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Since I assume you lot have read that question (as you're answering it) - is it really worth five upvotes?
It's about an extraordinarily well-known easter egg, and any amount of research at all answers it - it's utterly trivial.
@Fluttershy Even if you don't quote something word-for-word, you're still supposed to cite it.
Maybe one of us should just edit the source in
man, if we do a D3 promo contest, I so do not want to get sucked in again. I am telling myself this so that perhaps I will act like a sane, rational human being and not like a crazed, foaming at the mouth prize-beast, intent on devouring ALL THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
I'm like the incredible hulk, except less incredible.
more like the 'eh' hulk
@agent86 And less hulk-like?
@Fluttershy yeah, less hulk like. More like the "ehhh person" than the "incredible hulk"
@agent86 I just know the only way I'll play D3 is if I win it in a contest like this, or a grant... But... That's gonna depend on what other games are available in said grant, as this one should (hopefully) be a freebie, since I met the requirements for the last grant I participated in.
@Fluttershy yeah, I have no idea how all of that works - sometimes they've said "you're in if you did a good job last time" and sometimes it's more of "we're giving away N copies, put your name in the hat"
the rules change so often it's hard to say what the rules will be this time
if I have a choice, I'll probably opt for D3, I don't know that there's much coming out around the same time that I'm super interested in. I played the first two titles casually, and I could see getting some decent hours out of #3
@agent86 Well, if I get a grant, yayyyyy! If not, there's always next time.
I hope that some day there will be a grant and contest for games that are cute so I an win ALL THE THINGS evil laugh
@Ullallulloo Well, if I just use 3 words in a 3000 word article I would not cite it. Also I may have written the article myself. Also the 3 words might be "common knowledge".
@agent86 I thought that was our grant.
@DerpyHooves we would have to team up and create a snoopy street fair voting ring. But don't tell anyone!
It isn't? Super awesome.
@agent86 It is our secret.
A secret to everybody.
@badp yeah, Lauren confirmed that there's a grant planned unrelated to the contest.
@DerpyHooves I think badp might know. Don't worry though, we can just have him killed.
I know a guy who knows a guy who has a really heavy pan we can bang on his head, in a cute (but lethal) way.
@agent86 murder for winning stuff based on cute games....something is wrong with this picture
Oh, well, if he does it in a cute way, I think that would be acceptable. CUTE MURDER.
I'm not sure I understand why they need a two weeks downtime anyway
@DerpyHooves yaaaay
I hope it's just marketing.
there's... a little diablo 3 logo on the top of the site now
how foreboding
Q: where are my custom itembuilds from Dota 2 saved?

WandangI did a custom build for Pudge and i want to backup it so i can try out this custom build manager :D2RIC_1.3.3 I only found the default ones in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\itembuilds and its subfolder. So does anyone know the exact path?

Q: How is Deadly Strike calculated?

FluttershyWhen I was playing on my Zealadin, a friend of mine gave me a sword that had the Deadly Strike bonus applied to it. I'm not entirely sure this sword was legit (it could have very well been a modded weapon, but I don't even know how to tell). The thing that interested me was that, by the time I h...

@murgatroid99 I need your help!
@Fluttershy ok
@murgatroid99 I was gonna see if you had a download link for This Day Aria, but I found one. >.>
On the plus side, these Diablo questions have been considerably better than the LoL questions... <.<
Yes, Diablo is taking over the site two weeks early! Now I have to debate whether I really want to re-install D2 just for the two weeks. I was planning on using Torchlight to tide me over.
how am i gonna fit lazers in the d3 promo...
@bwarner I'm debating on whether or not to buy the D2 battle chest... for the fifth time...
@Jin also bacon. don't forget bacon.
@Fluttershy 5th time?!
I want a bacon demon shooting lazers
@FAE I... have a bad habit of misplacing the CDs and their CD keys...
Same with the Starcraft battle chest.
@Fluttershy When's the last time you purchased it?
@FAE Four or five years ago.
@agent86 a Baal who's made out of bacon and shoots lazers from his eyes? sounds reasonable.
@Fluttershy Well if you purchase it again now, you can enter your key on the battle.net website so you can always redownload it.
@FAE That's certainly useful information. =3 Thank you!
@Fluttershy No prob!
Yay, Diablo 3 contest. It's been like a whole month since SE has given me free stuff
@Jin there are practically lazers on it already!
just toss a couple slashey-looking eyeball lazers and you're done :P
Q: How can I turn off the bot spam messages?

