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yeah, sci-fi on TV is pretty slim pickings
I watched the first couple of seasons of heroes, but god that show went downhill fast
@Fredy31 I haven't seen you in over a week! hugs
@LessPop_MoreFizz So...I have basically exhausted all the sci-fi shows the entire world has created? That is fairly sad.
I've missed your crashing messages.
@agent86 Yup. Season 1, awesome. Everything from there, downhill.
whoa, nice job on the css skinning at reddit.com/r/diablo3
pretty much all I'll make time for anymore is doctor who
@fbueckert Watch Twin Peaks! The Wire! Broaden your horizons!
@Jin so when are we getting an epic diablo 3 reskin?
we are behind the times.
I think you should start on this immediately, and finish in the next few hours.
Honestly, really, 100% serious, if what you want is awesome long narrative arcs with awesome action and character, WATCH THE WIRE. No, it's not Sci-fi. Give it 2 hours, you won't care.
I'll call the bacon delivery team
fresh gaming..
@fbueckert, watch sherlock if you liked doctor who. can't remember if you'd said you'd already seen it.
@agent86 THAT, I'll have to test out.
The Wire is the greatest and possibly most important show in the history of television. I am not alone in expressing this sentiment, but nonetheless, I WILL FIGHT YOU if you try to argue the point with me.
Hey, the site looks different
That said, I'll give the Wire a shot.
Gaming.se Diablo3 contest is officially live: gaming.stackexchange.com
@agent86 @Jin works at +50% attack speed!
let the flood of questions begin :)
And may the odds be EVER in your favor
@Jin Very badass, Jin, not that we expected anything less. :)
@FAE i was gonna do more for the site takeover design, but had some html restrictions...
@Jin I kind of would've like to see more on the sides, like we had for MW3 vs. Skyrim, but it still looks cool
@Jin Wow, why is the entire site Diablo3 now...
@FAE oh there are some stuff that was supposed to be on the sides, but didn't make it with this build. there will be more after the next build
Bloody hell, the game comes out tonight? I thought I had another week!
@GnomeSlice it's a site takeover, like the ME3 one
@Jin Oh cool
@Jin =[
@GnomeSlice are you not going to play D3???
@Jin ...No?
Q: How can I reach the secret area in Diablo III?

OakThere's information that there's a secret level in Diablo III, similar to Diablo II's "Secret Cow Level". How can I reach that secret area in Diablo III?

