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@Yuuki oh man so many tonics and things were just like here is some heroin or cocaine or whatever it's fine is for your health
I played Sonic Mania again and I lost all my lives on the same boss again so now I have to play through 2 shitty levels and 1 shitty boss for a third time to even attempt the shitlord supreme that is the boss I keep dying to.
What fucking year is this? Why do I have limited lives in 2017?
revert that edit now
@StrixVaria The more I hear about you playing this game the less I understand why anyone would even bother
@TheMattbat999 well, point is, someone will snap, and they'll snap easier if they feel like they can get away with it
if they see everyone all fine and dandy and happy and all everything why snap
20xx is a Megaman X roguelite. I'm kinda enjoying it.
(yes I know first message doesn't match the second but meh)
I want to resurrect that "Strix complains about shitty game design" blog I had going like 4 years ago but I don't even remember where it is.
@StrixVaria To create a false sense of difficulty :( I hate it so much
@Ash yeah this is lazy design imo
@StrixVaria So you have to put more quarters into your... Xbox?
i like west of loathing's autosave all the time immediately thing
Yes that is SO GOOD.
autosave scares me
I feel like I'll lose everything when I close the game
I need some visual indicator like, idk
@Avery the first time i was like waaaaaaaaat
then after that it was "wow this is so convenient"
I should ask UX.SE on methods to make save with that visible without looking ugly and losing functionality
@Yuuki I can see my girlfriend do exactly that.
Oh wow that blog was 5-6 years ago and I wrote way more articles than I remembered.
I could talk about difficulty curve too. Sonic Mania has no concept of it.
Difficulty at any given moment is just random.
And largely based on luck.
You should work on video game advertisements
Apparently, because despite a rant like this earlier today @Unionhawk responded with "I think I'll pick that game up."
You're making me curious about the game and I might buy it just to see if it is as bad as you imply it to be
I seem to be in a very small minority with this opinion.
There are a lot of games I don't personally like but I understand the appeal (Dark Souls, for example).
Oh don't worry you're just very verbal
It's rare that a game gets widespread acclaim and I don't understand why.
I drop witcher too but don't talk about it
But this is turning into one of that.
And it's good that someone is speaking out
I wonder if it's collectively what happened with me and Diablo 3 at launch.
I was so excited that Diablo 3 was a thing that I never took the time to objectively assess whether I was actually having fun.
At some point, if/when I finish the campaign of Sonic Mania and then never have to think about the boss fights again, the time trial mode will actually probably be really good.
@StrixVaria i don't understand the appeal of dark souls
I'm not in the mood to try to explain the appeal of a game I don't like :P
@StrixVaria haha
personally, i dont like the combat system.
feels a bit clunky to me
@GodEmperorDune It's incredibly rewarding when you're successful with it. :P
It's "deliberate".
I don't mean that the combat system is the way it was meant to be (although it is).
also, it had a terrible port to pc
at least the first one did
which doesnt help things
But that as a player everything you do has to be on purpose, because once you commit to a thing it had better have been the right thing to do.
i dont like how you only get like 3 spells or w/e and then you have to go refill at a fireplace
and then after you go to a fire, all the enemies respawn
@Fluttershy yeah that doesn't undo all the frustration for me
nothing is worse than being like 99% of the way there and then something stupid happens
I don't feel rewarded when overcoming a challenge; I feel relieved.
dying to figure out boss mechanics, sure
Playing a game to feel stressed then relieved is worse than just not playing the game at all and being relieved from the start.
but when it gets into tedius, dodge for minutes to hit a few times, rinse repeat
i'm over that pretty quick
@StrixVaria yes, this
