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@Wipqozn The only reason I care about that question is because of the LoL contest. It is currently the front runner in views because I have been pimping it so much.
How many LoL questions were there before this weekend?
There are 533 now, which is a ton.
@Resorath ah, true.
@StrixVaria ~200
My answer needs more pimping. I won't be satisfied til it has at least 25 votes. =P
300+ questions in 2 days ๏_๏
@Tristan Any votes, or just up?
And probably about 20 good questions in that mix, based on the average quality I'm seeing.
@StrixVaria Yes.
Aaand we're back. Desperate times call for desperate measures, etc.
Q: What makes a champion a good jungler

Edward RobertsI have been wanting to try jungling with some unconventional champions. My question is: What qualifies a champion as a good jungler? I assume stuff like a Gap Closer, Stun, Speed boost, etc. I would like a good idea of things to look for when doing my tests with characters that are not widely pl...

@Wipqozn Just up. Especially since it's tied with the answer on @Resorath's question... =(
Nice. I see at least 6-7 new users in the "last 30 days" column.
171 asked today, 254 this week
From the overall tags page.
What was the rate on Skyrim at its peak per day?
@Brant ah, excellent.
Perhaps we'll get a nice amount of good users from this.
@Tristan I bountied my own question for attention whoring, but im secretly cheering for you. I like pictures.
@Wipqozn It would be worth the massive headache for sure if we got 5-10 quality new users.
plus I don't have any bounty badges yet
I would love to see some new LoL players around. Everyone around at the moment mostly plays bots >_>
@Resorath Side benefit: Bountied questions can't be closed. (Or was that changed?)
@Rapida I play bots because everyone else plays bots :P I like playing against people too.
@Rapida I only play bots.
@Brant I hate this restriction.
I've never placed a bounty before, because I'm greedy.
@Brant Oh really?
@Wipqozn I've only placed one, because my greed was actually overwhelmed by curiosity once.
@StrixVaria same
well after the contest you can close it all you want.
Yeah, it's safe for 24 hours now, until you award the bounty. :P
Mar 16 at 15:17, by agent86
@StrixVaria HOLY CRAP you don't like something? I am surprised, shocked, and dismayed.
@Wipqozn It's an exploit, as far as I'm concerned.
@StrixVaria I agree.
It can keep a bad question open for an extra week.
Rather, the bounty should just be refunded if it's closed.
Can't mods still close it?
@Wipqozn Kinda. They can manually remove the bounty.
And then it's close-able.
@StrixVaria I wasn't going for an exploit just fyi
Is campaigning for upvotes in chat generally frowned upon? >.>
Rawr, I'm back with close votes
@Tristan Yes.
@Tristan People do it all that time.
Also, @Tristan, the proper way to campaign for up votes in chat is to think of some reason to post your post in chat.
Then people might just up vote it anyways.
@Wipqozn There's no good way for me to do that. lol
For example:
Just going through some of my answers, and seeing this one has made me want to play Link's Awakening again:
A: Where is the castle?

WipqoznDirections Here is the path you need to take: (There will be a gate blocking your path directly above here for now) (there will be a monkey here, you will need to give him banana's. This is part of the trade quest which I detail below) (there will be a bu...

See? I just got an up vote for that.
@Wipqozn Your clever ploy works because I like pictures >_>
@Rapida haha
Hello Chat, how bad was it in the trenches today?
Q: what's the name of the band for the LoL songs they play on ggChronicle's live stream this weekend?

user22391what is the name of the band that sang the song they play on the stream between games? I really like them. thanks =D.

Kill it with fire
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hell.
A: How do you find the glitch Pokemon MissingNo in Pokemon Red/Blue?

StrixVariaYou were playing Pokemon Red or Blue, and this is known as the Missingno glitch. This glitch is rather interesting, so I'll include some details on how it works. Essentially, there was an oversight in the code that made the right edge of Cinnibar Island (where there's the black-ish border) ha...

@Rapida My highest scoring answer is chock-full of pretty pictures. <.< But that won't help me with this contest.
@IvoFlipse was nice enough to picture-ify my post and it got me 61 upvotes.
@StrixVaria I've already upvoted that one sorry
@Rapida :(
It got another one anyway.
Some games are basically free rep generators where I'm concerned. Pokemon is high on the list.
@StrixVaria you're welcome.
A: Do the hits from Lulu's passive (Pix) proc on-hit effects or count for number of hits?