@Jin I'm not either!
The game isn't even out yet. :(
@FAE Nor I.
@Brant it's been out for hours
Funnily enough, looking at the prizes my motivation to win is down a little. I think I am going to shoot for a mouse and be happy.
Though the t-shirt looks pretty cool.
Who has the handsome devil that designed this new site for us?
Isn't it midnight tonight?
Ergh, the site search feature sucks eggs
70 posts for a $250 monitor? That's much more work for much less prize compared to ME3Missions, n'est-ce pas?
@GnomeSlice yeeeeep
@MarkTrapp Wondering if they bumped it because of the # of people who managed to get TVs
@MarkTrapp 10 posts if they're quality.
@FAE Perhaps. It's double the posts for half the prize
@MarkTrapp the ME3 promotion was just too expensive :)
Oh my, the site
@FAE See if you can find a question about moving steam game files to a new PC using the site search feature.
@MarkTrapp Also the # of questions you can eke out of D3 is greater than ME3, IMO
@StrixVaria Oh, I read it as 70 posts 1 score or higher, 10 of which have to have a score of 10
@MarkTrapp it's not a guarantee either - I think the rules say 25% of the people at each tier will qualify.
> 25% of the total number of people who complete each Act will win prizes, up to the following limits: 50 for Act 1, 20 for Act 2, 15 for Act 3, and 10 for Act 4.
@MarkTrapp Oh hm. I assumed it was an OR because 70 posts seemed stupid.
@GnomeSlice I get a headache whenever I try to search the steam tag, so I think I'll pass :P
I might be wrong though.
@StrixVaria I don't think it's supposed to be an or
I think it's supposed to be "do all the following"
from what I understand, the bar was set far higher based on the outcome of the ME3 promo
@Wipqozn Oh, I used Google a long time ago.
Took you a while, hmm?
@GnomeSlice no. I just wasn't paying attention to chat.
That said, I agree with you the sites search is pretty terrible.
Well, only 20 hours to go before I can play D3.
We were discussing it in chat, and there's some confusion about the requirements for each act: are they a choice, or do you have to do all of them? Like, for the last act, do you need 70 1-score posts or 10 10-score posts, or is it that you need 70 1+-score posts, 10 of which need to have 10-score or higher? — Mark Trapp 11 secs ago
And now we play the waiting game.
@MarkTrapp Yeah seeing what the top reward is I am no longer all that keen to compete. I just want to pass the Grant stuff so I can be in the running for the next one, which I hope will contain Borderlands 2 :D
@MarkTrapp all of them
@Oak That's the way I read it, but that @StrixVaria over there planted the seed of doubt. He's a regular serpent in the garden of eden that one
@James I'm sitting it out too; prizes don't interest me. Relieved, too: not a great time to pull another Skyrim
I'm not going to be striving for rewards for this contest, but I'm also going to answer any questions I know the answer to.
I won't be avoiding rewards.
@James The prizes were also meh to me too, considering the cost limit ($250). Since I didn't win the grant either I'll be taking this one slow.
us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/4926494400 doesn't seem the asian 'n eu launches were smooth..
I mostly just want to play the game :P
Logged in. Finally. Later, yanks!
@Jin "In Korea, GMs have a thread going to manually flag digital accounts to allow them to play." That suuuuuucks
@Jin "The technology isn't there yet" :P
maybe i should just go to sleep tonight...
You must complete all the requirements listed under each Act. Don't want to make it too easy for you! :-) — Lauren 1 min ago
@MarkTrapp @Resorath Haha, I can completely understand.. I will still be active though, just not at what were the insane ME3 competitive levels :D
So there you go, 70 posts
@MarkTrapp Do they have to make some of them crappy so they stay at 1 vote? :)
Oh crap: I read it as combined, but is it actually 110 posts? :P
@Jin well that sucks. I took tomorrow off, I hope I can play
So has everyone who won the gaming giveaway been notified already? Coz if so I guess I won't be participating in this contest.
@MrSmooth the names were announced on the meta thread
@MarkTrapp 70 posts is already overkill.
> Hopfully they can resolve this before tomorrow, Unfortunatly the game does not really go live in my timezone till 3AM (which is bullsh*t, cuz asia didnt have to wait on US time zones, but us has to wait on other time zones.)
the gaming grant meta thread
@MrSmooth You won
Lol. Boohoo, you have to wait another few hours...
Q: Game Giveaway Round 3 - Diablo 3, Max Payne 3, and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier!

LaurenThe deadline for applying to this game grant has now passed. The winners for this round are: Shinrai Fluttershy tiddy Mana James EBongo Mr. November Ullallulloo Axiom Ivo Flipse Stephen Arremer Kappei Mr Smooth Ampersand Decency ayckoster Brant cowgod Cort Congratulations to our winners, a...

@Wipqozn numbers were adjusted from the ME3 grant results
@MrSmooth you did win
@badp Did anyone hit 70+ posts for ME?
Haha, I checked that thread fairly recently and there was no change, guess I should have checked again before I posted here.
Sweet as
I know a bunch of people got the TVs, but that was because he reqs. were way too low.
I'm actually very surprised that they took out the sharing requirement for the contest
Time to ignore the diablo 3 tag
@FAE It was undoubtedly lame to force people to share :)
@Wipqozn As of today, only three people have 70+ answers in ME3.
The prize isn't that big either compared to the TV
I guess they went overbudget last time
@MarkTrapp Oh, if Diablo 3 turns out to be the same that's good then.
@Resorath Nope. The TV was a SRP of $600
Stop adding this tag.
~3 people is probably what they were aiming for.
@GnomeSlice Why?
@Wipqozn It's dumb.
You don't need it.
Q: Should we allow tags for a specific class in RPG games?

MBraedleyBrowsing the site today, I came across this question, which was unique in Diablo 3 in that it is the only question with a secondary tag for the player class. Taking guidance from this meta question, it seems that these types of tags shouldn't be allowed. Additionally, while I've seen many class...

