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The controls are wonky but it is a fun game
Have that as well, I'm looking for something longer though and more co-op
My gf is also a non-gamer
oh wait, hat in time has co-op?
@cazc_941 They were working on a single player star wars game but decided to shift the entire game design through testing and market analysis
And she likes to watch games that I lose frequently. She sees no fun in games I go well
@Unionhawk to battlefront?
I kinda want to jokingly say "netflix app"
@cazc_941 Not yet
didn't battlefront do real bad
like I mean it was really fun. for a while
@Avery yes, we have watched TV together
...I think
Get your girlfriend hooked on Factorio
Not battlefront, I think they had a new game slated for 18
alright forget it guys
Which is now slated for ???
I'll find something on reddit
Ask a question here and someone will answer in the comments before it gets closed
(Hint: don't do that)
I know how the site works
That was a joke
ou Rayman Legends is on PS4
oh and Tomb Raider Temple of Osiris, which I have
I played a lot of that with randos online actually
Q: A few questions about leveling in Final Fantasy 6

Fredy31I'm close to the end in Final Fantasy 6, and need to farm a few characters up before facing Kefka. But here's a few things I would like to know, making the process easier: Is there an XP catchup mechanic? Thing like the lowest level character in the party gets more XP Does a character that is ...

@fredley Well, if there's one thing Greenlight has done, it's push niche interests, I guess.
Oh, ffs. Just discovered that once you've logged in an API session in our inventory database, it doesn't actually care about account permissions, but instead just lets that session do anything
@Fluttershy Well, I won't be playing it until I get home.
crypt of necrodancer has co-op?
@badp what's the co-op like in that
I'm probably not playing Destiny 2 the first few weeks, going to see first how it's received
Been burned by preorders too much to really start preordering games myself
@Nzall To be fair, it's already been out on consoles for about a month.
@Yuuki I was going to say that I don't base my purchasing decisions on peasantry, but then i remembered that's exactly what I did with AC:Syndicate
I like my consoles
@cazc_941 Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime!
Also, the fact that it's out on consoles already is not really in favor.
The only official source for game reviews is /r/pcmr
Well, assuming most things equal (core gameplay), most of the surprises in Destiny 2 should be discovered by now.
9 mins ago, by cazc_941
@DanmakuGrazer yes, we have actually played that one quite a bit :)
It's really difficult for only two people though
we can't get very far
also I get kinda bossy
@cazc_941 But you tried so hard?
But in the end
@Yuuki I can see at least 3 major concerns: balance, performance and controls
It doesn't even matter
As in: is the game properly optimized for PC including extra features like FoV slider and disableable assistance; Are the controls properly adjusted for PC, including mouse (wheel) support for menus and adjustable keybinds; And is the game rebalanced to account for stuff like more accurate aiming?
@cazc_941 Oh, oops. Overcooked?
@Yuuki Bungie confirmed the other day that not everything has been found yet.
@Nzall Yes to all, I believe.
@Fluttershy I take that to mean Easter eggs and other stuff. When I said "surprises" in this context, I meant "sudden turn-offs".
@Yuuki Oh! Okay.
@Nzall it was good in beta
had fov slider too
Destiny 2 was built from the ground up on PC, or so Bungo claims. So it isn't a port in the technical sense.
doubt it's rebalanced though
@Yuuki Honestly, I have Assassin's Creed: Origins to work through the next few weeks, and I'm not really that interested in looter shooters given my experience with Borderlands
Also, does Destiny 2 have a sub fee?
"I don't preorder games" "I have Assassin's Creed: Origins, a game that has not yet been released, to work through"
@Nzall no
@Fluttershy Kinda annoying that they decided to release it on PC last if it was built from the ground up on PC.
@Unionhawk I asked it for my birthday
@Yuuki it's how the industry works
I consider that differently
if you release the pc version first (the best version), you lose a lot of console sales
Yeah, the game is already gorgeous on consoles. PC footage I've seen looks amazing.
you have people who will buy it on console and pc, if pc version is released later
@Unionhawk When I say "I don't preorder games", I mean "I don't preorder games in franchises I have no prior enjoyable experience with"
@Nzall I'm not sure how reading pc reviews will help you much though
to experience it yourself, you will have to buy it either way
@Chippies like me!
I mean, asking for it for your birthday and therefore someone pre-ordering it for you looks exactly the same as you pre-ordering the game yourself from the perspective of the gaming industry.
Because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, buying games at all, preorder or not is unethical
someone at my work was gonna buy the PS4 version and PC version, but after playing the beta, he said he wouldn't be able to enjoy the 30 fps PS4 version
@Yuuki From my perspective, it's not my money that is being spent
