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@RavenDreamer <.< I like melee.
@RavenDreamer I add a row to make sure @Blem stay away ...

jk @Blem <3
I already got new profile pictures in SC2 :)
"The lonely region" uahUUAH
@Blem Now now, I'm sure once we add an asian user to the list, Asia will be far lonelier than Euripe.
EU the more hardcore region ^^
@RavenDreamer It does have "auras".
btw I brought store.razerzone.com/store/razerusa/en_US/pd/productID.169418100 just for D3 (ok, not only for d3...)
Monk plays like a D2 Melee-sassin with D2 Paladin passives.
I need to buy a new mouse. My old one died :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz He's got some healing and lots of holy damage too.
He's very Paladin-y.
@StrixVaria eh, holy damage is more flavor and isn't really a part of it. But yeah, amend my prior statement to 'D2 melee-sassin on offense. D2 Paladin on defense.'
@StrixVaria yeah, but then you make the holy damage fire or water or whatever with runes
So, hypothetically speaking, would it be bad form (for someone completely new to the community) to solicit an up vote on a mediocre Diablo answer to push it from 4 to 5? : )
@Blem When I played WoW, I was looking forward for this one. But now, I enjoy more the flexibility that mamba provides (I sound like someone who's selling it o.O")
@JamesCW for purposes of winning a contest?
Or for purposes of qualifying for a contest
For purposes of qualifying for a contest : ) seeing how as if I don't win it, I can't get it.
Not sure I'd ever spend 100+ dollars on a mouse
@RavenDreamer You're SOOOOOOOOOO mean...
How is that mean? lol
@JamesCW I believe you need more 150 rep o.O
@MichelAyres There is no reputation requirement for that contest
@MichelAyres For the Grant, yes, but the mini-contest just goes by question and answer scores
@badp Ahh ok, but usually is 300, so 150 missing (or 50 if is 200) either way, is not 1 up-vote. lol
@MichelAyres but not in this case
@badp Talking about d2,d1,d-series contest?
@JamesCW Hypothetically yes. But since you were the victim of what appeared to be a strategic downvote, I don't feel too bad counteracting that.
@bwarner Much obliged
Does Diablo 3 have cosmetic armor?
I've also tried to be prolific with my upvotes for others with Diablo/diablo2 related Q's and A's. Which I suppose is bad strategy, but shrug
Q: Is C3 (Command Control Communicate) a viable gaiming VOIP chat?

NickI was trudging around Google to discover the best deal on a potential VOIP solutions. I stumbled upon something i've never seen before.. C3 http://www.downloadc3.com/ Has anyone used this application? Is it reliable? Does it add any viable improvements over existing tools? (TS Mumble Vent etc.)

Q: Transferring Old Xbox HDD to new Xbox (No transfer Cable)

David26thmy old Xbox RRoD'd on me so I've gone out Xbox hunting. I've got a new Slimline 250gb Xbox, I'm trying to get the data off my old drive on to it. I've got the old drive hooked up in a SATA Caddy so I can access it through Xplorer on my PC. I've made an image of the drive, but I'm not sure if/wh...

@JamesCW http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=much%20obliged
"... it could be extended to mean that the person that says "Much obliged" now owes the other a favor. ..." Now you own @bwarner a favor
@RavenDreamer No, but it does have armor dyes (including a dye that makes armor invisible).
@RavenDreamer There are dyes.
@MichelAyres That sounds about right
@bwarner Oh, good. Because I've always wanted to fight monsters while naked.
Anyone up for a game of Settlers of Catan?
@RavenDreamer I'm guessing that will be the most valuable of all the dyes.
@RavenDreamer o.O""""""""""""""""""""

So I imagine that for the next week or so all my videogame discussioning will have to happen on reddit :P
@RavenDreamer Now I made an image of you fighting demons naked.... OGW!
@RavenDreamer But that dye is only available on the hidden "Exhibitionist" server
@RavenDreamer Back when I used to play WoW my guild would do naked raids (or sometimes just pantless raids)
@MichelAyres I can picture this. But sharks usually don't wear clothing, so... Meh.
@Fluttershy he changed the shark gravatar...
@Beofett ...and in the game?
@RavenDreamer In the game we were drunk.
@MichelAyres He'll always be a shark in my eyes.
Or did I have that backwards...?
@Beofett Nice answer!!
@Fluttershy Well, I'm sorry you have a shark stuck in your eyes.
@RavenDreamer It's not so bad.
@JuanManuel +1 for "America(continent)"
@JuanManuel that's not... a region.
@badp To avoid Diablo 3 spoilers? Or just to avoid Diablo 3 discussion in general?
@bwarner It's not so much 'avoid' as it is 'discuss anything else' :P
just kidding just kidding
Who's Keith Causin??
@MichelAyres LessPop
@MichelAyres Lesspop, duh
@badp I'm sure you can still invoke Wipq's law.
@bwarner Not since Powerlord left
You know what Diablo 3 has a lot of?
You know what else has Hats?
@RavenDreamer See?
Q: Building a gaming cabinet/machine

C-dizzleI'm currently setting up a gaming room in my house and was wondering if anyone has set up some sort of MAME machine or other emulating machine. I wanted to build an actually cabinet of sorts to look like an old arcade machine. I have a good computer to handle the emulation and roms, but needing o...