seanDiablo 2's multiplayer has been a wasteland of spam messages for years—bots who enter, post long, green, gigantic messages, and leave. I've asked several party members about how to stop this and they said I can only try to squelch them from the party menu if I'm fast. Is there truly no other way?...

Q: How do players quickly get to Mephisto?

SoreanIn Diablo 2, Mephisto runs were the quickest way to farm item drops in the game. How do players run them so quickly? Were there set map layouts that players could recognize and know where the next set of stairs down are placed?

Q: Have I to collect meats to unlock Super Bandage?

LeadriIn that question: How can I unlock Super Bandage? Answers say that I have to beat four horsemen in one playthrough to unlock Super Bandage. I'm wondered if I have to collect meats they give me or just killing them is enough?

Q: Should I play Diablo 1 and / or Diablo 2 before playing Diablo 3?

FoxtrotI plan on picking up Diablo 3 on the expected release day, but I am new to the franchise. I know in other games it is crucial to play the previous release to fully understand the story line. Does Diablo 2 have a cliff hanger I need to know about? Should I play Diablo 1 and / or Diablo 2 before...

Q: How can I maximize my chances of finding specific items?

BeofettIs there a way to maximize my chances of finding a specific item if I'm absolutely determined to farm until it drops? I understand that it could take thousands of attempts, but if I'm going to be running repeated farming runs, I'd like to be able to pick runs that maximize the chances of getting...

Q: Is there a point to collecting coins in Super Mario 3D Land?

Kevin Reid Assuming one has plenty of extra lives, is there any value, in general, to collecting coins in Super Mario 3D Land? If like in Super Mario Galaxy 2 there is a use for coins but only those collected in a specific level, then please don't name the level, just say that there are such levels.

