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@FAE True
I just got blindsided.
@fredley We will make such awesome bacon.
@Mana Ask @FAE about it. She'll ship most anything.
So if I'm pre-preparing food, who has pre-prepared food and frozen food recommendations that won't make me feel more like a sad, fat husk of a man than I already will after a three-day gaming marathon?
@Fluttershy My taste is more discerning than that, thank you very much.
@FAE I didn't say you'd ship anything. Just most anything.
@IanPugsley apples are cool
@IanPugsley Not possible, however if you're going to go down that route, Garlic Chicken Kievs will make it as smelly as humanly possible
@IanPugsley chicken nuggets and lasagna
I fried up a whole mess of chicken and baked a large lasagna in preparation for the baby
Installer is now unlocked. Where is our contest?
@IanPugsley Everyone
the less sticky-hands, stinky, or gassy it will make me, the better
@agent86 Did you put the chicken nuggets in the lasagna?
@Fluttershy that's next week when I call it chicken parm
@Fluttershy Sounds like something off Epic Meal Time...
@agent86 I can make a mean crock-pot chicken parm.
@Fluttershy this sounds tasty
@FAE It is amazing. The chicken just falls apart after slow cooking for 8 hours. Incredibly tender. =3 And it has a good flavor.
@Fluttershy we made crock pot stroganoff over the weekend as well.
@IanPugsley this
MAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa‌​aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan(a), I want to go home and play DayZ.
Only 3 more hours until I'm off work.
Unrelated to food, sort of: Has anyone received grant e-mails? >.>
@Fluttershy No.
@Fluttershy You won though.
It looks like the end of days outside my window today. Thunderstorms called all day long. Im going home to Skyrim
@RonanForman Oh yay! I just decided to be unlazy and look at the meta post for fear you were trolling me. >.>
Installer is unlocked? Cool, gonna go shower and head to the comp sci building to download everything using their bandwidth.
What game are you guys talking about? Hello Kitty Online Adventure?
I can't wait to jump into Max Payne 3!....in 3 weeks
Just enough time to create my character in Skyrim
@Fluttershy When have I ever trolled anyone?
@RonanForman I don't know. Did you see the hoodie that would be perfect for me, given the avatar you drew for my Ultra-Hardcore?
@Krazer oh man this is actually great
I think I might make a DayZ let's play.
@Fluttershy Nope.
@Wipqozn I really wish I could play this without spending $40
@IanPugsley $30
especially since I wanted Arma II before this came out
Buying both in steam gives $10 off
@Wipqozn still too much - I'll wait for the Summer sale and hope
@Fluttershy Nice.
What's DayZ?
@IanPugsley The servers are really over loaded now anyways.
@Mana The first real zombie survival game, and the best zombie game ever made.
@Wipqozn Better than Left 4 Dead?
@Fluttershy Better than Die2Nite?
It makes both those games look like trash.
I've never played Die2Nite though.
@Wipqozn better than Left4Die2Nite 2?
@Wipqozn If this is actually true I need to look into it because one of my friends is a huge zombie fan.
@agent86 Yes.
@Wipqozn NOWAI
Daily Reminder: I'm giving away literally every Valve game. Just let me know
@FAE It's true. Although it's a mod for Arma 2, and you need the base game + expansion to play ti ($30 on steam)
@tiddy I'll take one copy of HL3, plz
@agent86 Coming right up!
@agent86 Left4Die2NiteDead 2: Electric Boogaloo.
@tiddy Does this include L4D or L4D 2?
@agent86 If it starts off with a weird opening cinematic of a 28yr old man dancing in his underwear with a banana mic, it's COMPLETELY NORMAL
@Fluttershy Yeo
@Wipqozn can I chug an entire gallon of orange juice and ductape chainsaws to oars?
Hmm... no game grant for me. Now to decide if I want to spend money on D3.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No.
@tiddy What, seriously?
Yeah, seriously
Name your Valve Game
@tiddy I have nothing to offer in return, though if that is not important, I wouldn't mind either of those two...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes.
Like, totally seriously man. Like, totally.
Wait. No.
If LPMF gets D3 then that's less rep for me.
@StrixVaria Worried about contest competition? :P
flutter you want l4d2?
or 1
And less contest rewards! Good point!
@StrixVaria Do you really want to take time from playing D3 to ask questions?
@FAE What game you want
@tiddy Really either of them are fine with me. I loved them both. If I have to choose, I'd say 2.
@Wipqozn I'm going to be running in windowed no border mode with G.SE on my side monitor. There is no overhead.
I can farm rep while I farm demons.
@StrixVaria yo dawg, etc
@StrixVaria You're such a smart fellow ruffles hair
@tiddy I don't, I don't think there's any valve title I'm interested in that I don't already have. Very cool and generous of you though. :)
@StrixVaria soloing your first playthrough?