@RavenDreamer But those hats aren't just about the looks! It's like cheating!
Is there really anything about a game like Diablo to spoil as it were?
@LessPop_MoreFizz There's still a plot.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Some people are pretty into the lore
@LessPop_MoreFizz There's the spoils of war
To be fair, Blizzard puts a lot of effort into their lore and worldbuilding
@LessPop_MoreFizz Stay a while, and listen...
If we're about to start spouting spoilers about the game I'll just leave the chat until I'm done with Normal.
So give me a heads up.
I figured those were the whole point
@StrixVaria Deckard Cain is Wirt's father!
Diablo III's Diablo looks very effeminate. Leah has been introduced as a new female character.
Hmmm. Wonder if those two are related.
26 rep from 1K!
(honest speculation on my part)
@FAE Worldbuilding... yes. Actually plot of their games...? lol
I heard Snape killed Deckard Cain
@fbueckert I've done what I can :P
Folks ain't playin' starcraft for its plot.
@RavenDreamer That's why I didn't say "plot," just lore and worldbuilding >>
@FAE Chetou.
@IanPugsley You're the reason I'm as close as I am. :P Much appreciated.
I wish to know who is/was Cain's wife
@MichelAyres Who says he is married? Leah isn't his daughter.
@MichelAyres did they say Cain had a wife? Leah is his niece, right?
but Wirt's is not son of Cain?

@fbueckert 308rep to 3k so I can close/open questions (vote)
@IanPugsley correct
@MichelAyres That was a joke.
@bwarner shame on me >.<"
@bwarner Cannot not read this as EDI.
@RavenDreamer So since Adria probably isn't related to Deckard, that means her husband was Deckard's brother?
@IanPugsley Haha, someone had altered the SS real quick while I was looking at it then put it back :D
I have no clue
Time to purchase D3.
For reals.
@RavenDreamer Heh, you've been holding out? You were considering letting someone else win a contest?
@RavenDreamer You didn't buy it yet?
Following this, could I say that @Mana is the most up-voter (nice person) in GSE?
@MichelAyres Only 78 down votes? That is an irresponsible lack of criticism.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How can you see upvotes and downvotes?
@GnomeSlice On the user page.
Europa, the Moon of Jupiter.
3361 votes"

How can I see Down-vote
^ Ball so hard.
@MichelAyres don't bother with LPMF, he overflowed the downvote counter long ago.
A: A vassal declares war on my heir. What to do?

Rodolfothat's the cool thing about CK2, its setting is the middle ages, the power of the king wasn't like it would be in later years. The king was there more or less to keep a unified front against other countries, but internally, he had little power. Until (or if) you raise crown authority to high or m...

LOL @LessPopMoreFizz
^ Someone else look at this. ^
@LessPop_MoreFizz The hell is that number?
@GnomeSlice I'll look at yours if you look at mine.
@Fluttershy It's not mine. And no.
@Blem kotaku.com/5909776/… (Just FYI)
@GnomeSlice Reputation this month.
@GnomeSlice Note that us ballers are on page 416 of the top users by Reputation list.
@LessPop_MoreFizz give it five days
@LessPopMoreFizz this doesn't mean you only down-vote, you can have being down-voted (a lot?)
@MichelAyres He awarded a bounty is my guess.
Or at least set up a bounty.
@StrixVaria Several!
@StrixVaria true, bounty also counts as down-vote score
Hey, @SadlyNot is back!
@GnomeSlice And asking a terrible question!
@StrixVaria Terrible?
Less Pop More Fizz = LPMF = Little Ponies My Friends

I want to make an answer for this comment, but no-clue how...
@badp I lol'd.
has anyone here played yet? I think @sterno had started, yeah?
wondering if the only method of movement in this game is mouse clicks
I guess that might be a beta-question as well
@agent86 Diablo 3? Yes it is
@agent86 D3? You can bind "Move" to a keyboard key if you want.
@StrixVaria What's terrible about it? It seems okay to me.
unless you plug in a controller perhaps
That way you can move around without accidentally attacking.
@MichelAyres He claims it is fully documented on the blizzard website. if so, he should be able to provide a link or two.
@StrixVaria oh really? That could've been useful
I had 'V' set to move for that purpose. It's not bound by default.
oh wait, I thought you meant 'WASD' style moving
It moves to wherever the mouse is pointing. There's definitely no WASD movement.
@badp No, it's just to avoid attacking due to clicking to move.
@StrixVaria :(
@StrixVaria well I guess that's still 80% less clicking
@agent86 It's actually not too bad.
You also don't have to continually click to move.
You can click and hold.
@James Thx for the heads up but i already knew it :)
If you're holding down, then as you move the mouse around you will constantly adjust direction to be moving towards the pointer.
@StrixVaria Click and hold can also be used for attacking if you prefer not to develop carpal tunnel.
@JamesCW tks =)
I hope my old mac can run D3 + iTunes >.<
Q: Are there unique hardcore quests in Diablo 3?