especially now that I have a kid, my gaming time is much more valuable, i don't want to burn it hitting my head against a wall
Even in Cook Serve Delicious, for example, I don't particularly like the "challenge" mode. It gives you more things than you can possibly handle and you have to try to keep up as long as possible, and once you get a certain number of strikes you lose.
Your score is based on how long you lasted and how many dishes you served successfully.
I tried it once to see what it was and have no interest in ever doing it again.
I'll stick to the mode where I can go at my own pace and just have fun executing on the mechanics.
That's what time trial is going to be in Sonic Mania if I can ever keep my composure long enough to deal with the absolute trainwreck of game design horror that is the boss battles.
iron fist lol #defenders
so beautiful, so succinct
We should build a actual bridge (doesn't matter where) and go talk there.
New meat for 2017 consumed! (this year it was Alpaca. Although there is a local place that sells alligator nuggets and I really want to try that so 2017 might have two new meats in it)
Are you counting rollover minutes here or would 2018 need to find something other than alligator
Alligator is good, @Ash
ive had elk, deer, and buffalo. those are the only "exotic" types of meat ive tried
unless you count octopus or shark
I count shark
Although most species of shark are threatened so
@Dragonrage Deer isn't exotic. If I really wanted to, I could walk out in the backyard and shoot one and eat it
Thanks shark finning and the myth that they just grow fins back
@TheMattbat999 in most places that is illegal without a permit
(they don't, they just suffocate)
@Unionhawk yeah its pretty fuct
yea, we found a shark that had washed up on the beach. it was dead, but untouched so we decided to try it
it was pretty good
@GodEmperorDune only like one species of shark can breathe without swimming
@Unionhawk 2018 would need to be something new
That's why you only see nurse sharks just hanging out
And every other shark is just moving
@Unionhawk i mean you wouldn't cut all the limbs off anything else and leave it alone and assume it would be ok, so...
@Dragonrage I have also had those!
@Dragonrage Really?
I am not aware of what the hunting laws are in oh
yea, at least in california and texas that i know of.
im pretty sure its similar throughout the us though
Since I started this I have had squirrel, water buffalo, quail and pheasant and now alpaca but separate from this I have had ostrich, emu, deer, and elk.
@Ash buffalo is my favorite of the 3
did the squirrel taste like chicken?
I wanna try goat... also good news!!! We sold a goat!!!
quail is good
@Dragonrage more like dark turkey meat.
I haven't had goat. Quail is good but a lot of work for tiny birds.
I want to try kangaroo and camel.
yea, ive had them a few times
@GodEmperorDune I guess some people think they're like a gecko or something
Is Dauntless a game I should care about? cc Monster Hunter people
paging @Yuuki @Frank uhh
im pretty sure gecko's dont grow back limbs
only tails, like other lizards
@Dragonrage tail though
starfish do though
Starfish grow entirely new starfish from severed limbs
Crown of thorns sea star is invasive in the Pacific in part because people just cut them into pieces and threw them back
If you cut a flat worm in 32 pieces, it will turn into 32 different flat worms!!!! Almost like a super-hydra...
it bothers me when movies/tv shows do things that are completely wrong for special effects
Oh that might be special to crown of thorns:
Wait no
like, spike strips dont make you lose control of your car, because they dont cause you to blow a tire like normal
It sounds like it's explicitly not a thing crown of thorns does
What is Crown Of Thorns, @Unionhawk?
they simply puncture the tire and let air escape giving you a flat which makes you drive at a reduced spead
@TheMattbat999 an invasive species of sea star that feeds on hard corals
Ok. Had no idea. Fun fact: neighboring species of coral fight each other.
It's a years long battle for territory
Crusting corals often win because they grow aggressively around stuff
Q: What do the arrows next to the plort prices mean?