@Lazers I'm very myuuurrrn about these questions. They're acceptable, so it's not like anything should be done. But, well, just voicing aloud, randomly, for once.
@GraceNote Having played the beta I don't think we've seen enough of the game to answer
@Lazers Good, I really thought that question deserved at least four separate answers!
@Lazers The loot tag needs to go
Wizard is OP
bursts through the veil of mac-dom
Is there still a running Battlenet server for Diablo 2?
I really hate macs when I'm used to PCs.
@GraceNote yes
@fredley I may have just spammed the front page doing exactly that. And I found a bonus bad tag...
@RavenDreamer you shut your piehole!
@RavenDreamer :) thx for letting me use your battlenet
@Jin It's all good. We should go have lunch sometime soon again.
@RavenDreamer yes we shall
@RavenDreamer They still get official support 'n' all that?
gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/64631/… Wow, we really have some D2 virgins?
@GraceNote Including Ladder Resets, yup.
Think of a Ladder Reset as a "Season" in other esports
I played Diablo 2, y'know
@Fluttershy Tip: If you DO buy it again, and you're running Windows 7, just download the client from BNet. No CD required, and it runs better than the CD installs. I found this out last week.
@GraceNote lol
@Jin You guys have met up?
@fbueckert That's what I plan on doing. Gonna go pick up one of those MoneyPak cards today and put some funds in my PayPal.
@GraceNote Now I do.
@fbueckert I've used that. It's a mixed bag. Basically you get a very tiny window to play in
Which was bad for playing hardcore, because I kept being afraid my window would lose focus and I'd die
@FAE Yes. We found out @Jin's mother is my brother's Chinese teacher.
@agent86 The lag problem? I am surprised that you are not familiar with it. The problem had something to do with after reaching a certain amount of total game time. After you reached this certain amount, the game was horribly slow and opening inventory, option, pause menu, and loading screens was a hassle. I remember once I timed a loading screen with my stopwatch and it took a total of 31mins 13secs.
@Sterno Granted, but full screen at 800x600 is blech.
@RavenDreamer Haha what, seriously?!
@FAE it's a small world we live in
@FAE Yup. Small world indeed. (Though it helps that there's only the one chinese teacher at my brother and my university.
I also found out that @RavenDreamer and I are cousins
@RavenDreamer That's still pretty awesome.
And besides, with more resolution, some skills become crazy awesome. Example: Meteor's range is screen width. More screen = more range.
@FAE So, I think the Charr starting area is stupid-hard.
I've been playing D2 alot this weekend. Can you tell? :P
@fbueckert I assume it doesn't work on bnet?
@TwistedChaos "the lag problem" is somewhat ambiguous, is all.
@agent86 Nevertheless. What a pain.
@RavenDreamer They said there are problems with the scaling in Charr personal stories, also they're aware the Flame Shaman event is stupid hard
Nevermind, I accidentally zoomed in sometime, and Firefox saved that for whenever I view it, apparently.
@fbueckert Huh, maybe it's not the same one then. Because the one I had didn't allow for a wider viewing area on the grounds that Battlenet considered it to be cheating
@FAE I'm more worried that the level 4 quests spawn level 8 mobs.
has anyone played Tera?
Which, when you're trying to complete at level 3 (because most of the events in the area are bugged), is masochistic.
@Jin I missed the open beta! :(
@fbueckert Are you sure it's safe for multi?
@RavenDreamer Six degrees of bacon
@RavenDreamer This is a result of the number of people in the event area, they're looking at that as well
Announcement: I will be in Europe during the time period surrounding the Diablo III launch. So... there's your chance! You won't have to compete with Raven Dreamer to get all that sweet, sweet, Diablo III rep!
@RavenDreamer You'll be busy having lunch with me!
@RavenDreamer You'll probably just post "Where can I find pants?" right before you leave and come back to find 300 upvotes waiting for you!
@RavenDreamer you're picking Europe over D3 promo?
@RavenDreamer I know how hard it'll be - I was gone for ME3 :(
@Jin It was exclusive with "having someone else pay for the plane tickets", so that won out.
@RavenDreamer You don't have internet in Europe?
@GraceNote I don't have smartphone, so... no. Effectively not.
@RavenDreamer How do I get someone else to pay for plane tickets to Europe? O.o
This isn't really the proper use of the phrase, but nevertheless... BUY MORE INTERNETS
@Fluttershy Graduate from college.
@Fluttershy join the army
@Jin Been there, done that. I got tickets to the Middle East... <.<
We can always use more folks invading France!
@Fluttershy dude, you totally like, need a refund.
@FAE Yus! And the awkward silence betwixt us shall be legendary.
@Jin Oh, I know. It's cool though... I managed to sneak enough army stuff away to sell and make up the difference.
@Sterno was just watching this... I wish I was capable of enjoying horror films, so many good sci-fi stories are told there
@RavenDreamer I'm actually pretty good at talking around and/or through awkward silences in order to facilitate a comfortable social environment. Side effect of dating geeks.
@Fluttershy I'm now picturing you as one of "those guys" with an M1 Abrams on their front lawn.
@agent86 Think of it as scary sci-fi instead of horror!
Psh, people and their M-1s...
@Sterno can't do the scary, sadly.
@RavenDreamer Sadly, no Abrams. But I did manage to score a gasmask, and a sleeping bag made for -40 weather.
the star trek borg movie freaked me out.
@agent86 I think the Borg queen's hot >_>
@FAE I think Jeri Ryans is hot.
@Sterno Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender, and Charlize Theron? I'm sold.
@agent86 Neither can my wife. Which means I usually have to wait way too long to see these.
Q: Is it possible to re-spec a character that has already completed all quests?

bwarnerOne of the patches to Diablo 2 added a quest reward that allowed you to re-spec your characters skills. If a character had already completed all the quests prior to the patch, is there any way to get a respec for that character?

