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It's obvious that the download page had a problem recognizing OS X.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Insult? Lack of information? I don't know where you're getting all this.
@agent86 Yes, because it's totally your operating systems fault that you have a shitty graphics card in your laptop.
@badp Yes, but none of Blizzards other download pages do. It's sloppy on their part.
I've always automatically gotten the Mac download when i wanted it for several years now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Just couple a different hardware make with your operative system :P
@LessPop_MoreFizz not insulting anything but my own hardware. and you. you are a terrible person.
Darn it, guys, stop jumping in front of my missiles.
@agent86 Well we all know that I'm a terrible person. Why don't you try saying something everyone doesn't know.
@badp There are macs with good graphics cards, and macs with bad ones. I've had some of both. Incidentally, there are PC's with good graphics cards, and PC's with bad ones. I've had some of both.
@LessPop_MoreFizz no, clearly there are no macs with good graphics cards or PCs with bad graphics cards. ergo, I win the internet, quid pro quo, caveat emptor, e plurbus unum. GOOD DAY SIR.
I think you missed "etc. etc. "
my poor macbook laughed when I tried to run Civ5. It runs Civ4 pretty well though
this laptop's got a quad core, but it's relatively slow (~1.something GHz)
@agent86 My old macbook choked on Neverwinter Nights.
(Not 2).
I passed the min reqs for D3 though
If you lived in Asia, you could be playing Diablo 3 right now.
So where are the questions!
Gotta get with the times...Windows 7 makes sure you always have good hardware by laughing at your meager hardware score until you feel like less of a man and shell out wads of cash to upgrade.
@badp Clearly everyone is waiting for the contest to start. You never know if they'll grandfather in questions asked before the ontest is announced officially.
@bwarner I read that as "Let's all go to @YiJiang's house"
Look to the ME3 contest
@TimStone Oy.
It didn't start till 6 hours after launch, and it grandfathered in everything since launch
Although I'm kind of disappointed that the contest is once again going right down to the wire with the actual launch.
Well, I have some questions I could start asking. I'm going to go get some lunch first though.
@bwarner Yeah, I kinda wish they'd pre-announce them on like... the friday before.
@bwarner Wouldn't those questions count for the second D3 giveaway opportunity?
well, I'm slowly installing now, despite my lack of a key
It's 12am here, I'm trying to finish this presentation, and y'all are talking about D3. Which I'm not getting. Brilliant.
Unless you've already won it in the first D3 giveaway opportunity...
@badp Presumably, but we're still waiting to see official rules.
I mean, now that I didn't get D3 in the effort-less giveaway I should consider getting D3 in the effort-ful giveaway but I'm afraid I'm all out of questions.
So have this instead.
@badp what is it?
A study for a T intersection for my future iteration of netherways (walkable paths in the nether for foot-powered high speed travel)
@badp Mother of God
I need to do a presentation on geoengineering. I asked a groupmate to research on the risk of the weaponization of geoengineering projects. He sent me crap like this:
> Few in the civil sector fully understand that geo-engineering is primarily a military science and has nothing to do with either cooling the planet or lowering carbon emissions.
@YiJiang That sounds remarkably unhelpful
↑ that intersection in the actual world
@badp I see that OpenTTD has been of use for you :P
@YiJiang boring train commutes are boring, but it's mostly a problem of building networks organically as you discover landmarks.
@AshleyNunn It is incredibly retarded. I'll dare him to read that to the class tomorrow
@YiJiang I think that would be a fair thing to do because holy crap. the words! they say nothing!
I need to make sure though that my one-way stairs don't actually damage the player
they're like this
@YiJiang He probably thinks he is a genius, so it probably won't have to be a dare.
The idea is that you can safely fall two but not climb
but if you have enough speed you might skip that step and fall three and take damage
Perhaps apply a touch of soul sand? Who knows!
@badp I am a minecraft idiot, why should they not be able to go back? Will the portal just disintigrate the player if they try to go back through?
@Emerica no, that's not a matter of portals
@badp I have barely got past minecarts 101. I die doing the most mundane things.
@YiJiang You're missing the other half of the equation where you can also join the... er... east track from... er... south and not just north
Ooh, they are releasing Pikmin 2 for the Wii as a Nintendo Selects title.
Yay for cheap awesomeness..
@Emerica It's even simpler than that
This then?
Q: Downloading the released Pre-downloader for Diablo 3, and then enter CD-key From hard Copy tomorrow

AxiconIf i use the released EU pre downloader they throw out on their site yesterday. will i be able to enter the CD-key from a Hard copy tomorrow and then just play using the installer from the pre download ?

