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Toki Tori is also a good game.
If not, play those.
Toki Tori is also a good game.
@Wipqozn I've played Braid. I'll check out Limbo and Toki Tori. Are those both XBLA?
Hello Again Chat. How are you this evening?
@EBongo I dunno about the latter but Limbo is on everything relevant by now. (And is awesome)
@Shinrai dually noted, thanks.
@EBongo I think Toki Tori is Wii and Steam only.
all the cool kids player it on PC.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How is that an official jersey?
Q: How do you get the 'Another Way" acheivement on Jetpack Joyride?

gamergrrlThe title says it all; how do you enter the Jetpack Joyride laboratory without creating this giant hole in the wall? This seems impossible to me, and I am totes confused. Please help!

Q: How many ghosts are there, and what do they say?

EBongoIn the graveyard levels I encountered multiple ghosts. How many are there, and what is the transcript of what they say? Is there any known relationship between what they say and a puzzle or easter egg?

Q: How can you tell whether a craft has ammunition?

Theodore MurdockIn UFO: Enemy Unknown, it was easy to see how much ammunition a craft had loaded, as well as the maximum craft payload. Crafts also had to spend time reloading their ammunition when they finished refueling. In the open-source fan sequel UFO: Alien Invasion, I haven't noticed the craft loading am...

@fbueckert Derrick Rose was injured in game 1 of the first round of the playoffs and is done for the season.
@fbueckert It is a joke.
See, I don't follow sports at all.
@agent86 what genre? Though Flow/Flower and Pixeljunk games and great suggestions (though pixeljunk racers is meh)
@LessPop_MoreFizz What sport? Because I really want to make a handegg joke.
@Shinrai Basketball.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am disappoint.
Derrick Rose would've probably ended up being the MVP of the US Olympic Basketball team in London in August too, so grats European countries, you have a somewhat better chance of winning than you did a few days ago.
He's a very good basketball player.
(He just also happens to be very prone to bad knee injuries.)
Aren't most abnormally tall people?
(I am making an assumption that he is abnormally tall based on the fact that he's a very good basketball player.)
@Shinrai He is in fact only 6'3". Tall, but not abnormally so.
wait i mean uh
He did cheat on his SAT's and have his entire college basketball career stricken from the record books though.
I'm guessing that's not such a big deal if he's playing for a real team anyway
can you tell I know nothing about sports is it obvious
@agent86 Do you already have an Xbox 360, or is this your first 7th gen non-Wii console?
Q: How is experience going to work in Multiplayer?

MichelI was looking around and I didn't find any good source that provides a good explanation (baby steps) on how is experience going to work in Diablo 3 multiplayer. The experience is individual like loot/gold? The members of the party receive extra experience per member in the party? (party bonus) ...

@MarkTrapp He has one.
I see
Speedy delete speedy delete!!


@Resorath I can only flag! I have done so!
There is actually a question there, despite atrocious formatting and English. Someone should at least tell them why it's getting deleted.
the actual question ironically is a duplicate
@Resorath My eyes! >.<
@Resorath link?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I didn't bother looking it up. I just know I've seen it before.
The question can be closed for... other reasons
im also playing starcraft while chatting!
@Resorath How many saves can I have on the PS3 before it starts to cause lag?
That sounds really varying.
I still don't know wtf is goin on
Could someone explain why my question is strongly dowvoted?
@NickT It doesn't save the question as well, might as well just roll it back for posterity before the delete, IMO.
@DavRob60 Link it.
Q: Why was I savagely killed because I was supposedly cheating?

DavRob60This story actually happened to me more than 10 years ago. I was playing Diablo multiplier and I found a sword laying on the floor. I think the name of the sword was "king's sword of whatever" or something like that. Anyway, this sword was incredible. I quickly progressed through levels into a d...

