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Heh, I just got the gold badge for views for a question which nobody has ever voted on, on SU.
Q: Can the Demon Hunter's Chakram hit enemies multiple times?

StrixVariaThe Demon Hunter's Chakram flies in a pattern out from her in a wide area of effect, but it circles around a bit and crosses its own path several times. Is it possible for a single Chakram to inflict its damage multiple times to the same enemy?

Q: How does "elemental" damage on weapons work with elemental skills?

OrigamiRobotI have a weapon that adds Holy damage. How does this work with my skills that say "Does X% of weapon damage as _ damage and things of that nature"? Example: My wand does 8-14 damage at 1.40 APS. It has +1-2 Holy Damage for a total DPS rating of 15.4. Ray of Frost deals 215% weapon damage as C...

Q: Breeding Sun, Moon and Rainbow dragons

LudoMCHow to breed these types of dragon which have special elements (not fire, earth, plant etc.) on their tag in the game. They just have a sun, a moon or a rainbow. What basic elements should be mixed for each of them? Which kind of (hybrid I suppose) dragons should I mix to obtain those ones?

Q: How can I tell who I'm allied with in Crusader Kings II?

MachaI would like to start occupying some provinces in Ireland, but my family has been marrying into Irish families for the last generation. As a result, I am allied with many people that I don't even remember allying with. Is there anywhere I can find a list of my allies?

I wish I could make a career out of mean-talking
I could use @Wipqozn as a reference and as part of my portfolio
@spugsley I'd tell them you're the nicest person I've ever known.
crashes through @Fredy31 before he can make a crashes through message
Oh snap.
That was fast.
@RonanForman oh my, I just teared up a little bit
@Fredy31 Too slow
You're rusty @Fredy31
@RonanForman if I wrote a children's book, would you illustrate it for me? I'll pay you
@spugsley Sure.
@spugsley What would this book be about? You telling children you hate them?
@RonanForman It's called Hair, Hair Everywhere. And it's a rhyming story about a really fat, hairy cat
I had some mod website affairs to attend to. Also, making food. I have my excuses.
crashes through @Wipqozn because hes late
@Wipqozn please. I can capitalize on my hatred for children by exploiting their market
@Fredy31 I'm not pregnant.
@RavenDreamer That's what I was thinking, but I don't want to make the existing answer worse.
@Wipqozn good for you?
@LessPop_MoreFizz as in, Origin simply blows your account up?
@badp Yes, and cuts you off from single player games too!
Good to know, @Wipqozn.
@OrigamiRobot I think I'm involved in 3 separate simultaneous discussions with you. Which one is this?
@RavenDreamer lol The dupe
I like the idea of having Destruction and Massacre under one question because they are likely very closely related, but I don't want to make the existing answer worse by adding more scope to the question.
I wouldn't worry too much. It's an ineffectual answer already.
user image
^ That's surreal.
@RavenDreamer Yea I noticed that afterwards
Also, what makes you so sure about the elemental damage?
@RavenDreamer I like it.
@RavenDreamer Dude, that kid has a pretty accurate wooden sword there...
@OrigamiRobot Because particle effects change. No holy sparkles when using a dagger of angels to shoot fireballs.
@RavenDreamer Also, not sure it counts as surrealism ;)
@RavenDreamer Skill animations could overtake the weapon's elemental animations.
@OrigamiRobot It... could... but Occam's Razor, my friend.
@RavenDreamer Having only 1 set of particle effects might be the simplest answer.
The other bit
is that the listed weapon DPS already includes the elemental damage.
If you have 1.0 attack speed, and two weapons, an axe of gaming (5 average damage) and an axe of flaming gaming (5 average damage, +2 fire damage), you'll have listed DPSs of 5 and 7, not 5 and 5 (+2).
That part makes sense, but that means weapon elemental damage is useless in quite a few cases.
Well, it just means its effectively "+damage".
I was not applying my "add it at the end" theory to any other attacks or calculations.
"Weapon damage" is pretty vague
IIRC, in D2, elemenal damage was just tacked on the end
Q: Do I need to keep all treasures?

RedDragon23In Legend of Grimrock I've found some treasures, however they are occupying space in my inventory and adding weight to the carrying limit. Do I need to keep all of them with me for some reason or can I just leave them behind?

Q: Terraria Char Transfer to Ubuntu

TimberWolf5871I just dumped Windows because it broke on me and replaced it with Ubuntu. I was able to save the character and world files. Where do I put them to be able to use them on my new OS? I know terraria runs on Ubuntu (am installing it now).