Q: What is a ladder character?

fredleyWhen making my character, there's a checkbox for creating a 'Ladder Character'. What does this mean? Does this make the game easier/harder?

Q: Ways to attain a dream team in Pokemon BW?

Jimmy ChenAre there any "cheats" or things you can do to quickly attain Pokemon with custom levels, custom abilities, and custom EVs? I've got a set of pokemon, the perfect team I use for Wi-Fi gameplay and such, but strong as they may be, their natures are off. Normally this doesn't present much of an...

@RavenDreamer Wow, name fail. Also it's "Ryan".
@FAE I cloned her. Now she's plural. problem solved
@RavenDreamer Not even gonna go there!
Food time, later!
@Sterno I managed to play RE4 at one point, and that's about as high on the scary scale as I've ever managed
@FAE she is pretty hot, but I think I'd like to remain completely biological, thx
@agent86 Sexy, sexy biomech <3
Anywho, dinner. flees
@agent86 Time for you to play Amnesia!
@Sterno nooooooooooo
I played the Amnesia DLC with the monster hacked out, and it still scared the pants offa me.
@agent86 You can't tell me you wouldn't date EDI if the opportunity presented itself.
scariest game ever = fatal frame
@Jin I've always wanted to play that.
Also I suck at leaving the pc.
@FAE We all do...
Ok for reals now.
I remember I had to turn all the lights on in my apt to play that game..
anyone up on GPUs? would I gain much by waiting 2-3 weeks to buy a new one?
and I don't get scared easily..
So... Reaching into my pocket before remembering I didn't have any sort of bandage on my finger = Worst thing ever.
@Sterno I haven't tried it on bnet. So I'm afraid I can't answer that.
I really hope Blizz do a better job preventing cheating in D3 this time
it ruined Diablo2 online play for me
@NickT NVidia just came out with the GTX 680
I don't know if that means the prices have already dropped on the cheaper things
or if they're yet to drop
@Jin That was one of the reasons they elected to make the game cringe Always Online.
Cheats are harder to make when you can't access half the game data (which is all on the Diablo 3 Server, which is BNet exclusive code)
@Jin the horribly dated gameplay ruined Diablo II for me
@Sterno it's an exciting movie!
while I don't deny that it was once impressive and still looks decent, playing it now is like pulling teeth
I need to get @spugsley to watch Alien(s)(3)(: Resurrection)
Yup. I couldn't handle the convoluted skill switching
I've got the quadrilogy at home, she just "doesn't like old movies"
press hotkey to switch to a skill, then press a 2nd button to use it.
@RavenDreamer yeah, builds were largely one or two skills (period)
One or two skills is all you need. Barbarian Smash!!!*
@IanPugsley one skill and teleport >.<
@Blem with a few hotkeys to swap to your awesome aura(s) :P
I just wish I could unbind abilities from the mouse in D3 and let it be movement only
I thought you could change binds for all the skills
@Fluttershy EDI wouldn't try to assimilate me. I don't mind robot relationships, just want to remain more or less the same person afterwards :P
@RavenDreamer there is a move button in diablo 3, so just bind that to your mouse
@Blem You can't change mouse bindings at all.
Unless something has changed since last I played
And I doubt it's just a "move" button...
in the bindings there was "move/attack" and "move" as separate line items
Has the Diablo 3 beta ended yet?
@RavenDreamer I think it's scheduled to soon, IPugz linked something on the meta contest thread to that effect
Ah, so I can check it out tonight.
That means getting' my butt in gear, though
So I think I'll leave chat.
@IanPugsley You could probably safely skip Resurrection :P
If I get a copy of D3 from 'zon, will I be able to play when it's released (e.g. will they mail it before release day)?
how'd it work with SC2?
@RavenDreamer there was a just move button, i had it bound to an extra key on my mouse
Q: PS3 video loop/repeat play

RyanI have a 20 minute video on my PS3 that I'd like to play repeatedly on a loop. I have sequential playback enabled. How exactly can I get this video to loop?