the only things remaining are "RPG", "80s", "on", "?" and "I"
@DavRob60 There's a comment on your question that explains the down votes pretty well I think.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm sure if someone actually played that game back then he could explain me what hapenned.
You're asking us to explain the motivations of another players reaction to an event, the details of which your memory is fairly sketchy to begin with.
It's fairly vague, and not really comprehensively answerable as far as I can tell.
@DavRob60 I played the game back then. I have no clue.
@DavRob60 Put another way, basically your question is asking people to read the mind of that player who was a jerk, and we can't do that
Probably he was a jerk and that's all there is to it
@Shinrai but I though it was quite common at the time
@DavRob60 What, being called a cheater because you had an awesome item, and then PK'd? Super common.
But an answer of "You had an awesome item, in a game in which item duplication and trainers were rampant" isn't a particularly useful answer.
And it's the best answer you're going to get, which tells me it isn't a particularly good question.
@DavRob60 And speculation isn't what we do here, I'm afraid.
That's why I downvoted.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think it's that, someone with a trainer duplicated the sword and let it on the ground. the someone was playing the police and killed me for that.
@DavRob60 Could be. We have no way of knowing.
@fbueckert Anyway, I deleted the question.
It's all just speculation, and goes well beyond the purview of what makes for a good question.
ok, good night!
It's funny how different Scifi's content is from ours, considering the overwhelming (potential) overlap with the two
@EBongo I've got Limbo and Toki Tori both on steam. I don't know if they're on XBLA or not though.
@BenBrocka genre doesn't matter, but bonus points if it's rated E-ish
@MarkTrapp I have played most of the good content on the Xbox 360. Mostly looking for exclusive PS3 games.
@DavRob60 Sorry, man. I don't like downvoting genuine questions.
I can get some sort of ghost recon beta code... woo?
@agent86 I'm... sorry?
@agent86 Flow/er and the pixeljunk games are all E rated and enjoyable by kids (Flow and some pixeljunk games are even coop)
Scott Pilgrim vs The World is a GREAT beat 'em up game, one of my favs with great coop
Did "downvoted -> delete -> regain rep" rules change?
there's plants vs zombies if yoiu haven't got it elsewhere
@agent86 Burnout Paradise is fairly cheap and a great, high quality racing game (not PSN only but very cheap on PSN)
This talk of Diablo brings me back to the good old days when I was a young punk on the Battlenetz. I recall being at a friend's house in which he'd installed some kind of hackz. We stood in the middle of town, drew wall after wall of flame, summoned some kind of hydra things. It was - wrong. My penance is to have to play against similar punks in every online multiplayer game until the end of time.
@EBongo ... That was you?!?!
@Ktash It was... I am sorry. Lol.
Costume Quest is a good quick RPG, E rated. Worms 2 Armagedon is Worms, so I recommend it. Super Stardust is awesome and another E rated one. If you can stand crazy hard games, Hard Corps Uprising is a very good Contra inspired game, and the Gundeomium games are superb examples of Bullet Hell
@agent86 Limbo is on XBLA.
@Ktash Hard to say. What do you currently expect them to be?
Running down the list those are the ones that stand out to me. The Castlevania game is fun but a totally unbalanced grind fest in some ways...it's also on XBLA tho
@MarkTrapp Rep is returned? It's been a while since I deleted one (and this one was closed, so I thought it would self delete) but I lost 4 rep and gained 1 on delete
@BenBrocka Who/what are we suggesting games for?
@Fluttershy PSN games for @agent86
@Ktash Link?
@agent86 Do you like old school RPGs?
Shank 2 is fun but the no saving/continuing mid levelthing really kills it for me...
@Ktash Anything over 60 days old before deletion should be rep-locked
Shog9 on March 05, 2012

If you’ve been around Meta Stack Overflow the past few days, you’ve seen a fair bit of conversation sparked by the recent changes to how reputation is calculated:

To be clear: reputation values are not changing, every action in the system is still worth the same amount. Here’s what will be different:

Your reputation will be correct at all times

Deletions will have a much more immediate effect on reputation, not waiting on a recalc (but reputation sync takes up to 5 minutes on a delete/undelete action; as to not block the user’s response thread, it’s offloaded to a background queue) …

