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I was at the boardwalk yesterday and there was a 7D Dark Ride
It was closed since it's off season now but I really wanted to know how they defined a dimension.
That's not
I mean
They're definining it as 3D+motion+water+idk some air jet thing by your feet to make it feel like snakes or some shit+I have no idea where else you can go
@Unionhawk let's see, all 3 dimensions, plus motion, plus fire, plus water, plus wind, plus arrows in the face
They just hired the avatar to add 4 dimensions
Except those are elements and not dimensions
youtube.com/watch?v=i_pptTHuphk This is a 5D attraction in Walibi Netherlands
@Unionhawk smells to, probably
so the base 3 dimensions. 4th dimension is special effects. 5th element is interaction
Pretty much any ride is 4D by default since it takes time to experience it.
Well there's sound so clearly it's 6d
Ow, apparently that video stops before they enter the actual ride
@TimStone I forgot you had Chrysallid poison on you and you died. Sorry man. I'm a bad commander
Not as bad as @Wipqozn though
@KevinvanderVelden You guys are just jealous people aren't as willing to fight under you as they are to die under me
@Nzall What's the domain of special effects?
@fredley Marketing I guess
---the joke--->

   \o/  <- Nzall
Q: Game CD extremely scratched

Daniel LonarkarThis is probably not the best place to post this question, but I couldn't find a better place. One of my game CDs has been massively scratched. I've tried using toothpaste already but that did not work. Are there any tips I can try that might get it to work again, preferably without costing money?

