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@Ave But the thief is probably being eaten away on the inside by guilt, so the total happiness is the world has actually lowered, because both parties are now more sad.
Unless the thief was sad to begin with, in which case 1 party is more sad and the other is the same, which is a net loss
Unless the switch owner is making themself happy again by convincing themself that it made the thief happy
but would that really get them as happy or happier than owning the switch did?
Idk if that many thiefs feel guilt
that is another concern
but do they really feel satisfaction either?
if they are made happy by stealing, why do they need to steal more?
@Ave This was originally about a bike, iirc (oh god why do I know that)
@Dragonrage Multishot is good on basically everything. Multishot and the straight damage mods like serration are mods I put on literally every weapon I ever build
@Ash I knew I had seen this before, but couldn't place it
Definitely a bike
@Ash yup (you probably do because it was a huge meme)
I think this is one of those things where their conclusion is likely wrong, in terms of overall happiness, but it helps them feel better about a shitty thing, so it's a decent enough coping mechanism I suppose
@Ave Entirely possibly
@Ash I mean if a bad thing is gonna happen regardless you may as well tell yourself whatever you have to to feel better
feeling bad isn't gonna fix anything
Yeah, exactly
So hey, if this is how you feel less shitty inside to get over a shitty thing that you can't change? Go for it
@SaintWacko Haha! I liked that you had the key we needed, too, so it wasn't like we could just leave you there.
@John Thank goodness! :P
For real though that was a very hard jump
and the parkour takes a little practice
I didn't have any trouble because I was playing a frame that could fly
@John more than a little imo
I still cannot believe I actually made it through the Second Dream quest
@Ash What did you think? :D
Apart from your gamepad woes :/
Okay, the story parts were HELLA COOL.
The actual how you had to do it? hard as baaaaalls.
(Although I suspect that's more me and less game, but I am still mad that because you can't jump for reasons, you can get stuck)
yeah no it's definitely harder than most of the game
only The War Within I think is harder
TWW I found legitimately difficult
(also the fighting bit was haaaaaaaaaaaard until I kinda kludged together a solution that still took FOREVER but I managed)
@John Oh no that scares me
@Ash There's not really anything that sets you back or anything, you can basically die as often as you want with total impunity
Did you understand what was happening when you saw it?
Were you expecting the reveal? :D
@John Not like that, no. Like I knew something had to be up but I didn't expect it to go how it did
(There was much "what the fuck" yelling, which amused WorldEngineer who was talking to me over Discord to keep me calm and encouraged while I fought through the mission)
I actually just kinda sat there with my mouth open
I had to get up and take a walk
and just kinda ponder life
just like in the middle of the part with lotus at the end
Also, if you do what I lovingly call "the long run" (the first bit) and then try the next bit with the BIG SPOILER and rage quit, when you start, it just keeps you at the BIG SPOILER bit, you don't have to do the first part again
So that's nice at least
yeah they're pretty good about quest state
(Although once you get to the BIG SPOILER bit you have to do it, it autostarts there when the game launches)
yeah TWW is the same
there are certain points of quests that it locks you into, once you start
Hm, that reminds me I have a question I want to ask on main but it's a BIG SPOILER question :(
I actually just messaged you on steam to talk about spoilers
but you seem to not be around there
so I will just look it up and settle for no rep :P
oh, I'm on mobile, I'm still at work
lemme peek
oh okay
@GodEmperorDune Wait was there content released 10m ago? :o
@GodEmperorDune giggles
@John No, he's being a dorknugget becasue there is a user who does that thing
@Ash Oooh I see
@John no this was from a highly anticipated game that did the "unlock at midnight local time" thing and someone in one of the advanced time zones posted a question about the ending literally before anyone in europe or the US could play it
and we had drama about whether to close it as not publicly available
I wont ask the thing because John explained it now (and I might have should have noticed the thing myself, I don't remember the options)
Augh but now I thought of ANOTHER later game spoiler (not story, mechanics) that I wanna ask >.<
this is weird
@GodEmperorDune ooooooh
@Ash >.>
@John exceptions to every rule, I mean someone has to answer my questions
@Ash hehe :D
y'all know what's better than one grakata? twin grakatas
and they just finished cooking in the foundry
@GodEmperorDune TWO grakata!
Yea my kohm still definitely does significantly more damage than my soma. I need better mods for my soma
@John i was so angry that they didn't make this the name of the weapon
@Dragonrage so do i, unfortunately the ones i need don't drop until much later in the game
@GodEmperorDune niiiiiice
@GodEmperorDune missed opportunity
My kohm slash procs basically everything and spits out like 200 bullets a second
i've started doing some nightmare runs and it's not as painful as i thought it would be. still tough though
probably would be easier with more people
With like 80% of those shots being multi shots and 30% of the multi shots being triple shots I think
Unrelated but I just won a cute coffee mug from one of my fave romance authors and that is filling me with cheer and delight right now
Exact percentages may vary
yeah i need the multi shot mods
@Ash and soon it will fill you with beverages
I looooove my Orthos Prime it feels like it is good at the killing
I just got the rifle one. Had the shotgun one before
@GodEmperorDune Yep! And it comes at a good time, I recently broke the cute BMO mug I had at work
@John is chroma good?
Just got the blueprint from the natah quest. Working on the second dream now
@Ash i am having the damndest time getting it to drop from relics, even though the part i need is supposed to be one of the frequent drops from said relics
That and a man of few words
@Dragonrage do you get second dream immediately after natah or do you have to do the junction first?
@Dragonrage i loved the man of few words quest
I think I had the junction finished already
I've been working on unlocking every planet
@GodEmperorDune :(
After I get every planet I'll try and get all nodes. Might need to squad up for some of them
@Ash hey i am glad you are enjoying it, i enjoyed the non-prime version
and it got me to loooooooove polearms which is why i'm now sporting a lesion
I finally got Morrowind! It reminds me of Eternal Ring alot...
I should probably try to find a new gun that isn't my Soma Prime but I love it (mostly because I can hold the button down to fire)
soma prime is so fun
It is!
Q: How do you level Focus?