@BenBrocka yeah, I have smashed paradise into a thousand tiny pieces on the xbox
@Ktash Although it's not clear if it's 3 score or greater and 60 days old, or 3 score or greater or 60 days old. If your rep changed, then my money's on the former.
@MarkTrapp See, I understood that as and, not or
@agent86 heh, same here
@Fluttershy I can get down with an old school RPG now and again
@Ktash Hm, if that question wasn't rep-locked, you should've lost 5 rep and gained 6.
@MarkTrapp Wait, it had upvotes (it was a long time ago)
@agent86 Try Suikoden on the PSN. One of my favorite RPGs ever.
@Ktash Right, one up vote and 3 downvotes
@MarkTrapp Oh, well that will be it then. I thought it was straight down haha... It was a bad question I figured would be deleted after being closed for so long
@agent86 if you spot any games on PS+ for free* that you want you might want to get a subscription, I got it and kept it because the free games and easily worth it, lots of free PS1 games, game trials and free PSN releases too. Only get to keep them as long as you have PS+, but well worth $50 a year if you download and play maybe a game a month.
If you're considering PS1 games and you haven't played Parasite Eve, get Parasite Eve
Isn't it $50 every year?
They also have most of square's popular games
@agent86 Have you player the God of War series? Older titles may or may not run on your PS3, but I believe are available digitally.
@MarkTrapp yeah, $50 a year, definately not worth $50 a month :P
But $4 a month...
Did Dragon Quarter ever get reissued as a download from Sony?
Tera might be one of the creepiest MMOs I've ever seen...
My favorite underrated old Sony exclusive game.
@BenBrocka It was even better last year, when it was $50 for 15 months. Definitely don't regret the purchase
@LessPop_MoreFizz wasn't that PS2? They have very few PS2 games on PSN, usually huge games like God of War
@Fluttershy There are many adjectives I would use to describe TERA, but creepy isn't one of them. (Unless you mean in terms of the sort of players drawn to the character models the game is full of, in which case, I agree 1000%)
@MarkTrapp yeah, I got that deal too, way worth it and got me hooked
@BenBrocka Yeah, it was PS2
@EBongo oh indeed. I plan on playing the 3rd here pretty soon, gamefly willing. I have cleared the first two in my PS2 days.
Dragon Quarter was the best game.
@LessPop_MoreFizz they're douchebags about releasing the more obscure titles. Usually Japan is the only one to get them
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm referring in particular to the Elin race.
so very neglected.
In fact I was suprised to see Parasite Eve get released
It broke all the rules for both the series it's part of, and the genre as a whole, and it was better for it.
Amazing underrated game
@BenBrocka PEve is not underrated. It was a huge seller.
@LessPop_MoreFizz never played the breath of fire games...
@LessPop_MoreFizz really? No one talked about it that I knew of, except for a couple people who loved it
@agent86 In my opinion the 3rd does not disapoint. You know what you came to do. I especially appreciated the additional Titan involvement. Replaying out the Titans vs. Gods thing seemed a cool concept to me.
I guess I was 8 when it came out, so I wasn't too up on the sales figures
@BenBrocka It moved over two million units.
@EBongo I believe you previously mentioned it being relatively over the top.
on ME3, is there anyway to check my war assets mid-mission?
Well, good. sort of surprised a non-final fantasy RPG sold that much
@Ktash don't think so
@BenBrocka The first 4 are basically a series of the most cliched JRPGs ever. They're pinnacles of the form in a lot of ways, but super cliche, plus, the series has it's own cliches. Dragon Quarter on the other hand... is... radically different.
pretty sure the only way to check is that computer on the normandy
@BenBrocka PEve was basically marketed as heavily as any Final Fantasy title.
Just found out I can't have both legion and tali, and I loose so much when I finish that mission and kill one of them.... :/
Huh. I was still huge into nintendo so I only followed those releases back then. Only heard of PE from a friend
@Ktash ytou CAN keep them both, but it's very tricky and depends on ME2's events
@agent86 It is, if you are a fan of the series I don't know how anything else would be really satisfying. The one thing that was particularly over the top was the once per game notorious mini-game. But then there is no part of the game that is remotely PG, so why change suit there.