I don't agree with this closure
I mean, normal TV easily has 5 dimensions, even while on mute: [R, G, B, x, y, t]
We have lots of questions that can be answered many different ways like this one
That's what voting is for
@cazc_941 It has -4 votes...
On answers
It's closed as 'too broad'
@fredley only 3 of those are dimensions
@KevinvanderVelden disagree, intensity of red light, green light and blue light are all dimensions
@fredley what's the value at (0,1,2,3,4,5) (r,g,b,x,y,t) then?
I can't imagine an entire book that answers that
But I can imagine a small handful of different answers
@KevinvanderVelden (0,1,2,3,4,5)... I'm not sure I understand your question
Oh I see, you are treating (R,G,B) as the value at (x,y,t)?
@cazc_941 good point
@fredley you say R, G and B are dimensions. I'm stating a position in the 6 dimensional space with the axes R, G, B, x, y and t
cc @GodEmperorDune
And wondering what the value is at that point
@KevinvanderVelden In a multiverse, everything is a dimension, the 'value' is just the particular multiverse you happen to be in
@fredley that would be a 4 dimensional space of (x, y, t, dimension), R,G,B are still values at particular points
@KevinvanderVelden Not if those 6 coordinates are the input to your multiverse travelling machine
You have one R,G,B value at one point, you don't have a dimension for red
@KevinvanderVelden The value has a dimension for red
@fredley I don't think the word dimension means what you think it means
(R,G,B) is a three dimensional value
@fredley also we were talking about a normal TV =p
@KevinvanderVelden, crying: You can't just call everything a dimension!
@fredley, pointing at a passing seagull: That's a dimension
@fredley no, it's a 3-vector
@KevinvanderVelden the '3' in 3-vector denoting the dimensionality?
@Sterno It's okay, Chrysallids are jerks
An RGB value can be considered as a point in 3-dimensional space
@fredley stupid language
@fredley yes, but that's different from it being 6 dimensional
That's a 3 dimensional space with values describing points in a different 3 dimensional space
@KevinvanderVelden 3 dimensions of colour, 3 of spacetime, 3+3 = 6
@fredley dimensions aren't numbers, you can't add them like that
@TimStone True, but it should have been @Wipqozn. Tim "Turbo" Stone was actually useful and had a bunch of +hack covert ops under his belt
A 3-vector + a 3-vector is still a 3-vector
@KevinvanderVelden Not if you stack them on top of each other
Actually it's a 7-vector
which is what you need to do if you're fully describing this TV scene in e.g. a video game
It's science
@fredley then it's a 2x3 matrix
You encode it as a list of values
(0,1,2,3,4,5) describes a particular point that exists in this 6-dimensional hellscape
@fredley if you're describing the TV in a video game you'd need a 4 dimensional matrix (x, y, t, r/g/b index)
@KevinvanderVelden You can't cheat by smushing dimensions together like that
I mean you can
@Sterno :( @Wipqozn is my highest ranked specialist and he's just especially good at not successfulyl hacking
@Unionhawk The rgb value is still 3 dimensional
Unless it's a black and white tv
rgb(0,1,2) is #000102
@fredley It's still a point in 3d space
@TimStone He's my Skirmisher and he's awful at ever hitting. Basically, @Wipqozn is just bad at everything.
@KevinvanderVelden It's also a point in colour space!
TIL JSON5 exists
disappointed it's not called J5ON
Note that the 4d matrix would have values like (x1,y1,t1,0) = 255, (x1,y1,t1,1) = 0, (x1,y1,t1,2) = 255
@KevinvanderVelden What's that equals for?
Those are the values at those points in the matrix
it's not really a 4D matrix
So does TwoBugs still use the chat?
oh boy student loan payment comes out tomorrow
Because I am not going to write a 4 dimensional matrix in chat. I am not that insane
RIP @twobugs
it's a map of quaternions to triples
@badp I'd rather use HOCON at that point, tbh
@Sterno There was a brief period where he was shockingly good at overwatch shots but I think that time has now passed
@TimStone [1\n2\n3] and [1,2,3] are the same array.
No thank you
I mean it's just a "commas are optional" thing
@TimStone I have it on good authority that he's terrible at Overwatch.
Ohhhhh snap
I don't know if concatenation is a good idea. Maybe if you're #include'ing different files
oh hey chat is scrolling again
Sounds like most of these changes are to make it easier to emit JSON without using an encoder
Man, I miss having stupid pointless Bridge arguments with @KevinvanderVelden
@fredley wait
does that mean this is not a stupid pointless Bridge argument with @KevinvanderVelden?
@badp Obviously not
well done @KevinvanderVelden you really helped us help you help us all
cause they're arguing about points in vector spaces, it's not pointless
ah, but the vector space was all wrong anyway
everyone knows the only useful computer representation of 3D points is quadruples!
that's only part 1 of the joke
are you asking me to learn from the mistakes of the past?
that's preposterous
we must go on loop until this is funny again
@badp x,y,z,opacity?
AFAIK four-dimensional representation of three-dimensional spaces is pretty much an universal thing in 3D computer graphics
@fredley Up, down, top, bottom, charm and, strange.
@badp I see, so you encode the position of the camera in an extra dimension? Neat.
@SaintWacko yeee
@Yuuki It's been ages since I've been asked that
@quartata hue
@fredley it's called homogenous coordinates and it's just to make the math suck a little less
@Nzall Nope
@cazc_941 , saturation, value
---the joke--->

   \o/  <- quartata
@fredley , alpha
@SaintWacko , x, y, z
That was in reply to "so you add an extra dimension" not whatever quark joke you're trying to do
by all means continue with that
How do you encode the reflection properties of a surface in 3d graphics?
How many dimensions does that have?
@fredley sorry, work work work
Shall we continue arguing dimensions?
@KevinvanderVelden Those are odd names for dimensions
Quite annoying to work with I'd imagine
Is there a dimension where Cartesian coordinates are denoted as (y, z, x)?
I hope not
@Yuuki I've probably used a space representation where that was useful for some reason
And whenever you work in 2D, you have to write coordinates as (y, N/A, x).
Or just y,0,x
(y, null, x)
@Unionhawk See that implies that there's a z dimension to work with.
I'll just quickly mention quaternions and leave
Well that's why you don't do (y z x)
In mathematics, the quaternions are a number system that extends the complex numbers. They were first described by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. A feature of quaternions is that multiplication of two quaternions is noncommutative. Hamilton defined a quaternion as the quotient of two directed lines in a three-dimensional space or equivalently as the quotient of two vectors. Quaternions are generally represented in the form: a + bi + cj + dk where a, b, c, and d are real numbers, and i, j, and k are the fundamental quaternion...
@fredley Do you mean like positions on the surface? The reflection part itself is a map
Quaternions are just pain_irl
e to the pi i plus one equals zero
Presumably it's 2D using whatever mapping you used to put the texture on the object i.e UV mapping
@TimStone I rarely hack on my game until I get an upgrades gremlin. The chance to hack before is just too low to be useful.
@fredley this is not a joke, it's just dumbing in a no dumb area, but please, keep going, maybe we'll find out it'll eventually a representation of 3D space that is useful for machine learning
#include <fallacies/sunken_cost/there_is_a_point_where_we_needed_to_stop.jpg>
@badp oh snap
    where we needed to stop
---the joke--->
your level