Question MarksOn the Range Exchange where plorts are sold, there's a large screen that shows the current selling price of all plorts. Just to the side of each price though is a symbol showing an arrow pointing up or down, or just a flat line. What does this symbol mean? Is it showing how the prices have change...

Yeah, some corals throw their intestines (literary) for territory. It's a little scary of what those plant-looking animals will do for 5 inches
@TheMattbat999 when you are that small though 5 inches is a lot
Yeah... but it is still weird they launch guts and stuff to kill their opponents. Human equivalent of suicide bombers.
To be fair, corals are a cross between plants animals and rocks, so they're not smart
And to be fair, a lot of things in the ocean are dumb as hell
Fish are stupid
Yeah, I am not sure they have any group of nerves big enough to be called a brain...
@Unionhawk All except sharks
They do all understand where the border of the special protected area is though
Sharks are smart
We called fish and wildlife on a boat illegally fishing in the SPA one time
That ruled
We got to watch them just get rolled up on by a boat with a light bar
I seen on the news where the city built a FENCE over a guys driveway THEN asked him how they did on it!
@Sterno From what I've seen, it looks underwhelming.
i was excited for the solar eclipse but this made me so sad https://t.co/jjDiLY1Owq
@Ash 1979: can there be a peace? 2017: PEACE? NO PEACE
@TheMattbat999 If I know anything about this sort of situation, 50/50 either the city sent this guy multiple notices with at least 3 requested meetings (all of which the guy ignored) or some city employee who was supposed to work his case was fired 5 months ago and the case wasn't passed to anyone.
Or not fired and was let go because of budgetary concerns.
@Yuuki Idk, but I remember that he didn't know about it until he went go to pull up in his driveway and there was a pickit fence there.
@Ash On a brighter note, that guy was probably referring to the Cold War which has ended.
@Yuuki this is what I tell myself
@TheMattbat999 I mean, that doesn't preclude him ignoring every letter from the city.
At least the city is actually doing work. Houston isn't allowed by law to maintain sidewalks.
The sidewalks are to be maintained by the homeowners per libertarian paradise.
Q: How to get out Titans that occupy a planet I own?

GalabycaThe project to investigate titanic life on my newly colonized planet went away and the Titans now occupy the planet. However, there is no way with my troop to bombard or attack them because they are not on a valid target, they are on my planet. Nothing happens when I try to break the defenses......

And guess how that works out.
Uh, let me guess
1) your section of sidewalk is now on your homeowners insurance 2) nobody takes care of it 3) profit
This increasing your liability and damage exposure
By roughly, what
A few square yards per yard wide your property is?
@Yuuki Mississippi is weird. To tell you how "smart" the Government here is, they decide to undercut the education funding EVERY year. E.G. education department we need 20 million to do everything we need done. government okay, we will give you 15 million.
There's a reason libertarian right is chaotic evil on the canonical alignment chart
@Unionhawk Libertarian right?
"Right" in this case probably means social conservative.
No right in this case means fiscal conservative
Technically speaking political compass is eh but it's not bad
But that's in part because literally everyone in the US is authoritarian right
Except, like, bernie
I always though fiscal conservatism was a core part of libertarianism. Can't imagine a fiscally liberal libertarian.
The word libertarian implies it
But I mean
I... I... I don't get it....
Libertarianism is something that sounds pretty as a five second sound byte, but there's a lot of edge cases that can cause real problems.
Which incidentally is how most libertarians view communism.
"zero government is best government!" "What"
Oh my God this Rick and Morty episode is so good
I love that Rick getting blackout and ranting about Israeli defense budgets and the United Nations is canon
Hm, I am very curious about the fact this production of In the Heights is done by 14-24 year olds. I mean it will probably be awesome, but it's just weird to think about 14 year olds in some of the roles.
@Ash I seem to remember my brother's high school theater group did it?
Or maybe they just saw it I don't remember now
I'm sure it will work out, I am just so not trusting of kids/teens in theatre is all :/
Could be either, I mean, they did Les mis
(which says more about me than them :P)
I had friends in theatre. You're right in not trusting those little s---s.
No, yeah, I think my brother's theater group both did and saw in the heights
I think he might have produced it?
I don't remember
That was 2 years based on the date stamps on the YouTube videos
(poorly shot cell phone video not worth posting)
Q: Is there a way to see a map of the area beyond the current screen?

FoxMcCloudI'm having an issue where I receive a Bracer Guild quest and it tells me that it's located in a small city outside the main area. There's no way to actually know which direction to actually go. (from what I can find) Is there some sort of map of the surrounding area in town that I'm missing or i...