well, both Geth and Quarians, not Legion
@BenBrocka That's what I mean by I can't keep both geth and quarians
and yes, legion keeps saying he's not legion
I don't believe him ;)
@Ktash is it the VI or actually legion?
@EBongo indeed. I expect it won't disappoint!
The VI is basically a poor ripoff of Legion...so bad that it subtitles it as Legion once or twice
Well, either way, I think I'm going to kill his entire species so...
@BenBrocka Also, while 2 million is a lot, it isn't that much better than other non-FF JRPG's of the era: Legend of Dragoon did 1.2 mil, Xenogears did 1.1, Chrono Cross shipped 1.5m before it's Greatest Hits reissue...
this also pretty much kills my ability to get 4k+ war assets :/
@LessPop_MoreFizz I guess I just got the impression because 1 out of 100 of my friends ever referred to ANY non-FF RPG
That said, Final Fantasy numbers are substantially higher than that, being more in the 5-10million units range.
@Ktash If you're playing multiplayer too you should have no problem getting the "best" ending unless you royally screwed something else up
@BenBrocka I think this is a case of age. P:Eve was marketed at an older audience. You said you were 8 when it was released?
I only got the Geth and got tthe "best" ending on accident
@BenBrocka Alright, well I will keep it in mind
Because I was 15, and it was definitely everywhere.
I don't play much mp, so I'm only at like 80%
@LessPop_MoreFizz and I think I got it when I was more like 11, so that might explain it. I think I got PE2 first or at the same time
@Ktash 80% is plenty
I DID do almost all side quests though
Also, my striker achievement is locked, and yet I have 25/25 melee kills lol
I've done most all
Also, stop making me feel old you jerks.
@BenBrocka Yeah, the sequels didn't do as well. Partly because they weren't as good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz link
Wow, that's really big...
That said, P:Eve is actually an interesting comparison to Dragon Quarter, as it's a definite Antecedent of the latter games combat mechanics IMO.
@Ktash TBQH, anything between The Matrix and The Little Mermaid works on me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz was there more than PE2? I liked PE2 as well, but it was more of a standard survival horror game
Though the spells were fun
@LessPop_MoreFizz All except the top (who cares about snakes on a plane) work for me...
Everything between those two, I saw in theaters.
I have never played Shadow of the Colossus but have been interested in learning about it. I found this speed-run and was wondering if this will at least give me an idea of what it's about or if a speed run doesn't do the game justice (like SM64).
@Ktash Shrek/Finding Nemo/Revenge of the Sith don't work on me because I don't consider any of them part of 'my childhood'. (Except insofar as RotS ruins my childhood.)
@StrixVaria A speed run does not do the game justice.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I saw everything after and including Jurassic Park in theaters
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ok :(
@StrixVaria A big part of SoTC is the way the game teaches you to play it.
Ah ok.
Without that experience, it's severely cheapened.
@StrixVaria Shadow of the Colossus is a game that must be played by everyone. It's one of the best experiences I've had as a gamer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't consider them part of my "childhood" (all of them at least), but I consider them to be newer than listed
It's PS2?
@BenBrocka Yeah, there was a third. PSP only iirc.
@StrixVaria Yep.
Hm. $20 and D3 comes out in 2 weeks. I don't think I can justify that.
@StrixVaria SotC was re-released on the PS3.
@StrixVaria You can play SoTC in less than two weeks easily.
So, yesterday Marco told me he was "almost ready" with setting me up an account on the Game On server, but now he's talking about a web-based control panel that sounds like it would remove the need for me to have an account. I'm not sure if I should bug him and see what's going on. :\
@LessPop_MoreFizz wonder if it's on the PSN, hadn't heard of it
Maybe I'll find a blind Let's Play or something instead.
@StrixVaria I almost want to buy it for you just so you'll actually play it...
@StrixVaria There was a good LP on the SA forums, lemme see if it's archived.
@Fluttershy If you do feel so compelled, know that I don't own a PS3.
