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I've raised concerns over the coloring on the thread and kinda wanted to hear others' opinions on how it looks
I guess the logo is a bit bigger to make up for it
I like the freehand red circle around the new logo
btw i just smashed the paint bucket so that's not how it'll look in the end if the color IS changed
because gimp sucks and I suck
I like the search bar, wide and large
@badp wide and large (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dear Flow: object literals are... literally objects
Q: Vim Adventure level 7 stuck on parenthetical equation

e.franklinI made it through the equation portion of level 7 (passed the What's in a name puzzle). After entering the hut I was advised that I needed to first collect the z key, which I had not yet done. I was told to go back, get the z key, and return. Unfortunately now I am not able to get out of this are...

Q: How can I increase my available Pokemon

Francis FarrenI presently have only 180 of 250 available pokemon. According to my son's iPad, he presently has 229 of 1,000 available pokemon. When my eggs hatch, I get the same ones over and over again. When his eggs hatch, he gets a new one every time. How can I increase my available pokemon from 250 to ...

You: Video games won’t sell unless they’re filled with half naked women Nintendo, an intellectual: https://t.co/4RkAiqYOzV
@Unionhawk hm, I never saw link shirtless before.
@Unionhawk I saw a tweet last night that was just like "give King Dedede nipples you cowards" and for whatever reason it made me laugh my ass off
@AppUnwrapper Link lost his nipples from Twilight Princess to Breath of the Wild, further complicating the timeline https://t.co/6gQV4F11B9
TIMELINE THEORY: even though the game references the twilight, BOTW can not possibly be on that branch of the timeline because link does not have nipples
This is canon
no, it's just a GAME CANON
@Unionhawk No, THIS. IS. GANON
@TimStone why not both
Calamity Canon
we gonna use the same SE logo as we do now.. blue logo on Joe screenshot is clearly a bug. — Paweł ♦ 2 mins ago
just checking my email and learned that Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey is being re-released for the 3DS
and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 comes out the start of december for the switch, which is exactly why i got one
@Memor-X Yes, it was announced on the last Nintendo Direct yesterday
@PrivatePansy i didn't see that, i'm going off my EB Games newsletter
There's a ton of JRPG related announcements in there
@Unionhawk Hey, I didn't realize this guy was on Twitter. I've watched pretty much every one of his YouTube videos.
@Wipqozn I'm at the final part of the final mission and I'm scurred. Also, is the game teleporting you into the final room new in the expansion or was that there before? I thought you could hang out on the bridge for some reason the last time I played
This is probably the most interesting. A new untitled JRPG from the same group that made Bravely Default. Unfortunately it looks like a Switch exclusive
The art style is really interesting. And also the idea every NPC can be interacted with in a unique manner
was this posted
we should get a feedbot that posts all disney / pixar trailer releases
@Avery Oh man, la chancla.
@Avery don't we have @Yuuki for that?
@KevinvanderVelden he missed this one though
Q: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life

Joe Z.Here is a theoretical question - one that doesn't afford an easy answer in any case, not even the trivial one. In Conway's Game of Life, there exist constructs such as the metapixel which allow the Game of Life to simulate any other Game-of-Life rule system as well. In addition, it is known that...

