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Q: Are the starting positions in Lúcioball randomized?

Steven VascellaroIn Lucioball, each player start each round in a different position. One player spawns as goalie, while the remaining players spawn on offense. After playing for a while, I haven't been able to find any consistent pattern to know which player will be goalie next. This makes it difficult to plan a...

@Yuuki seriously though, every time i watch that show i hate it
it's like the writers absorbed 10-15% of something and then write jokes that make no sense if you understand it further
but if you don't know its like 'lol nerds'
Question about how to bar, do I just walk up to the bar and order a drink?
Or do I wait to be seated? What if it's a bar and restaurant?
@GodEmperorDune I agree with you. "The Big Bang Theory" show is numb
@Yuuki is there a sign?
@TheMattbat999 I can't even feel it there. It's become so tired, so much more aware.
So guess what I am (very impulsively) doing tomorrow night?
@Ash what?
I found out a local theatre company is doing In the Heights
Close enough
@Ash yaaaaaaaaaa
So that's going to be a thing
@Ash what is that?
In the heights
@TheMattbat999 a play by the same person who wrote hamilton
@Yuuki typically
I've never encountered a place where you have to wait to be seated at the bar
Worst case scenario is you grab a seat and a host tells you off and asks you to put yourself on the list
Unlikely case scenario
I am deciding that In the Heights will be my birthday present to myself :D (My birthday is on Tuesday) because yes good
(Sorry I am incredibly excited for this now)
@Ash that sounds so fun
i'm going to try to go out and march
marks calendar
Stay safe comrade
@Unionhawk my privilege will keep me good
Faaaaair enough
All these communism memes…
They ended up making communism sound plausible
@GodEmperorDune Stay safe, friend <3
@Avery I think as an actual member of DSA I am allowed to use comrade
@GodEmperorDune good luck
@Avery Democratic socialists of America
The Deification-of-Karl-Marx-Despite-His-Noted-Objection-To-Such-Veneration-And-Gene‌​ral-Contempt-For-Religion-In-General Scouts of America?
@Unionhawk Close enough.
Sounds fun
I mean, it'll definitely put you on a list.
Also what should I say to the fash
Ok, @Ash. ( lost service for a few minutes )
@Avery online rando? someone that will turn you in to your buddy erdo?
@Avery Are you referring to that person by some weird cutesy name for "fascist"?
@Avery comrade jeb might be an option but there aren't many good comrade jeb memes
They all kind of suck
@GodEmperorDune would 'former bridger' reveal too much about the person? Meh, not really, hopefully
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha ok I know lmao
@Avery RIP @twobugs, how the mighty have fallen
I don't know your situation so I'm not going to speak to you specifically, but whenever you refer to someone unironically as a "fascist", always double-check yourself even if it feels like you're obviously in the right.
I'm ironically referring as fascist
That guy is a certain kind of fun
@Avery i march because i want a better world for my daughter
Well, especially if you're in the (alt-)right.
@Avery you realize that is very hard to tell through text, yes? and that fascist/fascism is a particularly loaded thing right now?
I March because May is too uncertain.
I admit fault
but the world is also kind of an awful place right now so if you wanna do self care that is also important
Incidentally, autocorrect capitalized "March", not me.
Actually not sure who now tbh
Which is probably better than me making a merely semi educated guess
@GodEmperorDune that's a noble reason to march
but if you are staying home because you want to close your eyes and hope this thing blows over, not good enough imo
World is always gonna be terrible, because people are here! And people are always gonna disagree, and that leads to fighting!
I'm really not sure why @Avery posted that image of the conversation and what the point is of it and what the desired response is
@TheMattbat999 We can disagree without fights.
Like....if you're poking at someone's differing views, doing it here (where they ostensibly are not) is less than awesome
@GodEmperorDune If I go to the bar for a pint, is that better than staying home?
@TheMattbat999 But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to make it better.
anyway though i am more than happy to try to convert yall to my way of thinking, i'll get off my soapbox now
@Yuuki i thought canada was metric system
you need to go out for a liter
image is nuked
@TheMattbat999 Well, the world is certainly going to be always terrible with that attitude.
Megaman X as a roguelike? Yes, please.
@Avery the conversation image? I can still view it at teh link
@Unionhawk That's how we keep prices at 15try instead of 60try.
the caches will be cleared soon
@Yuuki whoo, i got that callback
there, it'll 404 in 30 secs max.
@Yuuki facedesk It just keeps on giving
Sorry again
The President's Committee on Arts & Humanities uses resignation letter to remind us all of importance of close-read… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/898618455238356995
This is pretty great. (Look at the pictures!)
also api.cloudflare.com page is huge and is lagging my browser >_>
@Fluttershy I love this. I have seen it all over Twitter today and every time it makes my heart happy
It's a small thing, but I like that it is there
But, sooner or later somebody is gonna snap. It is human nature to fight, and no one can change that
@Ash my favorite is trump saying that he was going to cancel it anyway
"you can't quit because you're fired!"
@GodEmperorDune He can't handle not having the power.
@GodEmperorDune :/
@TheMattbat999 better things just aren't possible so why even bother
Going to try and stream a little earlier tonight so my good pal @badp and his superior time zone can get in on the action. Making dinner->🎮
yay RIP @twobugs
Argh, I miss West of Loathing.
@GodEmperorDune aww yes maybe I will be able to catch a bit of it tonight when I get home
@Yuuki cocaine's a helluva drug
Overwatch's best Korean team loses to underdogs' daring Doomfist gambit http://bit.ly/2wapHGf https://t.co/UzrDdcG4iz
Heck yes

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