@Lazers2.0 thats only 21 characters, is the actual tag longer than 35?
@Dragonrage LOH is Legend of Heroes
So not going to fit
@Dragonrage Legend-of-heroes-trails-in-the-sky
anyhow. those lemony cheesecake bars i posted the other day were delicious
if you want the recipe let me know
@Dragonrage I saved the recipe because they sounded amazing
Meanwhile in squid discourse
#Splatoon2 #NintendoSwitch https://t.co/RMuQpPPf5b
@Unionhawk okay so I am already kinda having a sort of messed up brain night but holy crap that is awesome and made me cry
@Unionhawk noice
The Splatoon lobby is usually quite good
Keep getting killed by some super mutant brutes on fallout3. Any suggestions?
@TheMattbat999 sneak, use VATs, get a better gun
i'd avoid super mutants until you have a good supply of laser or plasma weapons
Q: Resident Evil 5 Infinite Golden Egg

NickPlaying Resident Evil 5 on the PS4, I came across a couple of people who have infinite gold eggs. I was able to acquire a golden egg from one of them, originally intending to get the trophy for collecting eggs, and that turned out to be an infinite gold egg. A day or two later, that golden egg ...

Also, just noticed I have like 1HP... and no healing items, and low on ammo... bad weapons, too
All of those things are risk factors to getting killed repeatedly yes
yeah its time to run away, lol
Don't worry! I found a dirty sink (and my dude has an iron belly, so he'll just drink that water like a boss)
And.... they are still there. Wow
Luckily, I got away
Don't go downtown unless you're at a good level and have weapons to handle them
Upside down is a matter of perspective. https://t.co/qJSdMXH3EW
Sorry to interrupt fallout talk I just really like that image in that tweet
I think I am downtown, oh well...
On Firefox if I navigate to a YouTube video from another page on YouTube (say, the homepage) and press back, the video continues to play even though it's not on screen any more
Also, what is "+5 RAD/SEC" mean?
Only happens occasionally, which is odd
@TheMattbat999 You're gaining radiation
Try not to gain too much
+5 is quite high, you'll start getting debuffs within a minute I think
I got it now. Got minor rad poison, but cured it.
@PrivatePansy thats weird
🤓 status codes for why it's not working: 4xx = it's you 5xx = it's not you, it's me
So this is a wall I found south of minefield.
@GodEmperorDune huh, that's actually helpful
(also I just like the idea of breakup as status codes)
(ooooh romance novel plot bunny)
@Ash 1xx = ICYMI, 2xx = yassss queen, 3xx = new phone who dis
@GodEmperorDune now I can't forget them you realize that
@Ash there's also this handy cheat sheet
(i like the google onebox)
ooh yes good
although how you explained it helps too now that i am looking at them
@TheMattbat999 that is weird, you appear to have taken a picture of your screen rather than a screenshot
Q: Terraria iOS to PC

Nikesh MIs it possible to move characters and/or words onto a PC account in Terraria? I've never tried but I thought it could be possible through iCloud or something else. If you can get a working version of Terraria that does this from a website please tell me!

Q: I am very disappointed great sight but I feel like the community is too harsh on new users and I feel like its ruining the service for a lot of us

user195282I have been using the service I am new to all this but every question I ask is always cut down and it seems the community shits all over it I know you have to keep it to a certain level but you need to understand some of us are not use to using sights like these and you need to stop cutting us do...