@PrivatePansy now that you mention that the title looks like it's in the same font
Naah, he's just slow, like lazers
Yay its 5pm and I'm only now cooking some decent food
@fredley people are insane
@KevinvanderVelden Gotta get them reps
> With 1 bit per live cell, that's between 27 and 74 GiB needed to represent the entire computer and ROM.
@fredley more like gotta get that rep cap
To be fair, they did get double the rep from my stupid cat keyboard question
I linked to this yesterday when we posted it and no one batted an eye but now that everyone's hit rep cap the Bridge wants to upvote :(
@SaintWacko Hhahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
@fredley Oh no, I love this sort of game
There's another really good one, I can't remember its name though. It's a four-letter acronym
Have you played that?
@SaintWacko Apple, don't you think it's time to ditch the proprietary connectors and just adopt USB-C on the iPhone?
@MBraedley no
I guess it's not actually an acronym, it just looks like it
it's time to adopt Micro USB again
@SaintWacko No!
@fredley It's really good
@SaintWacko Whaaaaa
@SaintWacko Will give it a try
Windows only :(
@KevinvanderVelden mac wine is weird
I mean, mac is weird so
I mean, @fredley is weird so it checks out
40 minutes until weekend. hurry up already.
(warning: zero punctuation, expect potential nsfw voice or maybe suggestive imagery)
I know that when you say "nsfw voice" you probably mean profanity but I can't help thinking that you also mean something else.
And then I think about Yahtzee.
And then I think about throwing up.
Australian accents are NSFW
@Yuuki I mean, it is toilet humor
@Arperum :(
Also you have message 40000007
@KevinvanderVelden This evening Swordfighting and driving north \o/
@KevinvanderVelden Just about to post that
Dead by Daylight is free through the weekend if anybody wants to try 1v4 'escape the killer' gameplay.
Message 4 lots of zeroes
Such a shame :(
I have 38000000 does that count
no wait
@Avery I have messages in the one million range
.... Are you debating post number gets? What is this, 4chan?
@MadMAxJr No, this is the bridge hangs up
eh, 4 something something 220, not that bad.
> post ends in 4335 gets to decide my kitten's name
You took the game-winning shot @Wipqozn, gg
@Nzall I just said this isn't 4chan
sorry, quoted wrong post
Err, thank you brain
if this message ends with 68 then I'll buy bad rats to every bridger that doesn't have bad rats
I am immune to receiving Bad Rats. :|
@Avery editing is cheating
if this message ends with 69 everybody has to venmo me $5
96, close enough
now you have to venmo us 5$
this room has at least #50000 and #500000
paypal is also acceptable.
God dammnit webpack --watch, stop crashing
@Unionhawk wtf is venmo
@KevinvanderVelden Random US only online payment thing.
@Avery Logic checks out
@KevinvanderVelden lmgtfy slash yeah it's a method for transferring money to friends
Or a misspelling of Venlo.
@Arperum aah US only
everything is US only
So probably mostly used for paying medical expenses or something
Nah mostly used by college students to split a pizza bill without cash
Q: How do delete songs for StepMania 5 on Windows?

XeroOlI am relatively new to StepMania. I recently downloaded a ton of songs. Now, I want to delete a pack. When I look in %appdata%/StepMania 5/Songs, there are no songs, even though I remember putting songs into this folder. Searching my computer reveals that there are files in %appdata%/StepMania 5...

@PrivatePansy Those closed captions though...
Can it be lunch time yet
@Unionhawk I'm guessing you haven't eaten since you had those four kids for breakfast?
wine update apparently broke a game I maintain
> The Garbage Plate - Pulled pork, home fries, mac salad, meat hot sauce, ketchup/mustard/onions/mayoImage
and I lost my external drive apparently
so can't even install the game :105:
found it, eh.
@TimStone As in gg Advent, you dead forever?
It turns out that the Templars are the biggest jerks
@TimStone I don't remember tbh
I do think I remember hating the final mission though
@TimStone go me!
So @Wipqozn is a terrible commander but a decent enough shot?
Sounds like it
He was actually a terrible shot but then I gave him the Warlock's unique-item rifle and he got much better
So @Wipqozn is terrible but we can compensate for some of his terribleness, seems reasonable.
Pretty much, yeah
Q: Does steam have the ability to delete someones account due to a prank?*check info*

insert name hereSo my friend came over and signed into his steam on my laptop and left it signed in. He forgot to sign it off so i decide to "prank" him and changed all of the info on his steam to brexit. He was fairly angry and threatened to report me on steam. He is obviously talking out of his ass, but it got...