AgilismNo, they don;t apply on hit effects or procs. Nor does it give spell vamp. It is just a little extra damage, and that's all.

What does NBD even mean?
@StrixVaria Did I have you validate my Sivir answer? I'm looking for players with experience.
@Tristan Nope. I've been away most of this weekend.
@Tristan I see you understood the basics of their tutorial =P
Q: Which Champion is the AD best carry?

Sam GilbertsonHey I need help figuring out which champion is best in the AD carry spot. I currently play Tristana and Corki, but would love to switch to someone new.

list of x, diaf
@Rapida No Big Deal
BTW @Tristan did you like my drawing of booger?
@Tristan I still want you to win, I have SLI nvidia so an AMD card is only marginally useful to me. I would love some Riot Points though
@StrixVaria I did. Did you like my picture of poop?
@Tristan The squatting pose really made it stand out among the other poop drawings I've seen.
NBD apparently means no big deal, I suddenly feel old
@Rapida Didn't I just say that? =P
@Tristan Sorry, missed it. I'm currently trawling the League of Legends tag
You will have to forgive me if it effects my thought/reasoning/attention skills.
@Rapida Understood.
So, I am really bad at searching through the LOL Mess, but I've seen like five variants of 'how to cope with (Bad Attitude/Poor Play/Jerks/People I don't Like)' that should be duped to each other someone find them all and pick a canonical and link them all for me so I can vote like a good 3k+ lemming.
What @LessPopMoreFizz said.
What @Brant said.
I may have had a few too much to drinks to do it myself at the moment.
What @Tristan said
But I have 22 close votes and I can't wait to use them.
Is there a way for me to view my past chat messages? I'm pretty sure I've mentioned some that haven't been dealt with.
@Brant heehee @ drink-related typos
What are you drinkin'?
@Rapida You can filter for messages by you on the search page.
Ah, I found it on my profile
@Rapida Yes. Link all the things I should close.
I have been out working all day and now I have lots of close votes to use.
You know about LoL, therefore I trust you implicitly, just tell me what to close and I will close it. kthx.
@LessPop I used all 24 of mine today... But I'm restocked!
This one still probably needs some discussion to decide. http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58797/what-happens-to-a-maoki-who-uses-twisted-advanced-on-a-teleporting-target/58815#58815
I'm inclined to close it since it covers the same mechanics while swapping the champions.
Can we do anything to split this into a comment/answer? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58812/…
A mod can!
Hrm. It's technically a list question, but I wonder if we can salvage it somehow.
Is this a dupe or something I pointed to as original on another dupe? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58807/…
That's the original version of another dupe (already closed)
@Brant I was thinking overly broad since every champion in the game can be played in multiple roles
Even if they don't excel at them
Good point.
Oh wait, apparently I already voted to close that anyway.
(It is already closed)
… dammit, I knew we had one of those already.
@LessPopMoreFizz Well one is asking for traits and one is asking which champions can
But that one is a dupe of one I just saw I think
Q: What is the Gray Order?

conjimI've read Annie's lore and it says she'ss from the Gray Order. What is that? Are there any other champions from the Gray Order, or any place I can read more about the Order?

Q: What's the reasoning behind sending a bruiser top-lane, AP middle-lane, ranged-AD + support bottom-lane and one player in the jungle?

JBallerMost teams follow this team composition. What are the reasons for it? For example, why don't you typically see AP top with bruisers in the middle or a ranged AD in top-lane?

Q: What happened to the Journal of Justice?

DarkshyThe last one was released in July 2011 and I loved to read them. I thought the stories were in depth and you got to learn about a lot of the champions. Does Riot plan on bringing this back or is it a lost cause?