If you take a moral offense to pre-orders, there's really no difference between the two.
@Yuuki you are misunderstanding me. for me "no preorders" is not about "don't support the preorder culture". It's about "don't spend money on something without knowing enough about it that you know it's worth your time"
I take moral offense in pre-orders, but I'm only human, so I pre-order sometimes (extremely rarely though)
@Chippies I read an article to that effect, as well. "I played the Destiny 2 PC beta and regret it," basically.
I can only play shooters with keyboard and mouse so
@Nzall To be fair, I wasn't replying to you specifically but rather using the topic as a springboard.
Only reason I pre-ordered Destiny 2 was for that stupid exotic auto rifle that's apparently a huge boost to the raid. <_<
Notice that I didn't @Nzall on either of those comments.
If I preorder a game, it's because I have played the prior installments in the franchise and liked them, not because I want to experience a game as quickly as possible
That and I don't own a PS4
And that's fair and that's your prerogative.
@Fluttershy I pre-ordered because there was a discount on GMG and I wasn't sure if it would be around for launch
And sometimes, that ends up biting me in the ass hard, like with Arkham Knight
@Chippies Also a good reason to pre-order. GMG has pretty good deals when it comes to that.
@Chippies That's also a reason why I sometimes preorder. For example, Witcher 3 had a 46% discount or something like that on GMG, and Assassin's Creed Syndicate had a 36% discount
the only single player game I have ever pre-ordered was GTA V and it was worth it. All the other games I've pre-ordered (less than a handful) were multiplayer games where playing as soon as possible kinda matters
@Fluttershy I'd like to grab that one at some point. Also better in a big group but I'm sure it would work. I'm wanting like an adventure game though
@Chippies Why is it so important to be on the curve?
@cazc_941 dungeon defenders were pretty fun in split screen, although I did most of the planning and trap setting, while my wife just killed stuff
@Nzall it's important that there's still people around to play with me when I get it
if I get it months later down the road, the hype will be over and I will be essentially playing single player with strangers
@cazc_941 Have you looked at the "Lara Croft and" games? Or Gauntlet? Those are pretty fun with two.
@Chippies Yeah, I understand what you're getting at. I play WoW almost religiously and having other players to play with is such a huge boon
Even if just for the bants in /g
@Fluttershy I have the temple of Osiris one, that might be fun
Also yeah Diablo 3 maybe
@Chippies is that even on ps4
I pre-ordered the latest wow expansion (Legion was it called?) and got burnt out before it released. Kinda sucked, because we had to pay for 2 copies since I play with wife...
@cazc_941 Idk, isn't it?
@cazc_941 google gives all the news on df2 being on ps4, not sure about the first one
BTW, if you play on PC and have Windows 10 FCE, you might be enticed to enabled the folder protection against ransomware. I'd advice against it. Problem is that literally every game installs their saves in the default protected folders, so you end up having to add dozens of permissions manually, because there's no "permit this file" quick option
@Chippies I mean, I had fun until Temple of Sargeras released.
@Nzall FCE?
Started getting grindy. And also raid schedules, ugh.
@Avery Fall Creator's Update
the most recent version effectively
@Yuuki I probably would have had fun, if I hadn't hopped so many characters and when Legion released, the ones I wanted to play weren't 100 yet and I was burnt out already. Didn't help that I had no one to do high level dungeons with other than my wife and we don't like strangers much
They added an optional ransomware protection feature which stops untrusted apps from changing files inside the My Documents location. Problem is that pretty much every game installs their saves and config files there, and they're all untrusted apps
is Destiny launch in 2.5 hours?
@Nzall On Windows isn't the app data folder outside My Documents?
@cazc_941 Battleblock Theater is hilarious and has co-op
@fredley Most games save it in my documents though
@Nzall Well that's just dumb. Save files are not documents.
Like, pretty much every game stores saves and config files there
@Nzall eh, older ones do, I think most new'ish games save in %appdata%
@Nzall y tho
@Chippies yep.
@Chippies At least Mass Effect Andromeda and Witcher 3 both do it in MD
@Chippies This is a good pick. Castle Crashers is pretty great co-op, too!
@Nzall How can presumably competent and aware development studios make a fundamental mistake like that? Wow.
@Chippies oh that's a good idea
@Fluttershy yep, although gets super grindy later on and the fact that you get exp per hit, rather than kill kinda ruins the builds
@fredley massive legacy compatibility
at one point they did it, so everyone does it now
Idk if that was ever patched or not
@Nzall I don't buy it. Why would an older game need to read the newer game's save files? (If newer needs to read older it could just read and then save to %appdata%)
@Nzall The blind leading the blind...
I don't buy that pretty much every game does this thing
some do
Q: How do you make minecraft run smoother and get more FPS?