                   \o/  <- badp
Hrump. Stupid HTML collapsing whitespace
@PrivatePansy just use a blank braille character probably
@badp why are you including jpgs in your C code? That just sounds like a bad time
I mean you could do it
@KevinvanderVelden we were already having a bad time
@KevinvanderVelden Obviously that's code from an alternative dimension where we've managed to port Webpack to C/C++
You probably won't want to live there
@Wipqozn You have an upgraded Gremlin
@PrivatePansy onononono
@PrivatePansy I mean, does it have trump? I could probably live there if there's no trump
@PrivatePansy UglifyCpp.js
please don't even joke about webpack
@quartata I feel your pain so so much
I love webpack
@fredley there I fix it for you
There are projects where I've literally spent more time configuring Webpack than writing actual application code
Pokémon Go trying to murder people #HurrcaneIrma https://t.co/1ENqNUPO9p
@fredley mod abuse for good
@PrivatePansy Really? My webpack config is reasonably complex, given we're building inline web workers and stuffing them in the bundle, but it didn't take too long to get it working
you can quote me
I'm the authority on mod abuse
@StrixVaria All those PoGo players will be super swole from playing PoGo though so they won't blow away
@fredley It was a single man project, so there's that. It's probably less painful if you're working in a team because it only has to be done once.
@StrixVaria PoGo has Lugia now, right?
And you can push the work to someone else
@KevinvanderVelden That mostly sounds like the in chat part is too much for you.
Also the documentation is not very good.
Also things just randomly break for no reason when you upgrade stuff, which happens quite frequently
@Arperum note that I used the phrase "I am not that insane"
also it's a cruel reminder of how many screwdrivers your code is stacked upon
babel, uglify, npm, babel 2, babel 2: episode 1...
I fondly remember Webpack 3, which promised to not break anything except plugins. Because Webpack is totally useful without plugins.
I use Node for almost nothing now and yet every 6 months I find out I've installed like 500 modules and have to clean out my node_modules directory
@PrivatePansy I am in a single-man company :-)
SO is my SO though
> Man tries to burn EU flag but it won’t burn because it meets EU regulations on flammable materials.
currently happening around me, a disquisition on whether or not it is snowing
Question, if a flammable material doesn't burn, then it's no longer a flammable material right?
(current outside temperature: 14°C)
Therefore, it wouldn't have to follow EU regulations on flammable materials because it's not a flammable material, right?
@badp it can snow when the air temperature at ground level is above 0. But yeah it's probably not snowing
@Yuuki is this why we have people in the UK thinking the EU regulates banana curvature
Q: How to beat Trial Mode Stage 91?

KaizerwolfI've run into a bit of a snag when completing the Trial Mode. Stage 91 is a single Magick Pot, with random spawns of Hecteyes in the arena. The Magick Pot clamors for an Elixer, however it seems to wear off before I can kill it, leading to dismay and a very strong, angry Magick Pot. The constant ...