Sadly NotI had the chance to play one hardcore character in Diablo 3, and I found a quest in the crypts that I haven't been able to find with normal characters. Are there quests unique to hardcore characters in Diablo 3 or are some quests simply very rare encounters?

@MichelAyres If you just want music while you play, I'd recommend getting a more light-weight player to use while running games.
I'd suggest Winyl, but it's Windows only.
@Lazers No, but I don't know a source off hand.
@Lazers Why is this getting downvotes?
Am I missing something?
@GnomeSlice I have no idea.
@StrixVaria yeah, the ability to move the movement off the mouse is OK, I suppose. my hand/wrist issues keep me from spending long hours repeatedly clicking
@agent86 "Started" just means I launched the game and saw the intro cutscene
@Sterno yeah, we've already concluded you are useless
I'm going to try to remap things so that 1-6 are my abilities, and mouse clicking is just for movement.
@RavenDreamer You will succeed.
It's pretty simple.
I'm going to use left/right click and QWER personally.
See, I don't like mouse click being used for everything but the kitchen sink.
I'm used to it from D2.
That is one of the reasons I have 'e' and 'shift' mapped to the same key in ME3, and use shift to sprint and e to activate.
Especially with Paladins, since the aura had to be on right click.
Which was stupid
@RavenDreamer Wait. Activate and sprint were the same button?
I would have done the same thing there.
Asking again just because I can: Would anyone like to play Settlers of Catan? >.>
@GnomeSlice nope, I need clear my mp3 list. I was doing it while playing lol, but they remove it from Mac =/
@Fluttershy I am up for it
@MichelAyres Sorry, I didn't actually understand that. What do you mean 'clear your mp3 list'?
@Blem If we can find one more, we've got ourselves a game.
@StrixVaria, if I bind another key to move, does clicking on things still move there? trying to avoid situations where I'm trying to attack at range but I end up throwing my squishy mage into the fray
@StrixVaria and the "take cover" button.
Use/ Cover/ Storm
(Storm is sprint)
@GnomeSlice ಠಿ_ಠ
@agent86 Use shift.
If you hold shift and click, you will force an attack instead of having the possibility of moving.
@StrixVaria shift can blow me :(
@agent86 That's what Shift is for. Holding shift prevents movement and makes you just attack.
Square Enix midweek sale over at Gamer'sGate. 75% off Just Cause 2 and DLC, Supreme Commander, Battlestations Pacific, and Lara Croft: Guardian of light and DLC.
I had shift held down almost 100% of the time when I was in combat as my WD.
@Fluttershy fourth character of that isn't supposed to be a box, is it.
Throwing jars of spiders onto enemies was silly.
Throwing them onto the ground between me and enemies made much more sense.
@GnomeSlice Nope... But the copy/paste got screwed up...
@GnomeSlice I have 1264 songs in my iTunes, but part of this was from my wife's iTunes (I was lazy to pick the one's I liked from her list, so I get them all). So... I'm removing all the songs that I don't like
I'd like it to be a toggle, personally. I can probably gin something up in AHK or similar
Shift is the "glue your feet to the ground" button.
@MichelAyres Ah, yes.
@MichelAyres All of the songs in my iTunes are from MLP or video games... >.>
@Fluttershy ......would you like me to expand your library a bit.
@GnomeSlice Only if it is free.
Pretty Lights gives away all of his stuff for free.
@GnomeSlice I will take a look.
Also @Blem I don't think we're gonna find a 3rd.
Gah. All this D3 talk is eroding my resolve to not buy the game.
@LessPop Should we add a field to the SUPER AWESOME D3 List noting who will be doing hardcore and who won't be?
^ One of my favourite Pretty Lights tracks. ^
@Fluttershy I have tons of Daft punk, red hot, Juno Reactor...
@Mana You are too slow.
@Mana Not worth it, I think. You find people then decide what you want to play.
@fbueckert just wait until we're all talking in acronyms and earning the l33t r3pz
@fbueckert Why on Earth would you not buy the game?
@agent86 If there's a site contest to win kewl lewt, I think that'll be the tipping point.
@Blem I found us a third!
@Fluttershy Hardcore = if your character dies, he's dead forever. Start over.
i just reinstalled java for my browser
@StrixVaria Because I wanna win it. And I have far too many games that need finishing already.
@StrixVaria I dont know about fbeuckert, but for me a baby + losing my wife's income as she stays at home means a lot less money for $60 games on release day
@Blem I'll be on mumble if you or @spugsley wanna get on
@Fluttershy I'll get on in a minute. I'm on the phone
Q: Are there unique hardcore quests in Diablo 3?

Sadly NotI had the chance to play one hardcore character in Diablo 3, and I found a quest in the crypts that I haven't been able to find with normal characters. Are there quests unique to hardcore characters in Diablo 3 or are some quests simply very rare encounters?

Why the downvotes?
@spugsley Okay.
@fbueckert do you not see the crazy III on gaming's main page?
@GnomeSlice Because I can spend my downvotes however I feel like without justifying them to you.

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