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My parents are the worst people to go to a car dealership.
@Avery ok!
Alternately, car salesmen love them.
@Yuuki why?
Wtf vodafone is down
@TheMattbat999 well if they're anything like me they're easy to manipulate and they're unlikely to negotiate much
@TheMattbat999 The salesmen were basically assholes to them and they still bought a car from the dealership.
@Yuuki eeeergh :(
They showed up with a particular listing and the salesmen said it didn't exist. Even after being shown the email. And then after they looked at some other cars, they talked about financing.
And they made them wait for 2 hours.
And then came back and said, "let's go look at some other cars".
And my parents still bought from them.
....oh my goodness thats terrible service
Yeah, unless I'm buying a Tesla, all my future purchases are going to be through Carmax. There was minimal fuss and, importantly, they actually had the car that was on the listing I brought them.
Sure they only sell used cars, but I don't really put a premium on "fresh off the factory floor".
@Yuuki ah ok
We've been leasing from the same VW dealership for a while, so we get decent owner loyalty deals
The dealer I bought my car from must have loved me... I didn't even haggle.
Whew! Glad to hear it. Now I don't feel so bad about not getting that @chrissyteigen tattoo. https://twitter.com/chrissyteigen/status/910722853149990913
@fredley The image embed thing for @Uni's message works from home, maybe it's an OS thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@TimStone nice
@TrentHawkins we got like 6 dealerships right beside each other, half Chevy, 2 ford and 1 lincoln
Why even have two or more of same brand next to each other
Because in the Southwest, you have more land than you know what to do with.
@Avery because a few rich people decided to put them there. They also have 3 gas stations beside each other. 2 are the same thing
hahaha oh I love when my parents neighbours call for support
and I know its them
and they don't to this day know its me
It's just a tiny thing that amuses me
@Ash huh...
Oh yes dinally
2 hours and 45 mins of partition managing is done
Best part? It likely won't boot
I mean I can fix it probably but blegh I want to reinstall
@GodEmperorDune Well javascript storage standard
@Avery arch pls

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