@TrentHawkins, I do not have anything to take a screenshot on my Xbox with. Plus, I am on my phone.
@Lazers2.0 I don't super love throwing this over the wall to Meta but it belongs kinda slightly more there? I guess?
It's late Im tired whatever
@TheMattbat999 ok, makes more sense now. My bad, sorry.
@TrentHawkins It is ok. But do you see the weird texture on that fence? Plus, it is changing into different textures randomly.
taking the quick way down 🐘 https://t.co/TdhKu81SbB
@Frank, is that one of your customers :P
@Dragonrage This latest one? Don't think so.
i couldnt find any questions or answers he posted. they mustve been deleted or on a different account
either that, or idk how to search for them or its a 20k or mod only thing
I'm wondering if that's the case. I could dig more but it's almost 1 am and I am tired
That said, I don't really care. It shows zero understanding of SE.
I am watching cute animal gifs on twitter in my bed :D
@TheMattbat999 not sure? Kinda hard to make out anything in that pic... But glitches in Bethesda games are not uncommon.
@Ash eh Robotnik is prolly on and its around 4pm or so for him. he is pretty good with this stuff
Its one of those classic, "newbies should be treated better, quality doesn't matter" complaints.
also this guy's spelling is terrible
either english isnt their first language, or they are really bad at it
that account has only been a member since today, im guessing he had a different account before
Yes I did but the questions are limited on it so I made a new one to express my feelings on the subject — user195282 2 mins ago
So this could be a bypass of the auto-block.
I have noticed... good night!!!
my twitter timeline is full of so much iron fist hate, it's great
@GodEmperorDune have you seen it? the trailers looked pretty bad
@Dragonrage i watched one ep of the defenders last night
i watched the whole iron fist season when it came out
i'll watch more defenders this weekend, time permitting
iron fist is definitely one of the meh heroes of the group
so bland
shitty power
i might watch it, i liked some of the iron fist comics when i was younger
shitty backstory
i won't spoil it for you
but yeah, i liked much more of the supporting cast than him
i didnt particularly like the jessica jones show though
so idk if ill watch teh defenders
i liked jessica jones, i didn't really like the rest of the show
but luke cage is my favorite
also season 1 dd was much better than season 2
i liked season 2 dd villains
but i am so tired of ninjas
yea, what's his face did punisher well
oh for sure
the punisher stuff was really well done
especially prison fight
if they made a show with him as punisher, i would totally watch that
but karen and foggy in dd were getting super annoying
oh for sure i'd watch a punisher series
do you like scifi?
yeah but i haven't kept up with a lot of it
try watching grimm, killjoys, or wynonna earp
If you like comedy, I would highly recommend checking out The Good Place.
grimm is one of my favorite shows, and the other two are pretty good as well
@Frank what about Chuck?
@Dragonrage Best. Show. Ever.
@Frank yeah that one was fun, i think i dropped partway though and need to resume
also timeless was a decent turn brain off kinda show
@GodEmperorDune Tell me once you watch the season finale.
@Dragonrage i think some of these are netflix so i'll have to check them out
also the expanse and magicians
too much good tv
It cemented season two as required watching for @TrentHawkins and I.
@Frank good place or timeless?
its hilarious because the store chuck works in is very similar to another chain of stores down here, and every time i go into one of the stores i think about the show
@GodEmperorDune all but the last season of grimm is on amazon prime
i watched the last season on nbc i think
@Dragonrage i don't have prime :/
i dont have netflix anymore so idk if its on there
but prime is helpful for me. i order enough stuff for free shipping and the extra deals to be worth it
might not but i know wynona earp is netflix
plus i order stuff for friends who dont have it
@GodEmperorDune Good place.
and i have amazon music that i split with my siblings
@GodEmperorDune yea, i think most syfy shows are on netflix iirc
@Dragonrage I saw Buy More as a spoof on Best Buy.
Nerd Herd = Geek Squad
@Dragonrage oh its scifi? i thought it was old west
@Frank yea, thats the store i was talking about
@Frank ugh i need to figure how far i got, maybe i'll just rewatch from the beginning
@GodEmperorDune scifish set in old west set in modernish times
@Dragonrage cool
@GodEmperorDune You have a month until season two starts. :P
@Frank nah i'm not going to watch live
i can barely keep up with GoT, rick and morty, and john oliver
good news in GoT everyone will die, and they wont have enough characters left to make a show out of anymore
@Dragonrage hey we have another halfish season to go
(7 episode season HBO, really?)
oh, thats right. people come back to life as ghost thingies and get killed again right?
thats how they extend the show
After the first episode of GoT killed a kid, I didn't care enough to continue.
Great, now I want to watch Chuck again.
Like there isn't enough good stuff to watch.
season 1 is the best
I dunno; end of season two is pretty awesome.
"Uh, guys? I know Kung Fu"
@Frank I love Chuck so much.
And Leverage, which I think was also your fault.
thats true.
@Ash This show does not ring a bell.
@GodEmperorDune this is better than vibrating anger squid
@Frank hm, then who made me watch Leverage? And if you haven't watched it, I feel Ike you would like it.
@Ash IMDB made it sound pretty good.
@Frank I need to watch more of that.
@Frank it is super super good.
Q: I am very disappointed great sight but I feel like the community is too harsh on new users and I feel like its ruining the service for a lot of us

user195282I have been using the service I am new to all this but every question I ask is always cut down and it seems the community shits all over it I know you have to keep it to a certain level but you need to understand some of us are not use to using sights like these and you need to stop cutting us do...

