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I love it when people on steam refer to me by my legal name even when it's not my profile name
@Unionhawk Penance
@Unionhawk Even worse, in the first scenario, when asked whether the dog was a good boy, the main character replies, "who's to say?".
idk why
@Avery not everyone gets used to change easily
it claims to be enabled
@Yuuki ...
@cazc_941 I'll probably block him
he has 2 csgo lotto sites in his name so it's already warranted
@BlueBarren this animation is really weird
@Avery for the wrong name?
@Avery tough but fair
@Yuuki what if they're a good girl
@cazc_941 they also have 2 csgo lotto sites in their name
and :tm: in name and all caps and flag profile picture.
Why are you friends with them in the first place
@ToxicFrog How do you feel about your name these days by the way? It just occurred to me that it probably has a very different meaning these days.
good question
@fredley lmao
@Avery Dogs being good boys have nothing to do with gender/sex.
god dammit
@Yuuki uhhhhhh
RIP @Yuuki, blocked by @Avery
Have you guys seriously never heard of the term 'who's a good boy'
I have no idea what you're talking about
what's a boy
In today's increasingly polarised world, can we really pin down a definition of 'good'?
@fredley Pictured: dog.
In today's increasingly broad spectrum of gender identity, can se really pin down a definition of 'boy'?
Skeptics.SE maybe but I don't know if you can pin down a meaningful one
All words are made up
You are all meat.
therefore covfefe is a real word
You are all atoms doing a very specific thing
1 message moved to this is fine
life is a chemical reaction
I mean, many many chemical reactions
Most of the DNA in your body is not human
Your body is dying from the day it's born, but from 25 the rate of dying overtakes that of new growth
@fredley quiet you
@cazc_941 People over 25 know that feel
I'm 25
@cazc_941 You're cusping then
@fredley QUIET YOU
@Unionhawk removed.jpg
@fredley status norepro
@Unionhawk status norepromuch
nothing to see here
uni pls
hold on
dear duplicity pls no use pgp you're destroying my cpu
I can see it on mobile but it's removed.png on desktop
good enough
@Unionhawk he protecc but he also attacc
I just realized that I don't get memes
oh single c
also nsfw warning
> On November 8th, 2016, the @fijichecks[4] Instagram posted photographs of a nude man wielding a light saber along with the caption “he protec / but he also attac” (shown below).
why though
@Avery He attac. He attac. But most importantly, he just attac.
The pupil dilation right before attac is pretty peak cat
@fredley "a very different meaning"?
@ToxicFrog Toxic Frog. I don't think the whole Pepe thing was around 4 years ago
pepe was a thing 4 years ago I think
just wasn't associated with alt right
I mean it's an extremely vintage meme but it didn't milkshake duck until like 15
honestly I went wtf when I saw that it was
I don't think Pepe as a symbol of neo-nazis was though
although to be fair it was always chan adjacent so
And I don't know if Pepe himself was 15+ years ago
Which is when I took this handle.
because like it was a nice fun chan meme but like it got ruined
pepe is from 2005 it seems
damn it's old
inb4 'fredley' becomes a meme, then a symbol for genocide, or something
@ToxicFrog Well, neither was the swastika until the Nazis started using it.
I was ToxicFrog around 2001, so
@Yuuki fair
That said, Pepe is a lot more specific than frogs in general.
@Yuuki The Swastika is still widely used in India, and I imagine most of the people who use it don't even know it has another meaning
I'm still happy with my name.
I don't remember how old my runescape account is that I first took this stupid username
Like 2003 or 2004
@fredley Cue Hitler's weird popularity in Indonesia.
@ToxicFrog To be fair, as long as you don't change your avatar to Pepe, you'll probably be fine
@Yuuki tbf, Stalin's not exactly unpopular in the West
@fredley yeah, I'm also quite happy with the rainbow-trioptimum
@fredley Has Stalin been used in an advertisement for an energy drink with the motto "Unleash The Beast"?
oh god kym has a huge section on pepe's association with alt-rgiht
Q: No tax with steam wallet funds. why?

Warlockofdarkness999What-ho. I just noticed, when I was buying a steam game with steam wallet funds, that it did not charge any sort of extra tax for the game. Not 10%, not 5%, just a rather nice 0% tax. As happy as I am for this, does anyone know how valve is pulling this off legally?

