one. =\ I'm just trying to get this damn game I paid $30 for to work right...
Hey, bridge. Thoughts?
Q: What is a Diablo 3 game server responsible for?

NevirSo, you've logged into D3 and started a game. Your character is running around the world and bashing in/melting skulls. How much of this is being synchronized with Blizzard's server farms? How much is the client trusted? Is there any P2P going on when you're playing with people?

@Fluttershy What problems are you having?
@RavenDreamer I lol'd pretty hard to that comment.
Think I should close it as "We can't know what the devs intended?"
@RavenDreamer Terrible question. I want to say out of our scope, but that's moreso because I don't think there's an authoritative answer on what isn't run client-side.
@Krazer Every time I try to join a server in DayZ, I get the message "Waiting for character to create" and it boots me back to the menu.
not constructive?
@RavenDreamer It's not asking intention, but implementation. Still pretty unanswerable.
@skovacs1 Same idea. "No one has a Diabloe 3 server, so no one can tell you what a diablo 3 server does"
@RavenDreamer I know the idea is similar, but the specifics are marginally different. I don't disagree with the closure. I already said it was a terrible question.
Side question: Is there any downside from converting a ground power adapter (US 3 prong) to a 2 prong adapter?
@Fluttershy sounds like something with their servers are borked
Q: eRepublik eIndia survival tips

Sree RamCan anyone provide me a few tips on how to survive in eIndia(in the erepublik mmorpg, no one is helping) and by tips, i mean the basic things like don't spend gold, bazookas, don't buy from market etc...so, do not make it lengthy, thank you very much for your help! Regards

well... @skovacs1 : This may sound like a messed setup, but I am planning to convert the 3 prong to 2 prong to go to an extension cable to go to a power strip. The power strip DOES have ground
are erepublik and devil survivor 2 related?
@NickT no. They aren't
@RavenDreamer Isn't that a dupe? Feats of strength?
@Fluttershy have you tried other servers?
@Foxtrot is it?
@Krazer Tried like 15 different servers.
@RavenDreamer searching....
@Foxtrot the lack of a ground isn't a huge issue for most electronics as they're isolated. It's more worrying for appliances
@Foxtrot I feel like we have a SE for questions like this.
@RavenDreamer same
Splitting hairs?
Q: What can I use a Feat of Strength for?

authenticgeekI heard that Diablo 3 closed beta players will be getting a Feat of Strength called "One of the Chosen" and a sigil that they can display on their banner. I understand the sigil part, but I couldn't gather what exactly the Feat of Strength was. What does it do and can I use it for something usef...

@Foxtrot "intended to protect against insulation failure of the connected device" - so your device with the grounded connection out won't be grounded and therefore won't have the above protection against insulation failure. It's unlikely that it will cause an issue, but depending on the device and usage, you should know that there is a slight risk.
@RavenDreamer which you answered lol
@Foxtrot One is "What are", the other is "Which ones?"
@skovacs1 and @NickT Thank you
@Foxtrot Pity it's 6 days too early.
@Fluttershy I wonder how many servers D3 tries before it bails...
@RavenDreamer I dont know what you mean by that last statement
@Krazer Finally got into a game and it was pitch black. Couldn't see a thing...
@Fluttershy Just US servers? Have you tried EU or FR?
52min until US D3
@James Are they finally going to release it for real this time?
@James doesn't need to be the 3rd crypt. Title tweaked.
@Foxtrot It's 6 days before the contest started.
@skovacs1 No idea, I just know they estimated up time at 11:45
Q: Is there a penalty for switching gear mid-combat?

FoxtrotIf I swap gear mid-combat (perhaps with a hot-key) to switch from heavy DPS to increase % chance of obtaining a blue item, is there any penalty for doing this? Will I receive a less a % chance if I switch mid-combat than I would if I switch prior to engaging in combat? (Such as: Is there a sma...

Q: What are the feats of strength in Diablo 3?

NevirLike the title says - what are the known feats of strength in the game?

Q: eRepublik eIndia survival tips

Sree RamCan anyone provide me a few tips on how to survive in eIndia(in the erepublik mmorpg, no one is helping) and by tips, i mean the basic things like don't spend gold, bazookas, don't buy from market etc...so, do not make it lengthy, thank you very much for your help! Regards

Q: What random events are possible in the false crypts?

JamesSo I have played through the crypts a few times and I have run across two events so far, an endless wave of skeletons that you have to survive and recovering bones for a ghost. Are there any other events here? These two seemed to come with their own achievements which is why I am wondering.