@YiJiang Yeah, mine's a bit more contort
@AshleyNunn I think they're working on pikmin 3 also. Dunno if it's slated for the Wii-U at this point
@RavenDreamer I hope not - I dont have money for a new console!
@badp Wait, what? There's ANOTHER giveaway?
Apr 30 at 17:12, by agent86
A new mini-contest appears - Play D1 & D2 for a chance at prizes!
except winning the effort-less "fill in a form" giveaway doesn't mean you can't win this effort-ful giveaway, you'll just pick the mousepad or the book.
@badp Oh, that one. I thought there was going to be another contest after the game launched or something.
@AshleyNunn I wish Nintendo would stop making consoles too.
More chances to win = good.
@fbueckert There is definitely a full-fledged D3 contest coming, presumably similar to the ME3 one.
@badp OpenTTD wiki has simpler designs
@bwarner Yeah, but Diablo 3 isn't going to be the prize for a Diablo 3 contest right? right?
Go to Gaming.stackexchange
I shall refuse to open the other chat rooms and actually keep my chat a working :)
@RonanForman yeah - they kinda have an air of trying too hard
do you see that III on the main page in evil red and orange letters?
@badp No, it'll obviously be something much cooler. Like a life-size Diablo statue or something.
@AshleyNunn ...except they're making the most profit. XD
@YiJiang eh, I made it that way because the underground passages are kind of useless but I'm sure they're unnecessarily complex
I mean, my original design in this :P
@RavenDreamer Not on consoles, the 3DS was their first ever loss.
11 mins ago, by badp
user image
@RavenDreamer yeah but it just feels like they are doing pointlessly ridiculous things
so I think I had simple laid down pretty well there :P
Q: iOS Game Development

charithI'm an iOS app developer. But I dont have any gaming development experience and I'm excited to learn and start. Can anyone suggest from where I should start? When I search internt I find lot of buz words. Game engines(like Cocos2D), openGL, iOS GameCenter development etc. I'm confused. From where...

@RonanForman The 3DS is also the fastest selling handhold ever.
@RavenDreamer Kind of misses the point that they're having their lunch eaten by Apple though.
On a related note, I really wish my Vita was also a phone.
I tend to stick with Nintendo because they make the cute simpler games that I like and am actually not-sucky at
OK, the clock is ticking for other people to post an answer before I post my own. gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/66055/…
@AshleyNunn They're games are great, I just wish they'd focus on them.
@RonanForman That would be nice. That would make me very happy - because they do produce good games. They just, I think, got used to getting to be the innovators as well - and that isnt working as well for them anymore
But they can produce me all the Mario and Zelda and Kirby games forever and ever please
@Raven Clearly you haven't seen the sweet answer I'm planning to post...
@Fluttershy O.O :D
Finally got the installer to work. Now to wait ~3-4 days for my package from Amazon. >.>
@Fluttershy lol grats
@bwarner Hold on, let me get my ruler.
OK, times up.
@Fluttershy Reimbursement ftw
@Sterno Couldn't afford to buy my own copy to be reimbursed. =(
@Fluttershy Why no digital copy?
@OrigamiRobot Already submit my grant information before I learned Blizzard purchases could be gifted. >.>
@Fluttershy I'm sure a nice email could've changed that :/
I need 692 more rep! Get to work people!
@OrigamiRobot I didn't think about that...
@OrigamiRobot for what?
Rep for what? 10K?
@Fluttershy not Diablo 3
Not yet, anyway.
@AshleyNunn 10k
You can't gift a prepurchase.
@OrigamiRobot Oooh awesome
@RavenDreamer But you can gift a regular purchase of it? So like... tomorrow it could be gifted?
I am aware of the normal 200 rep limit, so give me all of your bounties
Q: How far is a yard on screen?

bwarnerSome skills, such as the Acid Rain version of Acid Cloud, reference ranges that are specified in yards. How can I figure out what this translates to on my screen?

Q: How do I "spot" enemies?