AshAfter you unlock the Focus ability, you can apparently gain levels and things in it like your other abilities. I know that there are various things unlocked as you level, but I am not entirely sure how to level it. (It took me longer than I want to admit to to even figure out how to use it). Do...

@Yuuki hue
@Dragonrage Yes. Chroma has a specific niche in the extreme lategame, and he's very good at it.
@Wipqozn :(
@Ash You might like some of these or these (the latter has several pages to look through)
@John what niche is that?
@GodEmperorDune He's extremely good at specific phases of the Eidolon fight.
He's considered by some to be the absolute best frame in the game for that bit
@GodEmperorDune I'm upset that you can only rename melee weapons so far.
@John that's the nighttime plains thing where you have to set up bait and then energy chains to hold the big one while you take it down, right?
@GodEmperorDune correct
Q: Can I go back for collectibles after finishing The Sexy Brutale?

Steven VascellaroSpoilers for the ending of the Sexy Brutale At the ending of The Sexy Brutale, you are given a choice. I want to select the later option to see what happens. However, I’m worried that my choice will prevent me from going back for the collectibles I missed. Can I go back to look for invitati...

Q: PrObLeMs WiTh CoMmAnD bLoCkS

MoonittiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA okay so I tried to set a command block to teleport me to this lovely place to build my second home. Problem is, I can’t use a command block because they hate me and I’m a noob and I only know two command block commands (kill and spawn point) :/ every time I get near the comman...