@Krazer He's playing a different game.
@RavenDreamer I was just referring to the one with the event in it as the Third Crypt
@James Um...It was a joke. You didn't need to reply.
@James Right. But there's not always an event. And it's not always in the Third crypt.
I have seen an event every time now, between the two I mentioned
Soo I guess No event is a possibility as well :D
@Fluttershy have you tried reinstalling BattlEye?
@RavenDreamer Gotchya
@RavenDreamer I assumed we were talking about the Arma 2 mod DayZ
I've given up trying to get back into D3
@Krazer Twice.
@Krazer I'm in.
Does Nevir's newest question solicit debate?
@Krazer And then error 33
@skovacs1 lol
@Foxtrot No more than most strategy questions
@RavenDreamer Fair enough
@Fluttershy What about reinstalling operation arrowhead?
@Krazer Error 33 is much worse than the other one. It clears the password field and requires I enter my authenticator each time.
@Krazer Yep. Reinstalled all of the games, deleted, redownloaded, and extracted the mod files. It is supposed to be so black all I can see are stars?
@Fluttershy the only thing that I can think of that would cause this is the master server being mobbed with requests
@skovacs1 All the ppl that bought Max Payne 3 instead of Diablo 3 must be laughing their asses off xP
@Krazer Or lamenting the fact that they forgot to buy an xbox to go with it.
@Krazer lol
@Krazer But we got one over on them. We get both experiences - D3 and Max Pain.
@skovacs1 lol
@Fluttershy have you tried the EU servers?
Anyone know what time Newegg updates their deals?
Diablo 3 is still messing up?
@badp Messing up? If we can't play it, how can it mess up? As far as we can tell, the game is error-free.
@badp Buongiorno
@Krazer Not yet. I... think it's supposed to be that dark.
And on that note, I'm going to bed.
See you in the morning.
Er. See you later in the same morning.
@badp Blizzards servers took a nosedive so yeah...online-only game = no game at all.
@RavenDreamer Hopefully the ravens in your dreams don't peck your eyes out.
@Fluttershy gamma?
@skovacs1 No, I mean like... It was past midnight in the game, so flares were necessary. Once I figured out how to use flares, I managed to get some bearings and get killed a half mile from my spawn point. lol
@Fluttershy According to the guide it might take a while... See "Connecting to a server" under "Steam users"
@Fluttershy Wouldn't the flares attract....zombies, bandits or... dun dun dun...zombie bandits?
@skovacs1 It was that or just stand in one place and not do anything.
@Fluttershy no flashlight?
which is the best action game.. preferably fps or tps.. around?
@ShyamK define best.
@skovacs1 No idea. Still working on learning the controls, but I'm about to go to bed.
@ShyamK What do you like to see in your action games?
@skovacs1 most played most rated.. you pick one..
@skovacs1 no zombies.. thats it..
I'm just freaked out by them
TF2 is pretty solid - Free. Lots of players.
The Call of Duty series is quite popular - particularly Modern Warfare 3 (or 2).
Gears of War series is legendary and has a great story, but the Lambent are zombie-like (lava zombie sort of thing. Not really the same thing, but they are reanimated dead).
@ShyamK Duke Nukem 3d imo
@ShyamK I don't know much about independent ratings, but I am quite a fan of Halo
@murgatroid99 The flood are zombie-like, but not to the point of being super scary.
I like Bayonetta for the 360, I was somewhat disappointed with the lazy PS3 port
@Krazer I don't consider that a shooter. >.>
@Krazer the latest Nukem sucked. I liked the old ones though.. love the girls :)
@Fluttershy Yeah, it's more action-y and less horror-y than most zombie games
@murgatroid99 Plus... The original Halo... The reveal? Goosebumps.
@Fluttershy well, yes, there is that
@murgatroid99 was never able to play halo.. didn't support my sytem config :(
@ShyamK How about System Shock (most notably 2)?
@ShyamK Games from the Battlefield series are pretty good, if a bit brief.
@ShyamK Bioshock?
For reals now. Goodnight bridge.
@ShyamK I've spent more time playing the Xbox Halos anyway
I think they're better
@Fluttershy Bioshock Infinte is gonna suck.. from the trailers
@ShyamK Rogue Spear
@ShyamK The Red Faction series is interesting.
@ShyamK Counter-strike and Counter-strike source are rather popular I'm told.
@skovacs1 Waiting for the next release
@Foxtrot Hmm.. now this I have not heard of.. What is it like?
@skovacs1 Armageddon I have played.. loved the 'reconstruction' gun and the plasma cannon :D
@skovacs1 Counter strike is, was and remains to be the most popular FPS played on LAN till date
The new Syndicate reboot looks interesting
also Dishonored
@Krazer Interesting, but mixed reviews. There's this really annoying bloom effect.
@Krazer I have that preordered, but that's not until October
Q: Is it worth investing in magic find early on in Diablo 3 to build up your piggy bank?