Meta disagrees.
@badp Why so? It was a pretty decent way to encourage promotion.
@FAE I dunno about you but when I do write an answer that's awesome enough I want to share it naturally :)
@badp That's true, but I think it encouraged a lot of users to share when they normally wouldn't, which helps us get more eyes on the site.
also it means less tweets about stuff I can't play in my twitter :P
I god I went to the battletag service on battle.net and was sent to the korean login page
Can someone confirm to me or not if build specific gear type can come from different locations?
Q: Diablo 3 Acts and Gems - Battle the Lord of Destruction with us and earn awesome prizes

LaurenAfter nearly 4 years of anticipation, Blizzard has finally released the third installment in the Diablo franchise. The heroes who saved the world in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, have since gone mad. It is up to you, a new generation of heroes, to battle the forces of evil threatening Sanctuary...

Q: How can I reach the secret level in Diablo III?

OakThere's information that there's a secret level in Diablo III, similar to Diablo II's "Secret Cow Level". How can I reach that secret area in Diablo III?

Q: What do the numbers mean on the passive skills section of the skill calculator?

agent86On the Official Blizzard Diablo 3 Skill Calculator (whew), there's a set of different things I can choose to be my skills. At the bottom of this page, there's a set of "Passive Skills" - with "10" "20" and "30" listed in the slots. What do these numbers mean? Does it matter which passive ski...

Q: When does a Hungry Corpse become a Hungry Torso?

OakWhen killing a Hungry Corpse, it sometimes spawns a fresh Hungry Torso monster. When does that happen (I want to be prepared), and is there any way to prevent it from happening?

Q: What skills/runes can I use to maximize my monk's single/AOE DPS?

ManaI'm trying to focus my monk on dealing out as much damage as quickly as possible to plow through the more difficult enemies. Ignoring equipment and the bonuses they grant, what combination of skills and runes will give my monk character the highest possible damage per second in Single target co...

Q: How does the 3-attack sequence work with multiple skills?

OakThe Monk’s primary skills follow a certain sequence of hits, in which every third hit behaves differently. How does the “hit-tracking” for these skills work with multiple skills? Specifically, if I attack with primary skill A, then primary skill B (with elective mode), and then A again, will th...

Q: What increases a Wizard's arcane power regeneration?

ResorathArcane power, the resource for the Wizard's non-signature spells generates rapidly on its own, however on Diablo Wiki, it is stated that arcane power Regeneration over time (can be boosted by items, skills, and passives). What item attributes, skill and/or passives boost this regeneration?

Q: Where does the best gear in Diablo 3 come from? Player Crafted/Augmented or Loot Drops?

JamesQuite a simple question. With the crafting system will players be able to create the best items in the game or do we have to farm the bosses to get the legendary pieces?

Q: Do different weapon types have different reach?

OakDo different weapon types have different reach? e.g. if I use a regular attack with a polearm, will I be able to strike enemies further away than if I use a regular attack with a dagger? And if so, what is the reach range of each weapon?

Q: Does modifying my weapon view to left-handed change how other players see me?

Cronos DageDoes setting my weapon view in Valve's first-person shooter game Counter-Strike: Source to "left-handed"(in first person it puts your weapon on the left side of the screen) change how other players see me? Will it change how my gun is held in third person mode? Is it only clientside?