@John is the loot worthwhile?
@Lazers2.0 lol
It has a few "damage sponge" phases, and a certain chroma build is the best option so far for dealing with it
@GodEmperorDune I can't go into details without spoilers, but yes.
also @GodEmperorDune which mods are you needing?
I may have some spares
@John ummmm, checking
@Lazers2.0 there is a valid question here, hidden under the incomprehensibility
shred, split chamber, vigilante armaments for the soma; condition overload, weeping wounds, drifting contact, virulent scourge for the lesion
some of these are like rares on rare bosses (split chamber drops from the G3) so it's not like im expecting them anytime soon
@GodEmperorDune shred and split chamber I can help with, vigilante mods and weeping wounds are event mods that I'm pretty sure aren't dropping ingame atm, condition overload is super rare and worth much plat, drifting contact is one I might have, and virulent scourge is a rare drop from a rare boss
@John i figured as much :D
vigilante drops from plains commander in bounties
but yeah weeping is from the acolytes
It's an odd juxtaposition of beginner staple mods and literally the most rare/expensive mods in the game
@GodEmperorDune oh I think I'm thinking of hunter mods
@GodEmperorDune worth noting that some things the acolytes drop do also drop from other sources, but weeping isn't one of them
i went researching on soma and lesion builds and that's what i found
condition overload is an ultrarare dropped by the drekar butchers on uranus, i figured i would do survivals to farm it
i didn't know it was worth plat
is there a site to check how much these mods go for in plat?
Pretty much everything is worth plat
Who wants to do stuff?
So Rian johnson posted a lulzy response to the people complaining that he “invented” new force powers and a handful of people made an ultra deep thread about the nature of the force and Jedi/Sith and legends vs canon and all kind of good analysis. Rian responded with this
@arthur_affect @Frumple_James @BootlegGirl @BandCgames @TransSalamander @m_m_myers @slashfilm Can I just say I love where this all got to
Like this thread is so long it makes the twitter app freak out loading it
Star Wars critical analysis twitter might be the most fun twitter subculture I follow
@Yuuki I want to do stuff
Important question
How scary is stranger things
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, this is how people farm it. Apparently the temptation to sell it rather than keep it for yourself is very high if you ever actually do find one
I wouldn't know
This seems scarier than I imagined
I was looking for light viewing with dinner
@cazc_941 There's a humanoid plant monster thing that eats kids, as far as I can tell
And dope synth jams
@John spoilers wtf dude
I'm on episode one
I haven't watched any part of any of the show
but I would def guess it's scary
Well thanks for that
sorry I assumed that was common knowledge going into it
Haha it's okay
@SaintWacko Oh, looks like condition overload is significantly lower than I thought/expected/remembered (cc @GodEmperorDune)
Oh yes this into is the bomb
I find it funny that I probably drive within a few miles of @GodEmperorDune several times a week
We should do more vaults tonight
I really want to find Vile Acceleration
This is bothering me. I'm building a website which is used by pretty much everyone in our school - that's 30 000 students. We have a client side crash reporter. Very occasionally, it picks up what appears to be stack traces from malicious code injected by adware.
@PrivatePansy could it be that some students are using an infected browser?
@Dragonrage yeah our commutes cross each other's workplaces, lol
That's exactly it. I just don't know what to do. It's at most one or two users.
So logically it isn't worth the engineering time. But it still bothers me.
Huh, Python has a builtin module that can generate HTML calendars
@SaintWacko I'm down for this
Q: How to deastroy a command block from far away PE

Thunder PlaysHow do I deastroy a command block from far away

I need a real work schedule so I can match schedules with all of you
Which is vile acceleration again? Bonus fire rate and spread?
Or is it the bonus fire rate -% damage
ok twin grakatas are fantastic so far
I thought twin graks were super fun but too ammo-heavy. I should really try them with ammo mutation
I have to have ammo mutation on my kohm
I wish I could let you borrow my kohm just to show you how amazingly I modded it lol
I think I used 5 formas on it
The only thing it doesn't shred are those annoying robots that adapt to damage received
You can reset their damage resistances with [SPOILER REDACTED]
In the meantime I just hope I don't have to kill them. It's not fun wasting more than 1200 bullets on them
@Dragonrage That one
@SaintWacko good for bows. Idk if I use it
jeez, now the syndicate wants a catalyst
so greedy
@GodEmperorDune ikr. All they do is beg and beg and give nothing in return
I think later on they want prime parts too
such jerks
They give tons in return actually
It's pretty worth
@Yuuki wanna do fissures when you're done eating?
@GodEmperorDune Sure, although most of mine are Lith.
And I have no Mesos.
i need to crack some lith
anyway ping when ready
@John I wasn't actually serious. I was just complaining about the cost
Q: Update for Mobile Terraria

sneakystealth2Will they update terraria so that everything on computer goes to mobile? I was wandering because I'very been hearing a lot of rumors.