Q: How can I run the original Diablo 1 on OS X Lion (10.7)?

seanHankering for some Diablo 1, but most resources online only cover Diablo 2. Is there easy way to run it natively? Would old Mac emulation work in lieu of dual-booting Windows? Is Diablo 1 feeble enough to run well in virtualization? Should I virtualize Snow Leopard with Rosetta instead of Windows...

I wonder if this contest is doing what it was designed to do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like it was targeted to get some Diablo 3 seeding going on, and they threw in Diablo 1 and 2 because not every one could compete in Diablo 3's beta. But now they removed Diablo 3 from the running...
@Resorath Well, lots of other people will probably be replaying 1 & 2 in anticipation/preparation, so we're doing it for them.
@Ullallulloo honestly I got the impression that the 1&2 were thrown in for fun, and that they didn't know the D3 beta was ending tomorrow and wanted to seed some more content
@Resorath I believe the intent is to get D1/D2 questions on the site. D3beta was added because, why not? This is the impression that I'm getting from talking to the organizers.
(not an official stack exchange answer)
@NickT why'd you do that?
@Resorath The Diablo 3 beta was public for a weekend
@NickT No. I got my SWTOR weeks after.
@badp I would do it so I don't have to download gigabytes of stuff, and to have a physical object because I like those.
Are you on a metered connection?
@badp I know. but the contest started after it ended.
@Resorath I got Dungeon Siege 3 the same day though.
because I'm a sucker for the doctor who music
@Ullallulloo We canucks don't get the same shipping treatment
@Resorath eh, it still means me who doesn't have D1 and D2 can still hope to enter the draw. I wouldn't complain about it :P
@Resorath NickT's an American though.
@Ullallulloo Which part? Brasil? Cuba? Canada?
@badp not that again
@badp oh, I never complain about contests. I just like to analyse their goals for spending money on us
@IanPugsley but it's fun!
@agent86 This makes me happy :P It works with the fact that I am currently drooling over a replica Tennant coat (which I am seriously considering saving for as a replacement for my craptacular current fall coat)
heh. Morrowind and Oblivion are 50% off on Steam now, which prices them at €10 each
@badp No, but it would still take a while, and probably slow down everybody else using this wireless tower.
@DerpyHooves he launches into "I am the Doctor" halfway through, and that song is seriously epic
I'm not sure how it works.
@Ullallulloo Doesn't your router support QoS?
Also, my brother thinks that they might still drop us if we use too much even though they don't have a hard limit.
I don't know how the downloader is configured, but it basically uses P2P
@badp Yeah, but that'd make it take even longer. :P
...what's your download speed?
@badp It fluctuates between 40KB/s and 500 KB/s.
@agent86 I just got to that part. :D
@Ullallulloo that's wild fluctuations
Sean really wants Diablo 3... or the Diablo 3 mousepad and tshirt...
at any rate you can't be worried about getting kicked out of the network and taking the least amount of time to download that thing at the same time :P
@badp So I've noticed. We're actually only signed up to the 100 KB/s plan too...
@badp Amazon!
Q: Is it still possible to spawn "Uber Diablo"?

ResorathNot to be confused with the Diablo that appears in Uber Tristram, Uber Diablo was created to soak up duped "Stone of Jordan" rings that were a large problem for a while across servers. The idea was to sell Stone of Jordans to vendors to spawn Uber Diablo on all "Hell" difficulty games for a speci...

Q: Who is the hero that "uses" the soulstone at the end of Diablo?

OakSpoiler alert! Don't read if you haven't completed the original Diablo from 1996.