I like the new one better, though. The old one from '010 is just asking for a list.
I don't like that we closed this one: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58717/why-dont-you-see-nunu-played-in-mid
It isn't the same as http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58485/why-is-leblanc-forgotten-amongst-the-pros IMO
I haven't voted to re-open, but would want some thoughts
@Rapida There is a good question hiding here.
@StrixVaria @Rapida agree
@Lazers Only 3? You're weak.
@StrixVaria @Brant We might could abstract it to good Gragas item builds instead of focusing on the recommended
@Rapida Or asking about the viability of the recommended items.
@Brant want to have a LoL close vote drinking game fun time party?
every time you cast a close vote, take a drink. Every time you flag something, take a drink, every time you cast the fifth close vote, take two drinks.
Proceed until unconscious.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I started 45 minutes ago, you have some catching up to do
Everyone join in!
I've been here too long. I'm reading questions and thinking they are dupes because I saw them during the day.
@Rapida Yeah, some of the questions you linked have made me think "Hmm, that's a good one, I should upvote it" but then I check and realize I voted to close a few hours ago
I don't know what to think anymore.
I thought we were closing achievement questions? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58452/…
@Rapida Why?
@LessPop_MoreFizz My name is Alex and I approve of this message.
Nothing wrong with that one, IMO.
Needs some edits though…
@Brant Your standards, they are dropping.
Is recommendation question ok or not? (not talking about product or game recommendation)
@Sterno Sorry, confused that one with another one asking when they were going to be implemented
That one is passable and has a decent answer I guess
@LessPopMoreFizz I didn't even remotely understand your Dental Plan? comment
Now do you understand it?
9 minutes? You win.
@LessPopMoreFizz I do not.
What is the equivalent of the - operator from google search? I need to remove these already closed questions from my searching
@Brant 10!
@Sterno "Lisa needs Braces" and "Meta Needs Lasers" scan identically in terms of syllabic stresses.
Time for me to immerse myself in KnowYourMeme.com and return when I am ready to once again engage in Internet discourse.
I just mass-texted "Dental plan!" to a bunch of people. Two people responded appropriately so far.
I think gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58744/… is a dupe of gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/58602/… granted I don't know if we want either question.
Definitely dupes, not sure about either's continued existence.
That's a good merge candidate.
Always dupe from newer to older, and ask for merge if they're really identical
the second (older) one has better answers though.
21 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
So, I am really bad at searching through the LOL Mess, but I've seen like five variants of 'how to cope with (Bad Attitude/Poor Play/Jerks/People I don't Like)' that should be duped to each other someone find them all and pick a canonical and link them all for me so I can vote like a good 3k+ lemming.
votes to close, takes a drink
Now "Lisa needs braces" is repeating in my head.
I hate you all
Oh god I voted on the wrong one.
I don't play LoL so I can't really judge it, multiple flags in the same post asking for it would give us the security to do it
(merging I mean)
So flag them as merges if they are close with good answers on both?
(I'll stop spamming chat here shortly, just doing my part as a high rep LoL player)
A merge is good when the newer version has a better answer, or if they are EXACT duplicates
I like the newer question (on lane picking) better, but the older one has more/better answers
The newer question is not limited to the laning phase which I like
Flag and explain, I'm on mobile now and it's a pain to do it from here
The older question makes some notes on the lanes I like
Curse these newbies for posting well-written, useful answers on questions before we can close them!
Oh man the auto suggest was actually useful for once and it gave me that one!
Except that CC isn't actually on that original question.
These LoL questions are SO BAD that the auto-suggest duplicates feature can actually find dupes!
Should be edited into the original then, IMO
Can established members put ggClassic in their profile? The tournament rules sort of suggest it is for newcomers.
@StrixVaria Aren't you from Matawan? Your local middle school just banned hugs.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ಠ_ಠ
I just moved here last year; I grew up in Piscataway.
But that's...
@StrixVaria NO HUGGING
@LessPop_MoreFizz I drive past that school sometimes on my way to work actually (depending on the route I take...stupid construction).
@StrixVaria You should yell out some sort of hug-positive slogan as you drive by.
Q: Who is the best Partner for AD Kog'Maw?

Levi SinclairI like laning with Alistar because of his heal and knock-ups/knock-backs, but I have also heard that Janna or Sona are great partners to lane with. Who do you think is the best laning partner?

Q: Why was Mordekaisers emote changed?

Ivan RichardsWhy was Mordekaiser's emote changed from "I like my women like I like my music, heavy and metal" To " I like my weapons like I like my music, heavy and metal" ?

Q: How do you get entered into the giveaway on this site from ggChronicle?

Levi SinclairThis highly confused me since the commentators who gave the information talk really fast and don't repeat themselves.

Q: What does "CC" mean?

BriskteaPeople always say this in my games, "Their team has more CC than us." or "We don't have enough CC." What does it mean in League of Legends?

Hey everyone what's up

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