@StrixVaria Actually, Hell, if you can meet me in Secaucus on an evening sometime in the next few weeks when I make one of my treks out there I'll loan you my copy.
It would have to be the PS2 version.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hahaha I don't usually go that far north. I appreciate the thought though!
@StrixVaria Do you own a ps2?
@Fluttershy Yep.
Bah, it's not on PSN, must be disc only. I gave up discs even when I used my PSP
@StrixVaria [email protected] E-mail me your mailing address.
@StrixVaria lparchive.org/Shadow-of-the-Colossus is a good LP, it's not blind, but it's offset by having awesome detailed and informative commentary.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks. I'll check it out
@agent86 Here's a list of PSN exclusives psnstores.com/2011/06/psnstores-top-25-psn-exclusives/7
@Fluttershy I think I don't want you to spend $20 on a game I probably won't be able to finish.
Even if LPMF is confident it can be done in 2 weeks, I doubt I could do it in 2 weeks.
@StrixVaria Why wouldn't you be able to finish it?
It's a super short game.
@StrixVaria I'll just mail you my copy.
@EBongo sweeeet
@Fluttershy Haha if you insist.
@StrixVaria I loaned @DerpyHooves my Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 just so she could play them. =P
I've often wondered about Shadow of the Colossus. A lot of love out on the webz for that game.
6 mins ago, by Fluttershy
@StrixVaria Shadow of the Colossus is a game that must be played by everyone. It's one of the best experiences I've had as a gamer.
@Fluttershy @StrixVaria He did. Once my life stops being upside down and throwing craziness and change and such at me, I will get back to playing them.
(In short, @Fluttershy, you are awesome)
@Fluttershy Yes, I'll include you on the list of people that love it. ;)
I should do that with my copy of Dragon Quarter.
More people need to have played that game.
@DerpyHooves I don't even know @Fluttershy, and I agree with this statement.
Anypony who lends out Kingdom Hearts, is, by definition, awesome.
@fbueckert This. I am having fantastic fun with the games, I really am. :D
@DerpyHooves When I first of the concept, Final Fantasy + Disney, I was sort of meh.
Then I started, and was hooked in the intro cinematic.
Utada Hikaru has beautiful music.
@Fluttershy If I had a PS2 or PS3, I would play it
@fbueckert haha that is actually what hooked me - I am a sucker for cute things like that. (I play katamari and snoopy's street fair and cooking mama etc for that reason)
@DerpyHooves I thought the game was going to be very kiddish. That didn't appeal to me at all. And then somebody lent me the first game.
@fbueckert I like it because there is ways that you can have crazy strategy....or you can be like me and run around and mash all the buttons.
@DerpyHooves Well, there isn't that much strategy. Mashing buttons more or less works. And then you Thundaga groups.
@Fluttershy Is it him saying "no" over and over?
@Fluttershy ...O.O ?! I don't even...
@StrixVaria Not even close.
Belatedly, I agree with all the SotC love. You.Should.Play.This.Game
@DerpyHooves My friend sent me that. My reply was, "... I don't even have enough wat to give..."
@Fluttershy - i've been listening to that song for the last two days
@Fluttershy I think that about sums it up, yes.
@Shinrai I'm pretty sure I have it on my gameshelf somewhere. Never played it, though.
@SteveV Hipster. =P
No, it's ok, it was cool then too.
@fbueckert I have like 40 PS2 games on my shelf to get through, so no shame there. (I've moved to PCSX2 because they look so bad on an HDTV though...)
@fbueckert I reserved my copy about a year before launch, and then rode 5 and a half hours with the store manager to pick up his store's copies... <.< I was first in line.
@Fluttershy Now this is dedication.
@Fluttershy That is ridiculously awesome. hat tip
@Fluttershy The closest I ever came to doing anything like that was waiting in line for 6 hours to get a Wii at the Toys 'R' Us in NYC. And I only did that because it was 1 per customer and a friend wanted 2 so he paid me to wait in line for him.
@DerpyHooves I do what I can.
Do images 1 box?
@StrixVaria I did it for the 360 launch, too. Stood in line at Walmart for 9 hours.
@EBongo normally, yes
@EBongo Usually.
I have a pic with some colorful language that is definitely NSFW. How would I force that to just a link?
@EBongo [words](insert URL here )
@EBongo Just type [NSFW]( website )
Q: Is there a cap on how powerful you can make "fortify enchanting"?