@GodEmperorDune Same. Unfortunately I don't think my employer would be happy if I played warframe while at work.
> There are 3 men on a boat and 4 cigarettes, they don't have a lighter, how do they smoke?
> They toss one cigarette over board to make the boat a cigarette lighter.
Provided this laptop could still handle it
@Yuuki lol
okay NOW we just broke up
relationship definitely end
I cannot do what is being asked
at least its unanmbiguous but i'm sorry, that sucks
I wish I were dead
yeah that's pretty much how it goes
@Yuuki facepalm
@cazc_941 :( That sucks :(
Apparently you can't get traded blueprints for weapon above your mastery?
@GodEmperorDune You ready?
@Yuuki yep
Q: How to make a Villager Invulnerable in Minecraft Pe

Lucas Emmanuel ChavezI put in a Command Block: /summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Invulnerable:1} This is what I found online but the command block doesn’t allow “{“. I don’t know why it works on YouTube channels but not me. What am I doing wrong?

congrats @Frank
There is a fieldron invasion currently i think.
For all warframe players
1 hour later…
I'm putting ARP in suit today
Is that a cry for help?
Q: wondering if we can share the PS4 live in a family account

JhettMe and my son have got 2 PS4 and we were wondering if we can share the PS4 live in a family account

1 hour later…
Q: Is it possible to auto-walk while breaking blocks using a macro in Minecraft?

DoesnormaalI would like to auto farm sugar canes on a server is this possible?

@cazc_941 hey. hug I know that is rough to go through a breakup, especially with someone you invested so much time and care into, but well, it'll get better, I promise. Please, if you feel suicidal, check this list here and actually call them (if you're worried about the stuff that might lead to, check this FAQ here). We all care about you, and you don't deserve to die.
high difficulty level escape room concept: u are laying in bed and u have one hour to get out of bed
@Ave me today
I finally escaped but it took slightly longer
I was in bed for 3 hours today
that is, after I woke up
I beat jomny's personal best
Q: Minecraft END ERROR REPORT 62c083ee

abdoI have someone in a forum asking for help. He own Minecraft on a windows 7 and when he start it >> this error pop-up: https://imgur.com/WOFaPfk He download the game from its official website >> updated his Drivers>>downloaded all java stuff .. but no result!

There's a VR mode for payday 2 apparently
Okay, I should have another hunter mark on me
Yes, zanuka is after me again \o/
Now to do another 8 missions to get 3 fieldron
Fun fact: 2 embers standing next to each other spamming 3 makes the screen rather bright:
2 hours later…
Q: a game that uses the exact same fallout3/vegas/4 lockpicking mechanic?

Megaton Settlerpretty sure I saw a game that uses the same lockpicking mechanics, press right to rotate the cylinder, and use mouse to move pin. anyone knows what game ? also please tell me if any one else uses the same lock picking mechanics of Assassins Creed or Oblivion ?

Q: How do I kill the Pope?

絢瀬絵里I've been playing for 60 in-game years. However, the pope has yet to change even once. Right now I have 72.7% chance of becoming curia controller. In CK2 an "unfortunate and tragic accident" of falling down the cliff would do. In EU4 how do I kill the pope or any ruler in general? Note: mine is ...

Trump-chan for 2020
Has anime gone too far? Yes, yes it has
> Trump-chan: i will build a wall between us and Mexico *builds the Walls from Attack on Titan*
> BREAKING NEWS: Mexico develops Titan Shfters
@PrivatePansy not far enough i say. they have to go the next step. install her as president using the same hologram systems Hatsune Miku uses at her concerts
@Memor-X Trump-chan is just being tsundere. Obviously she's just trying to get Mexico-senpai's attention.
@PrivatePansy yeh but she's got to deal with Un-kun who's going all yandere "if i can't have your attention then no one will"
Ticket's ready
9am utc, tomorrow, ankara -> istanbul, high speed train.
@Ave ticket to escape turkey and get into the US while the government has shut down
@Memor-X naah us is a little too bad for my standards lately
Canada and aus and such are 👌 tho
Q: Can't remember name of old FPS game I used to play as a kid

Joe FirstI remeber it started with a scene with this guy who was probably a secret agent or something, he was on a mission to infiltrate a Russian military base, the first scene was showing like the last level of the game where he was in this building and he tried to run across a hall but there was a moti...

I have been playing Morrowind for a while, and other than the unbearable loading screens, it is really fun, despite the weird mechanic of your chance to hit a target.
I'm not gonna kill myself guys
But thank you
Platinum games is working on an action rpg and it looks amazing
@cazc_941 well that is good
Am I the only one who doesn't mind Archwing missions?
@Frank Nope. I love them.
Had to run from a Red Veil squad. Level 35!
Red veil is surprisingly not mad at me.
Q: How Do You Make Team Spawn Points?

hakaloSo, the How do I create a random team chooser for Minecraft? answers helped me out a lot with my KitPVP Teams map but I have one more thing I need to do. I have to make the teams spawn in different areas. In more detail, I need command blocks to tp you to your team's spawn point when you join t...