ie: can I craft the best DPS gear but have to loot for the best support gear?
It begins.
Jesus Christ, somebody ban @Lazers.
and this time around it's going to burn a little more since I wouldn't have minded to get some of this action, it'll be a feat if I can get the +5 answer with just my open beta experience.
It would seem really asinine for Blizzard to have done that but apparently that is the case from the 3 down votes I got on my question comparing crafted vs loot-drop gear.
@GnomeSlice stars.
very well then, if so you desire :-}
@GnomeSlice Yeah that is a good idea actually
@badp Yeah, I only have that as well and I don't think I'll be trying to answer anything based on that alone, I don't feel it would be a very good idea.
@badp Please don't :(
@Lazers @James This is not a good question for SE. Ask something specific.
badp has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
I actually find @Lazers really useful at a time like this. It allows me to ignore the tag on the main site, but still keep an eye on all the new questions coming in.
@LessPopMoreFizz you earned a gem already?
too late! Enjoy your clicking dismiss!
IT might disrupt chat, but only every 30 minutes or so.
@Wipqozn Hey I did this for ME3.
@MarkTrapp I am already rewording it, since the first -1
Wow, what do we think of this edit guys? gaming.stackexchange.com/suggested-edits/4638
@Jin I got a Perfect Topaz!
He added... a lot of stuff....
But I am trying to see if I want to limit it to my class or if I can still word it as such to not be specific to barbarians
@GnomeSlice Reject.
Hence me asking that question up there
Edits aren't meant to completely re-do an answer.
but it seems @Mana isnt reading chat right now to answer :)
I'm here
Rejecting for 'radical change' then.
@Wipqozn it's an answer, not a question
Okay this contest is based on the beta right now until tomorrow for me so I'm going home.
If I have the D3 beta installed, can I patch up to retail or do I have to get the whole shebang again?
@Brant latter
@badp @Wipqozn Why he didn't just post that as an answer is beyond me. I hate to see all his work go to waste though...
@Mana My assumption, and your remarks, seem to coincide that the best gear is one or the other, not a cross over.. Is there anything elsewhere that shows you can craft the best support gear but find the best DPS as loot drops?
Woo! Over 1K! Now an established user!
@GnomeSlice You could ping him on the answer he made the suggested edit.
@GnomeSlice because it's not a complete answer?
@fbueckert Congrats!
I am trying to reword my question and want t oknow if I can make i generic enough to answer most gear questions as opposed to just a specific one for a DPS Barbarian
@badp No, but it adds information the other answer does not.
Damn. I could use a new monitor.
is it still a complete answer that can stand on its own?
@RavenDreamer To go with your TV? :P
A: What determines the health of Witch Doctor minions?

KarthasThe only part of the Summoned creature's who's scaling is /visible/ is the damage they do while attacking. For the dogs, this is 15% weapon damage. HP scales upwards as you level up and get better gear (even if they don't display in detail how they scale), but any details about what specifically...

@badp I honestly do not feel like crafting a question for every class if there is a general 'For DPS Craft your gear, for support loot it'
Way to downvote someone for having the word 'speculation' in his answer, guys.
@James why are you telling that to me
@GnomeSlice Again, I can spend my downvotes as I please. It's a bad answer whether it has that word or not.
On the other hand, I've yet to download a single gigabyte of diablo III, so I may have to play "catch up".
@StrixVaria It is?
@badp Oh, I thought your 'can it stand on its own' was directed at me :)
downvotes StrixVaria
@StrixVaria nearly spit out my drink
That kind of attitude really isn't constructive...
@GnomeSlice Neither was yours.
I can't tell if Strix is being sarcastic or not.
I understand your point, but your wording was very "hostile".
@Wipqozn I was just going from the comments, after reading his answer. It's not a speculative answer.
@GnomeSlice I disagree
> I can only assume that the HP scales upwards as you level up and get better gear (even if they don't display in detail how they scale).
I'm guessing you didn't see the original version of the answer.
Skimmed it, but missed that.
The other half of the answer isn't related to the question.
He just edited it after strix made his comment.
Is that better or does it need more tweaking? (LImited it to DPS vs class)
and Sustainable DPS not Burst DPS.
I think a better version would be: Is the DPS of randomly generated loot comparable to that DPS of crafted loot?
@Wipqozn Yeah but like @Mana mentioned its not just the DPS rating of the weapon that comes into play?
Who rejected the tag-wiki suggestion for ?
@James Oh, I thought that's all you were looking for.
@GnomeSlice Link to suggestion?
I am actually looking for sustainable DPS. I was making the question more generic in hopes of getting a general answer but that failed :)
I meant the excerpt, actually.
I like to just keep moving forward, I dont want to have to stop and wait
> Rejected by Mark Trapp
you'd have to ask @mark
also, I hate the map tag.
It's a crap tag that shouldn't exist and the excerpt did nothing to make it not crap
Pretty self-explanatory
skips past all the Diablo 3 ads on youtube
Someone's idly adding excerpts to get a badge
permission granted?
I made such a good argument too.
Permission from @JuanManuel?! What more do I need!
@Wipqozn You spelled the tag wrong.
@Wipqozn you need permission from a more respectable mod
@JuanManuel Oh, I'll guess I'll ask a mod from another site then.
Woo, Zombie Fortresses Multiplayer update is out in KaG!
Aww... somebody edited "North America" to "The Americas" because of my comment [in the battle tags list]
Doesn't it include Oceania, Australia, and South America?
the set of things on my porch does not contain the box with the key for the game diablo 3 :(
@MarkTrapp Whenever I see the word OCeania I think of 1984.
damn you, antiquated distribution model!
I dunno... I had it linked here: us.battle.net/support/en/article/…
Queued? Well that's….worrying.
@agent86 Clearly you should sell your new born child for a copy.
@Wipqozn I'd need to throw in one of the older ones. they give you cash by weight for kids these days, and it's not a lot. plus, she's tiny.
Now I feel included
I don't think the wife would authorize two kids for diablo 3
one? maybe. two? right out.
@agent86 but then she'd have more time to play DiABLO 3!
@Wipqozn Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. And Azmodan.
I must leave you guys with your demons
I don't get to enjoy watching your outrage for slide-down Lazers so I'll just restore him to its natural proportions
@RavenDreamer Nice job on the crafting question
not a good day overall :P
oh well. Nite peeps
@Mana I am not going to be able to play the game for years, but damn it all if I can't format some mighty-fine answers in the meanwhile.
What's with all the non-hardcore D3? Wimps!
@StackExchange yay, he's back!
@Sterno You're so hardcore.
Which reminds me, I should go get killed in DayZ
Personally, if I were to every buy D3 my first play through would be non-hardcore, but I'd do a hardcore one directly afterwards.
I don't think you can do hardcore on your first playthrough
@Sterno I was playing today. So fun <3
Pretty sure you have to beat it first
Argh stupid rep cap!!!
@Sterno You have to wait until level 10
Q: How can I give items to a friend in my party?