RedevelopingI have a HP Envy All in One, running Windows 8 I believe. I use mods such as optifine, potion counter, direction hud and togglesneak. Anyways, whenever I'm running around regularly, I get around 60 fps, whenever I start to PvP, it drops down to around 30 to 40. Anyways, how could I end . up getti...

@Chippies I kept wanting to play Warlock or one of the other pure DPS classes, but I kept leveling my hybrids (Paladin/Druid) instead.
Looking at my folder: Alpha Protocol, AC: Rogue: AC: Syndicate, BGEE and BG2EE, Bioware games, Book of unwritten tales, Deus Ex MD, ESO, HoTS, OW, Paradox Interactive, Tomb Raider, that's just a selection of the savedgames which are being stored in My Documents
@Yuuki I liked hybrids because I could switch between roles... I wanted to play a warrior, but I think I only got as far as low 90s with it
@Unionhawk I mean Windows is partly to blame here too.
Depends on many factors I'm sure, but I think %appdata% is is becoming more popular. I still prefer install directory (Stop cluttering up my C Drive, I installed you to E for a reason!)
my main was a monk, but it got changed a lot in pre-legion update
@Chippies DPS queue times are just too long.
kinda got better, but I didn't enjoy it as much anymore
Man I hope I never have to buy another computer, because I really don't want a new mac, and I really don't want to use Windows, and Linux for the home PC is just a no.
@fredley hackintosh
@Chippies I mained a paladin in WoD, but I hated the changes they made to Retribution where it became a shittier version of an Arms Warrior
So I switched to Enhancement Shaman and loved it
@fredley I'm considering switching to Linux at home now that all the Blizzard games are working properly
@Nzall Same here. My first max level character was a ret pally. I ended up switching to Frost Mage towards the end of WoD
@Nzall Well, Crusade makes Ret pally incredibly fun.
@SaintWacko Would try it. Do things like Netflix work in Linux these days?
@fredley yes
I really enjoyed my low level mage after all the skill changes
Really enjoyed that, and then when Legion hit they got annoyingly nerfed in an attempt to make the ice bolt thing the only viable build
@TrentHawkins Even worse now is that Onedrive by default also syncs My Documents, so you also end up having all your savedgames synced by default
you might need to install widevine depending on browser though.
@Avery And Chromecast?
So my fun glacial spike build was super weak :(
@fredley I don't have one, but it probs does
Seems so, but painful
@Yuuki That's actually an aspect of Retribution I thoroughly hate as well: the fact that all our DPS is centered around bursting every 2 minutes
But game support is even worse than Mac.
I only have linux installed since like... late last year.
And if you fuck up that window or the boss fucks it up for you, your DPS goes down to below the tanks
@fredley I've never had any trouble with it on my work laptop
Although Cracktorio works, so it's fine I guess
@fredley wine opens a huge number of games fine and the performance hit isn't huge
@Nzall Yeah, but GOTTA GO FAST.
worst case just have a windows VM/KVM or a windows dual-boot
@Avery well yeah, when you have a crappy laptop, slow vs slower isn't much of a difference ;)
@Yuuki Now I play an Elemental Shaman
If you get those boots that increase your movement speed based on your haste, it's hilarious.
unplayable vs literally unplayable
@Yuuki On my shaman, I literally got 43% haste. I go as fast as my ret paladin during burst
Or at least I did until I quit a couple months ago
@Chippies :thinking:
@SaintWacko I do quite different things at work and home. Linux is historically poor at working with mainstream media consumption services without pain
@fredley I watch netflix and youtube fine.
also that one anime streaming site.
@fredley Oh, I suppose it would help to mention that my work laptop is running Ubuntu
I don't really stream anything else, but the ones I tried work fine.
@Avery When @fredley says "mainstream media", he means "RedTuberX".
And that one site he built specifically for broadcasting Friday on a permanent loop.
@Yuuki :thinking:
@Avery All4 (UK) is out, iPlayer (BBC) is maybe possible
It's Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday
@fredley I mean you could try
I was about to joke that you meant mainstream media as in those things but I didn't think you actually meant those things
7AM wake up in the morning, gotta go downstairs, gotta complain about video games
I know it!
It's jim sterling!
Uh. No.
> True cloud storage
I wouldn't reference that. Because I am not a fan of his stuff.
@fredley sends PR to /linus/kernel
that totally wasn't his github name
/torwalds/kernel maybe
@fredley so if your internet lags, your files could literally get lost in the internet?
@fredley Your files are literally stored in clouds
This is the worst, yet also best filesystem
@Chippies Yeah... And they patched out the catfish xp glitch, too. :(
@fredley that is sick
I thought gmailfs was bad but goddamn
@Chippies If your internet lags, your storage space just increased!
@ToxicFrog Oh man I remember gmailfs
> It appeared with the subtlety of an awkward French kiss.
@Ash Okay, that's a pretty hilarious line.
I have a terrible idea and it's basically steamfs
I know that you can use steam dev api to access an actual FS but I'm more interested about screenshot uploading.
@fredley some one needs to modify it so that both sides of the pinging can read the data and then you have the worst p2p file system
@KevinvanderVelden You'd need a custom ICMP client on the receiving end
@KevinvanderVelden is that R A I D 1
Or alternatively use UDP
@KevinvanderVelden that defeats the point
Which admittedly is less cool
Much less cool
@Avery it's a different point, this way both sides can read it
@KevinvanderVelden yeah but meh I guess
FUSE is helluva drug.
@fredley still internet-delay-line-memory
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, like mercury tubes innit
But better
But also worse
Okay I may just have to build a p2p delay-line-memory filesystem
Where you send the packet to a randomly selected person each time
Who wants to help me test it?
@KevinvanderVelden I'm down to it
inb4 @KevinvanderVelden creates the next dark web
@fredley the darkest of webs, because all the data keeps getting lost
"These are your files. These are your files on FUSE."
@fredley but I will call the project "crappy-dark-web"
"These are your files on the KevinWeb. Where are your files? No one knows."
@KevinvanderVelden First of all, don't just send to one, send to n of m. Also, checksum the data so that if any individual packet is lost altogether it can be recreated.
s/checksum/fountain code
That's a lot of effort though
@KevinvanderVelden nice, I did not know about this
Ooh, that may be my learn-go project
@fredley Looks like something you'd buy at a stall in the mall.
@Yuuki So does your FACE
@KevinvanderVelden Nice. I feel like doing this just to troll the tutor marking this networking assignment
"Ha, who needs ack packets?"
Oh, PSA for Destiny 2 PC players that I failed to mention: Keep any rare (blue) Scout Rifles you get throughout the campaign. You'll need them for an end-game item.
Q: TF2: is the clasic paintable?