@IanPugsley Doesn't sound like it. I have RL friends who are like "YO YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE AWAKE AT 3AM WTF!??"
@FAE np. Yeah thats my problem. Everyone already owns Valve games ;)
@tiddy More like that's your plan!
@StrixVaria Well if you need a fourth, I'll be around (took 3 days off work)
@tiddy The only Valve game I own is TF2.. Because it is free. <.<
I want to solo my first playthrough, but I'll probably co-op with my wife. Which means a lot of time sitting around doing nothing while she manages her inventory. She's a packrat
You act all generous, but now that in reality you're only give away one or two. It's devious!
@IanPugsley I will keep you updated. We have at least 3. If there's an open slot I'll let you know.
@IanPugsley Won't you be playing with your wife?
@Wipqozn This game looks fun...
@Fluttershy I'll need your steam email
Anyone who did not choose Diablo 3 in the grant is a fool
@Fluttershy It's amazing.
The main overhead is going to be stopping in chat to exchange battle tags to find people to play with.
@OrigamiRobot Your mom's a fool. Burn.
@Wipqozn good point - @Sterno, if you and your lady want a 3rd and 4th, @spugsley and I could possibly do it
Actually, no. Your mother can't be a fool if she raised a child who wears a top hat.
@Wipqozn his momma's momma didn't raise no fool
@IanPugsley Yeah, I'm a genius.
@IanPugsley Not initially... we'd hold you back. I actually have to work this week :P
@Wipqozn I will call her and make you apologize. Ask @Ianpugsley
Eventually it'd be fun to group up with SE peeps though
@Wipqozn How many players is it? O.o
@Fluttershy Sent. Check email or steam
@Fluttershy Servers are normally 30, 50, or 60 players.
@Wipqozn O_O
I'm still predicting my wife goes into labor tonight at 3:01 EST
@Fluttershy You don't work as teams mind you. That video is probably a terrible example of the game.
@tiddy Received. Thank you so much.
You spawn by yourself, and unless you're playing with friends every other player you meet is a threat.
@Sterno you better hope not, I've seen The Omen
the good old one and the bad new one
In fact I stir clear of other players. Way too risky.
@Wipqozn Do zombies lag really bad for you when you play? I like DayZ but the lag problems really bother me. They occasionally pop through walls, way overrun me then magically teleport right next to me, etc. Makes shooting difficult
@Sterno I do get lag from time to time, but it's normally not too bad.
Q: Are there any blocks that spiders cannot climb?

Mr SmoothI'm building a spider spawner exp farm, and I have everything planned out. Now the only thing is to build it. But what material should I use? Are there any blocks that a spider (either type) just cannot hold on to the sides of? My farm should function if there are none, but it would be a huge ...

@Wipqozn My ping will look good and other players and other stuff in the world seems fine, but zombies are just awful for me
The only time I really notice a huge problem is if I'm in a really small building and there are a horde of zombies after me.
basically, until they're eating my face, they pop around too much for me to reliably shoot
@Wipqozn This makes it sound more fun. "Run from zombies, hunt @Wipqozn."
@Fluttershy You used to be such a nice pony...
@Sterno Oh wow. I don't have nearly that much of problem.
@Wipqozn I took a class about putting my hoof down.
I get the odd lag spike once or twice a session. It's normally fairly good.
@Fluttershy yaaaaay.avi
@Fluttershy I lol'd
Clever pony.
Maybe I should turn off my firewall/AV while I play
Time to clean up these Pixeljunk Shooter trophies!
@Sterno yes! this is a great idea. by the way, what's your IP address?
Also, I'm not sure bout you @Sterno, but every minute I spend in a town is nerve wracking. EAsily the most dangerous place to be. Both due to zombies and other players.
I get up and everyone's talking about me O-o
@spugsley inb4 your computer crashes and you can't play
Okay, I'm heading off ladies and gents.
@Wipqozn Agreed. That's why it's fun!
@Sterno Exactly.
I wouldn't have it any other way.
@Wipqozn then I come to Canada and take yours
@Wipqozn I hope not, I have a feeling I might get stabbed for my PC
@Wipqozn I spent about 20 minutes just silently stalking a dude last night. It was a lot of fun. And I never even shot at him!
Well, now I need to figure out if I want to spend the cash on D3 or not.
@Sterno I just got here so I thought that was irl. And I was like....wow, Sterno is a shady dude
@spugsley psh, you read something out of context and assumed the worst? what is this, the bridge?
argauiwhgaghaoga I want this hoodie. x_x Damn you jobs! Hire meeeee.
That's right, Diablo 3. You update those setup files!
@Sterno Are you proud of yourself for not killing some random stranger and stealing all that they have?
@skovacs1 Yes. It took remarkable restraint!