@KevinvanderVelden fun fact. 2 embers with 4 on can murder almost anything
@Arperum I think red veil is one of two factions who don't hate me
I've gotten all the standing I can with Cephalon Suda.
I guess I need to present an offering to get further?
That or you reached your daily cap
@Frank yea. Every offering unlocks another tier of things you can get from each syndicate
Each offering gets more rare and expensive but the rewards you can get are worth it
I need Control Modules. ><
I haven't even hit the first standing with them.
Gotta love a reasonably large outage to start your day....
(Resolved, but now I gotta respond to 25 phone messages)
Boo to that :(
@Arperum Ah, so you survived?
@Frank I find myself also indifferent to a mission being archwing or not.
I play Warframe, but when you all talk about Warframe, my usual thought process is, "... wut." It's like when everyone talks about coding in here. I understand the basic concept, but have literally no idea wtf I'm doing.
@Fluttershy Anything in particular I can explain?
@John Pretty much all I know about the mechanics of the game is: shooty space ninja shoots stuff. Unlock junctions.
So that's what I've been doing. As far as how to make shooty space ninjas shoot stuff better? No idea.
@Fluttershy I mean, what more do you need to know, really
@Fluttershy oh, so modding
@John Modding, polarity, what weapons to level, what weapons go well with what frames, etc.
Q: Can you mod GTA 5 on PS3 directly without jailbreak or USB?

Amar MasicJust as the question says, can you mod GTA 5 without jailbreak or USB, because I don't want to jailbreak my PS3 yet, and my USB flash drive is broken.

Q: If a base goes without power long enough will all my plants/fish die?

ErikI'm new to Subnautica, and have just started building deeper bases powered by bioreactors. This is working well, but every time I dive down to the base I am scared that; the power went out, all my plants died, and I won't have enough air to double back up to the surface. Occasionally power was ou...

@KevinvanderVelden Thank you.
No prob, I've got a different target if you need more points
@John Is trading blueprints restricted if you're not high enough mastery to wield the constructed weapon?
@Fluttershy Acquire mods, level mods, apply mods to gear. All polarity means is the mod will cost half if the symbol on it matches the symbol on the slot you're putting it in. What weapon to level is largely subjective. Find one that looks cool and go for it. Also there's not really many situations where you need a specific weapon to go with a specific frame. Mix and match
@Yuuki I think so, but it's been a long time since I've faced that scenario
@Memor-X Inaccurate, hair needs to look barely attached.
@Fluttershy Mods can be acquired as random drops in missions; you probably have a few already. Leveling mods is done in the mods section of your orbiter (put your back to your foundry and you're looking at it). Select a mod to rank up, and hit "fusion" in the upper left. This will cost endo and credits. Be very picky about what mods to level up for now. NEVER LEVEL DAMAGED MODS, and don't level anything past 8/10 dots yet. I'd recommend starting with redirection, vitality, and serration.
Once you find some weapons/frames you like, we can talk about investing some resources into them. You're only gonna do this with a few weapons, at first, so you should be sure. It's a significant power boost though.
Fieldiron (3) alert.
@Yuuki *invasion?
Or that.
Also it's still fieldron
So when they say "fieldiron", do they always mean "fieldiron samples"?
Nope, it's also fieldron samples
But they'll give actual fieldiron?
Like the stuff you have to construct using blueprints?
That's fieldron
But the rewards will give you that?
It's not iron found in a field, it's fieldron =p
There's no field iron
So yes, the rewards give you fieldron =p
Q: How is LTS winner decided when the timer reaches zero?

Иво НедевIs it known how does the game pick the round winner? I'd assume if one team is a player or two short, they'd win if timer reaches zero but what about even teams?

Q: Can I repair Damaged Mods?

AshI sometimes get mod drops that say they're damaged. Is there any way to repair them? Should I bother levelling them? Or is this just the game's way of indicating quality? (I so far am just ignoring damaged mods in favour of ones that aren't damaged, but if I can make these useful to me, I'd like ...

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