Daniel FoxIs the Classic sniper rifle paintable with the new Jungle Inferno Weapons skins? If not, which other weapons are not paintable?

Duct tape them all together for a mega scout rifle.
The voltron of scout rifles
Fun fact: I found out the hard way that Western Digital TV boxes freak the hell out when they encounter upnp packets. Its like the devs didn't code a graceful error handle. The device just up and dies until you reset it.
@Frank wow, that's a pretty bad fail
@fredley Yeah, and their tech support was horrible. They wanted to just send me another box instead of figure out what was happening.
Some googling and a judicious telnet session later, I had fixed the thing.
And kindly told them what the problem was, and to get their devs to code better.
@Frank Next time, just say "shibboleet".
@Frank Their devs are probably an outsourced megacampus in Bangalore, and the tech support person can no more get a message to them than you can
@Yuuki I've tried this several times, never worked
This happens with AT&T service. "I see you're having a problem. I've ordered a new unit to be sent to you, please return the current one at a UPS store."
"But we replaced this 3 days ago." "Please return the existing unit."
So the Saturn V Lego set came back in stock on Amazon, so I bought it :D
@SaintWacko You should come down to Houston where you can see an actual Saturn V rocket.
@SaintWacko Gratz!
And for a limited time, the Apollo 11 lander.
@Yuuki I saw the one in Florida
Is that an expensive set?
@Moacir What, the moon landing set?
Music Equipment

Proposed Q&A site for people who use electronic music performance and production equipment: recording software, synthesizers, audio processors, mixers, stage lighting, etc.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for developers & administrators

Closed before being launched.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment pls
@fredley The Saturn V one
I have the Wolkswagen beetle one
the newest
We have the VW van.
@Moacir $120
If you can manage to find it at that price
@Moacir I'm pretty sure it was real you know, not a set.
@fredley C'mon man
All the conspiracy theories have been thoroughly debunked.
@SaintWacko It is a good price
@Moacir It's already out of stock on Amazon again
Back up to being $190ish everywhere
I have no plans for new lego sets
I got like 3 or 4 of that classic set
I tried to set up a joke with my dad about Pennywise, but I think he unwillingly turned it into the sickest burn of all time.
1 junior set because its a castle
and some creator sets
Cc @cazc_941
@GodEmperorDune Penny wise, pound foolish?
Also, this is the best alternate build I ever did
God dammit google. Give me the direct link
Holy God bodyweight squats are so much worse than box squats and I do box squats with 65 lb weight why is lifting my own self so hard (hint self you weigh 300 lbs)
@GodEmperorDune Also, "unwittingly" not "unwillingly".
@Moacir I’m so stoked for the women of nasa set
Requires no additional pieces. Just with the contents of that box
(sorry for the gym whining, I was just goddamn Wonder Person today)
@GodEmperorDune I am not that stoked just because here this sets are always expensive :/
@GodEmperorDune I don't even love LEGO and I want that one
@Ash I mean, I don't lift weights at all so I'm pretty sure you're Wonder Woman in comparison to me.
@Moacir :(
@Yuuki I remain eternally startled that I can do this
@Yuuki tbf, @ash lift weights with a sword and shield and the music playing in the background so
@GodEmperorDune I don't know why but this line made me picture Sailor Hulk and oh god no please stop.
@MadMAxJr wut
Wonder Hulk just put 'magical girl hulk' into my head. My imagination is a warzone of terrible.
@MadMAxJr Well, if you replace "Hulk" with "She Hulk", maybe it's more tolerable.
1) teach them how to use the machine
2) take away the quarters
3) ???
4) profit
And I guess "Shulk" is slightly more tolerable than "Hulk".
@Yuuki the xenoblade guy?
Yeah, although I've seen some comics people use "Shulk" as shorthand for "She Hulk".
Which messes with me because of Xenoblade.
Okay, so I've discussed the European vacation thingy with my dad, and I'm taking the next week off
as in Monday and Tuesday vacation, Wednesday All-Saints (federal holiday) and then Thursday and Friday vacation
I still need to clear it with work, but they already said that it's not a huge problem for them.
I don't know, being able to click 100 times a second seems like it's cheating in an incremental.
(Thank-you, autohotkey and Logitech macro keys)
Q: Items don't appear at Rangers Safe-house fater updating to patch 1.4.0525