@Yuuki wat
@fredley I mix it up sometimes by changing the colour balance or the chirality of the rainbow
everybody knows that marx is the best 19th century guy
(stalin was a 20th century guy) SHUT UP
@Yuuki Wow
Whoops, "Release The Demon" not "Unleash The Beast". And it's a laxative not an energy drink.
same thing
....why did that get deleted.
I am so confused right now.
Outlast Deluxe Edition is free in the IHB store for the next 45 hours.
Deluxe is the game with DLC I'm guessing?
(Outlast base game + Outlast: Whistleblower DLC), according to the store page
Haven't played it yet so I don't know if it's good.
@Yuuki energy drink, laxative, the two are so easy to mix up
I mean energy drinks contain caffeine and caffeine is a diuretic so it's basically the same thing
Q: Controlling Minecraft Pocket Edition using a computer

IronPigI am having problems with the MCPE touchscreen controls and I would like to play it using mouse and keyboard, but I don't have a bluetooth keyboard or mouse so I would like to use the keyboard and the mouse of my computer. Is it possible somehow? (I am on Ubuntu) Thanks in advance.

Twitter image expansion almost ready I reckon
It's hacky as hell and I love it
Circular, or square twitter profile pics?
Or rounded corners?
What about a hypercube?
@KevinvanderVelden ಠ_ಠ
Wait what? https://t.co/E2BlbH7cO7
My avatar is so advanced you can only perceive a slice of it.
@fredley hypersphere is fine as well
grumbles So @ToxicFrog, I finished Sourdough by Robin Sloan and for like 80% of the book I was going to tell you it was awesome and better than Mr. Penumbra....then he got too waves hands frustratedly woo woo mystic esoteric technology bread mess and the story wrapped up super quickly and oddly, like he was telling this great story and then tripped over the ending
It just makes me so frustrated because its like thisclose to being this magical magical thing and he never quite gets there
I think Sloane may need to go into the same bucket as Brin and Stephenson
What sort of bucket is that?
Cool ideas coupled with a truly spectacular inability to stick the landing
Yes! Yes this 100%
It's like an impressive display of parallel-bar gymnastics and then on the dismount all their limbs come off and go rocketing into the audience
@ToxicFrog Speaking of landings, Seveneves
@ToxicFrog yessssss
this is how I feel about Sourdough
I almost want to read Good Omens again.
New Porkchat pushed, with tweet onebox image fetching
it's nifty
So now I will read a book with this ridiculous blurb: "Taylor Harden is a man on the edge.
The edge of fame. The edge of untold wealth.
The edge of utter humiliation.
He built an unhackable system, and in front of everyone, it’s hacked.
His reputation goes from king to goat in a split second. Boom. Like that.
Some dude in Barrington, USA (AKA Nowhere) has locked down Taylor’s code, and if he doesn’t get it back, he’s going to be wearing a monkey suit for the rest of his life.
Except, this guy? This hacker from Nowhere? He’s not a guy.
@fredley does it handle galleries that turn into a single t.co
@Unionhawk Yes
holy shit
(I hope I will not hate it but so far "hackers" in romances mostly make me crack up forever)
@Unionhawk It fetches up to three images, just a list for now. If the post gets too long it scrolls
@Ash I've heard this blurb somewhere.
@Yuuki I've linked it before here when the book was first announced
because I find it HILARIOUS and silly
especially that last line
like I just
even for romances I just can't with it
@Yuuki "Excuse me gosh this is occupied please use a different washroom"
@Ash sounds fun.
I'm trying to picture someone trying to get a significant other specifically by hacking a thing they coded.
@Yuuki "I love you so much I broke your shit"
that's funny because I know one instance of something similar to that happening
I mean, given how weirdly introverted some "nerds" are, I guess that's not the dumbest idea.
....15 pages in and we already have leet speak as a denotation of nerdiness
oh boy
Q: Planet not reachable by space?

KGVTI made a home ages ago, probably over a year back. No updates have broken it, and I can teleport to it just fine - I have three different teleport "bookmarks" there, and they each work. I recently started playing again and learned that you can make space stations. I wanted to put one in orbit a...