Juan ManuelI know item drops are unique to players, and whatever drops drops for your eyes only. However, I was able to drop an item from my inventory and a friend saw it and picked it up. Does this confirm that whatever I drop is no longer for me only? Do I have to be aware that people in my party can "st...

Q: How much gold does it take to unlock all crafting recipes?

BeofettHow much gold does it take to level up each crafting NPC? If I want to unlock all recipes, how much gold will it cost me?

Q: What are the special abilities the unique/champion monsters can have?

BeofettUnique and champion monsters will have a combination of randomly determined affixes/abilities, such as "nightmarish" or "waller". What are all of the possible abilities?

Q: Can we burn the map tag?

WipqoznI don't see any value in the maps tag. Permission to destroy it?

Q: What are all the different weapon colours and their meanings in Diablo III?

Cronos DageWhat do the colours of weapon names and their effects generally mean?

Q: How do I get better gems?

Mr SmoothSo I found this gem, it's cool and all, but it just doesn't have that oomph I'm looking for. How can I upgrade it? Or failing that, what can I do with it that will help me to get a more powerful gem?

Q: How does the Nephalem Valor buff work?

BeofettAt level 60, the Nephalem Valor buff kicks in. Killing champion packs increase the effect, which gives a boost to gold and magic find, and increases the number of drops from bosses. How many stacks can you get? What causes you to lose stacks? How much gold find and magic find does each stack g...

@Wipqozn I got WTFPWNED by a zombie attacking me through a wall earlier
so yeah, you can't do it with your first playthrough
I've been meaning to return to playing withi the last 50 minutes, but too distracted by all these wonderful people.
Holy jeez...
Wasn't @Lazers neutered? It's regenerating!
@fbueckert Thanks so much for your work on the monk question.
@Sterno MY last death was when I was in a town and shot a player in the back off he finished after a small hoard of zombies. Only to then be attacked by a hoard of 30+ zombies... I actually manage to live for awhile, but eventually... I died :(
A: What skills/runes can I use to maximize my monk's single/AOE DPS?

fbueckertUsing the Skill Calculator, here's what I came up with. I've broken it up at every ten levels, to try to limit what's available. Level 10: Skills Fists of Thunder with Thunderclap rune; fastest single target attack, with teleport to speed up travel time, too. Lashing Tail Kick with Vultur...

this is a great answer.
Side note: the mothership looks really out of place with the Diablo3 skin.
@Wipqozn I died when AFK'ing for a minute to get some potatoes out of the oven. Came back and someone was shooting me.
@Sterno That sucks.
My most upsetting death was when I went through a town, avoided contact with all people and zombies. Found a winchester, a M11191, an alice pack, and completely filledmy inventory with supplies. only to then lag out as soon as I leave and die :(
Clicking? Really?
stern look
Wow, this game gets really dark at night
who's in?
@Mana No problem. It's going to be fairly subjective, though; there's not enough data to point at any single build and say, "This is the best build"

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