Woohoo, gaming.SE was result #1 on my google search for a D3 error. Go gaming
I'm pretty sure stack exchange delivers sacks with dollar signs on them to google to get such good results.
> The modern incarnation of the ninja, the one dressed all in black comes from the Kabuki theater. Stage hands who worked for the theater would dress in black and move props around stage. As they moved the props, people would see them, but pretend they were invisible. Later, a ninja would appear, but you wouldn't know he was so because he was indistinguishable from the stage hands, who were 'invisible.' When he revealed himself as part of the story, then you would know.
heh, well, it was above a Blizzard forum post on the same thing so... that really is the only explaination
Maybe I'll just ask @Sterno to expand his massacre question.
@james see the dragonvale room if you're still trying to get moon/sun dragons
@RavenDreamer That's pretty interesting. Link?
@RavenDreamer neat
@agent86 We're just pretty amazing SEO for a couple dozen reasons
@OrigamiRobot what's it need?
I originally didn't lump Destruction in there because I didn't know how close the Massacre and Destruction streak mechanics were
I still don't. Superficially they look the same, but I don't know if beneath the hood they are. But if you want to edit and expand it, I won't be offended
@RavenDreamer I was trying to avoid asking a series of 5 questions with essentially "Yes" and "no" answers.
The question is should I make a new question for Destruction or expand yours?
@OrigamiRobot I think someone already made a Destruction question
Speaking of Massacre, this answer needs more downvotes: gaming.stackexchange.com/a/49572/3062
Q: How can I extend my Destruction sprees?

Nick THow can I prolong my destructive rampages? Keeping up a certain average time between smashing this or that, or getting one every few seconds? It 'feels' different than the massacre system, but that could just be me not worrying about combat.

A downvote on my elemental question?
How is it that I keep searching for duplicate questions for D3 and never find them
I'd edit that destruction question to be a little more broad, probably, if there's something more about destruction we want to know
@Sterno The time thing was what I asked, so I'm good with that.
I'm surprised the massacre one hasn't gotten a decent answer yet. Maybe no one knows
I'm really curious about whether or not it triggers for a whole party, or just an individual
it seems like party
The massacre one is definitely individual. Doing the jar of souls, everyone in the party has gotten a different bonus.
I pared this question down to some banal factoid, dunno if that's then a dupe:
Q: What weapon effects are useless for Wizards or Witch Doctors?

Nick TBeyond the general buffs (intelligence, vitality, mana/arcane power) are the elemental damage bonuses (fire/cold/holy/etc.) tacked on to spells? What weapon effects are useless for the mages?

Man, I need to play some more D3. I'm missing out on all the free rep!
@OrigamiRobot Isn't that good? I'm not looking forward to damage tables and elemental resistances and whatnot
that was mainly what drove me off Spiral Knights
@badp that was what turned you off of Spiral Knights? There were all of 3 damage types, and 6 monsters.
@RavenDreamer So thrice as much equipment, having to care about getting the right column for your equipment, the much harsher punishments for failing, etc.
it just suddenly became no fun
and right when you're done you do that again for tier 3
Q: Is there a trope for something like "One hour to win, ten hours to prove you won"?

vszI noticed in some (mostly strategy) games, that the difficulty against an AI opponent is usually very high in the beginning, but after you made yourself invulnerable against the continuing attacks, you theoretically "won" the game, but you still need a lot of time to officially win it. They usua...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Very well then
I don't like this Question.
Also FU Lazers.
@Lazers no, u.
@StackExchange ...
okay, edit here... why put a list into a block quote...
Also, I see what you did there @badp
@Ktash Because it's quoted text?
whistles innocently
@badp I saw that before the edit.
@Mana I don't think it's quoted though
@LessPop_MoreFizz you clearly aren't using Chrome
Don't make me scowl at you.
I think it is just the steps that support told them..
@badp Why do you say that? And no, no I'm not.
@LessPop_MoreFizz if you were you would've noticed the desktop notifications coming from me, not Lazers
@Ktash Oh, hey, you're right.
Maybe it was an excuse to reference the meme "This kills the crab"?
@badp I don't use desktop notifications.
Either way still pretty silly.
Any issue with me reverting?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well partly because only Chrome supports them
Not really, but if he insists then I wouldn't fight it.
@Ktash Maybe he just doesn't know how to do a proper ordered list in markdown, but quote blocks are easy to stumble across?
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, it was an ordered list in markdown
@badp Allow me to rephrase. I have no desire to use desktop notifications.
and then sean edited it to be a block-quote instead
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well I still guessed right about your not using Chrome :P
@badp Shouldn't be hard to guess, given that you know my platform of choice and my general distaste for google
@LessPop_MoreFizz Actually I hadn't paid much mind to the latter
I reverted it... if you have any troubles with my revert, you can unrevert
besides, a browser's a browser. Does the make really matter?
Q: Is there a trope for something like "One hour to win, ten hours to prove you won"?