"It didn't look like C++, Java, or anything seen before because I'd rewritten the rule book"....book no book stop book why
c++ looks nothing like java but egh
.....now they're trying to describe the unhackable thing and I swear they just threw a bunch of computer words in a blender
well actually they look similar but they're very different etc.
@Avery No, but C== does!
@ThatBrazilianPony C== reminds me of commodore for some reason
Augh sorry, typo
@Avery exactly
"The Quantum Four code isn't even based in binary...the circuits are built on three dimensional thinking"
@Avery What does a chicken with its beak dyed red with the blood of its last commited murder has to do with C++?
@Ash this has to be a parody of "hacking" in TV
@Ash So it was Perl?
that's my only hope
@Ash How many pages until they build a GUI using visual basic to track an IP?
@fredley I'm dying
@ThatBrazilianPony well, we've not gotten there yet ;)
(I'm on page 23)
awww, gotta go back to work now
@quartata I really wanna know where this author got their info.
Like it just....*facedesk*
@Ash can you send the book?
@Avery When I get home tonight, I will send it to you if I don't forget
@Ash So the main character invented Objective-C?
If so, can I shoot him?
@Ash aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I have no idea :P
I did get to where it gets hacked, and he knows it because he starts seeing "binary code"
No no no not based in binary? What? The russians experimented in trinary, binary is standard for good reason.
Yay, someone is followed my proposal! There is hope!
@Ash Oh God I just saw the book cover and it is so... porn-for-women cliché
@ThatBrazilianPony well yes, it's a romance novel, they do that
That's the least of it's sins
And... NY Times best-selling author? Really?
because, well, that's kinda teh point of the thing, no?
@ThatBrazilianPony Yes, really
NYT is not that difficult to do
trust me
"Talk dirty to me!" "J++." "Ooooh."
This is what sells nowadays?
I remember when such books where in a corner of newsstands.
That was years before 50 Shades of Gray, sure.
(I follow a lot of indie romance authors, I've learned a lot about that sort of thing - NYT is one of those things that SOUNDS awesome but isn't impossible to do)
@ThatBrazilianPony ...it's indie romance
so yes
It's not supposed to be omg literature
that's not the point
(Also please to not compare all romance to FSOG)
(because noooope)
@MadMAxJr grins
@Ash Because Hop on Pop is the prototypical American romance novel.
Note: I am not mocking it because it's a romance, I'm mocking it because it's a romance where it's kinda clear the author doesn't entirely super know their subject matter.
Get it right, everyone.
@Ash Incidentally, this is why I mock Sword Art Online.
This place was clean.
@MadMAxJr Was? I've mocked SAO here several times before.
The author clearly doesn't know anything about game design and it's spun off the most derivative of literature fads.
I turned sour on the series when it turned into "Don't Bang Your Sister Online."
@MadMAxJr Side note, what is it with Japanese light novel authors and incest?
Like, it's weirdly common in that community.
The only energy drink that doesn't give me the shits is red bull
@cazc_941 Well that's because it's busy giving you wings.
It's either giving you the shits or wings. Energy drinks aren't known for being good multitaskers.
Even monster rehab gives me poops
Coffee is even worse
There's this new all organic energy drink we carry now that doesn't seem to be adverse as well
But I've also been taking metamucil so
@ThatBrazilianPony You know, the thing that annoys me most about that isn't the leetspeek (or the belief that it needs to be translated), it's the term "author's note".
@ThatBrazilianPony hahaha yes
@Yuuki I'm not a native speaker, what's wrong with "author's note"? It's literal translation (although in plural) is quite common here.
I agree, it's pretty common terminology
It's one of my most common gripes from reading fanfiction.
Does fanfic really count as reading
Namely writers plopping down author's notes in the middle of their prose.
Oh yeah, that
@Yuuki yeah that's a different problem than them existing as a whole
I should read more fanfic
Especially if it's something ridiculously stupid as "(Author's Note: Hehe, did you get that reference?)".
Tbf the only fanfic I've ever read is Garfield, so
@cazc_941 Honestly, there are a few that aren't bad. Like maybe 1-10% of the stuff you find, but they can be pretty good.
@Yuuki Wouldn't a footnote fit better here?
I'll read fanfic when I'm done all the regular fic
...wait online text can't have footnotes my life is a lie
@ThatBrazilianPony Yes it can?
but it has no feet
@ThatBrazilianPony That sort of thing shouldn't be included in a note at all.
Fanfic writers just seem like open source code contributors
Aka people who aren't quite good enough to get paid for it
@ThatBrazilianPony Well neither does a receipt but we still call it "footing the bill".
But again, could be Garfield talking
@Yuuki hue
@cazc_941 That's... not how open source tends to be?
¯_(ツ)_/ ¯
Open source is basically the embodiment of "if you want to learn something, be wrong on the Internet and someone will violently correct you" in code form.
Interesting hypothesis
Never looked at it that way I guess... Still
@Yuuki Anything can be included in a footnote. Even "remember to buy carrots and kill the czar". Specially if it's a surrealist book.
@cazc_941 ...you open an issue with a fanfic author and it stays open forever or gets closed as "wontfix"?
@ThatBrazilianPony haha 😅
On an unrelated note
A: Is the time stamp for posted answers actually accurate to the millisecond?