EthanAfter getting a high reputation with NCR, Colonel Hsu gave me the key to the Rangers Safe-house near Black Mountain. I went there but reward items were missing, such as the Rangers Combat Armor and other items that should be displayed in the shelf. Also, the NCR officer in charge of the safe-hous...

@MBraedley well, it kinda is
Rapid click is the current meta! It's just how the game is played!
Play Ginormo sword
But on the scale of "Super human clicking" to "editing the source code"
You have to click so much that you will have to use an auto clicker at some point
Rapid click exploit addressed in patch YOU DESTROYED MY EXPERIENCE, DEVELOPER.
@MBraedley I'm at "Trying console commands"
I tried to set up a joke with my dad about Pennywise, but I think he unwillingly turned it into the sickest burn of all time.
36 mins ago, by Yuuki
@GodEmperorDune Penny wise, pound foolish?
36 mins ago, by Yuuki
@GodEmperorDune Also, "unwittingly" not "unwillingly".
The 4.0.0 Switch update means the console now supports the greatest controller ever manufactured.
@Unionhawk I need that.
Moms after dark
@Avery At least she didn't reply "You can bing anything".
@Yuuki "You can duck anything"
and yes the "to google" alternative of duckduckgo is "to duck"
@Avery If you can dodge a wrench?
It is just a matter of time till Elon Musk gets bored and makes a search engine.
it's always scary to restart servers.
@MadMAxJr I bet his search engine would just dump all knowledge of mankind at you at once
ok this is seriously huge
all these anime, disney movies, tv shows, everything...
I take it you got a VPN working?
openvpn is a pain at times
Suddenly it makes me understand why you use linux
@Moacir I'm a (tech) masochist?
Q: Does Steam share DLC for games both accounts own?

sh4dowThe current humble bundle with borderlands 2 contains some dlc, one of which is not in the GOTY edition (which is active on account2)(ultimate vault hunter pack 2), but is missing a lot other DLC (eg. dragon keep). If I decide to activate the base game + UVHP2 on account1, will I still have acces...

Q: What are the best perks I should get on Skyrim?

Alex BrinI play on Xbox 360 and I am wondering for the 80 perks I can get, what are the best combinations?

While windows works, you need the power to customize your O.S. in ways windows would be a pain in the ass
Mostly because you are in Turkey, I suppose
well, windows plays well with VPNs
But you need to ensure it works great
I just like customizing stuff to hell to suit my needs.
Btw, do you know anything about rainmeter?
but yeah it's kinda easier to grasp your head around the stuff you're working with when most stuff are modular
@Moacir I do, actually
@Avery When I get home, can you help me fix a skin I have? I need it to extract the Twitch user picture from the webpage
I think it has something to do with regex not working anymore because the source code changed
@Moacir Sure, I can give it a look
Just to explain to you, I have an overlay with the users I like to watch. And it has a red background if they are offline, green if they are online
It used to get the user picture too, but now its only green and red squares
as long as it's not something commercial I can help, yeah
Commercial you mean as doing this to sell?
No, nothing like that
yeah I guessed that much but I like to make sure bc of some past stuff
I understand
Sigh... I just wish they'd make an Android Wear smartwatch with a transflective display

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