ResorathIn Tribes: Ascend, I constantly see other players "spot" enemies which displays a voiced message to the chat [Spotted] (type of enemy) spotted (area) and puts a marker on the actual enemy that was spotted (regardless if you or your base's sensors can see him). How do you "spot" enemies?

@Fluttershy You just need to go with the Penny Arcade Olive Garden solution
@Sterno O.O
I should know better than to open links in class....
@Sterno Psh... The closest Olive Garden is like 45 minutes away. It wouldn't be worth the gas.
@Sterno I didn't know working at the olive garden was so lucrative
Oh man. I totally left Progress Quest running while I was afk...
@Resorath Depends on the type of work I guess.
@Resorath It all depends how you're working it!
Need to decide what class I want to roll tonight
Torn between DH and Monk atm.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Monk is best!
That teleport-style skill is crazy
@LessPop_MoreFizz I would like to hereby lodge a formal complaint against your use of the word "roll" with regards to a character generation system that has no random element!
@Sterno Diablo characters are defined by their loot. Diablo loot is the very essence of random.
@Sterno Haha
@Sterno Clearly he meant "roll" as in "I prefer monk. That's the way I roll."
@bwarner I will allow him out on that technicality! calls off lawyers
@bwarner "I roll by punching the faces off of anything stupid enough to get in my way."
I want a green-skinned barbarian so that I can run around and yell "Barbarian Smash!"
Gonna be losing 1/2 my SOs to D3 this week >>
@AshleyNunn jeez more people need to support this kickstarter. $35! kickstarter.com/projects/joylabs/…
@FAE Surely as you're playing you'll lose all of them.
@Resorath "If something doesn't work, rub bananas on it."
@bwarner Thats my motto in life, I let them borrow it
@RonanForman I am not playing
@Fluttershy Dunno. It's not tomorrow yet.
@RonanForman She is being a lamer.
@FAE Oh that was about general game marathons, not actually for D3.
@FAE Surely it won't be that bad.
@RonanForman Well, true. Jochem was a ME widower for quite a while. <_<
@FAE She is taking the moral high ground. (I thik? i FORGET WHICH)
and good lord, why do I kieep hitting capslock? :(
@FAE Is he the friend from Montana?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, you mean the only thing differentiating my character from some 12 year old's is gear? ;-)
@RavenDreamer Jochem's the one I live with, I don't have any SOs in Montana.
@FAE Oh. Oh. I'm thinking Zam. Zamiel? Wherever he lives. Somewhere in the US.
@bwarner Honestly, DH does more rolling anyway.
Alright, the obligatory "You answered your own question too fast" downvotes have started rolling in.
I wish I had a D&D group these days...
@RavenDreamer Oh no, he is not one of my b/f's, just a good friend and also is not in Montana. Also it's Zamual, but he changed his display name to Doomy.
@FAE I knew the first, knew I was probably wrong about Montanna, and the third is good to know.
Gosh, @RavenDreamer, don't you know more than two things?
He is west coast time, though, right?
@RavenDreamer Nope, Central
@OrigamiRobot I know at least two things!
@FAE Ah, well.
@OrigamiRobot What? You want me to know two things?
@OrigamiRobot That's more than one thing! No deal.
So since nobody else voted to delete these, are we just going to go ahead an reopen them? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/65119/…
@bwarner I'm having trouble following your logic
Let me give you my delete vote... oh that's right, I can't
@bwarner The linked meta post specifies "non-beta" I don't think it ever applied
@bwarner No rep would be lost, and it was just needless clutter, so...
nukes the question
@Sterno The questions were fine, we just closed because the policy was supposed to be close and then delete for questions that couldn't be answered until release. But now that they are valid questions again, it seems weird to tell someone else they should ask that question again since we never deleted the first one.
@bwarner Aha! That does make sense.
Need more 10k users
23 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
I need 692 more rep! Get to work people!
Is anyone against migrating this question to SuperUser?
Link fail...
@bwarner I never got any...
@OrigamiRobot Clearly some people thought it did, or I really don't understand why that question was closed.
@bwarner I don't either. Why were so many other questions left open?
@badp I've gotten downvotes on all of the questions I've answered myself. Its not a big deal, I'm not doing it for the rep anyway, so people can feel free to take my rep.
@bwarner your answer is +6-0
...oh, downvotes on the question
@OrigamiRobot Because they could be answered by the beta. The ones that were closed were asked after the beta was done.
@badp Yep.
We also had questions about skills that weren't unlockable during beta.
When someone asks a question about a level 42 wizard ability, and the max level in beta is 13...
Which is exactly what @Raven just referred to.
@bwarner Personally, I think the questions shouldn't be asked until the game if available to everyone, but that's just me. I'm just thinking about consistency.
I see
FYI, The official site is now listing correct stats for all items.
recapturing the diablo magic
@bwarner There goes any pretense of productivity I'd have for the rest of the day :P
So, who's capable of making google docs spreadsheets look pretty and wants to make a listing for us to share battle tags and other similar D3 info?
@bwarner Something to do for the rest of the day at work until I'm off for the rest of the week!
My Spreadsheet Graphic Design Skills are incredibly weak.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Spreadsheet Graphic Design is incredibly weak.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I lack any such skills and am not volunteering, but I do think it's a good idea and I'd rather see an ugly version quickly than a pretty version way later
@badp Well yes, but in general it is a thing.
you can make google doc spreadsheets look pretty?
My nostalgia just exploded.
@StrixVaria ?
@StrixVaria knives are for sissies
Real men bash their enemies to pulp. They don't sling accursed magic at them.
@Sterno Okay, fine then, what info do we want on there. gaming.se username, battle tag, primary class being played, current difficulty being played?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I really only care about the first two. I think people will fail to regularly update the last two
OMG, I think I won the Diablo 3 grant thingy! :D
@Sterno The third one is relevant mainly to people like me trying to decide - even if people don't update it, it'd be handy to see 5 people are planning to play witch doctors and nobody is making a Wizard.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, this is important initially at least (for that reason)
@LessPop_MoreFizz True. Maybe I'm the only one who is going to have 5 different characters a week from now :)
I'm thinking Barb or Wizard first
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, server cluster (EU vs NA)
assuming that's a thing this time around
@Beofett more importantly, Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band is back
> The Stone of Jordan is far more valuable than its appearance would suggest. Men have given much to possess it.
Manald Heal and Nagelring are also back. How many people do you think are going to be too scared to sell those?
@Beofett lol, everyone
The last blank field is there if you want to add any Selling SoJ's, 5 dolla, variety comments that might be useful and/or relevant
Did this chat just make a really weird noise?
And feel free to add additional columns or whatever as needed.
@James No, but your mom did.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Haha, I wonder if that is the first your mom joke after Mother's Day yesterday :D
Are we gonna create any event based on Diablo3 (besides the one about the pre-release (d2,d1,d-series))
@MichelAyres There's almost certainly going to be a D3 contest.
@StrixVaria Saving tons of questions about it =P
Interesting... I'm seeing items that say One of 2 Magic Properties (varies), with the 2 magic properties being different ranges of values for the same stat (e.g. +150-169 Intelligence or +84-89 Intelligence). Almost like there's a "good" and "bad" version of the same item.
@Beofett example?
Is there a way to check my battletag without actually logging in to D3?
@Beofett interesting - looks like that, yeah
@Beofett the item get one of the 2 intelligence below in this case http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/tiklandian-visage