@Ullallulloo I'll laugh when the boxed copy of the game only has the download code to put in the downloader, then :P
@badp :(
I mean, the public beta test has been when?
One week ago?
I'll probably get the PS3 version anyway.
They said they needed to fix a number of things on the client side too.
@Ullallulloo PS3 doesn't do digital distribution à la Steam?
At any rate you'll be having to download day 1 patches
@agent86 The same guy also did a cover of the MLP theme. :D LOVE. Also a Zelda cover. Seriously this cannot get any more awesome. my brain might explode from the awesome.
@badp It does, but usually not AAA titles
(besides how do you spam with the mouse on the PS3)
@tiddy La-a-ame. (seewhatididthar)
I guess the issue is they still need brick stores to sell the consoles in the first place
if they skipped the brick stores for AAA games, they could easily see the decision backfire
@DerpyHooves I liked his rendition of the BTTF songs :)
@agent86 That was pretty awesome too :)
@agent86 @DerpyHooves Who are you talking about? O.o
@Fluttershy This guy
@DerpyHooves Have you heard the MLP/Doctor Who theme? >.>
@Fluttershy Noooo
@Fluttershy That is pretty awesome :D
13 mins ago, by agent86
the original message got a bit lost in the shuffle
@StrixVaria Why did you took of my spoiler edit on this question? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/64642/…
@Michel er ya I don't know why it was removed either
@Resorath I'm kind pissed about it. I don't like to read spoilers, and I believe that are tons that don't either.

@Oak don't put it, so I did. and now that @StrixVaria removed I am like the one who make something "good" and other goes and mess the thing.

So I REALLY wanna know why? maybe I'm wrong, but I can't rollback without a justification
@Michel It's okay, I rolled it back. I don't think this is a big deal one way or the other.
@Resorath oh... lol =X
@Michel it takes a while for pings in chat to appear in the main site's inbox, even if Strix is currently around
So have patience :)
@Resorath just pissed of with spoilers on Avengers yesterday >.<
@Michel Captain America dies!
(I actually haven't seen it yet)
is that even out yet?
@badp ?
Also I despise spoilers, so I'm fine with the edit - even though with games from 1996 I'm a bit more flexible :)
@Oak No problem at all, just kind wondering why. I could be wrong, but I wanna know why
I mean, at this point, it's like saying the princess is in another castle
Arya goes blind
@Michel Shouldn't he still be banned from chat for a few more hours? (It seems that he isn't though.)
also @Oak @RavenDreamer just removed your contest tags. You might want to add "Diablo" back at least. I have to go to a meeting.
@Resorath Was a minor spoiler, but even so =P (If I ask for the spoiler, ok. But if I don't, don't spoiler >.<")
@Ullallulloo TRUE!!! @StrixVaria asked for @RavenDreamer a 72h ban in the Saturday...
@NickT Why would you rather have it from Amazon
@Ullallulloo have store credit there
was looking at a 6850 GPU which would still have left a bit
@Michel Friday in the US.
@NickT They send it the day it's released.
Mods are lazy(Or VERY busy) today... =P

I got a flag that is ticking have 1h =P never had passed 15min
@Ullallulloo Unbanned about an hour ago I guess.
@ArdaXi In the US, they'll often send it sooner though. I don't know if Blizzard lets them with Diablo 3 though.
@StrixVaria hai
@StrixVaria hurray!
@Michel maybe your flag usefulness coefficient has plummeted into "cry wolf" territory.
@Resorath right, thanks :)
I built a giant castle in Minecraft this weekend while I was suspended.
@Michel well, now that you've called us lazy, I don't plan on handling it for at least another hour. Welcome to slow flag handling town, population YOU
@agent86 note that I said, Lazy. BUT ALSO busy. xD May count for something
@agent86 ~hug~
BTW, amazing layout for D3 =D
@Michel well, now you've called me lazy again. you're at 3 hours now. before much longer, I'm just going to start dismissing your flags as unhelpful! Then a mysterious number that nobody can see but is attached to your profile will go down slightly
you will forever be mocked in the halls of the internet elite members club and your family will disown you
@agent86 NoOoOOOoOooOooooOOOoO