Oh crap
I need to find my Blizzard authenticator!
Wow @OrigamiRobot Gravatar is seriously fucked.
I went to download my Gravatar to use in something else.
And it rendered fine on the G.SE profile page.
And then the image that it downloaded was Gir on a pig, not this Gir.
Gravatar is supertrolls.
Almost as good as actually playing!
@Sterno Progress Quest!
@Sterno Is it sad that I just got a little turned on by this?
yes, yes it is
@Sterno Mine still said "Fire blah blah skies. Not launched blah blah."
@spugsley Hey, whatever floats your boat. I won't judge ;)
@AshleyNunn :p
@spugsley paging @IanPugsley to the pugsleymobile, @IanPugsley to the pugsleymobile.
when this installer's rockin, don't come a knockin'
@agent86 bahahaha
most women want smooth jams, candles, and flowers. @spugsley just wants the Diablo 3 installer splash screen.
@agent86 the thing she doesn't realize is that she still needs to buy+start downloading herself :P
@IanPugsley FUCK A DUCK
you're right
@agent86 it took me a minute to realize you meant music - I was like....what, strawberry or blueberry jam? XD
@spugsley hold off an hour or two though
@IanPugsley why?!?! O-o
@spugsley because mine's not done, duh
@YiJiang HA! They have "Talking Pony" as a race!
@IanPugsley ohhhh
(Did that work? Am I getting away with this?)
@Fluttershy hahaha yay
@IanPugsley given that it's P2P, it seems to me like you'd maybe want them running concurrently - chances are decent that you'd copy it from the other machine. Of course, you could just copy it from the other machine directly.
the "installer" file you download from blizzard just downloads the larger installer to your hard drive, and then you can do what you please with it
@agent86 that's actually what I was intending
I just did a direct copy to my wife's machine. Way faster
I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't build in any kind of local network discovery for the P2P capabilities
Oh no! My video driver may be out of date!
@Sterno the demons won't be nearly as colorful, and we all know that a colorful demon is 37% more fun to slaughter
@IanPugsley I do too, argh...but I'm concerned about getting sucked in and missing days of work. >_> <_<
Why can I not install Diablo 3? >.> Is it because I have not yet activated it on my battle.net? <.<
SERIOUSLY BLIZZARD? I click the 'Download Diablo 3 Installer link, in Safari, on OS X, and you give me the windows .exe? Sloppy sloppy sloppy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, ouch
Also, am I like the only person on the planet who -isn't- going to be playing Diablo?
Guess who just watched the intro cutscene?
@AshleyNunn No, there's a bunch of self righteous anti-DRM types out there refusing to play too.
@AshleyNunn @FAE and @Mana won't
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah. I am just not interested in the game
@Sterno I don't know, but if I find them, I will ban them so hard
I am
I won it in the grant.
@Mana I thought you said you were gifting your copy?
or is that an extra
Yeah, to my girlfriend, but it's an extra.
@Mana ah gotcha
Oooh, but upside of me not playing - my roommate is! Which means I can have the TV to play Kingdom Hearts. :D
@Sterno omg I can't handle this
oh god someone is barbecuing and it smells so gooooooooooooooood
@FAE Thank you for breaking up the Diablo 3gasm.
@spugsley You can get me back tomorrow while I'm at work and you're playing
Betting right now, five bucks says Deckard Cain bites the bullet.
GTFO with your spoilers, @sterno
@FAE oh man Someone was doing that outside my window yesterday and I wanted to be like "OMG please share!" but then I figured that would be a little bit creepy
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, your first problem is OSx
Bummer, I don't even get the "You can't play this yet" message when I try to log in. Instead, Battlenet servers are down for maintenance.
@Sterno I can't even install it.
Huh. With D3 always-online, I guess that means we'll be subjected to the WOW-like "You don't get to play on Tuesdays while we do maintenance" thing
though hopefully for a much shorter window
@Fluttershy why not?
@Sterno I still get the message "Fire still falls from blah blah. Diablo 3 has not yet launched."
just so everyone knows @OrigamiRobot "ain't got no sugga daddy"
his words
Does it unlock on a different day in Equestria?
@Sterno Apparently.
Probably you have to wait longer so they can make the 3d models for the secret pony level
@Sterno wishes that were real so bad
@spugsley thank you for clearing that up
@OrigamiRobot Last I checked, the game ran great under OS X.
But you can continue to insult me over a matter of personal preference about which you have repeatedly demonstrated your lack of information if you'd rather do that.
not with any machine I have that runs OSX. I've got like Intel POS Graphics 9000 with 14 kilobytes of shared video RAM powered by tiny insects that are flipping bits
when I jog down the hallway with my laptop bag, I significantly increase the machine's speed
@LessPop_MoreFizz uh, where's the insult?

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