vszI noticed in some (mostly strategy) games, that the difficulty against an AI opponent is usually very high in the beginning, but after you made yourself invulnerable against the continuing attacks, you theoretically "won" the game, but you still need a lot of time to officially win it. They usua...

^ I don't like, but is it really close worthy or just a bad question
(Sure, I'd never use a Facebook branded browser, but that's because I'm mostly of an anti-fanboi when it comes to Facebook. I could come up with only one rational reason really.)
@badp It does if you happen to not trust the maker.
I don't trust google. I would like to minimize the amount of my information that I voluntarily allow to pass through their hands.
@Ktash Oh my.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I feel the same, but towards Facebook and not Google. I'm probably silly. If you're worried about the quality of ads increasing when you "give in" to the big G, let me assure you, that's not what happens :P
@badp See, I trust Facebook substantially more than google, because, at the end of the day, i know that if Facebook lets anyone else have the information that they have about me, their value plummets.
I don't have VTC privs but I would vote to reopen that. It's a bad question, but I don't feel it's technically off-topic or debatable...
@Ktash That looks to me like "Identify this trope"
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not really - their value is in the network. No amount of nerd rage is now going to demolish their network.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Facebook's business model is the same as Google's: targeted advertising. They give substantially more information to their advertisers merely because they can
Google's more exposed to "nerd rage".
@murgatroid99 I think of it more as terminology-esque
@badp It's not about the nerd rage.
Facebooks value is in the monopoly they have on the information that they have.
If everybody has that information, Facebook becomes less valuable.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't really see more than nerd rage when it comes to sharing personal data and, again, Facebook's value is in how the data is connected and not in the data itself.
Regardless, I don't trust Facebook much either.
I imagine Facebook would rather have you share ads than click on ads.
See the automatic sharing feature introduced recently and enforced by some sites.
The thing at the root of my distrust of google has much more to do with the public attitudes of people like Eric Schmidt than it does with any specific action any way.
He hasn't been called the creepiest man in america for nothing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz "If you're going to make illicit acts don't do that in a public, crawable webpage" is just common sense, not something creepy. IMVHO
Sounds like why I distrust them more than Facebook: at least Facebook is halfway honest about what it's doing and how unseemly it is at times, subjecting itself to audits and whatnot. Google's response to privacy issues is to don a child's smile and say "Trust us". Which Eric Schmidt and the Founders do in every interview.
@Ktash I guess the problem is that tropes are more arbitrary names given to elements of stories by an arbitrary group of people, and there's so many that most people haven't heard of that identifying one is still kind of a crap shoot
I find the Internet a much less scary place when I just accept the fact that absolutely nothing I put on it is private.
@Sterno That's actually not so true - because if you want to keep something private, you must work to not put it on the Internet.
Which is why I won't join Facebook and can't join Google+.
I'm on Twitter just fine though.
@Sterno Yeah, this too. I've long since given up on privacy on the whole. But that doesn't mean I don't find google to be extremely creepy in all kinds of ways.
@murgatroid99 "[Terminology is] more arbitrary names given to elements ... by an arbitrary group of people, and there's so many that most people haven't heard of that identifying one is still kind of a crap shoot"... That's how I look at it. Tropes are just a different terminology
@murgatroid99 What he wants is 'I'm playing a crappy game'
@Ktash I think that the difference is that many of the terminology questions we have here either ask the meaning of a word/phrase, or the term that they're trying to identify obviously exists
@Ktash In this question, I would not be surprised if the answer is "No", but proving a negative on TVTropes is difficult
@vsz My downvotes are mine. They aren't yours. That means I don't have to explain them to you, the same way I don't have to explain my upvotes. — LessPop_MoreFizz 5 mins ago
You sound angry!
I think the term for this may or may not obviously exist. But a no answer does not really mean it should be closed (IMO)
@Ktash if anything it should be moved to English - it's not about gaming at all
@IanPugsley That I could see going either way, but potentially
the same situation can happen in Chess, not a video game
but it is more likely to have a definition from video games than from generic games I feel
@Sterno I didn't think it sounded angry at all.
Certainly I wasn't angry when i wrote it.
Downvotes don't need to be explained. They are anonymous by design.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It comes off as the angry response you'd give at the billionth people asking to justify them.
Angry but, let me be clear, righteous.
I completely agree they don't need to be.
or if "righteous" is the wrong word - well, it's just right. or correct.
yay, moved all my SE webapps off of my server and onto github/google app engine
Though usually if someone asks, I'll tell them, if for no other reason than the selfish one of them not posting the same thing again
@agent86 you sure you're going to save money? :P
@badp since I'm on free accounts on both, yes :D
@agent86 Basically you're betting on nobody using them then :P
also my VPS was down almost all week, so availability was crap
@badp github's free, forever, as long as it's open source. app engine free quota is crazy high for the level of traffic they get
@badp No, righteous is exactly the right word I think.
there's only one thing which requires app engine, and it's the calculation for Legendary. I could do it in javascript if it weren't for CORS
@agent86 That always gets in the way
Haha, my private server just gave me a "ktash is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." Reported to whom lol
@Ktash Big Brother is watching (Nope. No one's watching. We've always been at war with Eastasia)
@Ktash Your evil self.
He's going to use it against you and make you install Arch linux instead. Or Gentoo.
In one case he's going to make you spend all the time configuring your server.
In the other case he's going to make you spend all the time compiling your server.
Reminds me of this
Hmm... I've rejected the same edit twice now. Let's see if he submits it a third time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Link?
anyone have a link to the meta post that explains the various comment mini-markdown shortcuts like faq?
@chobok If an edit gets rejected, it's probably not because of the reviewer but because of your edit. It is fair to be displeased at a rejection, but don't just resubmit it...
@badp Won't he only see that message if he's been in chat in the last 2 weeks?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just want to leave an annoyed remark at how [ask] leads to How to Ask instead of ask your own question, you lazy person
@Sterno I used my super-ping. He'll see it in 15 minutes.
I've got a really important question for you guys
What's for dinner tonight?
we need an SE just for that
Also, grilling up a skirt steak I think.
@Sterno If I were you, spaghetti oil garlic chilli and abundant Parmigiano. Drain early. Get bread ready if it ends up too spicy.
@LessPopMoreFizz I just looked at their FAQ, and I believe I could get that question to pass as on-topic by saying it relates to "Ingredient selection and use"!
(It should be spicy just enough to make you want to eat the bread, but not so spicy to force you to :P)
So this previously closed question is now extremely similar to my question
@OrigamiRobot The questions are completely different.
The answer to one happens to partially address the other.
Given that the "close completion time questions as a dupe" experiment pretty much failed, can I get help reopening this question? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/9492/…
I think it's the only one that was successfully closed
Which is funny since it's probably got the best non-HowLongToBeat answer
@Sterno I was going to say this.
@Sterno It's also the one which is least answerable by howlongtobeat to begin with.
@LessPop_MoreFizz And also isn't full of stupid "it took me x hours" answers
This part of the question did bug me though: For example, if it takes a person about 40 hours to complete the STORY ONLY for the average Final Fantasy, then how long, in comparison, would the Final Fantasy XI story take?
I wonder what the heck the "average final fantasy game completion time" is
Q: As a Barbarian, how to be effective in coop?