Or he will have **+72-81 Intelligence** or **+48-53 Intelligence**
@Sterno it is on your battle.net page
on the left when you select account under your name
@Beofett but always one of the two
@MichelAyres Yeah, but that seems an odd mechanic to implement. It works out that there will be different "classes" of the same item
Dang. Don't have my authenticator at work, can't check
I wonder if one is the "Inferno" version
or if it is purely random
I notice that Wizard Hats do not feature this, but several WD masks and Monk Stones do
@Beofett I'd assume it's probably random - the pseudo-randomness of items in D2 was definitely part of the appeal
and they've only gotten crazier by adding occasional entirely-random abilities
@Fluttershy The suspense is killing me. What class!??
@Beofett this is the ideia. you can see also that besides that random int attr this item, also provides one extra attr (and this extra attr could be int as well)
@IanPugsley Then why not just increase the range (e.g. "+84-169 Intelligence")?
@StrixVaria I have no cluuuuuue...
I madedededededed a Meta Post. Feel free to edit in all the stuff I was too lazy to write up.
Q: Panzer Corps, Stalingrad - a loss with victory conditions satisfied

Panzer GeneralI'm playing Panzer Corps campaign. For Stalingrad, "marginal victory" condition is to capture all objectives except three cities in Caucasus. I captured all objectives except Baku (furthest to the south) and got loss. This seems to be a bug. Maybe it has something to do with capturing some citi...