RobotnikYes, millisecond values exist, but are not shown directly on the site Using Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE), I've written a small query to demonstrate that the millisecond value exists. The 'CreatedDate' field will not show this by default, but by CONVERT()ing the field and using the '114' d...

cc @Avery git gud
That's still a crazy coincidence
yesterday, by Avery
23 mins ago, by Avery
@TimmyJim apparently sent an answer the same second
Also hot damn
That's at +89?
@ThatBrazilianPony Would there even be words in a surrealist book?
Q: Are flowers as a gift to a host who is a feminist a problematic present?

luchonachoMy wife and I are going to a social event to the house of a (not so close but still) friend who is a self-declared and active feminist (e.g. she blogs about it). For such social events, we normally take flowers to the host in gratitude for the invitation. We like this present because (to us and b...

Lol if you don't think your host would appreciate FREE FLOWERS then maybe they don't deserve a gift
Everyone likes flowers
I dunno, depends on the type of flower.
@Avery yeah you guys are going real strong
I personally would hate being gifted a rafflesia.
Also what is that
It's a giant flower that smells like dead bodies.
@cazc_941 i don't
Rafflesia is a genus of parasitic flowering plants. It contains approximately 28 species (including four incompletely characterized species as recognized by Willem Meijer in 1997), all found in southeastern Asia, mainly in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. It was first discovered by Louis Deschamps in Java between 1791 and 1794, but his notes and illustrations, seized by the British in 1803, were not available to western science until 1861. It was later found in the Indonesian rainforest in Bengkulu, Sumatra by an Indonesian guide working for Dr. Joseph Arnold in 1818, and named...
@Yuuki gross!
Also, I think certain varieties of orchids can get you arrested for possession.
@Avery well that sucks but my point is that anybody who complains about a guest bringing a present because it's not what they wanted is being rude
They're symbolic and by giving them you're basically killing them. I won't support rights of plantation yet, but I'd rather have someone get a tree planted in my name than give flowers that'll die in like a week
That's fair but if somebody brought you some as a gift at a party I doubt you'd complain to them about it right
I mean, it depends the party.
@Avery Technically by giving someone flowers you're giving then a bunch of ripped out sexual organs.
What if it's a "stop giving flowers as gifts, give house plants instead" party?
Bringing flowers just seems insensitive.
And a little obtuse.
@cazc_941 I'd thank them for their kindness but let them know about my views on topic
And if it's the Republican Party, you know those people don't like handouts.
They do like charity as a solution for all things though
@ThatBrazilianPony blink you're technically right but that's the worst kind of right
My ssd is super slow
@ThatBrazilianPony Well, a gift of flowers usually includes the stems.
@cazc_941 Unless they're allergic. I don't love flowers as gifts because I feel like a monster when I kill them
So it's more like you're presenting someone with dead bodies.
Although given that the roots are gone, I guess dead bodies with the feet removed.
Although roots are how flowering plants intake food/nutrients... so dead bodies with the mouth removed?
Then again, plants absorb energy from the sun through chloroplasts in their leaves...
But leaves are also typically removed in a bouquet, so...
> This media may contain sensitive material.
opens in phone
Wait, what?
That's "sensitive material"?
@Yuuki I'm at school... I'm debating on whether I should click this or not
Okay, I know it's not impressive to top Michael Bay, but of the "current events" movies I've seen advertised, I might actually watch Stronger.
@BlueBarren It's not NSFW at all.
Oh good
ah wonderful, a meme
@Yuuki 🤔
So you know how there's an Equifax hack thing in the news right now?
And how people are all, "you should freeze your credit", right?
> Experian Site Can Give Anyone Your Credit Freeze PIN
What's next? "TransUnion Will Literally Kill Your Parents And Children"?
omg that was adorable
I got home and went back to use the bathroom
@SaintWacko 10/10 would cute again
When I got back out to the living room my cat was just reaching the edge of the office and looking around
(She hears me get home and comes out to greet me)
So I super quietly call out to her
Little bit louder til she hears me and turns around, at which point she gives out this happy little mew and jumps up on the table to run over to me
@Chippies thanks!
@SaintWacko melts that's cute
@Yuuki cc @Arperum
Fact: mobile devices suck and gparted live sucks and why is growing my root by 1.75gbs taking this much
That fact is verritified
Prepare your pls-guns
@OverwatchTXT Still wouldn't get any legendaries.
Q: What game is displayed in this photo?

AveryI was on a discord and someone posted this (and asking them what game it is didn't result in an answer, neither did google reverse image search), and I wonder what game it's from: Looking at the screen edge and screen res, I believe that it's a game for Nintendo 3DS, though I can't seem to fin...

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