badpI've took a chance to play barbarian during the free open Diablo 3 beta and, while playing solo with it was just fine, I had quite some trouble in co-op. This is slightly concerning, since Diablo doesn't offer so far a true "single player" mode when I can just do things at my own pace. Even with...

@StrixVaria there's your opportunity to properly answer my question before (points at Lazers)
digletts a player
I wonder though. We're asking and answering all these Diablo 3 questions now, what's going to be left once the game actually ships? ( @lauren )
@Ktash I prefer Farfetch'd
@RavenDreamer lol
and hypno's a player too
... ditto is creepy
@Ktash not as much as the fine hypnotoad.
Okay, time to finish the last levels of my game.
18" of snow on the way? Bah!
@Ktash ...okay, that is rightly creepy.
@Ktash T_T
does blizzard have an email address to send feedback to?
given that I'm not sexy enough to just post on the forums
although somebody probably already has reported this
@badp There's a customer service option in the options
but I'm not sure what that does.
@Mana I probably can't launch the game anymore.
@badp ack?
@Mana Isn't the thing planned to end in 5 minutes? or 55 minutes ago?
@badp wat
oh wait. There's still 22 hours left
Perhaps 21.
20 if you haven't started downloading.
Oh. You can post in the Troubleshooting section even with limited accounts.
Courtesy of @BenBrocka
There's three of those
good evening people
Good 'morrow.
Holy crap.
This question got 25k views in twenty-four hours
Q: What does error 3004 mean?

fbueckertWhile attempting to play the D3 beta, I'm getting error 3004 when attempting to start a game. This is happening after choosing my character, and clicking resume game. This error message is very succinct, but I can't help but want more information. Is this an error from my end, or does it orig...