May I have a hug at least ? '-'
is flag weight totally gone or just hidden? do all flags from all users now have equal weight?
@Michel No.
@NickT I must be below 0 for sure =P
@NickT rumor has it it still exists, but not in any visible form. I don't see it, and it doesn't really make that much of a difference in flag handling time, so I say it's a myth.
It exists, agent86 is blind
Though if Michel had one, it would be damn near anorexic
But we hide it from normal users because it's unnecessary to your processing
@GraceNote I am more or less blind, but I don't see how that's relevant. It's not on the flag page, and not on any user page I tend to click on. If they show it to me in some arcane fashion, I've never seen it.
Well, basically, it was only made public because people wanted to keep score. This led to more flagging, but it also led to 300% more drama about this score than was really necessary. It got in the way of productivity - mods not only had to watch their toes in handling flags, but also had to deal with all the fallout
Q: Good combination of ships for dualboxed exploration

c0dem4gneticCurrently I'm running with a Myrmidon that can do all sites except gravimetric and wspace. On the other account I'm using a Manticore for probing and some extra DPS. What other combinations are considered good?

Q: Cannot connect to the game session Baldurs Gate 2

OddCoreI am trying to play BG2 with a friend over Hamachi and no matter what I've tried, it still can't find him, even though another one of our friends can join him, and vice versa, so there must be something wrong on my end. Ideas?

Q: What do the "Good" and "Evil" sliders do?

happy_emiIn the Game Settings I can find those two sliders but I have no clue of their effect (if any) in the game. Are they just for the show, a joke if you prefer, or they affect the game somehow?

@agent86 I was going to be more obtuse to say "He can't see it because it's not available to it" in a more cryptic/abusive manner, but I decided to mince words and just cut to the chase.
I can see the helpful flag count for people, but that's info they get to see as well (from what I recall from being a normal person)
@GraceNote this sentence does not parse. Please hang up and try your call again.
@agent86 Maybe it's not that you're blind, but you're simply illiterate, then. ♪
This should be tagged diablo diablo2, not diablo series. because it does not include d3
I imagine that is not to say it's about all of the games all the time, but rather is about things within the series itself, crossing boundaries.
@Michel also diablo-series isn't getting counted toward the promotion
it's gotta have a game-specific tag
@GraceNote Then, this should include
@GraceNote I'll have you know my literate is not at all ill.
@Lazers This is a dupe.
@agent86 Might want to check on your literacy, then
@GraceNote or am I wrong?
@Michel No, he asked Graec Note.
@RavenDreamer o.O?
Propose it in the meta question - I don't disagree with that notion.
The pinned message says the D3 beta is eligible, but the meta was altered to exclude that. We should update the pinned message.
@Michel I asked Grace to suspend me, not Raven.
@StrixVaria Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh =O

I didn't remembered =X

Sorry @RavenDreamer for include your nick =X
No skin off my back. shrug
This is one of the scariest images I've seen in a while.
@StrixVaria done and done.
Diablo III eyes on the main site are creepy!
@RavenDreamer DIABLO 3 IS COMING they seem to say. or actually do say, on hover.
@agent86 It should link to this
I wish I could still bring myself to participate in these events... Oh well.
@StrixVaria +1 for this
@Michel I have had this tab open nonstop since March 15.
@ArdaXi Bored of them or...?
@ArdaXi I'm not participating because it's an event. I'm participating because I like answering questions.
@GraceNote No, just personal reasons.
And I happen to know a lot about Diablo 2.
@ArdaXi Gotcha
I haven't actually participated on the site in ages and I don't see that changing any time soon.
dawww, my cat just sniffed my mouse pointer.
We'll just need to add in hats, again.
Although it's probably only because she can't fathom what is it I'm staring at that can possibly be interesting enough to delay her food.
@ArdaXi Does it phase you when I use the wrong words?
@StrixVaria From @badp, I expect proper grammar. ;-)
And not from me, as a native speaker?
> As a Soldier, use %attack2% when wielding the Cow Mangler 5000 to fire a charged shot, dealing extra damage and setting the enemy briefly on fire. Be careful! A charged shot entirely depletes the Cow Mangler 5000's ammunition.
@StrixVaria Native speakers tend to have worse grammar.
The Cow Mangler 5000 has no ammo T_T
@ArdaXi That's true. I actually specifically use wrong grammar in some cases so other native speakers who think it's correct don't look at me weird. It kind of sucks.

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