NevirPresumably, magic find is going to end up netting you a lot of gold (via eventually giving higher chances for rare+ items). However, focusing on increasing gold drops seems like the immediate win for a early game character (let's say for the first playthrough). What are the pros/cons of investi...

Q: Is the drop rate constant for bosses?

EricIf I farm King Leoric over and over again, will I get the same drop rates every time? Or is there some kind of reductions on the drops after the first time?

Q: Is it possible to search for existings auctions of a rare item?

ThiefMasterIn the Auction House I did not find a way to search for a rare item by name - neither on the public auction search nor on the create auction page. Is such a search somehow possible? It would be pretty useful to determine a good price for an item. Or should I just salvage/vendor the leveling ye...

Q: Access auction house without leaving the world?

ThiefMasterEspecially with the huge load the Diablo III servers have currently during late afternoon/evening one usually does not want to disconnect as getting back in the game can take quite some time. However, to auction items, I apparently have to leave the game. Is there a way to access the auction ho...

@skovacs1 What so you think about CS:GO?
@Krazer As I said, I'm told counter-strike is popular. I've never played any of them.
D3 is back up
I'm in and smashing things with my monk
@skovacs1 As much as I would love to join I need to get to sleep so I can get up for work D,:
@Krazer I was just informing the general public of the bridge for those that were waiting.
I wish I lived on the west coast >:P
@ShyamK Its an older FPS before the Rainbox Six serious went bad.
If graphics don't matter to you, as it is an older one
but a great story
(my opinion)
@Foxtrot Graphics can be down right outrageous if the gameplay and story line is catchy..
I'll probably start fresh this weekend... I'm just got done Act 2 in game :P there's quite teh number of twist
@ShyamK then my recommendation holds
@Foxtrot Thanks.
Hey are there any popular flash type games? I dont mean flash games.. I mean small games like Limbo for example
@ShyamK how is limbo a flash-type game?
@Krazer Thats what I said.. Its small and cute..like flash. But not flash
There's Braid, Machinarium, and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysey.
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom is a Braid style game as well
Trine is also alot of fun
Also, The Tiny Bang Story
Q: D3 runs too slow for specs on this machine and I am trying to figure out why

Travis JHere is my setup: This is an ASUS, just a basic cheap computer. Processor AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 220 Processor, 2800 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s) System Type x64-based PC OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB Adapter Description ATI Radeon 3000...

to name a few
Q: How does a Support on Botlane handle Caitlyns Traps?

TobyWhen I am playing Support on Botlane vs Caitlyn ( + her Support ) and she keeps putting her Traps in the Brush, how do I react to that? Should I rather try to take them out in a save second ( by walking over them ) or better just leave them there? I mean, at the moment I rather clean the brush wh...

Q: How does the AI work for a Witch Doctor's summoned pets?

KlokworkkI'm mostly curious about how they'll prioritize their actions. Will they just attack the first target they see, attack the target their summoner is, attack targets attacking them, attack targets attacking their summoner, or something along those lines? Do certain pets prioritize certain actions o...

Q: What do I need to do to get the ability to portal back to town?

James JiaoI thought this was extremely obvious, but I was so wrong. I looked for the town portal icon on the toolbar at the bottom, but it's not there? I checked again, no definitely not there! I checked key bindings. The T is supposed to portal me. Pressed it and nothing happened. This led me to think tha...

Q: Can I play Diablo 3 on US servers with a Euro Key?

JakeI was just asking if I can play Diablo 3 on the US servers if I have a Euro Key? Can I play with my mates or can you only play on the EU side?

Q: How to disarm traps in Dragon Age: Origins

Gareth JonesI was playing Dragon Age:Origins when i came across a trap, however i was unable to interact with it (other than set it off) and as i was in combat at the time, i waited until i had killed all the dark-spawn in the area, however i was still unable to get my rouge character to disable, or even int...