Q: does Illaoi heal from shaco's clone?

Marcio Romero PatrnogicIf I am shaco and i use my ult to fight illaoi, does she get healing from hitting the clone with a tentacle? Does it mean I have better chances without spending my ult? PATCH 7.16

Q: Can't get into the college in Winterhold but agree to do the test

user195285I went to Winterhold to enter the college I talked to Faralda and agreed to do the test but after that she said yes you were going to demonstrate your ability and after that all I can say is nevermind I'm not interested

1 hour later…
oh wow
I'd missed the Windows 93 "crazy"
that is fairly impressive
it took defenders until the end of the 3rd ep to finally get gud
hopefully they don't screw it up
This person was sent to torture me. https://t.co/teZzGja7hJ
Cc font nerds, maybe @fredley
Good kermg
1 hour later…
TIL there's actually a time limit in Sonic Mania too, just in case they hadn't included enough archiac awful game design decisions already.
Luckily I didn't actually learn this by encountering it because I may have broken something.
Q: How can I fix broken graphics on BlueStacks : Reckless Racing Lite

MD. Mohiuddin AhmedI am trying to play this free game on my PC https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.polarbit.RecklessRacingLite . But graphics seems to be broken. Here is one of my screenshots(stage2): Any ideas I can get around this problem?

@GodEmperorDune Ahhhhhhhhhh
@GodEmperorDune what's a k eming?
@BridgeMods, would a question asking about how a shoddy practice by "Developers" on Steam works be on-topic here? or would it be better posted in Game Dev?
It would most likely be off topic in gamedev
not a mod, but I'd need a clearer description
@Avery particularly asking how Steam Trading Card Farming Generators work in making money.
i got thinking about this after watching SidAlpha's video
like i just want to know how it works. no intention of doing it myself
I'm not sure if it'd be OK on arqade, but I can answer if you want
actually here, give me a minute
like i have the question typed up. but was thinking whether or not i would be on-topic before i actually posted it
basically games get 10%, valve gets 5% from sales
or other way around, I don't remmeber
That's definitely off-topic
@DanmakuGrazer ahhh ok. good thing i second guessed myself
would it be on-topic on GameDev though?
Nope, it is not about developing games
Hmm actually it is about the game industry
So the on-topic seems to say yes:
> What topics can I ask about here?

Game Development Stack Exchange is for professional and amateur video/computer game developers. If you have a question relating to ...

game design (level design, gameplay, mechanics, etc)
asset pipelines (creation, storage, editing, etc)
game-specific programming issues (engine architecture, game-related APIs, networking, tools, etc), including modding existing games
project management (testing, team management, scheduling, publishing, etc)
game industry (careers, trends, technology, etc)
(last line)
@KevinvanderVelden ok, i'll post it on Game Dev
Q: What is the walk and bike speed in steps per second?

FrontEndI have been trying to find data on the walking and bike speeds in the 1st and second gen pokemon games. I haven't been able to find this information anywhere. What are these speeds in steps per second?

Q: Tekken: What is the fighting style "Mimicry"?

PlanetAlexanderAfter doing some research on Tekken (5:DR) characters, I found that Mokujin, the wooden trainer "dummy", has a fighting style called "mimicry". However, I am unable to find out more about mimicry. The name would suggest that he adapts his fighting style depending on whom he is fighting. I cannot...

@badp Indeed
Q: How is money made from Steam Trading Card Farming Generators?

Memor-Xin this SidAlpha Video, SidAlpha talks about how Valve may be doing something that could stop or interrupt Steam Trading Card Farming Generators by preventing them from generating keys. This got me thinking. from my understanding you get Trading Cards either playing the game which gets you only ...

Q: Blocked pokemon go on android 6

AlessandroI want to use another old phone to play pokemon go, my old phone have android 6. I install correctly pokemon go from google play but it remain blocked to the choose date page, I can't do nothing. I allow all permission when asked me. This phone doesn't have a sim card is it a problem? If I try to...

I wisg I could go to Skyrim.... but, I am stuck on Earth

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