I'm... suddenly very much afraid of what the site's going to look like when D3 launches.
anyone asked what #37 means?
It means they think you're funny lookin'
Q: What is the criteria for "killed X creatures with one blow"?

Oak Possible Duplicate: How does the massacre bonus work? I seem to occasionally get the "killed X creatures with one blow" bonus, even though I decidedly did not kill X creatures with a single shot. It sometimes happened to me when using "channeled" skills (such as rapid fire) and sometim...

how is that a duplicate of massacre
has @RavenDreamer even played Diablo 3?
I'm going to ignore that.
The question seems to be a mix of Massive Blow and Massacre
@RavenDreamer it's a valid question
@Sterno It's not. It's @Oak speculating in the question.
@Sterno, I thought you were going to edit that question to make it apply to more of the experience bonuses?
Massacre and Mighty Blow are different bonuses
@RavenDreamer Which one? I don't remember agreeing to make any edits!
@NickT No, it's a, "I don't know why Raven Dreamer did this thing that I don't think he should have done, so clearly he has no idea what he's doing".
(not that I'm against edits... I just don't remember being part of any such conversation!)
What was your rationale for closing it if they're distinct?
@Sterno Origami was talking to you about it earlier.
@RavenDreamer I thought he was talking about Destruction bonuses.
@badp Sorry, I didn't realise it was rejected. I thought it was a glitch. Not displeased...just ignorant and unaware. My apologies.
Can we just have one massive CW for "How do XP bonuses work?" and be done with it?
@RavenDreamer Which there was already a question for
I think there should be one post about all experience bonuses. All 3 of them.
@OrigamiRobot I asked that then people got upset because it was a "half dupe"
@OrigamiRobot That's the rationale of closing the other questions, yes.
@RavenDreamer There's more than 3
@NickT If by "people" you mean "Sterno", and by "upset" you mean "left a comment suggesting an edit, and didn't even vote to close", then yeah, "people got upset" :)
There's the "Kill things with the enviroment" one
Oh, right.
I stand by what I said
I have no problem with my question being edited. But since I haven't played in about 2 months, I'm not real comfortable doing it myself.
There are goign to be a million "Does X count towards Y XP bonus" questions.
I could just roll back my question
nobody's even answered it
I thought mine pretty well covered the entirety of the Massacre bonus question
Q: Lost Follower on Skyrim

acegirl9164I had Farkas following me when we did the quest "Hard Answers" at Markarth. I had a really high bounty because I went into the museum and I wasn't supposed to I killed a couple of guards, turned into wolve form, and just got what I needed and ran until I was safe. Farkas was probably fighting gua...

but definitely didn't touch on the other bonus types
Again with the followers!
@Sterno Yes yours was quite good.
So we can either have separate questions for each XP bonus, or have one that contains them all.
I'm in favor of them being combined if the mechanics are practically the same. However, I don't know if they are.
If they're not, I think it ends up too broad for one person to leave a really good answer.
Like, if you could substitute the word "monsters" with "objects" and then the destruction bonus works exactly the same, great
@Sterno This is me telling you that one question about experience bonuses will not be closed as too broad.
Q: how do I download my purchased coins?

CindyI bought some coins for 1.99 and they haven't shown up... Also, I appear to be earning coins and they don't show up either. My balance remains at -0-. How can I get my coin credits???

Q: How do I achieve Massive Blow?

Nick TWhat's the most reliable way to achieve Massive Blow?

Q: Lost Follower on Skyrim

acegirl9164I had Farkas following me when we did the quest "Hard Answers" at Markarth. I had a really high bounty because I went into the museum and I wasn't supposed to I killed a couple of guards, turned into wolve form, and just got what I needed and ran until I was safe. Farkas was probably fighting gua...