> it's just typical isn't it. you make a video you think is really good, your work's done, you think it's in the bag and then someone decides to be racist
@Nzall You can also clear out any object that's using the paper towel by burning the house down and building a new one from scratch
i'm still laughing at that
This is likely the safest option
We are pretty sure the video was made by a remain voter though because why would you post failing to burn a flag if you were a leave voter
@Unionhawk Livestream?
This seems like the only "it was a leave voter" explanation
I mean either way who cares it's dumb anyway
"idiot self-owns on line either on purpose or on a livestream" is like a daily occurance
although the video is great
@KevinvanderVelden Yes, not insane enough to do it in chat, insane enough to do it.
That's interesting.
Rainfall levels in Houston before, during and, after Harvey.
Also, there's been no rain since Harvey. Which is very good for recovery efforts but apparently the soils are starting to dry up.
But have you ever seen a fish being petted https://t.co/kJJu7I6znG
@Yuuki hopefully you get some rain to help that if it's needed but not enough it stops recovery.
@Ash heey we used to have some of those orange fishes
@Avery did you pet them? :p
Okay, time to put pants on so I can have dentist-freezing-my-face happy funtimes. (happy funtimes not included)
My thermos is awesome because it keeps my coffee nice and warm all morning long. I mention this, because 3 hours later, my coffee is still too hot to drink.
@Yuuki sigh
@TheMattbat999 picked up the MASH ultimate episode guide last night. It's actually kinda cool, has a lot of neat facts about the episodes I didn't know before.
of course you'll have to start rationing water right after 50 inches of rain
@MBraedley that's impressive!
@Ash That's adorable
I used to be the carp at a chinese buffet I went to a lot
@Yuuki This is a really good way of presenting this data. Also makes it pretty clear just how much ran was dropped in Houston.
@MBraedley Space City Weather has been very good.
We are now leaving Halifax. Great meeting you, @Wipqozn, @MBraedley!
> Sometime on Wednesday winds will shift to the southwest, and eventually the south, which will have the effect of bringing more typical September-like weather back to Houston. We can expect highs of around 90, or in the low 90s, and overnight low temperatures in the low 70s. Rain chances remain near zero.
Can't wait 'til December when temps start to move around 80.
@Frank Yeah, Saturday was fun. You'll have to come back some time.
@Yuuki This graph needs more pixels
::sad trombones:: I don't seem to be able to reach imgur from the customer network.
@MBraedley Can you reach stack.imgur?
Well, I guess so since you saw the Space City Weather graph.
user image
So I get half that reference...
The Waldo half?
Good morning bridge.
I started up the new XCom over the weekend. I do not like the assassins. :(
Basically, it's Lionel Richie dressed as Waldo. "Hello, is it me you're looking for?" is the opening line of his hit song 'Hello'.
@MBraedley I think its your turn.
Okay, not opening line but one of the most well-known parts.
@Yuuki (replying to starred post) well I guess if society was ruled by children's fashion designers, that child wouldn't need to feel jealous (also sigh yay for gatekeeping even to masculinity)
-> 3 users moved to this is fine
So the new XCom expansion is mostly zombies, ninjas, horrible medical maladies, and new troops better than you in every way.
@Frank Yeah it was great fun!
Ninja scurvy zombie cyborgs?
No pirates that I can see. Cyborg... sort-of.
@Yuuki Okay, I didn't recognize him at first.
@Avery Geez
@fredley To be fair, those are circles not boxes.
@fredley the arrows are not random
@badp I mean, they could be
Also, I'm not certain that that's a list either.
man I remember a time when Scott Adams wasn't completely insane
@Yuuki I have a round box at home
When Scott got caught using sock puppet accounts to comment on his own postings, I gave up on reading anything by him
@MadMAxJr Wait, what?
I can't find a a quick article on it, but he's been found to sock-puppet his postings around the internet.
There ya go
The Bayou Goo pie at House of Pies.
Huh. Okay, that's sketchy arguing tactics.
> Pecan crust, cream cheese, vanilla custard, chocolate bits, and whipped cream.
he actually made a comic talking about how "inaccurate" climate change models are and having Dilbert get called a science denier for questioning them
@Yuuki that is a lot of cream
Well, it's understandable. Some hurricane prediction models have a lot of random arrows pointing at a list of nice words in pretty boxes.
some models are just boxes painted black, you call that science???!?!?

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