But yeah, not really a spoiler since you've beaten the game before @Wipqozn but the Templars knew XCOM 3 would happen and I guess never bothered to mention it
@Lazers2.0 Try not being a jerk.
XCom 3: So we've only got Templars now
War of the Chosen. Not sure if it's an expansion or a Next Generation reunion.
The grapling hook/claw alien is Michael Dorn, right?
So IIRC, XCOM 1 was actually a simulation and the aliens were harvesting your brainpower to defeat the actual XCOM as part of the leadup to XCOM 2?
XCom 1 was a simulation where greys really enjoyed mind-probing your rocket launcher man inside the dropship and killing everyone in one shot.
@Yuuki I would like one please
@Yuuki accurate
WTB apartment with a gas range
Come to the netherlands! We're one of the largest suppliers of gas
You know, I've never seen the ending to XCOM 1
The game glitched out literally in the last chamber of the last level and made all the enemies invincible
@Yuuki Yeah, it's confusing, I'm not sure they really thought it through
There was some developer commentary that was like "Well most of the time you do actually lose, so" which seems kind of unsatisfactory, lol
I think the devs are split between "XCOM 1 was a simulation" and "XCOM 2 is if XCOM 1 was played on Hardcore Ironman mode".
I mean there would be no sequel if you've actually won XCOM 1, you know
@Yuuki cats are dicks
Q: Minecraft get list of server's players

s0m30n3I want to get list of currently connected Minecraft players on some server, using some sort of API. E.g: myapi.com/playerlist.php?ip=<SERVER_IP> Which results something like this: player1 player2 player3