@RavenDreamer I'll take a stab at an edit. I highly encourage you guys editing it yourselves though. I think you have a clearer idea of what it should look like to cover the bases
I don't think yours needs editing
There was already a question for Destruction
the other issue is, as with the answer on yours, blizz could totally change it again before it's released
I think we're all doing very different things
@NickT Meh, sure, it could happen, but I don't think it's a huge risk
3 mins ago, by Raven Dreamer
@Sterno This is me telling you that one question about experience bonuses will not be closed as too broad.
@OrigamiRobot I read the one @NickT just did, though, and it feels too broad to me!
@OrigamiRobot I don't quite get what the criteria for "multiple questions" is when they have a singular theme; that's why my weapon question was ostensibly closed as it had multiple questions in it, but all revolving around a singular point
@NickT I thought we were just rolling with that via updating the questions/answers?
I'm not making any edits to mine, but I"m not objecting to any edits either! You guys can have your way with it!
I totally didn't realize we were allowed to ask questions about the beta achievements
seeing as they seem to be just... beta achievements
I dont even know what's going on anymore
@FAE ideally, but it hasn't seemed to pan out with the answer to Sterno's question (which seems to be obsolete)
@NickT It was obsolete when he left it
It was never correct.
@FAE They might get wiped, but I don't see why they wouldn't still be in the released game.
I dunno then
I'm pretty sure he googled, copied something out of the d3 wiki, and left it
and hasn't bothered to delete it since it's still a net positive rep for him
@RavenDreamer Some of the achievements won't be. Like Betamaxed.
which is why I've been asking more people to downvote it
@StrixVaria Well, I have seen only the more generic achievements
that was hte other thing I was going to ask, "Will all achievements be wiped from beta to retail" but I'd think someone would close that
like would "betamaxxed" turn into a 'feat of strength' thing a la WoW for unobtainable achievements
First one to respond "Yes. /10char" wins!
[citation needed]
@chobok no worries.
the forums just seem to be people flaming off about how no, "being in the beta doesn't make you special", but all it would do is give you some graphical thing
@NickT Only experience needed. they wipe after every beta patch :)
just like people can get with the banner class sigil things now
@NickT Why would they?
Since we're on the topic, I'll beg again: needs downvotes
A: How does the massacre bonus work?

WikwocketRight now in the D3 beta, Massacre is when you get a bonus for killing many monsters in one blow or in a quick time frame, while a Killing Spree is a bonus from getting a bunch of kills in a row. Currently, you need to kill at least 5 monsters within a few seconds to get a Massacre bonus. The ex...

@badp They wipe achievements every time they patch the beta. They'll definitely do it before retail.
@Sterno Let me precise, why would they close the question.
being "public beta" doesn't change that though?
@badp my bad
@badp speculative, not a real question, etc
@NickT if there's a factual answer then it's not, the question is not too localized, etc.
but if there isn't then your question isn't valid, you'd need to prove a negative, blah blah
and if there is one it's too simple so your question was bad anyways
@NickT I've already got an answer (with source) typed up and ready to go :)
@NickT I assume you're asking because Google fails you
if google fails you then the question isn't too bad
> Evil cowers at the sight of just one templar. Two will bring it to its knees.
@badp part of the issue is that lots of the answers I find seem localized
They actually have dialogue between the two templars if you do the quest with one with you.
@NickT what do you mean 'localized'?
"Too localized" means "No one but you cares."
e.g., they're from a few months ago, and I'd figure that a public beta would be different
@NickT okay, then they're just old. :)
if I ask the question "will achievements from the public beta carry over to retail", in a day that could be pointless and wouldprobably be closed
should it? I dunno
@NickT One way to find out!
@NickT oh I know it'll probably get closed. It's just I'm not sure I really understand why it would
right...sooooo /sigh
@sorean re: localized. sorry - I didn't notice the second answer. Question's closed.
@NickT It's a non-issue, as it's already been asked
Q: Will Diablo III beta achievements persist into the retail release?

Orange KidHas Blizzard mentioned anything about D3 beta achievements and rewards persisting into the retail release? Did they do that for the SC2 beta? I'm digging it but with the prospect of losing my character progress (again -- it is a beta after all) and potentially achievements (again, again) my desi...

@FAE Ha! Nice! I declare you winner of the internets today
ffs, my search is broken
wow, real id defaults to enabled?
@Sterno \o/
@NickT FWIW, my search terms were "wipe after beta" and it was the 3rd result
I'm probably in the minority but I really dislike this now
I know @RavenDreamer said it wouldn't be too broad, but it really feels too broad!
@Sterno I think the problem here is we don't know if it's too broad until it's answered. If they all follow the same formula and have the same requirements, it's not, but if they don't, it might be...

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