@Lazers Pft! How did that get there!?
Q: How does critical damage work in Diablo 3?

theoriseI see a lot of skills (runes) with effects on critical damage and it seems you can potentially have builds based around this alone. What are the chances I have to do critical damage? How can I see what my critical chance is? Does every direct damaging skill have a chance to do critical damage?

Q: What is "The Black Rock Ledger" good for?

ThiefMasterI recently got a page of "The Black Rock Ledger". It cannot be sold and except reading its text it does not seem to have any other purpose (except wasting stash/inventory space). Should I keep this item? Will it be usable for something later?

Q: How can I increase my elemental resistances

bummzackI know that the intelligence stat increases elemental resistance. So casters seem to have a nice advantage there. But what about the other classes? My friend is playing a Monk and while he has good defense, elemental attacks really kill him fast (late Normal, early Nightmare difficulty). So th...

Q: Farming Pages/Tomes of Crafting

JamesSo I have found that these pages are needed for progressing crafting to grandmaster and illustrious. I have also been able to discover that in nightmare difficulty you get the pages, in hell you get the tomes and then in inferno you get the Tome of Secrets. What I am looking for is areas where I...

Q: What's The Cheapest Way to Level inscription In World Of Warcraft?

pasiakentInscription is the newest profession in World of Warcraft.With Inscription you can make glyphs to use or sell for wow gold and give yourself some sweet shoulder enchants.What's the cheapest way to level inscription in world of warcraft?

Q: Diablo 3 - Monks and the effectiveness of 2-handed weapons

ExtrakunI am just starting a Monk build in Diablo 3, and notice that a dual-wielding setup or a weapon/shield combo is far more favorable than using a Daibo, due to the ability to equip more prefixes and faster attack speed. Are there any reasons to use a Daibo instead, besides the Spirit regeneration b...

Q: Compare item with follower

ThiefMasterEveryone knows the awesome "Stats changed if equipped" tooltip when hovering an item in your inventory. It is possible to enable such a comparison tooltip for items usable by your follower to see if it's an upgrade for him/her?

Q: +MF or +XP rings on followers

ThiefMasterWhen giving my follower a ring with + Magic Find or + Kill XP, will I benefit from it, too? I assume MF does affect me since a follower cannot loot anything but for XP I'm pretty unsure since followers do have their own XP bar.

Q: how to check how long a program/application has been running or has run?

simonIs it possible to set a timer for a running application and save that data somewhere global? I am doing some volunteer work in an internet cafe where kids are the main users and we would like to get them to do tux math for 10 minutes which they don't do because of the many distractions on the i...

@skovacs1 I wish it was Wednesdays. It's usually Fridays here.
I see you just killed the tag, @Wipqozn, haha
@FAE started to. GOing to do it in bursts of 10.
So... tag? Thoughts?
@FAE I assume you're looking at the pending edit too? :P
@Wipqozn Yeeeeeeeep.
Well the edit is wrong. Tag wikis should contain information on what the tag should be used for, which that doesn't.
I can't say I like the tag itself either.
My problem is that it's a general tag. Which just don't work on gaming.
@Wipqozn Seems to fall under @Oak's #6 group of tags, and we still don't really have a lot of consensus and input on that post yet. I fear we won't for a while, with D3 and all.
@FAE I think you and I should just delete it while no one else is looking.
Also, dup:
Q: +MF or +XP rings on followers

ThiefMasterWhen giving my follower a ring with + Magic Find or + Kill XP, will I benefit from it, too? I assume MF does affect me since a follower cannot loot anything but for XP I'm pretty unsure since followers do have their own XP bar.

@Wipqozn lol
A: Do I earn less experience or items if I have a follower?

SeanFollowers do not inherently affect monster HP/difficulty, experience (XP) share, or item/gold drops. They're designed to make single-player easier, and there is no statistical disadvantage for using them. They contribute 20% of their added Magic Find, Gold Find, and XP bonuses.1 2 3 4 And, like D...

2 gold badges, 2 silver and 3 gold from 1 question in 1 day :D
@fredley Wow
Q: Why is 80 characters the 'standard' limit for code width?

fredleySpecifically, why 80 and not 79, 81 or 100? What is the origin of this particular value?

Pity I didn't wait a week, then it would have been a $50 prize too!
@fredley 103 upvotes in a day, holy crap
@FAE And over 10,000 views
Damn you rep cap, damn you to hell
@fredley VTC as Bitter I didn't think of this question first
@Wipqozn I'm amazed it hasn't been asked before
@Wipqozn lmao

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