SkyrimnerdI was wondering if you made an enchantment: "fortify enchanting" with 100 enchanting, all enchanting perks, with a grand soul gem. than you could equip the item and repeat first step for unlimited enchanting power. I need to know if there is a cap on this.

Q: Halo 2 for WinVista - only WinVista?

Nate KoppenhaverI have Halo 2 for Windows Vista and am considering upgrading to Win7. My question is, will Halo 2 run on Windows 7, or is it WinVista only?

In the process of reading Fez answers Sean linked me to this: NSFW . Part of me can't believe the Dev said that, part of me can totally believe the Dev said that.
@EBongo yeah, he's had some not nice things to say about other developers from what I hear
@EBongo Looks like I'll be avoiding that game.
@EBongo Wow. Not a game I was really considering, but now, even less so.
Every single detail I learned about Fez has made me want to play it less.
Including questions and answers on the site.
@Fluttershy @DerpyHooves The game itself is awesome, and involves no profanity. But the fact this guy made it does tarnish it some.
@Fluttershy you don't want to get a game because the dev is an asshole?
@murgatroid99 Similar: EA.
@StrixVaria This is true - I look at the content here and I am like...wow. This game...does not look like fun for me. It looks like an exercise in pointless ARGH.
@StrixVaria yeah, but EA is assholes that do bad things
@murgatroid99 Because the dev is an asshole when he has absolutely no reason to be? Yes. There's a difference between being an asshole and being an arrogant dick.
@murgatroid99 I agree. Possibly many games I've enjoyed were made by jerks. I'm looking at you - Infinity Ward.
@StrixVaria Not that I have an Xbox 360, but the quality of the Fez content on the site definitely was a shock
@MarkTrapp Poor quality you mean?
@MarkTrapp I was more talking about the content. It seems like a game that is full of frustrating puzzles that I would have no patience for.
@MarkTrapp I refused to look at it while I played the game, but as I've gone back I've found it fairly good. Possibly due to the diligent editing of the G.SE community.
@StrixVaria yeah, there is that. I would probably still be staring at the game confused if not for this site
@StrixVaria This. I am looking at what the puzzles are and the arcane crap you have to do to solve them, and I am like....I know this game got all kinds of hype, but I do not get it.
@EBongo Yeah. I started to think about who it was marketed to. Like, with indie games, the initial hype is built by the author bragging about it to communities he or she is a part of.
@EBongo There was definitely heavy editing and pruning done by G.SE. The first round was awful
@MarkTrapp How did it compare to that LoL disaster?
@StrixVaria That LoL disaster is probably the worst thing that's ever happened to this site. Aside from Jo'nathan, or ronnie.
@MarkTrapp Well, thanks then. I believe many/most of the questions are very valid, and it is the perfect type of game for the G.SE model. Unfortunately, it being new and arcade attracts a lot of folks that don't get the G.SE model - at least at first.
@EBongo Side note: Super jealous of you having two Sakura Dragons...
@Fluttershy agreed. Those LoL questions were not pro much
@StrixVaria I try to avoid the LoL section of the site, but what I did see was pretty bad, but a different bad. LoL stuff was normal MMO-type content you see on like Blizzard forums. The Fez content was the stuff you see on GameFAQs forums.
@Fluttershy I believe @BenBrocka got 2 back to back. They definitely involved suffering. I only wish I had enough of a clue to try for the Clover Dragons when the time was ripe. I'm something of a fan of St. Patty's.
@EBongo As am I. But.. I've tried 100+ times for a Sakura dragon, and have gotten nothing...
I have unfortunately been reduced to browsing Blizzard's D3 forums recently. The people there, man. Ugh.
@EBongo It looked to me like a regular indie puzzler a la Braid, which usually only attracts a few questions and from people who are used to asking questions in the Gaming.SE model. Still don't understand why it was so popular with new users
@MarkTrapp the puzzles were really obtuse and obscure
I am really interested in Fez. No 360, though.
@MarkTrapp Well I think timing matters. G.SE has HUGE SEO. If Braid dropped today I think it would create virtually the same response - although Braid was a little more straightforward in my opinion.
So far, not even to the first colossus in this LP, the gameplay is reminding me very much of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.
Although the more I hear about how unfair it is, the LESS interested I am, oddly.
Which is a good thing, because that game was awesome.
@StrixVaria Wasn't it Soul Reaver?
@EBongo a lot more straightforward except for a few puzzles
@Fluttershy It was
I typed that first, but I couldn't remember.
@StrixVaria Also, while watching an LP is great, actually playing the game is amazing, I've never had a game instill such a feeling of hopelessness or dread.
@Fluttershy I used to spend literally hours just exploring. There is so much interesting terrain.
@murgatroid99 Well of course - the Stars were actually impossibly hard. But they were so obscure I didn't even know about them till like a year after I'd finished the game - but then, that was before G.SE.
@Fluttershy Or wonder. especially wonder.
I liked the idea of Ico more than I actually liked the game.
I have a feeling SotC is going to be the same.
@murgatroid99 My first question would have been "WTF did the ending to Braid mean?" It made me feel stupid, because I never get deep thoughts like that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wonder, yes. But I mean... Here you are, on your horse, riding along, and then you see this beast 100x your size? C'mon... You feel so hopeless.
@StrixVaria I felt the same way about Ico, but not SotC. For what it's worth
@StrixVaria did you ever play Castlevania: Lords of Shadow?
@Fluttershy No, I've never played any of the Castlevania games.
My console gaming repertoire is quite limited compared to my PC games.
For the most part, growing up, I only ever played JRPGs on console.
I especially didn't play action games. Still not exactly a huge draw.
@StrixVaria On average, how much would you say you game each night?
@Fluttershy Nowadays? On average maybe an hour. Most of my gaming is on weekends.
But that's because I do 3 hours twice and don't play at all the other days.
@StrixVaria Well, just going from Colossus to Colossus, you can beat the game in ~8 hours or less.
@Fluttershy And even with some exploration, and getting stuck on a few collossi you're maybe looking at 20 hrs.
@BenBrocka Got my first Rainbow brewing.... Woo!
@EBongo Methinks I got a dodo :)
waiting for it to hatch
@Fluttershy I will never be able to play Oblivion again since Skyrim was superior in every conceivable way.
Morrowind is pretty neat, though.
@StrixVaria Indeed it is.
Also, for anyone interested: Barefoot running is amazing.
So in this LP, he uses the light from his sword to give him a general idea of where to go. Does that mean the colossi must be completed in order?
@StrixVaria Yes it does.
I actually like that better.
@StrixVaria Honestly, it's the only game I've ever played where I didn't once say, "Ehh... This part kinda sucks." I consider it a perfect game.
@LessPopMoreFizz So. Skyrim DLC. For reals, this time.
is FF a JRPG?
Why did...
@NickT Yes.
did Guild Wars 2 just install itself on my desktop?
or is it more JRPGy in later games?
It helped define what JRPG is.
or has it always defined JRPG
@NickT The amount of buckles per character increases, yes.
You can see the evolution of JRPG over time by looking at Final Fantasy games.
what's a buckle
@NickT Belt buckle.
don't get it
Now, now, Nomura doesn't work on EVERY game
@NickT Each character had an increasing number of unnecessary belt buckles in their design.
@NickT It's a joke about character designs in JRPGs. Especially Tetsua Nomura designs.
...and I was just about to cite Lulu as the best example
or ezreal?
did not know of this trope
Kinda like that, yeah
now I will probably not stop seeing it
@NickT Ezreal looks like he's wearing a climbing harness, though.
Why he's doing that is debatable, but that's def. what it is.
@RavenDreamer He's an explorer. <.< I'd say a climbing harness is useful when exploring.
@Fluttershy Most folks take those off when they're not climbing, though. It, ah. Tends to pinch.
@RavenDreamer Yes. Yes it does...
Q: Do event Pokémon have EV points?