Unless you mean original XCom
In which case I didn't know you could win.
HowToBasic confirmed?
That's a Papyrus level bit of help.
Something about the WKeys made me think of Papyrus
@Yuuki My friend used "spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch" (the testicles are to confirm that you have your keys in you front pockets, and that you're actually wearing pants and not going outside naked)
I can't help but feel that that mnemonic makes some big assumptions.
yeah, like, it assumes you're the kind of person who uses the word "spectacles"
@Yuuki It is, apparently, rather old.
@Unionhawk Well, who owns a watch these days?
@Unionhawk or that you own that weird thing snap released
@Yuuki me
@Yuuki (raises hand)
@TimStone Fancy
@MBraedley Is the hand with the watch on it?
@Yuuki well, me. But eh, it's a smartwatch
@Yuuki No, because unfortunately I need to put it in a lock-box each morning because it has Bluetooth
I could probably get away with putting it in airplane mode, though.
I used to have a watch that I would always put in airplane mode.
@TimStone Any idea what you'll play next?
Although to be fair, I couldn't disable airplane mode.
@fredley why uh oh?
hmm, free NYT digital and NYT Crossword for 3 months
Crossword is just for two.
You must also be a Google Guide.
And yes I saw that
Imaginary internet points woooooooooo
You can signup for the crossword on the site, but then the app version will ask you for a password and has no idea how to use your google credentials.... but the news app will.
I shot up to 6 when they buffed photo and question points
It was awesome
They're letting us submit videos as a guide now.
@MadMAxJr Yeah, I think like small up to 30 second clips iirc
@Wipqozn I dunno, I got most of the cheevos I can be bothered to get but I didn't put on the Alien Ruler armors and I'm sad I didn't because they're hilarious
And the example they used was latte art
which is pretty neat
I think a spambot is reading my photos on Google Maps
Because it just told my my photos have been viewed 350 thousand times
I have a couple really high view photos
I have an 11k view photo that's just pictures of switch accessories at a gamestop
It makes no sense. There isn't even 350 thousand people in this area
I have an 18k photo that's just a picture of the rooftop view at Rhinegeist
@Yuuki nice
@Unionhawk It always amuses me which of my photos get crazy numbers of views
I mean a couple of them I understand
Like I have one that's the front image for the gym I go to
Because there are two photos there and they're both mine
I should upload more images to google maps
@Yuuki I have an actual watch
I need to get the battery replaced because it's been several years
@KevinvanderVelden saaame
Oh I have an actual watch that winds and stuff
@Unionhawk I hate analogue clocks, digital all the way
@KevinvanderVelden I looked at an analogue clock to try to tell the time the other day and it took more than a quick glance to get it right.
It's so weird when you screw up something you feel like you've known forever.
> ... an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.
@PrivatePansy I don't think they're neat. They're just way superieur in every way except in their lack of steampunk aesthetic
I want to learn the time, not spend a minute just trying to pinpoint the current time
Also that's the dutch spelling of superior, thank you autocorrect
also no alarms or timers
If you can't wear a water clock on your arm, I don't want to talk to you.
@KevinvanderVelden souperior
also no pixel miner
Used to have a clock that would display Unix time.
It amused me/
Think i still have a shelf clock that is binary time.
@MadMAxJr my watch has it so
Apartment listings that don't have previews of the kitchen confuse me.
I need to reduce my spending and get a raise before I can move, really
The second is in the works
at least
Oh fuck
@fredley Netflix is giving me another free trial
@Unionhawk inb4 extreme misery
God dammit
Bridge, we're going to an amethyst mine today!
@Frank We are?
starts humming the Magic School Bus theme
2 hours ago, by Avery
wine update apparently broke a game I maintain
and I cnr~
Grr, I'm getting a fair number of false positives in spam
Are people like, subscribing to senators' newsletters and then flagging them as spam to confuse google
@TimStone I'm still confused as to why they decided to create a new Ms. Frizzle but keep the same students.
That's like the opposite of what actually happens.
@DanmakuGrazer Well, I am.
You don't have to.
But I wanted to :c
Mining sounds tiring, can I just swoop in and take credit?
@KevinvanderVelden Open mine.
@DanmakuGrazer Come to Ontario.
@Yuuki yes, this is true
@Yuuki Look, times are hard, Ms. Frizzle is earning that professorship cash now, she's earned it
@GodEmperorDune Okay, watching the trailer again, seems like it's different kids.
Whew, it makes sense.
        - ! git ls-files | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | uniq -D | grep '^'
$ git ls-files | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | uniq -D | grep '^'
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
well done gitlab
you did precisely the opposite of what I wanted
Sea Base's dive fleet appears to be fine
I guess it depends on how the shipyards 4 were in fared
I mean they're all insured I'm sure so
Ugh, what a stupid day
Pinned message in room 64176
There's no pinned message
No, that's the pinned message
"Ugh, what a stupid day"
Tired of waiting, Star Citizen guild gets a $45,000 refund http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/09/tired-of-waiting-star-citizen-guild-gets-a-45000-refund/ by @KyleOrl
Holy fuck
in This Is Fine, 27 mins ago, by Avery
@TimStone oh god I saw this before
> Children that were born when Star Citizen was first announced are now approaching Kindergarten
I hate you Ars
> "You’re here and reading this because we are willing to go big, to do the things that terrify publishers."
@TimStone I mean probably
No, I think most people backed Star Citizen because they wanted to fly spaceships, not to take a philosophical stance on the AAA game industry.
What was it, like, 2011?
Jesus, was star citizen announced a thousand years ago
Although I guess my son was technically born a year later, but
@Unionhawk I think we need to ask @Sterno to get an accurate date, only he remembers such things
> Development began in 2012
Roberts's quote in the Ars Technica article just makes me more confident in my decision to not back the game.
FUN FACT kids who started high school in 2012 are starting college
they might be juniors
Also that's college-goer-centric, my apologies
The fact that there's a $15,000 completionist package is f--king ridiculous.
I dunno, it's the ultimate freedom
@Yuuki I mean, it's a kickstarter thing? Outrageous "No one is going to buy it but have fun I guess" tiers aren't bad
To be able to give all of your money to a game dev for a game that has been "RELEASE DATE: TBA" for five years is good actually
I am kind of tempted to request a refund given how much I apparently pledged >_>
@KevinvanderVelden Yea but those tiers are usually still less money than an actual car.
@Yuuki Yeah, I hope the group has a lot of people to make the per-person cost less insane? Because wow
And not a car that you'd buy a third-hand busted up dealership, an actual like-new not suspicious at all car.
The money I think I'm going to get from my car being totaled in Harvey wouldn't pay for the completionist package.
That's how ridiculous this is.
@TimStone I hope it's 3 people because that'd be funnier
Star Citizen is (of course) my oldest unfulfilled KickStart pledge
I feel sorry for anyone who's staying with Star Citizen because there is no way it's going to A) live up to the hype or B) live up to the amount of money spent on the game.
Yeah no it's not going to be the literal best thing ever
I haven't requested a refund primarily out of laziness, I won't lie
You could get your refund then buy elite lifetime expansion if it's ever offered
Pretty sure Chris Roberts has out-Molyneauxed Peter Molyneaux. Which is a mind-boggling accomplishment.
@Unionhawk It's funny because it's true
I mean lifetime expansion was like what, 100
> "Star Citizen matters BECAUSE it is big, because it is a bold dream," Roberts continued. "It is something everyone else is scared to try."
He makes it sound like the second coming of Christ.
Other then "space game" what is it anyway?
I mean most people are scared of not delivering
@Nzall there. Can I decide on the name of your kitten now?
@KevinvanderVelden It's anything that creeps into Roberts's mind as he sleeps on his bed of your money.
@Yuuki Star Citizen vs Elite is the ultimate argument for modular incremental development over spending literally five years not releasing anything
@Unionhawk $100-something I think, yeah, which is indeed less than my pledge :|
The feature creep in Star Citizen is breathtaking both in its scope and in Roberts's refusal to acknowledge that it exists.
Say what you will about Elite, at least it exists
@Unionhawk So... Agile vs. Waterfall?
@Unionhawk Plus now ALIENS
@TimStone Do we have a general idea the scope of 2.4?
Another issue with a project this long and expansive is whether you're going to rewrite it because new tech comes out.
I dunno, but probably
IIRC, that's what screwed over TF2 and Duke Nukem for so long until they actually came out.
@Yuuki lol CryEngine
We got TF2 and it was beautiful.
"Oh, quantum computing is a thing now so we're rewriting Star Citizen from the ground up. We're going to need another $25 billion." - Chris Roberts in 10 years, probably
And it became the source of derpy cartoons for years after.
Sweet. Dead by Daylight got a new killer from an existing property. Leatherface.
> Most great movies have a great score. This one is no different. Stuart Copeland, former drummer of The Police, is the composer. His music strikes just the right balance between probiotic yogurt commercial and soft core porn. There's times when he uses almost two chords to convey a mood or emotion to the audience.
Oh no, my little pony is on dutch netflix
@Unionhawk pls
Abuse for moderate justice
@TimStone I shall once again say you should replay with A Better AI mod
Q: Do Lost kills give experience?