Q: Building a gaming cabinet/machine

C-dizzleI'm currently setting up a gaming room in my house and was wondering if anyone has set up some sort of MAME machine or other emulating machine. I wanted to build an actually cabinet of sorts to look like an old arcade machine. I have a good computer to handle the emulation and roms, but needing o...

Q: Are you playing Diablo 3? Why don't you play with us?

LessPop_MoreFizzBlah blah blah enormously hyped, blah blah persistant multiplayer yadda yadda battletag and built in chat client, I'm not going to bother boring you with things you already know. Instead, I'm just gonna put it out there: If you're going to be playing Diablo 3, and would like to play or chat wit...

I was a Paladin in Diablo 2.
@Beofett changes the averages
also increases the number of possible results
I think item links from battlenet need to one box :D
Who do we talk to about that?
well, my copy's installed, all hojillion gigabytes of it, now I just have to wait for the box so I can get the little piece of paper inside with the (maybe) 32-byte code and you know what? this system blows.
@Fluttershy You only used one class?
@agent86 You do not have a digital copy??
Well, in any case, if you still want to be a Paladin, then play as a Monk. They've got a lot of similarities.
@RavenDreamer You should play a monk.
And I will play a DH.
For justice and division of Reps.
somewhere in China, a box got assembled with a little plastic+metal disc and a few sheets of paper, then it was shipped across the pacific ocean where it waited in a warehouse for a week before a person came and put it in another box and a series of intelligent people carried it from place to place, before it finally will reach my home sometime in the next 48 hours (if I'm lucky).
@MichelAyres You're not playing in EU region?
All I know is I'ma play a Wizard in my solo play :P
all so I can read a few characters off a piece of paper and throw the whole damn thing away
@StrixVaria I'm from Brazil, why should I play in EU o.O?
@MichelAyres Whoa whoa whoa I always thought you were from France.
I almost copy and paste @RavenDreamer row
Where in the world did I get that idea?
@StrixVaria Paladin and Necromancer were the only two classes I used in Diablo 2.
@StrixVaria i'm learning french, so I can live in Montreal (CA)
Because English isn't his first language, you assume he's French?
@RavenDreamer "Michel" is a French name. I think it might have been from that.
@StrixVaria good safe...
I definitely don't assume French for everybody.
@LessPop_MoreFizz hokay
@MichelAyres where in Brazil are you from?
@RavenDreamer, @StrixVaria and I have the "same" name... but mine is original ... =P
@RavenDreamer Haha, nice!
@Blem Rio Grande do Sul (In english you can understand the meaning by reading "Big south's river", but you don't translate names) at moment
@MichelAyres I have been there once
I think
@Raven I filled in your #'s for you
@FAE Did... did you just change my battletag to the correct value? O.o
I have been at Iguazu
I did
@Blem =P
@Fluttershy Yellow+pink

You win ... that sparks in my eyes every time I open that SS >.<
wonders which one of you is Keith :)
LessPop is
@MichelAyres I wanted to match my gravatar.
You missed some green
wonders no more.
@RavenDreamer You ruined the mystery! :O
Take awkward moment when you read EU read I instead... (Eu = I in portuguese)
@Blem ಠ_ಠ How dare you play on Eu hours before the rest of us!
I wont
@James +1
Going to bed soon, got work tomorrow
@Blem suggest you move your name down so EU and NA regions will be visually separate
@Blem Oh, that sucks.. and wont stop the rest of us :D
@Fluttershy @RavenDreamer Your rows look all funky in the spreadsheet
@Sterno Is mine yellow and pink?
ROFL @IanPugsley Smells Like Poo
@StrixVaria So, for someone who played a necromancer/paladin in D2, what would you suggest?
@Blem You run away from me?
@Fluttershy Weetchdoctor
@Fluttershy yes
@Fluttershy If you liked Paladin, play as a Monk. If you liked Necromancer, play as a Witch Doctor.
Sooo far....
@StrixVaria Thanks. =D
@MichelAyres no, i just want to get to work early so i can go home early and play :)
@Fluttershy monk is nothing like paladin
Other than being melee
@James I'll be sure to keep this username in mind for my next username change

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