MichelDo event Pokémon (e.g., those listed at Serebii) receive any EV points (e.g., the ones that come at level 100)? Or they are like captured Pokémon?

Q: How can the shortcut doors be used effectively?

EBongoThroughout the game you come across "shortcut" doors marked with intersecting squares. Is there any way to predict where these doors will take you without just going through? It seems they are intended as a shortcut, yet they don't seem to show a preview of the destination like normal doors, an...

Q: Which races have unique VO's for dragon shouts?

Raven DreamerI dusted off Skyrim in anticipation of the upcoming DLC, and started anew with an Argonian. After I killed my first dragon, however, I was a little startled to discover that Hermaphroditic Tree-Lizards sound exactly like Nords - when shouting, anyway. I found this odd, considering the Khajit do h...

@StrixVaria Wow I have not seen that picture in such a long time.
@RavenDreamer why would you answer an obvious dupe.
Q: Skyrim, it's going to be the end of me. HELP!

The Bringer Of The BaconOkay, i know this is going to sound weird but i have major Gaming OCD. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gaming%20OCD) Just for the ones who don't understand what the hell that is. I just ordered Skyrim and it hasn't arrived yet, but i'm really worried that it's going to be a bad g...

@Lazers Tags! Tags everywhere.
Math.SE just started their elections this year
@Lazers I haven't played Skyrim, but I have a feeling that trying to 100% everything in it is not a good plan

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