mathgeniusDoes killing The Lost in XCOM 2: War of the Chosen grant promotion experience? Filler text for question submission.

@Wipqozn If I did that you probably would have died
Everyone else would have survived, but
My favourite screenshot from killing one of the Chosen
@Yuuki Makes me think of No Man's Sky and we all know how that ambition turned out.
This predates no man's sky
Yeah, I know that. But the lofty goals are similar.
Wheeeee, I registered to arqade 3 years ago today~
PSA: The new iPhone costs $999. The entire Cracker Barrel menu costs $887.71 ...make smart choices.
@Unionhawk apple turkey announced it as 7000try (~2032.62usd) here
I'd rather have everything on cracker barrel twice
@Avery I think I've run the gamut of try puns. I'm at the bottom of the barrel here.
@GodEmperorDune I'm sure I can come up with one off the top of my head, but it won't be very good. I'd rather not phone it in.
@Yuuki surely you can try harder
chat lag
meh, meh i say
Q: Where can I find/buy/steal a good bow at low levels?

EthanI am role-playing a level 6 female Redguard focused on Archery and Sneak, with Light Armor, One-Handed and Alchemy as support skills. I used to get good bows in TES: Morrowind and TES: Oblivion at low levels, so where can I find, buy or steal a good bow in TES: Skyrim? Buy good I mean a bow tha...

Q: How to stop double tap in Skyrim Special Edition?

DemiGoati got skyrim for the xbox one and right off the back iv been having inventory issues. for some reason it double action items but it only happens when in the inventory. for example, when im consuming items it will consume the potion of healing but also consume the poison that was under it. or if i...

@Avery Happy Arqade-iversary! :)
@Ash tyty :)

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